Using XE6 Update1, Vcl.
Using XE6 Update1, Vcl.Styles and FastMM 4.991 in full debug mode, I'm getting block being modified after being freed followed by out of memory error. Has anyone else seen this ? I can reproduce it in a small app that has a main menu with a drop down menu with one item. That item does a ShowMessage in its on click event. The Style is set using the application options, and FastMM is included in the dpr, overriding the built in version shipped with Delphi. Run the app and click on the menu item and then the drop down item. Error message is display from FastMM, 'block has been modified after being freed', followed by Out of Memory exception. Any ideas about how to get around this, other than not using full debug mode ? It all worked fine in XE4. Sue The differences in options between the distributed and the one I use are : $define UseRunTimePackages $define AssumeMultiThreaded $define NoDebugInfo $define CheckHeapForCorruption $define FullDebugMode $def...