
Showing posts from March, 2015

What are other people using as a MyBase file editor? I found this which mostly worked but it is a little light on functionality.

What are other people using as a MyBase file editor? I found this which mostly worked but it is a little light on functionality.

Originally shared by jeff weir

Originally shared by jeff weir Sorry but I just had to share this

ShFileOperation fails with error 2 (file not found), then error 87 (invalid parameter). Filename and pathname is correct. Sometimes it works, sometimes, it doesn't. Can't see the pattern. Juggling all the flags doesn't work... WTF!?

ShFileOperation fails with error 2 (file not found), then error 87 (invalid parameter).  Filename and pathname is correct.  Sometimes it works, sometimes, it doesn't.  Can't see the pattern.  Juggling all the flags doesn't work...  WTF!? Reading the documentation again... oh... SourceFileName := SourceFileName + #0; TargetPath := TargetPath + #0; I guess they really meant it when they said to double 0 terminate the strings... problem solved.

AWESOME! XE8 is now out!!

AWESOME! XE8 is now out!! I just check on the off chance and it is there!! Downloading as I type :-D

TMS Component Pack v7.7.3.0 ( ) released with a new JSON syntax styler & formatter added in TAdvMemo

TMS Component Pack v7.7.3.0 ( ) released with a new JSON syntax styler & formatter added in TAdvMemo + various smaller improvements & fixes. See full version history for details:

I am building an Android app that uses a R/O Sqlite3 database. The corresponding desktop app will maintain the db.

I am building an Android app that uses a R/O Sqlite3 database. The corresponding desktop app will maintain the db. What is a good way to update the mobile db from the desktop app without buying a license?

Hi Friends

Hi Friends, I am using Using Delphi 5+ infomix, Delphi 5+ informix on unix, and delphi 2006+ Sql Server.(All  3 source code  has same functionality) Now i am merging all source code to one single code(delphi 2006) but i am facing issue while connecting Infomrix unix with ADO component of delphi 2006. Informix on windows + delphi 5's souce code works fine while i used them by creating DSN. DSN of unix informix database created successfully but while i used them with any ADO component of delphi 2006 its give error like "Unspecified Error". Connection done successfully as i debug application but when i write any SQL statement and try to OPEN it then it gives error "Unspecified Error". Any help on this is appreciated, Please let me know if you need any more details.

Editor demo updated (but still far from release):

Editor demo updated (but still far from release): A lot of improvements in navigation/selection/rendering/etc. Navigation shortcuts are same as in MS Word (for example - Alt+Home - first cell, Alt+Up - paragraph start). Added hotkeys (same as in MS Word) for bold, italic, underline, subscript/superscript, line spacing, header level, block indent, upper/lower case, alignment, special symbols -(c), tm, (r). Autoreplace for ..., (c), (tm), (r). All comments and suggestions are welcome on

FixInsight vs RTL | SourceOddity

I think this is something good for mobile UI customization but its in japanese, but the screenshots look amazing !

I think this is something good for mobile UI customization but its in japanese, but the screenshots look amazing !

Array views... While making my BufferedStreamReader, I once again longed for an "array view". I want to hand the compiler a type, a pointer, a length/element count and the element stride. In return I want something I can access as an array, get the length of and pass as "array of X" parameters.

Array views... While making my BufferedStreamReader, I once again longed for an "array view". I want to hand the compiler a type, a pointer, a length/element count and the element stride. In return I want something I can access as an array, get the length of and pass as "array of X" parameters. We have TArray which is great, especially with the latest XE7 additions, but that doesn't help much when you need to expose part of an existing array, and possibly with stride SizeOf(T). I'd be fine with the thing having no particular lifetime management (ie like a regular pointer).

Version 1.1 of DDDebug, the Delphi Memory Profiler, is about to be released during the next month. New features are the tracing of GDI, User and Kernel Objects to profile and observer resource allocations and leaks.

Version 1.1 of DDDebug, the Delphi Memory Profiler, is about to be released during the next month. New features are the tracing of GDI, User and Kernel Objects to profile and observer resource allocations and leaks.

Serialization woes

Serialization woes I have been pretty satisfied with default Delphi serialization techniques using published directive and DefineProperty. For most needs you don't need much more, you can publish properties declared in ancestor classes. The only down side (occurring, rather rarely) is that you cannot un-publish published property and you cannot change property names, but those can be taken care of rather easily with simple serialization frameworks that enable you to add mappings, filters an converters. Another important feature is that this kind of serialization allows changing serialization frameworks without the need for changing classes that need to be serialized. And it works rather fast. Recently introduced JSON serialization in Delphi, that relies on attributes, is anything but above. You have to pollute classes with specifics valid only for this serialization framework (imagine, if you need to change it or add more), you cannot add attributes in ancestor classes (see linked ...

After fiddling with Yahoo Pipes some more I now have it read its sources from a csv file (currently hosted on my web server). The Delphi Pipe page displays that list as an rss feed, in addition to the actual pipe.

After fiddling with Yahoo Pipes some more I now have it read its sources from a csv file (currently hosted on my web server). The Delphi Pipe page displays that list as an rss feed, in addition to the actual pipe. Since it has now become much easier for me to add sources, keep them coming. ;-)

"Single executable that doesn't require installation." Written in .Net 3.5. Once upon a time, an app like this would have been written in Delphi, because it would have been "the" go-to small-app development environment. Embarcadero really needs to work on perception and knowledge of Delphi in the wider developer environment. IMO (and I haven't asked them) it's quite possible the company, porting their very popular Mac app to Windows, have never even heard of Delphi.

"Single executable that doesn't require installation."  Written in .Net 3.5. Once upon a time, an app like this would have been written in Delphi, because it would have been "the" go-to small-app development environment. Embarcadero really needs to work on perception and knowledge of Delphi in the wider developer environment. IMO (and I haven't asked them) it's quite possible the company, porting their very popular Mac app to Windows, have never even heard of Delphi. If you've never tried Calca, by the way, give it a go. I have the Mac version installed, not Windows, but the idea is fantastic: a Markdown-formatted editor which includes a calculator allowing natural language variables, so you can write down (advanced!) math in your text document and it will solve it for you on the fly. I wish I had thought of it!
What do you believe is the keyfactor in creating an interest within a user when developing mobile apps?

Inspired by a post from Tommi Prami I have created Delphi Pipe. If you want to be added to it, please leave a comment.

Inspired by a post from Tommi Prami I have created Delphi Pipe. If you want to be added to it, please leave a comment. Also, in the hopefully rare case that you want to be removed, please leave a comment. Edit: If you want me to add your feed, please provide the url of the feed, not just that of the website. I don't really want to go searching for it. (Opera used to display an icon if it found a feed, Chrome apparently doesn't do that.)
Do you have any idea about how to read all build configuration options (properties) from a dproj file when specifying configuration&platform? (e.g. Debug, Win32)  Inherited/overridden properties must be considered.

Professional Open Source Computer Vision Library For Delphi XE7 Firemonkey On Windows

Just in case it might be useful to anyone else, or you just want to have a look (and hopefully not a laugh), here's my BufferedStreamReader.

