Have to say the saddest part of moving to Delphi 10.3 will be losing integration with ModelMaker :-(


  1. I totally second that ... too bad Gerrit could not sell enough to make it happen ... too bad we did not buy enough. I got Sparx EA to see if that is an option. It is a great modelling tool and would probably allow the development of a nice integration add-in, but for the time being it has not even a complete official Delphi BNF ... sparxsystems.com - Delphi/Freepascal Generics and Anonymous methods breaks importing into EA

  2. Roland Kossow UML is virtually dead. Developers coming out from college don't use it and they actually think it is a waste of time. Agile is mostly responsible for that, even though it doesn't say anything about it. But people now think that being "agile" equals "don't write anything except code"

  3. To be honest I never used a fraction of ModelMakers capability. I use it mostly for diagrams to provide overviews of code and documentation. When working on a task/bug I would create a diagram and add the classes I was working on with notes and hyperlinks to my task management system. Being able to synchronise with the Delphi IDE was invaluable. Made it much easier to keep the relevant stuff in my head.


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