
Showing posts from October, 2014

FMX.D2DCanvas incorrectly draws bitmap brushes.

FMX.D2DCanvas incorrectly draws bitmap brushes. It seems there is some kind of caching procedure TForm1.FormPaint(Sender: TObject; Canvas: TCanvas; const ARect: TRectF); var Path: TPath; BR: TBrush;   B: TBitmap; begin   B:=TBitmap.CreateFromFile('any_picture');   Path:=TPath.Create(nil);   Path.AddRectangle(RectF(0, 0, 300, 200));   BR:=TBrush.Create(TBrushKind.Bitmap, 0);   BR.Bitmap.Bitmap.Assign(B);   Canvas.FillPath(Path.Data, 1, BR);   BR.Bitmap.Bitmap.Resize(100, 100);   Canvas.FillPath(Path.Data, 1, BR);   Path.Free; end; Original bitmap will be drawn instead of resized. Few other bugs and issues  I've found over the last week:

Would somebody with XE7 please let me know whether this problem still exists there?

Would somebody with XE7 please let me know whether this problem still exists there? "Hints not produced when they should in 64 bit debug builds": Basically boils down to hints not being generated in 64-bit debug builds while they are generated in 64-bit release builds. I found the problem in XE2 and checked in XE6 (it's still there), but don't have XE7 available ... TIA, Marjan

Can someone with assembler experience tell me what the pascal equivalent of the StdWndProc function is?

Can someone with assembler experience tell me what the pascal equivalent of the StdWndProc function is? function StdWndProc(Window: HWND; Message, WParam: Longint;   LParam: Longint): Longint; stdcall; assembler; asm         XOR     EAX,EAX         PUSH    EAX         PUSH    LParam         PUSH    WParam         PUSH    Message         MOV     EDX,ESP         MOV     EAX,[ECX].Longint[4]         CALL    [ECX].Pointer         ADD     ESP,12         POP     EAX end; I understand it's purpose is to route windows messages to their destination window but I'd like to understand how it does this.

I have a slightly complex question about live tiles (with TLiveTile.) Suppose I would like to create a live tile app that acts as an intermediate to several other applications - ie, you have five different EXEs installed, and you want a live tile for each. I thought of creating one 'generic' live tile application, and allowing it to read image and caption info from a config file plus info about the app this instance of the tile app is an intermediate for, and then running / registering it five times, once for each of the apps it acts as an intermediate for.

I have a slightly complex question about live tiles (with TLiveTile.) Suppose I would like to create a live tile app that acts as an intermediate to several other applications - ie, you have five different EXEs installed, and you want a live tile for each. I thought of creating one 'generic' live tile application, and allowing it to read image and caption info from a config file plus info about the app this instance of the tile app is an intermediate for, and then running / registering it five times, once for each of the apps it acts as an intermediate for. Is this possible? My research so far shows a TLiveTile has an appid that is written to a compiled-in resource (?) which means you might need to rebuild the app each time. Whereas I want to write one, re-useable live tile app - that's key. There might be other issues too: does every computer it's deployed on need a developer certificate, or can the app and the service it uses be installed on any Windows 8+ computer wi...

From the what-were-they-thinking-dept.

From the what-were-they-thinking-dept. ... if (some condition) then begin   Application.ProcessMessages;   Sleep(1000); end; ...


Hi, I am having some issue with my Delphi code in android. I am trying to save some changes to the SQLite database from my app. I have created record object for my tables and have a generic datamanager for handling all database calls. The issue I am facing is if any exception is raised within the datamanager object then android hangs and doesn't even show me the error message. I have given below snippet of my datamanager code and also two sets of code one which works properly and the other which causes the issue.  The error is raised by the validate procedure, which validates the data integrity and raises an exception if there are any inconsistencies. Code snippet from the datamanager for saving the record to the database. function TData_Manager .Save_Record(const ARec: T): Boolean; begin   { start a new transaction }   _ConMgr.Start_Transaction;   try     { Validate changes before saving }     FClass_Map.Validate(ARec);     { Save changes to database including any detail items }  ...

FastMM: I'm a newbie using this.

FastMM: I'm a newbie using this. Sadly, I've never used it and the output is a little scary on how many problems it finds. I've been breaking down the code into functional test units for FastMM, but it's slow going. I'm starting to think I'm missing some tricks. With some Googling, I found the following HOWTO that one of our friends from WideOrbit made. The link appears to be dead, as doesn't seem to respond. (See below for details). Anyone have a good link for this or others for tricks on reading the output from FastMM? I understand it's call-stacks, that's the easy part, but I feel like I must be missing something. Fighting Memory Leaks for Dummies Francois Gaillard — WideOrbit, Inc.

FastMM: I'm a newbie using this. Sadly, I've never used it and the output is a little scary on how many problems it finds. I've been breaking down the code into functional test units for FastMM, but it's slow going. I'm starting to think I'm missing some tricks.

FastMM: I'm a newbie using this. Sadly, I've never used it and the output is a little scary on how many problems it finds. I've been breaking down the code into functional test units for FastMM, but it's slow going. I'm starting to think I'm missing some tricks. With some Googling, I found the following HOWTO that one of our friends from WideOrbit made. The link appears to be dead, as doesn't seem to respond. (See below for details). Anyone have a good link for this or others for tricks on reading the output from FastMM? I understand it's call-stacks, that's the easy part, but I feel like I must be missing something. Fighting Memory Leaks for Dummies Francois Gaillard — WideOrbit, Inc.
Ok, is it just me, or does the Castalia "With removal" refactoring not work?  I keep getting "'Eliminate With' Cancelled: could not resolve xxxxx"

FastMM4 and lines in the *.dpr

FastMM4 and lines in the *.dpr I've got an (old) problem, in which the IDE will take the lines required out of the "uses" clause in the *.dpr. Something I'm sure we're all aware of, but is there a solution to keep it from doing it? Below is a image of my uses clause and highlighted are the lines that are removed whenever I add/remove a unit from the project.

How to use TGestureManager in Delphi XE7?

How to use TGestureManager in Delphi XE7? When I try to setup any standard gesture I'm got this exception: "Error Reading TGestureStreamData.Control:Access Violation at address 501796f8 in module rtl210.bpl. Read address of 00000008."
How to use TGestureManager in Delphi XE7? When I try to setup any standard gesture I'm got this exception: "Error Reading TGestureStreamData.Control:Access Violation at address 501796f8 in module rtl210.bpl. Read address of 00000008."

Review of the Delphi Cookbook, by Daniele Teti.

Review of the Delphi Cookbook, by Daniele Teti. Some time ago Packt Publishing posted asking for people interested in reviewing it. This is the result. I've attempted to give a balanced, in-depth review; I hope it represents the book well.

Migrating to FireDAC from ADO - Stored Proc Param Type

Migrating to FireDAC from ADO - Stored Proc Param Type Found an interesting little deviation today.   In a MSSQL stored proc with an TinyInt parameter, the insert statement suddenly complained that it could not insert the param with NULL value (as per constraint). After a lot of tracing, I was certain that we passed a 0 and not a NULL - and the only plausible reason was that I could see, was that the code was setting the param value, before setting the param datatype - so I rearranged the assignments to ensure that value was the last thing to be set. That fixed the issue.  Go figure. Params is Array of Variant. // ADO, MSSQL for i := Low(Params) to High(Params) do begin   p := AStoredProc.Parameters.AddParameter;   p.Direction := pdInput;   p.Value := Params[i];   p.DataType := VariantTypeToFieldType(VarType(Params[i]));   if p.Value = null    then p.Attributes := [paNullable]   else if VarType(Params[i]) = varBoolean   then begin     p.DataType := ftInteger;     if Params[i]      then...

