
Showing posts from September, 2014

Using XE6 Update1, Vcl.

Using XE6 Update1, Vcl.Styles and FastMM 4.991 in full debug mode, I'm getting block being modified after being freed followed by out of memory error. Has anyone else seen this ? I can reproduce it in a small app that has a main menu with a drop down menu with one item.  That item does a ShowMessage in its on click event.  The Style is set using the application options, and FastMM is included in the dpr, overriding the built in version shipped with Delphi.  Run the app and click on the menu item and then the drop down item.  Error message is display from FastMM, 'block has been modified after being freed', followed by Out of Memory exception. Any ideas about how to get around this, other than not using full debug mode ?  It all worked fine in XE4. Sue The differences in options between the distributed and the one I use are : $define UseRunTimePackages $define AssumeMultiThreaded $define NoDebugInfo $define CheckHeapForCorruption $define FullDebugMode $def...

Using XE6 Update1, Vcl.Styles and FastMM 4.991 in full debug mode, I'm getting block being modified after being freed followed by out of memory error.

Using XE6 Update1, Vcl.Styles and FastMM 4.991 in full debug mode, I'm getting block being modified after being freed followed by out of memory error. Has anyone else seen this ? I can reproduce it in a small app that has a main menu with a drop down menu with one item.  That item does a ShowMessage in its on click event.  The Style is set using the application options, and FastMM is included in the dpr, overriding the built in version shipped with Delphi.  Run the app and click on the menu item and then the drop down item.  Error message is display from FastMM, 'block has been modified after being freed', followed by Out of Memory exception. Any ideas about how to get around this, other than not using full debug mode ?  It all worked fine in XE4. Sue The differences in options between the distributed and the one I use are : $define UseRunTimePackages $define AssumeMultiThreaded $define NoDebugInfo $define CheckHeapForCorruption $define FullDebugMode $def...
It's incredibly satisfying when you're adding a new feature to a program and by the time you're done the SLOC is 300 less than when you started.

In XE5 Delphi finally made it easy for us to get the locations of "Known Folders", adding methods to TPath that do the API calls for you. In earlier Delphi versions you are still stuck with calling the appropriate API's. Here's how you can achieve a TPath like experience yourself.

In XE5 Delphi finally made it easy for us to get the locations of "Known Folders", adding methods to TPath that do the API calls for you. In earlier Delphi versions you are still stuck with calling the appropriate API's. Here's how you can achieve a TPath like experience yourself.
Has anybody thought of replacing the presentation of data modules? I hate them little boxes, can't find anything there. On the same vein, is anybody still using data modules? :-)

Testing the new Insert and Delete XE7 that work with arrays (see

Testing the new Insert and Delete XE7 that work with arrays (see ) Wow, they are great. Not only they eliminate the need of that typical loop codes we all have to add and remove items in arrays. Speed is fantastic, for example 3 times faster for arrays with 1000 items, ( unless the Move function is already used to shift the array memory). There's one case traditional loops are faster though, when items are of type string or records with string fields (or any managed type I guess).

When testing code I have the source files in "C:\delphi\test" subfolders. Once I am happy of the tests I copy the code into "C:\delphi\production" and compile.

When testing code I have the source files in "C:\delphi\test" subfolders. Once I am happy of the tests I copy the code into "C:\delphi\production" and compile. In order to double check I have migrated the code correctly and the code in production is not broken, I would like to run the same tests for the code in "C:\delphi\production" too. In order to do so I thought it was a good idea to set up two Build configurations in the DUnit Project file: "Test" and "Production" and then via compiler directive $IfDef to connect the units to the Project in the following way: program DUnitTestProject; uses   Vcl.Forms,   SysUtils, System.Classes,   .....   {$ifdef Test}     unit1 in 'C:\delphi\test\abc\unit1u.pas',     unit2 in 'C:\delphi\test\abc\unit2u.pas';     .....   {$endif}   {$ifdef production}     unit1 in 'C:\delphi\production\abc\unit1u.pas',     unit2 in 'C:\delphi\production\abc\unit2u.pas';   {$endif} ....

The Delphi IDE HTML wysiwyg editor. I've never paid much attention to this, but started using it as I needed to resource an html page.

The Delphi IDE HTML wysiwyg editor. I've never paid much attention to this, but started using it as I needed to resource an html page. The question is what does Delphi use for the editor? And can it be used in a VCL application? I'm probably being lazy, but I guess someone here can give me the answer quicker than I can dig around and find it :-)

Every so often I go back from the latest version of Delphi to older ones (yes, XE2 is old :)) And there seem to be quite a few subtle changes:

Every so often I go back from the latest version of Delphi to older ones (yes, XE2 is old :))  And there seem to be quite a few subtle changes: * Searching: when the search term isn't found, XE7 leaves the cursor where it was, instead of taking you to line 1 in the file * Class completion: seems to be particularly finicky in XE2 compared to XE7; in XE2 a method with a syntax error (eg missing semicolon in some places, or even a reference to the method you are trying to class-complete) prevents class completion working, but in XE7 it seems to work far more often * Flicker: maybe it's my imagination, but the XE2 code editor flickers a lot more than XE7's ...and a few other things I've forgotten. All small, but with a great difference on the experience of using the IDE. With the possible exception of search behaviour, these are not things I recall reading about in the release notes. Going from old to new, I noticed nothing, which I guess is always the way when something ju...

I am a non-mobile dev and user. That said, I am exploring mobile devices, and am curious what recommendations people here may offer, and why. I recognize the inevitability of these devices, even as I scoff at the notion of their replacing desktops. But I digress....

I am a non-mobile dev and user. That said, I am exploring mobile devices, and am curious what recommendations people here may offer, and why. I recognize the inevitability of these devices, even as I scoff at the notion of their replacing desktops. But I digress.... My considerations: - reasonable cost (bye-bye Apple) - reasonable size (my s4 phone is nice as a phone, not as a tablet) - ability to connect external devices (kb/mou/display) So in general, I seek a device which won't cause me to throw it at the wall when used on its own, and which may serve as a reasonable device for early explorations of mobile dev work.

Java2Op, great tool !

Java2Op, great tool !  Is there any info about error messages or a verbose mode?  I get a "Generic Type not found" error when processing a jar library, with no more clues.  I've tried specifying just a very small class in the jar with the -classes parameter, same problem.
Java2Op, great tool !  Is there any info about error messages or a verbose mode?  I get a "Generic Type not found" error when processing a jar library, with no more clues.  I've tried specifying just a very small class in the jar with the -classes parameter, same problem.

Second VCL in Delphi XE7 blog post. This time the focus is styles:

Second VCL in Delphi XE7 blog post. This time the focus is styles:

Poor Quality Icon Rendering in VCL Windows App

Poor Quality Icon Rendering in VCL Windows App My application shows a poor quality icon in the task bar and when cycling through open apps using Alt-Tab. See the attached image. Yet I have created versions of the icon in all different sizes at 24 bit and True Color plus Alpha Channel. Has anyone else had this problem? How do you fix it? Thanks - Steve
Anyone know if edn.embarcadero is down ?

Maybe somebody is having the same problem, an OSX app runs fine when compiled in "Normal" mode, but crashes just...

Maybe somebody is having the same problem, an OSX app runs fine when compiled in "Normal" mode, but crashes just running it in "Application Store" mode with no changes. I can't debug it (ide shows a PAServer error "Cannot connect to host"), so I'm stuck. Compiler options, Entitlement and Provisioning are correct, and deploy works fine in both modes.
Maybe somebody is having the same problem, an OSX app runs fine when compiled in "Normal" mode, but crashes just running it in "Application Store" mode with no changes. I can't debug it (ide shows a PAServer error "Cannot connect to host"), so I'm stuck. Compiler options, Entitlement and Provisioning are correct, and deploy works fine in both modes.

The NexusDB Embedded Free version is now available with XE7 support.

The NexusDB Embedded Free version is now available with XE7 support.

I need some help here. I have situation where I need to read pdf file and extract data from it and load them to database. For example PDF Tax form.

I need some help here.  I have situation where I need to read pdf file and extract data from it and load them to database. For example PDF Tax form. I did figure out one way and that is use PDF feature to export form data to xml file. I can then parse it and post to database. Problem is I don't know how to automate it. Is there any info on calling PDF tool commands from outside pdf reader. Thanks.

How do I copy a transparent TBitmap to the clipboard?

How do I copy a transparent TBitmap to the clipboard? (Need a tested snippet as a fix or replacement for unit CCR.FMXClipboard.Win to copy a FMX TBitmap to the clipboard in XE4.) There is a blog topic: which says: "On Windows again, when a source bitmap includes transparency, the outputted DIB has this transparency removed, however at the same time a PNG representation is added that maintains the original alpha channel." My problem: the transparent png does not seem to work, I mean it cannot be pasted into Photoshop. //using transparent background: Viewport.Color := claNull; procedure TForm1.CopyBitmap; var   bmp: TBitmap;   r: TRect; begin   r := Rect(0, 0, Viewport.Width, Viewport.Height);   bmp := TBitmap.Create(r.Width, r.Height);   Viewport.Context.CopyToBitmap(bmp, r);   //bmp.SaveToFile(filename); //works!   Clipboard.Assign(bmp); //DIB ok, not what I want   //Clipboard.Assign(c...
Australia's headhunter site SEEK advertises Delphi Jobs almost everyday. It must be a good place for Delphi devs there :)

Hi, All

Hi, All Is there someone who can test XE7 as below the video ? Causes the same bug in Windows 8.1 and 7.

Just a FYI. This release makes my Delphi XE7 complete :-D

Just a FYI. This release makes my Delphi XE7 complete :-D === Quote Start === Hi there, here's a beta build with XE7 support:  (installer A new official release should be coming at the end of this week or at the beginning of next week. The current beta should already be stable enough for your release software, though. Best regards, Mathias. ==== Quote End ====

Blog post "Building VCL Applications in Delphi XE7" at

Blog post "Building VCL Applications in Delphi XE7" at

It would be nice if Delphi supported code folding for all begin..end blocks and not just certain ones.

It would be nice if Delphi supported code folding for all begin..end blocks and not just certain ones. +if SomeCondition then   begin      // DoStuff   end +else   begin     // DoSomethingElse   end;


Hello, I just fell over this one with my 1st Delphi project moved to XE7 (previously XE6):     dsQ := TFDQuery.Create(Self);     dsQ.Connection := DM1.FDConnection1; // MySQL Server     dsQ.SQL.Text := 'SELECT gueltig_id FROM gueltig ORDER BY gueltig_id DESC';     dsQ.Open;     if not dsQ.Eof then         ResultID := dsQ.Fields[0].AsInteger + 1 // XE6 gives 156989 = correct    XE7 returns 5400 = WRONG!!     else         ResultID := 100; // just dont want to start with 1 or 10     dsQ.Close;     dsQ.Free; This little code sample returns the correct result in XE6, but completely incorrect in XE7 (both debug mode). Both On exactly the same server. MySQL Server is v5.6.12 FireDAC version is standard delivered with XE7 Delphi XE7 running on Windows 8.1 Update 1 in a VM (same OS for XE6, but separate VM). Moving code into another unit (form) doesn't help. Nor using TFDTable instead of TFDQuery. Anybody any clue? #delphi #programming #xe7 #firedac #mysql

Originally shared by David Berneda

Originally shared by David Berneda TeeChart 2014.12.140923 VCL/FMX release with full RAD Studio XE7: @RADtools #vcl #delphi #firemonkey #xe7

Does anyone have a good class for Generic Text printing that works on XE5+? I have one I used for D7 but it seems to fail, not printing all data, on XE5 or higher (not tried it on lower XE versions).

Does anyone have a good class for Generic Text printing that works on XE5+? I have one I used for D7 but it seems to fail, not printing all data, on XE5 or higher (not tried it on lower XE versions). Thanks, Jim

TRichEdit dosen't support RichText?

TRichEdit dosen't support RichText? So we have data in table that has RichText content. But when we try to display it to RichText using below code it displays garbage characters. RichEdit1.SelText := AnsiStringdbRichText; This use to work with delphi's pre uniCode world. To make it work I have to use save text to stream and load RichEdit from stream.  Any idea what' going on? Thanks.

Version 1.0 of DDDebug has left Beta and is officially available now for testing. Registered customers can download the update at The Beta has not turned out to contain significant bugs, nevertheless some small approvements have been added.

Version 1.0 of DDDebug has left Beta and is officially available now for testing. Registered customers can download the update at . The Beta has not turned out to contain significant bugs, nevertheless some small approvements have been added.

Instead of replicating features from TortoiseGit the Delphi IDE should do things which external applications can't...

Instead of replicating features from TortoiseGit the Delphi IDE should do things which external applications can't do. E.g. add blame to the editor gutter. For me the Git integration in XE7 doesn't feel much integrated and misses a lot features I have with Jcl-Versioncontrol + TortoiseGit + Beyond Compare.

Instead of replicating features from TortoiseGit the Delphi IDE should do things which external applications can't do. E.g. add blame to the editor gutter. For me the Git integration in XE7 doesn't feel much integrated and misses a lot features I have with Jcl-Versioncontrol + TortoiseGit + Beyond Compare.

