
Showing posts from June, 2014


SetFirewallException (not written by me)
What's the reason why the DLL cannot use showmessage?

I have an idea for our friends at embarcadero.

I have an idea for our friends at embarcadero. a fidelity premium for SA's 1 year SA one free tool. 3 year SA two free tools. 5 year SA three free tools. I know it is important to get people onboard with their current initiatives. but it would also be nice to show some love for the fidelity of the SA customers.

I don't know who is behind fmxexpress, but they do post a lot of interesting material. This in particular looks very interesting:

I don't know who is behind fmxexpress, but they do post a lot of interesting material.  This in particular looks very interesting:
anyone tried to run Delphi (XE2+) on one of those win 8 tablets with 2G ram / 32 G ssd?

Some days I really wonder what kind of testing setup they have at EMB. How was this not caught internally?! I could reproduce it in XE5 and XE6 update1, so chances is it's way older than that.

Some days I really wonder what kind of testing setup they have at EMB. How was this not caught internally?! I could reproduce it in XE5 and XE6 update1, so chances is it's way older than that.


Hello, How to add new port into register the firewall?

Looking for best practice for using single-user local database.

Looking for best practice for using single-user local database. I'm developing an application that interacts with a local database on the users machine using XE4 and ElevateDB. My initial thought was to put the database in a separate folder called Data. This becomes a real pain in the ass because of the Debug and Release locations for both 32Bit and 64Bit. I understand I can use a Pre-Build command to ensure the folder and data exists in the Debug and Release locations. I'm just wondering if using a folder called "Data" that resides in the same location as the executable is the best location. Am I overthinking this? Is this just the cost of creating an application that uses a single-user local database?

On kitkat 4.4.4. So far for security.

On kitkat 4.4.4. So far for security. The site's security certificate is not trusted! You attempted to , but the server presented a certificate issued by an entity that is not trusted by your computer's operating system. ... In this case, the certificate has not been verified by a third party that your device trusts.

Q: Delphi XE2: Project Manager

Q: Delphi XE2: Project Manager Is there anyway to sort the list of units/forms that are listed under a project in the Program Manager? Looking for an automated method vs drag/drop.

Any (Delphi) developers that want to meetup in Trondheim this weekend? I'll be there from Saturday night until Monday mid-day because of a music festival with our marching band Adest Musica.

Any (Delphi) developers that want to meetup in Trondheim this weekend? I'll be there from Saturday night until Monday mid-day because of a music festival with our marching band Adest Musica. IT would be awesome to say Hei.  We'll be staying in the Rica Bakklandet Hotel, Nedre Bakklandet, Trondheim, Norway and I try to be on-line at G+ whenever I have WiFi.

Hi. I would like some tips on finding circular interface references (yeah - a lovely topic). At work, the legacy application (2M lines, including 3rd components) has developed a memory leak that I believe is because of a circular interface reference but only when a certain process is ran. Just to add salt to the wound, it is a mixture of interfaces and objects, with a side dish of class helpers and a circular reference (uses clause) helper - when we stuff things up, we do it big :-D

Hi. I would like some tips on finding circular interface references (yeah - a lovely topic). At work, the legacy application (2M lines, including 3rd components) has developed a memory leak that I believe is because of a circular interface reference but only when a certain process is ran. Just to add salt to the wound, it is a mixture of interfaces and objects, with a side dish of class helpers and a circular reference (uses clause) helper - when we stuff things up, we do it big :-D So, what tips and tricks have people learnt over the years to deal with this type of thing?

All help appreciated. Thanks

All help appreciated. Thanks Originally shared by RAD Studio RAD Studio 2014 Survey. Help shape the future of RAD Studio, Delphi and C++Builder

So it's late and I may be a bit dafter than usual, but any reason why this doesn't complain that "r" is uninitialized in the DoIt procedure?

So it's late and I may be a bit dafter than usual, but any reason why this doesn't complain that "r" is uninitialized in the DoIt procedure? type   TRec = record     x: integer;   end; procedure f(const r: TRec); begin   WriteLn(r.x); end; procedure DoIt; var   r: TRec; begin   f(r); end; begin   DoIt(); end. edit: using XE5, don't have access to XE6 here.

Based on Delphi XE 5 StealthWalker The Swiss army knife of privacy version 2.5.3 released. It is more stable you also have a global system key to renew TOR IP. Get your full functional copy today :)

Based on Delphi XE 5 StealthWalker The Swiss army knife of privacy version 2.5.3 released. It is more stable you also have a global system key to renew TOR IP. Get your full functional copy today :)

Hi Everyone

Hi Everyone, I find a trip "Android Text To Speech JNI Translation" in forum. But i want to convert Speech to Text, same as "Voice Recognize" . And then i have a few code below:  { TForm1.TRecognitionListener } constructor TForm1.TRecognitionListener.Create(AParent: TForm1); begin   inherited Create;   FParent := AParent; end; procedure TForm1.ButtonInitSpeechClick(Sender: TObject); var   b : Boolean; begin   b := TJSpeechRecognizer.JavaClass.isRecognitionAvailable(SharedActivityContext);   if b then   begin     SpeechRecognizer := TJSpeechRecognizer.JavaClass.createSpeechRecognizer(SharedActivityContext);     RecListener := TRecognitionListener.Create(self);     RecognizerIntent := TJRecognizerIntent.JavaClass.getVoiceDetailsIntent(SharedActivityContext);     RecognizerIntent.putExtra(TJRecognizerIntent.JavaClass.EXTRA_LANGUAGE_MODEL, StringToJString('en-US'));     SpeechRecognizer.setRecognitionListener(RecListener);        end; end; That's all; Plz te...

Not strictly Delphi, but useful for those that have to do diagnostics on SQL tables.

