
Showing posts from April, 2017

Hello! Here's a video of Marvin's Channel. Enjoy and leave your comments there.

Hello! Here's a video of Marvin's Channel. Enjoy and leave your comments there. Hugs and stay with God.

Originally shared by Boian Mitov

Originally shared by Boian Mitov Just released a new Industrial Automation and Control component library - ControlLab for Delphi​ and C++ Builder 10.2 Tokyo :-) #Delphi #OpenWire

I am testing the edit component in firemonkey compared to edits in other applications. I placed an edit control as close as possible with a firemonkey app and compared it to a edit controls in a FedEx application. The smallest I can make this in my app is 32. The FedEx app is smaller. My question is how can my edit boxes the same size as that in the FedEx application at design time and run time?

I am testing the edit component in firemonkey compared to edits in other applications. I placed an edit control as close as possible with a firemonkey app and compared it to a edit controls in a FedEx application. The smallest I can make this in my app is 32. The FedEx app is smaller. My question is how can my edit boxes the same size as that in the FedEx application at design time and run time?

Posted yesterday previously on the old Delphi iOS community, now again here:

Posted yesterday previously on the old Delphi iOS community, now again here: Here's the issue: MultiView + TMap = overlap controls :( Is there a way to avoid this? The TMap control get over the Multiview. Right now I what I did: Put everything into a container (TRectangle) and changed the event OnShowing to move the panel to right and reset to 0 when close. Is there a more clever way to work with this? Also there's a bad bug: only works once :( Next time for some reason the TMap keeps on the main form fixed.

How to get a programming job with no experience for high school students.

How to get a programming job with no experience for high school students. This video is aimed at high school students, but will also be very beneficial to college and university students. I hope this helps some of you!

Originally shared by Boian Mitov

Originally shared by Boian Mitov Just posted new version of the OpenWire Studio compiled in Delphi​ 10.2 Tokyo, and containing all the latest components. Also updated the Mitov Software libraries with support for this version. #Delphi #OpenWire

My son is trying to install Delphi Starter but his licence is always shown invalid.

My son is trying to install Delphi Starter but his licence is always shown invalid. I tried to help him but no luck. Any clue?
My son is trying to install Delphi Starter but his licence is always shown invalid. I tried to help him but no luck. Any clue?

Creating Open Tools API plug-ins with RAD Studio (Video)

Creating Open Tools API plug-ins with RAD Studio (Video)

Other question:

Other question: // TDirectory.Copy( QuelleExe, ZielExe ); TDirectory.Move( QuelleExe, ZielExe ); I try to copy a app to the applications folder. If i use "Move" then the App is moved from the source directory to the applications folder. I can start it. If i use "Copy" then the app is copied from the source directory to the applications folder. But then i can't start it from there. It feels like the app has forgotten that it is an app. Do i miss something?
I've picked up a legacy project that requires the component library HyperString. Anyone know where to download the latest version? There appears to be a version that is compatible with XE6; HyperStr 6.02. But none the download sites are free or can be trusted.

10 minutes waiting the rename refactoring finish the work.

10 minutes waiting the rename refactoring finish the work. I went to fetch a cup of coffee, and so far nothing, I have to kill bds.exe. I saw this behavior a few times, I am wondering if is related to Generics types.

10 minutes waiting the rename refactoring finish the work. I went to fetch a cup of coffee, and so far nothing, I have to kill bds.exe.

10 minutes waiting the rename refactoring finish the work. I went to fetch a cup of coffee, and so far nothing, I have to kill bds.exe. I saw this behavior a few times, I am wondering if is related to Generics types.

Vote now to bring Delphi support to Visual Studio:

Vote now to bring Delphi support to Visual Studio:

Originally shared by David Berneda

Originally shared by David Berneda Experimenting bypassing Firemonkey TCanvas to accelerate TeeChart "FastLine" series with many points. So far good results in Windows (D2D), from 27 frames per second to 57 ! For iOS / Android the speed-up is not that big (yet), maybe a 20% only, but looking to find better code

I'm new in osx programming. Tryed following:

I'm new in osx programming. Tryed following: TFile.Exists( '/Applications/' ) It returns always false. Something with my path must be wrong. Can somebody point me to the right direction?

We just migrated from XE to Berlin and noticed this odd inline-bug

We just migrated from XE to Berlin and noticed this odd inline-bug (Inlining being broken under this specific condition)

Hello devs!

Hello devs! I'm in the middle of converting my old vcl software to an fmx one. Among a lot of other errors that have solution, I try to find a way to access files from the internet (lets say a txt file from my website). With the old way (vcl) I used a procedure with hInternet type and function InternetOpen, InternetOpenUrl, InternetReadfile . Any idea how this can be done in FMX?

Originally shared by Iwan Cahyadi Sugeng

Originally shared by Iwan Cahyadi Sugeng Hi guys, kami dari Komunitas Penggemar Pemrograman Delphi (KPPDI) mau adakan workshop gratis di jakarta untuk memperkenalkan pemanfaatan IoT dengan Delphi. Delphi yang kita gunakan adalah Delphi Starter Edition yang dapat diunduh dan digunakan secara gratis. Info lebih lanjut silahkan liat brosur di bawah Segera daftarkan diri anda, karena tempat sangat terbatas


Is there a way to bind a TAction to a TListBoxItem ? I'm actually using the OnClick event where I execute the action. This is working but I find it cumbersome. Ps: I'm using Firemonkey / Delphi Berlin U2

Feature request: Add support for Windows on 64-bit ARM CPUs

Feature request: Add support for Windows on 64-bit ARM CPUs

Feature request: Add support for Google/Huawei's HiKey 960 Android device.