Instead of replicating features from TortoiseGit the Delphi IDE should do things which external applications can't do. E.g. add blame to the editor gutter. For me the Git integration in XE7 doesn't feel much integrated and misses a lot features I have with Jcl-Versioncontrol + TortoiseGit + Beyond Compare.
Searching for Delphi developer here in São Paulo - SP - Brazil. Please send me your resume at

Hi Friends

Hi Friends, I have develop two forms in delphi 2007 and i used wwdbgrid control to view data and i make scrollbar true for both the form's grid. But both grid's scroll bar work differently First: Change position to Start-Middle and End only when scroll mouse, record change position of grid work perfectly Second: It work smoothly on mouse scroll and change records position of grid  smoothly does any one know why this is happening? why same control's scroolbar work differently? help greatly appreciated

A little trick with iterating DB query results using "for row in query do" syntax

A little trick with iterating DB query results using "for row in query do" syntax article is originally in russian, but you can take a look at the first and the last code snippets

HTML Report Library: Android Demo Application

HTML Report Library: Android Demo Application It's real reporting application, all reports are generated on fly from SQLite database (included).   Reports could be scrolled and zoomed (touch support)

Well it took a wile to figure out my debug OPOS problem

Well it took a wile to figure out my debug OPOS problem But investigating it finally figured out.The problem is the registry location of the OPOS. It has to be  at: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\OLEforRetail  This was the catch: Wow6432Node !!!! In any case thanks for the help.
I'm stuck.  I'm using XE6 and the FMX.Graphics' TPathData object.  Problem is, I need to extend it so that its Points[] property contains an additional member.  The Points[] property is based on TPathPoint - that's what I need to extend.  But is there really a way to do it?  (extend a sub-object used by another object in both its private and public declarations?)  TPathPoint plays a pivotal role in TPathData.  I've already created an object the inherits TPathData, but I have no idea if it's possible to get that object to use my own TPathPoint variation instead of it's own.
I need a TAPI component set for XE7.  I don't have the time to write wrappers around existing APIs.  I have found a few commercial that are way too expensive ($1000+).   The two minimum things I need is to be able to answer a call and get the caller ID (used for screen pops), and also make a call.  This would be on top of a 3rd party VOIP system that supports TAPI.   Any suggestions, experiences?  Async Pro has TAPI but it looks like it interfaces to modems, correct me if I'm wrong.   Thanks in advance for any input/links etc.
Anyone downloaded AQTime for XE7 from Emb registered user downloads? I don't get the package installed, and on disk there is a ...14.bpl (for XE6) but not the 15 for XE7.

Embarcadero replaces QC with Jira.

Embarcadero replaces QC with Jira. Sign in with your EDN account to report or view issues. IMO, an awesome replacement for the aging QC.
Anybody from this group going to the XE7 launch event in Oslo on Wednesday? If you see me, please say hi :)  It's always nice to put a face to a name.

Ann: Insider - new Nexus Quality Suite tool

Ann: Insider - new Nexus Quality Suite tool We are happy to announce Insider, the latest addition to our Nexus Quality Suite performance and verification tools suite. New - Insider! ============== The Insider tool is a binary code analyzer. It disassembles and analyzes all the code in your module and displays statistical information about the code in tabular form. The information extracted for each routine includes the size of the code, the amount of constant data in the routine, the amount of local data allocated by the routine, and the number of instructions in the routine. Insider also identifies various code patterns to aid in identifying routines that may be candidates for optimization or other types of refactoring. In addition, Quality Suite Insider creates static cross-references for the code. The best part: The entire Quality Suite is still only AUD 300. Take advantage of the offer today and save! TestDriver ========== The TestDriver tool is a testing robot targeted toward grap...

Another XE7 bug

Another XE7 bug 1. Run FMX.Win Application 2. Maximize it 3. Press App icon in taskbar to minimize 4. Press App icon again Is it maximized?

XE7 memo bug: just want to confirm before posting to QC

XE7 memo bug: just want to confirm before posting to QC 1. Create new Multi-Device application 2. Add TMemo, set align: client 3. Run 4. Paste some long text (for example, this page , Ctrl+a, Ctrl+C in browser, Ctrl+V in memo) 5. Press Ctrl+End 6. Select three last lines (Shiltl+Up) 7. Press Del 8. Press Ctrl+Home

HTML Report Library compiled demo for MacOS X

HTML Report Library compiled demo for MacOS X Some reports are slightly different from Win version because OSX demo uses SQLite instead of Firibird and different sample database. About HTML Report Library

There was also a take one. Seven years of hardly any UI development made me forget `Screen.CustomForms` ... You'll still need take one though if you are messing with the Z-order while looping through the forms.

There was also a take one. Seven years of hardly any UI development made me forget `Screen.CustomForms` ... You'll still need take one though if you are messing with the Z-order while looping through the forms.

Back on this topic ( I asked what standards (er, recommendations would have been a better word) there were for the dpk for packages. My question is what recommendations do have about naming the units in a package, or can they be anything (reasonable)?

Back on this topic ( ) I asked what standards (er, recommendations would have been a better word) there were for the dpk for packages. My question is what recommendations do have about naming the units in a package, or can they be anything (reasonable)?

Today I made some small changes to the CustomContainerPack.

Today I made some small changes to the CustomContainerPack. Apart from removing two with statements I changed the place where the wizard shows up in the File -> New -> Other dialog. Up to Delphi 7 it is still in the “New” category. For newer Delphi versions, it now shows up in the “Delphi Files” category. It took me quite a while to figure out how to do it. Just returning “Delphi Files” from the IOTARepositoryWizard.GetPage function doesn’t work. The trick is to use the IOTARepositoryWizard80 interface that was introduced with Delphi 2005 (or, judging from the name, probably with Delphi 8). It added two new functions to IOTARepositoryWizard ...
how to save the Binary Files(Pdf,xls,doc.html) in database using delphi....................................................Any body help me...

A new Delphi version is out and here we are again ...

A new Delphi version is out and here we are again ...

Does anyone know any way of modifying the 'contents' of the IDE's popup menu, or a way to make it scrollable?

Does anyone know any way of modifying the 'contents' of the IDE's popup menu, or a way to make it  scrollable? The reason I ask is because, when I am using my note book, it has a small screen and when CnPack is installed, the pop menu has some many items that I can't see them all. I can modify what CnPack adds on but there are a few 'default' entries that I don't use and would like to remove them, or better yet, have the popup menu scrollable..?
Why oh why, when a 3rd party library is purchased are you not able to simply open the package project, build and and install.   Why must every single package put up a fight where I have to debug the damn install?   For a different 3rd party component set I just paid $400 for, I look at the changes since the last version I bought (XE4) and there's a whopping 5 or 6 changes, and of those 3 of them were to make the package compatible with the latest IDE.  No new components, no enhanced functionality, and the documentation looks like it did in 2002.   I guess I just paid someone's light bill for the last few months.  On yet another 3rd party component, the installer built the components and installed for me (ignoring any preference I may have as to where I want to BPLs, DCUs, DCPs, but adding more garbage to the library path).  I have another component set that relies on that component set.  There's a DCU issue, so I need the source.   I download the registered source, and it...

Much as I appreciate the direction Delphi is going in and the work put into it, I do find it infuriating that I have to keep registering to view videos on Youtube - presumably so I can appear yet again on their mailing lists and be told multiple times about offers I don't qualify for. This is true even if I want to watch the XE7 "First look" webinar from INSIDE XE7....

Much as I appreciate the direction Delphi is going in and the work put into it, I do find it infuriating that I have to keep registering to view videos on Youtube - presumably so I can appear yet again on their mailing lists and be told multiple times about offers I don't qualify for. This is true even if I want to watch the XE7 "First look" webinar from INSIDE XE7.... Grrrr....