Not strictly Delphi, but useful for those that have to do diagnostics on SQL tables. Originally shared by Lars Fosdal Finding fields with a specific value in any table (SQL Server) Trying to find some mixed up data references, I wrote this little snippet to check for any field named "something" in any table, where the value ="value". Example 1 Find rows with fields ending in 'id' and value equals 6653 exec [p_UTIL_FindFields]@Name= N'%id',@Value= N'6653'  gives an output like [dbo].[p_UTIL_FindFields]@Name= N'%id',@Value= N'6653' Finding Fields with names like %id where value = 6653 select @countOut= count( ) from t_purchase_order_line_mvx_data where Id =  6653 returns 1 select @countOut= count( ) from t_purchase_order_tpack_reportings where Id =  6653 returns 1 select @countOut= count( ) from t_purchase_order_tpack_reportings where PurchaseOrderTPackLnkId =  6653 returns 2 select @countOut= count( ) from t_tpack_logs where Id...

I'm really starting to love XE6 and FireMonkey. It still has a few quirks, but it's certainly starting to shape up. Here's how we use Delphi for our ShareBike public bike management software:

I'm really starting to love XE6 and FireMonkey. It still has a few quirks, but it's certainly starting to shape up. Here's how we use Delphi for our ShareBike public bike management software: Server - Delphi 32/64 bit with RemObjects DataAbstract Server Manager - Delphi VCL 32/64 bit with RemObjects DataAbstract, DevExpress, VirtualTreeview Bike Station - Delphi 32 VCL/FMX GUI - Using MonkeyMixer and FMXContainer User App (for viewing bike availability) - Delphi FMX for Android, Delphi FMX with native DPF components for iOS Supervisor App (for bike station supervisors) - Delphi FMX for Android, Delphi FMX with native DPF components for iOS Various web services - Delphi 32/64 using our open source RemObjects.RestServer.pas component to provide access to our RemObjects server via REST. - All applications share a single code base with very few IFDEFs. - The FireMonkey mobile apps are a little slow (especially animation), but that seems entirely due to the FMX rendering. Using ...

We're pleased to announce the availability of TMS Pack for FireMonkey v2.5 with 9 new components!

We're pleased to announce the availability of TMS Pack for FireMonkey v2.5 with 9 new components!  - New: TTMSFMXListEditor: Edit control to edit a list of values in a flexible way similar to the Microsoft Outlook or iOS email address input - New: TTMSFMXWebBrowser: Wrapper around the native webbrowser component on Windows, Mac OS X, iOS and Android - New: TTMSFMXTrackBar: Trackbar with highly configurable progress, thumb and background appearance - New: TTMSFMXSignatureCapture: Component to capture signatures - New: TTMSFMXColorSelector: Highly styleable and customizable color selector - New: TTMSFMXBitmapSelector: Highly styleable and customizable bitmap selector - New: TTMSFMXColorPicker: Highly styleable and customizable color picker - New: TTMSFMXBitmapPicker: Highly styleable and customizable bitmap picker - New: TTMSFMXButton: Inherits from TButton and adds an image (TTMSFMXBitmap) and a HTML enabled text A trial version can be downloaded at:

Another reason why hints can be a sign of smelly code

Another reason why hints can be a sign of smelly code Daniela Osterhagen pointed out that hints like "var declared but not used" could be a hint of a reference mistake, and today I stumbled on another reason why hints should not be ignored. [dcc32 Hint] somefilename.pas(666): H2077 Value assigned to 'r' never used begin   ZeroMemory(@w32fd, Sizeof(TWin32FindData));   w32fd.dwFileAttributes := FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY;   ifs := TFileSystemBindData.Create;   ifs.SetFindData(w32fd);   r := CreateBindCtx(0, pbc);   r := pbc.RegisterObjectParam(STR_FILE_SYS_BIND_DATA, ifs); end; In this case, the hint reveals that error handling is missing for these two calls.  The actual calls in this specific snippet might not be error prone, but ... The point is: A "value never used" hint may indicate potential flow control flaws, resulting in stability or security pitfalls.

Love this - so RAD - even the code is drag and drop

Love this - so RAD - even the code is drag and drop

Hi! we just start to use delphi xe6 , from Xe. But now Finalbuilder is not more included in package.

Hi! we just start to use delphi xe6 , from Xe.  But now Finalbuilder is not more included in package.  there's some alternatives to try ?

Hi Group

Hi Group, I want to build Android projects as "speech recognition" to control devices;  How i "Convert Voice into Text by Speech " ??? Thanks,

Is there a platform agnostic language identifier in Delphi?

Is there a platform agnostic language identifier in Delphi? i.e. a parallel to Windows.LANG_XXX, but which can be used across all platforms? #language

People, I am calling an external DLL function into my code.

People, I am calling an external DLL function into my code. One of the parameters is the Filename, so the function parameter expects a PAnsiChar() / convertion. All look likes to be fine, but the generated file gets only the 1st char, so if name it "myfile.dat" I will see a "m" file on the folder. I am using XE5. Should I call the procedure developer for help? That DLL can be used in a lot of examples, since C# to Java, including Delphi. Thank you.

People, I am calling an external DLL function into my code. One of the parameters is the Filename, so the function parameter expects a PAnsiChar() / convertion. All look likes to be fine, but the generated file gets only the 1st char, so if name it "myfile.dat" I will see a "m" file on the folder.

People, I am calling an external DLL function into my code. One of the parameters is the Filename, so the function parameter expects a PAnsiChar() / convertion. All look likes to be fine, but the generated file gets only the 1st char, so if name it "myfile.dat" I will see a "m" file on the folder. I am using XE5. Should I call the procedure developer for help? That DLL can be used in a lot of examples, since C# to Java, including Delphi. Thank you.

Has anyone use TJvDatePickerEdit/TJvDateEdit date components with LiveBindings bidirectional data use in TBindLink?

Has anyone use TJvDatePickerEdit/TJvDateEdit date components with LiveBindings bidirectional data use in TBindLink? Format Expressions (Source ==> Control) works correctly, however Parse Expressions (Control ==> Source) does not work, ie, I can't perform recording on the DataSet (source). I use Delphi XE2, however, have tested the XE3, XE4, XE6 and did not work well. Thanks.

Make your voice heard!

Make your voice heard! Take the 2014 RAD Studio Developers Survey!