Feature request: Add support for Google/Huawei's HiKey 960 Android device. Article about the octa-core device

Hi Everyone

Hi Everyone, I am having trouble with Ipreviewhandler previewing email with an attachment. For some reason, it skips all email attachment and displays just a plain text with email body Sample code MyPreviewHandler: IPreviewHandler; if MyPreviewHandler.QueryInterface(IInitializeWithItem, InitializeWithItem) = S_OK then begin SHCreateItemFromParsingName(PChar(FileName), nil, StringToGUID(csGUID), ShellItem); InitializeWithItem.Initialize(ShellItem, 0); end MyPreviewHandler.DoPreview; I presume IShellItem can only handle one object at a time. Is there any way I can display both attachment and main email content Is there anyway i can detect email with attachment using handler?

*UPDATE : I can confirm this is Resolved in Windows 10 Fall Creators Update.*

*UPDATE : I can confirm this is Resolved in Windows 10 Fall Creators Update.* Anyone else having issues with Delphi on Windows 10 Creators update... XE7 debugger loads/unloads runtime packages a bunch of times... then it won't stop on breakpoints, or the IDE just hangs. Seeing this on 2 machines (rolling back to Anniversary on one now to confirm). The IDE evenlog shows this sort of thing : Module Load: VSoft.Core.DB.bpl. Has Debug Info. Base Address: $015E0000. Process FinalBuilder8.exe (16196) Module Unload: VSoft.Core.DB.bpl. Process FinalBuilder8.exe (16196) Module Load: VSoft.Core.DB.bpl. Has Debug Info. Base Address: $015E0000. Process FinalBuilder8.exe (16196) Module Unload: VSoft.Core.DB.bpl. Process FinalBuilder8.exe (16196) Module Load: VSoft.Core.DB.bpl. Has Debug Info. Base Address: $01BC0000. Process FinalBuilder8.exe (16196) Module Unload: VSoft.Core.DB.bpl. Process FinalBuilder8.exe (16196) Module Load: VSoft.Core.DB.bpl. Has Debug Info. Base Address: $015E0000. Proce...

New blog post

New blog post

Pasting long string to IDE

Pasting long string to IDE I've created feature request to improve Multipaste function to allow splitting long strings first before pasting them, but surely someone should have already implemented such an IDE expert?

Does anyone remember if Delphi XE somewhere had the option to turn off generating a dcu for a dpk?

Does anyone remember if Delphi XE somewhere had the option to turn off generating a dcu for a dpk? I have the case where my package contains a unit with the same name which works fine in recent Delphi versions but not on XE because the dcu of the unit is overridden when the compiler emits the dcu for the package. Comments suggesting to name them differently will implode when being posted! ;)

Sometimes the way how anonymous methods work is just annoying...

Sometimes the way how anonymous methods work is just annoying... type ITest = interface procedure Subscribe(const proc: TProc); end; TTest = class(TInterfacedObject, ITest) private fProc: TProc; public procedure Subscribe(const proc: TProc); end; procedure TTest.Subscribe(const proc: TProc); begin fProc := proc; end; procedure Main; var t: ITest; p: TProc; begin t := TTest.Create; t.Subscribe(procedure begin end); p := procedure begin if t = nil then end; end; Leak or no leak? And if leak, why? SPOILER: Because the compiler backs all anonymous methods inside of the same routine into the same instance this code just creates a circular reference of t to itself. In the code it looks like t just takes a reference to that do nothing TProc and then we have another almost do nothing TProc that captures t. Both should go away at the end of the routine, right? Well, no. Since both anonymous methods are in the same instance t implicitly keeps itself alive. Yo...

There are people who still expect RxLib compatibility to update their RadStudio ... for them I did this

There are people who still expect RxLib compatibility to update their RadStudio ... for them I did this

New "Clear GulfStream" FM Style released!

New "Clear GulfStream" FM Style released! Let me introduce our new semi-transparent style!

FmxLinux 0.97 - TWebBrowser and lots of fixes.

FmxLinux 0.97 - TWebBrowser and lots of fixes. Pre-Order now with good discount before 1.0 release.

Attn. Marco Cantu

Attn. Marco Cantu This isn't the first request about this. Would it be OK to provide such a download?

I'm tempted to write an extension/wrapper for Spring4D where I can do this:

I'm tempted to write an extension/wrapper for Spring4D where I can do this: *Messages:= MyIList.MoveTo (function(Item: IItem): boolean begin Result:= true; end);* This will result in the following code: TMyList = class(TInterfacedObject, IList, ....,IMyList ) ... function (const predicate ...): I; begin if (TypeOf(I) = TypeOf(IList)) then Result:= TCollections.CreateList; if TypeOf(I) = ...... //the if typeofs are processed as implicits and are eliminated by the compiler as needed. //It's a bit laborious, though inherited MoveTo(Result, predicate); end; Now I can chain these and don't need to explicitly create collections myself. Does this make sense, or am I making some logical error? Hoping for some discussion, don't need help, but the discussion label has been axed.

Delphi, Berlin

Delphi, Berlin im iOS Test Flight, my application Icon is Delphi Default. After install app from test flight, is right icon on iPhone Desktop. But in Test Flight it stays Delphi Default Icon. What's wrong?

Best description of Bubblesort i've ever seen °.°

Best description of Bubblesort i've ever seen °.°

Puzzled with this behavior.

Puzzled with this behavior. I'd appreciate help. I don't understand how initialization and finalization sections should behave with an Apache module on Linux (and maybe any .so). Take a look at this simple web broker application: unit WebModuleUnit1; interface uses System.SysUtils, System.Classes, Web.HTTPApp, TestLog; type TWebModule1 = class(TWebModule) procedure WebModule1DefaultHandlerAction(Sender: TObject; Request: TWebRequest; Response: TWebResponse; var Handled: Boolean); end; var GlobalCount: Integer = 1; var WebModuleClass: TComponentClass = TWebModule1; implementation {%CLASSGROUP 'System.Classes.TPersistent'} {$R *.dfm} procedure TWebModule1.WebModule1DefaultHandlerAction(Sender: TObject; Request: TWebRequest; Response: TWebResponse; var Handled: Boolean); begin Inc(GlobalCount); Log('GlobalCount: ' + IntToStr(GlobalCount)); Response.Content := 'GlobalCount: ' + IntToStr(GlobalCount); end; initialization Log(...