ANN: HTML Report Library for FMX

ANN: HTML Report Library for FMX HTML Report Library now supports FMX on all platforms - Win/MacOS/Android/iOS) (Printing is available on Win and MAcOS only) Please see compiled demo  (win32) About HTML Report Library:

"Free Castalia for Delphi XE7".

"Free Castalia for Delphi XE7". Read more at and download from

"Free Castalia for Delphi XE7". Read more at and download from

"Free Castalia for Delphi XE7". Read more at and download from

hi, frnds

hi, frnds How to divide the two Real numbers In delphi.................. This was very very urgent................. plz help

Is there a chance to revive ProfDHTMLEdit ?

Is there a chance to revive ProfDHTMLEdit ? We use this component in all our projects for providing an embedded HTML editor. Unfortunately the development and maintenance of the component has been stopped some years ago already and the company ProfGrid disappeared from the market without leaving a trail. We have the source code as part of the license and we found here and there useful tips for getting the component upgraded to the newest Delphi versions. But we feel uncomfortable with the situation. I have some questions: 1. If you are the owner of the ProfGrid company (Nicolas?), would it be possible to give the components to the public domain? 1a. If not: Would you sell all rights to us so we can make the component public domain? 2. Is there a Delphi developer who would be interested in maintaining the source code of the component? I understand this would be legally limited as a service to users who did also pay for the ProfDHTMLEdit component incl. the source code? 2a. If yes: How ...

Wait... WHAT!?

Wait... WHAT!? Exercise for the reader - how much faster would this be with a hash table or binary search? unit Data.Db; function TFields.FindField(const FieldName: string): TField; var   I: Integer;   HashValue: Cardinal; begin   if FList.Count > 0 then   begin     HashValue := TNamedItem.HashName(FieldName);     for I := 0 to FList.Count - 1 do     begin       Result := FList.Items[I];       if (Result.FFieldNameHashValue = HashValue) and          (AnsiCompareText(Result.FFieldName, FieldName) = 0) then         Exit;     end;   end;   Result := nil; end;
hi,do you help me?i want Objective-C to you have a tool for me?thank you!!

FireDAC and bi-directional stored procedure parameters in SQL Server.

FireDAC and bi-directional stored procedure parameters in SQL Server.  I am diving into FireDAC, from a ADO starting point, and there are differences. The SQL Server stored procedure below has two bidirectional parameters Error and Id . Description is input only, and the the procedure returns an int (0 = success, non-0 = check Error) Error may be set, and Id is either a value > 0 which will be used as key, or if it is 0 or NULL, an auto-incremented value is returned through Id. My ADO code which so far has translated easily for queries, etc - is barfing on invalid parameters for the stored proc. How do you properly set up the bidirectional parameters? How do you retrieve the output parameter values? How do you retrieve the result value? A simple code example would be appreciated, as the docs for TFDParams and Stored Procedures are Carefully Refined Awesome Prose. {code} CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[p_upsert_Description]    @ErrorMsg varchar(1000) output,    @Id int output,    @Descrip...

FireDAC and bi-directional stored procedure parameters in SQL Server. I am diving into FireDAC, from a ADO starting point, and there are differences.

FireDAC and bi-directional stored procedure parameters in SQL Server.  I am diving into FireDAC, from a ADO starting point, and there are differences. The SQL Server stored procedure below has two bidirectional parameters Error and Id . Description is input only, and the the procedure returns an int (0 = success, non-0 = check Error) Error may be set, and Id is either a value > 0 which will be used as key, or if it is 0 or NULL, an auto-incremented value is returned through Id. My ADO code which so far has translated easily for queries, etc - is barfing on invalid parameters for the stored proc. How do you properly set up the bidirectional parameters? How do you retrieve the output parameter values? How do you retrieve the result value? A simple code example would be appreciated, as the docs for TFDParams and Stored Procedures are Carefully Refined Awesome Prose. {code} CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[p_upsert_Description]    @ErrorMsg varchar(1000) output,    @Id int output,    @Descrip...

If you missed it in the Embarcadero newsgroup's, MMX 11.1 is now available -

If you missed it in the Embarcadero newsgroup's, MMX 11.1 is now available - . Also, CnPack has released unstable version for XE7 -

I am playing with XE7 example Tethering>DesktopCast

I am playing with XE7 example Tethering>DesktopCast But its not working on my nexus 7.  FMXClientTetherDesktop installs correctly on Nexus 7, but its not able to connect to VCLTetherDesktop. But When I change the platform of FMXClientTetherDesktop  to 32 Windows, it works good. Also VCLTetherClient1 works good too. Any idea what am I doing wrong? Thanks.

New blog post

New blog post
In xe7 we has Android l support?
So what's the best way to download or upload zip file securely? Right now I am researching on data snap. Will help if you someone can point me to existing examples. Thanks.

I am a sucker for fun an interesting work...

I am a sucker for fun an interesting work... and that's the only real reason I care about quality.

Small IDE Fix Pack 5.71 update for Delphi 2009 and 2010.

Small IDE Fix Pack 5.71 update for Delphi 2009 and 2010. The EditorLineBreak.ttr patch was improved. It now not only prevents the IDE from loading the file but also deletes/renames an existing file what comes in handy if something went wrong where IDE Fix Pack coudn't be loaded and you had to reboot or rename the file by hand.

Found memory leaks with TGridPanelLayout in Delphi XE6 Firemonkey. How to reproduce:

Found memory leaks with TGridPanelLayout in Delphi XE6 Firemonkey. How to reproduce:  1. Create new Firemonkey HD App 2. Put TGridPanelLayout component on the form 3. Add ReportMemoryLeaksOnShutDown := True; to the project 4. Run and close application: Can you try this on XE7? Can't use this component, but this is very usefuls component :(

Someone can send the link for the XE7 webinar to Brazil.

Someone can send the link for the XE7 webinar  to Brazil. I make the subscription, but dont receive the confirmation.
i'm start to learn Delphi programming. Can anybody share the source to learn this program.

XE7 users, could someone please double check something for me please.

XE7 users, could someone please double check something for me please. Check the value of this registery entry HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Embarcadero\BDS\15.0\ProductVersion I have the value of 20 but I believe that it should be 21, as it meant to match the Product Version of

XE7 users, could someone please double check something for me please. Check the value of this registery entry HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Embarcadero\BDS\15.0\ProductVersion

XE7 users, could someone please double check something for me please. Check the value of this registery entry HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Embarcadero\BDS\15.0\ProductVersion I have the value of 20 but I believe that it should be 21, as it meant to match the Product Version of
I need to analyze a lot of classes fast, anyone knows some good tools for it (D7)?. Tried Eldean ESS-Model but it doesn't quite fit my needs (hierarchy per unit).

I'm really glad about the existence of the IDEFixPack.

I'm really glad about the existence of the IDEFixPack. But why isn't this already included in Delphi after all these years? I'm really curious to know why this doesn't happen.