QC 125635

QC 125635 Found a bug in XE4, can someone see if this is still in XE6? When you use several lights in your FMX 3D application (3 or more) you probably want to enable and disable lights at runtime. Doing this you run into the problem: some of the enabled lights will be ignored, depending on the order you added the lights to the application. The bug is in the FMX.Materials unit. I fixed it there, no workaround.


Hi How can I print with Fast-Reports someone (database fig) many times in the same page (The report)?? in this case the number in the DB is 4 so it has to be repeated 4 times in the report Thanks


GetComputerName Hello, What is the good way to do it on crossplatform FMX ? Cordialement

What I found very funny today ...

What I found very funny today ...

Compiler messages and debugger is always 2 or 3 lines off the source.

Compiler messages and debugger is always 2 or 3 lines off the source. I doublechecked line endings already (even wrote a tool for that which found and fixes some). It seems to be a problem using generics in #XE6 . The problem goes away if not using the generic type.

Compiler messages and debugger is always 2 or 3 lines off the source. I doublechecked line endings already (even wrote a tool for that which found and fixes some). It seems to be a problem using generics in #XE6 .

Compiler messages and debugger is always 2 or 3 lines off the source. I doublechecked line endings already (even wrote a tool for that which found and fixes some). It seems to be a problem using generics in #XE6 . The problem goes away if not using the generic type.

best comment ever:

best comment ever:   // Insert the Items   BusModel.WorkOrderItemManager.Delete(AWorkOrderItemList);

Any class library that has something similar to the .NET DbConnectionStringBuilder class [#1]?

Any class library that has something similar to the .NET DbConnectionStringBuilder class [#1]? I want to parse Firebird / InterBase connection strings and give better feedback than the current components shipping with Delphi.   #1:

So, EProgrammerNotFound...

So, EProgrammerNotFound... Any ideas as to why was added to SysUtils? And when? Anyone actually using this exception? Must admit I did have a good chuckle when I discovered this just now.

Could Delphi be tweaked to compile for this ?

Could Delphi be tweaked to compile for this ?

Delphi copy protection at its worst

Delphi copy protection at its worst From slow startups to messing up your IDE, Delphi copy protection is harming all of legitimate users. It is about time that we send clear message that such things cannot be tolerated. If it works, it works (maybe slow), but you never know when your license will be declared as suspicious and IDE will start doing wild things.  It all started with XE5 and Save button issue (QC#121676) that has been resolved in XE6, but guess what XE5 users are still stuck with it. And for XE6 they didn't fix or removed faulty copy protection behavior, they have just changed the way it messes up the IDE. Now it swaps File->Open and File->Exit actions. Even if you personally haven't encountered error yourself, please vote for following QC to pass message to Embarcadero. Thanks.

XE6 went wonky with my 3rd party components after uninstall, keeping reg settings, then installing update 1. Their protection scheme triggered prevent me from running projects. .

XE6 went wonky with my 3rd party components after uninstall, keeping reg settings, then installing update 1. Their protection scheme triggered prevent me from running projects. . Running IDE with parameter flag to use different Hive was ok. So uninstalled killing reg, killed EMB folders to prevent mixing and reinstalled. That helped, except Firedac broken and won't load in IDE. This was out of gate on first and every IDE start, prior to installing any 3rd party stuff. Had to disable Firedac components from loading. The error "Cant load package C:\Program Files (x86)\embarcadero\studio\14.0\bin\dcldatasnapfiredac200.bpl. Invalid access to memory location". Any ideas?


HI trying to install a component (.bpl) and I get an error vclimg160.bpl is missing  XE6 have tried to google about this ..have not had much luck and hints guys? thanks!

I think someone forgot to update the MD5 for the XE6 update 1 ISO file.

I think someone forgot to update the MD5 for the XE6 update 1 ISO file. On and , it is '976c686c5e05e30c590ff3d410fa5899' but I get 'f0f96885e11d6a15ae3c169271475664' Can someone else confirm the MD5?

I think someone forgot to update the MD5 for the XE6 update 1 ISO file. On and, it is '976c686c5e05e30c590ff3d410fa5899' but I get 'f0f96885e11d6a15ae3c169271475664'

I think someone forgot to update the MD5 for the XE6 update 1 ISO file. On and , it is '976c686c5e05e30c590ff3d410fa5899' but I get 'f0f96885e11d6a15ae3c169271475664' Can someone else confirm the MD5?

Does anyone know of a Treeview component that mimics what xmind can do?

Does anyone know of a Treeview component that mimics what xmind can do?
When Delphi loads it shows all the registered components on a splash screen. Is there a way to display this splash screen after Delphi is up and running?

It looks like the ISO is out...

It looks like the ISO is out... Or is it ?  This one was emailed in the ADUG list, so hopefully it is the right one... They both have been modified lately, so which one is the true one? I am going with the one with the correct description.

Would anyone expect this to fail? I don't

Would anyone expect this to fail? I don't program Project1; type   TFoo = class   private     class var Intf: IInterface;   public     class constructor Create;     class destructor Destroy;   end; class constructor TFoo.Create; begin   intf := TInterfacedObject.Create; end; class destructor TFoo.Destroy; begin   Assert(Assigned(intf)); end; begin end. But obviously managed class vars are finalized before the class destructor runs. I found this when I tried to do something with elements in an interfaced list but the list was already nil.

I'm converting one of our projects from XE4 to XE6. It's gone very smoothly so far, but I've run into an RTTI issue.

I'm converting one of our projects from XE4 to XE6. It's gone very smoothly so far, but I've run into an RTTI issue. The problem is that if you place the following code in your project file in XE4 RTTI will be disabled globally. in XE6, it only disables RTTI for the current unit. {$WEAKLINKRTTI ON} {$RTTI EXPLICIT METHODS([]) PROPERTIES([]) FIELDS([])} It is very important to for us to reduce the size of the executable as we make remote updates to hundreds of devices running on very slow 2G networks. 1MB can take several minutes to download! This bug/feature has increased the size of our exe by almost 40%! How can I disable RTTI globally without having to resort to inserting the above code in every unit? Marco Cantù

Hi all

Hi all, After way too long I've finally had time to update TChromeTabs to work with the latest versions of Delphi (XE5 and XE6). I've also fixed most of the reported issues. You can grab the source from Google Code ( ) or download the source and a compiled demo from Dropbox Please report any bugs on the Google Code page. I'll try to fix them a little quicker this time :) Change Log: Fixed: Images not drawn under Windows XP Fixed: Maximized application form with TChromeTabsGlassForm blocks pop-up taskbar Fixed: Improved image quality and added option to use external pngImage in Delphi 2008 and earlier. Fixed: A range check error caused by TChromeTabsThreadTimer Fixed: Several memory leaks. Added: Demo - Drag and drop a tab outside the control to create a new form. Fixed: WMLButtonDblClk didn't call inherited. Fixed: Exception in OnTabDragStart if A...


