
Showing posts from September, 2015

iOS9 and OSX hot fix is out for those who need it

iOS9 and OSX hot fix is out for those who need it
Anyone else had problems buying from the Embarcadero webstore? Perhaps against my better wisdom (cf. Embarcadero's morally dubious behaviour on the Delphi-related products it itself has acquired over the years - let's hope the new owner doesn't treat existing subscribers similarly), I'm trying to buy my own personal licence + subscription for the latest and greatest, and failing - first the cost magically changes from pounds to euros (with a hefty markup) at the final confirmation screen, then whatever card I use gets declined anyhow. I never had any issues when Embarcadero used Digital River...

Are there any issues with XE10 and OS X 10.11 El Capitan?

Are there any issues with XE10 and OS X 10.11 El Capitan?

Hey guys

Hey guys, I'm here again with many problems to share with you :D Is there any compiler directive to make local variables starting with its default type value? It is a bit strange, looking at the code below: function TQueue .Contains(const Item: T): Boolean;   var     LCount: Int32;     LIndex: Int32;   begin     Result := False;     LIndex := FHead;     LCount := FCount;     for LCount := FCount downto 1 do     begin       if FComparer.Equals(FItems[LIndex], Item) then       begin         Result := True;         Break;       end;       LIndex := (LIndex + 1) mod Length(FItems);     end;   end; On Windows platform, I can remove the line commented, but running on Android it is not a good idea :( Have I misunderstood something? :D

ModPList patch your Info.plist generated by RAD Studio to add some entries you can not include in Version Information tab like

ModPList patch your Info.plist generated by RAD Studio to add some entries you can not include in Version Information tab like In near future I plan some refactoring and the ability to set the values in the Version Information tab like: NSAppTransportSecurity ${NSExceptionDomains={ ={NSExceptionAllowsInsecureHTTPLoads=true}}} FYI: ModPList was started as an example for using my PropertyList library

We bought Delphi 10 Seattle Ent. edition. It's great ( but then I would say that ). Just a couple of niggles. Firstly, as my company paid top dollar for this I don't expect to see adverts in the Welcome page, really I don't care what Embarcadero's excuse is, there is no excuse. Here is how to get rid of it:

We bought Delphi 10 Seattle Ent. edition. It's great ( but then I would say that ). Just a couple of niggles. Firstly, as my company paid top dollar for this I don't expect to see adverts in the Welcome page, really I don't care what Embarcadero's excuse is, there is no excuse. Here is how to get rid of it: 1. Go to to your Welcome page folder. In mine, it was at : C:\Program Files (x86)\Embarcadero\Studio\17.0\Welcomepage. As mine is a UK install I also went to the en sub-folder. 2. Now edit the default.htm file: 3. Comment out the topbanner section with 4. Go to the function setFrameHeight() and change height -= 184; to height -= 84; This sorts out the gap at the bottom caused by removing the topbanner The second niggle is the "childish" ( IMO ) colour scheme. I edited a new registry ( .reg ) file and stuck the following into it: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Embarcadero\BDS\17.0\ModernTheme] "FontName"="Sego...


Hi, I need to implement Active Directory authentication in my Delphi application. I refereed following link to implement it. I am perfectly able to authenticate using AD,but i need to extract email id of AD user. could not find a way to do this.Please help me.

Blog post "Running Delphi Android Applications on Windows Phone via Astoria Bridge" at

Blog post "Running Delphi Android Applications on Windows Phone via Astoria Bridge" at

Hi, We have just got Delphi 10 Seattle Ent.

Hi, We have just got Delphi 10 Seattle Ent. as an upgrade for XE7 Ent. I am trying to open Windows projects created XE7 and the forms end up with an XP style/appearance !! I have opened up several projects and they all look like this ??. When I create a new Windows application with DX and run it the visual components look as they should.  Has anyone come across this? Is there a simple fix?

Hi, We have just got Delphi 10 Seattle Ent. as an upgrade for XE7 Ent. I am trying to open Windows projects created XE7 and the forms end up with an XP style/appearance !! I have opened up several projects and they all look like this ??. When I create a new Windows application with DX and run it the visual components look as they should.

Hi, We have just got Delphi 10 Seattle Ent. as an upgrade for XE7 Ent. I am trying to open Windows projects created XE7 and the forms end up with an XP style/appearance !! I have opened up several projects and they all look like this ??. When I create a new Windows application with DX and run it the visual components look as they should.  Has anyone come across this? Is there a simple fix?

Bug or limitation?

Bug or limitation? type   TFoo=class   public     class procedure Bar(const Data:Array of Const); static;     class procedure NotGen(const Data:Array of Integer); static;     class procedure Gen (const Data:Array of T); static;   end; { TFoo } class procedure TFoo.Bar(const Data: array of Const); begin end; class procedure TFoo.NotGen(const Data:Array of Integer); begin   Bar([Data[0]]); // Ok ! end; class procedure TFoo.Gen (const Data: array of T); begin   Bar([Data[0]]); // end;

In a simple tcp/ip based datasnap application I am trying to send ClientDataSet from Client application to server similar to below example. Problem is that at server I am getting 1 less record than what I am sending from client. Any suggestion what is going on here? Thank You.

In a simple tcp/ip based datasnap application I am trying to send ClientDataSet from Client application to server similar to below example. Problem is that at server I am getting 1 less record than what I am sending from client. Any suggestion what is going on here? Thank You. Client Code ----------------------------------------- var  cd: TClientDataSet; begin   cd:= TClientDataSet.Create(self);   cd.Data := cdsCustomer.Data; Memo1.Lines.Add(IntTostr( cd.RecordCount )) ;  ServerMethods1Client.TestDataSet( CD); Server Code ------------------- function TServerMethods1.TestDataSet(ds: tdataset): string; begin  try     DataSetProviderCommon.DataSet := ds;     if not DataSetProviderCommon.DataSet.eof then      TempClientDataSet.Open;       if  TempClientDataSet.RecordCount >0 then               Form1.Memo1.Lines.Add( IntTostr( TempClientDataSet.RecordCount) ) else         Form1.Memo1.Lines.Add( ' Not records found' ) ;     DataSetProviderCommon.DataSet.Close;   except on e: Ex...

Originally shared by ****

Originally shared by **** CodeSnip v4.13.1 Released CodeSnip v4.13.1 has just been released. This release mainly makes CodeSnip play nicely with Windows 8.1 and 10. If you are using either OS please update. Other than there is a minor change to how the program decides which fonts to use in the UI. There's an...

Development is currently slow, but nothing is on hold. Experimenting with a new UI-Layout(More Nuget inspired). The platform-property for the Delphinus.Info.json, which i defined weeks ago, is finally used!

Development is currently slow, but nothing is on hold. Experimenting with a new UI-Layout(More Nuget inspired). The platform-property for the Delphinus.Info.json, which i defined weeks ago, is finally used! Refreshing is async and doesn't block anymore. WARNING: this is in a feature branch for a reason! (In case you want to try it out already, be patient if possible)
Question: how can I make buttons overlay or hover over top of an image on Android? So I have a fullscreen image and I want some clickable buttons sitting right on top of the image in a corner. Is that possible?

I just found this nasty bug deep in the iOS RTL of #10Seattle:

I just found this nasty bug deep in the iOS RTL of #10Seattle:  "function CocoaPointerConst is not thread-safe" The issue is that this function is called from CocoaNSStringConst which itself is called all over the place in the iOS RTL, making threaded solutions - well, let´s say challenging.

Does anyone have a sample DataSnap WebBroker + REST server application to share?

Does anyone have a sample DataSnap WebBroker + REST server application to share? I mean, something more advanced than the EMBT samples.

I'm trying to use a FMX form in a component editor (for a FMX non visual component). I added the form to the package and registered a component editor to show it (ShowModal).

I'm trying to use a FMX form in a component editor (for a FMX non visual component). I added the form to the package and registered a component editor to show it (ShowModal). The problem is that animations on the FMX forms have a far from perfect behavior (they are too quick, maybe something is wrong with the AniThread or its initialization). Anyone else had the same problem or has a suggestion? I've seen some blog posts about integrating FMX and VCL but nothing specifically about TAnimation... Any help would be very appreciated! :-)

Does anyone know of a thread-safe (preferable lock free) hashmap implementation for Delphi (also multi-platform compatible).

Does anyone know of a thread-safe (preferable lock free) hashmap implementation for Delphi (also multi-platform compatible). If possible I want to avoid using a TDictionary protected by a CS or MREWS.

WDSL spec to Soap object question.