Hy All! :)

Hy All! :) Is there any way to make a record helper for TPair ? For example: type   TData = TPair ;   TDataHelper = record helper for TData // Error here: [DCC Error] something.pas(xx): E2086 Type 'TPair ' is not yet completely defined     function IncValue: Integer;   end; function TDataHelper.IncValue: Integer; begin   Inc(Value);   Result := Value; end;
today  i will study dunit test under delphi xe! Good Luck!!!!
Does anyone know if there are Delphi components/library for interacting with the Digital River API? Thanks

Why is MaxListSize = MaxInt div 16? (Delphi 2007, see Classes.pas)

Why is MaxListSize = MaxInt div 16? (Delphi 2007, see Classes.pas) I would have expected MaxInt div SizeOf(Pointer) or rather MaxCardinal div SizeOf(Pointer). With SizeOf(Pointer) = 4 for 32 bit applications.

If any one wants to play with API form maker

If any one wants to play with API form maker go to my site and use. P.S i did it when i saw a screen catch program done with API only a bout 50K and loved the idea

Using Delphi 2010 and running Windows XP.

Using Delphi 2010 and running Windows XP. A client has given us a URL which we need to poll and retrieve the XML text that resides there. Very experienced in desktop and database apps but we have never had to do this previously. I know it is probably pretty simple but rather that spending a lot of time trying to figure it out I was hoping that someone kind here can give me a quick start on how to achieve this.

Any Know of a GitHub / BitBucket API Wrapper Component?

Any Know of a GitHub / BitBucket API Wrapper Component? Can anyone recommend a GitHub or BitBucket API wrapper component. I've found this link to GitForDelphi. This may be all that's available but I'd prefer a native component without a DLL if at all possible. Thanks - Steve
Did you know that the Jedi Code Library has got a Unicode aware search engine using Boyer-Moore? It's called TUTBMSearch and located in JclUnicode.pas
I purchased XE7 Pro with mobile pack last week (upgrading from XE4 Pro).  I'm now in the process of upgrading/updating all the component sets I use.   This is the part I like the least about upgrading.  I have relatively large n-tier application that uses 20 commercial 3rd party component sets.  May sound crazy, but each 3rd party component serves a specific need where each by themselves would mean years of development if I didn't purchase.   I wish there was a piece of software that was standardized (i.e. from Embarcadero), where I could pre-configure items like dcu/dcp/bpl outputs, register the projects and the order they were to be built in, and click build and install!   I know I'm over-simplifying, but getting everything setup takes way too much time!

I just updated the Custom Container Pack sources to support Delphi XE2 to XE7. It was mostly a matter of creating the packages for the newer versions. I also had to adapt the registration code to changes in Delphi XE2.

I just updated the Custom Container Pack sources to support Delphi XE2 to XE7. It was mostly a matter of creating the packages for the newer versions. I also had to adapt the registration code to changes in Delphi XE2. It now compiles and installs. I have not tested it extensively. We use it at work with Delphi 2007 and I know of no bugs with it.

I have a opos project with registered OCX,Registered dll and demo application developed under Delphi 6 and WINDOW XP.

I have a opos project with registered OCX,Registered dll and demo application developed under Delphi 6 and WINDOW XP. The dll was put in window/System32 on the xp system. To debug the dll i have made all the necessary option and the DLL is exectuted fine and debugged. It run a demo programs The project was moved to a new!!! computer where i uses the project AS IS on Delphi 7 or Delphi xe. with window 7. I as the user, am the administrator. The DLL is put in directory C:\Windows\SysWOW64. and registered accordingly.The ocx is registered too. However running the same project that runs and debugged on Delphi 6 is RUNNING BUT NOT DEBUGGED on window 7. The debugger shows blue debug points.I have a red break point.once executed the blue points disappear and the debugger never breaks!! it seem as the execute program uses the dll but never breaks. I hop the scenario is clear enough. In short moving a dll project from xp Delphi 6 to Delphi7 window 7 dose not debug

Hi all

Hi all Suddenly I have a problem with Overbyte ICS and XE6 see the error message in the attached image (XE7 works OK) though any thoughts? thanks! (edit. resolved now , whew)

Today I spent some time to make dzlib compile with all Delphi versions from 2007 to XE6 (XE7 to come later). It didn’t take too long since it already supported 2007, XE2 and XE6.

Today I spent some time to make dzlib compile with all Delphi versions from 2007 to XE6 (XE7 to come later). It didn’t take too long since it already supported 2007, XE2 and XE6. It’s interesting to see, how the RTL evolved between these versions. Some examples: * The IsWhitespace function started out as a class method of TCharacter, then moved to TCharHelper and finally ended up as a method of the Char type itself (probably added through a class helper, I didn’t check). * The global DecimalSeparator variable was marked deprecated for a long time (replaced by a property of the global FormatSettings class) and has finally been removed from the RTL. There is also a breaking change in the Delphi XE6 RTL: You can no longer create a TThread suspended and then call Resume/Start from within its constructor. If you do that, you will get an exception. But since the thread no longer gets started until the constructor has run that is no longer necessary.

In XE6 android app:

In XE6 android app: ShowMessage('1'); ShowMessage('2'); ShowMessage('3'); You get the sequence 1,2,3 In XE7 You get 3,2,1 Is this the bug or the feature?...Some ppl like ask questions this way :p

Why my TListBox won't behavior with FMX Style applied as it should?

Why my TListBox won't behavior with FMX Style applied as it should? Other controls appears nice, but TListBox and even TListView cant show the correct colors? I am using the Dark theme and all fits as it should but not for that controls, is something I am missing or should I use a kind of tool to fix/hack that?
Why my TListBox won't behavior with FMX Style applied as it should? Other controls appears nice, but TListBox and even TListView cant show the correct colors? I am using the Dark theme and all fits as it should but not for that controls, is something I am missing or should I use a kind of tool to fix/hack that?

Some thoughts about "modern" pascal, generics, code and data structures - Synopse

I am using the RAD XE7 Studio trial.

I am using the RAD XE7 Studio trial. I notice very often that components in the component bar appear and disappear. Drives me nuts! This is in the Delphi side of course, as I have not even opened CBuilder yet. I have some 3D tabs that have some very nice components that I want to use, but they keep disappearing. Has anyone else seen this happen, or are my teen years of being stupid in the 60's coming back to haunt me? ;) Thanks very much for any help.

I am using the RAD XE7 Studio trial. I notice very often that components in the component bar appear and disappear. Drives me nuts! This is in the Delphi side of course, as I have not even opened CBuilder yet.

I am using the RAD XE7 Studio trial. I notice very often that components in the component bar appear and disappear. Drives me nuts! This is in the Delphi side of course, as I have not even opened CBuilder yet. I have some 3D tabs that have some very nice components that I want to use, but they keep disappearing. Has anyone else seen this happen, or are my teen years of being stupid in the 60's coming back to haunt me? ;) Thanks very much for any help.

