Just a heads up, we are on an older version of TJvHIDDeviceController and it started throwing ''Device cannot be opened" errors (getting Access Denied on CreateFile) during startup after upgrading to Windows 10 1809 (it was happening in the field, and I had to manually install 1809 to reproduce). This happens as it fills its internal list of the HID devices on the system. I am not yet sure of the variety of devices that will fail in this way, but right now it seems any HID keyboard will do it.

Just a heads up, we are on an older version of TJvHIDDeviceController and it started throwing ''Device cannot be opened" errors (getting Access Denied on CreateFile) during startup after upgrading to Windows 10 1809 (it was happening in the field, and I had to manually install 1809 to reproduce). This happens as it fills its internal list of the HID devices on the system. I am not yet sure of the variety of devices that will fail in this way, but right now it seems any HID keyboard will do it.

It looks like I'll be able to deal with it using the OnDeviceCreateError event to set Handled:=True (after I upgrade the jvcl).

This recent SO post describes the situation:

