
Showing posts from January, 2017


Hi, Playing around with delphichromiumembedded (from ) and I would like to show a string of HTML, without having to save it to disk first. I have been using the 'guiclient' demo as a reference and tried the following without success: FChromium.Browser.MainFrame.LoadString(LHtmlString, 'source://html'); Does anyone know if this is possible (and if so how)? TIA!

How-to receive push notifications from Apple’s Push Notification and Google’s Firebase Cloud Messaging services

How-to receive push notifications from Apple’s Push Notification and Google’s Firebase Cloud Messaging services

I try use TBCEditor but I have problem with highlighter..

I try use TBCEditor but I have problem with highlighter.. I load a highlight json like in sample code: lPth := TPath.Combine(ExtractFilePath(Application.ExeName), 'Highlighters\HTML with Scripts.json'); bcedtSource.Highlighter.LoadFromFile(lPth); bcedtSource.Lines.Text := bcedtSource.Highlighter.Info.General.Sample; but highlighting is still not active, why?

I know I'm going to regret asking this on Stack Overflow, but here goes anyway.

I know I'm going to regret asking this on Stack Overflow, but here goes anyway.

Keen on the renewals aren't they? Mine renews 31st March. I was first asked to agree the quote (which meant an immediate invoice was due) last November. I now get an email that indicates it has expired (even though they state the date) and asking me to make up my mind

Keen on the renewals aren't they? Mine renews 31st March. I was first asked to agree the quote (which meant an immediate invoice was due) last November. I now get an email that indicates it has expired (even though they state the date) and asking me to make up my mind "This is to make a follow up on your decision regarding your account renewal which expired as of 30/3/2017 Please advise if you wish to renew your Maintenance for another year, or alternatively if you wish to terminate this contract." Getting a bit ahead of ourselves I think.

SQL Server Description Editor (Version is now released.

SQL Server Description Editor (Version is now released. Download for free at: Blog page is:

Upvote your favorite feature requests:

Upvote your favorite feature requests:

Wish: Interface support for record/class helpers

Wish: Interface support for record/class helpers Scenario: We are adding record helpers for all our enumerated types to reduce code clutter and enhance readability type TMyEnum = (A, B C); TMyEnumHelper = record helper for TMyEnum function ToString:string; function Description: string; end; The old pattern was to create function TMyEnumValueToString(const Value: TMyEnum):String; function TMyEnumDescription(const Value: TMyEnum):String; in addition to the enumerated type. Rather than having to write var Code: TMyEnum; begin Writeln(TMyEnumValueToString(Code), ' ', TMyEnumDescription(Code)); We can now write var Code: TMyEnum; begin Writeln(Code.ToString, ' ', Code.Description); which reads a lot better. But - For unit testing, this creates another predicament We have used an RTTI trick to create a loop for each value in anon.type T for enumerations, and hence had a type TEnumTester type reference to function EnumToString (const V...

ANN: StyleControls VCL v. 3.55 released!

ANN: StyleControls VCL v. 3.55 released! Features: • support of classic drawing, system Themes and VCL styles in all elements and in all controls • set of components to create Windows 10 Universal (Modern) UI Application • collection of controls (memo, editors, listbox, combobox, rounded meters,dials, h/v meters, sliders, buttons with different shapes and many more), which based on GDI+ vector graphic (controls can automatically use colors from styles or system, custom colors for different elements) • complex solution, which helps you to create applications with High-DPI support • special component to add buttons, tabs in NC area of the styled form and improved behavior of the form • special component to add alphablend transparency and wallpapers for the styled menus • special virtual image list component, which can be HQ scaled to any size with any scale factor • custom images support for custom style in many controls (you can define custom images collection, which based from PNG file...

Want to embed the Facebook SDK for Android so you can seamlessly provide social login to your app?

Want to embed the Facebook SDK for Android so you can seamlessly provide social login to your app?

Looking for an efficient JSON/BSON library that supports a DOM, reader/writer interface and automatic serialization? Maybe this one has what you need...

Looking for an efficient JSON/BSON library that supports a DOM, reader/writer interface and automatic serialization? Maybe this one has what you need...

Watch how to perform queries in database writing in Pascal, without using SQL, using TMS Aurelius “LINQ” feature: the #5 of My Top 10 Aurelius Features. And you can page the results! Closed captions available.

Watch how to perform queries in database writing in Pascal, without using SQL, using TMS Aurelius “LINQ” feature: the #5 of My Top 10 Aurelius Features. And you can page the results! Closed captions available.
Anyone have some example of TListView items Drag&Drop? Firemonkey, Berlin.

One more day!

One more day! Get Petra with 40% discount.

Delphi Programming Video Course:

Delphi Programming Video Course:

Looks like is down, and I need to access it to reinstall a Delphi... did the url change?

Looks like is down, and I need to access it to reinstall a Delphi... did the url change?

Idera stopped working on Delphi?

Idera stopped working on Delphi?


Help This why fail. I want to make a search using idhttp and php.


Help This why fail. I want to make a search using idhttp and php.

I have a DB-related question that might seem rather naive, so bear with me. I'm working on a client-server app that's got several dozen forms that have been touched by numerous developers over time. We're currently using D2007.

I have a DB-related question that might seem rather naive, so bear with me. I'm working on a client-server app that's got several dozen forms that have been touched by numerous developers over time. We're currently using D2007. Most of the forms work on one table (many different tables, but just one at a time), either adding or modifying one record at a time. (It's mostly a huge master/detail list where you select a client and there are several dozen forms that are used to collect and update their status in various areas.) There are tons of lookup-comboboxes on most forms. So a given form will have a TADOQuery for the main form, and a bunch that are used with the lookup combos. It's 100% TADOQuerys (as opposed to any TADOTables). Most of the forms are what I've seen in the past, where there's a query that does a SELECT to populate DB-aware controls. When the user says to Save the form, an INSERT or UPDATE statement is composed and run. But I just found one f...

I need help;

I need help; I want to know the geographical location of the place where I am ; in Delphi thanks

Originally shared by Thomas Mueller (dummzeuch)

Originally shared by Thomas Mueller (dummzeuch) The Convert Strings Editor Expert was added to GExperts months ago, but I forgot to document it. Now there is the documentation. It is similar to the Multi Paste functionality of Delphi 10 Seattle and later. (But was developed independently, I didn’t even…

MultiPaste in the RAD Studio IDE

Olá pessoal!

Olá pessoal! Segue um pequeno vídeo sobre como converter um Int64 (Java Timestamp) para nosso TDateTime. Forte abraço a todos e fiquem com Deus!

Most FMX non-native OSX controls seem pretty good these days. But, not TScrollbar. Below is the FMX OSX (top) and FMX Windows versions. There's absolutely no shading on the OSX one, nor buttons on the ends to single step. (I guess maybe that's not the Mac standard.) However, I don't think I can use the OSX version as-is. Is this something that a custom style would handle? Any suggestions on how to proceed?

