Originally shared by Thomas Mueller (dummzeuch)

Originally shared by Thomas Mueller (dummzeuch)

It’s time for a gift to all Delphi developers, a new Release of GExperts. Happy Holidays! (But do spend some time with your family rather than testing GExperts. 😉 ) I blogged about the new features already. There were also several bug fixes. Please be…


  1. Thank you and happy holidays to you!

  2. Frohe Weihnachten und einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr!

  3. Thomas Mueller Is my bug fixed? since i am using the
    old grep. Cannot use the new ones.
    I see it is still open.

  4. shlomo abuisak if it's still open, it's not fixed. You are welcome to try your hand at it.

  5. Thomas Mueller you swim in the source (knowledge wise) for me it will take me a wile. i will be patient. thanks in any case.

  6. Thomas Mueller P.s i put a program that helps me on my daily work. it mite help you too.
    limelect.com - Explorer List

  7. Jeroen Wiert Pluimers i cannot see any comments. could you plz send me link to comment?

  8. Jeroen Wiert Pluimers wile searching if this files in directory grep breaks (error) on reading pas contents. and then stop searching.
    D7 grep was OK. which i am still using unfortunately.
    Try it.
    I have to use stand alone d7 grep

  9. shlomo abuisak be way more specific in steps to reproduce and GExperts/Delphi versions combinations. That makes it a lot easier to track such things.

    Right now it sounds like the volunteer developers need to figure all the details out themselves. That's unfortunately not how open source software works.


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