WDSL spec to Soap object question. According to the doc, the GetPartyByGLN should have a request header element - but I can't see how to set it up in the generated code. Does anyone know if the "Cannot unwrap" statement indicates a failure to build a complete interface?   routerSoap = interface(IInvokable)   ['{0665B92C-D719-C758-A143-D08E93CE967A}']     // Cannot unwrap:      //     - More than one strictly out element was found     // Headers: gepirRequestHeader:pIn, gepirResponseHeader:pOut     function  GetPartyByGLN(const requestBody: GetPartyByGLN): gepirParty; stdcall;

It's been a while since the last road map.

It's been a while since the last road map. Until the powers that be provide us a new one - what feature(s) would you like to see in the next Delphi city? Some of my whimsical desires include... - More fixes for known issues  - Proper High DPI management built into VCL (multi DPI image lists, etc) and a proper overhaul for the IDE to rid it of scaling issues - RTL performance improvements for generics and multithreaded memory management - A default out-of-the box cross-platform exception stack tracer with API for plugging in enhanced custom stack tracers, information providers and logging mechanisms - Code generation improvements utilising more modern CPU features - Beacon/IoT support for VCL/Windows platform

Blog post "Another Day for Great RAD Studio 10 Seattle Offers" at http://blog.

Blog post "Another Day for Great RAD Studio 10 Seattle Offers" at

Blog post "Another Day for Great RAD Studio 10 Seattle Offers" at

Blog post "Another Day for Great RAD Studio 10 Seattle Offers" at

All men's miseries derive from not being able to sit in a quiet room alone.

All men's miseries derive from not being able to sit in a quiet room alone. - Blaise Pascal Clearly a programmer at heart! (illustration from the interwebz)

Problems with #10Seattle registration?

Problems with  #10Seattle  registration? Did anybody else see any problems with the registration of their RAD Studio or Delphi installation? I just discovered that it has registered my installation to a different email address than my EMBT registered one.  It seems it has used my MS Outlook email address, which is the one that my Windows installation is linked with.   Does any of you see a "wrong" email address on Help|About?

I bring you some thing different and a bit unusual.

I bring you some thing different and a bit unusual. After seeing a program Tinytask ( ), made with API only, I decided to write a shell program  to compile execute and run a program (form) made out of only API tools. enjoy

Hello guys

Hello guys, Is there any "Built with RAD Studio" badge specific to #10Seattle? Something like the image below? It is pretty cool to put on README files for GitHub repositories signaling that #10Seattle has been used for development. Thanks in advance :D

Consider the following short program that uses PPL:

Consider the following short program that uses PPL: procedure TForm3.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); var   task: ITask; begin   task := TTask.Create(     procedure     begin     end   );   task := task.Start;   task := nil; end; If you put a breakpoint in TTask.Destroy, and run the program, FormCreate executes, the main form is shown, but the destructor is not called even trough "task" variable becomes nil and refcount should be 1. When I close the main form, the destructor executes. Why? Update: if I put a breakpoint before nil-ing the task variable and add a watch I see that refCount is 4???


Hello! I am seeing a really odd problem in BDS2K6. I have a CDS dataset which has an associated provider. This dataset has 3 date fields, two of which have been added recently. The three date fields are, roughly: - Estimated (new) - Actual delivery - Lost (new)(this basically means that we didn't deliver for some reason) When new items are added to the order and NO DATE is touched, all is fine. No errors, no problems, zilch, nada. If, however, one of the other two dates is modified, upon save the Actual Delivery date - if null - will give a "0.0 is not a valid timestamp" validation error. Googling, it seems that this is due to the RTL being unable to validate a NULL date. This is, however, really odd, as we are not seeing anything like this in our main product lines where dates are pretty common and there can be a few in a dataset. So... what do you think is going on here? Up until we only had 1 date field ,there were no problems whatsoever. Ideas? A

A little mORMot in the awesome Russian Delphi territories...

A little mORMot in the awesome Russian Delphi territories...


Hi Is it possible to use the LiveBindings TDataGeneratorAdapter to point to a property of an embedded object. TAddress = class(TObject) Property Street : string ; Property Nr : string; TCustomer = class(Object) Property Address : TAddress In the FieldDefs If tried using  Address.Street Address_Street Address->Street or is it not possible the thing I'm trying to do. Any suggestions ?

Hello people, I need some help. (#10Seattle)

Hello people, I need some help. (#10Seattle) Can we use "*.aar" files (with FMX applications under Android)? If the answer is yes - please post some links here. I can't find tutorials or examples about using of ".aar" files.

TDPFingerPrint is a Delphi component to get finger print in your applications. You can get this at

TDPFingerPrint is a Delphi component to get finger print in your applications. You can get this at

FireMonkey Under the Hood: How FireMonkey Does What It Does

FireMonkey Under the Hood: How FireMonkey Does What It Does Here are two great videos from ITDevCon 2012 by Ray Konopka that talk about how FireMonkey does what it does. Ray gives an overview of the high-level differences between VCL and FMX. In part 2 he shows how to create custom FMX controls. I love the way Ray gets frustrated. He's just like us.

Hi all

Hi all I have a Dell T3610 with raid 1.  I have had 2 disk failures in the last 18 months and it keeps Verifying and Repairing Drives - its at 16% as we speak. I am losing the will to live wondering if its going to start up correctly in a morning or am I going to lose another development day whilst the drives re build! I was thinking about dumping this as a development machine and subscribing to a Cloud Service as a primary development environment. Has anyone any experience of this?  Is it a good idea?  Any suggestions as to which service would provide a good development platform? Thanks for looking PLJ

For better or worse, I decided to use THashSHA2.GetHMACAsBytes(const AData, AKey: string; AHashVersion: TSHA2Version): TBytes in Seattle

For better or worse, I decided to use THashSHA2.GetHMACAsBytes(const AData, AKey: string; AHashVersion: TSHA2Version): TBytes in Seattle What would be an equivalent method for Delphi XE?
I do not seem to get - what I think should be the default behavior - working with a PK on a FMemTable. I am using Delphi 10 Seattle. As an example I define one new field in the FDMemtable, set a PK index, add a DBnavigator, a DBGrid and a DataSource - classic Delphi 1 example. Now entering data in the table and posting - I can add multiple rows with similar values. I would have expected a key-viol to be raise on my post on the second record - but first when I do a refresh - I get the expected behavoir. Some of the other properties on the FDMemtable like Required is also ignored on the post. Well I was actually surprised also to see this on a ClientDataset - I am probably getting old - but a post should validate the constrains - right.

Delphi developer with good SQL. 18 years pro experience. Also c# asp dot net. Java script jquery. Looking for 10 hours work a week maybe a little more. Many 3rd party components. Portfolio can be seen. References available

Delphi developer with good SQL. 18 years pro experience. Also c# asp dot net. Java script jquery. Looking for 10 hours work a week maybe a little more. Many 3rd party components. Portfolio can be seen. References available

Blaise Pascal Magazine: Complete Article Index

Blaise Pascal Magazine: Complete Article Index I subscribed to Blase Pascal Magazine last year. I also purchased the complete back issue library which contains all previous issues of the magazine. Unfortunately the index that came with the Lib Stick didn't work. So I made my own index as a quick reference to help me find the articles I'm interested in.

Sorry for the off-topic :D

Sorry for the off-topic :D I was 13 years old when I saw this for first time :D I felt in paradise :D

Have you heard about Xcode Ghost, a patched version of Xcode many developers downloaded and used which added code to the final built output? It reminds me of Ken Thompson's famous speech describing a C compiler that detects when it's compiling itself, and inserts code into the output.

Have you heard about Xcode Ghost, a patched version of Xcode many developers downloaded and used which added code to the final built output? It reminds me of Ken Thompson's famous speech describing a C compiler that detects when it's compiling itself, and inserts code into the output. It makes me wonder about all those people who supposedly use cracked versions of Delphi, and if those cracks have ever been examined for anything clever. (PDF link.)

What are the localized captions of the "Search Path" dialog in the Delphi IDE? I mean the dialog you get from Project->Options-Delphi Compiler->Search Path -> '..'-Button. I'd like to know the caption of this dialog in German, French and possibly Japanese (For the latter, please supply the unicode representation as #$xxxx#$yyyy since I don't read Japanese.).

What are the localized captions of the "Search Path" dialog in the Delphi IDE? I mean the dialog you get from Project->Options-Delphi Compiler->Search Path -> '..'-Button. I'd like to know the caption of this dialog in German, French and possibly Japanese (For the latter, please supply the unicode representation as #$xxxx#$yyyy since I don't read Japanese.). The reason I'm asking is this: It has irked me since forever that the input field for a directory in this dialog does not have auto complete like in TJvDirectoryEdit and does not support drag and drop from the explorer. I have now used the Delphi IDE Explorer to find the dialog's name and class but unfortunately it seems to have muliple uses which can only be distinguished by the dialog's caption. I don't want to add auto completion to e.g. the "Unit aliases" dialog, so I need to compare the caption. If I get it to work (it works for English right now), I'll possibly ...

