If your post receives no comments, it could be because we have moved to https://en.delphipraxis.net !

If your post receives no comments, it could be because we have moved to https://en.delphipraxis.net !


  1. Hi Lars why enforce this? G+ is still live, why kill it immediately? There is a grace period before the actual shutdown and there might be a "G+ clone" appear during the grace period which allows seamless data migration to there, that way. the delphi paraxis is a traditional forum, not a social network.

  2. Edwin Yip - To ensure that nobody misses the fact that we have moved. I am amazed at some people's ability to miss crucial information at times. Personally, I would prefer to focus on the new site, and only glance in here now and then.

    Besides, we currently have no way of reliably archiving the contents of G+, so new posts from this point in time, that could have been kept for posterity at the DP site, instead could go poof at G+ when it finally closes the doors.

  3. I wont go to Delphi-PRAXIS, one of the things I liked with G+ is that I could see what's new quickly...I don't want to spend time on a HTTP classic forum; I already do that on a french phpBB forum and I don't like it. Sorry.

    If you don't want to keep going on this dying page, why don't you let someone else manage it ?

  4. Paul TOTH Because the Community is not dying. Google+ is.

    DP has an Activity stream that give you the new stuff more effectively than G+ ever did. DP has RSS streams that are very flexible and powerful. The DP also behaves well on mobile.

    Would I like to have a more compact view? Sure - but the benefits outweigh the drawbacks, IMO.

    And no, nobody else will get to manage the last few months here. I am not here to let it waste away - I am here to transition it.

    Participation is entirely voluntary.

  5. Lars Fosdal I understand that the situation is not simple, but those "benefits" are very subjective and you can't just replace a "shitty G+" with a "yet another forum" and RSS. Jesus christ, 1988.

  6. Attila Kovacs I just did. Time will show how it goes.

    As always, I knew there would be no pleasing everyone, but I made a choice based on the currently available options. This was the best option, IMO, and the capabilities of the DP forum outweighs the drawbacks.

    Some will linger around the dying campfire for as long as possible, while others either move on with the tribe to new hunting grounds, or make their own path - however, a change is inevitable.

  7. Attila Kovacs how can a "social media" platform outrun a proper Forum that is tailored to a specific topic? Besides not being able to subscribe to a post without commenting, we can't even quote Sourcecode.

  8. Alexander Benikowski Just look at the numbers.

  9. Attila Kovacs in terms of what a Developercommunity needs. When it comes to numbers we should use Facebook or Instagramm, maybe even Twitter and eat shit (according to flys) oO

  10. Alexander Benikowski Wasn't there enough delphi forums in the past? Or what are you talking about?

  11. Actually I quite like the availability of a centralized English forum for international Delphi developers, but I just don't like the enforcement here.

  12. Lars Fosdal I guess that I miss it but where can I found a way to merge my German account with the English one?

  13. Stéphane Wierzbicki The instructions for merging your German account is in the pinned post.

  14. Stéphane Wierzbicki
    Es gibt eine "Klonfunktion" im deutschen Forum. Eine gemeinsame
    Nutzerdatenbank gibt es nicht und es ist auch keine geplant.

    delphipraxis.net - Delphi-PRAXiS jetzt auch auf Englisch - Delphi-PRAXiS

  15. Alexander Benikowski G+ was better precisely because it's not Delphi centric, I can take a look on all my communities quickly and peek what I want

  16. Markus Kinzler Danke für Deine Hilfe. Ich habe es geschafft, meinen Account auf Englisch zu erst Ellen 😎

    Lars Fosdal I managed to do it.

    Thank you for both of you.

  17. Paul TOTH I agree. However, G+ will no longer exist in less than 10 months. My takeout is over 200Gb. That should say something about how much I love G+ and how much I will miss it. But, right now, it has been pronounced to soon be dead. Judging by the dramatic raise in spam, it is hardly getting care and end of life maintenance. So, we can linger... or move on.


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