Just in case it might be useful to anyone else, or you just want to have a look (and hopefully not a laugh), here's my BufferedStreamReader . The BufferedStreamReader is modelled after TStreamReader, but also allows direct access to the underlying stream. The BufferedStreamReader was created to solve a specific requirement I had. I needed to parse some text followed by some binary data from a given TStream. While the TStreamReader does allow you to access the underlying stream, it doesn't give you any way to compensate for the data it has buffered internally while reading the text portion of the stream. This greatly increases the complexity when trying to read the binary data that follows the text, and is almost impossible if the characters are encoded is something other than ASCII. The ppm2png example included in the repository shows just such a situation. PPM image files have a ASCII text header, followed by the binary image data. Using the BufferedStreamReader the header can...

How do you control the position of a custom hint? (Or, possibly, how do you use a custom hint window class for one specific control?)

How do you control the position of a custom hint?  (Or, possibly, how do you use a custom hint window class for one specific control?) I've written a TCustomControl descendant for which I want hints to: a) Appear at a specific place - not at the mouse cursor b) Render differently to normal hints (b) is fine. I have a descendant of TCustomHint which overrides SetHintSize and PaintHint. In my custom control's constructor, I tell it to use this hint via SetCustomHint(new TCustomHint-descendant instance).  Now, I mouse over my control and get a lovely custom-painted hint. Fantastic. (a) however is giving me trouble. Hint position seems to be set through the hint window - that is, a TCustomHintWindow. However, I can't override TCustomHintWindow.PositionAt since it's not virtual, nor have I figured out how to get my hint to use my custom hint window class without using Application.OnShowHint, which seems the wrong way for a custom control. I'd prefer to have the control...

This is what came out of my mouth just minutes ago:

This is what came out of my mouth just minutes ago: "I am a lot of things, most of them inappropriate" Sigh...
I'm using Firedac to add records to a SQLite db.   I have an TFdTable component that I call the Append method on.  When I fill the values in the fields, and call post, I get "Not Null constrainst failed:  Factors.IdStates".    The factors table does indeed have a   Not null in  the IdStates  field.   I'm using livebinding to bind the fields of the TFdTable to edit controls and   Combo boxes.   So for instance, the States combo box is bound to  a TFdQuery that gets the IdStates (and the state text from the States table), etc.    I think I have the livebindings wired correctly.   I know this because just before I do a  Post on the TFdTable component,   in debug, I can see that ALL the fields have values in them,  like the aforementioned    FieldByName('IdStates').asInteger.     I did a sample program to see if FireDac worked any different than ADO , and it worked.   So I'm wondering if the issue is with the Livebinding?
What is best way to find LibraryPath and BrowsingPath of different platforms? My first try was through IOTAEnvironmentOptions but I soon found out that it doesn't support a way how to get these paths for platform that interests me. Instead it returns paths that is defined for first platform(Android). My colleague suggested finding these paths from registry but I would rather use something that is supported by Delphi itself.

Look what I've found today:

Look what I've found today: procedure DoSmth; var  s: string; begin  // snip  Finalize(s);  ZeroMemory(@s, SizeOf(s));  // snip end;

FixInsight vs VCL | SourceOddity

Poor man's translation tool?

Poor man's translation tool? We need to do a multilingual version of a command line tool and I was thinking ... yeah, I know ... that is usually the first point of warning before I get into trouble. Anyways - this is what I came up with this evening. I guess this is pretty much a brute force approach - but it appears to have some advantages - such as enforcing coverage of every language that you declare (it won't compile if you missed a language in a translation constant), allowing you to declare the translations near where they are used, and not adding much bulk to the source code. But - let me run this by you guys and ask - apart from the obvious reasons that there are actual translation tools out there - is there a reason that I really should not venture down this path?  What are the worst traits of this approach?  Note that I would use it  for only three languages (English, Norwegian and Swedish). Come on - I want opinions - so don't hold back, but feel free to suggest...

Another legacy curiosity, this compiled fine in Delphi 7:

Another legacy curiosity, this compiled fine in Delphi 7: type   TA=class end;   TB=class(TA) Bar: Integer; end; procedure Test; var Foo : TB; begin   (Foo as TA).Bar:=123;  // end;

TMS TWebGMaps v2.0.0.0 released with a new TWebGMapsTimeZone component.

TMS TWebGMaps v2.0.0.0 released with a new TWebGMapsTimeZone component.

Delphi Feeds, that are not at the Delphi Feeds?

Delphi Feeds, that are not at the Delphi Feeds? (mORMot) blog is one I follow, do you have any other to suggest? (Re-installed my Dev-pc at work and forgot to backup my feeds)

Latest Episode of the Podcast @

Latest Episode of the Podcast @

Originally shared by Boian Mitov

Originally shared by Boian Mitov Reply of the Embarcadero Technology Partner Spotlight - Mitov Software, with slightly cut Q&A, but mostly complete :-)


Hello! My brother has got a Web Agency and is looking for someone to do a xplat application (Android/iOS) that essentially does the following: - Uses the camera to take a picture - Connects to a custom back-end to upload it - The upload returns an URL which will be used to create the usual Facebook/Twitter/Tumblr/etc. post for social stuff - Allows browsing and voting of pictures I need three things: - Volunteers :D - Prices - Information on who owns the source code if you get hired for the job i can't do it on my own cause I only have XE and a personal computer which is crashing a bit too often Any takers? AT THE MOMENT it is going to be a one-off, but with the right price and skill there may be more coming at some point. Please reply in private. Thank you! A

Has anyone translated the eSpeak_SAPI.h file to Delphi or OP.

Has anyone translated the eSpeak_SAPI.h file to Delphi or OP. I have something that LOOKS right but the API does not connect to my callback function.

Can XE7 with the Mobility add on take a speech enabled PC app and create a speech enabled Android app?

Can XE7 with the Mobility add on take a speech enabled PC app and create a speech enabled Android app? I have two ways to make my PC app talk: MS Speech SAPI 5.4 and eSpeak.

TStreamReader turns out to be appallingly poorly implemented. This code

TStreamReader turns out to be appallingly poorly implemented.  This code {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} uses   System.SysUtils,   System.Classes,   System.Math,   System.Diagnostics; procedure ReadFile(const FileName: string; const BufferSize: Integer); var   Reader: TStreamReader;   MaxLineLength: Integer;   Stopwatch: TStopwatch; begin   Stopwatch := TStopwatch.StartNew;   Reader := TStreamReader.Create(FileName, TEncoding.UTF8, False, BufferSize);   try     MaxLineLength := 0;     while not Reader.EndOfStream do begin       MaxLineLength := Max(MaxLineLength, Reader.ReadLine.Length);     end;   finally     Reader.Free;   end;   Writeln(BufferSize, ' ', MaxLineLength, ' ', Stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds); end; const   FileName = 'C:\desktop\108_Lifebuoy_Light.obj'; var   i: Integer;   BufferSize: Cardinal; begin   BufferSize := 32;   for i := 1 to 16 do begin     ReadFile('C:\desktop\108_Lifebuoy_Light.obj', BufferSize);     BufferSize := BufferSize*2;   end;   Wri...

Implicit operators: how do you define them so two record types can implicitly convert between each other?