Hello guys , We are going through a huge software using XE7 that will manage and control a big PostgreSQL databases,...

Hello guys , We are going through a huge software using XE7 that will manage and control a big PostgreSQL databases, and i'm really concerned which one i use FireMonkey or VCL  i've been developing on VCL for 5 years and we knew that it's so stable, smooth and sweet platform, :D and it still kicking asses out there, but FireMonkey comes with a really cool new and modern stuff we want them in our software , for the moments we are planing that it will runs only on Windows but who knew what's coming in the few years later , We are worry if the FMX are not mature yet for an huge software !! , and because for the few documentations about the FMX makes us really really on fire !!. any advice guys? Thanks

Hello guys , We are going through a huge software using XE7 that will manage and control a big PostgreSQL databases, and i'm really concerned which one i use FireMonkey or VCL i've been developing on VCL for 5 years and we knew that it's so stable, smooth and sweet platform, :D and it still kicking asses out there, but FireMonkey comes with a really cool new and modern stuff we want them in our software , for the moments we are planing that it will runs only on Windows but who knew what's coming in the few years later , We are worry if the FMX are not mature yet for an huge software !! , and because for the few documentations about the FMX makes us really really on fire !!. any advice guys?

Hello guys , We are going through a huge software using XE7 that will manage and control a big PostgreSQL databases, and i'm really concerned which one i use FireMonkey or VCL  i've been developing on VCL for 5 years and we knew that it's so stable, smooth and sweet platform, :D and it still kicking asses out there, but FireMonkey comes with a really cool new and modern stuff we want them in our software , for the moments we are planing that it will runs only on Windows but who knew what's coming in the few years later , We are worry if the FMX are not mature yet for an huge software !! , and because for the few documentations about the FMX makes us really really on fire !!. any advice guys? Thanks

Yesterday I was bitten by the "enhanced anti-piracy measures" in the Delphi Seattle IDE.

Yesterday I was bitten by the "enhanced anti-piracy measures" in the Delphi Seattle IDE. I am a legit, paying customer who has been on subscription for years. I was enjoying Seattle very much until this. Marco Cantù I upvoted . Also posted this in the forum: "The IDE shut down WITHOUT SAVING MY WORK, replacing itself with a web browser at Embarcadero's site telling me my license could not be validated. It restarted and worked fine. Thankfully I am neurotic about hitting ctrl-c and was able to put back what I lost easily enough. It is really hard to understand the mentality that says it is okay to take a chance at ruining a paying customer's workflow by unceremoniously closing the IDE on him. I have no problem with activation, but clearly their "enhanced anti-piracy techniques" are very fallible and it is just foolish to take the chance at harming the work of your customer. Give me a big red warning that ...

Yesterday I was bitten by the "enhanced anti-piracy measures" in the Delphi Seattle IDE. I am a legit, paying customer who has been on subscription for years. I was enjoying Seattle very much until this. Marco Cantù I upvoted

Yesterday I was bitten by the "enhanced anti-piracy measures" in the Delphi Seattle IDE. I am a legit, paying customer who has been on subscription for years. I was enjoying Seattle very much until this. Marco Cantù I upvoted . Also posted this in the forum: "The IDE shut down WITHOUT SAVING MY WORK, replacing itself with a web browser at Embarcadero's site telling me my license could not be validated. It restarted and worked fine. Thankfully I am neurotic about hitting ctrl-c and was able to put back what I lost easily enough. It is really hard to understand the mentality that says it is okay to take a chance at ruining a paying customer's workflow by unceremoniously closing the IDE on him. I have no problem with activation, but clearly their "enhanced anti-piracy techniques" are very fallible and it is just foolish to take the chance at harming the work of your customer. Give me a big red warning that ...
If I am only developing an application for a specific device, say the iPad, is there a reason to use the Master View vs just selecting the iPad view and doing my development directly there? As a newbie I evidently am just not understanding the power of the Master View.

UTF8 problems in Delphi 10

UTF8 problems in Delphi 10 Could somebody reopen them?

another issue .. on Delphi Seattle

another issue .. on Delphi Seattle I tried to compile a clear project and run to OSX ... I recieved this error: dyld: Library not loaded: /usr/lib/libSystem.dylib   Referenced from: /Users/acarlomagno/PAServer/scratch-dir/anton-MBP CASA/   Reason: Incompatible library version: Project1 requires version 88.237.40 or later, but libSystem.B.dylib provides version 1.0.0 I have yosemite 10.10 ...but Delphi createD a SDK 10.11 ... why ? after upgrade to xcode 7.0 .. I have only sdk 10.11 !?!? and ios9 my old SDK are been deleted Antonello

I should have documented this long ago, if only so I don't forget it myself. This is a quick overview, there is much more to say about the parts.

I should have documented this long ago, if only so I don't forget it myself. This is a quick overview, there is much more to say about the parts.

Hi guys

Hi guys, Just wondering about the code below. Should the SizeOf(TSimple) equal to the SizeOf(TSetOfSimple) ? When compiling with Z4 : SizeOf(TSimple) = 4 bytes. SizeOf(TSetOfSimple) = 1 Bytes. I think that both TSimple and TSetOfSimple should have the same size! // --------------------------------------------------   type {$Z4}   TSimple = (i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, i6, i7);   TSetOfSimple = set of TSimple;   // SizeOf(TSimple) = 4 Bytes.   // SizeOf(TSetOfSimple) = 1 Byte.

Showed a #10Seattle Android app running on Windows 10 Lumia via Astoria at #delphitage. Blog post coming.

Showed a #10Seattle Android app running on Windows 10 Lumia via Astoria at #delphitage. Blog post coming.

How to store nullable values in our ORM/ODM.

How to store nullable values in our ORM/ODM. Mainly a contribution of hnb, a mORMot user. Open Source rocks!

Hey guys

Hey guys, I have installed Appmethod 1.17 (using Trial license) and noticed Android Service Project is not supported :( It is a bit strange I don't know why it was dropped from this version :( All the other IDE new features came in but this. :D

Hey guys

Hey guys, Appmethod trial license let us to write Object Pascal apps too? Thanks :D

So I'm wondering... why is the following not allowed?

So I'm wondering... why is the following not allowed? type Ptr = ^T;

So I'm trying to install D10 and I'm wondering if there is any way Embarcadero could possibly make the whole "keeping tabs on your serial number" stuff any more difficult.

So I'm trying to install D10 and I'm wondering if there is any way Embarcadero could possibly make the whole "keeping tabs on your serial number" stuff any more difficult. I'm struggling here... edit: In any case, I got my XE8 serial number, but I never installed XE8. The D10 installer just throws me back to the "trial, key or text file" option after I do the registration wizard... any ideas?

New blog post

New blog post

I have just updated my Delphi7Help4BDS expert to support Delphi XE7, XE8 and 10 Seattle.

I have just updated my Delphi7Help4BDS expert to support Delphi XE7, XE8 and 10 Seattle. It allows to reconfigure F1 + any of the modifier keys Shift, Ctrl, Alt and Alt+Ctrl to call either a help file (you will need the old winhelp viewer that Microsoft dropped with (Vista?)), chm file or internet url. It comes preconfigured with a few example internet urls for searching with Google, Bing, the Embarcadero docwiki or MSDN.

I just updated the Custom Container Pack sources to support Delphi 10 Seattle. It was mostly a matter of creating the packages for the “new” version. I also added Delphi 10 Seattle to the file.

I just updated the Custom Container Pack sources to support Delphi 10 Seattle. It was mostly a matter of creating the packages for the “new” version. I also added Delphi 10 Seattle to the file. It now compiles and installs. I have not tested it extensively.

I wrote this Delphi IDE Explorer Expert when I was trying find the button for showing and hiding the background for the Firemonkey mobile form designer and turn the bloody thing off for good.

I wrote this Delphi IDE Explorer Expert when I was trying find the button for showing and hiding the background for the Firemonkey mobile form designer and turn the bloody thing off for good. Now I have ported it to all Delphi versions from 2007 to 10 Seattle. You can find the sources on SourceForge.

Is there someone who is well versed on Firemonkey apps for OSX?

Is there someone who is well versed on Firemonkey apps for OSX? I need to port some existing Delphi 5 GUIs.  They are simple and I need help jumpstarting my brain from D5 to XE6

Be carefully when using #10Seattle 64-bit compiler for production.

Be carefully when using #10Seattle 64-bit compiler for production. It seems that generated code sometimes is incorrect when optimization is turned on.

