Hello, I am going to uninstall 10.1 in my machine because I want to install 10.3 community edition. I have read online that when you install the IDE, it "pollutes" your system's registry (with a lot of entries/keys). How do I clean that?

Hello, I am going to uninstall 10.1 in my machine because I want to install 10.3 community edition. I have read online that when you install the IDE, it "pollutes" your system's registry (with a lot of entries/keys). How do I clean that?

I think that the simple uninstall won't clear the registry entirely...


  1. There are entries under Software/Embarcadero for each version and in both HKCU and HKLM.

    I'm not aware of others. And I would not call that "polluting the registry".

    You can simply delete them using the registry editor. But if you do that, it won't be possibly to migrate your settings.

  2. There are entries for each version in the registry, but it's not a lot of data compared to everything the registry holds. I would not worry about it.

    Unless you're uninstalling for disk space, note that 10.3 will live alongside 10.1 perfectly happily, so you can just install 10.3 and continue to have both.


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