Implicit operators: how do you define them so two record types can implicitly convert between each other ? I have two record types, which each store a value in a different unit (measurement unit, not Pascal unit.) The unit needs to be "carried" with the value, but the unit can be converted changing the numerical value as it changes unit, and I'd like that conversion to be carried out on assignment of one to the other, or when one is passed into a method parameter taking the other, etc. (I could have one type which knows which unit it is, but two types is elegant especially when needing strong typing - including the unit! - for methods that expect a value in one unit or other. For the sake of this question and the problem I've got, let's assume two types.) The problem is that you can't forward-declare records, and so I can't see how to write an implicit operator in one that knows about the second. type   TB = record; // illegal   TA = record     class opera...

A new blog has been posted: From Lego to TComponent...

A new blog has been posted: From Lego to TComponent...

Missing warning?

Missing warning? type   TMyClass = class abstract (TObject)      // Lots of methods, but none of them abstract;   end;   TMyImplementedClass = class(TMyClass)     // Overrides some of the parent methods and adds new ones    end; ... var    TFoo: TMyClass; begin    TFoo := TMyClass.Create;  *// WHAT!? No Warnings!?*   The XE2 to XE7 documentation states... states "Note: Delphi allows instantiating a class declared abstract, for backward compatibility, but this feature should not be used anymore." - which is all dandy, but not issuing a warning for such use, that seems wrong to me. Interestingly, the XE version is different... and says "If a class is marked abstract, then it cannot be instantiated directly using the Create constructor. " When did they introduce this keyword - and why did they not stick with the XE design?  Go figure....
If there were an automatic memory manager (i.e. a garbage collector) for the version of Delphi you currently use what would you be willing to pay for it?

#PDF #Documents

#PDF   #Documents Originally shared by Gnostice XtremeDocumentStudio Delphi 2015 R4 released Gnostice is pleased to announce the release of Version 2015 R4 of XtremeDocumentStudio Delphi, the next-generation multi-format document-processing framework for Delphi/C++Builder developers on VCL and FireMonkey platform. In this release, we have added support for interactive form-filling and also making displayed form fields data-aware. A helper class for exporting entered data to a database has also been added.

I'm very happy to announce FixInsight 2015.03 realese.

I'm very happy to announce FixInsight 2015.03 realese. What's new? * Introduced rule C108 ("Nested WITH statement") * Introduced rule W521 ("Return value of function might be undefined") * Improved compiler directives handling in IDE expert * Improved rule W519 ("Method is empty") * Improved parser * Minor fixes

A major update for TMS Workflow Studio is available now.

A major update for TMS Workflow Studio is available now. With Workflow Studio you can easily add workflow and BPM capabilities to your application,by allowing you or your end-user to create workflow definitions and running them.  What's new in v2.1: - New: Variables Dialog helps creating variable expressions in several parameter controls - New: Database SQL block to execute an SQL statement in the database - New: Send Mail block to easily send an e-mail message - New: Scripts in transitions allow adding custom logic whenever the workflow execution goes through a specific transition - New: Status templates for predefined set of status makes it fast to create new task blocks with same status items - New: Popup menu with "Copy as Image" option when visualizing the diagram in task list Fully functional trial versions for Delphi & C++Builder are available at

FYI: TBCEditor has moved to GitHub

FYI: TBCEditor has moved to GitHub This is the friends replacement for the SynEdit, started from the scratch to overcome some limitations of SynEdit (Like highlighters are JSON files)

Does anyone have any Delphi example code for a full-duplex peer-to-peer named pipe? I have lots of examples for client/server named pipes, but I need something a bit more sophisticated.

Does anyone have any Delphi example code for a full-duplex peer-to-peer named pipe?  I have lots of examples for client/server named pipes, but I need something a bit more sophisticated. I am working on a project that uses a Windows Service and a desktop app.  They currently communicate using named pipes, and this works fine.  I am improving the app/service and I want to add full-duplex communications to the project over a single named pipe.  The existing project uses numerous client-server pipes and it is getting too complex with separate one-way pipes for each channel.  My peer efforts are not going well.  My problem is that I can't seem to separate the "transmit and receive" sides of the pipe if I have both talkers and listeners on both ends of the pipe.  When the transmitter sends something to the opposite end of the pipe, the local listener "hears" the transmission and grabs the data:  It never makes it to the other end of the pipe.  Any ideas?

How would you feel about a 1920x1920 square monitor for coding, document or web usage? I can't wait for one.

How would you  feel about a 1920x1920 square monitor for coding, document or web usage? I can't wait for one.


Hello, FreeSparta is now really free (new interface for Lazarus (similar to Delphi), and Generics.Collections library). Soon will be possible to implement compatible ToolsAPI interface :). I have hope that Lazarus team can merge some changes to main trunk of Lazarus (maybe with some changes/better naming for classes and methods) :) What is FreeSparta: Repo and more info: Best Regards, Maciej Izak

Prototype Timeline Component And IDE Plugin For Delphi XE7 Firemonkey On Android And IOS


Hi, I'm trying to dive into ToolsAPI and I need information about how to debug BPL in Delphi. I concluded that I need add Delphi as Host Application but that didn't work as I though it will (ended with error). Does have anyone suggestions or sources where find that information?

Hello there, I am going to introduce myself.

Hello there, I am going to introduce myself. My name is Sandy Harlan, you can call me Sandy. I am originally from Bandar Lampung, Indonesia. I working in a company engaged in the field of textiles in Lampung. I think that’s about all I can say in this introduction. I am sorry if there are mistakes. Hopefully we can share about coding another time. Greetings..

Anonymous thread question: this is possible to access Terminated flag from thread body or I always should use TThread.CurrentThread.CheckTerminated like in my code below?

Anonymous thread question: this is possible to access Terminated flag from thread body or I always should use TThread.CurrentThread.CheckTerminated like in my code below? Thread := TThread.CreateAnonymousThread(procedure() begin   while not TThread.CurrentThread.CheckTerminated do   begin   end; end); Thread.Start;

Just saw this code snippet posted on the Facebook Delphi Developer group, a Pascal version of the C/C++/C# ternary...

Just saw this code snippet posted on the Facebook Delphi Developer group, a Pascal version of the C/C++/C# ternary conditional ?: operator in DWS: "ColorToWebStr(FColor, if Transparent then 0 else 255); Which is equal to C#'s: ColorToWebStr(FColor, Transparent? 0 : 255);" Wouldn't that be nice in Delphi? It's one of the things I really miss moving from C++ - that and RAII.

Just saw this code snippet posted on the Facebook Delphi Developer group, a Pascal version of the C/C++/C# ternary conditional ?: operator in DWS:

Just saw this code snippet posted on the Facebook Delphi Developer group, a Pascal version of the C/C++/C# ternary conditional ?: operator in DWS: "ColorToWebStr(FColor, if Transparent then 0 else 255); Which is equal to C#'s: ColorToWebStr(FColor, Transparent? 0 : 255);" Wouldn't that be nice in Delphi? It's one of the things I really miss moving from C++ - that and RAII.

Dear daft developer who thought that creating the actual underlying representation of an XML Data Binding object when a property is queried, you are in my thoughts today.

Dear daft developer who thought that creating the actual underlying representation of an XML Data Binding object when a property is queried , you are in my thoughts today. In case you wonder what this is about: 1. Read a properly formed and validated XML file, read it using Delphi XML Data bindings. 2. Assume this XML file has optional nodes according to its schema. 3. Query some of these optional nodes. Find one that needs to be changed, and do so. 4. Save the file and try to get on with your life. 5. Find later that your XML file is no longer valid according to the schema. 6. Find out that the XML Data Bindings classes actually create the XML node when accessed (nevermind you didn't assigned any value, and that this darn object actually threw an exception.) So, if you need to query for optional nodes for an XML Data Binding object created from a schema, be damn sure to do it in the expected order specified in the schema . Seriously, f**k Delphi Data Bindings.