I am working in Delphi XE6. I have OS X 10.9.5 in my Mac and I want to communicate with an Windows Service and Driver which is compatible only in Windows. I am running Windows 7 on Parallel Windows, and I want to communicate directly from OS X with Windows Service the Device Driver.

I am working in Delphi XE6. I have OS X 10.9.5 in my Mac and I want to communicate with an Windows Service and Driver which is compatible only in Windows. I am running Windows 7 on Parallel Windows, and I want to communicate directly from OS X with Windows Service the Device Driver.  Any suggestion? So far I have just a simple client-server socket connection and it works fine when I send some text from the client to the server. I read  that I can use this connection for my project, so Server would be the App and the Client the Windows Service. How can I do this? Even if I do this, how can I communicate from an OS X App to an Windows Service through the Virtual Machine? Any help is highly appreciated!

TMS Cloud Pack v2.7 released with 2 new components to get access to Google Places API & Google Tasks API + several enhancements to existing components.

TMS Cloud Pack v2.7 released with 2 new components to get access to Google Places API & Google Tasks API + several enhancements to existing components. Available separately: or in the bundle TMS Cloud Studio with support for VCL, FireMonkey, IntraWeb and .NET:

Hello all

Hello all, i want to render SVG image and convert to PNG, Please share to me if someone has any solution?

I'm translating some WinAPI structs so I can make use of the Raw Input API exposed by user32.

I'm translating some WinAPI structs so I can make use of the Raw Input API exposed by user32.dll. Most of them are straight forward but a few have unions. I've never attempted to translate structs to records before and I'm just need some confirmation. I have the following two structs: typedef struct tagRAWMOUSE {   USHORT usFlags;   union {     ULONG  ulButtons;     struct {       USHORT usButtonFlags;       USHORT usButtonData;     };   };   ULONG  ulRawButtons;   LONG   lLastX;   LONG   lLastY;   ULONG  ulExtraInformation; } RAWMOUSE, *PRAWMOUSE, *LPRAWMOUSE; typedef struct tagRAWINPUT {   RAWINPUTHEADER header;   union {     RAWMOUSE    mouse;     RAWKEYBOARD keyboard;     RAWHID      hid;   } data; } RAWINPUT, *PRAWINPUT, *LPRAWINPUT; And here are my attempts to translate: type   RAWMOUSE = record     usFlags: USHORT;     case Boolean of     False: (ulButtons: ULONG);     True: (usButtonFlags: USHORT;            usButtonData: USHORT;            ulRawButtons: ULONG;     ...

I'm translating some WinAPI structs so I can make use of the Raw Input API exposed by user32.dll. Most of them are straight forward but a few have unions. I've never attempted to translate structs to records before and I'm just need some confirmation.

I'm translating some WinAPI structs so I can make use of the Raw Input API exposed by user32.dll. Most of them are straight forward but a few have unions. I've never attempted to translate structs to records before and I'm just need some confirmation. I have the following two structs: typedef struct tagRAWMOUSE {   USHORT usFlags;   union {     ULONG  ulButtons;     struct {       USHORT usButtonFlags;       USHORT usButtonData;     };   };   ULONG  ulRawButtons;   LONG   lLastX;   LONG   lLastY;   ULONG  ulExtraInformation; } RAWMOUSE, *PRAWMOUSE, *LPRAWMOUSE; typedef struct tagRAWINPUT {   RAWINPUTHEADER header;   union {     RAWMOUSE    mouse;     RAWKEYBOARD keyboard;     RAWHID      hid;   } data; } RAWINPUT, *PRAWINPUT, *LPRAWINPUT; And here are my attempts to translate: type   RAWMOUSE = record     usFlags: USHORT;     case Boolean of     False: (ulButtons: ULONG);     True: (usButtonFlags: USHORT;            usButtonData: USHORT;            ulRawButtons: ULONG;     ...

Some examples beyond that overused "list of things" example.

Some examples beyond that overused "list of things" example.

Hello, I am facing a problem with a webserver, it works fine on localhost, but I have opened firewall port but only returns a blank page.

Hello, I am facing a problem with a webserver, it works fine on localhost, but I have opened firewall port but only returns a blank page. I know that firewall stuff is not here but as I am doing this with Delphi I think someone else could had such problems and maybe give a help. Thank you

Introducing the Embarcadero Quality Portal (QC replacement):

Introducing the Embarcadero Quality Portal (QC replacement):

Q: FMX : How to use custom columns with data bound grids?

Q: FMX : How to use custom columns with data bound grids? I would like to use a grid with livebindings and custom columns. How to inherit and implement custom columns is quite easy and clear. But I do not see the way how to get these into the grid. There is a ColumnStyle property that can be used to choose between Standard, Check-, Progress- and ImageColumns but after looking into the source they seem to be hardcoded. There is no way how to register own column classes. Any ideas?

Q: How do I determine if a variable, which should have been assigned with a TMyOtherObj.create(), but wasn't?

Q: How do I determine if a variable, which should have been assigned with a TMyOtherObj.create(), but wasn't? It appears that Assigned() does not do this; as evaluating a Here's a quick sample code (not intended to be compile-able), just an attempt to document the question.  procedure TMyObj.AFunc(var AReturn : TMyOtherObj) begin    if (Assigned(AReturn)) then       AReturn.DoSomeThing(); end; var    AObj : TMyObj;    AReturn : TMyOtherObj; begin    AObj := TMyObj.create();    try       //FORGOT THIS LINE       //AReturn := TMyOtherObj.create();       AObj.AFunc(AReturn);    finally       AObj.Free();     end.

Interesting bug in IDE (2009+)

Interesting bug in IDE (2009+) Type length)( in editor

Anyone here know whether you can switch repeating rows in Excel on the fly, with VBA? The idea is, the sheet contains multiple grids, each with its own set of header rows. But the headers may be different, one grid to another.

Anyone here know whether you can switch repeating rows in Excel on the fly, with VBA? The idea is, the sheet contains multiple grids, each with its own set of header rows. But the headers may be different, one grid to another.  My suspicion is that separate sheets is the only real solution.
Do you remember which VCL vendor partners with I remember in the 'customer area' of some of the VCL vendors' website offer discount for products of their partners, but I don't remember which of them offers discount for TRichView(which I'm investigating) and you know, checking them one by one is kinda of a hassle :)

After updating to XE6 recently, we're having issues with frequent, but random, instances of compiler error F2063 - Could not compile unit.

After updating to XE6 recently, we're having issues with frequent, but random, instances of compiler error F2063 - Could not compile unit. However, there are no other errors at all, and a full build always solves the issue, so there's not an actual code issue. Simply recompiling usually lets it move on, though it usually fails on another unit. The units it fails on is completely arbitrary and there is no discernable pattern at all. This is especially an issue in our CI builder, as doing full rebuilds there significantly slows down the CI cycle. However all of us are plagued with the issue, so it's not a OS or installation thing. We've not had any such issues with our previous Delphi versions. Anyone else been experiencing this?
I do wish Embarcadero would get an integrated CRM (they can talk to us if they like) so that they don't have to keep sending me amnesty emails to upgrade to XE7 - when I already have subscriptions.

In Xe6

In Xe6, Is It Posssible ? i'm try to build a pdf and some other reports on server side with my entire application code ........... '' help me your thoughts.''

I'm trying to add some of the new TurboPower repositories to my subversion externals, but they only seem to be available from Mercurial (hg). For example:

I'm trying to add some of the new TurboPower repositories to my subversion externals, but they only seem to be available from Mercurial (hg). For example: Am I missing something?