Puzzled with this behavior. I'd appreciate help. I don't understand how initialization and finalization sections should behave with an Apache module on Linux (and maybe any .so). Take a look at this simple web broker application:

Puzzled with this behavior. I'd appreciate help. I don't understand how initialization and finalization sections should behave with an Apache module on Linux (and maybe any .so). Take a look at this simple web broker application: unit WebModuleUnit1; interface uses System.SysUtils, System.Classes, Web.HTTPApp, TestLog; type TWebModule1 = class(TWebModule) procedure WebModule1DefaultHandlerAction(Sender: TObject; Request: TWebRequest; Response: TWebResponse; var Handled: Boolean); end; var GlobalCount: Integer = 1; var WebModuleClass: TComponentClass = TWebModule1; implementation {%CLASSGROUP 'System.Classes.TPersistent'} {$R *.dfm} procedure TWebModule1.WebModule1DefaultHandlerAction(Sender: TObject; Request: TWebRequest; Response: TWebResponse; var Handled: Boolean); begin Inc(GlobalCount); Log('GlobalCount: ' + IntToStr(GlobalCount)); Response.Content := 'GlobalCount: ' + IntToStr(GlobalCount); end; initialization Log(...

Looking for a flexible and efficient binary serialization format? Try our implementation of Google's Protocol Buffers!

Looking for a flexible and efficient binary serialization format? Try our implementation of Google's Protocol Buffers!

Originally shared by Boian Mitov

Originally shared by Boian Mitov Embarcadero and Mitov Software Team up to Offer Simple, Cross-Platform AI for Developers! #Delphi

Has anyone integrated Dymo's 4xl printer into any of their application(s)?

Has anyone integrated Dymo's 4xl printer into any of their application(s)? Looking for a way to do this. I have looked at their latest sdk and it seems to be .net based. any information or pointer to how to go about this would be appreciated

Has anyone integrated Dymo's 4xl printer into any of their application(s)? Looking for a way to do this. I have looked at their latest sdk and it seems to be .net based.

Has anyone integrated Dymo's 4xl printer into any of their application(s)? Looking for a way to do this. I have looked at their latest sdk and it seems to be .net based. any information or pointer to how to go about this would be appreciated

After googling a while without result here my question:

After googling a while without result here my question: How can i get the app path in osx? If i use TPath.GetDirectoryName(ParamStr(0) ) i get '/Users/jeanmarck/PAServer/scratch-dir/JeanmarcK-DEV-BOOk/' But i want only the path to '/Users/jeanmarck/PAServer/scratch-dir/JeanmarcK-DEV-BOOk' because i want read a config file from there. Is there any out of the box solution?

Is there a reason why third party component vendors still ship dfm in binary format and did not convert them ever?

Is there a reason why third party component vendors still ship dfm in binary format and did not convert them ever? I just noticed that I corrupted some of them when using git with strict eol handling (dfm in text work fine). So I used convert.exe and converted them to text format before committing them.

#Linux and RAD Studio 10.2 Tokyo support with a better encryption in a new version of SecureBridge.

#Linux and RAD Studio 10.2 Tokyo support with a better encryption in a new version of SecureBridge.


Hello, I've spent last 10 days in Tokyo...and I did found Godzilla :)

I wonder if anyone could point me in the right direction...

I wonder if anyone could point me in the right direction... I deploy a set of images with my mobile app and want to create a picker UI - just a vertical grid of images (the deployed files). Which approach would you recommend? I thought of using the TStringGrid or flow layout control and dynamically creating a TImage for each image I load from storage but there may be 30+ of them which I'm concerned will be terrible performance. I know Firemonkey and lots of embedded child controls isn't great for performance, but not sure of an alternative?

I found a useful fix for an annoying Firemonkey problem today that I thought would be useful to share.

I found a useful fix for an annoying Firemonkey problem today that I thought would be useful to share. I've just implemented a custom long-tap gesture in my app. The component is a TPaintbox sitting on a TTabControl page and I couldn't use the GestureManager as it's long tap gesture behaves oddly on Android. My solution worked perfectly on Android and Windows but on iOS I kept getting sporadic MouseUp events while still touching which caused the long tap detection to fail. It was caused by a rogue CancelTouches event firing from somewhere. Thanks to an old question on the EMB forums, it led me to the solution. The tab control has its own gesture management built in, including LongTap. For some reason this interferes with LongTap of any child controls. By unticking the LongTap gesture from the Touches property of the tabitem, it fixed the problem and now works perfectly on iOS! A fun 20 minutes but well worth it! I hope this helps anyone else with similar problems.

A major update for TMS VCL WebGMaps ( ) and TMS FMX WebGMaps ( ) is available

A major update for TMS VCL WebGMaps ( ) and TMS FMX WebGMaps ( ) is available now with the capability to import GeoJSON files. - New : LoadGeoJSONPolygon and LoadGeoJSONPolyline methods - New : HoverColor for Polylines collection - New : HoverBackgroundColor, HoverBorderColor for Polygons collection - New : PolygonLabel class property - New : TagString, TagObject properties for Polygons, Polylines collections
Is anybody aware of a Phillips hue comonent or library for Delphi?

Some very good observations and commentaries in this post by Gunny.

Some very good observations and commentaries in this post by Gunny. Originally shared by Michael Thuma

Learn how to create database applications for #Linux in RAD Studio easily.

