Fellow Delphi Developers!

Fellow Delphi Developers!

StyleControls VCL 4.10 just released!


What's new:

* added: TscGPCharGlyphButton (button control with vector shape + it uses FontAwesome to draw char as glyph
* added: TscGPCharImage (analogue of TImage control, but it uses FontAwesome to draw char as image
* added: TscGPTabOptions.TabStyle property in all GP pager controls (now tab can has bottom line style - see new "CustomGPRibbon_NextGen" demo)
* added: "CustomGPRibbon_Extended" demo - additional UWP Ribbon UI demo with Application Menu in full client area
* added: "CustomGPRibbon_NextGen" demo - additional UWP demo with next, more simple Ribbon UI, which MS planned in 2019 + it shows TscGPCharGlyphButton control
* updated: help