FMX shape components does not correctly displayed on the Android platform

Knowing that there a many people that use this popular third party tool, I am (re-)posting the email I received:

Knowing that there a many people that use this popular third party tool, I am (re-)posting the email I received: madExcept 4.0.11 has been released with the following changes: (1) added support for RAD Studio XE7 (2) fixed: plugins didn't work in XE6 (3) fixed: rare FPU exception crash when checking for leaks (4) fixed: sometimes VirtualAlloc resources were reported as leaks (5) fixed: "send bug report in background" dialog option didn't stick (6) fixed: madExceptWizard sometimes produced superfluous QC warnings (7) fixed a couple more small/rare bugs (8) madExceptPatch.exe: speedup when parsing large map files (9) madExceptPatch.exe: improved support for relative paths (a) madExceptPatch.exe: added new switch "/restoreFileTime" (b) madExceptWizard: map file isn't loaded in the IDE at all, anymore (installer

Long shot this one, but anyone know of some way to prevent data-aware components from trying to resolve column names and similar at design time? We're using dbExpress.

Long shot this one, but anyone know of some way to prevent data-aware components from trying to resolve column names and similar at design time? We're using dbExpress. We don't have our connections set up at design time, so this is a big annoyance, having to dismiss error dialogs left right and center.


Hi, I'm try to run Datasnap server on Windows Azure ( ) use TCP\IP and default port 211 and can't connect from my client. SQLConnection on client setup DSHost by IP address   Maybe someone knows a guide or description about Datasnap on Azure?

in xe6

in xe6, i use the clientdataset for DELETE the records in sql ..... i'm getting error (dataset not in a edit or insert mode). code :(client dataset -cds) with CDS do       Begin          CDS.Close;          CDS.Open;          CDS.First;        if  CDS.FieldByName('ImgId').AsString = SgPrm.Cells[0,SgPrm.Row] then           CDS.Delete;           CDS.Post;          CDS.Prior;          CDS.ApplyUpdates(0);

hi. me can i debug my app for the iphone6 or iphone6 plus simulater?i have no money to buy the iphone6 and iphone6 plus devices. me can i debug my app for the iphone6 or iphone6 plus simulater?i have no money to buy the iphone6 and iphone6 plus devices.
Am looking for a component set which supports crating a database on at least FB, MSSQL, and SQLite. Is there such a beast? Also, I need a solution which is viable on Delphi at least as far back as XE, and preferable on D2007.

constructor TCustomIniFile.Create(const FileName: string);

constructor TCustomIniFile.Create(const FileName: string); begin   FFileName := FileName; end; Been looking for a memory problem for a couple days. On a lark, I ran PAL to help find stuff. It pointed out Create() methods that didn't call "inherited" in the constructor.  However, it found a couple in the XE2 source System.Inifiles.TCustomIniFile.Create() and  System.Win.Registry.TRegistry.Create() and the overloaded version and the fancy class constructor I was under the impression that one must pretty much always call inherited first, but then I saw this... "It is called at the start of a constructor, and at the end of a desctructor. It is not mandatory, but recommended as good practice." Ctrl-Click on inherited Create() for an Object, sure seems to have code that should go first (in all cases?). So I guess I'm kind of confused on when inherited is NOT something you'd call each and every time and what ...
All components finally installed (Total of about 5 hours) over the last month or so.  Finally put some time into using XE7 Pro and so far I'm very impressed with the stability and speed.  I beat on it quite a bit today both with component tweaking and getting my fairly large project running in it from XE4 (400K lines of code excluding 3rd party) and not one crash or glitch.   I do have a glitch to solve in the middleware I'm using but so far so good!


A new blog has been posted about service operations, a new major feature in TMS XData:

TMS Business Subscription has been updated with 5 new releases.

TMS Business Subscription has been updated with 5 new releases. This update includes: - the latest TMS Aurelius v2.5 release - the latest TMS Sparkle v1.2 release - the latest TMS XData v1.1 release - the latest TMS RemoteDB v1.2 release

Has anyone here used default Delphi JSON marshaling classes (XE4 - DBXJSONReflect) in production code?

Has anyone here used default Delphi JSON marshaling classes (XE4 - DBXJSONReflect) in production code? I have tested it briefly today, and to say it nicely, it is completely unsuitable for the task. I would start filing QC reports, but it seems that poor thingy has been designed completely wrong, and last thing I want is to spend time reporting something that will be marked "As designed". It serializes fields instead of published properties, like VCL serialization does, that means I have to include new RTTI for private and protected members, it also means that whole bunch of transient fields will be included, and fields in resulting JSON start with prefix F. For comparison, mORMot JSON serialization works as I expected, and I don't mind using it, but I would prefer having out of the box functionality in Delphi to be usable.

We're pleased to announce the availability of TMS Pack for FireMonkey v2.7 with 6 new components!

We're pleased to announce the availability of TMS Pack for FireMonkey v2.7 with 6 new components!  TMS Pack for FireMonkey is our single-source fully cross platform feature-rich component set for desktop and mobile application development for Windows, Mac OS-X, iOS and Android - New: Introducing TTMSFMXIPEdit : An edit control for inputting IP addresses - New: Introducing TTMSFMXGraphicCheckLabel : A checkbox with configurable checkmark image - New: Introducing TTMSFMXLabelEdit : A label with built-in inplace editor - New: Introducing TTMSFMXRadioGroupPicker : Picker version of TTMSFMXRadioGroup - New: Introducing TTMSFMXCheckGroupPicker : Picker version of TTMSFMXCheckGroup - New: TTMSFMXToolBar : Component to display a group of toolbar buttons / pickers with optional separators. Includes highly configurable TTMSFMXToolBarButton, TTMSFMXToolBarSeparator, TTMSFMXToolBarFontNamePicker, TTMSFMXToolBarFontSizePicker and TTMSFMXToolBarColorPicker - New: Options.ColumnSize property with...


xe6, i use the clientdataset to insert & update the records in sql ..... i'm getting error (cannot perform this operation on a   on a closeddataset). code :(cds27 : clientdataset) CDS27.Close;       CDS27.Insert;      cds27.CommandText := 'Update Company Set Comp_psswd = :A where Compid = :B';      CDS27.params.ParamByName('A').AsString := GblPassword;      CDS27.params.ParamByName('B').AsString := Gbledtcompid;      CDS27.Post;      CDS27.ApplyUpdates(0);

Another FMX bug

Another FMX bug

A question for Spring4D masters.

A question for Spring4D masters. Please help me to solve the task.

Can't Wait - Ray Konopka has some new stuff to show at Code Rage 9, Radiant Shapes:

Can't Wait - Ray Konopka has some new stuff to show at Code Rage 9, Radiant Shapes:

I just noticed that Code Rage 9 has changed from calling them Delphi sessions to Object Pascal Sessions. Interesting.

I just noticed that Code Rage 9 has changed from calling them Delphi sessions to Object Pascal Sessions. Interesting.

I thinking about to create a master vm (citrix) with delphi and all needed components installed on it. Then i wants to clone this vm for my two developers. They have theif own user in our active directory. The sourcecode is located per svn on the users homedirectory. So i could update only the master vm with the newest delphi version and components and clone this for my developers. The sourcecode (local svn copies on the home directorys) are not touched on this process. Have someone done this before? Could that work? What problems might be occur?

I thinking about to create a master vm (citrix) with delphi and all needed components installed on it. Then i wants to clone this vm for my two developers. They have theif own user in our active directory. The sourcecode is located per svn on the users homedirectory. So i could update only the master vm with the newest delphi version and components and clone this for my developers. The sourcecode (local svn copies on the home directorys) are not touched on this process. Have someone done this before? Could that work? What problems might be occur? Any help would be great!