Learn how to create database applications for #Linux in RAD Studio easily.

FixInsight 2017.04 introduces rule O805 “Inline marked routine comes after its call in the same unit”. Let’s check FMX and VCL code to see if Embarcadero follows their own rules.

FixInsight 2017.04 introduces rule O805 “Inline marked routine comes after its call in the same unit”. Let’s check FMX and VCL code to see if Embarcadero follows their own rules.

Originally shared by Boian Mitov

Originally shared by Boian Mitov "Installing 3th party components in Visuino" Video Tutorial by Swellington Santos , showing how to install the components he developed in Delphi with the Visuino SDK :-) #Visuino #Delphi #Arduino

Defer defines the “postpone procedure” pattern, this postpone should schedule a “procedure: TProc” to run it after the end of the caller method that executed the call to the Defer function (Proc: TProc).

Defer defines the “postpone procedure” pattern, this postpone should schedule a “procedure: TProc” to run it after the end of the caller method that executed the call to the Defer function (Proc: TProc). At the end of the caller method, Defer must execute all stacked procedures in the reverse order in which they were scheduled.

Never used linux before, after tokyo release, I'm addicted to linux, wow I've missed out on so much. I love how smoothly my server apps run connected to mysql.

Never used linux before, after tokyo release, I'm addicted to linux, wow I've missed out on so much. I love how smoothly my server apps run connected to mysql. Its official, I'm officially moving to Linux as a primary OS !!!!

Hello guys.

Hello guys. Anyone knows how to disable predictive text for a given memo/edit on Android?

Originally shared by Thomas Mueller (dummzeuch)

Originally shared by Thomas Mueller (dummzeuch) Did you know that the Delphi IDE's rename refactoring (Ctrl+Shift+E) also works for forms and components? It works even better than GExperts Rename Component expert, because it also renames all references, not just the component in the dfm and the declaration in the class.
Could someone tell me how to check a record exist in the mysql database using delphi .?


Hi I have Create Following code to Read Registry Which Crated to Database Connection String; i did following code Under "Data Module Create Event" var Registry: TRegistry; KeyName:string; ConnString:string; begin Registry := TRegistry.Create(KEY_READ); KeyName:= '3RS SOFTWARE\3RS Fama\SubKey'; try Registry.RootKey := HKEY_CURRENT_USER; Registry.OpenKey(KeyName, False); ConnString := Registry.ReadString('CON'); finally Registry.Free; end; end; But i am getting following error, could some tell me why ? [dcc32 Error] DataU.pas(55): E2003 Undeclared identifier: 'KEY_READ' [dcc32 Error] DataU.pas(58): E2003 Undeclared identifier: 'HKEY_CURRENT_USER'

Trouble installing Tokyo: I installed Tokyo side-by-side with Delphi Berlin. It ran fine.

Trouble installing Tokyo: I installed Tokyo side-by-side with Delphi Berlin. It ran fine. I installed some standard tools (Parnassus, CodeSite, etc.) and started getting "Index out of Range" errors when starting the IDE. I uninstalled Tokyo and Berlin and all packages. I re-tried installing Tokyo and now get "Operation Error" during the install immediately after it downloads the "Core Common files.". Any suggestions on how to completely uninstall everything and start with blank slate?

Is there any example projects that use FMX as a kiosk type app rotating images with possibly transition effects?

Is there any example projects that use FMX as a kiosk type app rotating images with possibly transition effects? I only need Win compatibility at this time.
Is there any example projects that use FMX as a kiosk type app rotating images with possibly transition effects? I only need Win compatibility at this time.

StyleContols + VCL Styles from DelphiStyles

StyleContols + VCL Styles from DelphiStyles We are happy with opportunity to try our controls with excelent new VCL Styles from DelphiStyles resource! StyleControls Home: DelphiStyles Home:

So, Embarcadero, Nick Hodges and Marco Cantù - it gets complicated now.

So, Embarcadero, Nick Hodges and Marco Cantù - it gets complicated now. The full Windows APIs on ARM CPUs. You need a single life-time model now. Will the compiler be ARC or non-ARC this time? Make a choice and see it through on all platforms, please.

My code override TCustomIniFile.

My code override TCustomIniFile.ReadInteger. I found that default value was always blank string. Think this is a bug. Please vote :)

My code override TCustomIniFile.ReadInteger. I found that default value was always blank string. Think this is a bug.

My code override TCustomIniFile.ReadInteger. I found that default value was always blank string. Think this is a bug. Please vote :)

Does anybody know if Delphi developed Android apps should be able to run in VWWare Airwatch Mobile Application Management Container?

Does anybody know if Delphi developed Android apps should be able to run in VWWare Airwatch Mobile Application Management Container? I tried to find out if there might be general problems with NDK apps, but could not find anything online.

New Grijjy blog article on timer queues in Windows and Linux

New Grijjy blog article on timer queues in Windows and Linux,

I thought by myself "why can't an equality comparer for records use the equals operator if the record has one?"

I thought by myself "why can't an equality comparer for records use the equals operator if the record has one?" Well it can! ;) (prototype - work in progress)
Anyone have any experience with third party tools (preferably open source ones written in Delphi) that can facilitate deployment of database updates? I want to incorporate one into my AutoUpdate framework to handle at least minor database updates for MSSQL and Oracle. I don't want to have to reinvent the wheel....

A compiler curiosity I've learned today:

A compiler curiosity I've learned today: // This works: {$IF Declared(Test) and (Test>=100)} {$ENDIF} // This not: {$IF Declared(Test)} {$IF Test>=100} // "E2026 Constant expression expected" {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF}

Code completion (or rather the lack of!) is driving me crazy:

Code completion (or rather the lack of!) is driving me crazy:

We're pleased to announce the release of the new TMS FNC Blox v1.0:

We're pleased to announce the release of the new TMS FNC Blox v1.0: TMS FNC Blox offers cross-platform & cross-framework diagramming/flowcharting components for Windows, iOS, macOS, Android, Linux, Raspbian... Offers ready-to-use flowchart, arrow and electric blocks + has an open architecture for building custom blocks & lines!

