
Showing posts from March, 2013
Hello guys, i'd like to know if there is any open source project (Delphi) that you'd like to exist?

Delphi for iOS? Mas quais os planos dos desenvolvedores Delphi para mobile/tablet? | Andreano Lanusse | Tecnologia e Desenvolvimento de Software

A "pet project" experiment ! Not a new language, but something different !

A "pet project" experiment !  Not a new language, but something different !

Doing a a simple demo. Can anyone think of any other places an attribute can go?

Doing a a simple demo.  Can anyone think of any other places an attribute can go?   [Sample]   TAttributesEverywhere = class   private     [Sample] FSomeProperty: Extended;     procedure SetSomeProperty(const Value: Extended);   public     [Sample]     procedure DoThis([Sample]aParameter: string);     [Sample]     function DoThat([Sample]aParameter: TObject): integer;     [Sample]     property SomeProperty: Extended read FSomeProperty write SetSomeProperty;   end;
Can someone help me, i need a 2D barcode scanner that will be placed in a production line to scan the product that move on the conveyor, i couldn't found which one support reading 2D barcode, datalogic only have 1D barcode reader. Thanks for any help
Has anyone here done anything with the Volume Shadow Copy Service APIs? I have the article and sample code from The Delphi Magazine, from 9/2005, and have made the slight changes necessary to achieve a build, but the demo app does not work properly.

Blog post "Class Operators in Delphi" at

Blog post "Class Operators in Delphi" at
I want to study delphi well,please give me same idea
My predecessor amazed me again. He developed simple rollback operation by saving history to a txt files in application folder named back_1.txt, back_2.txt, etc. Wouldn't be so bad for application used locally, not on share net folder :)
Great to be here..

I'm looking for a tool to manage the versions database firebird.

I'm looking for a tool to manage the versions database firebird.  But I have not found anything yet, anyone know any tool with this functionality?  Or have any idea how it works? Should you not find'm thinking of developing one and it offers
6 month contract opportunity for a mid- to senior-level Delphi developer, remote or on-site in Omaha. Maintenance and new features for an existing application written in D7, with Firebird, and DevEx, currently under conversion to XE3. I'm a developer on the team and can answer tech questions, for business/contract related questions I can put interested parties in contact with management.
Hi All, Can you tell me any analog of TVirtualStringTree for FireMonkey?

WTH ? ;)

WTH ? ;)

One of my projects does exactly this since I migrated from D2007 to D2010 2 weeks ago:

One of my projects does exactly this since I migrated from D2007 to D2010 2 weeks ago: The interwebz won't have any other hints for me, but maybe here is a living soul who can explain the mystery to me?

Does your company do Delphi consulting?

Does your company do Delphi consulting? Embarcadero is looking to expand our Consulting Partner listings  with companies that specialize in the design and development of software applications and use Embarcadero products such as Delphi, C++Builder, RAD Studio and InterBase. If you lead or work for a consulting company that fits the description, please contact: Sylvia Guell -– Tel: 415-343-1672  You can learn more about the program at:

Using Generics to Manipulate Enumerable Types

Fellow Delphi developers

Fellow Delphi developers, This is with great pleasure that we announce the immediate availability of HelpNDoc 3.9, an easy to use yet powerful help authoring tool producing CHM help files, HTML or mobile WebSites, Word and PDF manuals as well as ePub and Kindle eBooks from a single source. HelpNDoc is Free for personal use and evaluation purposes and is available at: HelpNDoc 3.9 features a new importer which can import whole folders and sub-folders including multiple file formats and includes many great productivity enhancements as well as bug fixes. Please have a look at the feature page to learn more about HelpNDoc: Learn more about this new version: Download HelpNDoc and use it freely for personal and evaluation purposes: Best regards, John, HelpNDoc team. htt...
Are hangouts available in groups? I expect they are. Is anybody interested in scheduling one just for fun (obviously)?

I saw this question on the delphi.non-tech forum from Chris Rolliston and thought it would be interesting to bring the question over here.

I saw this question on the delphi.non-tech forum from Chris Rolliston and thought it would be interesting to bring the question over here. Do you use LiveBindings? I've only used it in a demo or two with Delphi XE2/3 but since my workplace only uses Delphi 2007, I've not really used it much. I suppose if I were to build something in FireMonkey then I most likely would use it.
does anyone have any idea how to access TPS database (filemane.tps)??

procedure TEventForm.Thatsanono(DataSet: TDataSet);

procedure TEventForm.Thatsanono(DataSet: TDataSet); begin inherited; Abort; end; Assigned to the BeforeDelete and BeforeInsert events on a ClientDataSet.