Blog post "Preview of Push Notifications in Enterprise Mobility Services" at http://blog.

Blog post "Preview of Push Notifications in Enterprise Mobility Services" at

Blog post "Preview of Push Notifications in Enterprise Mobility Services" at

Blog post "Preview of Push Notifications in Enterprise Mobility Services" at

I'm looking for a Delphi syntax highlighter written in Delphi, the equivalent of the online Javascript syntax highlighters like

I'm looking for a Delphi syntax highlighter written in Delphi, the equivalent of the online Javascript syntax highlighters like (Ie, not something like SynEdit, an editor which does highlighting, but just something to put Delphi code into and get syntax highlighting information out of. I'd prefer even if it didn't do any drawing, just gave me the syntax highlighting info as abstract output.) Any suggestions? Importantly, I can't write something myself based on DelphiAST since I need to be able to feed in invalid Delphi code, eg code when someone has typed something that doesn't yet compile. Thus a highlighter, not a parser.

Missed link? Anyone know what happens there? :)

Missed link? Anyone know what happens there? :) Once again: 1.SynEdit? or 2.SynEdit New? and... where is "syneditnew"?

Originally shared by tim anderson

Originally shared by tim anderson Delphi and RAD Studio 2015 roadmap: no Universal Apps?


\AppData\Roaming\Embarcadero\BDS\ \EnvOptions.proj That's where Delphi|C++ Builder keeps its system-wide includes, lib. dirs, browse dirs, etc. If you frequently use 3rd party components upgrade|rebuild|reinstall steps, as I do, saving this file before components re-install, is a must. Component installers may mangle its contents, breaking file lookup settings, or whatever. So, just save the copy of this file somewhere, then, after component(s) are re-installed, compare the new one with the old one, better using some diff tool, and restore broken|deleted paths, if needed. Well, it appeared, thet this file is created from paths data, IDE stores in registry, so, upon each re-start, IDE re-creates that file from scratch. This proj file is used by msbuild tool, when command line compilation required. Seems that I have to write IDE settings importer-exporter after all.

New custom tags my wife got me.

New custom tags my wife got me. Originally shared by Jim McKeeth Yeah, that is my license plate now.

Has anyone tried to use TClientSocket to connect to a Node server using I am trying to use the example at but when a broadcast messages from node, I don't seem to get them in my Delphi app.

Has anyone tried to use TClientSocket to connect to a Node server using I am trying to use the example at but when a broadcast messages from node, I don't seem to get them in my Delphi app. Thanks, Jim

How to change Android Wallpaper Programmatically...

How to change Android Wallpaper Programmatically...

The downside of writing user interfaces is that you always get blamed for all faults, regardless of where the fault actually lies.

The downside of writing user interfaces is that you always get blamed for all faults, regardless of where the fault actually lies. Upgraded client yesterday, got mail today: Client: Found a bug in the latest build, "Quantity delivered" is zero for  order 10011. Me: That's odd, let me check... ah the file we're getting from your other system has zero in the "quantity delivered" field.

Anybody with XE7, could you please help us?

Anybody with XE7, could you please help us? We want to migrate from XE2 to XE7, but we have a problem with the x64 debugger that stops working after calling the FreeLibrary() function. After the first call of FreeLibrary() only the CPU window works.  Could someone please confirm the issue is there. Just download this projectgroup , build it under the x64 Debug configuration, place a breakpoint on FreeLibrary, press run. On the form that appears press Button1, you should stop on the breakpoint. After pressing F8 the CPU window should appear, and the normal debugging will be not possible after that.

Anybody with XE7, could you please help us? We want to migrate from XE2 to XE7, but we have a problem with the x64 debugger that stops working after calling the FreeLibrary() function. After the first call of FreeLibrary() only the CPU window works.

Anybody with XE7, could you please help us? We want to migrate from XE2 to XE7, but we have a problem with the x64 debugger that stops working after calling the FreeLibrary() function. After the first call of FreeLibrary() only the CPU window works.  Could someone please confirm the issue is there. Just download this projectgroup , build it under the x64 Debug configuration, place a breakpoint on FreeLibrary, press run. On the form that appears press Button1, you should stop on the breakpoint. After pressing F8 the CPU window should appear, and the normal debugging will be not possible after that.

What do you do if you need to enumerate an Office collection using late binding and when you call Item it does not work because it's not expecting an index?

What do you do if you need to enumerate an Office collection using late binding and when you call Item it does not work because it's not expecting an index? Well, in that case you need to use the IEnumVariant collection, right? Not so fast, in late binding that is NOT quite easy because you need to connect an early binding thing (the IEnumVariant interface) to a late binding thing, your collection. Sounds impossible doesn't it? Well, it turns out that if you know Delphi really well, there is a way to do it :) When you use late binding, you get hold of your COM object using an OleVariant variable, right? What you may not know, however, is that an OleVariant can hold values of type IUnknown. Office collections can be enumerated via a _NewEnum call which returns an IUnknown. This does the trick. You assign the result of the _NewEnum call to an OleVariant, then this gets assigned to a variable of type IUnknown, which in turn gets assigned to a variable of type IEnumVariant. At t...

Ann: Nexus Quality Suite - 48 hour Easter Sale!

Ann: Nexus Quality Suite - 48 hour Easter Sale! ===================================== Easter Greetings from NexusDB! For our loyal customers, we have a special offer - for 48 hours ONLY: - Nexus Quality Suite - AUD 200 (down from AUD 300). To take advantage of this offer, go directly to this link: The Nexus Quality Suite is your first stop for profiling and Quality Assurance for your Delphi applications. Read more about what it can do here: The Nexus Quality Suite (NQS) is a set of tools that enables you to finetune your applications to the highest possible performance and quality standards. The current collection of tools include two profilers (one working at Method level and one working at Line level), a unit test coverage analyzer, and a GUI script recorder/playback tool. More modules will be added as NQS evolves. The Quality Suite tools officially work with 32 bit windows executabl...

RSP-10216 Code completion for class property generates code that won't compile

RSP-10216 Code completion for class property generates code that won't compile Using code completion for the following block type   TMyClass = class   private     class var FProp1: String;     class procedure SetProp1(const Value: String); static;    public      class procedure Test;      class property Prop1:String read FProp1 write SetProp1;      class property Prop2:Integer;    end; generates type   TMyClass = class   private     class var FProp1: String;     class // [dcc32 Error]: E2123 PROCEDURE, FUNCTION, PROPERTY, or VAR expected     class var FProp2: Integer; procedure SetProp1(const Value: String); static;     class procedure SetProp2(const Value: Integer); static;    public      class procedure Test;      class property Prop1:String read FProp1 write SetProp1;      class property Prop2:Integer read FProp2 write SetProp2;    end;

To celebrate that finally has a solid certificate... err... is back online :P

To celebrate that finally has a solid certificate... err... is back online :P RSP-10215: Code completion for record property generates code that won't compile Using code completion (Ctrl+Shift+C) in RMyRecord = record   property Prop1:String; end; generates RMyRecord = record   private     FProp1: String;     procedure SetProp1(const Value: String);   published * [dcc32 Error]: E2184 PUBLISHED section valid only in class types*     property Prop1:String read FProp1 write SetProp1; end;

Blog post "Updated March 2015 Draft of Object Pascal Handbook" at

Blog post "Updated March 2015 Draft of Object Pascal Handbook" at

I've been on SA for RAD Studio for many years now. I originally chose it because it included Prism. However, Prism (Oxygene) is no longer included, so I'm wondering if I really need the Studio edition or if I can manage with an SA for Delphi.