Most FMX non-native OSX controls seem pretty good these days. But, not TScrollbar. Below is the FMX OSX (top) and FMX Windows versions. There's absolutely no shading on the OSX one, nor buttons on the ends to single step. (I guess maybe that's not the Mac standard.) However, I don't think I can use the OSX version as-is. Is this something that a custom style would handle? Any suggestions on how to proceed?

I get strange error in function MSecsToTimestamp() from SysUtils:

I get strange error in function MSecsToTimestamp() from SysUtils: and exception after F8: What is cause?

Mildly frustrating, just in a handful of units in my code base, but error reporting gets confused about line numbers:

Mildly frustrating, just in a handful of units in my code base, but error reporting gets confused about line numbers: [dcc32 Hint] OrcGraphics.pas(108035): H2164 Variable 'saVertCentred' is declared but never used in 'TViewPort.DrawLabel' This is in a unit with 6000 lines ...... I'm using XE7. Has anyone else seen this?

Hi, I need a support for applications that start with Windows 10, Uses Registry codes only do not work on Windows 10. Any tips for it works, something else needs to be done? I read something about Manifest and UAC.

Hi, I need a support for applications that start with Windows 10, Uses Registry codes only do not work on Windows 10. Any tips for it works, something else needs to be done? I read something about Manifest and UAC. This code works in Windows 7: Reg := TRegistry.Create; S := ExtractFileDir(Application.ExeName) + '\' + ExtractFileName(Application.ExeName); Reg.RootKey := HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE; Reg.Openkey('SOFTWARE\MICROSOFT\WINDOWS\CURRENTVERSION\RUN', false); Reg.WriteString(' ', S); Reg.CloseKey; Reg.Free; Any tips?

Does anyone know where I can find a FAST JSON "serializer" ?

Does anyone know where I can find a FAST JSON "serializer" ? I need to store my Object into persistent files. I've so far used XSuperObject for this purpose. XSuperObject allows me to save my "Delphi" object into a JSon string simple as typing MyObject.AsJson... the only drawback is that serialization is slow has hell as soon TList item count grows... I'm bascially using such structure TWareHouseEntry= class(TPersistent) public Order: string; Reference: string; Palette: string; Details: TList ; end; TCartonDetail = class(TPersistent) public QRCode:String; Quantity: double; User: string; CreationDate:TDatetime; end; I'm saving structure this each time my user scan a carton. Under Android, it takes me 6 000ms to serialize an object having 1200 items... This is tooo much time. Tooks about 10ms in Java.... Any idea, tips ?

Does anyone else experience OutOfMemory proplem with Delphi Berlin?

Does anyone else experience OutOfMemory proplem with Delphi Berlin? This is ridiculous. Making the IDE 3GB ready and not being able to fix memory leaks. Pathetic.
Does anyone else experience OutOfMemory proplem with Delphi Berlin? This is ridiculous. Making the IDE 3GB ready and not being able to fix memory leaks. Pathetic.

About the Embarcadero t-shirt contest, is January 31, 2017 64 days away?

About the Embarcadero t-shirt contest, is January 31, 2017 64 days away?
Hey, out of curiosity: If a class implements an interface, do you have to declare the object variable of the class as the interface type in order for the reference counting to free the object? Could I declare the object variable as the class type instead and have reference count freeing work? I say this because if I declare the object variable as the interface type, I CAN'T free it (compiler error), but if I declare it as the Class type, I can..

Status of DUnit

Status of DUnit Source code of DUnit from Delphi distribution does not seem to be available publicly anywhere, although it still contains MPL license in source files. So my question is if I want to create a fork of it can I base it on this source code?

Delphi Programming Helper (version 5.2.0) is now released. Download for free at

Delphi Programming Helper (version 5.2.0) is now released. Download for free at This update includes some new features, GUI improvements, new RTL code examples, and more.



Anyone seen this !

Anyone seen this ! I've just hit F9 to compile and deploy my Android application...

How large can be an array in 64-bit for Delphi? Can it be larger than 2GB?

How large can be an array in 64-bit for Delphi? Can it be larger than 2GB? The size of an array is restricted to a signed 32-bit integer or in 64-bit environments it can be a signed 64-bit integer? For the declaration of Length function, it can not return a value larger than a signed 32-bit integer :( I have not found a definitive answer.

Can someone explain why the Delphi IDE is attempting to access 600K files/directories in less than five minutes?

Can someone explain why the Delphi IDE is attempting to access 600K files/directories in less than five minutes? More so, why it keeps accessing the same paths over and over? Am I missing a search path?

Can someone explain why the Delphi IDE is attempting to access 600K files/directories in less than five minutes? More so, why it keeps accessing the same paths over and over? Am I missing a search path?

Can someone explain why the Delphi IDE is attempting to access 600K files/directories in less than five minutes? More so, why it keeps accessing the same paths over and over? Am I missing a search path?

I see that google+ has once again switched me to their crappy modern UI. I see no way back to the classic view.

I see that google+ has once again switched me to their crappy modern UI. I see no way back to the classic view. Is there a way?

DprojNormalizer now available for XE7 and XE8:

DprojNormalizer now available for XE7 and XE8:

I'm trying to use Google Adwords in an Android App... Berlin has suppor for Google AdMod, but when I design a campaing in Google Adwords I have problems with Google.

I'm trying to use Google Adwords in an Android App... Berlin has suppor for Google AdMod, but when I design a campaing in Google Adwords I have problems with Google. Any Idea?

ANN: ImageKit v.1.15 released!

ANN: ImageKit v.1.15 released! ImageKit is a GPU based image processing, graphics rendering framework for Delphi developers. ImageKit hides the details of low-level graphics processing by providing an easy-to-use application programming interface. ImageKit provides dozens of built-in filters. You set up filters by supplying key-value pairs for a filter’s input parameters. The output of one filter can be the input of another, making it possible to chain numerous filters together to create amazing effects. Features: • GPU based image processing, graphics rendering framework • dozens of built-in filters and thousands of possible chains • VCL, GDI and GDI+ interoperability • avanced GPU based image view control • 2D, 3D transformations • support software device if hardware isn't available • high level DirectX 10 wrapper control and renderer • special animation class for properties in any third-party controls (smooth animation) • special page view control with 3D transition effects for ...

New article, Using Facebook SDK native framework for iOS and Android for Social Login and more (Part 1). In this article we will demonstrate how to embed the iOS framework SDK for Facebook so you can present a more professional social login feature for users of your app.

New article, Using Facebook SDK native framework for iOS and Android for Social Login and more (Part 1). In this article we will demonstrate how to embed the iOS framework SDK for Facebook so you can present a more professional social login feature for users of your app. We will also show how to perform various Facebook SDK requests transparently for the user from your client app using the Facebook SDK framework instead of making direct GraphPath http requests. Additionally, we will also be covering how to best use the Facebook APIs from your backend Delphi service.