Hi folks, I am in trouble setting up my first Jenkins job for a Delphi 2007 project.

Hi folks, I am in trouble setting up my first Jenkins job for a Delphi 2007 project. So far I've studied obvious articles on the net (blog posts and stack overflow issues concerning the use of Jenkins with Delphi). I've defined the rsvar.bat variables in the global Jenkins options. I've installed Delphi 2007 on the build machine. I've created a job, that does a Subversion checkout and that has an MSBuild step. I am calling my .dproj file with the following arguments /p:Win32LibraryPath="$(BDS)\lib" /target:Build /p:config=Release The build starts fine and after compiling some units it fails with Error: E2003 Undeclared identifier: 'MyFunction' Somehow MyFunction cannot be resolved although it's unit is included in the interface declaration and is also integrated directly in the project (whereas other sources are only available through specified search paths). This code/ the project compiles fine and without error on different development machines. ...

Don't marry programmer because of this ;-)

Don't marry programmer because of this ;-)

New in Smart 1.1: Property Expression

Why Delphi Looses focus on the net application.

Why Delphi Looses focus on the net application. 60% application run on web but Delphi still on native platform. IS Delphi have any future.....?

Something is brewing in the lab... (with image this time!)

Something is brewing in the lab... (with image this time!)

I'm trying to implement simple drag and drop by using TControlDragObject just like in (VCL Drag Image Hot Spots section)

I'm trying to implement simple drag and drop by using TControlDragObject just like in (VCL Drag Image Hot Spots section) In delphi 7 drawn control is visible only when I have a mouse outside a form. Why?
My codebase has 533 calls to Application.ProcessMessages in it.

Turbo Pascal and Delphi on "Coding Horror"

Turbo Pascal and Delphi on "Coding Horror"

New blog post

New blog post

We're pleased to present a new mapping component to integrate, display & control OpenStreetMaps in VCL Windows applications:

We're pleased to present a new mapping component to integrate, display & control OpenStreetMaps in VCL Windows applications: TMS TWebOSMaps v1.0 You can download the trial version from our website: TWebOSMaps is available for Delphi 2007,2009,2010,XE,XE2,XE3 & C++Builder 2007,2009,2010,XE,XE2,XE3

Blog post "VCL or FireMonkey: Short Take" at

Blog post "VCL or FireMonkey: Short Take" at

Is there a connection with Dart Vader here?

Is there a connection with Dart Vader here? Originally shared by Isaac Winters

Hello there. Hope there's someone with some knowledge of the OpenToolsApi :) I have the following code:

Hello there. Hope there's someone with some knowledge of the OpenToolsApi :) I have the following code: procedure TDDDIdeFileOpen.OpenEditor(AModuleInfo: IOTAModuleInfo); var   LModule: IOTAModule; begin   Assert(Assigned(AModuleInfo));   LModule := AModuleInfo.OpenModule;   OpenEditor(LModule); end; Now assume, the module to open is a Form with a missing component (the packe containing the component is currently not installed). Now AModuleInfo.OpenModule does open and return the module but in between shows a dialog telling that component xyz can not be found with the options to cancel or ignore. Is there an easy way to suppress that dialog? PS: Debugging designtime packages is not the biggest fun at all...

Just received an e-mail on this: Atlassian SourceTree free GIT client for Windows 7+

Just received an e-mail on this: Atlassian SourceTree free GIT client for Windows 7+
Come on, admit it:  You die a little inside every time you use the Variants unit.

Blog post "Showing Delphi iOS Apps in Zeist" at

Blog post "Showing Delphi iOS Apps in Zeist" at

Code reviews

Code reviews Do you hold them?  How? When? Originally shared by The only valid measurement of code quality #LoL #True

Show your support for the WMI #Delphi Code Creator (WDCC) in the

Show your support for the WMI #Delphi Code Creator (WDCC) in the Open Source Advertising - Sidebar

Do you know how many features UniDAC encounters? If you still don't then make sure to download free trial and try them all out!

Do you know how many features UniDAC encounters? If you still don't then  make sure to download free trial and try them all out!