Delphi sorcery: Spring4D 1.1 release and roadmap

Is This a Bug in the TParallel.For Routine

Is This a Bug in the TParallel.For Routine I've created a simple demo which mimics rendering a multi layer map.  The demo creates 11 random layers and then merges them together (in the main thread) to form the final image. However, when I render using a normal for loop I get a different image than when I render using the parallel loop (where there is missing data).  See here: So my questions are: 1.  Am I doing anything stupid here? 2. Can the canvas be used in this form i.e. as part of a parallel for loop 3. How can it be corrected? 4. Or is it just a bug? Download the code here: Thanks - Steve

Uses clause mangler

Uses clause mangler My team lead just pointed this out to me. In Delphi 2010. Position the cursor in the uses clause and type a left parenthesis. On my machine it causes several of the units after the parenthesis to be injected before the parenthesis. I have a number of third party extensions installed so it's possible it may be one of them. Can anyone confirm this behavior in whatever version of Delphi you're using?

Generics and constructors

Generics and constructors Fair enough, if you qualify the type to require a constructor TMyClass = class private   property Inner: T; public;   procedure InnerCreate; end; you must have a parameterless constructor to instantiate T. TMyClass .InnerCreate; begin    Inner := T.Create; end; but - If you qualify the type of T with an actual class such as TControl that have a public virtual constructor that takes an argument. constructor TControl.Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; You still cannot specify that constructor for T. TMyClass = class private   property Inner: T; public;   procedure InnerCreate; end; TMyClass .InnerCreate; begin    Inner := T.Create(nil); // end; Why is this not valid?  The method is public, and the actual type of T has been specified.
Does anyone know what is happening with EurekaLog? When I attempt to log-in, I get a page not available..

Originally shared by Hafiza Lim

Originally shared by Hafiza Lim Hi Friends,  We are urgently looking for IOS Development Lead for client. Can you please share your updated profile ASAP with the subject line as “IOS Development Lead” on  Thanks  Regards Hafiza IOS Development Lead JOB REQUIREMENTS Knowledge and skills • Strong experience in Android & iOS Development platform is essential.  • Knowledge in Java/MySQL/Oracle is desirable. • Strong communication and leadership quality • Strong Experience in mobile solution design and analysis • Good knowledge of mobile User Experience (UX) is highly desirable • Experience in mobile framework/SDK APIs and their implementation  • Experience in designing (Solution + UX) , profiling and tuning it for high-performance • Good knowledge of security standards (encryption, authentication) • Good knowledge on UML for design and analysis is desirable • Domain knowledge of banking/payment systems is desirable • Knowledge of basic MacOS/Unix/Linux environ...
Have a question: Context menu and Main menu on Mac can have icons in menu items? How to add icon to Windows menu items in Firemonkey?

Blog post "Delphi XE7 Blogs of the Week #18" at

Blog post "Delphi XE7 Blogs of the Week #18" at

Anybody know this is a bug or strange feature in Delphi XE6 and XE7 (not tested in prior versions):

Anybody know this is a bug or strange feature in Delphi XE6 and XE7 (not tested in prior versions):  1. Create Firemonkey Form 2. Add ActionList 3. Add MainMenu 4. Open "Editing Action List" window 5. Open "Items Designer" for main menu Now you can try to add actions and menu items and assign actions to menu. You will be surprised, that "Items Designer" window will be hidden every time when lost focus. And I should open it again by double click on MainMenu componect from the form. This is unusable absolutely. Action List editor window works fine.

Anyone know of a trick/hack to get Delphi (XE3 and XE6 in my case) to ignore missing packages during loading of Delphi itself or of a project?

Anyone know of a trick/hack to get Delphi (XE3 and XE6 in my case) to ignore missing packages during loading of Delphi itself or of a project? Yes I want it to try loading the packages next time, but no I don't want 500 pop-under dialogs each time.

eSynergy Solutions are currently hiring for an English speaking Delphi Developer for a 2 year contract based in Brussels.

eSynergy Solutions are currently hiring for an English speaking Delphi Developer for a 2 year contract based in Brussels.   Role – English speaking Delphi Developer Location – Brussels Duration – 2 year extendable Rate – Negotiable Start Date – ASAP Languages – English   English speaking Delphi Developer   Experience and Requirements   -        Minimum 5 years experience with Delphi Development -        Fluent in English (Dutch a bonus) Knowledge of: -      Oracel -      Microsoft SQL Server -      XML -      SML -      Must be ready to start onsite in the next 2-3 weeks   If you are interested in applying for the 2 year contract English speaking Delphi Developer please forward your CV ASAP to or call me on 0207 444 4085. Thank you,

Basic Parallel Programming Questions

Basic Parallel Programming Questions I have a mapping application which does a TranparentBlt to combine several bitmap layers (e.g. roads, towns, state borders etc) to create the map. Rendering each layer takes time, so I thought this would be a wonderful task for the new Parallel library in XE7.  It's a simple For loop to go though each layer and call "Render", but for some reason the parallel version misses details on the map.  Then I find when I set breakpoints in the code to executed in the for loop, they don't fire! So my questions are: 1. Is there anything you shouldn't do in a parallel for-loop? I'm creating independent bitmaps (i.e. each one is not dependent upon any other), so I wouldn't have thought I need to "lock" anything. Am I correct? 2. I assume a parallel for-loop waits for everything to be executed before continuing execution of the code. Is this correct? Or are we just firing off a loop of tasks to complete and continuing the e...
I officially hate blogging software that swallows angle brackets in comments!


Q: BEST PRACTICES I have a question regarding best practices in defining a method as abstract in a parent/ancestor class, that is called from said parent/ancestor, but only implemented in descendant classes. Below is an example that details my question further. Basically, I'm not sure if this method is considered "best practices" and I wondered if there was a more preferred method... // ** 2014-09-11 10:30am GMT-8 // ** Reworked the code with the advice, moved the ancestor virtual/abstract method to "protected" and added "override" in the GetValue() method declared in the descendant.  // ** As a result, it doesn't look like I need to "cast" or pass a "sender/self" variable.  // ** I've never heard of "SOLID", I'll look into it. unit TEST_classinheritance2_main; interface uses   Winapi.Windows, Winapi.Messages, System.SysUtils, System.Variants, System.Classes, Vcl.Graphics,   Vcl.Controls, Vcl.Forms, Vcl.Dialogs...

Can’t get a ListView to display the values from your database in columns properly?

Can’t get a ListView to display the values from your database in columns properly?

I have a Problem in bde ...when the server name is false,s takes to a

I have a Problem in bde ...when the server name is false,s takes to a  longtime to show a message  of can i overcome this problem ...........plz help

Overbyte ICS -> Works with XE7 :)

Overbyte ICS -> Works with XE7 :) (using the XE6 packages) so thats good news

We have openings for Delphi developers with 3+yrs of experience from bangalore to work on part time basis with US timings.

We have openings for Delphi developers with 3+yrs of experience from bangalore to work on part time basis with US timings. If anyone is interested send your profile to

Console FireDAC Example wanted

Console FireDAC Example wanted Doing FireDAC againt MSSQL or PostgreSQL visually is easy, but when I try to do it in code only - I get weird errors and there must be something essential that I miss. Does anyone have a code only example of how to set up a FireDAC connection? #firedac

We have the pleasure to release kbmMW Remote Desktop CodeGear

We have the pleasure to release kbmMW Remote Desktop CodeGear Edition v. 3.00. New: - Easily configurable and brandable (require kbmMW Enterprise Edition) - Secure SHA256 encrypted communication - New desktop annotation and drawing tools - New chat tool - Improved file transfer tool - Simple to use, no installation needed! Its a FREE to use product and have been made available for immediate download for all registered users on our portal at kbmMW Remote Desktop CodeGear Edition is a remote desktop product that allow you to share a computers screen and remote control it from anywhere you have an net connection. CodeGear Edition is a full featured product, but only contains the executables with a C4D branding and default basic settings, that results from compiling the kbmMW Remote Desktop demo projects that are included in kbmMW Enterprise Edition. As kbmMW Remote Desktop is essentially a kbmMW Enterprise feature, please place discussions in the ...

