Delphi, components and the PATH variable.

Delphi, components and the PATH variable.

After installing Delphi Rio plus a whole slew of components (some through GetIt) I noticed that my Path variable was corrupted, simple Windows command line commands like "ping" resulted in a "file or command not found".

So I fixed the Windows path variable (checkout "path editor" on codeplex) and now all seems to be well again, but I wonder if all these paths are absolutely necessary.

Every version of Delphi registers its own BIN path and a BPL path. The BPL path I understand, it is needed for third party (or your own) packages.

But isn't the BIN path redundant? I mean, if you start an executable under Windows such as BDS.EXE, then the operating system will also automatically search the directory where the executable is located whenever the exe tries to load a DLL.


  1. Vincent Parrett I have both Finalbuilder 7 and 8 installed on my development machine. I can't delete version 7 because I have to maintain some scripts for a build machine which has an older OS and which may not be upgraded for compatibility reasons.

    The fbcmd.exe command line tool has the same name in both versions. Having a path set to both directories will probably start the version that was installed first (since paths are appended), I suppose?

  2. BTW I absolutely love Finalbuilder, it is the one tool I can't do without!

  3. Arthur Hoornweg Unless you absolutely need it on the path, I wouldn't add it. It's an optional install feature we added at the request of several customers.


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