WebFMX Beta 1 is ready for testing! Here are the links:

WebFMX Beta 1 is ready for testing! Here are the links: Setup: Documentation: White paper: Pdf manual: Online manual: For those that still didn’t see what this is about, please check out the online demo at Please report bugs, suggestions and any general feedback to Thanks, Gustavo Ricardi CEO / CTO Cybele Software, Inc.

Yikes! Has anyone found a way to use Flash in a TWebBrowser in XE3? I just got a change in specs on a project I was wrapping up and the URL that they want to load initially is a full page Flash app and does not load. It tossed exceptions instead. I am running this in Win8.

Yikes! Has anyone found a way to use Flash in a TWebBrowser in XE3? I just got a change in specs on a project I was wrapping up and the URL that they want to load initially is a full page Flash app and does not load. It tossed exceptions instead. I am running this in Win8. Any assistance would be appreciated. Thanks, Jim
Any idea for a vertically alignable TEdit?

We are going to begin that transaction, dammit, *NO MATTER WHAT*.

We are going to begin that transaction, dammit, *NO MATTER WHAT* .   while true do   begin     Application.ProcessMessages;     try     LockConnection.BeginTrans;     break;     except       continue;     end;   end;
What's your favorite OBSCURE (non-top-ten TIOBE) non-Delphi language?   Are there any Smalltalk, Lisp, Scheme, Racket, Go, Scala, Clojure, Rust, D, Haskell, Erlang, or Oberon fans here?    (If you want to answer C# or Python, you clearly didn't hear me about the Top 10 TIOBE part.)

"We should switch to web and javascript instead"

"We should switch to web and javascript instead" Well, the "secret" weapon is almost finished! :) Sorry for another dull FishFact demo :) but at least it shows a working DataSnap client written in Smart Mobile Studio! (and it only took me about 30s to make this demo)

Man, is this funny, and well done.

Man, is this funny, and well done.

In development, TAdvSmoothRotaryMenu. Soon available in the TMS Component Pack ( ) and TMS Smooth Controls Pack ( )

In development, TAdvSmoothRotaryMenu. Soon available in the TMS Component Pack ( ) and TMS Smooth Controls Pack ( )

Can someone explain to me why

Can someone explain to me why procedure Foo; begin   with FunctionReturningInterface() do   begin   end;   // more code end; releases the interface when the procedure ends and not when the interface goes out of scope, ie when the with ends? After a few years of C++, this annoys me greatly.

Old-schoole radiosity rendering code experiment: Pascal code running in everything from Turbo Pascal 3 in DOS emulators, to FreePascal, through Pascal script engines and ending with HTML5 via SmartMobileStudio.

Old-schoole radiosity rendering code experiment: Pascal code running in everything from Turbo Pascal 3 in DOS emulators, to FreePascal, through Pascal script engines and ending with HTML5 via SmartMobileStudio.

Upgrade to Devart Delphi Data Access Components with a 50% Discount from any other 3rd party commercial data access components!

Upgrade to Devart Delphi Data Access Components with a 50% Discount from any other 3rd party commercial data access components!

Who likes Google Reader please vote to stop closing

Who likes Google Reader please vote to stop closing

New blog post

New blog post

We are close to deliver the first WebFMX beta build. In the meantime, you can found some more information in our blog:

We are close to deliver the first WebFMX beta build. In the meantime, you can found some more information in our blog:

A major update for the TMS Pack for FireMonkey v2.0 ( ) has been released with 1 new component: TTMSFMXMemo, a new syntax highlighting memo control.

A major update for the TMS Pack for FireMonkey v2.0 ( ) has been released with 1 new component: TTMSFMXMemo, a new syntax highlighting memo control.

Speaking of DLLs, where are you placing them upon installation? Specifically in regards to Windows 7. Are you registering the DLL upon installation?

Speaking of DLLs, where are you placing them upon installation? Specifically in regards to Windows 7. Are you registering the DLL upon installation? I've been placing them in the windows system directory and registering at install.

I'd like your opinion about Object Persistence Frameworks :

I'd like your opinion about Object Persistence Frameworks : given that  - I already have an application written with mixed direct access and datasnap  access to a database - My company uses an "exotic " database (Advantage Database Server) which is not supported in any OPF except hcOPF - my goal is to begin to write (and rewrite) mockable components in my application should I use hcOPF , or write myself a quick and less-dirty-as-possible OPF ?