Early feedback from XE7 events and users, looking pretty good....

Early feedback from XE7 events and users, looking pretty good.... General “XE7 is more responsive, more stable. I've been using Delphi for 15 years and still in love with it. That tells it all.” Karim kouni - senior petroleum engineer   “XE7 is mature and stable and very astutely addresses the modern day challenges that a profit conscience company is concerned to be competitive  at the lowest investment, yet best quality.” Gerhard Stoltz   U-RAD Technologies   “XE7 is exactly what we need for our company” Andrew Hodson, development manager, HortPlus NZ Ltd   “With XE7 Embarcadero continues taking Delphi to a whole new level with constant focus on quality improvements as well as new features.  It's the development platform of choice for me and it keeps getting better.” Darian Miller, CTO, Dealer Marketing Services, Inc.   “XE7 is going in the right direction.” Ian H. - Independent Developer   “My company has every version of RAD Studio, and we are definitely happiest with XE7.” ...

It could be nice to add localization to FireUI

It could be nice to add localization to FireUI Actually one form can have two FMX, ie Form1.fmx (the master view) and Form1_Windows.fmx (Windows specific layout, and more). FireUI could use up to 4 FMX for a single form : - Form1.fmx (the master view) - Form1_fr_FR.fmx (french translation) - Form1_Windows.fmx (Windows specific layout) - Form1_Windows_fr_FR.fmx (french specific layout, wider buttons...)

Q: What happens if you don't declare an ancestor for your class and don't perform a "inherited" in the Create?

Q: What happens if you don't declare an ancestor for your class and don't perform a "inherited" in the Create? I was going through some code to find a bug and I noticed that I have a class defined as below; with no ancestor or inherited.  TMyClass = class private    constructor Create(); public constructor TMyClass.Create(); begin    // * THIS ISN'T HERE inherited Create();    DoStuff(); end; 5 years ago, people said it's not a problem.

Documentation for XE7's Parallel Programming Library

Documentation for XE7's Parallel Programming Library One of the most exciting new features in XE7, at least for me, is the new parallel programming library. However, out of the gate the documentation is shockingly lacking (i.e. virtually non-existent).  The most enlightening information comes from pictures taken at the launch conference and two comments by Marco Cantu  (which are appreciated) to one of my earlier posts.   I have just converted an application over to Delphi XE7 (no problems at all). In the past I have done very little with TThread and parallel programming in general. So I would have thought I'd be an ideal candidate to use "a new simple way to add parallel programming". Where do I start? The parallel for loop has 30 overloads!!! Does it wait for the "for" loop to iterate though all items or does it continue execution?  And what's with the ampersand before the "For" i.e. "&For"?  I get the idea of "Future"...


Noteworthy! Originally shared by Brian Long Hi all. Anyone for NFC in Delphi?


Hello, I have a problem with the Win64 Debugger from Xe6. i'm writing plugin modules for a Cad-System. If i start the CAD.exe from the IDE the Debugger works. If i want to attach to the process the debugger will not load the debuginfos. So i see only the CPU Window. Has anybody an Idea?

kbmMW v. 4.50.00 Enterprise, Professional and CodeGear Edition released!

kbmMW v. 4.50.00 Enterprise, Professional and CodeGear Edition released! We are happy to announce the release of kbmMW v. 4.50.00 Professional, Enterprise and CodeGear Edition with XE6 and XE7 support. kbmMW continues to set the bar for what an n-tier product must be capable of in the real world! Keywords for this release: XML Schema support for object generation and marshalling (with full XML and JSON support) RAD Studio XE6 and XE7 support FastCGI hosting support New algorithm for highest performance thread locking New XML parsing optimizations.. 20 fold faster and with options to use it with one of the most compact memory footprints of all XML implementations for Delphi! New timezone aware TkbmMWDateTime type New kbmMWNullable generic type Super enhanced Remote Desktop v2 application with chat, strong encryption, paint on remote desktop, easy branding, enhanced authorization/authentication and much more Lots of additional optimizations, enhancements and fixes! kbmMW now supports: De...

kbmMemTable v. 7.64 Standard, Professional and CodeGear Edition released!

kbmMemTable v. 7.64 Standard, Professional and CodeGear Edition released! We are happy to announce the latest and greatest release of our memory table. This release now adds XE7 support! CodeGear Edition is released for free as part of kbmMW CodeGear Edition without source, and can be used for commercial work. This release includes CodeGear Edition for both XE6 and XE7. Standard Edition is released with source to holders of an active kbmMemTable Service and Update subscription (SAU). Professional Edition is released with source and additional performance enhancement features to holders of an active kbmMW Pro/Ent Service and Update subscription (SAU). kbmMemTable supports the following development environments: Delphi 2009 Delphi 2010 RAD Studio Delphi/C++ XE2 RAD Studio Delphi/C++ XE3 RAD Studio Delphi/C++ XE4 RAD Studio Delphi/C++ XE5 RAD Studio Delphi/C++ XE6 RAD Studio Delphi/C++ XE7 Lazarus 1.2.4 with FPC 2.6.4 kbmMemTable is the premier high performance, high functionality in memo...
Congrats to Raize, TMS and DevExpress for getting updated versions of their major suites out within a week of the new XE7 release. Really encouraging to see. I know there are other vendors out there who have done similarly, but these are three of the biggest for me personally.

FinalBuilder Released - with XE7 support. If you are not automating your Delphi Builds with FinalBuilder, you're doing it the hard way!

FinalBuilder  Released - with XE7 support.  If you are not automating your Delphi Builds with FinalBuilder, you're doing it the hard way!

Continua CI 1.5 Released - affordable, easy to use Continuous Integration Server - works with Delphi and C++ Builder! Includes XE7 support.

Continua CI 1.5 Released - affordable, easy to use Continuous Integration Server - works with Delphi and C++ Builder! Includes XE7 support.

Hello all

Hello all, Does anyone know an DFM parser that would be up to date (Compiles and works with UniCode Delphi-versions) and would have read and write support. Basically we are porting an old app to new code base and some cases we could do mass conversions quite easily with DFM parser. That would help with the manipulation. I could do with the Simple code that just does that with string manipulations, but would be safer with the parser, and could do whole lot more. Checked couple, one did not support writing back, converted dfm to binary and then used TReader as helper, (Which could be OK), and Felix Colibri had one, but it is done in a way that it uses too much PAnsiChar stuff and so, that I think porting it would be pain in the **se (Not sure tough). Did not check the Lazarus-project, tough. LFM, seems to be basically same as DFM.  Also this could be used to do automatic checks on Internal naming rules and so. If there is not one that is very good, I would suggest an Community project of...
I am going to upgrade my XE4 Pro to XE7 Pro with Mobile within the next week.  Are there any re-sellers out there that would benefit from me buying through you?  If so post a link that I can purchase from.    I live in Minnesota/USA.   If not, I'll go the obvious route at Embarcadero's store.