I've been on SA for RAD Studio for many years now. I originally chose it because it included Prism. However, Prism (Oxygene) is no longer included, so I'm wondering if I really need the Studio edition or if I can manage with an SA for Delphi. The only advantage to having a RAD Studio that I can see is HTML builder - which I really don't need. Is there anything else included that I've forgotten about?

Which lightweight markup language?

Which lightweight markup language? Currently looking at a text markup to standardize on, first looked at markdown, then realized there is not one markdown, there are dozens of them... Even between major sites, like github & stackoverflow, they already forked the language and are not fully compatible anymore... MediaWiki is a bit ugly/complex, but it's a de-facto standard, and the huge amount of content written in it means it is unlikely to ever face "bit rot". Is there something that would have the elegance of markdown and the stability of MediaWiki? Existing implementation in Delphi would be a plus, but not necessary.

Is anyone (everyone?) having problems signing in to

Is anyone (everyone?) having problems signing in to ? It has been rejecting my EDN login all day.
Testing of calculator №6.2.2. Processing of false data and boundary conditions

Interactive Links in the mORMot Open Source Framework HTML documentation

Interactive Links in the mORMot Open Source Framework HTML documentation

Bringing it all together ImageEn, DevExp Layout Manager, TMS Cloud, Systematic Repertoire

Bringing it all together ImageEn, DevExp Layout Manager, TMS Cloud, Systematic Repertoire

Gotta finish this thing by the end of the week, I hope you guys know Kerberos.

Gotta finish this thing by the end of the week, I hope you guys know Kerberos. I need help on acquiring a Kerberos ticket. Rest is in the StackOverflow question.

What a strange limitation, isn't it ?

What a strange limitation, isn't it ? type   TFormHelper1 = class helper for TForm     procedure Hello1;   end;   TFormHelper2 = class helper for TForm     procedure Hello2;   end; procedure TFormHelper1.Hello1; begin   ShowMessage('Hello1 : ' + Caption); end; procedure TFormHelper2.Hello2; begin   ShowMessage('Hello2 : ' + Caption); end; procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin   Hello1;  // not defined !   Hello2; end;

Legacy curiosity. This compiled fine in Delphi 6. (Spotted at XMLSchema.pas)

Legacy curiosity. This compiled fine in Delphi 6. (Spotted at XMLSchema.pas) type   TFoo=class   private     procedure Foo(const AClass: TClass; const G: TGuid; const S: String='');   public     procedure Bar;   end; procedure TFoo.Bar; begin   Foo(TObject IInterface);   // end; procedure TFoo.Foo(const AClass: TClass; const G: TGuid; const S: String=''); begin end;

Two bugs in the newly introduced Delphi Parallels Library were recently discovered.

Two bugs in the newly introduced Delphi Parallels Library were recently discovered. In this one,  Strange behaviour of TParallel.For default ThreadPool Allen Bauer got himself involved finding a solution. Hopefully the other one will get some attention as well, How can I use TTask.WaitForAny from the new threading library?

New blog post

New blog post

Can someone help me with xe7 and rtti?

Can someone help me with xe7 and rtti? I need to know the tClassType of a not created Object i.e. var   myObject:tMyComponent; begin   // myObject is only declared but not created at this time   TestFunction(myObject); end; As you can see, the myObject is not created at that moment, but in the TestFunction i need to know the ClassType of the given Object to call its constructor via RTTI ... procedure TestFunction(vObject:tObject); var     ctx : TRttiContext;     rt : TRttiType; begin     ctx := TRttiContext.Create();     rt := ctx.GetType( vObject); ...... -snip - end; Thanks a lot for some help ...

Screenshot of SysCheck output running on a Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 7" Tablet.

Screenshot of SysCheck output running on a Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 7" Tablet.

Hi, I need a recommendation for a good Android tablet and phone to be used for debugging (to be compatible with XE7 mobile add-on).

Hi, I need a recommendation for a good Android tablet and phone to be used for debugging (to be compatible with XE7 mobile add-on). Currently I use the Nexus 7 (1st generation) for development and I have the feeling, there is some room for improvement regarding deployment and debugging speed. Regarding the phone: It doesn't have to be anything fancy as I will use this only for development and presentation.
I realize signing the XE8 Beta has some NDA aspects to it, however I'm querying if its possible with the new 64 bit IOS compiler to submit an application to the Apple store with this Beta software ?  I'm assuming XE8 will get released sometime in April but in the interim is it possible to submit applications to Apple.

Hey Embarcadero!

Hey Embarcadero!  Please tell me that version info works right in the next update/release!?  Being able to set attributes for all build types is really a great feature.  HAVING TO set them for all build types (separately) really makes me want to stomp on kittens.  Proper inheritance should work here...
Hey Embarcadero!  Please tell me that version info works right in the next update/release!?  Being able to set attributes for all build types is really a great feature.  HAVING TO set them for all build types (separately) really makes me want to stomp on kittens.  Proper inheritance should work here...

The Perils of Format

The Perils of Format Format is good. Format is bad. The good is that you can create very nice translatable strings which can deal with reordered parameters, and that perform fairly well. if Language = Yoda then fmt := '%1:s apples, %0:d you took.' else fmt := 'you took %0:d %1:s apples.'; // English Writeln(Format(fmt, [5, 'green'])); So, what is the pain?  All the checks are done at run time. Let me repeat that: ... at run time.   Once again, during a hotfix, I blew it on the parameter type, mistakenly passing a Double into the position where an Integer was expected. I really wish that there was compiler magic that could validate the type and position of the Format parameters at compile time.  Until there is, I will be careful to send all parameters as strings, and convert to string in the Format argument list - at least for the quick fixes. #coderant

When I run a Firemonkey app the app does not show. It gets a button on the taskbar. A mouse over shows some kind of dialog box, too small to make out.

When I run a Firemonkey app the app does not show. It gets a button on the taskbar. A mouse over shows some kind of dialog box, too small to make out. A right click shows 3 items: 1) The app, 2) Pin this..., 3) close. Choose 1) and the app runs. Choose 3) and nothing happens. Use F2 to stop and the IDE stops responding. I have to kill it to stop. Then I can start the IDE again. I am prepared (reluctantly) to reinstall D XE7 but first...Does someone know a fix?

ios sdk 8.2 xcode 6.2 delphi xe7

ios sdk 8.2 xcode 6.2 delphi xe7 App is iphone istall ok but not excute Everyone Help me

Apple Engineer Talks about the New 2015 Macbook

Hi all

Hi all, Using the ToolsAPI, does anyone know how to get the current size of the .pas file (which may be different to the size on disk, due to unsaved changes)?

XSuperObject moved to GitHub

XSuperObject moved to GitHub

New blog post

New blog post
Trying to get started with FireMonkey and even this simple thing is not working in DelphiXE7 on windows 7. File - New - FireMonkey Metropolis UI - Select Grid Metropolis UI App - Compile - Getting undeclared identifier on TToolbar , TButton, TLabel. It looks the form isn't generated at all.