I'm using TSizeCtrl by Angus Johnson, the latest(?) version from 2006 in D2010 -- works OK.

I'm using TSizeCtrl by Angus Johnson, the latest(?) version from 2006 in D2010 -- works OK. The app I'm working on has a small designer ala Delphi, but much more limited, so, my questions are: - is there any other similar component(open source) that has more features available? - anyone extended it and would like to share the code?

Following my question on SO (SO really sucks now)

Following my question on SO (SO really sucks now) If you have Delphi XE3 (I have not) can you confirm that the next assertion fails both for 32-bit and 64-bit compiler? var   Root: Cardinal; begin   Root:= $FFFF;   Assert(Root = Trunc(Sqrt(Root * Root))); end.
Why is the IDE ignoring my variable? I think the screenshots explains what I'm trying to do, but let me know if you need more info. Tested on XE2 and XE3.

Very interesting talk

Very interesting talk Design Tech Talk Series Presents: OO Design for Testability

6-12 Month Contract Opportunity in Scotland for Delphi Developers

6-12 Month Contract Opportunity in Scotland for Delphi Developers Please ping me or call me on +353868269425 if this might be of interest.  Attractive rates. We require highly-motivated Delphi Software Engineers to join our development teams, bringing excellent technical skills and sound software engineering discipline to promote the timely and cost-effective development of quality software products. Developing, enhancing and maintaining our software products in accordance with agreed requirements and designs, including: •        Development of our core environmental software products.  •        Development of add-on modules and customisation of our environmental software products to suit 
customer-specific needs.  •        Providing third-level support for our environmental software products, investigating and fixing defects 
confirmed by the support team.  •        Conducting System and Integration testing on code, accurately recording issues arising from testing 
and logging defects...
I know about the "Desktop Toolbar" and some about how it works. Since a while back i have this wonderful 2560x1440 screen and live is good. This means that i no longer run the IDE maximized. I have a "Debug Layout" and a "Default Layout" that mainly displays docked windows differently. Since i now run the IDE zoomed i would like to syncronize the IDE "main window" size and position for these two settings so that the IDE does not redraw each time i press F9. Any ideas of how to achieve this painlessly? Much TIA.

Dear g+ DDs

Dear g+ DDs, Do I get access to the Mobile Developer Beta, if I "only" acquire Delphi XE 3 Professional? Somehow I'm to dumb to ask google the correct question this morning.

Call for DWScript showcase -

Code snippet of the day:

Code snippet of the day: try    DoSomething();    Result := True; except    Result := False;    raise; end;

We'll be releasing a beta build over the next couple of days. Meantime, I've updated the WebFMX demo site and added several apps to try. It should work with almost every major browser and device.

We'll be releasing a beta build over the next couple of days. Meantime, I've updated the WebFMX demo site and added several apps to try. It should work with almost every major browser and device. There are several known bugs/partially implemented stuff: * The font in an edit box doesn't always fit well. There is work left to do here. * Performance with images is not the best yet. * Touch interface needs work. * Application icon is missing. * Some glitches to fix in browsers that doesn't support WebSockets, like IE9. * System dialogs are incomplete. As always, any feedback will be very welcomed! Link:

Blog post "FireDAC Tip#2: First Application" at

Blog post "FireDAC Tip#2: First Application" at

Hi Group

Hi Group How to implement OpenSSO Fedlet (Fedlet) in Delphi Desktop Client Server and Web Application. Any idea on this.

Go Lennart and Jorn!

Go Lennart and Jorn! P.S. Easy to do in FireMonkey, impossible in VCL.

Following code is from VC++, It's a function of DCOM.

Following code is from VC++, It's a function of DCOM. STDMETHODIMP GetSubSystemProcessRegistry(               int     iNumberSubSystem,               BSTR   sPathProcess,               BSTR   sNameProcess,               BSTR   sNameRegistry,                BSTR * sValue,               ELEMENTS * pElements,                  int  *   piError   ) I have transfer to delphi as following. procedure TAxesBrain.GetSubSystemProcessRecord(              iNumberSubSystem: SYSINT;              const sPathProcess: WideString;              const sNameProcess: WideString;              const sNameParameter: WideString;              out sValue: WideString;              out pElements: tagELEMENTS;              var piError: SYSINT); I alwasy get a Exception when I run it.   I need a help !!!!!!!!! var     dFeedReal, dFeedPerMan, dValue, dValueAss: double;     iErr, n1: integer;     s1, s2, s3: string;     iFeedPer: integer;     sTmp:widestring;     sIDHead: String;     Elements: tagELEMENTS;     oVar:...