The Gremlins continue. I blame the Pope for stirring them up.

The Gremlins continue.  I blame the Pope for stirring them up. Anyone seeing their IDE toolbars move location in #10Seattle?

Did you notice the new component TPresentedScrollBox in Seattle ?

Did you notice the new component TPresentedScrollBox in Seattle ? there's a demo in C:\Users\Public\Documents\Embarcadero\Studio\17.0\Samples\Object Pascal\Multi-Device Samples\User Interface\PlatformScrollBox the interessant thing is that you can set the ContentSize, so you can build a virtual container ... I hope that ListView will use this in the next release instead of loading all the items !

I just made an update to TzObjectInspector to support Delphi Seattle and fix some minors bugs.

I just made an update to TzObjectInspector to support Delphi Seattle and fix some minors bugs. I also added the same look and feel as Delphi XE8-Seattle object inspector.

Another #10Seattle Castalia weirdness that just happened, and I can't reproduce :) Structure blocks found in...

Another #10Seattle  Castalia weirdness that just happened, and I can't reproduce :)  Structure blocks found in binary .dfm data :) I'm actually having some Castalia weirdness all over the place.  The structure highlighting is enabled, but sometimes it just doesn't show up.

Another #10Seattle Castalia weirdness that just happened, and I can't reproduce :) Structure blocks found in binary .dfm data :)

Another #10Seattle  Castalia weirdness that just happened, and I can't reproduce :)  Structure blocks found in binary .dfm data :) I'm actually having some Castalia weirdness all over the place.  The structure highlighting is enabled, but sometimes it just doesn't show up.

Transparency issues with #10Seattle ?

Transparency issues with #10Seattle ? Update: Enabling Runtime Themes in Project Options, solves this issue. I'm having some transparency weirdness issues which I find difficult to recreate in a SSCE.  In the attached image, you can see a login dialog in design mode at upper left, and some of it's properties at the right - and in the middle - the running dialog.  You see those three white spaces that is not in design mode?  That's TLabels that fail to be transparent. In the .dfm, the highlighted label looks like:   object lAppDetail: TLabel     Left = 33     Top = 82     Width = 54     Height = 14     Caption = 'lAppDetail'     Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET     Font.Color = clInfoBk     Font.Height = -12     Font.Name = 'Tahoma'     Font.Style = []     ParentFont = False   end The labels are transparent when compiled with XE7. Here comes the weird part: To make the label transparent again, I just uncheck and recheck the transparent property, which adds t...

A few people have asked me whether I will take over project leadership of GExperts, since Erik has stated that he wants to step down.

A few people have asked me whether I will take over project leadership of GExperts, since Erik has stated that he wants to step down. The answer is: No I am mostly interested in keeping the code formatter working for my development environment, which currently is still mostly Delphi 2007. I'm not interested in maintaining the web site or coordinating the project. I'll continue to contribute if I find anything worthwhile. If somebody else wants to take over, please contact Erik. The only reason for me to change my mind would be if GExperts became inactive, because I use it regularly. In that case I would probably take over and reduce it to the SourceForge site and do binary only releases as I have done with my experimental version. But I'm not the right person to ask if you want the project to progress and expand. There are too many other things that take up my time and interest nowadays.

Hello guys

Hello guys, I'm a bit curious about this API design: At System.Generics.Collections.TArray type: Shouldn't class procedure Sort (var Values: array of T; const Comparer: IComparer ; Index, Count: Integer); overload; static; // current version be class procedure Sort (var Values: array of T; const Comparer: IComparer ; Index, Count: NativeInt); overload; static; // possible new version Once the length of a dynamic array is a NativeInt field? In Copy class procedure I can see Count as a NativeInt field. :D

So this is related to my earlier question.

So this is related to my earlier question. So originally I had Datasnap WebBroker Application where I am sending ClientDataSet from Client to Server and also uploading file from Client to server and saving the same to database. I manually add fields to ClientDataset. Then populate it with data and then send from client to server using this code cdsTemp.SaveToStream(MemoryStreamCusotmer) And at server I basically read the stream as below cdsTemp.LoadFromStream(MemoryStreamCusotmer); Similarly for streaming file I do this from client myFileStream := TFileStream.Create(FileName, fmShareDenyWrite); And at server I do this to save to database. TBlobField(qryTemp.FieldByName('FPData')).LoadFromStream(myFileStream); To test performance I wrote simple TCP/IP based DataSnap Server. Problem is that above code doesn't work any more. This is the error I get for Client dataset issue cdsTemp: Missing data provider or data packet And for streaming file this is the error I get Range check ...

Neos Eureka is pleased to announce the RAD Studio 10/Seattle release of our EurekaLog product!

Neos Eureka is pleased to announce the RAD Studio 10/Seattle release of our EurekaLog product!  EurekaLog catches exceptions and memory leaks in your app, logs them and optionally sends this log back to you via web services, FTP, email and other means.  Registered EurekaLog users with v7 licenses can download a free update by logging in to your EurekaLog download page and entering the credentials we sent you.  Use the v7.3.0.0 link for Seattle. We also offer a generous discount to our loyal users of legacy EurekaLog versions. If you'd like to give EurekaLog a try, then visit our page to download a time limited, full-featured free trial version.  You can also purchase the product on our secure Buy page.

I made the Code completion more forgiving. If you are as lazy as me and you do a lot of typos while coding you may like this IDE plugin I made. It replaces Pascal code completion matching algorithm with different implementation using Levenshtein distance to compute suggestions which is much more forgiving to misspelling.

I made the Code completion more forgiving. If you are as lazy as me and you do a lot of typos while coding you may like this IDE plugin I made. It replaces Pascal code completion matching algorithm with different implementation using Levenshtein distance to compute suggestions which is much more forgiving to misspelling. It can replace things like: TComponent(o).comstate -> TComponent(o).ComponentState and even: TComponent(o).Uatoon -> TComponent(o).UpdateAction It completely disables suggestion filtering allowing you to see the whole list all the time and lets you see how suggestion changes as you type. This is an early alpha and a proof of concept example but I already found it helpful. Let me know if you run into any errors. It is tested mostly on XE7 and XE6!

Can anyone think why, in Seattle, the path would be recognized as existing (turns black in the path dialog):

Can anyone think why, in Seattle, the path would be recognized as existing (turns black in the path dialog): $(BDSCOMMONDIR)\Dcu\$(Platform) Whereas this one would not (turns grey) $(BDSCOMMONDIR)\Dcu\$(Platform)\$(CONFIG) I am 100%, totally, completely, utterly sure that those paths exist.


Hello after the upgrade of xcode to 7 and iphone 5 to ios9 ... my all old apps compiled with XE7/8  don't start. I tried to use Delphi Seattle ... I see that the simulator targets is only iphone5 What happens ? help !
I update Xcode to 7.1 Beta and i'm trying to run BeaconProximityDemo on my Iphone 5. (Delphi Seattle). But i have a error on libsystem.B.dylib that require a 45137.2.96 version or later an i have 1.0.0 - any tip?

Incredible bug in the #10Seattle IDE editor: when I go up down with arrow keys it draws always the same line.

Incredible bug in the #10Seattle IDE editor: when I go up down with arrow keys it draws always the same line. Has anyone experienced this issue? It is impossible to work!

Incredible bug in the #10Seattle IDE editor: when I go up down with arrow keys it draws always the same line. Has anyone experienced this issue? It is impossible to work!

Incredible bug in the #10Seattle IDE editor: when I go up down with arrow keys it draws always the same line. Has anyone experienced this issue? It is impossible to work!
Lars Fosdal​ I'm reading way too many questions on the /sub thingy. Could you perhaps do some "sticky" thingy like you did with the Seattle tag? Just a thought, it could help some people to feel more welcome here.

We're pleased to inform a significant update for the TMS Component Pack is available now! In this update v8.0.0.0, several new components are added:

We're pleased to inform a significant update for the TMS Component Pack is available now! In this update v8.0.0.0, several new components are added: New : TAdvTreeView v1.0.0.0 : High performance, high volume virtual and collection-based feature-packed multicolumn treeview New : TAdvCheckedTreeView v1.0.0.0 : Checked treeview version of TAdvTreeview New : TAdvDirectoryTreeView v1.0.0.0 : Windows file & folder treeview based on TAdvTreeView New : TAdvMultiInputQueryDialog v1.0.0.0 : Easy to use input query of multiple values with edit type control & validation per value New : TAdvScrollMenu v1.0.0.0 : A horizontal scrolling menu control with hierarchical structure

I recently upgraded my application from Delphi 2007 to Delphi XE8. In couple of forms, Form.showmodel line throws "Floating point division by zero" exception. On those forms there is No arithmetic operations done at all.