Interface delegation (aka property implements keyword)

Interface delegation (aka property implements keyword) Why the following snippet fails to compile with a "[dcc32 Error] Project1.dpr(21): E2291 Missing implementation of interface method IFoo.Foo" Problem is around IFooEx augmenting IFoo, if I take that away it compiles fine IFoo = interface ['{304DE439-B817-451C-AED3-40EDD1287B5C}'] procedure Foo; end; IFooEx = interface(IFoo) ['{DE4F1005-56DB-4031-A607-6728F1804F26}'] procedure FooEx; end; TFoo = class(TInterfacedObject, IFoo, IFooEx) strict private FFooImpl: IFoo; strict protected procedure FooEx; property FooImpl: IFoo read FFooImpl implements IFoo; public constructor Create(const Foo: IFoo); end;

New CrossVcl's screenshots - VirtualTrees MVC Demo and GDI+ Drawing.

New CrossVcl's screenshots - VirtualTrees MVC Demo and GDI+ Drawing.

CnPack has new mode of code insight: fuzzy matching.

CnPack has new mode of code insight: fuzzy matching. When you type "formess" then you see: More:

Dose anyone know ,why when I Start to debug a Applicaiton,XE10 IDE keep module Load /unload bpl,times over times,It take many times to run exe. if I stop debugger,it will raise IDE ERROR.

Dose anyone know ,why when I Start to debug a Applicaiton,XE10 IDE keep module Load /unload bpl,times over times,It take many times to run exe. if I stop debugger,it will raise IDE ERROR.

Olá pessoal!

Olá pessoal! Neste vídeo veremos a criação do componente Firemonkey ProgressCount (Material Design), com Delphi. Se gostarem, por favor, curtam, deixe seus comentarios e compartilhem. Abraços e fiquem com Deus.

Kind of self-improvement?

Kind of self-improvement?

Hi there

Hi there Is there any tool similar to what class completion does for properties but for interfaces? ie I'd like something that auto-writes the getter and setters for this: IFoo = interface property Value: string read GetValue write SetValue; property AsInteger: Integer read GetAsInteger; end; Ctrl + Shift + C will do for a class or record, but not for interfaces

Hello guys

Hello guys, How do I extract the pointer to the underlying array of a dynamic array? Since a dynamic array is actually a field for the length and a pointer to the raw data, I am wondering how to use dynamic arrays to play with native C APIs that only accept plain array pointers. I am used to play with static arrays for this role, however this time I am unable to use it once the initial size of the array is unknown. I would love to appreciate your help, thanks in advance :D Given I have: var Buffer: TArray ; Is it possible to extract PByte from that without having to perform copies?

Originally shared by Thomas Mueller (dummzeuch)

Originally shared by Thomas Mueller (dummzeuch) I have released a new version of my dzLineEndsFix tool. There is only one change: I removed the balloon hint it used to show at startup. I started to annoy the hell out of me (and I’m probably not the only one). The tool also now has its

Originally shared by Thomas Mueller (dummzeuch)

Originally shared by Thomas Mueller (dummzeuch) Esri Shapefile is a popular file format in geographic information systems (GIS). Probably because the format has been extensively documented (whitepaper in PDF format). In my day job at a company that does road condition surveys I work with quite a lot of…

TMS Aurelius and MVVM design

TMS Aurelius and MVVM design I've written a two-part post about how to use TMS Aurelius ORM in MVVM. Have a look if you are interested. As always, comments, ideas and suggestions are greatly welcome. Thanks.
Originally shared by Boian Mitov

I have a problem migrating a process from XE8 to Berlin 10.1

I have a problem migrating a process from XE8 to Berlin 10.1 On XE8 work fine on Berlin a get a "Loading Bitmap Failed" error i have a Datasnap Rest server with a method function TSM.Downloafile(): TStream; var s:TFileStream; begin s := TFileStream.Create('C:\image1.jpg',fmOpenReadWrite); Result := s end; on xe8 i get the stream fine i can see the image using a browser http://localhost:105/datasnap/rest/TSM/Downloafile on Berlin when i try show the image i get this string [122,216,255,244,0,15,......] Loading Bitmap Failed

Do you need a generic set? Take a look at this blog post:

Do you need a generic set? Take a look at this blog post:

Really cool if this could be implemented in Godzilla :

Really cool if this could be implemented in Godzilla : I'm mainly using Tframe for my Android development and it is really cumbersome to design them with Windows themed controls

Code of the day:

Code of the day: function TNameGenerator.StrasseToStrasse(const _Strasse: string): string; begin Result := _Strasse; end; called as Strasse := StrasseToStrasse(_Strasse); ("Strasse" means "road" in German) (I wrote that code myself and there is an overridden version that does something different. But it confused the hell out of my colleague today.)

how to change background color of a single TListViewItem from code.

how to change background color of a single TListViewItem from code. Delphi Berlin, Firemonkey

Blog post "Fun with Delphi Contest: NASA API Mashup" at

Blog post "Fun with Delphi Contest: NASA API Mashup" at

Has anyone an idea ? How do you auto-update your Android application ?

Has anyone an idea ? How do you auto-update your Android application ?

Berlin 10.1 Update 2 - more prone to hanging in the IDE?

Berlin 10.1 Update 2 - more prone to hanging in the IDE? I just did a clean RAD Studio install on a clean Windows 10 install, but I don't think I've ever had the IDE lock up so frequently. Which are the mandatory post-install actions for Berlin 10.1 Update 2?

Please vote for:

Please vote for: Enable Overflow and Range checking in Debug configuration by default

I followed that instruction

I followed that instruction, but could not fint Tbutton Tint Color...

What's the difference between ref attribute and var parameter?

What's the difference between ref attribute and var parameter? function FunctionName(const [Ref] parameter1: Class1Name; [Ref] const parameter2: Class2Name); function DoubleByRef(var X: Integer): Integer; Is it the same thing?

For those of you that are in So Cal, the Orange County Delphi Users Group is going to have Craig Chapman from Embarcadero in to demonstrate the latest features of Delphi. The meeting is next Wed 1/25 at 7PM in Laguna Hills. Come on down for some fun and excitement. Visit our Meetup page for more details:

For those of you that are in So Cal, the Orange County Delphi Users Group is going to have Craig Chapman from Embarcadero in to demonstrate the latest features of Delphi. The meeting is next Wed 1/25 at 7PM in Laguna Hills. Come on down for some fun and excitement. Visit our Meetup page for more details:

New blog article on Sending iOS remote push notifications from your Delphi service with the HTTP/2 protocol.

New blog article on Sending iOS remote push notifications from your Delphi service with the HTTP/2 protocol.

Introducing DprojNormalizer:

Introducing DprojNormalizer:

Android / Delphi Berlin.