Symantec: File Insight Reputation Removes Downloads

Symantec: File Insight Reputation Removes Downloads A customer contacted me to let me know his Norton Anti-Virus product would not let him download my software. He told me that Norton states my software is infected and removes the download.  I asked him for a screenshot of the error he gets from Norton. See attached photo. I had no idea that this was happening. I'm a Micro-ISV and don't generate a whole lot of sales. I service a small niche. I'm curious if any of you fellow Micro-ISV's have experienced anything like this with Norton or any other anti-virus product. I purchased a Code Signing certificate and have signed all my software products. It appears as though my software was flagged due to low use by the Symantec community. I intend to apply for Symantec's White-List process and would be gratetful if you would share your experiences with applying to the white-list process.

Does anybody know what this means? Should I be worried? Should I stop using Quality Portal?

Does anybody know what this means? Should I be worried? Should I stop using Quality Portal?


Hello! I can't rember if I read similar idea before. So I ask it here - knowing that EMB gurus are following these posts. When I work with components which have many proprties (like cxGrid from DevExpress) "sometimes" I don't remeber the exact name of a certain property. In these situations I wuold like to have some sort of property filtering following the input in a filter box. Was this discussed before? What's the thought of EMB?

Does anybody managed to do custom authentication with TRESTClient? the wiki page for TCustomAuthenticator ( seems to be lacking some examples

Does anybody managed to do custom authentication with TRESTClient? the wiki page for TCustomAuthenticator ( ) seems to be lacking some examples

Migrating FastReports (FIBPLus -> FireDac)

Migrating FastReports (FIBPLus -> FireDac) We are in the process of migrating our application from FIBPlus to FireDAC (FireBird).  When it came to the reports I was hoping it would be a simple matter of editing the XML and doing a search and replace for TfrxFIBQuery and replace with TfrxFDQuery.  But it appears it's not a simple as that, it kind of works but we get some access violations. Does anyone have any tips that might help me?  I suspect it may have something to do with PropData in the report's XML. Many Thanks

Dear All!

Dear All! I'm reading example MediaPlayerHD in XE7. I'd like to control the speed of it( fast or slow),which the property i must use in the that example?  As use keyboard " Ctrl+ Shift + S or F " in Windows Media Player. Thanks all.

Google Code is shutting down. I guess I need to find a new home for TChromeTabs :(

Google Code is shutting down. I guess I need to find a new home for TChromeTabs :(
Originally shared by Boian Mitov

Does anyone know if this is still a valid url?

Does anyone know if this is still a valid url? google speech-api

Originally shared by Boian Mitov

Originally shared by Boian Mitov A brief overview of some of the Mitov Software's products, and Delphi Libraries

ANN: WYSIWYG HTML Editor demo/preview

ANN: WYSIWYG HTML Editor demo/preview I'd like to introduce a new product - WYSIWYG HTML editor. It is based on HTML Component Library and thus support almost all HTML/CSS features and delphi versions (from Delphi 6). You could download small demo here but please note that library is only in alpha stage (not even beta) and so has a lot of bugs. This demo could open HTML files and support clipboard exchange with other application. For example, you could copy text/image in MS Word or browser and paste into editor, or copy in editor and paste into MS Word. First version will be released in Aplril and will support only VCL. Second release (in summer) will be for FMX also and with advanced features (working with complex tables, spell-checking, etc.). HTML Component Library/HTML Report Library users with active (on release dates) subscription will get it for free.


Hi, Had you noticed the "Export to GitHub" button  in your google code project ? #googlecode

TMS Pack for FireMonkey v2.9 released with a new Spell check engine & a major update of TTMSFMXRichEditor with autocorrect, emoticons, TTMSFMXRichEditorMiniHTMLIO component, ... :

TMS Pack for FireMonkey v2.9 released with a new Spell check engine & a major update of TTMSFMXRichEditor with autocorrect, emoticons, TTMSFMXRichEditorMiniHTMLIO component, ... :

This is interesting - XE8 will support beacons on mobile.

This is interesting - XE8 will support beacons on mobile. I've never used beacons - my phone is too old to support iBeacon - but they seem interesting technology, ie I'm quite interested in the sort of apps people might be able to develop with them.

We just re-published a post by Rolf Lampa, on improving performance in Delphi Bold applications, by replacing navigation code with derived links in the model.

We just re-published a post by Rolf Lampa, on improving performance in Delphi Bold applications, by replacing navigation code with derived links in the model. The post was originally posted on back in 2002 (then owned and ran by Peter Morris) and received quite some positive feedback (see mail thread linked in post). Unfortunatley the images got lost in the original post at some stage, but we recently found a way to restore them, and so here is the post again! Hope you enjoy! :)

I'm migrating an old application (D5) that uses QuickReport to XE7 and FastReports.

I'm migrating an old application (D5) that uses QuickReport to XE7 and FastReports.  So far FastReports is really excellent, but I wanted to pick the hivemind's brain for the best approach to replicating existing functionality. One report needs to crossreference data from two datasets.  The first  is a TMemDataSet (JEDI) containing temp data.  The other is a permanent table on a server (SQL).  The two tables do not have a master/detail relationship predefined.  I want to list records from the MemDataSet along with a few fields from the SQL table, for comparison's sake. The QuickReport I am replacing used direct TDataSet.FindKey() lookup calls in the BeforePrint() event for the band, and populated QRLabels in the band.  This feels wrong/dirty and does not appear to be easily replicated in FastReport. I can temporarily establish a master/detail relationship between the tables, and Master/Detail bands on the FastReport to print proper values, but I wanted to check in before I ...

I'm migrating an old application (D5) that uses QuickReport to XE7 and FastReports. So far FastReports is really excellent, but I wanted to pick the hivemind's brain for the best approach to replicating existing functionality.

I'm migrating an old application (D5) that uses QuickReport to XE7 and FastReports.  So far FastReports is really excellent, but I wanted to pick the hivemind's brain for the best approach to replicating existing functionality. One report needs to crossreference data from two datasets.  The first  is a TMemDataSet (JEDI) containing temp data.  The other is a permanent table on a server (SQL).  The two tables do not have a master/detail relationship predefined.  I want to list records from the MemDataSet along with a few fields from the SQL table, for comparison's sake. The QuickReport I am replacing used direct TDataSet.FindKey() lookup calls in the BeforePrint() event for the band, and populated QRLabels in the band.  This feels wrong/dirty and does not appear to be easily replicated in FastReport. I can temporarily establish a master/detail relationship between the tables, and Master/Detail bands on the FastReport to print proper values, but I wanted to check in before I ...

Good Morning!

Good Morning!    I am having an anti-blessed time with TChromium.Browser.    When I put the component on the form, the app crashes (cpu window) before the form shows.     When I create it myself, the .Browser is nil.       FCRM := TChromium.Create(Self);       FCRM.Parent := self;       FCRM.HandleNeeded; // WindowsHandle 0 so CreateBrowser is not called.       Delphi XE7 Pro, Win 8.1 Pro, i7 quad core. 16GB RAM.   My goal is to use a js library to access Google voice recognition.    Cya...Dan'l

Blog post "Delphi Blogs of the Week #27 (It's Coming)" at

Blog post "Delphi Blogs of the Week #27 (It's Coming)" at

I've created a multi-platform leak checking library with DUnit integration and per test memory leak details (basically FastMM full debug report but per test) and instance cycle detection (analyzes managed fields of your object graph and tells you where your instances create cycles).