Appmethod If it's called "Free" and can be used only for 30 days it should be called "Trial". The marketing for Appmethod Free SKU is very misleading. (Yes I know there is a "free forever" Android support via C++ in this free version.)
Im looking for Delphi Developers in Gauteng, South Africa, Ranging from Jnr - Snr, Salary from R15k - R47kpm. please contact me on 083 291 8352 or send you CV to and ill respond with a job spec.

New blog post

New blog post
I'm looking for a developer that knows Delphi 8.  I know it's old, but my company has some software built with Delphi 8 that needs some tweaks...

Is anybody from the Embarcadero FMX team or the product management reading here?

Is anybody from the Embarcadero FMX team or the product management reading here? Sadly the most annoying "External Bluetooth Keyboards on Android only support US/English-kKeyboardlayout" bug is still there in Delphi XE6 Update 1. Any chance to get this one fixed in the future - I kind of start loosing faith on this - for I am waiting already since 9/15/13.

Weak references – or why you should enable ReportMemoryLeaksOnShutdown » twm's blog

Version 1.0 of my Memory Profiler is in the pipeline. Also remote debugging capabilities via DDObjects are available very soon now.

Version 1.0 of my Memory Profiler is in the pipeline. Also remote debugging capabilities via DDObjects are available very soon now. Any advise and feedback are welcome :)

How do you convince a client that the current code base needs a real overhaul?

How do you convince a client that the current code base needs a real overhaul? In the case below, I've repeatedly told the client that the project suffers a lot from "technical debt" -  but since the product (usually) works fairly OK, they don't want to "waste money" and "start over"... Should I just carry our the refactoring while maintaining the product. Or should I just add a few bugs here and there: if Random(50)=0 then   ShowMessage('Something went seriously wrong during this operation!'+#13#10+'Take backup and call support'); Or should I just push harder and convince the guys that it time for a real upgrade? How to you convince non-technical people that the product need non-visual improvements? Any suggestions? Originally shared by Jørn Einar Angeltveit Wow.  I just came across a form method with 4 local procedures - where one of them had yet another local procedure that contained three new local procedures.  Oh lord...  A to...

Wow. I just came across a form method with 4 local procedures - where one of them had yet another local procedure that contained three new local procedures. Oh lord... A total of 400 LOC!

Wow.  I just came across a form method with 4 local procedures - where one of them had yet another local procedure that contained three new local procedures.  Oh lord...  A total of 400 LOC! Any higher...? procedure Form1.MyMethod;     procedure proc1     procedure proc2     procedure proc3     procedure proc4         procedure proc4.1             procedure proc4.1.a             procedure proc4.1.b             procedure proc4.1.b begin end;

Can you give me links to Android Apps Development guides, blog or forums etc..want to learn android application development using delphi..

Can you give me links to Android Apps Development guides, blog or forums etc..want to learn android application development using delphi.. Thanks

The first full release of Appmethod is also available (based on the RAD Studio XE6 Update 1 bits).

The first full release of Appmethod is also available (based on the RAD Studio XE6 Update 1 bits). What is Appmethod? See for information. (Notice you cannot install RAD/Delphi/C++Builder and Appmethod on the same physical machine of virtual machine, as the two do not co-exist peacefully). Why does it matter to Delphi developers? Not that you really want to use it, but it is the tool to send your friends looking for a mobile-centric, subscription-based solution.  In Appmethod you buy the platforms you want, and code in either C++ or Object Pascal. The C++ Android phone version is free!

Delphi XE6 Update 1 available for registered users.

Delphi XE6 Update 1 available for registered users. Delphi web install at  (requires full uninstall/reinstall -- but if you keep your registry settings your existing configuration will be preserved). Other options (like full DVD download) will be available soon. List of bugs fixed at .  There are also the RAD Studio XE6 and the C++ Builder XE6 updates, of course, available in the registered users download page. And if you still don't own XE6, what are you waiting? There are great offers, discounted updates, and extra free components only until the end of June. Info at Update: there is some more info in my blog post "RAD Studio XE6 Update 1 Available" (and Appmethod is here) at

Delphi XE6 Update 1 available for registered users. Delphi web install at (requires full uninstall/reinstall -- but if you keep your registry settings your existing configuration will be preserved).

Delphi XE6 Update 1 available for registered users. Delphi web install at  (requires full uninstall/reinstall -- but if you keep your registry settings your existing configuration will be preserved). Other options (like full DVD download) will be available soon. List of bugs fixed at .  There are also the RAD Studio XE6 and the C++ Builder XE6 updates, of course, available in the registered users download page. And if you still don't own XE6, what are you waiting? There are great offers, discounted updates, and extra free components only until the end of June. Info at Update: there is some more info in my blog post "RAD Studio XE6 Update 1 Available" (and Appmethod is here) at

Thinfinity™ Virtual UI beta 2 released!

Thinfinity™ Virtual UI beta 2 released! A new build of Thinfinity™ Virtual UI has been released with several improvements and bug fixes: * Compatibility with Delphi 2 to XE6 * Added support for Visual Basic 6 * Enhanced ActiveX/OLE automation interfaces * Fixed .NET assembly not loading interop * Added strong name to .NET assembly * Mouse wheel fixed * Fixed some other mouse-related issues * Added MDI compatibility * Fixed some problems with cursor and a few other ones.. For increased compatibility, we renamed units Thinfinity.VirtualUI.pas and Thinfinity.VirtualUI.AutoRun.pas to VirtualUI_SDK.pas and VirtualUI_AutoRun.pas. Please uninstall the previous build before installing the new one. We appreciate your feedback and bug report! Please send us an e-mail to Setup files for Windows 8/2012 64-bit: Setup files for Windows 8...