Android / Delphi Berlin. Could be a no brainer for a lot of you but... I don't know how to cancel a previously displayed toast ! anyone ? ps: I'm using unit Androidapi.JNI.Toast; // Java bridge class imported by hand by Brian Long ( )

Why Delphi in standard VCL library doesn't have data aware control for TDateTime? Eg. this:

Why Delphi in standard VCL library doesn't have data aware control for TDateTime? Eg. this: It is inconceivable. Environment dedicated to databases for 20 years does not have the control for the one of fundamental data type. Unbelievable!

C++ Books and Possible Insanity (RegEx’ing C++)…

C++ Books and Possible Insanity (RegEx’ing C++)…

Hi guys

Hi guys, Just wondering if anyone had done any development with Rad Studio and Amazon Echo? Is there any tutorials or help files with creating 'skills' for Echo?

Improve your #Delphi app security with new SecureBridge version.

Improve your #Delphi app security with new SecureBridge version.

Originally shared by David Berneda

Originally shared by David Berneda #TeeGrid v0.5 Beta Released ! Full sources included Release notes:
Is there free library AES Rijndael encryption for Delphi 7 ?

Most of you might remember the trouble I have with regular license errors on my system that suddenly close the...

Most of you might remember the trouble I have with regular license errors on my system that suddenly close the Delphi IDE and open up the related Embarcadero web page. It's getting worse. This is what you get if you click one of the links that are supposed to submit a support request or show you a FAQ with common solutions. You can try it yourself at (update: links seem to work again) BTW: I'm now on a new machine with a clean Windows 10 install and a clean Delphi 10.1 Upd 1 install.

Most of you might remember the trouble I have with regular license errors on my system that suddenly close the Delphi IDE and open up the related Embarcadero web page.

Most of you might remember the trouble I have with regular license errors on my system that suddenly close the Delphi IDE and open up the related Embarcadero web page. It's getting worse. This is what you get if you click one of the links that are supposed to submit a support request or show you a FAQ with common solutions. You can try it yourself at (update: links seem to work again) BTW: I'm now on a new machine with a clean Windows 10 install and a clean Delphi 10.1 Upd 1 install.

ANN: StyleControls VCL v. 3.53 with new set of GP controls released!

ANN: StyleControls VCL v. 3.53 with new set of GP controls released! Features: • support of classic drawing, system Themes and VCL styles in all elements and in all controls • set of components to create Windows 10 Universal (Modern) UI Application • collection of controls (memo, editors, listbox, combobox, rounded meters,dials, h/v meters, sliders, buttons with different shapes and many more), which based on GDI+ vector graphic (controls can automatically use colors from styles or system, custom colors for different elements) • complex solution, which helps you to create applications with High-DPI support • special component to add buttons, tabs in NC area of the styled form and improved behavior of the form • special component to add alphablend transparency and wallpapers for the styled menus • special virtual image list component, which can be HQ scaled to any size with any scale factor • custom images support for custom style in many controls (you can define custom images collectio...

Originally shared by Boian Mitov

Originally shared by Boian Mitov Finally I have most of the libraries at least partially working on MAC and Android :-) . Better support to come soon... #Delphi #OpenWire

Laid-off FMX developer Eugene Kryukov strikes back with a new baby:

Laid-off FMX developer Eugene Kryukov strikes back with a new baby:

Fixed the [Duplicates not allowed] bug!!!

Fixed the [Duplicates not allowed] bug!!! Now, you could easy and smooth development in design mode. Enjoy

Is there a component or tutorial somewhere on how to measure the current traffic (up+down) on an interface?

Is there a component or tutorial somewhere on how to measure the current traffic (up+down) on an interface?  I know Indy has "intercept" classes, but these only work on a connection initiated by the application.  If not I'll just use the WinAPI, hoping for a shortcut though.

I know...I know...I am not that smart....

I know...I know...I am not that smart.... How do I send a private message to a member here on G+? When I click on "Delphi Developers" I can select the person but can't get rid of the whole community. I've checked the internet but they have guides for the old G+ interface Thanks

ANN: MPServer, Application/Database Server Framework v1.5 released

ANN: MPServer, Application/Database Server Framework v1.5 released With great pleasure we introduce first public release of our MPServer, middle-tier application/database server framework. MPServer Framework is written in Delphi and uses RTC SDK to communicate with clients. For more information please visit our web site Regards -- Zoran Milenovic

The multi cursor feature in Visual Studio Code is just great

The multi cursor feature in Visual Studio Code is just great
I got an email from EMB listing upcoming webinars. They talk about webinars on creating Angular Clients and Web Front End Frameworks. Is this something new in Delphi or am I missing something?

Converting the TensorFlow C++ headers to object pascal. It has this empty struct defined.

Converting the TensorFlow C++ headers to object pascal. It has this empty struct defined. typedef struct TF_Tensor TF_Tensor; Think it converts to object pascal like this? TF_Tensor = record end;

Good things come to those who used dbExpress., I spent 3 years time, finally let this set of updated drivers support RAD Studio 10.1 Berlin.

Good things come to those who used dbExpress., I spent 3 years time, finally let this set of updated drivers support RAD Studio 10.1 Berlin. The first half of the content is in English, the second half is Chinese, please choose to read to read. Thank you! Hope that useful to you.

Originally shared by Boian Mitov

Originally shared by Boian Mitov Join to see #Visuino and #Delphi working together to create IoT solutions! :-)

Microsoft Dynamics CRM integration - sort of...

Microsoft Dynamics CRM integration - sort of...


Hi Need Help, i have DB Grid in my form with 3 Columns and i need to disable First 2 Columns (Avoid Changing Date) How Can i Disable, please come one help me, thanks


Hi Need Help, i have DB Grid in my form with 3 Columns and i need to disable First 2 Columns (Avoid Changing Date) How Can i Disable, please come one help me, thanks

Originally shared by Thomas Mueller (dummzeuch)

Originally shared by Thomas Mueller (dummzeuch) I has been a while since my last experimental GExperts release. Eric still hasn’t managed to do the final official release and I don’t want to wait any longer. I have created installers for all supported Delphi versions. New features include: Reselect…

Originally shared by Thomas Mueller (dummzeuch)

Originally shared by Thomas Mueller (dummzeuch) GExperts now adds favorites to the Build Events [...] so I have now spent an outrageous amount of time (in comparison to the time it takes to add these two calls to any Delphi project) hacking the Delphi IDE and adding a Favorites button to all the dialogs in question [...]

40% discount on Petra

40% discount on Petra + One year of free updates and support Enjoy!

Blog post: Introducing SDriver: a Delphi wrapper for Slack API

Blog post: Introducing SDriver: a Delphi wrapper for Slack API
Do you have any idea how to get events/data from FMX.TWebBrowser on Windows? (10.1 Berlin U2). Simply - I'd like to interact with HTML interface on Win/Mac but nothing works...