I've created a multi-platform leak checking library with DUnit integration and per test memory leak details (basically FastMM full debug report but per test) and instance cycle detection (analyzes managed fields of your object graph and tells you where your instances create cycles).

i have problem if more than one client access 1 file with this method in datasnap at the same time:

i have problem if more than one client access 1 file with this method in datasnap at the same time: function TServerMethods.DownloadJPEGFile(sFilePath: string): TJSONArray; var   strFileStream: TFileStream; begin   strFileStream := TFileStream.Create(sFilePath, fmOpenRead); try   Result := TDBXJSONTools.StreamToJSON(strFileStream, 0, strFileStream.Size); finally; end; end; error message: cannot acces the file because it is being used by another prosess. how to make this file can access more than client in the same time.

I met up with fellow Delphi developer Simon Stuart on the weekend. Here we are at an old malting house in the village of Snape.

I met up with fellow Delphi developer Simon Stuart on the weekend. Here we are at an old malting house in the village of Snape. It was a very quick trip, one day, but we went out in the forest near his house (he lives in very pretty English countryside) in the evening, lit a fire, cooked some locally farmed meats (he mixes his own spices, and makes a fantastic tea from dried berries he picks in summer), looked for badgers, etc, and the next morning went on a quick tour of the nearby area before I had to go catch a plane. Very little Delphi talk in there, though of course there was some, mostly when driving through the countryside or back to my hotel. Great to meet another Delphi developer who so far I've only talked to online. He's a great guy, has a lovely family and was very hospitable - thanks Simon!

TForge seems to have brand new Salsa20 support, cool to see new algorithms implemented in Pascal word :

TForge seems to have brand new Salsa20 support, cool to see new algorithms implemented in Pascal word :

Should be a good event.

Should be a good event. Originally shared by RAD Studio DELPHI DEVELOPER DAYS - Early Bird Discount = 10% Ends Mar 10: This four-city, 2-day Delphi tour will be held in the United States, Europe, and Scandinavia. More details here:

Should be a good event.

Should be a good event. Originally shared by RAD Studio DELPHI DEVELOPER DAYS - Early Bird Discount = 10% Ends Mar 10: This four-city, 2-day Delphi tour will be held in the United States, Europe, and Scandinavia. More details here:

Interfaces are great, but they can be a pain to debug. Forgetting one weak link can lead to Access Violation hell. I seem to remember a utility that would let you visualise the links between interfaced objects, but can't remember what it was called. Anybody know?

Interfaces are great, but they can be a pain to debug. Forgetting one weak link can lead to Access Violation hell. I seem to remember a utility that would let you visualise the links between interfaced objects, but can't remember what it was called. Anybody know? Do you have any clever interface debugging tips or tricks?
Has anyone here done any sort of functional comparison between Castalia in XE7 and CnPack? There seems to be a considerable overlap, and I am finding the Castalia help file not terribly helpful.

I recently received an assignment that required the production of output produced from an SQL Server query as an XML...

I recently received an assignment that required the production of output produced from an SQL Server query as an XML document. Obtaining the data was no problem as I have worked with SQL Server, Datasnap an client datasets in the past. What gave me lots of problems was the XML output. Using XE7. I used a DatasetProvider and XMLTransformClient to obtain the output. Also used the XML Mapping Tool as I was not given a schema, but rather "sample output." An auxiliary tool was also used, Aptana Studio 3 (open source, free). The Mapping Tool creates a schema from an input XML file but in fact, the Schema will not validate; it contains errors. (It's also ugly, but that's a side issue.) Specifically, it generates invalid attributes at the Schema level and also generates duplicate global names. My final Mapper workaround was: 1. Open XML (Schema generates) 2. Proceed with field definitions and mappings as needed 3. Generate data packet (this works as advertised and is used to ...

I recently received an assignment that required the production of output produced from an SQL Server query as an XML document. Obtaining the data was no problem as I have worked with SQL Server, Datasnap an client datasets in the past. What gave me lots of problems was the XML output. Using XE7.

I recently received an assignment that required the production of output produced from an SQL Server query as an XML document. Obtaining the data was no problem as I have worked with SQL Server, Datasnap an client datasets in the past. What gave me lots of problems was the XML output. Using XE7. I used a DatasetProvider and XMLTransformClient to obtain the output. Also used the XML Mapping Tool as I was not given a schema, but rather "sample output." An auxiliary tool was also used, Aptana Studio 3 (open source, free). The Mapping Tool creates a schema from an input XML file but in fact, the Schema will not validate; it contains errors. (It's also ugly, but that's a side issue.) Specifically, it generates invalid attributes at the Schema level and also generates duplicate global names. My final Mapper workaround was: 1. Open XML (Schema generates) 2. Proceed with field definitions and mappings as needed 3. Generate data packet (this works as advertised and is used to ...

Has anyone tried butter in coffee instead of cream?

Has anyone tried butter in coffee instead of cream ?

Wasif Mahamod ask a question ( ) that I have bee thinking of asking a derivative of. We all know that using the VCL in a thread is a no-no, unless there is code to sync the changes on to the main thread.

Wasif Mahamod ask a question ( ) that I have bee thinking of asking a derivative of. We all know that using the VCL in a thread is a no-no, unless there is code to sync the changes on to the main thread. What I would like to know is about creating objects that take an owner in in the constructor, such as an object that inherits from TDataSet - if 'nil' is passed in, is it ok to use (if normal main thread interaction is looked after) or is there an underlying issue deep within the VCL which can make this problematic?

Trying to load 6900 + cards into a list view, works fine if I do it normally, which blocks my ui and hangs, but when I use the parallel programming library, it loads about the first 100 then gives me action violation.

Trying to load 6900 + cards into a list view, works fine if I do it normally, which blocks my ui and hangs, but when I use the parallel programming library, it loads about the first 100 then gives me action violation. Heres my code : procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject); var LoadTask : ITask; begin LoadTask := TTask.Create(procedure begin LoadAllCards; end); //Application.ProcessMessages; LoadTask.Start; end; And code to load all the cards procedure TForm1.LoadAllCards; var CardCount, i : integer; path1,path2 : string; begin //AniIndicator1.Enabled := true; //AniIndicator1.Visible := true; path1 := 'E:\DevPro\pics' + Pathdelim; //path1 := Tpath.GetDocumentsPath + Pathdelim + 'pics' + Pathdelim ; //path1 := GetCurrentDir + Pathdelim + 'pics' + Pathdelim ; //Path2 := Path1 + 'thumbnail' + Pathdelim; Path2 := Path1; SQLDataSet1.CommandText := 'SELECT * FROM texts'; //SQLDataSet1.CommandText := 'SELECT * FROM texts WHERE id=27551'; ...
Originally shared by Boian Mitov
Originally shared by Boian Mitov
Is it possible to snap (permanently) Delphi IDE to, say, right edge of a screen?
I need ideas about practical and interesting examples using TParallel.Join. Anyone? :)

Windows 8.1 hotkeys I discovered by accident...