Sorry about this :-)

Sorry about this :-) Originally shared by Delphi Try RAD Studio XE6 this weekend and you could win an Android tablet

And again.....

And again..... Originally shared by Delphi Check out the latest Delphi BOGO and Bonus Pack specials at the Embarcadero Online Store
OK, exporting data to Excel, I must put the text 000 in a cell. Excel displays the little green triangle in the cell, indicating that they know better than I do what I want. Ignoring for a moment the components used to access the sheet, is there an API access to turn off the little triangles in cells which have them? I have not yet found a solution the (Axolot) components, but if anyone knows of an API I could search in source for that....

From , is there a constant of 'Product Version' within Delphi that I can used in code (like IntToStr(ProductVersion)), or do I need to have an include file that works it out?

From , is there a constant of 'Product Version' within Delphi that I can used in code (like IntToStr(ProductVersion)), or do I need to have an include file that works it out?

Hi Group, How to make button with background Image?

Hi Group, How to make  button with background Image? I build android application with XE5. Thanks,

How many of you do Continuous Integration and Unit Testing?

How many of you do Continuous Integration and Unit Testing? Which tools do you use? #continuousintegration   #unittesting


Hello! I started blogging on LinkedIn. The latest I have published is this: I usually also notify them on Twitter using my "DeerBear3000" account. A

Fala Galeraaaaaaaaaaa

Fala Galeraaaaaaaaaaa Viu pessoal estou com uma dúvida aqui. Tenho um Dbgrid e quero adicionar "V" a um campo que quero baixar. só que quero MARCAR Vários campos AO MESMO TEMPO, o problema é que ... quando eu clico em uma linha... funciona certinho aparece o "V" mas quando clico na segunda linha some o "V" que eu havia MARCADO NA LINHA ANTERIOR... exemplo.. O QUE ESTA ACONTECENDO.... LINHA 1 (CLIQUEI AQUI, ESTA LINHA RECEBE "V") LINHA 2(CLIQUEI AQUI DESTA VEZ, LINHA 1 PERDE O "V" E LINHA 2 RECEBE O V) LINHA 3 COMO QUERO QUE FAÇA.... O QUE ESTA ACONTECENDO.... LINHA 1 (CLIQUEI AQUI, ESTA LINHA RECEBE "V") LINHA 2(CLIQUEI AQUI DESTA VEZ, LINHA 1 CONTINUA COM O "V" E LINHA 2 RECEBE É MARCADA COM O V) cÓDIGO QUE ESTOU USANDO.... procedure Tfrm_crediario.DBGrid1CellClick(Column: TColumn); Begin     udm.querycrediario.Edit;    if udm.querycrediarioATIVO.AsString='V' then begin            udm.querycrediarioATIVO.AsS... It's all I need for database development. It's all I need for database development.

RTTI and detecting virtual method overrides

RTTI and detecting virtual method overrides What is the best way of programmatically detecting at runtime whether a virtual method in the base class has been overridden for a descendant type? Calling the method is not an option, as an instance does not exist as of yet, and I only have a type reference.

We just passed 3000 community members!

We just passed 3000 community members! That calls for a small celebration! Yay!  

Chrome is phasing out NPAPI support by late 2014.

Chrome is phasing out NPAPI support by late 2014. Can Delphi be used to compile a Chrome NaCl extension? *only Win support is needed
Chrome is phasing out NPAPI support by late 2014. Can Delphi be used to compile a Chrome NaCl extension? *only Win support is needed

After reading that, I wonder couldn't be some Firemonkey updates independently from the compiler version ? Just to keep things in the right Unit and to have sets with the right names ?

After reading that, I wonder couldn't be some Firemonkey updates independently from the compiler version ? Just to keep things in the right Unit and to have sets with the right names ?



#mercurial #hg #plink #sourceforge

#mercurial   #hg #plink   #sourceforge
Does anybody know how to get the SSID of an active WiFi connection?

query :=TSQLQuery.Create(Self);

query :=TSQLQuery.Create(Self);    try       query.SQLConnection := MSSQL_sys;       query.SQL.Add('SELECT UserName,Pass FROM Register  ') ;       query.SQL.Add('WHERE Register.UserName=:f1 ') ;       query.Params[0].AsString := _UserName ;       query.Open;       FormMain.Debug(['query.RowsAffected : ',query.RowsAffected],'?');       getUserName :=query.FieldByName('UserName').AsString;       getPass :=query.FieldByName('Pass').AsString;       FormMain.Debug(['getUserName: ',getUserName],'?');       FormMain.Debug(['getPass: ',getPass],'?');    finally       query.Free;    end; Why query.RowsAffected always return 0;  And  "recordcount" property not support in this, How can I get rowAffected in this?
I am using the TdxMemData component from DevExpress. New territory for me, and it seems that the Filter property does nothing. Google mostly turns up suggestions in the direction of switching to a different component. If anyone has any better news, I would be pleased to hear it, as the TdxMemData component is fundamental to our app.

HTML Reports demo updated.

HTML Reports demo updated. Now demo contains built-in HTTP server and demonstrates how to use HRL on a server side as a web reports server. Web interface is based on very simple template {{{menu}}} {{{form}}} {{{content}}} It shows good scalability in JMeter tests - 9ms response time (on simple Customer list with styling report) with one active thread and 17 ms with 5 active threads, so it could process more than 230 requests (reports)/sec. Also demo contains example of parameters declaration in reports and auto-build forms based on parameters. Please note that demo requests administrative privileges on startup because it uses http.sys windows library. Demo: Library description:

Originally shared by Martijn Coppoolse

Originally shared by Martijn Coppoolse Finally, built-in controls to support Windows 7's "new" taskbar capabilities!

Console app - version information not in build.