I recently upgraded my application from Delphi 2007 to Delphi XE8. In couple of forms, Form.showmodel line throws "Floating point division by zero" exception. On those forms there is No arithmetic operations done at all. I tried executing following code before showmodal which resolved the issue.   var   CW, SW: word;   function GetX87CW: word;     ASM     FStCW [Result]   End;   Function GetX87SW: word; // Assembler;     ASM     FStSW [Result]   End;   CW := GetX87CW; SW := GetX87SW;   ShowMessage(Format('CW = $%4x, SW = $%4x',[CW,SW])); I haven't saved this code and commented out all code and again recompiled the application which also resolved the issue. Now I closed Delphi and restarted the XE8 IDE. I opened the project and this issue started appearing again but this time, even though I wrote the above code, it still is throwing exception. Have any one seen such issue and can someone throw some light on possible cause of such issue ?
Dose Datasnap with TCP/IP work only within network or it can work over internet too. Based on my test it's not working over internet.

If I have a variant that is holding an enumeration, what information can extract from it (and how)?

If I have a variant that is holding an enumeration, what information can extract from it (and how)? Would like some (e)RTTI information but from the limit Googling I have done, I don't think it it possible. And before you ask, I can't change anything - I am given the variant by the hosting application (to my plug-in) :-\


#10Seattle I can not type ] char, it get replaced by [ everytime. :(
What are you guys using for cd/dvd burning. I'm using Magic Burner from binary magics for Delphi XE but I will be upgrading to D10. They are a bit slow on version updates.

Totally off topic:

Totally off topic: Help my cat win a contest: Subscribe at:

Delphi Colorizer is ready to Rad Studio 10 Seattle.

Delphi Colorizer is ready to Rad Studio 10 Seattle.  Delphi Colorizer listo para Rad Studio 10 Seattle.

When I buy Delphi without subscription, then I don't get any fixes/updates anymore.

When I buy Delphi without subscription, then I don't get any fixes/updates anymore. But how can I buy a fix (update) for the current version (If I don't need newer versions)? Is this possible at all?
When I buy Delphi without subscription, then I don't get any fixes/updates anymore. But how can I buy a fix (update) for the current version (If I don't need newer versions)? Is this possible at all?
I have started a new GitHub project. Something similar to but oriented around 'features' (ERRTI, attributes, generics ...), not around compiler versions.

GetIt in DX just crashes whilst downloading OmniThread lib.

GetIt in DX just crashes whilst downloading OmniThread lib. Now it refuses to install OmniThread, because it thinks it already downloaded it and it want to compile the incomplete download.  How do I reset the GetIt package manager so it will re-download. (Yes, will file a bug report in due course).

GetIt in DX just crashes whilst downloading OmniThread lib. Now it refuses to install OmniThread, because it thinks it already downloaded it and it want to compile the incomplete download.

GetIt in DX just crashes whilst downloading OmniThread lib. Now it refuses to install OmniThread, because it thinks it already downloaded it and it want to compile the incomplete download.  How do I reset the GetIt package manager so it will re-download. (Yes, will file a bug report in due course).

I seriously hate it when people don't write their inc files future proof!

I seriously hate it when people don't write their inc files future proof! New Delphi version - boom, stuff does not compile anymore because something like IFDEF SomeAncientDelphiVersion_UP is not true anymore because they only define it for verxxx for every released version. Or even worse stuff compiles but breaks somewhere. Argh, use if you are unable to do it yourself properly!

Delphi awesome frameworks and libraries

Delphi awesome frameworks and libraries via via Larry Hengen  page, which both are now seem defunct.

We have an Barcode-Scanner (MC32NO Motorolla Laser Scanner) with Android on it.

We have an Barcode-Scanner (MC32NO Motorolla Laser Scanner) with Android on it.  I need to create an app with #10Seattle to get the scanner work. I meant that the scanner is allways enabled but now i know this is not correct. Has someone worked with those scanners and how can i enable the barcode-scanner from a #10Seattle  application? Thanks a lot for some help
#10Seattle: Is there an official GExperts for D10 Seattle yet?  I'm just migrating from XE8 to D10 and I miss it.

Refactoring: Change of type name does not change type for record helper.

Refactoring: Change of type name does not change type for record helper.  When using Ctrl-Shift-E to rename a type, a reference to the type in a record helper will not be affected. The expected behaviour is that the type is replaced in the record helper declaration as well. Problem verified for #10Seattle and XE7.1, but probably exists in XE8.x and versions prior to XE7 as well.

Refactoring: Change of type name does not change type for record helper. When using Ctrl-Shift-E to rename a type, a reference to the type in a record helper will not be affected. The expected behaviour is that the type is replaced in the record helper declaration as well. Problem verified for #10Seattle and XE7.1, but probably exists in XE8.x and versions prior to XE7 as well.

Refactoring: Change of type name does not change type for record helper.  When using Ctrl-Shift-E to rename a type, a reference to the type in a record helper will not be affected. The expected behaviour is that the type is replaced in the record helper declaration as well. Problem verified for #10Seattle and XE7.1, but probably exists in XE8.x and versions prior to XE7 as well.

Hey guys

Hey guys, Is there a way to join the string value of generic array elements? Something like function ToString(Array: TArray ): string; I thought I should use GetTypeKind(T) and get the string representation for each possible value type, is it the correct way? :D Stefan Glienke, you are the generic guy :D, please light a light :D I'd want to bypass the Android debugger limitations :D Thanks :D

Hi guys. This is my scenario:

Hi guys. This is my scenario: Standalone Datasnap Server with a couple GetXXX: TFDJSONDataSets; The server pulls the data from a MS SQL Server through FireDAC. These functions all follow the same structure: function GetXXX: TFDJSONDataSets; begin   AFDQuery.Active := False;   Result := TFDJSONDataSets.Create;   TFDJSONDataSetsWriter.ListAdd(Result, AFDQuery); end; So far so good. Now I consume the server from Mobile (mainly Android). I can get the data, display it on some control, do whatever-i-want. To get the data on the client side, i use something like this var   JsonData: TFDJSONDataSets; begin   // MemTab here is a TFDMemTable   JsonData := Methods.GetXXX;  MemTab.AppendData(TFDJSONDataSetsReader.GetListValue(JsonData, 0));     MemTab.Open; end; What I need to do is to save this data locally. I'm using SQLite and I'm doing it in an old-fashioned while not Eof loop. Is there a better approach? Like, dumping the whole data into a SQLite table? I'm ok with "deleting...

Delphi chat room, anyone?

Delphi chat room, anyone? Delphi chat room on Gitter:   via @gitchat#Delphi

New blog post

New blog post


Hello! I was creating a new mobile project in #10Seattle mpare it with a new one in XE8 - and I suddenly realised I do not have all of the application types in 10 that I have in XE 8. They have all gone. Where are they? A

I can't run apps on OS X.

I can't run apps on OS X. RAD Studio 10 Seattle, Delphi personality. Created new app from scratch and put on it one button and added ShowMessage("Hello') in its OnClick event. Installed PAServer17.pkg on Mac (10.10 Yosemite, XCode 7). Started. RAD Studio automatically installed SDK (10.11, that seems to be the only SDK available) from the Mac. Then the program deploys. But when the PAServer tries to start it, I get the following error: ================================================ Process Control Server Started pid 2422 exe  built Aug  7 2015 sentinelFunc 2424 dyld: Library not loaded: /usr/lib/libSystem.dylib   Referenced from: /Users/primoz/PAServer/scratch-dir/gabr-Milena/   Reason: Incompatible library version: Project1 requires version 112.0.97 or later, but libSystem.B.dylib provides version 1.0. ================================================ I have absolutely no idea what that means and how to approach this problem. Please, h...

I couldn't find any specific information on this, but after reading many tutorials on App Tethering, it seems that the underlying technology for this is Sockets, similar to in Node. Is this an accurate assumption? I make this assumption because everything is simply a broadcast message to one or more peers, no return values can be sent.

I couldn't find any specific information on this, but after reading many tutorials on App Tethering, it seems that the underlying technology for this is Sockets, similar to in Node. Is this an accurate assumption? I make this assumption because everything is simply a broadcast message to one or more peers, no return values can be sent. #appTethering #XE
Is it possible to change default (orange) theme in Delphi 10 Seattle?

Recent survey from the WSJ.

Recent survey from the WSJ.

Error while reporting the Error :(

Error while reporting the Error :( Where can I send the QCInfo.bdsreport file ?