Found a little bug in FireUI

Found a little bug in FireUI TForm name's is overrided by the platform specific view  ie: for a Windows view, TForm1.Name = 'Form1_Windows' reported on QC 127466 (not yet online) ReadDeltaStream calls ReadComponent(Self) that takes the name from Form1_Windows.fmx

Come and join us for the XE7 Launch events in Gøteborg 22 sept.

Come and join us for the XE7 Launch events in Gøteborg 22 sept.  Stockholm 23 sept. and Oslo 24 sept. Would be great to see you there.

Delphi Haikus

Delphi Haikus Windows, iOS Android, and yes all the rest In one single pack (please add your own Delphi Haiku as a comment)

XE7 Error Access Violation when insert image to BLOB field by Firedac .

XE7 Error Access Violation when insert image to BLOB field by Firedac .  #androidapps   #sqlite3 #xe7 #Tmemorystream   It worked on XE6. sample script.       LStream := TMemoryStream.Create;       Image1.Bitmap.SaveToStream(LStream);       SQLUpdate.ParamByName('Image').LoadFromStream(LStream, ftBlob); Anyone can suggust? Thanks.

XE7 Error Access Violation when insert image to BLOB field by Firedac . #androidapps #sqlite3 #xe7 #Tmemorystream

XE7 Error Access Violation when insert image to BLOB field by Firedac .  #androidapps   #sqlite3 #xe7 #Tmemorystream   It worked on XE6. sample script.       LStream := TMemoryStream.Create;       Image1.Bitmap.SaveToStream(LStream);       SQLUpdate.ParamByName('Image').LoadFromStream(LStream, ftBlob); Anyone can suggust? Thanks.

I'm getting an AV error when I shut down the XE4 IDE since adding a TeeChart component to a ReportBuilder report.

I'm getting an AV error when I shut down the XE4 IDE since adding a TeeChart component to a ReportBuilder report. Error Message: Access violation at address 5005EB34 in module 'rtl180.bpl'. Read of address 1229437C. Each time I seem to get a different Read of address. This only seems to happen if I double-click the Report component  which opens the RB Designer. If I then close the Designer and then Close the IDE I get an AV error. When I take the TeeChart component off the report I get the AV the first time I close the IDE. But then I can open and close the ReportBuilder designer at will and the AV is not there. Can you teach me how to troubleshoot this type of an error? What is rtl180.bpl? Thanks in advance. #TeeChart

New blog post

New blog post
Where are the ToolsAPI-Samples in XE7?! They used to be in Samples\Delphi\VCL\ToolsAPI, but that folder doesn't exist in XE7.


Hello, I can't find the Java2Op.exe download for XE7. Docwiki says that it should be in registered users downloads. I can see other XE7 files but not this one...,_the_Native_Bridge_File_Generator_for_Android Anyone can help? Thanks,_the_Native_Bridge_File_Generator_for_Android

HTML Component Library demo (2.4 beta) updated.

HTML Component Library demo (2.4 beta) updated. Added scripts examples. Any delphi scripting library could be used via simple THtScriptAdapter class. Demo uses JVCL TJvInterpreter scripter.

Super Simple Documentation in Delphi

Super Simple Documentation in Delphi Save the pastebin document as xmld_XMLDoc_Summary.xml in  XE..XE5 - RAD Studio\code_templates\Delphi XE6... - Embarcadero\Studio\code_templates\Delphi ... or wherever your standard Delphi directory is. Create a blank line above a class method or property in the interface declaration, then type xmld and fill in the blanks. If you need more than one line, add a line break and /// at the beginning of next line.   protected     /// Current log line number being     /// processed     property LogLineNo: Integer read FLogLineNo write FLogLineNo; Now, hover your cursor over the method or property anywhere in your code and read what you just filled in ;) Yes - you can add a lot more XML doc attributes - but for the bare minimum - this is pretty quick and easy.  You can of course change the magic xmld keyword to anything you prefer as well.
After years of confusion I finally understood how a maintenance contract with Embarcadero could be a benefit to my annual budget :)
Does anyone have any recommendations in migrating existing Delphi XE6 forms to the new FireMonkey universal form of XE7?

XE7 System.Threading - sealed classes?

XE7 System.Threading - sealed classes? What normally motivates sealing? Performance? Fragile internal structures? Complex dependencies? #curious

RadStudio XE --> XE6 used to come with the option to install the Windows SDK help, which I did. But it seems that XE7 doesn't have that option any more :-(

RadStudio XE --> XE6 used to come with the option to install the Windows SDK help, which I did. But it seems that XE7 doesn't have that option any more :-( What options do I have to have get the SDK installed? And does anyone know why Embarcadero have removed this option?
Anyone using LinkedIn Premium? Is it worth the expense?

I purchased ReportBuilder Pro from Digital Metaphors about two years ago and I am just now getting around to using it. What a great product.

I purchased ReportBuilder Pro from Digital Metaphors about two years ago and I am just now getting around to using it. What a great product.

To my surprise, this code can be compiled without any errors/warnings. It caused a very strange issue due to a typo. (Corrupted the TEncoding.UTF8 instance in my case...)

To my surprise, this code can be compiled without any errors/warnings. It caused a very strange issue due to a typo. (Corrupted the TEncoding.UTF8 instance in my case...) type TMyMemoryStream = class(TMemoryStream)   Value: Integer; end; procedure Test; var   encoding: TEncoding; begin   encoding := TEncoding.UTF8;   TMyMemoryStream(encoding).Value := 3; end; // as operator will check that, though
Any info on the FireMonekey performance in XE7 compared to earlier versions?

Futur Delphi Logo ? :D

Futur Delphi Logo ? :D Originally shared by Bruno Bellamy Une chouette à nouveau, mais cette fois un peu plus antique et mythologique, puisque en la charmante compagnie de la déesse Athéna… ;)

Futur Delphi Logo ? :D

Futur Delphi Logo ? :D Originally shared by Bruno Bellamy Une chouette à nouveau, mais cette fois un peu plus antique et mythologique, puisque en la charmante compagnie de la déesse Athéna… ;)

So, anyone upgraded a fairly large BDE project to FireDAC? If so, any experiences to share? How long did the actual conversion process take, any pitfalls to watch out for etc?

So, anyone upgraded a fairly large BDE project to FireDAC? If so, any experiences to share? How long did the actual conversion process take, any pitfalls to watch out for etc? Over half our app is still BDE: dozens of units, hundreds of TQuery's and some TStoredProc's. New stuff has been written using dbExpress. Looking to at least replace the BDE stuff, now that XE7 has finally deprecated BDE, and frankly, BDE can be a pain to get running these days so we're all longing to get rid of it.