Console app - version information not in build. Delphi XE6: if build a new console app from the template and set the "Take Version information to prjoect"  for the given target, then it works and the exe has all the fileversion informations. I have a console app written in Delphi XE4. I configured all options i think is needed for taking the Version-information to the project, but the exe has no version information after compiling with Delphi XE6. I cannot check if it would work in XE4 because i have no installation by the hand.

If you want to make your unit tests look huge: just enable runtime theming in the DUnit GUI runner. It only runs 15 to 20 times slower then. lol

If you want to make your unit tests look huge: just enable runtime theming in the DUnit GUI runner. It only runs 15 to 20 times slower then. lol

Spring4d new logo idea

Spring4d new logo   idea +Stefan Glienke - is this one close to what you want? The image was created with Delphi (FMX TViewport3D). It is based on a formula which is based on a model of springs. New colors for new versions are no problem.
XML and web broker improvements in XE6? I thought I read that there was going to be a native XML parser in XE6, did that happen? And some web broker improvements. Can't seem to find any mentions. Anyone know?

Hi Group

Hi Group,  I developing Datasnap server. I want to connect MSSQL server 2008 use Dbx_express component ( as a picture attach ) But I can't connect. Tell me about how do that? Thanks all,


Hello, I have XE5 Delphi, how can I save an image (bmp, jpg), that I have in TImage, in the gallery of iOS 7?

TMS Cloud Pack for FireMonkey v2.0 released with Win32 support and 3 new components!

TMS Cloud Pack for FireMonkey v2.0 released with Win32 support and 3 new components! - New: Support for Win32 target (via Chromium embedded) - New: TTMSFMXCloudYouTube: component to get access to YouTube API - New: TTMSFMXCloudDropBoxDataStore: component to get access to DropBox DataStore API - New: TTMSFMXCloudBitCasa: component to get access to BitCasa API Also available for VCL Windows applications: TMS Cloud Pack ( ) or in the bundle TMS Cloud Studio ( ) with support for VCL, FireMonkey, IntraWeb and .NET

Hi Friends

Hi Friends, I created DLL using com server of delphi. I created one record type in .tlb file which listed as below in _tlb.pas file.   ClientMatterBal = packed record   end; i used this type as a return type in one the metyhod which i created in .tlb file and its listed in _tlb.pas file as function GetClientDetails(const strClient: WideString): ClientMatterBal; stdcall; but if i compiled project then it gives error  like "E2211 Declaration of 'GetClientDetails' differs from declaration in interface 'IIntegrationDLLClass'" all other methods work fine and if i changed same method return type with integer or boolean then it also works fine, however its not working with return type of record. if any one faced same issue then please let me know that how to create method with return type of record using com server wizard of delphi.


Hi, I am having issues updating the Indy under XE6 from the Indy's SVN. The win32 part works, but i could not find any documentation, how to make a complete update for all possible targets such as iOS, Android and Win64. Basically i am not sure how to set up the packages precisely for the different targets and where to copy the generated dcu's and o's for debug and release too. If anybody could point me into the right direction would be appreciated.

#DevExpress again, now with a sofisticated spreadsheet control. Wow!

#DevExpress again, now with a sofisticated spreadsheet control. Wow!

I am sure you know about the useful controls TJvDirectoryEdit and TJvFilenameEdit from the JVCL. They come in handy whenever you need an edit field that should allow autocomplete for file or directory names. It always irked me that I had to include not only the JVCL but also the JCL in order to just have this autocompletion feature especially since I don’t want the selection buttons that are part of the controls. So, having some time on my hands this weekend I decided to check how it is done and whether it would be possible to get the feature without the JVCL.

I am sure you know about the useful controls TJvDirectoryEdit and TJvFilenameEdit from the JVCL. They come in handy whenever you need an edit field that should allow autocomplete for file or directory names. It always irked me that I had to include not only the JVCL but also the JCL in order to just have this autocompletion feature especially since I don’t want the selection buttons that are part of the controls. So, having some time on my hands this weekend I decided to check how it is done and whether it would be possible to get the feature without the JVCL. It turned out to be easy. ...

#Spring4D needs a logo!

#Spring4D needs a logo! Since it is almost 5 years old, (finally) had its first release in April and is heading towards the first update (more details about that soon) the Spring4D team asks for your help since art design is not our strength. If you got some skill with designing logos we are happy for your proposals. You can post them here, on the google group (!forum/spring4d ) or mail them to me whatever you like. Thanks!

Great performance benchmark from delphi 2010 to Delphi XE6

Great performance benchmark from delphi 2010 to Delphi XE6

Any takers?

Any takers?

Answer from Ken White on StackOverflow on

Answer from Ken White on StackOverflow on "Auto append/complete from text file to an edit box delphi"

Is there any way to repeat a texture under FMX (just like GL_REPEAT under OpenGL ?)

Is there any way to repeat a texture under FMX (just like GL_REPEAT under OpenGL ?)

To bad that we can't write (under FMX)

To bad that we can't write (under FMX) Bitmap.Canvas.FillPolygon([PointF(0,0), PointF(0,10), PointF(15,25)],100); FillPolygon accepts only a TPolygon, not an array of TPointF (in fact a TPolygon  !) this function can be used, but it's a shame ! function Polygon(const Points: array of TPointF): TPolygon; begin   SetLength(Result, Length(Points));   Move(Points[0], Result[0], Length(Points) * SizeOf(TPointF)); end;

In Delphi XE, is there any RTL/VCL methods that can do a deep copy of a multi-dimensional array (TArray<TArray>)? I would think by now there would be one... or do I have to implement my own?

In Delphi XE, is there any RTL/VCL methods that can do a deep copy of a multi-dimensional array (TArray >)? I would think by now there would be one... or do I have to implement my own? My Google-Foo has failed me but I did find , which, by looking at the source, seems to be able to do a deep copy (but it doesn't). I am using it: CopyArray(LDestGrid, FSourceGrid, TypeInfo(TArray >), Length(FSourceGrid));

Sound / vibrate in push application closed. (android)

Sound / vibrate in push application closed. (android)  Hi my application I receive the push. However if the application is closed or locked screen does not play any sound and the phone does not vibrate. Someone knows how to solve this?  thank you

Delphi XE6 Setup to iOS not so easy as the video made out....

