Wrapping up the Tweening animation library for VCL, so that is ready to ship to patrons after work tomorrow. Next on our list is PixelRage! Been wanting to finish this for quite some time. It supports 8-32 BPP, layers, fast pixel conversion used on blitter level (so you can copy a pixmap to another using alpha blending, color key - and it will convert the pixel data ad-hoc. If you draw a 32 bit pixmap onto an 8 bit image, it will try to map the colors (and it does a great job).

Wrapping up the Tweening animation library for VCL, so that is ready to ship to patrons after work tomorrow. Next on our list is PixelRage! Been wanting to finish this for quite some time. It supports 8-32 BPP, layers, fast pixel conversion used on blitter level (so you can copy a pixmap to another using alpha blending, color key - and it will convert the pixel data ad-hoc. If you draw a 32 bit pixmap onto an 8 bit image, it will try to map the colors (and it does a great job).

But coolest is probably the full paint program! It reminds me a bit about Paint Shop Pro if anyone remembers that? You can do pixel art, but also have high level brush functionality etc. #Embarcadero #Delphi #Patreon #VCL


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