I need help with InterBase Express (IBX) for Delphi.

I need help with InterBase Express (IBX) for Delphi. I have an old application in Delphi 7, that is totally developed with IBX. I want to port it to Delphi 10.1 Berlin, but I found that I have not IBX. The questions are: Is there a version of IBX for Delphi 10.1 Berlin? If yes, where to find it or how to get it? It's this a tool that I need to pay for it? I only need IBX meanwhile I convert the application to FireDAC. Any suggestion about this migration? Thank's to all in advance.

We are glad to announce a new resource with collections of Multiplatform FM Style Templates and VCL Styles.

We are glad to announce a new resource with collections of Multiplatform FM Style Templates and VCL Styles. New styles will be added constantly and we hope that you'll like them.

Rest Request Failed

Rest Request Failed Im getting a request failed error after make a rest call, i'm using rest component and Delphi 10.2, this error only happen on Android, on win32 all is fine. lClientModule := TCM.Create(nil); try lClientModule.RESTClient1.BaseURL := (sBASE_URL); lClientModule.RESTRequest1.Resource := Format('fEstatusAutorizacion/%s/%d/%d', ['A',10, 20]); lClientModule.RESTRequest1.Execute; finally lClientModule.Free; end;

The latest Visuino component built by Swellington Santos with the Visuino Delphi SDK :-)

The latest Visuino component built by Swellington Santos with the Visuino Delphi SDK :-) #Visuino #Delphi #Arduino Originally shared by Boian Mitov Another cool Visuino​ component and tutorial for it by Swellington Santos :-) #Visuino #Arduino Thank you Swellington Santos!

FloatToStr (*) doesn't seem to be working in Apache module on Linux?

FloatToStr (*) doesn't seem to be working in Apache module on Linux? From an empty Apache module created by Delphi wizard (File, New, Other, Delphi Projects, WebBroker, Web Server Application, Check "Linux", Next, Check "Apache dynamic link module", Next, Finish), replace the WebModule1DefaultHandlerAction event handler to return a simple string like this: procedure TWebModule1.WebModule1DefaultHandlerAction(Sender: TObject; Request: TWebRequest; Response: TWebResponse; var Handled: Boolean); begin Response.Content := FloatToStr(3.14); end; Then build and manage to deploy and run that Apache module on Linux (**), that will simply crash with a Invalid Floating Pointer Operation error. I'm about to create a QP, just wanted to believe and be 100% sure this is happening. (*) Looks like a problem with TFormatSettings, can't be 100% sure. But StrToFloat also doesn't seem to work, didn't bother to test other conversion functions. (**) Some links to ...

FloatToStr (*) doesn't seem to be working in Apache module on Linux? From an empty Apache module created by Delphi wizard (File, New, Other, Delphi Projects, WebBroker, Web Server Application, Check "Linux", Next, Check "Apache dynamic link module", Next, Finish), replace the WebModule1DefaultHandlerAction event handler to return a simple string like this:

FloatToStr (*) doesn't seem to be working in Apache module on Linux? From an empty Apache module created by Delphi wizard (File, New, Other, Delphi Projects, WebBroker, Web Server Application, Check "Linux", Next, Check "Apache dynamic link module", Next, Finish), replace the WebModule1DefaultHandlerAction event handler to return a simple string like this: procedure TWebModule1.WebModule1DefaultHandlerAction(Sender: TObject; Request: TWebRequest; Response: TWebResponse; var Handled: Boolean); begin Response.Content := FloatToStr(3.14); end; Then build and manage to deploy and run that Apache module on Linux (**), that will simply crash with a Invalid Floating Pointer Operation error. I'm about to create a QP, just wanted to believe and be 100% sure this is happening. (*) Looks like a problem with TFormatSettings, can't be 100% sure. But StrToFloat also doesn't seem to work, didn't bother to test other conversion functions. (**) Some links to ...


Help, after delete .dproj, reopening .dpr, now my project cannot deployment, paclient looking file at D:\AndroidManifest.xml, D:\assets, D:\classes etc i'm sure aapt.exe exist in C:\android\sdk\build-tools\17.0.0\ [PAClient Error] Error: E2312 Unable to execute '"C:\android\sdk\build-tools\17.0.0\aapt.exe" package -f -M "D:\AndroidManifest.xml" -F "D:\bin\smart_stock_opname-unsigned.apk" -I "C:\android\sdk\platforms\android-14\android.jar" -S "D:\res" -A "D:\assets" "D:\library" "D:\classes"' (Error 1) whats should i check again ?

Hello guys

Hello guys, Is there a way to move a Delphi installation from a HDD to a new SSD? Thanks in advance :)

Shouldn't this line be null terminated?

Shouldn't this line be null terminated? HostEnt := gethostbyname(MarshaledAString(TEncoding.UTF8.GetBytes(Name))); class function TIPAddress.LookupName(const Name: string): TIPAddress; var HostEnt: PHostEnt; begin HostEnt := gethostbyname(MarshaledAString(TEncoding.UTF8.GetBytes(Name))); FillChar(Result, SizeOf(Result), 0); if HostEnt nil then Result.FAddr.S_addr := PCardinal(HostEnt.h_addr_list^)^; end; For example... HostEnt := gethostbyname(MarshaledAString(TEncoding.UTF8.GetBytes(Name + #0))); or HostEnt := gethostbyname(MarshaledAString(Utf8String(Name))); because the Utf8String is null terminated internally. It appears it currently only works if you are lucky enough to have a zero in memory at the end, especially on the new Linux compiler. The System.Net.Socket units have a lot of great functionality that I wish I could use.