NexusDB announces large database caching with any NexusDB Server

NexusDB announces large database caching with any NexusDB Server NexusDB is very pleased to release our new AWE DLL technology. The AWE technology that previously required a separately compiled nxServer binary from us, is now available as a DLL add-on. This brings the great advantage that you (or your customer) may now activate AWE mode and use all your machine's RAM for database caching with any server binary! Regardless if you are using our stock binary, or you have a customized server with extra plugins and engines, you will  now be able to take better advantage of modern hardware. The limit of the database cache without AWE is 1.5GB. With AWE, you can adjust the cache as high as the RAM your machine has (less a couple GB for the OS, naturally), eg 22GB on a 24GB machine. The difference in speed can be dramatic for really large databases. Introductory period price per machine license: AUD 290.- More AWE DLL Info: https://ww...

What do you think Certified Delphi Developer/Master Developer is useful?

What do you think Certified Delphi Developer/Master Developer is useful?
OK, I may just be having a brain cramp,  but I need to use a local in-memory table in my app, and am looking for the simplest solution which won't depend on any new DLLs, and is lightweight. The app is connectiong to a SQL Server DB using RemObjects DataAbstract, and I don't know if there is any way to create a local table using their stuff; it all seems to require me to connect, and to have the table in the schema. And then it all gets messier than it should be.... I know I have done something similar, years ago, but can't recall it.

Hello there. I came across the site of Felix J Colibri who has been elected by Embarcadero as "Delphi Evangelist". Now, looking at the articles and his source code I see an completely unreadable coding style which does not care for ANY standard conventions which we Delphi developers are common with. Nothing. He uses his own prefixes, lower c for classes instead of upper T, uses underscores in names of methods and variables etc.pp. so I asked myself "WTF". I even left his page only for this reason without reading any articles as this coding style is - in the truest sense of the word - painful to my eyes. Anyone else? Why is he doing this?

Hello there. I came across the site of Felix J Colibri who has been elected by Embarcadero as "Delphi Evangelist". Now, looking at the articles and his source code I see an completely unreadable coding style which does not care for ANY standard conventions which we Delphi developers are common with. Nothing. He uses his own prefixes, lower c for classes instead of upper T, uses underscores in names of methods and variables etc.pp. so I asked myself "WTF". I even left his page only for this reason without reading any articles as this coding style is - in the truest sense of the word - painful to my eyes. Anyone else? Why is he doing this?

Originally shared by Lars Fosdal

Originally shared by Lars Fosdal Delphi Developers are #1337 :)

any one know for windows application

any one know for windows application, how to use active directory in delphi ?

Delphi and RAD Studio developement for iOS Mobile Preview Webinar Delphi and RAD Studio developement for iOS Mobile Preview Webinar

Delphi and RAD Studio developement for iOS Mobile Preview Webinar Delphi and RAD Studio developement for iOS Mobile Preview Webinar

What the.....?

What the.....?     while (ptf.ShowModal = mrOk) do     begin         ....     end;

EMS Advanced Localizer: is it any good? Do you use it?

EMS Advanced Localizer: is it any good? Do you use it? How does it compare to TSILang? Thank you! A

Help! need your advice.

Help! need your advice. I want to declare a genric class refrence type as like this, but XE3 could not.  THashClass = class of THash ; THash = class; The error is the following; [dcc32 Error] gHash.pas(31): E2029 ';' expected but ' How to solve the problem ?

At least the Delphi 2010 compiler can be tricked to not generate wrong code.

At least the Delphi 2010 compiler can be tricked to not generate wrong code. This program will crash in Delphi 2010 because the wrong finalization code causes the reference count of the wrapped interface to reach 0. program Project1; {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} uses   SysUtils; type   ITest = interface;   Test = record     //fDummy: Pointer; //     FTest: ITest;     procedure Something;   end;   ITest = interface     procedure Something;     function AsRecord: Test;   end;   TTest = class(TInterfacedObject, ITest)   public     procedure Something;     function AsRecord: Test;   end; procedure Test.Something; begin   FTest.Something; end; function TTest.AsRecord: Test; begin   Result.FTest := Self; end; procedure TTest.Something; begin end; procedure Run(i: ITest); begin   i.AsRecord.Something;   end;  // var   t: ITest; begin   try     t := TTest.Create;     Run(t);     Run(t);   except     on E: Exception do       Writeln(E.ClassName, ': ', E.Message);   end;   Readln; end.