Delphi Developers Posting Guidelines

Delphi Developers Posting Guidelines A community for people who write their software using Embarcadero's Delphi development tools. #delphi #objectpascal #programming Be constructive, informative and helpful. Avoid flame wars, please. This community is not StackOverflow. Well formulated questions with sufficient detail are preferred, but not an absolute requirement. Don't be afraid to ask. OBS: The community search is now working well, and it is currently possible to find posts where the keywords you search for are in the comments only. Use the post categories, and add #tags to specify more context where needed. Want: To deal with the things we can solve, instead of dwelling on what we can't. To help people solve coding related issues and discover new tools, components, techniques, blogs, jobs, etc. Want not: Posts that go very far off-topic, are of an incendiary nature, or posts that are related to Embarcadero policies or practices, or in general deal with issues that are b...

A new beta build of Thinfinity® VirtualUI™ is ready to try with lots of fixes and improvements. Here are the links:

A new beta build of Thinfinity® VirtualUI™ is ready to try with lots of fixes and improvements. Here are the links: Setup files for Windows 8/2012 64-bit: Thinfinity_VirtualUI_Setup_x64.exe Thinfinity_VirtualUI_Setup_x64.msi Setup files for Windows 8/2012 32-bit: Thinfinity_VirtualUI_Setup_x86.exe Thinfinity_VirtualUI_Setup_x86.msi For more info, go to Gustavo Ricardi CEO & CTO at Cybele Software, Inc.

Anybody knows the answer to this by any chance?

Anybody knows the answer to this by any chance?

Fellow Delphi developers

Fellow Delphi developers, This is with great pleasure that we announce the immediate availability of HelpNDoc 4.6, an easy to use yet powerful help authoring tool producing CHM help files, HTML or mobile WebSites, DocX and PDF manuals as well as ePub and Kindle eBooks from a single source. HelpNDoc is Free for personal use and evaluation purposes and is available at: HelpNDoc 4.6 introduces major overall performance improvements, an handy breadcrumb navigator, better CHM import, and much much more. You can learn more about this update at: Download HelpNDoc now and use it for free for personal and evaluation purposes: See our step-by-step video guides to learn how to use HelpNDoc: Best regards, John, HelpNDoc team. Join us on social networks... * RSS fee...

While browsing Dr Dobb's, I came across this article on underused switches for the VC++ toolchain. How I wish there were equivalents for Delphi.

While browsing Dr Dobb's, I came across this article on underused switches for the VC++ toolchain. How I wish there were equivalents for Delphi. (It is one of those articles split into ten different pages, sorry, and the single-page print version is not well organised / readable.) One day, Delphi will give compiled output comparable in speed to VC++, with an amazing optimizer, vectorization, parallelization, modern instruction sets (and even better compilation for various different instruction sets and the choice of which to use made at runtime) etc, and I will be a very happy person.  Some of these are one reason I'm keen to see the entire toolchain on every platform move to LLVM, and I'm very hopeful for the future and that we'll see great performance improvements. If you feel this is important, please feel free to contact Embarcadero and let them know (they do listen.) I should note that one or two of these exist in some form already, either in the Delphi toolchain o...

I now have Delphi XE7 Pro installed. Yay!

I now have Delphi XE7 Pro installed. Yay! I am trying to install JEDI. Running the JCL 2.6 install.bat but it cannot compile the installer: Using Embarcadero RAD Studio XE7 {on Win 8.1} Embarcadero Delphi for Win32 compiler version 28.0 Copyright (c) 1983,2014 Embarcadero Technologies, Inc. ..\JEDI\JVCL348\jcl\source\common\JclSysUtils.pas(3034) Error: E2010 Incompatible types: 'TJclWaitResult' and 'TWaitResult' JclInstall.pas(2210) Fatal: F2063 Could not compile used unit 'JclSysUtils.pas' An error occurred while compiling the installer. Installation aborted. I checked the path and XE7 is before D6. Does anyone know a fix for this?
XE7, building and installing packages, what am I doing wrong?  I'm building a bunch of packages within a project, I've picked a compiler option set and applied it to the Release build of each package.  I save the changes (save all) to the project.    I build all the packages, they're built and installed.   I close the project.   I later re-load the project and my compiler option set (settings applied to the project) that I chose is gone.  Why?

With the risk of looking like a marketing drone.

With the risk of looking like a marketing drone... but I spotted the press release through Google Alerts: Upgrade from any previous version and save up to 45% "Get the upgrade price on Delphi XE7, C++Builder XE7 or RAD Studio XE7 through Nov 21, 2014 regardless of what previous version you have. Save up to 45% off the regular new user price for the product license and stay up-to-date with automatic enrollment in the Recharge program."

With the risk of looking like a marketing drone... but I spotted the press release through Google Alerts: Upgrade from any previous version and save up to 45%

With the risk of looking like a marketing drone... but I spotted the press release through Google Alerts: Upgrade from any previous version and save up to 45% "Get the upgrade price on Delphi XE7, C++Builder XE7 or RAD Studio XE7 through Nov 21, 2014 regardless of what previous version you have. Save up to 45% off the regular new user price for the product license and stay up-to-date with automatic enrollment in the Recharge program."

Anybody know this is possible to use this key in delphi?

Anybody know this is possible to use this key in delphi?

Hello gurus

Hello gurus, have you experience with real-time video-chat with sound in Delphi? Do you know 3rd party libraries for it? Links and demos will be very useful for me. Thanks a lot!

Google map

Google map I have that code which is ok     WebBrowser1.Navigate('about:blank');     while WebBrowser1.ReadyState READYSTATE_COMPLETE do     begin       Application.ProcessMessages;       Sleep(0);     end;     if Assigned(WebBrowser1.Document) then     begin       aStream.Clear;       try         aStream.WriteBuffer(Pointer(HTML)^, Length(HTML));         aStream.Seek(0, soFromBeginning);         (WebBrowser1.Document as           IPersistStreamInit).Load(TStreamAdapter.Create(aStream, soReference));       finally                aStream.Free;       end; on document complete i do... it is ok procedure TForm1.WebBrowser1DocumentComplete(Sender: TObject;   const pDisp: IDispatch; var URL: OleVariant); begin        HTMLWindow2 := (WebBrowser1.Document as IHTMLDocument2).parentWindow; the problem is that i want to  execute the script automatically. HTMLWindow2.execScript('SetMyMap()', 'JavaScript'); if i execute it with a button it is ok but not after  HTMLWindow2 :...
I owned the last version (expired as of April 2014) of DevExpress Quantum Grid pack.   I missed the upgrade period, so instead of paying $399, I would have to pay $799.   I saw what they added, and it's not worth the $399 to me, say nothing about $799, so I'm upgrading manually.   I had found an article by Jeff Overcash, and I have followed that, but now I'm to the point of building the components in the order they need to be built in (not fully documented by Jeff).    Question, once I get it to work, is it OK to present the order they're built in (here if anyone is interested) or is that in violation of the licensing agreement (reading that is worse than building the component set)?  Or if someone already has the order they should be built, can you publish here?
IDE package loading customization tool?  In my Delphi 7 days I used to use a tool from LMD for selecting which design time packages to load by the IDE, it's very helpful for several cases, for example, use different versions of a specific component library for different projects. But unfortunately that tool is no longer available in the LMD website, any alternatives? Thanks.

Just 3 days to ITDevCon2014!