I use VmWare Workstation with latest version of Windows 10 as host and guest. In the vm I run Delphi IDE and application. Disadvantage is that much diskspace is wasted.

I use VmWare Workstation with latest version of Windows 10 as host and guest. In the vm I run Delphi IDE and application. Disadvantage is that much diskspace is wasted. Is is possible replace VmWare Workstation with Docker for a more lightweight solution ? See

Wanted to introduce our new blog for Delphi We cover all sorts of content related to Delphi development. We hope you find it useful.

Wanted to introduce our new blog for Delphi . We cover all sorts of content related to Delphi development. We hope you find it useful.

Hello Experts

Hello Experts I am using delphi xe4. Does anyone Have good tutorial delphi Google mapa and dbgrid ? Best Anderson

I wish other companies would disclose post-mortems like this.

I wish other companies would disclose post-mortems like this. Originally shared by ThisIsWhyICode Interesting and very appropriate top comment

Originally shared by David Berneda

Originally shared by David Berneda 2017 will be a very busy year I guess. I'm working on a "PEG" engine for Delphi, in order to improve TeeBI expression and sql parsers. PEG is a formalism for generic lexer/parsing of any language, just using BNF-like grammars. First attempt looks promising, it can now bootstrap itself with its own grammar, so it can also parse any other grammars. Sources: There are several other PEG implementations for other languages (Go, Dart, Rust etc) but couldn't find anyone for Delphi

Innovations that would help developers?

Innovations that would help developers? The classic Edit-Compile-Debug cycle has been around since the 50's, and we're still using that model to build software today. Hardware and display technology has improved to the point where we probably have terraflops of CPU bandwidth that's going unused today. In another thread, people were talking about how this or that are no longer "innovative", and to ME, that implies something is missing for them in terms of what's possible. What is it? What's missing? What would really make a difference today, this year, in the next few years? I personally don't see faster computers, more RAM, or bigger storage devices as providing much more than a marginally better experience. I mean, how much quicker can we make the Edit-Compile-Debug cycle, and how can it possibly translate into significant improvements in our productivity? Today, it seems the perception of overall programmer skills has shifted from "the ability t...

Try to generate a PDF/A but something is wrong.

Try to generate a PDF/A but something is wrong. Any idea ?

What it the fastest way to get the number of distinct elements in a TList

What it the fastest way to get the number of distinct elements in a TList Have a look at this small example (List should stay a TList): List : TList ; StringList: TStringlist; TScannedItem = class public PaletBarCode: String; CartonBarCode : String end; List := TList .Create; List.Items.add(TScannedItem.Create('PALET1','4555'); List.Items.add(TScannedItem.Create('PALET2','4555645'); List.Items.add(TScannedItem.Create('PALET1','44645'); List.Items.add(TScannedItem.Create('PALET3','449'); List.Items.add(TScannedItem.Create('PALET3','48645'); Should I iterate throught my list like this : Stringlist := TStringList.create; for ScannedItem in List do if Stringlist.IndexOf(ScannedItem.PaletBarCode) = -1 then Stringlist.Add(ScannedItem.PaletBarCode); Showmessage('# of palets '+ StringList.count.ToString); (3 given the above example) or is there a better way to achieve this ?

Olá pessoal!

Olá pessoal! Segue Aula 05 de Delphi com programação multicamadas (multilayers). Espero que aproveitem! Nesta aula tratamos sobre: - Poc, Firemonkey com Multicamadas. - Depurando aplicação multicamadas (client side / server side). - Apresentação no Android. Camadas: Apresentação, ClientClasses, ClientModules, Exceptions nas aplicações Win64 e Android. ServerModules (REST), Comunicação, Fachada, Controladores, Cadastros, BDs. Deixem seus comentários, dúvidas e sugestões. Se gostarem, compartilhem! Abraços e fiquem com Deus!

I have done some fine tuning to Michelle's Menu Planner since the first announcment. I would like to invite everyone to try it out and let me know what you think of it. You can use the Contact Me to let me know.

I have done some fine tuning to Michelle's Menu Planner since the first announcment. I would like to invite everyone to try it out and let me know what you think of it. You can use the Contact Me to let me know.

Hello guys.

Hello guys. In the company I work, we're trying to move our data from the Soap Webserver to online usage. Note, we use Delphi Seatlle Professional. It happens that we don't have the license for the DataSnap tools of Delphi. Searching the web, I found that the Soap Connection (TSoapConnection) supports DataSnap methods and comunications. It is recommendable? Anyone knows any components (free or paid) that do the same work without upgrading my Delphi's license? Thanks!
Anyone care to take an informed guess at when Delphi 10.2 Tokyo will be released?
Do you use build events?

“Can I use Aurelius in my existing application without rewriting it?”. “Can I use my database with 253 tables and 4512 columns without changing schema?”. Yes, you can. That’s my #6 feature of my top 10 Aurelius features. English subtitles available.

“Can I use Aurelius in my existing application without rewriting it?”. “Can I use my database with 253 tables and 4512 columns without changing schema?”. Yes, you can. That’s my #6 feature of my top 10 Aurelius features. English subtitles available. Blog post: Vídeo:

Does anyone know for some tutorial how to deploy delphi iOS app to TestFlight?

Does anyone know for some tutorial how to deploy delphi iOS app to TestFlight? Thnx.

A significant update for the TMS Component Pack is available now!

A significant update for the TMS Component Pack is available now! TMS Component Pack v8.5 brings several new controls: * TDBAdvOfficeComboBox, TDBAdvSearchList, TDBAdvSearchEdit & TDBAdvResponsiveList. * There is a new standalone PDF generation library and based on this is completely revised PDF export from our grid, planner, memo and richeditor control with several new features such as combining multiple grids or richeditor content into a single PDF output. * A new class TAdvPDFImageBook can automatically generate PDFs from a set of images. * TAdvTreeView has several new features including shell context menus in its variant TAdvDirectoryTreeview. See the what's new guide for all information & details about the new features. TMS Component Pack offers over 400 VCL UI controls in 1 bundle!

Debugger Hotfix for macOS Sierra and the iOS Simulator

Debugger Hotfix for macOS Sierra and the iOS Simulator David Millington What is the version of PAServer after this fix?

Hi Guys!

Hi Guys! Anybody know if technology exist that automatically determines whether a unit in the "uses" clause is still necessary to be there? I think I have a couple of orphaned units in my USE, and I want to clean them... then my question should be: what is the easiest way to remove redundant files from the USE list? Thanks :-)

Hello again

Hello again I have this MCVE: Why are those interface types incompatible? With a hard-cast everything seems to go fine. Am I loosing something here?

Why I have this error with FireDac (Delphi 10.1 update 2)

Why I have this error with FireDac (Delphi 10.1 update 2) I use PostgreSQL 9.6, table name "user" and column id is primary key(UUID).