Hi Folks

Hi Folks We are using Delphi 5 (Enterprise) and we need a Zip library, but it must be completely self contained; as we cannot deliver DLL's.  It also must be PkZip compatible and must work with the latest implementations found in Delphi XE7, XE8 ( also PkZip compatible ) We have tried ZipMaster ( can't use it as it uses DLL's ) and some code for calling the Windows Shell Zip API ( can't use this either, as it turns out to be quite flakey ) Any help ( or links ) would be gratefully received. Thanks

Embarcodero being bought out??

Embarcodero being bought out?? a US$425m covenant-lite credit to back Idera’s acquisition of Embarcadero Technologies. Idera is backed by TA Associates

So with the advent of DX and some recent user feedback from a user of one of our apps who actually use non-standard Windows Font size settings, I've been again looking into Delphi font scaling and high(er) DPI displays of late, and as a consequence ran across the following SO post:

So with the advent of DX and some recent user feedback from a user of one of our apps who actually use non-standard Windows Font size settings, I've been again looking into Delphi font scaling and high(er) DPI displays of late, and as a consequence ran across the following SO post: In one of the answers there's an interesting discussion by Ian Boyd where he provides most but not all of the code for (mostly) properly scaling forms and controls based on a user's desktop font and font-size preferences.   As I was curious to test his code I therefore collected all the code into a unit and implemented the missing bits.  Having been quite impressed with just how well it seems to work, I've now put it up on pastebin in case anyone else might find it useful: Hope it's of use to someone. :)  (Yes, I know, only 3 years or so late to the party!)

Making sure there are no missing semi-colons

Making sure there are no missing semi-colons Got to love those puns... :) Link is just a random webpage about Nvidia's new GPU that is named after Blaise Pascal.


Hello! I think my grep command isn't correct. It's taking a lot of time to do only a few millions files. The command line looks like this: grep -w+ -e $TEXT d:\*.dfm -d+ The intent is to look for $TEXT in every dfm file in all subdirectories in D: by using the word format instead of a regex (I do not have fancy requirements, I just really need to find occurrences of $TEXT). Can anybody see anything wrong with that cmdline? A

Does anyone have a working link to the CodeRage 2 session replays? The links on the edn page won't work:

Does anyone have a working link to the CodeRage 2 session replays? The links on the edn page won't work:

Here are some (late coming, blurry) photos of the #Delphi events that happened in The Netherlands (Sep 15th) and in Belgium (Sep 17th).

Here are some (late coming, blurry) photos of the #Delphi events that happened in The Netherlands (Sep 15th) and in Belgium (Sep 17th). #Gnostice  was there.

TMS Pack for FireMonkey v3.2 ( is released now with new fast, feature packed, millions of node handling treeview!

TMS Pack for FireMonkey v3.2 ( ) is released now  with new fast, feature packed, millions of node handling treeview!

I am looking at developing an app on a Windows 8.1 tablet(will possibly be upgrading to windows 10) with an Intel® Atom™ Processor Z3735F. Will be using usb ports to communicate with another device. Will Delphi 10 Seattle be able to create apps for this unit? Problems/Suggestions?

I am looking at developing an app on a Windows 8.1 tablet(will possibly be upgrading to windows 10) with an Intel® Atom™ Processor Z3735F.   Will be using usb ports to communicate with another device. Will Delphi 10 Seattle be able to create apps for this unit?  Problems/Suggestions? Thanks
Anybody have any demo code for an Indy 10 Telnet Server that they are able to share?

How to add images to a listview with Delphi and CBuilder.

How to add images to a listview with Delphi and CBuilder.

IDE raise this error after restoring a unit, after a crash.

IDE raise this error after restoring a unit, after a fact I've stopped the IDE because the Ctrl+Click on a function make the IDE not responsive anymore.

IDE raise this error after restoring a unit, after a fact I've stopped the IDE because the Ctrl+Click on a function make the IDE not responsive anymore.

IDE raise this error after restoring a unit, after a fact I've stopped the IDE because the Ctrl+Click on a function make the IDE not responsive anymore.

Delphi #10Seattle critical Win64 debugger bug.

Delphi #10Seattle  critical Win64 debugger bug.   Hello. Does anyone work with debugging under Win64 configuration? All recent versions of Delphi (10 Seatle, XE8, XE7 and maybe more) have a critical bug that makes it impossible to work with Delphi at all. Debugger loses source code tracing immediately after the unloading of any DLL: procedure TForm1.Button1Click (Sender: TObject); var    FileName: string;    h: HModule;    TestDllFunc: function: Integer; begin    FileName: = ExtractFilePath (GetModuleName (HInstance)) + 'DllProject.dll';    if FileExists (FileName) then begin      h: = LoadLibrary (PChar (FileName));      if h 0 then begin        TestDllFunc: = GetProcAddress (h, 'TestDll');        if Assigned (TestDllFunc) then begin          TestDllFunc;        end;        FreeLibrary (h);      end;      self.Caption: self.Caption + = '2';    end; end; After the line FreeLibrary (h) CPU window appears and all debugging possible through CPU window only. Does a...

hum...what is that for ?!

hum...what is that for ?!   TBindListEditorCommon = class(TInterfacedObject, IBindListEditorCommon)   protected     procedure BeginUpdate; virtual; abstract;     procedure EndUpdate; virtual; abstract;     procedure ClearList; virtual; abstract;     function GetSelectedItem: TObject; virtual;     function GetSelectedValue: TValue; virtual;     function GetSelectedText: string; virtual; abstract;     function GetRowCount: Integer; virtual; abstract;     function GetPositionGetter(var AGetter: string; var ABase: Integer): Boolean; virtual; abstract;     function GetPositionSetter(var ASetter: string; var ABase: Integer): Boolean; virtual; abstract;   end;

Have somebody tried Mitov RTTI?

Have somebody tried Mitov RTTI? Some context: Discount (for source code) via Blaise Pascal Magazine

Strange bug under Seattle (not tested for older releases)

Strange bug under Seattle (not tested for older releases) Create a new FMX project, save it and close it. delete: Project1.dproj Project1.dproj.local Project1.identcache Open Project1.dpr the available targets are now only Win32 and iOS64 add the Android platform and compile the project you'll have a compilation error with a C:\res not found error ! on C: you'll find C:\assets C:\bin C:\classes C:\debug C:\library C:\Project1 :(
I have some pretty old code that contains a lot of IFDEFs for obsolete versions of Delphi and the CLX.  I am still maintaining this code base and would like to just eliminate all that stuff from the source files.  Is there a tool that will let me process .pas files removing things based on compiler directives?

Hey peeps!

Hey peeps! Our own Dalija Prasnikar 's son is going to become rich and famous by being a Sci-Fi writer. Let's give him a boost by feed-backing his first book/ I am sure Dalija Prasnikar  will be more than happy to put out links per-country for the kindle. And be nice: you can download the kindle reading app for PCs too, so no excuses ! Come on people! Go Neven! A

Found in Emb's forums :

Found in Emb's forums : I haven't look at it myself but it might be handy for someone...

Here is my latest blog post about TFrameStand a component for FMX (XE7..10 Seattle) that ease the way you handle TFrame (especially in mobile applications) and can help you providing some nice visual effects.

Here is my latest blog post about TFrameStand a component for FMX (XE7..10 Seattle) that ease the way you handle TFrame (especially in mobile applications) and can help you providing some nice visual effects. The source in available on GitHub and there are some demos to show main functionalities. Also, there is an article about this component on the latest issue of Blaise Pascal Magazine. Any comment/suggestion would be very appreciated! :-)

Embarcadero RAD Solution Pack

Embarcadero RAD Solution Pack Is this on your shopping list? Personally, I think the bundle is too large and contain components that are too disjunct to bundle. "The ultimate collection of VCL and FMX tools and components for Delphi and C++Builder to enhance your applications and boost your productivity. The RAD Solution Pack delivers charting, reporting, grids, UI controls, debugging, analytics and IoT components and tools into a single high powered and cost effective solution. An incredible value of over $6,000 worth of components and tools!"
Originally shared by Boian Mitov

First of all, thank you very much for your patience with a newbie to Delphi. I really appreciate it!

First of all, thank you very much for your patience with a newbie to Delphi. I really appreciate it! I want to get more familiar with the files, extensions and directory structure that Delphi outputs. Is there documentation on what all these files are? Also, can I rebuild a project if I only have the test_app.pas and test_app.fmx files? What other files have critical information?

Hi guys. Anyone able to help with this FireDAC Stack Overflow question? I'm new to FireDAC and learning just by reading the documentation and code samples, and am stuck trying to set the SQLLite database. (Properties named in the documentation that don't actually exist, exceptions thrown, you name it.)