Just 3 days to ITDevCon2014! Originally shared by ITDevCon European Delphi Conference Countdown: see you in Milano in three days #ITDevCon 2014!

EOutOfResources (Error creating window device context)

EOutOfResources (Error creating window device context) I have this unusual error in my XE2 app that is showing up in the auto-crash logs that MadExcept sends to my web-server. It doesn't happen for all installations, just a fraction and I haven't been able to duplicate it. (full details on crash below). I'm using XE2 with Update 4 HotFix 1, Help Update 6 and IDE Fix Pack XE2 5.4 In doing some searching, I found this QC. It doesn't have any votes and his solution was to set MaxHeight=MaxWidth=MinHeight=MinWidth=0 and WordWrap=true for TRadioGroups.. The error is "EOutOfResources" and the entry point is VCL.forms.TApplication.Run() The call stack looks like this... main thread ($624): 0053071e +042 myXE2appwin.exe Vcl.Controls   TWinControl.GetDeviceContext 00525e9b +083 myXE2appwin.exe Vcl.Controls   TControlCanvas.CreateHandle 0050018d +025 myXE2appwin.exe Vcl.Graphics   TCanvas.RequiredState 004ff8a0 +018 myXE...

Is this a delphi string bug ?

Is this a delphi string bug ? declaring a type as short string (subtypes) cause it's variable to be non unicode : type   SmallString = String[20]; var   SmStr: SmallString;   Str: String; begin   Str := 'UnicodeString';   SmStr := Str; // SmStr is no longer Unicode !   SmStr := SmStr; end; here is the sequence of allocated bytes (variable Str):img1. and img2 for the sequence of allocated bytes (variable SmStr) Tested using the latest delphi version (XE7). Any explanation ?

Blog post "Delphi XE7 Blogs of the Week #20" at

Blog post "Delphi XE7 Blogs of the Week #20" at

3800 - Interesting kink in the graph just above 3K members.

3800 - Interesting kink in the graph just above 3K members. I wonder what was the trigger for the increased growth rate?

3800 - Interesting kink in the graph just above 3K members. I wonder what was the trigger for the increased growth rate?

3800 - Interesting kink in the graph just above 3K members. I wonder what was the trigger for the increased growth rate?

a missing functionality that could save me a lot of time today

a missing functionality that could save me a lot of time today  TypeOf(typed_variable) insteed of TypeOf(TVariableType) the purpose is to use RTTI to load a complex API like this: var   Sample: record     getText: function: PChar; stdcall;     setText: procedure(Value: PChar); stdcall;   end; Sample.getText := GetProcAddress(dll, 'Sample_getText'); Sample.setText := GetProcAddress(dll, 'Sample_setText');

Hi All

Hi All A while back I lost my hard drive and source code I have managed to reserct alot of my code now. But it would be handy to find a few functions source code from one of y .exe programs...I can decompile to machine code e.g bx,ax  00497034    mov        word ptr [ebp-122],bx  0049703B    mov        eax,4A4730; gvar_004A4730:AnsiString  00497040    mov        ecx,dword ptr [ebp-5C]  00497043    mov        edx,dword ptr [ebp-60]  00497046    call      @UStrCat3  0049704B    mov        eax,4A472C; gvar_004A472C:AnsiString  00497050    mov        ecx,dword ptr [ebp-64]  00497053    mov        edx,dword ptr [ebp-68]  00497056    call      @UStrCat3 how to then understand that , i.e what was that equivalent pascal source code? any help greatly appreciated :) Brian

Oh, if you want just the punch line, there is also a TL;DR version of this:

Oh, if you want just the punch line, there is also a TL;DR version of this:

FMX and iMac 5K Retina?

FMX and iMac 5K Retina? Can FMX deal well with this comparatively extreme resolution? VCL has the same challenges with the new 3K and 4K displays under Windows 8.1 using system font scaling.  Even in the IDE, we already run into design time issues, as the forms are mangled if designed at one resolution/font scaling, and then are opened on another PC at a different resolution/font scaling. I wonder, are there any plans to look at solutions to this issue in the near future?

QC request for adding a cryptographic wrapper library that can use different cryptographic backends

QC request for adding a cryptographic wrapper library that can use different cryptographic backends

New version of HTML Report Library released!

New version of HTML Report Library released! + XE7 support + FMX support for all platforms (Win/MacOS/Android/iOS) + Table column moving/sizing + Table sorting + Table grouping + All user changes are saved when exported or printed (for example  opened groups in Interactive report) + Hints with pictures (see VCL demo) + Hints with tables  (see VCL demo) + Non-dataset data sources (see Files report in demo ) + Faster renderg and smooth scrolling on mobile platforms New compiled demos for all platforms: About HTML Report Library: HRL is a template-based cross-platform reporting library for Delphi, designed to generate reports using databases, XML and other data sources (see Files example). Templates are simple HTML files containing special tags, and output is pure HTML suitable for displaying in any browser and sending by mail (all of the graphics are directly integrated into the text, so when sending mail you don't have to attach pictures...

Does any know whether Delphi can generate 64 bit binaries for the Mac?

Does any know whether Delphi can generate 64 bit binaries for the Mac? At the moment the binaries I make appear to be 32 bit which means I am unable to load 64bit compiled dylibs. I couldn't see any options in the ide and a google search has turned up nothing. I'm using XE6.
Does any know whether Delphi can generate 64 bit binaries for the Mac? At the moment the binaries I make appear to be 32 bit which means I am unable to load 64bit compiled dylibs. I couldn't see any options in the ide and a google search has turned up nothing. I'm using XE6.
My employer, WideOrbit, needs two more Delphi Developers for the Hoover, AL office. Telecommuting (from inside the US) is a possibility. I'd be happy to pass on your resume, if you are interested.

For anyone with DevX experience with their memory dataset... I have a performance issue, and it's driving me crazy. My table has 6 columns, 5 of which are integers, and the sixth is a string. I filter on two of the integer columns, and and the raw dataset has 276 rows. Calling UpdateFilters takes about 100mS, which seems awfully long for such a simple table. The call is made 276 times, so I get a total of about 27 seconds, just filtering this table. (Although there are 276 rows now, there could be more, if the complete data environment required it. There just happen to be 276 rows in this instance.)

For anyone with DevX experience with their memory dataset...  I have a performance issue, and it's driving me crazy. My table has 6 columns, 5 of which are integers, and the sixth is a string. I filter on two of the integer columns, and and the raw dataset has 276 rows. Calling UpdateFilters takes about 100mS, which seems awfully long for such a simple table. The call is made 276 times, so I get a total of about 27 seconds, just filtering this table. (Although there are 276 rows now, there could be more, if the complete data environment required it. There just happen to be 276 rows in this instance.) I am considering whether to leave it unfiltered, and search for the record(s) which would satisfy the criteria, or b) perhaps copy the whole mess to an array of records, and implement a search... or c) convert to using TClientDatasets. I tried adding indexes, and it made no difference. Basically, everything I have tried so far is counterintuitive in its impact.
I'd like to start a beta testing group for a new feature in TeeChart components and get feedback. If anybody is interested just comment here and I'll add you to a Google+ private community.

Testando Estabilidade do DATASNAP vs outras ferramentas do mercado

Testando Estabilidade do DATASNAP vs outras ferramentas do mercado
Hi! Does anyone has experience with ESRI objects in delphi?

Committed a small update to TChromeTabs that fixes a nasty bug when you compile with assertions disabled.

Committed a small update to TChromeTabs that fixes a nasty bug when you compile with assertions disabled.

i have a doubt on datasnap..............

i have a doubt on datasnap.............. How to  Pass the params  from client to server............ if you know help me plz...........