David Millington I see you have an iMac with Parallels for development. I have the same setup but I am considering to move back to windows. I think the iMac is overpriced and planning to replace it with a laptop.

David Millington I see you have an iMac with Parallels for development. I have the same setup but I am considering to move back to windows. I think the iMac is overpriced and planning to replace it with a laptop. What's your experience with iMac + Parallels for Win development?

Debugger Hotfix for macOS Sierra and the iOS Simulator

Debugger Hotfix for macOS Sierra and the iOS Simulator We have a hotfix for the problems running and debugging on Sierra and debugging on the iOS Simulator! This hotfix also includes the contents of December's hotfix for debugging iOS32.
Are there any tools that let you refactor a form by moving all non-visual controls (mainly DB controls) to a TDataModule?


Hi i need help, i create mysql database on web hosting and i am trying to save jpg file to to table using following code var lJpeg: TJPEGImage; lBitmap: TBitmap; lms: TMemoryStream; begin TCompany.Open; if not (TCompany.State in [dsEdit, dsInsert]) then TCompany.Edit; if OpenPictureDialog1.Execute then begin lJpeg := TJPEGImage.Create(); try lJpeg.LoadFromFile(OpenPictureDialog1.FileName); lBitmap := TBitmap.Create(); try lBitmap.Assign(lJpeg); lms := TMemoryStream.Create(); try lBitmap.SaveToStream(lms); TCompanyCLogo.LoadFromStream(lms); // this is the line gives Error // TCompany.Post; finally lms.Free; end; finally lBitmap.Free; end; finally lJpeg.Free; end; end; end; i am have no issue to connect Database in host, connection fine, same code working ok with my local PC MSSQL Database. is it differant coding when we do wit...

I have a fellow Delphi programmer on my Team who is using a MacBook Pro with iOS 10.

I have a fellow Delphi programmer on my Team who is using a MacBook Pro with iOS 10.0 for Delphi development. He is using Parallels and he installs Windows 10 onto a Parallels VM and then installs Delphi 10 Enterprise onto this VM and uses this for development. He has done this for the previous release of Delphi Berlin Enterprise without issue. He installed this version from the ISO disk and has tried to do the same thing again with Delphi Berlin Release 2 only to find the installer is refusing to install onto the VM and is telling him that he has -1 bytes of space left when he actually has over 90Gb space left. This is a glaring issue and we are wondering if : 1. Anyone else has encountered this and if there is a solution/work around 2. If Team B / Marco Cantu is aware of this problem. I went to a show in Manchester(UK) for XE7 and saw Marco Cantù using a Mac Book Pro for development. So, Marco, if you are reading this, have you had any experience of this.

I have a fellow Delphi programmer on my Team who is using a MacBook Pro with iOS 10.0 for Delphi development. He is using Parallels and he installs Windows 10 onto a Parallels VM and then installs Delphi 10 Enterprise onto this VM and uses this for development.

I have a fellow Delphi programmer on my Team who is using a MacBook Pro with iOS 10.0 for Delphi development. He is using Parallels and he installs Windows 10 onto a Parallels VM and then installs Delphi 10 Enterprise onto this VM and uses this for development. He has done this for the previous release of Delphi Berlin Enterprise without issue. He installed this version from the ISO disk and has tried to do the same thing again with Delphi Berlin Release 2 only to find the installer is refusing to install onto the VM and is telling him that he has -1 bytes of space left when he actually has over 90Gb space left. This is a glaring issue and we are wondering if : 1. Anyone else has encountered this and if there is a solution/work around 2. If Team B / Marco Cantu is aware of this problem. I went to a show in Manchester(UK) for XE7 and saw Marco Cantù using a Mac Book Pro for development. So, Marco, if you are reading this, have you had any experience of this.
Who is using TComponent.BeginInvoke ?! I don't see a single call in Berlin's code :/

Strange isn't it ?

Strange isn't it ? Is it an IDE bug or an MMX one ?

In Delphi Berlin, the default list on the Project Deployment screen contains libcgunwind.1.0.dynlib and libcgsqlite3.dynlib.

In Delphi Berlin, the default list on the Project Deployment screen contains libcgunwind.1.0.dynlib and libcgsqlite3.dynlib. I'm not using sqllite in my app. And I don't know what libcgunwind is for. Are these mandatory in apps deployed to OS X?

Updated The problem with corporate Windows Enterprise installations, are that they are locked down and paranoid.

Updated The problem with corporate Windows Enterprise installations, are that they are locked down and paranoid. Running "random" installers is not possible. To get around this limitation for power users, LAPS is a method used when your regular domain account doesn't have local admin rights, and you instead elevate to local admin using a second local account, with a password provided from AD. To exemplify: My normal domain users: Lars (Does not have Local Administrator rights) The local admin user: AdminLars (Has Local Administrator rights) The problem seems to be that when you use LAPS and AdminLars, the user context is not my regular domain user Lars - but the special local admin account AdminLars - so any registry settings installed, ends up in the wrong HKEY_CURRENT_USER. This means that when I start Delphi as Lars - any components installed as AdminLars are not visible. Recreating registry entries is a possibility - but - complex - since I don't know what ke...

Updated The problem with corporate Windows Enterprise installations, are that they are locked down and paranoid. Running "random" installers is not possible.

Updated The problem with corporate Windows Enterprise installations, are that they are locked down and paranoid. Running "random" installers is not possible. To get around this limitation for power users, LAPS is a method used when your regular domain account doesn't have local admin rights, and you instead elevate to local admin using a second local account, with a password provided from AD. To exemplify: My normal domain users: Lars (Does not have Local Administrator rights) The local admin user: AdminLars (Has Local Administrator rights) The problem seems to be that when you use LAPS and AdminLars, the user context is not my regular domain user Lars - but the special local admin account AdminLars - so any registry settings installed, ends up in the wrong HKEY_CURRENT_USER. This means that when I start Delphi as Lars - any components installed as AdminLars are not visible. Recreating registry entries is a possibility - but - complex - since I don't know what ke...

ANN: ImageKit v.1.14 with new types of 3D effect released!

ANN: ImageKit v.1.14 with new types of 3D effect released! ImageKit is a GPU based image processing, graphics rendering framework for Delphi developers. ImageKit hides the details of low-level graphics processing by providing an easy-to-use application programming interface. ImageKit provides dozens of built-in filters. You set up filters by supplying key-value pairs for a filter’s input parameters. The output of one filter can be the input of another, making it possible to chain numerous filters together to create amazing effects. Features: • GPU based image processing, graphics rendering framework • dozens of built-in filters and thousands of possible chains • VCL, GDI and GDI+ interoperability • avanced GPU based image view control • 2D, 3D transformations • support software device if hardware isn't available • high level DirectX 10 wrapper control and renderer • special animation class for properties in any third-party controls (smooth animation) • special page view control wit...