FixInsight 2017.04 is finally there! :)

FixInsight 2017.04 is finally there! :) What's new: New rule: O805 Inline marked routine comes after its call in the same unit New rule: O804 Method parameter is declared but never used Delphi 10.2 Tokyo support Improved : Code parser Fixed false positives in some cases

Try new #dbExpress drivers with a support for RAD Studio Tokyo 10.2 and many other new features.

Try new #dbExpress drivers with a support for RAD Studio Tokyo 10.2 and many other new features.

As much as I loath Java the streams interface is pretty cool.

As much as I loath Java the streams interface is pretty cool. Is there something analogous to Java 8's streams in Delphi (and I don't mean TStream)?

Hi, I'm trying to build a Datasnap Server application using Delphi for Linux as a console application. Running normal console applications on linux is fine but when I try to compile a datasnap application (which i used the wizard) i get an error.

Hi, I'm trying to build a Datasnap Server application using Delphi for Linux as a console application. Running normal console applications on linux is fine but when I try to compile a datasnap application (which i used the wizard) i get an error. "error cannot find -lcurl" Would anyone be able to help me with this?

Andrey Efimov wrote about how to detect memory leaks under Android.

Andrey Efimov wrote about how to detect memory leaks under Android.

I wonder how long it takes for this question to be voted down and closed.

I wonder how long it takes for this question to be voted down and closed.

The latest question about use clause cleaners, got me thinking: How important is such a tool, given the linker should automatically remove everything that isn't referenced. So, how much harm does an unused unit actually do? A former colleague of mine routinely added a standard list of units to the interface of every unit he created. It annoyed the hell out of me when I discovered it, since most of them could at least be moved to the implementation section.

The latest question about use clause cleaners, got me thinking: How important is such a tool, given the linker should automatically remove everything that isn't referenced. So, how much harm does an unused unit actually do? A former colleague of mine routinely added a standard list of units to the interface of every unit he created. It annoyed the hell out of me when I discovered it, since most of them could at least be moved to the implementation section. On the other hand, we have several programs where the unit's initialisation code registers classes, object instances or functions with a factory or other mechanism, so removing them from the uses clause would break the functionality.

My book is now available in physical form on Amazon:

My book is now available in physical form on Amazon:

Originally shared by Boian Mitov

Originally shared by Boian Mitov Just posted by Jim McKeeth on the Embarcadero blog :-) #Delphi   #OpenWire

class function TCloudSHA256Authentication.GetStreamToHashSHA256Hex(const Content: TStream): string;

class function TCloudSHA256Authentication.GetStreamToHashSHA256Hex(const Content: TStream): string; var LBytes : TBytes; Hash: THashSHA2; begin LBytes := TBytesStream(Content).Bytes; //Hash bytes Hash := THashSHA2.Create; Hash.Update(LBytes); Result := Hash.HashAsString; end; I can't quite believe the cast on the first line...... How could this ever come to pass? Are there really no standards left at Embarcadero? Who writes this code? Who reviews it? Do they know what quality means?  And all that before we get onto the concept of requiring the entire stream to be in contiguous memory before contemplating hashing it. A WTF in itself, but paling in comparison to that travesty of a cast.

Just curious whether anyone has had experience with the Uses Cleaner written by Oleg Zhukov:

Just curious whether anyone has had experience with the Uses Cleaner written by Oleg Zhukov: There have been no updates since 2005, but it looks interesting. Just wondering whether anyone knows whether it is worth the effort. I have a large legacy project to which I would like to apply it.

HTML Editor Library + FMXLinux

HTML Editor Library + FMXLinux


NovuscodeLibrary A #Delphi library of utility functions and non-visual classes. Support for Delphi XE - Delphi 10.2 Library Features * Shell and Capture functions. * Log functions. * Template and Parser functions. * Plugin functions.

EntityDAC now supports Tokyo 10.2

EntityDAC now supports Tokyo 10.2 Try new #Delphi #ORM now!

Fellow Delphi developers

Fellow Delphi developers, This is with great pleasure that we announce the immediate availability of HelpNDoc 5.1, an easy to use yet powerful help authoring tool producing CHM help files, responsive HTML and mobile Websites, DocX and PDF manuals, ePub and Kindle eBooks as well as Qt Help files from a single source. HelpNDoc is Free for personal use and evaluation purposes and is available at: HelpNDoc 5.1 provides many new features and enhancements including including the ability to override project options for each build, and enhanced HTTP web server, multiple documentation enhancements and much more... You can learn more about this update at: Download HelpNDoc now and use it for free for personal and evaluation purposes: Follow our step-by-step video guides to learn how to use HelpNDoc:

Call for help! Contact Jan Barendregt on the official forums ASAP.

Call for help! Contact Jan Barendregt on the official forums ASAP. This is the contents of the post by Jan: Hi all, I have developed several software products, which are mostly available for free ( ). Three of these are Excel for Windows add-ins, using the C-interface of Excel. One is a Monte Carlo simulation program (Ersatz), one a meta-analysis program (MetaXL), and one a bunch of handy functions such as integration (EpigearXL). All interface with Excel using one general unit, and one specific one that defines the particular functions in that package. The library is compatible with Excel pre-2007, and with Excel 2007+, both 32 and 64 bit (Excel 2010+). I use Delphi 7, XE2 and XE7. The software is stable, but Microsoft has this habit of upgrading Excel and often that means that my stuff may have to be adapted because of some non-documented change in the internals of Excel. The software is mostly b...

