Down the memory barrel again :)

Down the memory barrel again :)

A loooong time ago a company existed that did a TAPI component and that, I think, was called "Magenta Software" or something very similar.

I have found a couple of new ones, but I remember them being in this business for a long time so I'd like to check them out as well.

Anyone remembers?


  1. No, I clearly remember it was something like "Magenta Software". We're talking 10 years or so here, so any number of things may have happened to them.

  2. Do you mean - Delphi Developers - Information and Components ?
    Their website certainly looks like it has been in operation since the 90s.

  3. cause I remember that TurboPower has a control that for ASYNC include TAPI, and it is very good.

  4. The design is 90's stuff :) But the page says "Tokyo" in some places so it is updated. Maybe s/he is keeping the gradient for nostalgic purposes?

  5. Andrea Raimondi Are you looking to control phone systems or dial modems?

    Either way, I'd avoid TAPI. The day is coming when Microsoft drops it, so this is not a good long term solution.

    I have been doing a lot of PBX systems work in Delphi and use CSTA protocol. There is a DLL named CTiX that works well for any sort of PBX control (dialing, Caller ID, call forwarding, progress monitoring). CSTA talks to the PBX over TCP/IP.

    CSTA protocol is been around for years and most PBX manufacturers implement it. Don't believe them when they say this is a .NET only solution.

    For RS-232, serial comm and modem control you cannot beat TurboPower's Async Professional. You can download / install it from GetIt. It is free.

  6. Kevin McCoy the answer is "kinda". I think we're looking at implementing VOIP or something like that but I don't have a lot of information right now.

    As for TAPI, it would be really stupid of MS to drop support for it without adding something else. I can't see them just dropping this when especially enterprises probably rely on it a fair bit.

  7. Andrea Raimondi Are you going to do IVR or actual VOIP?

    I did a VOIP over low bandwidth TCP/IP & UDP satellite link many years ago. It started out as a 2-way VOIP system, but then the customer wanted a "party line" VOIP system to connect numerous (very) remote sites, so I switched to a push-to-talk system with logic to lock out other people trying to talk at the same time.

    IVR (Interactive Voice Response) is usually done by the provider using Web Services. IVR is that phone-thing where the robot says "please say or press your account number on your phone keypad". You speak "One two three four five" and it interprets and stores your response. You can do the communications with the IVR provider using Delphi, REST, JSON, SOAP, Etc.

    You would not use TAPI for either of these. You can do very simple voice prompts with some modems and TAPI, but that is sooo 1990s. :-)

  8. Kevin McCoy as I said, I am still unsure of what - specifically - is wanted here. I'd rather not have to implement a whole stack but I will do what is needed ;-) The biggest worry on this is to deal with the codecs (which I really do not fancy!!) but hopefully there will be some way to avoid that.

  9. Andrea Raimondi If you need to do codecs then take a look at the SpeakFreely project. It has a number of VOIP codecs (with source). It is a C project, but you could probably cobble something together with a mixed CBuilder/Delphi project - or simply recode the codecs into Delphi. - Speak Freely


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