Delphi XE7. In my FM application dropdown menu is right-aligned when popup (left side of screenshot). How to make it left-aligned like standard Windows menu (right side of screenshot)?

Delphi XE7. In my FM application dropdown menu is right-aligned when popup (left side of screenshot). How to make it left-aligned like standard Windows menu (right side of screenshot)?

Is there any JPEG-LS implementation for Delphi ?

Is there any JPEG-LS implementation for Delphi ?
Searching for a Delphi Developer for a long term contract in Belgium. Must be Dutch speaking. Start: ASAP. Email CV to

I got XE6 and I am playing with ISAPI. Created a server and hosted on local iss and its running correctly on browser. Now I am trying to create client application to connect to this server but keep getting attached error message "HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found". I set set HOST to localhost and urlPath matching with what I got on web broswer TestDir/TestServer.dll. Any idea what am I doing wrong here? Thanks.

I got XE6 and I am playing with ISAPI. Created a server and hosted on local iss and its running correctly on browser. Now I am trying to create client application to connect to this server but keep getting attached error message "HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found".  I set set HOST to localhost and urlPath matching with what I got on web broswer TestDir/TestServer.dll. Any idea what am I doing wrong here? Thanks.

How to write a Delphi IDE plugin that paints on the code editor - Part 2. The first article showed how to write a plugin that drew 'Hello world' on the top left of the code editor. This second part shows how to know what file is being drawn onscreen, what lines of code are visible (including handling code folding), etc, so that you can paint whatever you want for any line of code or portion of text in that line of code, in the text or gutter areas. It also covers how to be compatible with other plugins also hooking the same functions.

How to write a Delphi IDE plugin that paints on the code editor - Part 2. The first article showed how to write a plugin that drew 'Hello world' on the top left of the code editor. This second part shows how to know what file is being drawn onscreen, what lines of code are visible (including handling code folding), etc, so that you can paint whatever you want for any line of code or portion of text in that line of code, in the text or gutter areas. It also covers how to be compatible with other plugins also hooking the same functions.

I've updated TurboPower "Visual Plan It" so it works in Delphi XE7. The one thing that still needs to be done is changing the database engine from BDE to something newer. Any volunteers?

I've updated TurboPower "Visual Plan It" so it works in Delphi XE7. The one thing that still needs to be done is changing the database engine from BDE to something newer. Any volunteers?

Hello! I've watched some videos about REST/Datasnap client server with XE5.

Hello! I've watched some videos about REST/Datasnap client server with XE5. The examples I saw shows using of simple functions. I will need to return a table result. How do I build this? Should be a procedure?

I'm thinking out loud here. I am building a DLL which will provide reporting services to an application. The DLL will be written in XE5 or XE6, but the app it must serve (initially) is in D2007. All well and good, so far.

I'm thinking out loud here. I am building a DLL which will provide reporting services to an application. The DLL will be written in XE5 or XE6, but the app it must serve (initially) is in D2007. All well and good, so far. Where it gets interesting is that the user will be presented with a wizard for selecting options on each report. The options page(s) will typically contain checkboxes, radio groups, and lists from which things are selected. I was thinking that it would be handy if the DLL could send to the app the specifications for building the pages(s). There would also be some code interlocking control behavior, and each page would have a routine which writes the selected info about options to a dataset which will be passed to the routine which generates the report.  The DLL can't present the form, because we are crossing versions, and moreover, some of the clientside apps are running on unsupported versions of Windows. (I know, I know...) The benefit I would achieve is tha...

I would like to cache some database information in my remote servers. A lot of data does not change very often. The servers pool their datamodules.

I would like to cache some database information in my remote servers. A lot of data does not change very often. The servers pool their datamodules. 1. At each request the server gets, a generation counter could be read from the database (requiring a fetch). The counter value maintained by triggers in the database. If the counter did not change the cache is used otherwise the new value and the updated data is fetched. 2. I could use DB Events (Firebird). When the generation counter changes an event is sent to a thread in the server that immediately refreshes the cache. All requests then use the cache. Option 1 will require a database operation for each request but will never "fail", i.e. deliver old data. Option 2 will be more efficient but i worry that an event could be missed by some reason and what to do then? A periodic pull would perhaps work in some circumstances, but not all.

Best practice: Self-updating service?

Best practice: Self-updating service? Have any of you written self-updating software? I am looking for a robust way for a service to restart itself after it has downloaded a new .exe version.


hi, In DatasnapServer ,How to  Passing parameters from client to server, Can anybody know Give me a suggestion... Thanks in Advance.

An update for TMS FlexCel for VCL & FireMonkey is available now.

An update for TMS FlexCel for VCL & FireMonkey is available now. 100% Native .XLS,.XLSX,.XLSM,.PDF,.HTML,.SVG file generation/manipulation for VCL & FireMonkey What's new in TMS Flexcel for VCL/FireMonkey v6.6: - New: Report engine that allows report generation based on Excel file templates - New: New MigratingFromFlexCel3.pdf document You can download the fully functional trial version for Delphi and C++Builder from our website:

hi,i get a problem that using the delphi xe7.

hi,i get a problem that using the delphi xe7. i make a ios app then upload to the app store .but jump the error message: 1:Invalid Segment Alignment - This app does not have proper segment alignment and should be rebuilt with the latest version of Xcode. 2:Invalid Bundle - The bundle does not support the minimum OS Version specified in the Info.plist. i update the xcode to 6.0 and ios is 8. can help me??thank you.

It seems there is a bug in 64-bit compiler, affected all versions from XE2 to XE7 (maybe earlier too)

It seems there is a bug in 64-bit compiler, affected all versions from XE2 to XE7 (maybe earlier too) const   MaxKernelSize = 30; type   TKernelSize = 1..MaxKernelSize;   X = array[-MaxKernelSize..MaxKernelSize] of cardinal; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var   K: X;   KSize: TKernelSize;   t: cardinal; begin  KSize:=10;  t:=K[-KSize]; end;

Embarcadero Component Store

Embarcadero Component Store I'd like to make a suggestion. With the great news that certain components will be sponsored by Embarcadero and maintained by Roman Kassebaum maybe the time is right for this idea. Wouldn't it be wonderful if Embarcadero has it's own component store for Delphi / C++ Builder?  It would be much like the App Store for the iOS.  You could browse and read the reviews before buying directly within the IDE. Once purchased, the components are automatically installed onto your machine. If you set up a new machine you simply install Delphi and log into your Component Store Account, and all of your components are automatically installed. I see it as a win-win-win for everyone. It's good for Embarcadero as they would get a commission for every sale (15% to 30% seems reasonable). It's good for the app developers as they have all of the commercial gubbins and transactions taken care of. They also have wider access as people can discover their component...

New "Classic" Components for Delphi XE7. Blog by Roman K. at (Orpheus, Abbrevia, VirtualTree, SynEdit, LockBox, AsyncPro, PowerPDF). I'm really happy this is happening (and pushed quite a bit).

New "Classic" Components for Delphi XE7. Blog by Roman K. at  (Orpheus, Abbrevia, VirtualTree, SynEdit, LockBox, AsyncPro, PowerPDF). I'm really happy this is happening (and pushed quite a bit).

Did you know? You can still use some of the good old Wordstar shortcuts in Delphi.

Did you know? You can still use some of the good old Wordstar shortcuts in Delphi. Example: ^KB for mark block begin, ^KK for block end, ^KC for copy block ... You have to press Ctrl+K first, followed by a single key press of the next command.

I have an odd bug in XE2 when using interfaced objects with properties in generics - would anyone know if this is a known QC?

