I need some help with Livebindings.

I need some help with Livebindings.

I have a TLabel component linked with a TIntegerField.

Currently, I have the next CustomFormat property: %s+"%%"

and it works well. Shows the number of the field with a percentage sign at the end.

What I need is an expression that shows the same but if the value is 0 (zero) show "---" instead of the value.

I've tried things like IfThen(%s = 0, "---", %s + "%%") or
IfThen(ToStr(%s) = "0", "---", %s + "%%")

but I always get "No argument for format..." error.

I think is because I use two %s. But how I do this then?

Thanks in advance.


  1. Use the index of the parameter. So instead of %s write %0:s

  2. Attila Kovacs
    Seems your code can work too. I've do not tried is but, thanks anyway.

    One only more thing. I can't understand why, but G+ has marked your message as spam. I've removed this mark.


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