Delphi fails to start after Windows did some "Program Compatibility Assistant" magic to it when BDS.exe crashed because the compiler ran out of memory:

Delphi fails to start after Windows did some "Program Compatibility Assistant" magic to it when BDS.exe crashed because the compiler ran out of memory: How can I undo the magic? The last entry in procmon is this (but I've seen that entry in many normal BDS.exe sessions as well): 13:32:34,5910460 bds.exe 3516 RegOpenKey HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\CTF\KnownClasses NAME NOT FOUND Desired Access: Read The "what settings are applied" link does not provide any details on what was changed:

install this app GPS Route Finder is a “gps tracker” app which will locate you around the globe.

install this app GPS Route Finder is a “gps tracker” app which will locate you around the globe. #GPS #Traker

[windows 10 creators update]

[windows 10 creators update] Some of my clients are experiencing some errors in our software compiled with Seattle (win32). after have installed last update of Windows10, I do not understand if are Application.messagebox that go wrong or otherwise. With Windows 7 emulation resolves the problem

Simple encryption:

Simple encryption: Folks, I have not had cause to use encryption in any code for the last 4 or 5 years and I just wondered what everyone was using nowadays. Is there anything in the System.??? VCL ? 1. I need to be able to encrypt a string 2. I need to be able to encrypt a file It needs to be simple code Thanks

I cannot for the life of me get 10.2 installed on my laptop. It always gets this error right after you select all the platforms. Anybody encountered this?

I cannot for the life of me get 10.2 installed on my laptop. It always gets this error right after you select all the platforms. Anybody encountered this?

Question: Does anyone have any experience using .EXEs created in Berlin on earlier versions of OSX than Sierra?

Question: Does anyone have any experience using .EXEs created in Berlin on earlier versions of OSX than Sierra? In other words,do modern FMX applications have dependencies on things that aren't available in El Capitan or Yosemite or Mavericks for example? We're about to release our FMX Berlin port of our Windows product. Other than using FMX.Media.TVideoCaptureDevice, we're not doing anything overtly platform specific. We can use MacInCloud to test whether the program runs back through Mavericks (without testing our live camera input since, well, MacInCloud is on the cloud.) But, we don't have a lot of old Macs available that are running old versions...

Random question (from me personally): what interest or need is there for advanced data structures in your code? For example: various trees (red-black, AVL, n-ary, B+...), tries, skip lists, Bloom filters, etc etc. Possibly various algorithms too.

Random question (from me personally): what interest or need is there for advanced data structures in your code? For example: various trees (red-black, AVL, n-ary, B+...), tries, skip lists, Bloom filters, etc etc. Possibly various algorithms too. It occurred to me that I don't know of reliable, modern-Delphi-style, generic, high quality (eg well unit tested) implementations of these fundamental data structures. I also don't know what the need for them is - ie what the demand is, how many people are writing code that would use them. I've written a couple in the past, one for a customer and a one for interest. The main Delphi source I know of is Julian Bucknall's excellent Tomes of Delphi which covers some of these, but the code is seriously showing its age. Spring4D has many containers but not many data structures; it mostly wraps Delphi's containers.

Originally shared by Boian Mitov

Originally shared by Boian Mitov And the first 3th party components for Visuino​ developed with Delphi​ are available thanks to Swellington Santos  :-) #Visuino #Arduino #Delphi

HI all

HI all I have a problem with the following code in Tokyo FMX image1.Bitmap.canvas.StrokeThickness i.e undeclared identifier strokethickness what unit is that now shifted to? (I have in the uses) thanks :)

I-Pascal v1.22 has been released.

I-Pascal v1.22 has been released. Key changes: Debugger (FPC only), Delphi Starter edition support.

Part 3 on Delphi for Linux for scalable client http sockets in the cloud

Part 3 on Delphi for Linux for scalable client http sockets in the cloud,

Please help me,, i got stuck 24 hour not solve

Please help me,, i got stuck 24 hour not solve whats wrong with my code test in delphi 7 and delphi berlin error is here but i never free it. error capture too using eurekalog finally FIniFile.Free; end; source .pas & dfm : unit unExport_TIRASND_SMART; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls, Grids, DBGrids, Mask, ComCtrls, IniFiles ; type TfrmExport_TIRASND_SMART = class(TForm) Panel1: TPanel; Panel2: TPanel; PageControl1: TPageControl; TabSheet1: TTabSheet; Panel3: TPanel; Label1: TLabel; Label2: TLabel; Label3: TLabel; Label4: TLabel; Label5: TLabel; Label6: TLabel; lbldb: TEdit; lbluser: TEdit; lblpassw: TEdit; lblport: TEdit; lblserver: TEdit; lbldll: TEdit; lblseparate: TEdit; Label12: TLabel; lbldirektori: TEdit; Label13: TLabel; Label14: TLabel; lblstok: TRadioGroup; lblauth: TRadioGroup; ...

RvSciViewer Android / Win32 / win64. Ver. 1.0.11 released

RvSciViewer Android / Win32 / win64. Ver. 1.0.11 released RvSciViewer 1.0.11 New features. 1. 3 Modes, measure, spectrum, image processing 2. Realtime measuring, floating ruler, ruler calibration... 3. Realtime spectrum waveform display. 4. New Image-processing functions. Download: Win32/Win64 Google Play

ANN: StyleControls VCL v. 3.70 with new features released!

ANN: StyleControls VCL v. 3.70 with new features released! In new version we continue to improve our solution for form customization. You can see updated demo with form without border (TForm.BorderStyle=bsNone), but which has system shadow and with possibility of resizing and maximizing. Demo:

Originally shared by Thomas Mueller (dummzeuch)

Originally shared by Thomas Mueller (dummzeuch) Today I had a need for a grid that looks like this: It mixes text with a two different bitmaps, representing an on/off state. In addition it should allow the user to switch the states using the mouse and the keyboard. (If you are an experienced component…

There is something wrong here!? Who introduced this? Niklaus Wirth will shoot you!