I have an odd bug in XE2 when using interfaced objects with properties in generics - would anyone know if this is a known QC? Situation: in a generic class of T with an interface constraint (so T has to support IMyInterface), I'm using an instance of T. T has a property, Filename : string, which uses a GetFilename method. If I call InstanceOfT.Filename, I get an access violation just off 0x0 when it calls the property access method. (That's as much as my rudimentary assembly can tell me.)  If I use Supports to get the interface my T instance supports, then call Filename using the interface not the object, it works fine.  Usually. In another method, just calling Supports fails with the same access violation inside QueryInterface. My first thought was that the object itself was invalid - freed, perhaps. But it's not, it is valid, I checked exhaustively tracing through every construction and destruction of every instance (this one is created, and none are destroyed), plus insp...

Hello GUYS (It's a bug of Tib Components with Tibevents?)

Hello GUYS  (It's a bug of Tib Components with Tibevents?) I have a question, may be my mistake, then I ask you to help me. I have a number of triggers that trigger update events in firebird. If I change via IBExpert or via firedac components, events are generated and read properly by TIbevents. All events are properly registered. But when I try to use TIB components, events are not generated. What can I be doing wrong? It's a bug of Tib Components? Ps: All events are registered in the appropriate components of alert. Always commited. Tks.

Sheding some light on generics and that variance thing...

Sheding some light on generics and that variance thing...

New blog post -

New blog post -

Guess what's #5? ...

Guess what's #5? ...

What is your current Delphi Version?

What is your current Delphi Version? I just have to test the new poll feature.  So silly that Google limited to five options, and doesn't do multiple choice either. But hey, it's a start!

Problems Starting Parallel Tasks in Plain For Loop

Problems Starting Parallel Tasks in Plain For Loop I'm having problems getting ITasks to work in a plane old "for" loop. I'd like to create a series of task in a for loop and carry on executing without waiting for them all to complete (otherwise I'd use a Parallel for loop). It compiles but doesn't work as I would expect. Take a look at this short screencast: How would I accomplish this? Here's a link to the small app - Thanks - Steve #parallel #delphi #xe7 #ITask

XE7: Anybody encountered differences using the internal compiler vs. "use msbuild"-option in the compiler settings?

XE7: Anybody encountered differences using the internal compiler vs. "use msbuild"-option in the compiler settings? Using msbuild I got different/wrong record alignments (record size is 376 instead of 356 bytes).

HTML Component Library 2.4 released

HTML Component Library 2.4 released What's new 1. XE7 support (all platforms) 2. HTML5 Video tag (using libvlc, so VLC player should be installed). Use htvideo.pas unit 3. vw, vh, REM CSS units 4. min-width, max-width CSS properties 5. Faster parsing, less memory consumption 6. Added support for scripting  Any scripting engine could be used via THtScriptAdapter class.    Sample for JVCL Interpreter included in htjvscriptadapter.pas unit  Supported DOM script events: onclick, onmouseover, onmouseout, onmousemove 7. SVG support for FM (OSX,  iOS, Android) 8. Printing/Paging in FM (Win/OSX) 9. CSS overflow: hidden support for FM 10. THtPanel.TouchScroll property (VCL) -  enables scrolling by mouse 11. FMX.THTPanel now contains scrollbars 12. FMX.THtPanel.ContentScale property - allow content zooming 13. New event for image loading - OnGetImage: TBytes (XE+) 14. THtPanel.Active property - enable/disable active content (process mouse events). Scrolling is faster when active=false 15. CS...
Synapse Ararat, ICS or IP*Works? Any more "capable multi-protocol" components i should be aware of? Thanks!


hi, i have a error i.e., : dataset not in insert or edit mode when iam try to store the pdf,html,xls,doc files .in database iam getting this error.... iam using following code.. var blob : tblobstream; begin blob := TBlobStream(DmPayroll.Qry.CreateBlobStream(DmPayroll.Qry.FieldByName('imgpath'),bmWrite)); end; how to solve this error ,,,anybody knows .. tell me.,,,,,,, thanks in advance..

The BMP hot-fix has been back-ported to XE5 now -

The BMP hot-fix has been back-ported to XE5 now - I haven't checked the difference but I guess it would be similar to XE6/XE7 fixes -

Just a small message to let you know that I was invited, as a speaker to the BE Delphi 2014 event -

Just a small message to let you know that I was invited, as a speaker to the BE Delphi 2014 event - This year, the sessions will focus on n-Tier development, so our little mORMot does make sense in the landscape! If you are in Belgium or in Europe, we would be very pleased to meet you there! Thanks to the BE-Delphi team to let our little Open Source project be part of this great gathering!

Another FMX bug - odd lines when drawing text.

Another FMX bug - odd lines when drawing text. It took a day to discover.

Was contemplating migrating an old D5 application into the 21st century this weekend. This was the side effect...

Was contemplating migrating an old D5 application into the 21st century this weekend. This was the side effect...

This is good news for us Delphi developers on Windows 10. Looks like there will be a way to publish our apps to the Windows Store.

This is good news for us Delphi developers on Windows 10.  Looks like there will be a way to publish our apps to the Windows Store.

Our Delphi Unit Dependency Scanner (DUDS) has been updated with a couple of new features.

Our Delphi Unit Dependency Scanner (DUDS) has been updated with a couple of new features. The first allows you to export the dependency tree to XML. The second builds a CSV file that you can import into Gephi ( ). Gephi is open source and allows you to build a graph from your unit relationships. Thanks to Zigmund Bulinsh for the ideas. DUDS is now open source. You can find it on GitHub along with a link to the latest installer -

Hi All

Hi All Looking for a way to change the image size for a image file (gif or jpeg) e.g to say half the image size (of the image that is saved to disk) I have tried stretchdraw but its not a very good result there are commercial image components that can do thumbnails..but I wanted to know if it can be done satifactorily just using timage , tbitmap, etc  thanks!

Programming for High DPI / Retina Displays?

Programming for High DPI / Retina Displays? Does anyone have any good tips for making applications adapt to high DPI displays? I've just got a new laptop which happens to have a 4K display. I didn't search out the super-high-res display but it was such a good deal ( ) I couldn't resist. As I'm setting up the computer I'm quite amazed at how badly most application cope with the high DPI and the scaling. Clearly this is going to be something we, as developers, need to address in the near future. Up to this point I've had an "ostrich strategy" to these displays and generally turned form scaling off, but with the super high resolution this starts to look a little ridiculous. I'd like my applications to look top-notch on these displays. So... Has anyone any basic tips for making an application high DPI aware? All help appreciated!  Steve #highdpi   #retinadisplay   #dpi   #4k

Neos Eureka S.r.l. is proud to announce our new XE7-Stable release of EurekaLog!

Neos Eureka S.r.l. is proud to announce our new XE7-Stable release of EurekaLog! EurekaLog catches, analyzes and logs exceptions in your app and optionally sends reports back to your development team via a variety of methods. Visit   for more details.

Updated VCL demo of HTML Report Library 2.4 beta

Updated VCL demo of HTML Report Library 2.4 beta What's new: +Now all user changes are saved when exported or printed (for example opened groups in Interactive report) +Hints with pictures +Hints with tables Interactive reports with zero lines of delphi code: +Table sorting (with sort indicator) +Table columns sizing +Table columns moving +Table grouping

Support for Delphi XE7 and C++ Builder XE7 introduced in PostgresDAC immediately! #PostgreSQL #database

Support for Delphi XE7 and C++ Builder XE7 introduced in PostgresDAC immediately!   #PostgreSQL #database

Spotted this on the Russian Delphi Developers group, posted by Roman Yankovsky - he has written a code analysis tool for Delphi called FixInsight. (Roman, I hope it's ok to repost - it looked too interesting not to.) It's currently in beta and looks very exciting; I'm downloading now.