A new version of our ORM framewok for Delphi has been released. What's new in TMS Aurelius v3.5.0.0:

A new version of our ORM framewok for Delphi has been released. What's new in TMS Aurelius v3.5.0.0: • New: Firebird3 dialect support • New: MSSQL dialect UseBoolean property allows using BIT data type for boolean fields in SQL Server Trial download & online doc is available at Users with an active license to TMS Business Subscription ( ) receive TMS Aurelius v3.5 free.

Hello guys. Anyone can recommend some reading material on how to refactor an application towards DI?

Hello guys. Anyone can recommend some reading material on how to refactor an application towards DI? I did read some stuff from Mark Seemann (blogs and currently reading his book), Misko Hevery, Stefan Glienke​, and some others that can't remember Fairly enough, I understood the fundamentals of the pattern. Problem is how to deal with tightly coupled code when lots of classes are involved. Some parts of the code is very very DI unfriendly (not even method/property injection), and some other parts do nicely constructor injection but the way the classes are instantiated it's "old fashioned" using Create and not factories. I don't pretend to use a DI container, so I'm going with pure DI. I've started by pushing the composition root to the DPR file (seems logical since that's the place were all implementation units are already used) and I'm defining lots of factory interfaces that are passed to classes so they can get their dependencies. If a factory b...

ANN: StyleControls VCL v. 3.52 with new set of GP controls released!

ANN: StyleControls VCL v. 3.52 with new set of GP controls released! Features: • support of classic drawing, system Themes and VCL styles in all elements and in all controls • set of components to create Windows 10 Universal (Modern) UI Application • collection of controls (memo, editors, listbox, combobox, rounded meters,dials, h/v meters, sliders, buttons with different shapes and many more), which based on GDI+ vector graphic (controls can automatically use colors from styles or system, custom colors for different elements) • complex solution, which helps you to create applications with High-DPI support • special component to add buttons, tabs in NC area of the styled form and improved behavior of the form • special component to add alphablend transparency and wallpapers for the styled menus • special virtual image list component, which can be HQ scaled to any size with any scale factor • custom images support for custom style in many controls (you can define custom images collectio...

SASM - A x86 assembler with ECMAScript as (additional) macro language - and of course, it's implemented in Delphi-7-compatible ObjectPascal

SASM - A x86 assembler with ECMAScript as (additional) macro language - and of course, it's implemented in Delphi-7-compatible ObjectPascal It will be used in PACC as assembler for the x86 targets later

PACC (PAscal C Compiler), an work-in-progress C11-specification-aiming C compiler, which is implemented in Delphi-7-compatible Object Pascal

PACC (PAscal C Compiler), an work-in-progress C11-specification-aiming C compiler, which is implemented in Delphi-7-compatible Object Pascal

Minimal Virtual Treeview Demo on macOS compiled using Delphi and crossVcl without modifications of source code.

Minimal Virtual Treeview Demo on macOS compiled using Delphi and crossVcl without modifications of source code. We are currently in private alpha and will be launching our public beta very soon.

Attention : Marco Cantu and/or Team B members

Attention : Marco Cantu and/or Team B members We are on a subscription for Delphi Enterprise and I have just moved from Berlin 1 to Berlin 2 in that subscription and as we have quite a number of projects on the go I have been ensuring they recompile under Berlin 2 and I believe I have found a show stopper and wondered if anyone else had found it: One of our projects uses LoadLibrary() and it worked fine under Berlin 1 and magically without ANY code changes I have loaded up the same project in Berlin 2 and it has stopped working at the point of the LoadLibrary and to make matters worse I can't seem to narrow down where the AV is occurring but I seem to end up in system.pas The code is all held in a single Delphi unit called uexImports At the end of the unit is: initialization dllHandle := LoadLibrary( DLL ); finalization FreeLibrary( dllHandle ); dllHandle is a cardinal and DLL is declared as: const DLL = 'Imports.dll'; Executable and DLL reside in the same folder Like...
Is there any tutorial how to send email by the application itself delphi for android and ios

Are programmers out there using Advantage Database Server?

Are programmers out there using Advantage Database Server? We are using it since 18 years but since it is "SAP" we got problems with devzone with downloads ... and and and. Our mainapplication database has > 250 tables + a lot views etc. Someone having experience for migrating away from advantage database server to another provider?

Hello guys

Hello guys, I don't know why it is too low-voted: Record management operators - The addition of zero-initialization/copying/finalization control for record types would be a wonder for Delphi. Please upvote this and this Feature Request to make "managed records" possible :D

Haha, Embarcadero. Your Twitter account is funny :D

Haha, Embarcadero. Your Twitter account is funny :D

I have written a Delphi library for reading shapefiles. Now I'd like to test it with some real data, but cannot find any shapefiles containing the "M" variety of data:

I have written a Delphi library for reading shapefiles. Now I'd like to test it with some real data, but cannot find any shapefiles containing the "M" variety of data: * PointM, MultiPointM, PolygonM or PolylineM * and also "Z" data (PointZ, MultiPointZ, PolygonZ or PolylineZ) including the optional "M" data.
Hello, I installed delphi 10.1 and the components of the data controls do not appear on the component palette, I checked the dclvcldb240 file which is the data controls database file, I tried to reinstall it, but they still do not appear on the palette! Has this ever happened to a man? Know how to solve?


Hello, How can I build custom dialogs box under Android ? I'm using "classic" forms displayed using the Showmodal method. This is working but I don't like this approach as because my form doesn't behave like an native Android dialog box : - when using the pop-up property, background isn't dimmed and the form is closed when user tap outside the dialog - when not using the pop-up property, the form is maximized I guess that my form need to use the ifmxdialogserviceasync interface and need to be registered... Problem is that I don't know how to do it and there is no example available on the net. Can you gives me advices ? Is this the way to go ? Thank you Ps: I'm using Delphi Berlin and Android 4.4 device.

Almost in the TOP 10. Good vibes for Delphi in 2017 :D

Almost in the TOP 10. Good vibes for Delphi in 2017 :D

Originally shared by Thomas Mueller (dummzeuch)

Originally shared by Thomas Mueller (dummzeuch) Hiding the Quick Action and Description panel in Delphi with GExperts Delphi 2010 introduced two new panels at the bottom of the Object Inspector in the Delphi IDE, the Quick Action panel and the Description panel. I didn’t really notice them until I read this question on StackOverflow. It caught my attention because the screenshot showed mostly captions of the menu items added by GExperts to the context menu of the form designer. MartynA showed a way to hide them in his answer and gave me permission to use his code in GExperts. ...