Windows 8.1 hotkeys I discovered by accident... Ctrl-Alt-ArrowDown, Ctrl-Alt-Left, Ctrl-Alt-Right, Ctrl-Alt-ArrowUp  #ohemmgee   Shift-Insert was new to me as well...

How big can a TViewport3D be made?

How big can a TViewport3D be made? I did an experiment. The test app (XE4/Win32) makes the Viewport bigger with each button click until exception occurs. Reason: I want to render bigger images, bigger than the screen. The area positioned outside of the screen does get rendered and can be extracted via Viewport.Context.CopyToBitmap. But how big can the Viewport actually be? What is a typical limit? And how can I know in advance? On topic is also how to best handle the error, both in the FMX library and in the developer's app. (Will post test code in a comment.)

In Windows 10 , preview , anyone used jvAviCapture or something?

In Windows 10 , preview , anyone used jvAviCapture or something? I can not put in the whitelist to use the camera an application I made in Delphi . Any ideas? I'm using a W8000 tablet for testing. Ps: works well in Windows8 , but does not work in mode " emulation " for windows 8. Is running in administrator mode. (picture running on windows 8)

In Windows 10 , preview , anyone used jvAviCapture or something? I can not put in the whitelist to use the camera an application I made in Delphi . Any ideas? I'm using a W8000 tablet for testing.

In Windows 10 , preview , anyone used jvAviCapture or something? I can not put in the whitelist to use the camera an application I made in Delphi . Any ideas? I'm using a W8000 tablet for testing. Ps: works well in Windows8 , but does not work in mode " emulation " for windows 8. Is running in administrator mode. (picture running on windows 8)

First of the XE8 sneak peeks?

First of the XE8 sneak peeks?

First of the XE8 sneak peeks?

First of the XE8 sneak peeks?

This blog post appeared today, if true and works 100% this could be very usefull in many apps :

This blog post appeared today, if true and works 100% this could be very usefull in many apps :

Originally shared by Boian Mitov

Originally shared by Boian Mitov Tomorrow is the Embarcadero's Mitov Software spotlight. Please join to see some of our products in action, and working together!

Maybe some Delphi framework already has this functionality, but somebody may find this interesting.

Maybe some Delphi framework already has this functionality, but somebody may find this interesting. +Truly cross-platform (Delphi 5+, FPC).

I invite you to check out our new G+ page related to Thinfinity Remote Desktop and Thinfinity VirtualUI products. You will find here tips and videos to get the most out these products.

I invite you to check out our new G+ page related to Thinfinity Remote Desktop and Thinfinity VirtualUI products. You will find here tips and videos to get the most out these products.

New versatile, modern, sophisticated responsive list control in TMS IntraWeb Component Pack Pro v5.8 released today. DB-aware and non DB-aware versions. Also, code-less PDF export from our IntraWeb grids!

New versatile, modern, sophisticated responsive list control in TMS IntraWeb Component Pack Pro v5.8 released today. DB-aware and non DB-aware versions. Also, code-less PDF export from our IntraWeb grids!


Hi,   I would like to know how can I use the TAzureConnection component to deploy my REST services server app to Windows Azure Cloud Services. I wonder if there is a tutorial , video or documentation on how to do that and how to use Azure SQL server with my Rest services server app. Thank you very much !

Hi! someone tested new xe7 savestate feature on adroid platform ?

Hi! someone tested new xe7 savestate feature on adroid platform ?  i tried to use it to make a simple "store/read  ini"  for some tedit text, but in android system onSaveState is never called.... my simple code: procedure TFImpostazioni.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); var   R: TBinaryReader; begin   inherited ;   SaveState.StoragePath := TPath.GetSharedDocumentsPath() ;   if SaveState.Stream.Size > 0 then begin         R := TBinaryReader.Create(SaveState.Stream);         try         edAppID.Text := R.ReadString ;         edRestKey.Text := R.ReadString ;         edMasterKey.Text := R.ReadString ;         edUtente.Text := R.ReadString ;         edPassword.Text := R.ReadString ;         finally           r.Free ;         end;   end; end; procedure TFImpostazioni.FormSaveState(Sender: TObject); var   W: TBinaryWriter; begin   inherited ;   SaveState.Stream.Clear;   W := TBinaryWriter.Create(SaveState.Stream);   try   w.Write(edAppID.Text );   w.Write(edRestKey.Text );   w.Write(e...

I am having trouble to setup CnPack for Delphi XE2.

I am having trouble to setup CnPack for Delphi XE2. I am working on a local user account. So I had to install Delphi through an administrator account. CnPack was also installed through that admin account. Now I open Delphi as a local user and the CnPack Expert is not visible. Starting the IDE as admin, the CnPack plugin will be loaded. How can I get the CnWizards running for my local user account? GExperts, besides, works fine for both accounts.

Can some please tell me if SIZE_T is defined in XE2 or not?

Can some please tell me if SIZE_T is defined in XE2 or not? It isn't defined in XE but it is in XE3 Thanks in advance.

PowerShell resources?

PowerShell resources? Anyone got any must-know sites or resources to share? #powershell

Hi all

Hi all Inspired by a recent post by Dany Marmur I would like to share my experience with a certain third party database component vendor (I'm not as courteous as Dany - I'm talking about AidAim). Though I'm usually not a fan of ranting just for the sake of it, in this case I think it's justified, and my experience can hopefully serve as a warning to others. The product in question is Accuracer, a BDE replacement embedded database system developed and sold by AidAim Software ( ). First, let me say that I have been using Accuracer in commercial products for many years, and all-in-all, I have been pretty happy with it. It's pretty fast, very easy to deploy, and apart from the odd bug here and there, it's been pretty reliable. Though AidAim's support has never been that great, the product was pretty stable so I (thankfully) didn't have to deal with them much. If you had asked me six months ago, I probably would have recommended Accurace...

How to show mulit-line string by showmessage() on Android?

How to show mulit-line string by showmessage() on Android? I have try Showmessage('abc' + sLineBreak + '123'), but still display 'abc123'.

I've release a library that allows you to iterate through a collection of items without using loops. It actually uses a loop but you don't use it directly.

I've release a library that allows you to iterate through a collection of items without using loops. It actually uses a loop but you don't use it directly. By coincidence, it uses roughly the same syntax as proposed by Stefan Glienke in a comment he made in this post Using Stefan Glienke 's example, the code using my library would look like this: function IsEven(num: Integer): Boolean; begin   Result := num mod 2 = 0; end; function Add17(num: Integer): Integer; begin   Result := num + 17; end; procedure CastingSomeMagic; var   numbers: TArray ; begin   numbers := [2, 3, 4, 5];   TSeq.From (numbers)     .Select(Add17)     .Where(IsEven)     .Take(3)     .ForEach(Writeln); end; The library is still fairly brand new and only implements a few higher order functions (eg Map(Select), Filter(Where), Fold, Skip, Take, etc). Its based around twp main record types TSeq and TSeq and can attach any collection whether it b...

Meet the PostgresDAC v3.0.0!

Meet the PostgresDAC v3.0.0! We've released our new major version of PostgresDAC component suite. It’s been a long way started almost two years ago. The goals were complicated, and not all of them were accomplished. However, in general we may proudly say without a doubt that this release is a significant milestone. PostgreSQL

XE8 is coming soon.... wiki page is up

XE8 is coming soon.... wiki page is up