Spotted this on the Russian Delphi Developers group, posted by Roman Yankovsky - he has written a code analysis tool for Delphi called FixInsight. (Roman, I hope it's ok to repost - it looked too interesting not to.) It's currently in beta and looks very exciting; I'm downloading now.

Comments in Data.DBXJSONReflect use the word "imbricated".

Comments in Data.DBXJSONReflect use the word "imbricated". I had to look it up:

My New Favorite Thing To Do In Delphi:

My New Favorite Thing To Do In Delphi: File|New|Other...|EMS|EMS Package
For those of you that live in Europe, is NFC still a popular way to pay for goods & services using your phone? I know Apple is still turning it's back on NFC, but that didn't stop it from gaining momentum in the EU as payment method. I would love to hear your thoughts on that. Thanks, Jim
Has anyone tried to create a Host Card Emulation (HCE) program in FireMonkey for Android? I don't want to do full credit card payment processing, but I want to use NFC to communicate between devices or between a phone and a RFID reader. Thanks, Jim
Why do Embt's discussion forums always seem to go down on Friday evening and not come back up until Monday? It would seem that if it's a deliberate choice on the Admin's part, they'd at least have the decency to put up a page that says they're down for maintenance. Or does somebody like to attack them on Friday evening after close of business just to sabatoge the site, knowing that nobody is working on the weekend so they'll be down for a few days?

A new beta build of Thinfinity® VirtualUI™ is ready to try.

A new beta build of Thinfinity® VirtualUI™ is ready to try.

Inspired by Stefan Glienke's post about the new intrinsic type related functions in XE7, I went spelunking in the VCL and RTL differences between XE6 and XE7. More differences than I expected.

Inspired by Stefan Glienke's post about the new intrinsic type related functions in XE7, I went spelunking in the VCL and RTL differences between XE6 and XE7. More differences than I expected. Some of them stand out. TStream got a big overhaul. I wonder if it did anything to it's performance, or if it was mostly about doing away with a lot of potentially troublesome endian related shl/shr operations?   Atleast the code looks a lot cleaner now. DesignIntf has a new method function CreateChild(ComponentClass: TComponentClass; Parent: TComponent): TComponent; Windows.WinApi adds a number of Windows API functions related to locale, time, date and languages, as well as SID to String and String to SID, and what appears to be a relatively complete list of country codes CTRY_xxxx (Norway = 47, Germany=49, France=33, UK=44, US=1). Interestingly, these are not unique numbers. Go figure.

FYI- Downloaded Windows 10 and installed XE7 on it. No issues yet.

FYI- Downloaded Windows 10 and installed XE7 on it. No issues yet. Windows 10 is like Windows 8 at heart & Mind but with windows 7 body. Or to put it more technically, its server is windows 8 and client is windows 7 :)

Hey Delphi gurus ...

Hey Delphi gurus ... I'm putting together a presentation and I wanted to solicit opinions from other Delphi devs about something that isn't talked about very much (in my experience, anyway). This is a topic I'm calling "plumbing code". In a building, "plumbing" is what's used to get some kind of fluids into and out of different places where they're used: baths, showers, sinks, toilets, washing machines, etc. "Plumbing code" is code that's used to get data into and out of different places where the data resides or needs to be (RAM, cache, local storage, DBs, or remote) and is actually processed (fields, variables, forms, streams, container objects). Data-aware components were designed to simplify dealing with plumbing code when it comes to moving data between a database and fields on Delphi forms. But that's just one common place that had an obvious optimization. LiveBindings are a new way to deal with this problem, but they'...

Has anyone successfully hacked 3D FireMonkey to use an orthographic projection instead of the normal perspective projection? (That is, a 3D view where objects do not get smaller with distance.)

Has anyone successfully hacked 3D FireMonkey to use an orthographic projection instead of the normal perspective projection? (That is, a 3D view where objects do not get smaller with distance.) I got some way there a few months ago hooking some matrix and camera functions (thanks Delphi Detours!) but it's not perfect, and I haven't got picking working at all. I would really like this and would give millions of internet points to anyone who has got it working. (In fact until I found it didn't exist, I had expected FMX already had it - orthographic projections are widely used in business 3D apps. Marco Cantù, any chance in XE8? Or from an unreleased internal build? Also, you may wonder if there is some connection between this question and the one I just asked about affine 2D transformations. Yes, because the polygon I want to draw is an orthographically projected rectangle, where I've done all the 3D work myself, have its four corners in 2D space, and want to draw it on a...

How can you draw an image with an affine transformation applied in FireMonkey? I would like to take a rectangular bitmap, and draw that (in a 2D form) stretched to a not-quite-arbitrary four-sided polygon, the corner points of which I calculate. It happens that the polygon will result in a shape that could be implemented via a simple affine transformation. I hoped for a way to use TCanvas.Matrix to achieve this, or for a Draw method that took a target polygon instead of a rectangle, or to be able to use TImage3D in a 2D form, or something similar. I can't find one. Any ideas?

How can you draw an image with an affine transformation applied in FireMonkey?  I would like to take a rectangular bitmap, and draw that (in a 2D form) stretched to a not-quite-arbitrary four-sided polygon, the corner points of which I calculate. It happens that the polygon will result in a shape that could be implemented via a simple affine transformation. I hoped for a way to use TCanvas.Matrix to achieve this, or for a Draw method that took a target polygon instead of a rectangle, or to be able to use TImage3D in a 2D form, or something similar.  I can't find one. Any ideas? I'm aware of TAffineTransformEffect but can't see how to go from the four quad points to the rotation/scale values it requires (and it seems to give different results in XE6 than the screenshots in the documentation.) Any ideas? #fmx   #firemonkey  #transformation #affine

Delphi sorcery: New language feature in XE7

I wish, Delphi could get this aswell:

I wish, Delphi could get this aswell: And C# 6 brings much more nice syntax sugar to enhance the code (most of it makes the code less verbose and easier to read and write)

Delphi - Database persistence, consistency and change resilience.

Delphi - Database persistence, consistency and change resilience. We are looking at creating a unified audit trail log system, and in that respect, we have a challenge. We want to log ObjectTypeId, ObjectInstanceId, Context, Verb (+time/user/app/comment/etc) Here is the challenge.  How to ensure that the ObjectTypeId is the same in all databases, remains the same over time (as types come and go), is source code name change resilient, and has a minimum of in-code-maintenance overhead. - Can't hash the class name, as it may change. - Can't use only a factory, as the number of, and order of items may change. Current two options... 1. A virtual abstract function in the base class, and overrides for each class - which still also requires a constant, but a certain risk for forgetting to change the value, and we have a LOT of classes 2. RegisterObjectTypeID(const_SomeTypeId: Cardinal; TSomeType: TClassOfBaseType); But - this also requires creating a new constant every time, and ensuri...

So in Datasnap project I have a ClientDataSet on Client connected to a AdoQuery that is on server and it has straight forward query "select * from customer". But I am noticing that ClientdataSet.Open; ClientdataSet.Close; dosen't refresh data from actual database table.

So in Datasnap project I have a ClientDataSet on Client connected to a AdoQuery that is on server and it has straight forward query "select * from customer". But I am noticing that ClientdataSet.Open; ClientdataSet.Close; dosen't refresh data from actual database table.   It works good if I use ClientDataSet.CommandText or if I use AdoQuery with parameters. Any idea what am I missing here? Thanks.