Hello, How can I draw a gradient shape with FMX ? I've tried this but the triangel is red. the wiki about TVertexFormat is just wrong and useless procedure TForm1.Form3DRender(Sender: TObject; Context: TContext3D); var V: TVertexBuffer; I: TIndexBuffer; begin V := TVertexBuffer.Create([TVertexFormat.Vertex, TVertexFormat.Color0], 3); V.Vertices[0] := TPoint3D.Create(-10, -10, 0); V.Vertices[1] := TPoint3D.Create(+10, -10, 0); V.Vertices[2] := TPoint3D.Create( 0, +10, 0); V.Color0[0] := TAlphaColorRec.Blue; V.Color0[1] := TAlphaColorRec.Blue; V.Color0[2] := TAlphaColorRec.Green; I := TIndexBuffer.Create(3, TIndexFormat.UInt32); I.Indices[0] := 0; I.Indices[1] := 1; I.Indices[2] := 2; Context.DrawTriangles(V, I, nil, 1); V.Free; I.Free; end;


Help, i want to make report form master - detail - detail like this is possible ? using fast report thanks

A new important QC:

A new important QC: DPI scaling on dual monitor setup with per monitor DPI setting is completely broken

Hola a todos.

Hola a todos. Con delphi 10.1 Berlin Update 2 Al posicionar un TMemo con un TMultiView en IOS no funciona. En Android i Windows funciona perfectamente. Para el equipo de Embarcadero. Saludos.

Expert Manager 1.1 (BugFix)

Expert Manager 1.1 (BugFix)

Generics Library Parallel Sort?

Generics Library Parallel Sort? Does anyone know if there is a parallel sort procedure for the Generics Collections library e.g. TList .Sort? It seems like an obvious use of the PPL. - Steve

TADOConnection question - In connecting to an MS SQL Server (2014, if it matters) that's got security locking it...

TADOConnection question - In connecting to an MS SQL Server (2014, if it matters) that's got security locking it down to specific machine ID and IP and preventing Windows Authentication, how do you tell it to do Server Authentication? It seems to work at run-time for inexplicable reasons, but I can't get it to connect at design-time. It gives this error: Login failed. The login is from an untrusted domain and cannot be used with Windows authentication. Well, yeah, because it's configured to accept SERVER Auth ONLY! There's no way to enter Server Auth creds into the standard connection dialog that comes up. What's the workaround?

TADOConnection question - In connecting to an MS SQL Server (2014, if it matters) that's got security locking it down to specific machine ID and IP and preventing Windows Authentication, how do you tell it to do Server Authentication? It seems to work at run-time for inexplicable reasons, but I can't get it to connect at design-time. It gives this error:

TADOConnection question - In connecting to an MS SQL Server (2014, if it matters) that's got security locking it down to specific machine ID and IP and preventing Windows Authentication, how do you tell it to do Server Authentication? It seems to work at run-time for inexplicable reasons, but I can't get it to connect at design-time. It gives this error: Login failed. The login is from an untrusted domain and cannot be used with Windows authentication. Well, yeah, because it's configured to accept SERVER Auth ONLY! There's no way to enter Server Auth creds into the standard connection dialog that comes up. What's the workaround?

I have finished the filter functionality for the GExperts Class Browser expert. There are now filter fields for the class name as well as for the members.

I have finished the filter functionality for the GExperts Class Browser expert. There are now filter fields for the class name as well as for the members.

Native Drawing using Petra(Part 1)

Native Drawing using Petra(Part 1) We demonstrate native drawing by building a clock UI app on iOS using Core Graphics and TBitmap. Then we replace TBitmap with TMS iCL as another option. And as a bonus, we will make the clock fully functional. Enjoy! And don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Android - CLICK SOUND:

Android - CLICK SOUND: Dear all. I have an Android application (XE7) in which I drown by set of Buttons a custom Pin-pad. Problem and question is: how in onClick event of button; set it to play standard system click sound? Tomislav

This is almost embarrassing, but I'm having trouble with the IDE finding components. It's D2007, and we've got a couple of libs that are problematic: RXLib and a custom lib. I have this set up on my laptop inside of a VM running Win XP, and it's working fine -- I can open the project with no trouble. On a desktop with Win 7, when I open the project, it keeps complaining about not being able to find components on the forms, and the details say it can't find a file that EXISTS RIGHT WHERE IT'S LOOKING! I hit the "Ignore All" button and "Cancel" buttons until they stop popping up, then close the project and re-open it, then it's fine. We just installed this on a clean D2007 on another guy's desktop and even that doesn't work.

This is almost embarrassing, but I'm having trouble with the IDE finding components. It's D2007, and we've got a couple of libs that are problematic: RXLib and a custom lib. I have this set up on my laptop inside of a VM running Win XP, and it's working fine -- I can open the project with no trouble. On a desktop with Win 7, when I open the project, it keeps complaining about not being able to find components on the forms, and the details say it can't find a file that EXISTS RIGHT WHERE IT'S LOOKING! I hit the "Ignore All" button and "Cancel" buttons until they stop popping up, then close the project and re-open it, then it's fine. We just installed this on a clean D2007 on another guy's desktop and even that doesn't work. When building the libs, it randomly seems to complain when I build the design-time lib that it can't find the run-time BPL/DCP, even though it's exactly where it says it's looking. Or it will compile...

IDE Notifications 1.0a

IDE Notifications 1.0a I've release a bug fix for the IDE Notifications plug-in which was causing access violations when compiling 64-bit applications.
ola !! estou ousando o delphi 10.1 up 2 berlin crackeado ... e os componentes datacontrols [dbgrid] nao aparecem na palheta de componentes... algem esta com esse problema ou sabe como resolver ?

I've issued a bug fix to the Open Tools API Interface Search utility. Its now at version 1.1a.

I've issued a bug fix to the Open Tools API Interface Search utility. Its now at version 1.1a.

Blog post: 7+1 ways to deploy a MARS-Curiosity application server to 5 platforms

Blog post: 7+1 ways to deploy a MARS-Curiosity application server to 5 platforms
UpperCase not actually returning an upper case string... what a lovely design decision that was!

Find a TJSONObject in a big nested JSON representing a Tree.

Find a TJSONObject in a big nested JSON representing a Tree. Hi Gurus, I get entries from a database table and i should create a nested JSON String representing a tree. The database table can have tousends of entries. Each entry represents a node in the tree. The data i get is sorted by tree level, so i start going trough the entrys and create the root TJSONObjects. Then for the next level i have to find the parent TJSONObject by a value and add the current entry to the parents TJSONArray value and so on.... (I hope somebody understand what i trying to do :-)) My (recursive) implementation for finding a node seems to be very slow: function FindNode( const Root: TJSONObject; const Caption: String ): TJSONObject; var Nodes: TJSONArray; Value: TJSONValue; begin Result := nil; Nodes := TJSONArray( Root.Values['nodes'] ); for Value in Nodes do begin if TJSONObject( Value ).GetValue('caption').Value = Caption then begin Result := TJSONObj...