Delphi XE6 Setup to iOS not so easy as the video made out.... I'm getting the error: [PAClient Error] Error: E0264 Unable to execute '"/usr/bin/codesign" --en "/Users/Christopher/RADPAServer/scratch-dir/Christopher-Mac Mini/" -s "iPhone Developer" -f "/Users/Christopher/RADPAServer/scratch-dir/Christopher-Mac Mini/"' (Error 1) [PAClient Error] Error: E0264 /Users/Christopher/RADPAServer/scratch-dir/Christopher-Mac Mini/ code failed to satisfy specified code requirement(s) Details of machines: Windows 8.1  ----------- Running Delphi XE6 Enterprise, following video Setting up your Mac for iOS and OS X Development I've set up SDK for iPhone OS 7,1 and MacOSX 10.9.2 Refreshed local file caches for both. Set up and tested a connection to my Mac's PAServer Provisioning : Developer Certificate for "iOS Device - Debug" is "iPhone Developer" Mac OS/X 10.9.3 ---...
I am trying to avoid re-inventing the wheel. I need to accept formatted strings, and assign them to cells in a spreadsheet as values, not strings, but with formatting applied to match the appearance of the formatted string. I would think that others have probably gone down this road already...

Please vote for

Please vote for You need to use the Windows QC Client to do voting and remember that you can put 10 votes into an issue.

Generics and enumerations

Generics and enumerations We need a type qualifier for enumerated types that allow us to do loops and indexing with generic enumerables. type TMyType = (a, b, c); TEnumToStr = reference to function(Value:T):String; procedure SomeClass.ListTypes (ToString:TEnumToStr ); var   v: T; begin   for v := Low(T) to High(T)  //    do Writeln(ToString(T)); ... [dcc32 Error] : E2032 For loop control variable must have ordinal type Argh! Any suggestion to for a clever workaround?  I need to write tests for dozens of EnumToString functions for enumerable types, and would love to avoid having to recreate the entire loop with declarations, sanity checks, logging and all.

Hello, anybody knows is there a dxGettext or similar for Delphi 64 Bit compiler?

Hello, anybody knows is there a dxGettext or similar for Delphi 64 Bit compiler? I'm at moment porting a legacy old App to 64 bit and there was gnugettext used. The main problem at moment is the missing hook for LoadResString. Thanks all
Finally I was convinced to put together a public demo showing Thinfinity Virtual UI abilities. But, I need a real-life app. Anyone wanting to showcase your vcl app on the web?
"Doing X with a single line of code" (or even worse "without a single line of code") is one of the marketing claims that I really hate. It is never that simple once you leave the realm of hello world like programs. And it more often than not gets into the way of real programming when you try to do it the "with a single line of code" way.

A few days ago we released the first beta release of Thinfinity Virtual UI. We've received lots of questions and feedback (thanks to everyone!) but I noticed certain reluctance to try it. So, I would like to point out a couple of reasons why every developer should not only try this solution, but adopt it.

A few days ago we released the first beta release of Thinfinity Virtual UI. We've received lots of questions and feedback (thanks to everyone!) but I noticed certain reluctance to try it. So, I would like to point out a couple of reasons why every developer should  not only try this solution, but adopt it. How to try it in developer mode?  1. Add Thinfinity.AutoRun to your project uses clause.  2. Run the app (from Delphi IDE) and open the web browser pointing to . That's it! Why you should adopt Thinfinity Virtual UI?  1. It's free for you! The developer license cost zero! 2. The app will run unaltered under normal circumstances. You can deploy your app as always and no one will notice a difference, just because the code you added is almost dead code in a normal scenario. 3. Your application gained a new ability with no cost! Now, under the right scenario,  it can be remoted to a web browser and accessed virtually from almost any device! Shouldn't...

TMS Cloud Pack v2.5 released with XE6 support and 3 new components: TAdvBitCasa, TAdvDropBoxDataStore and TAdvYouTube

TMS Cloud Pack v2.5 released with XE6 support and 3 new components: TAdvBitCasa, TAdvDropBoxDataStore and TAdvYouTube  You can download the fully functional trial version from our website:

Hello Group, I am working on a application which is based on Client server architecture. Server is implemented using windows service and clients are windows client.

Hello Group, I am working on a application which is based on Client server architecture. Server is implemented using windows service and clients are windows client. Now we want to scale our application on web and mobile also. and to achieve this we are approaching the attached architecture. we are also thinking about creating a web service which will replace server in given image but do not have much knowledge about how Desktop client will communicate with web service . please suggest.

What is the best way to solve being unable to load a package because it contains a unit already in another package? The simple answer is to put those units in a third package both use, but I'm not certain that's possible in my case.

What is the best way to solve being unable to load a package because it contains a unit already in another package?  The simple answer is to put those units in a third package both use, but I'm not certain that's possible in my case. The units are Spring4D Collections, and and are implicitly imported into the BPLs because they're used internally by some units in each BPL.  ("[dcc32 Warning] Foo.dpk(57): W1033 Unit 'Spring.Collections' implicitly imported into package 'Foo'", plus several other S4D units too.)  The problem is, I want to load several packages and I want to use the S4D code in all of them, so all of them end up having the units implicitly imported.  Because a unit can only be in one package, only one of these packages can be loaded at a time.  Even if I make one package a DLL (a possibility), there are still going to be other packages in future, plus potential third-party packages. I have thought of building S4D's collections into...

MemCheck.pas and RecyclerMM.pas: Do you still use them?

MemCheck.pas and RecyclerMM.pas: Do you still use them? I just found that some of my older stuff has these two units linked, probably since Delphi 7. Now that I'm XE2, I've found these units have issues with Ansi/Unicode and I'm presented with the question "Why am I still using these?!?!?" Do you use MemCheck or RecyclerMM in a XE2 (or newer) environment. It seems like MemCheck can be easily removed, as it needs to be initiated at run-time and used in code. But RecyclerMM seems like magic, maybe magic I used to need, but don't know anymore.