I am considering purchasing HTML Builder 5 to create data driven websites. I welcome your thoughts on the system and if you have sites you have created with the software then I would be grateful if you would post a link

I am considering purchasing HTML Builder 5 to create data driven websites. I welcome your thoughts on the system and if you have sites you have created with the software then I would be grateful if you would post a link  Are there alternatives I should consider ?

Exception Handler of the Day:

Exception Handler of the Day:      try     ...   except     On E:Exception do     begin       raise Exception.Create('Failed to make DB Snapshot for some reason or another.'+CRLF+E.Message);     end;   end;

First results of the Spring4d refactorings:

First results of the Spring4d refactorings: - reduced binary size for TList from approx 100K to less than 30K - improved performance for event invokation by approx 20%

This article is interesting, and contains a paragraph referencing Delphi.

This article is interesting, and contains a paragraph referencing Delphi.

I saw trhis, and had to share:

I saw trhis, and had to share:
where can i find serial number for delphi xe 3 ???????

From Zero To One » Blog Archive » Is it possible to build a better dynamic array? Presenting sliced array.

TMS Smooth Controls Pack v4.5 ( is just released and it ships with a new component : TAdvSmoothCircularProgress, a Smoothly animated circular progress with complex gradient shadows and fills.

TMS Smooth Controls Pack v4.5 ( )  is just released and it ships with a new component : TAdvSmoothCircularProgress, a Smoothly animated circular progress with complex gradient shadows and fills.

Delphi XE3 and deprecated

Delphi XE3 and deprecated Deprecated is great for gradually shifting out code that you want to remove, but it has some syntactical personality issues. Example 1 unit MyUnit; interface type   TMyType = class (TSomeType)     procedure InnocentBystander;     procedure MyProc;  deprecated 'Use SomeOtherProc instead';   end; Note the semicolon before deprecated. A call to MyProc will give a warning [dcc32 Warning] Main.pas(xxx): W1000 Symbol 'MyProc' is deprecated: 'Use SomeOtherProc instead' Example 2 unit MyUnit; interface type   TMyType = class (TSomeType)     procedure InnocentBystander;     procedure MyProc;    end deprecated 'Use TMyOtherType instead'; Note the awkward location, and no semicolon. A reference to TMyType will give a warning [dcc32 Warning] Main.pas(xxx): W1000 Symbol 'TTMyType' is deprecated: 'Use TMyOtherType instead' Example 3 Combining 1 and 2 almost works! unit MyUnit; interface type   TMyType = class (TSomeType)     ...

I mentioned in an earlier post about the benefits of using git and github. This article gives a better description and a detailed tutorial about those features that make using github an awesome tool for open source projects.

I mentioned in an earlier post about the benefits of using git and github. This article gives a better description and a detailed tutorial about those features that make using github an awesome tool for open source projects.

I've read Nick Hodges 's chapter on generics from his upcoming book.

I've read Nick Hodges 's chapter on generics from his upcoming book. He likes to refer to generics as parameterized type , which makes a lot of sense if you think about it, never gave it a second thought until now. As you know, in Delphi(and Pascal in general), we have a convention to name types(except for the primitive ones: byte, boolean, integer, string, etc.) starting with capital T . Now, for some reason, the above holds true for generics , but I have a strange feeling that it's a bit misleading, a generic isn't a true type until you specialize it, i.e.: // TIntegerList is a true type type TIntegerList = class (TList ); or // variable type "specialized inline" var LIntegerList: TList ; Maybe, we should come up with a convention for naming generics , let's say capital G -- some might argue that G should be reserved for "global" variables, to which I agree -- or maybe, just drop the T and ta-da!! Let's drop the T for a second and ...

You must read this blog post from François Piette. Great simple advice on separating GUI concerns from the processing logic and wrapping these processes into classes.

You must read this blog post from François Piette. Great simple advice on separating GUI concerns from the processing logic and wrapping these processes into classes. Unfortunately the "RAD" approach may be the quickest path to development but it does not lead to manageable and maintainable code for the future.