Hi guys. Anyone able to help with this FireDAC Stack Overflow question? I'm new to FireDAC and learning just by reading the documentation and code samples, and am stuck trying to set the SQLLite database. (Properties named in the documentation that don't actually exist, exceptions thrown, you name it.) I'm sure this is a very newb-ish question. I've never used FireDAC before and it may be horribly obvious. Still, help appreciated :)
Another question about device orientation on Android. Is it standard practice to check for device orientation and then based on that build my screens (lay down components, buttons, etc) in code? i.e. one screen layout for Portrait and another one for Landscape? Or am I making this difficult on myself and there is something built into Delphi to take care of this that I am missing?

What Every Delphi Developer Should Know About Writing for Windows and Mac

What Every Delphi Developer Should Know About Writing for Windows and Mac This article is reprinted with permission from the editor of Blaise Pascal Magazine.


Hello! Here's something interesting about #10Seattle . Let's see if anybody of you gets the same problem: - Load the AviCapture example in JEDI - Double-click on the OnVideoStream event - Add MMSystem to the interface section of the unit - Ctrl+Click to navigate to the unit - Press Ctrl+F What happens to you? A


Hello! Can somebody please give me the right URL where to download the latest JVCL/JCL? I tried the master github and has errors. I also tried SVN and that has errors as well. The only active branch is of version 2. I really do not have the inclination to deal with the compiler errors, do you know of any legit package which works out of the box? Thanks! A

DDevExtensions 2.83 and DFMCheck 1.5 for RAD Studio 10 Seattle are now available as a re-release (just a recompile)

DDevExtensions 2.83 and DFMCheck 1.5 for RAD Studio 10 Seattle are now available as a re-release (just a recompile)
New to Delphi. Trying to figure out how to stretch/expand an image to cover the entire screen when an Android device is rotated into landscape view. This image takes up about half of the screen in portrait mode and I want it to expand to take up the entire screen in landscape. Any ideas?

I just created my first "Hello World" cross-application WIn32 & OSX application. I'm very excited.

I just created my first "Hello World" cross-application WIn32 & OSX application. I'm very excited. When the application runs under the OSX platform it passes through the PAServer sitting on the Mac and then the program runs. I have a few questions about what is going on. Does all of this happen in memory on the Mac? Are there any files copied to the Mac at run time? If so where are they stored?

After installed the 30367 patch(, some dialog boxes are still large fonts.

After installed the 30367 patch( ), some dialog boxes are still large fonts.

I am sure this topic has been ask before, so feel free to redirect me to that thread.

I am sure this topic has been ask before, so feel free to redirect me to that thread. I am after an application to keep track of features I want to add and issues that need to be addressed. I would prefer local storage (ie, on my PC) but I might consider cloud-based solutions. The source that it will be for is currently (may change in the future) only stored locally (this why I would prefer local storage). What do people use/recommend?
When we finally get WebBroker for the Linux Platform? In Delphi 11? Any predictions? Is there a new roadmap?

What does it mean in SOAP handler below code?

What does it mean in SOAP handler below code? Delphi XE:             if not HttpEndRequest(Request, nil, 0, 0) then                 RetVal := HandleWinInetError(GetLastError, Request); Delphi XE7:             HttpEndRequest(Request, nil, 0, 0);             RetVal := HandleWinInetError(GetLastError, Request, True);
Any word on when the great Andreas Hausladen  will be releasing DDevExtensions and IDE FixPack for DX Seattle?

Devart ‪#‎Delphi‬ ORM - EntityDAC gained support of RAD Studio 10 and various other improvements and fixes.

Devart ‪#‎Delphi‬ ORM - EntityDAC gained support of RAD Studio 10 and various other improvements and fixes.  New EntityDAC version is ready to download   See a full list of changes #10seattle

For gods sake STOP it o.o!

For gods sake STOP it o.o! (Reading this way too often online, in forums and everywhere! You don't say Delphi 10 10!)

I am working on having desktop application synchronize it's database with the mobile app.

I am working on having desktop application synchronize it's database with the mobile app. I am streaming the  source cds to the mobile cds. When the stream is loaded in the mobile app the data should update the table. The proble is that it is not updating the mobile's table. I am doing something like this: procedure TForm1.btnCopyClick(Sender: TObject); var   lst: tmemoryStream; begin   cdsorig.SaveToFile('orig.xml');   cdsorig.Active := true;   cdsdest.Active := true;   lst := TmemoryStream.Create;   try     cdsorig.SaveToStream(lst);     LSt.Seek(0, soBeginning);     LSt.Position := 0;     cdsdest.LoadFromStream(lst);   finally     lst.Free;   end;   cdsdest.SaveToFile('dest.xml'); end; here is a small demo here: www, Can someone let me know what I am doing wrong? DXE8, Win64.
So I found out that something has corrupted my install of OSX Yosemite and Xcode 7 and rad studio seattle have some how become incompatable due to the libsystem.dylib file being and older version than required. Going to reinstall OSX and see how it goes.

Ok, a blast from the past. Did anyone else use Windows 3.1 with Calmira, a replacement shell written in Delphi 1?

Ok, a blast from the past. Did anyone else use Windows 3.1 with Calmira, a replacement shell written in Delphi 1? and (animated GIF, give it a couple of seconds) and (an XP look - this was long after I last used it) and I gather there is or was even a Vista-mimicking look It is still downloadable, including source, from here: The code was way past my level of understanding at the time, but it inspired me to write my own shell, also in Delphi 1. I got a Start menu of sorts going at least, I think. Source code was lost long ago - and was probably abominable. I was a kid, and mostly self-taught. I didn't even understand object-orientation properly back then. Still, I can't help wishing I still had it around somewhere, just to fire up and look at. #delphi1  (Yes, Lars Fosdal, it deserves its own hashtag too. Why does Seatt...
I have a Datasnap ISAPI server and client that talks to it. Problem is that it takes about 7 seconds just for request to receive at server. My test echo string function takes about 7 seconds. But if I run it again without closing client application it takes 2 seconds. Any idea what can be done to improve the speed first time itself. Thank You.

A new version of Navigator is available, 1.3.1. This fixes problems on pre-Seattle IDEs where you might get an out of memory error - the same one the IDE showed for large projects. Navigator's memory use wasn't friendly to the IDE's memory space, and has now been completely reworked, using a couple of techniques that are probably well worth a blog post in themselves. If you encountered these errors, and about 10% of customers did, they should all be gone.

A new version of Navigator is available, 1.3.1. This fixes problems on pre-Seattle IDEs where you might get an out of memory error - the same one the IDE showed for large projects. Navigator's memory use wasn't friendly to the IDE's memory space, and has now been completely reworked, using a couple of techniques that are probably well worth a blog post in themselves. If you encountered these errors, and about 10% of customers did, they should all be gone. If you have version 1.3.0 you should automatically get an update notification.  (No blog post for this update - there are no new features, just bugfixes.)

My Thunderbird as news reader stopped working with Embarcadero Discussion Forums. It took a wile to fix.

My Thunderbird as news reader stopped working with Embarcadero Discussion Forums. It took a wile to fix.  The solution was to switch to ssl in the configuration AND !! using this advice now it is OK.

I need to create an installation package for deploy my application on Windows (7, 8, 8.1 and 10). I have no idea of which application is necessary use to create this piece of software.

I need to create an installation package for deploy my application on Windows (7, 8, 8.1 and 10). I have no idea of which application is necessary use to create this piece of software.  Do you have a good experience or a favorite option to do this?
Usually, when we save a unit with events whose method is empty, Delphi automatically removes the code ... but sometimes not, do you have any idea why this happens ?
Is it worth to upgrade from Delphi XE Pro to #10Seattle (only VCL & Windows apps)? Why?

Serious Avast issue with Dephi XE8- DX10 compiled apps.

Serious Avast issue with Dephi XE8- DX10 compiled apps.

RAD Studio 10 Seattle applications run on iOS9: #10Seattle

RAD Studio 10 Seattle applications run on iOS9: . #10Seattle

A colleague’s having a WTF moment... A very weird problem that only happens when compiling to 64 bits (XE7).

A colleague’s having a WTF moment... A very weird problem that only happens when compiling to 64 bits (XE7). An event handler with signature Sender: TObject; ACol, ARow: integer; var EditorType: TEditorType is being called.  In the calling procedure, ACol = 1, and ARow = 0. In the called handler, however, ACol = 0, ARow = , and requesting 'Sender.ClassName' in the debugger says that it's not accessible. Further tests suggest that in the handler, ACol consistently receives the value that was passed to ARow in the caller, which kinda suggests that there's some kind of alignment problem. To make matters worse, it's in an event handler for a custom grid descended from a TMS TAdvStringGrid, which the application uses a lot, but this is the only instance where that specific problem occurs. The custom part of the grid hasn't been touched since Delphi 2009. We haven't been able to reproduce this behaviour elsewhere, either. Does anybody have a clue what we could do...