Hi Friends

Hi Friends, I have created one DLL called "IntegrationDLL.dll" in delphi and trying to use that in C#. one of my function in delphi dll is like below Function GetClientDetails(pstrClient: widestring):OleVariant;stdcall; var   RecClientMatterBAL:TClientMatterBAL;   PtrClientMatterBAL:ClientMatterBAL;   size:Smallint; begin         ShowMessage('Start');         RecClientMatterBAL.Disb := 11.11;         RecClientMatterBAL.Bills := 12.12;         RecClientMatterBAL.Client := 13.13;         RecClientMatterBAL.Deposit := 14.14;         RecClientMatterBAL.WIP := 15.15;         Size := SizeOf(RecClientMatterBAL);         Result := VarArrayCreate([0, Size], varByte);         PtrClientMatterBAL := VarArrayLock(Result);         CopyMemory(PtrClientMatterBAL,@RecClientMatterBAL, Size);         VarArrayUnlock(Result);         ShowMessage('Done'); end; it returns olevariant which i used to make compatiable with c# and it contain record like below type   TClientMatterBAL = r...

I just stumbled over an oddity in TJvDbGrid (which probably also applies to the standard Delphi TDbGrid):

I just stumbled over an oddity in TJvDbGrid (which probably also applies to the standard Delphi TDbGrid): Including dgTab in the grid’s Options resulted in TAB moving the cursor to the next row rather than to the next column as expected. ...

We are glad to announce the release of HelpNDoc 4.4 which is available completely free for personal use and evaluation purposes starting now. HelpNDoc 4.4 simplifies the association of keywords with multiple topics, allows the analysis of keywords in the project analyzer, provides configuration options for various paths such as the templates path, generates better Word DocX and Adobe PDF documentation files and includes many enhancements and bug fixes. Learn more at:

We are glad to announce the release of HelpNDoc 4.4 which is available completely free for personal use and evaluation purposes starting now. HelpNDoc 4.4 simplifies the association of keywords with multiple topics, allows the analysis of keywords in the project analyzer, provides configuration options for various paths such as the templates path, generates better Word DocX and Adobe PDF documentation files and includes many enhancements and bug fixes. Learn more at:

How well do Spring4D's generic containers compile in heavy/practical use in older versions of Delphi?

How well do Spring4D's generic containers compile in heavy/practical use in older versions of Delphi? I ask because I have a project written in XE6 using the inbuilt RTL generic containers, and I can only compile it back to XE4 (maybe 3, not tested.)  XE2 and below throw internal compiler errors.  At the same time I've been using S4D's containers in another project and really like them.  If I migrated the first project to use them, is it likely the older compilers will behave better?  (It's a lot of work to convert which is why I'm asking first.  The majority of containers are TDictionaries with a few TLists.  I'd really like to have this codebase able to be compiled in D2010 and above.)

It would be nice if the Windows APIs were properly covered in Delphi.

It would be nice if the Windows APIs were properly covered in Delphi. Marco Cantù - It seems that you missed this little handy function.
The new EurekaLog XE6 release is out.  See the 3rd Party section for details.

EurekaLabs s.a.s. is proud to announce the release of EurekaLog for Embarcadero XE6 Delphi and CBuilder!

EurekaLabs s.a.s. is proud to announce the release of EurekaLog for Embarcadero XE6 Delphi and CBuilder! EurekaLog catches exceptions in your Delphi/CBuilder app and creates a log file.  It can send this log to you via Email, FTP, HTTP, or through most of the major web-based bug tracking systems.  The log contains a full stack trace, optional screen shot, and tons of other information useful for quickly diagnosing and fixing the bugs in your app. You can easily customize EurekaLog to your personal taste.  EurekaLog can also detect and log memory / resource leaks. EurekaLog is also compatible with older Delphi / CBuilder releases - see our web site for details. This is a free upgrade for all existing EurekaLog v7 customers.  Existing customers can download the update from their login page, found at Use the log in credentials we sent you at purchase time.  Version contains the XE6 update. Potential new customers can purchase the product here:...

URGENT - Sound and vibration in Push / Delphi-XE6 Android

URGENT - Sound and vibration in Push / Delphi-XE6 Android  My push comes correctly on Android, but not vibrates or beeps. This is critical for my app.  If the application is closed it gets put without beep or vibration. If the phone is locked it does not warns the User saw that received only push the shock absorber deslbloqueio.  Does anyone know a way to do?

For use gmlib in Delphi XE6 add in file this :

For use gmlib in Delphi XE6 add in file this : // delphi XE6 {$IFDEF VER270}   {$DEFINE DELPHI6}   {$DEFINE DELPHI7}   {$DEFINE DELPHI2005}   {$DEFINE DELPHI2006}   {$DEFINE DELPHI2007}   {$DEFINE DELPHI2009}   {$DEFINE DELPHI2010}   {$DEFINE DELPHIXE}   {$DEFINE DELPHIXE2}   {$DEFINE DELPHIXE3}   {$DEFINE DELPHIXE4}   {$DEFINE DELPHIXE5}   {$DEFINE DELPHIXE6}   {$DEFINE WEBBROWSER}   {$IFDEF WIN32}     {.$DEFINE CHROMIUM}     {.$DEFINE CHROMIUMFMX}   {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} It's very easy and you can install gmlib without problem

GExperts for XE6: Workaround for invisible (gray) icons.

GExperts for XE6: Workaround for invisible (gray) icons. There was a complaint in embarcadero non-technical newsgroup about GExperts "light gray" Icons in XE6 . If you usually compile GExperts yourself, you can add one line of code as a workaround to prevent that "light gray" icons. I'm still not sure what is causing the problem... Unit GX_ActionBroker.pas Search for procedure TGxActionBroker.RegisterActionWithIde ... locate this code: ReadyBitmap := CreateScaledBitmap(Bitmap); try   BitmapName := AAction.Name + GetBitmapSuffix; add:     {$ifdef GX_VER170_up}   ReadyBitmap.Transparent := False;  // prevent invisible icons on XE6   {$endif}