I was working on a Delphi Application when all of a sudden in my Rad Studio i started to get these alerts. I know that Rad Studio uses the IE Browser to post community information as well as the documentation but this is really bizarre.

I was working on a Delphi Application when all of a sudden in my Rad Studio i started to get these alerts. I know that Rad Studio uses the IE Browser to post community information as well as the documentation but this is really bizarre.

Marco Cantu maybe you can help me out on why this is happening only in Rad Studio.


  1. :)))))))))) the same. Close and do not use the welcome page. This is my solution for now,

  2. Our main domain certificate expired. It was renewed in time. But the same certificate is needed on many different servers, and IT seems to have forgotten...

    It is not a security issues, afaict

  3. can't report an issue

    The JIRA server could not be contacted. This may be a temporary glitch or the server may be down.


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