Hello! WHAT THE BLOODY F.$ ££&£ $$!!!!!!!!! Ok, so, changing the field type from WIDESTRING to STRING did the trick. Now remains to be seen whether "String" is correct or not, i.e. if it stores the data internally as ANSI or Unicode. WTF!!! A [ORIGINAL] I think the incoming question is telling of how often I use data-aware controls :D So, follow these steps: - New project -Drop a TDBListBox, TDBEdit, TDataSource and TClientDataset on a form - Create a field called "Value" in the CDS -  Create the dataset - Hook everything up - Add some items to the db listbox - Add a button - In the button code, add  a show message to show the CDS's value - Run - Select an item in the db listbox Now, I would expect the same value to show in the TDBEdit and, if you press the button, I expect to see the value coming from the CDS. This is not so. I have tried in the following: - BDS2006 - XE - XE 8 - Seattle I am clearly not doing something I should be doing. What is it? Thanks...

Very "simple" question, for you Jedis: I have 2 visual components, ex: TButton and a TShadowEffect (shadow is parented from the button). I need to get the tag shadow property.

Very "simple" question, for you Jedis: I have 2 visual components, ex: TButton and a TShadowEffect (shadow is parented from the button). I need to get the tag shadow property. Here I get of course the button's tag, but I need to get the shadows tag: FTag := (Sender as TButton).Tag; and  FTag := TShadowEffect(Sender as TRectangle).Tag;  of course again this will not work... Should I use Owner instead, with a correct sintax? Well lost here... :)

Hello guys, i have a custom component with a event handler that has a const Array [TSomeEnumeration] of string

Hello guys, i have a custom component with a event handler that has a const Array [TSomeEnumeration] of string On 10 Seattle, when I assign an event handler at design time (double click from inspector) the generated code attaches a [Ref] attribute just after my const keyword The docwiki states that "is used to qualify constant function parameters so that they are passed by reference (not by value) to the function" Please, explain me. Is this any new kind of compiler magic? I have a bunch of those events handlers that were coded Pre-10 Seattle and they still work fine withouth the Ref attrbute. Also, the component's event handlers type declarations weren't changed. What should i do? Start adding [Ref] where is missing? Are there any side effects? AFAIK this is for optimization (not copying the entire array). I can't really understand how the code is able to compile two different event types. I can't really see whats happening under the hood

It looks like Roman Yankovsky was a visionary with FixInsight, as Peganza has announced, early, a similar product called 'Pascal Expert' (announced here

It looks like Roman Yankovsky was a visionary with FixInsight, as Peganza has announced, early, a similar product called 'Pascal Expert' (announced here ). Which one do I prefer? FixInsight (as it does exists) but it will be interesting to see how 'Pascal Expert' compares (dislike the name tho but I guess they are going with the 'Pascal ' theme).

Originally shared by David Berneda

Originally shared by David Berneda News about the TeeBI project. The TBIDataset component now supports sub-columns and inner-datasets. Implemented importing of complex "nosql" structures (JSON, XML, etc) with no coding.
Does anyone know of SVN access components for use Delphi applications?

Hey guys

Hey guys, System.JSON.Readers and System.JSON.Writers were borrowed from the famous James Newton-King' Json.NET library, that is pretty amazing :D #10Seattle surprising me each day. :D

hi friends, I have developed an application using MVVM framework, I am not sure whether this application is achived...

hi friends, I have developed an application using MVVM framework, I am not sure whether this application is achived MVVM framework or not. please let me know your valuable feedback.

hi friends, I have developed an application using MVVM framework, I am not sure whether this application is achived MVVM framework or not. please let me know your valuable feedback.

hi friends, I have developed an application using MVVM framework, I am not sure whether this application is achived MVVM framework or not. please let me know your valuable feedback.

From a 96 ppi to a higher DPI to per monitor DPI to per application DPI.

From a 96 ppi to a higher DPI to per monitor DPI to per application DPI. Just curious how much would it take... P.S. Seems per app DPI is already there - for Chrome.

PostgresDAC 3.0.3 meets RAD Studio 10 Seattle! #postgresql #database #dac #10Seattle

PostgresDAC 3.0.3 meets RAD Studio 10 Seattle! #postgresql #database #dac #10Seattle

So I'm using the new xcode 7.1 beta since we can deploy to iOS devices without paying the $100 yearly developer program fee and if I run an app via Xcode it runs fine on my device, but when done through delphi the app opens and closes in about 1 second.

So I'm using the new xcode 7.1 beta since we can deploy to iOS devices without paying the $100 yearly developer program fee and if I run an app via Xcode it runs fine on my device, but when done through delphi the app opens and closes in about 1 second.  So I ran it through 'instruments' and opened up the console and I'm getting this error : "dyld: Library not loaded: /usr/lib/libc++abi.dylib   Referenced from: /private/var/mobile/Containers/Bundle/Application/0E3DDB30-C1FE-43AB-8A1A-0369180F5404/   Reason: Incompatible library version: NewProject1 requires version 25971.111.89 or later, but libc++abi.dylib provides version 1.0.0 " Not sure what to do here, the firemonkey apps won't even run on mac osx, but runs fine on the iOS simulator. Apps run fine through Xcode. Does anybody have a fix for this ?

I have stupid naming problem.

I have stupid naming problem. I have class with two methods. Both have same signature and do the same thing but one eats up all exceptions and other does not.  I don't know how to name them in order to convey that difference in behavior. For instance: function Load: string; function LoadSafe: string;

Little game of the day.

Little game of the day. Put a TGridPanelLayout on a (FMX) form, select the first RowItem and fix it's Percent value to 10 :) Workaround -> edit the FMX and set both row value at once
Hi, someone has update an android market app rebuilt with #10seattle? ... mine doens't work .. apk seems corrupted ...

When I develop mobile apps with e.g. the current Delphi version, does the apps also run on a new (future) mobile OS version? Or do I have to upgrate Delphi to compile against the specifc OS version.

When I develop mobile apps with e.g. the current Delphi version, does the apps also run on a new (future) mobile OS version?  Or do I have to upgrate Delphi to compile against the specifc OS version. I am just wondering, because some people here posting, that the apps created e.g. XE8 crash on iOS9 beta, and so on ... As Windows developer, I am accustomed, that I just compile my application and it runs on all supported versions, also future ones. That means I don't need to recompile & deploy when a new version arrives.


Hello! I have to create a local account on my PC to create videos and media for the product I am creating. However, Windows 10 does not allow me to add local users because I am using my MS account (simply because Windows 8.1 tricked me into it by making it appear it would only log in the Windows Store using that and instead switching the WHOLE THING to login with the MS Account...). Anybody knows how to do add a local user? Thanks! A


Hello. I need to get the user account picture in Windows 10. I googled a bit and found this: So the question is: how to do this with Delphi XE8?

why two events with a "KeyboardVisible" parameter ?!

why two events with a "KeyboardVisible" parameter ?! remove the parameter or remove one event... procedure TCommonCustomForm.VirtualKeyboardChangeHandler(const Sender: TObject;   const Msg: System.Messaging.TMessage); begin   if TVKStateChangeMessage(Msg).KeyboardVisible then   begin     if Assigned(FOnVirtualKeyboardShown) then       FOnVirtualKeyboardShown(Self, True, TVKStateChangeMessage(Msg).KeyboardBounds)   end   else if Assigned(FOnVirtualKeyboardHidden) then     FOnVirtualKeyboardHidden(Self, False, TVKStateChangeMessage(Msg).KeyboardBounds); end;

ANN: DAC for MySQL 3.0.0-beta with RAD Studio 10 Seattle support and support for Android, MacOS & IOS target platforms is out!

ANN: DAC for MySQL 3.0.0-beta with RAD Studio 10 Seattle support and support for Android, MacOS & IOS target platforms  is out! MicroOLAP Direct Access Components for MySQL and Delphi/C++ Builder (also known as MySQLDAC) is a Borland Delphi/C++Builder component set for direct connect to MySQL database server. DAC for MySQL allows you to create Delphi/C++Builder applications without BDE, ODBC, ADO and without libmysql.dll. What’s new in v3.0.0-beta: Support for RAD Studio 10 Seattle added, support for Android, MacOS & IOS target platforms introduced, several minor bugs fixed. Full changelog: [!] Package for RX10 Seattle added [!] Android target platform support added [!] iOS target platform support added [!] MacOS target platform support added [+] Function TableEngineToString added [-] Linker error "Unresolved external 'getaddrinfo' referenced" in C++ Builder when link with runtime packages is disabled fixed [-] "AV occurs when setting TMySQLTable.IndexFie...