OmniPascal 0.17.0 released.

OmniPascal 0.17.0 released.

This is the last release I announce in G+. Please move to or follow me on Twitter
Thank you


  1. As someone reading this and hasn't got a clue what OmniPascal is, your website doesn't help much either. It would be really useful if you pinned a post to the top of your website explaining what OmniPascal is. First I thought it was a new pascal compiler, then I thought it was an add-on for Delphi, and I think I now understand it is a plugin to give the Visual Studio Code editor some descent Pascal support?

    Either way, some of the features you are displaying seem very nice indeed.

    I see now. I was looking at the Blog website. The very last post (actually the first, but list is from newest to oldest) it mentions there is a website. That explains things a bit better. :)

  2. Graeme Geldenhuys Thanks for your feedback. I agree, the website isn't clear for new users. First implression isn't good. It needs an update.

    Yes, OmniPascal is a Delphi / FreePascal plugin for VSCode.


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