There is something wrong here!? Who introduced this? Niklaus Wirth will shoot you!

Originally shared by Thomas Mueller (dummzeuch)

Originally shared by Thomas Mueller (dummzeuch) If you want to say thank you for my work on GExperts, there are the following options: Contribute to the GExperts quality You can either contribute good bug reports or – even better – bug fixes to GExperts. I’d actually prefer that over getting money.…

Cloning a TnxMemTable cursor

Cloning a TnxMemTable cursor Hello! I have a RemObjects server with an in-memory NexusDB on it. I have a service datamodule that needs to insert data into it and, from what I understand, my best option is to do so via tables. Obviously, I don't want to deal with locking (D'oh!) so I would like to do something a-la client dataset which allows you to clone a cursor and point at the same data. I have looked around the various methods and I can't find anything that seems conducive of reaching that goal. Has anybody ever done this? Have you got hints? Thanks.

Looks like a bug in TVirtualInterface in Linux.

Looks like a bug in TVirtualInterface in Linux. I wonder if experts here would have a clue about why this is happening and if there is a workaround? The problem only happens with some return values (double, single and currency). The following test code will output "13" for all calls in Win32, but will return wrong in Linux. program TestVirtualInterface; {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} uses System.SysUtils, System.Rtti; type IMath = interface(IInvokable) ['{BAD477A2-86EC-45B9-A1B1-C896C58DD5E0}'] function ValueDouble: Double; function ValueCurrency: Currency; function ValueSingle: Single; function ValueExtended: Extended; function ValueInteger: Integer; function ValueInt64: Int64; function ValueByte: Byte; function ValueSmallInt: SmallInt; procedure GetValueDouble(var D: Double); end; procedure Run; var V: TVirtualInterface; M: IMath; D: Double; begin V := TVirtualInterface.Create(TypeInfo(IMath)); V.OnInvoke := procedure(Method...

Looks like a bug in TVirtualInterface in Linux. I wonder if experts here would have a clue about why this is happening and if there is a workaround? The problem only happens with some return values (double, single and currency). The following test code will output "13" for all calls in Win32, but will return wrong in Linux.

Looks like a bug in TVirtualInterface in Linux. I wonder if experts here would have a clue about why this is happening and if there is a workaround? The problem only happens with some return values (double, single and currency). The following test code will output "13" for all calls in Win32, but will return wrong in Linux. program TestVirtualInterface; {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} uses System.SysUtils, System.Rtti; type IMath = interface(IInvokable) ['{BAD477A2-86EC-45B9-A1B1-C896C58DD5E0}'] function ValueDouble: Double; function ValueCurrency: Currency; function ValueSingle: Single; function ValueExtended: Extended; function ValueInteger: Integer; function ValueInt64: Int64; function ValueByte: Byte; function ValueSmallInt: SmallInt; procedure GetValueDouble(var D: Double); end; procedure Run; var V: TVirtualInterface; M: IMath; D: Double; begin V := TVirtualInterface.Create(TypeInfo(IMath)); V.OnInvoke := procedure(Method...

This is the first version compiled with Delphi 10.2 Tokyo and has Tokyo based SDK

This is the first version compiled with Delphi 10.2 Tokyo and has Tokyo based SDK Originally shared by Boian Mitov Just released #Visuino - Graphical Development for Arduino - 7_8_2_118 with MLX90614 Infrared Thermometer support Added Melexis MLX90614 Infrared Thermometer component Improved ESP8266 compatibility Improved PID controller component Reduced memory usage by the DHT11 Sensor Improved touchscreen support for the ILI9341 Display Shield Updated SDK to use the new Delphi 10.2 Tokyo There is also updated version of the Visuino Pro with improved Modbus support available in the G+ Community: Updated version of the Visuino Component Development SDK is also available in the G+ Community and the Facebook Beta group: #Visuino #Arduino

Originally shared by Thomas Mueller (dummzeuch)

Originally shared by Thomas Mueller (dummzeuch) According to MSDN the window handle passed to IDBPromptInitialize::PromptDataSource will be used this way: hWndParent [in] The parent window handle for dialog boxes to be displayed. The dialog box will always be centred within this window. Unfortunately…

There is a very serious bug (or maybe missing feature) in Delphi for Android development.

There is a very serious bug (or maybe missing feature) in Delphi for Android development. If you are interested in using Delphi for Android development ... Please upvote the QC issue. Gboard will not work with Delphi apps to insert linebreaks in memos because of this ... This means about 1.5 million Android users will complain about your app if it uses memos. Marco Cantù​ ... Are you aware of any workaround other than suggesting to the user to switch keyboard apps which is imo no option? Other apps or development frameworks seem to have no problems with the enter key of Gboard. BTW happy easter to everyone.


Insane! You can not install Delphi on tablets and netbooks. The Continue button is off the 1024x600 screen. No usability testing?
Insane! You can not install Delphi on tablets and netbooks. The Continue button is off the 1024x600 screen. No usability testing?

I encountered these errors when I compiled a console project for Linux. Who can give me some advice?

I encountered these errors when I compiled a console project for Linux. Who can give me some advice?

ElevateDB 2.25 is now available and includes support for Embarcadero RAD Studio 10.2 Tokyo (Delphi 10.2 32/64-bit, and C++Builder 10.2 32/64-bit). Currently, this support for Windows only, but will be expanded over the next two months to include MacOS, followed by support for the next-generation compiler and Linux, Android, and iOS.

ElevateDB 2.25 is now available and includes support for Embarcadero RAD Studio 10.2 Tokyo (Delphi 10.2 32/64-bit, and C++Builder 10.2 32/64-bit). Currently, this support for Windows only, but will be expanded over the next two months to include MacOS, followed by support for the next-generation compiler and Linux, Android, and iOS. ElevateDB 2.25 includes a new Advantage Database migrator that can migrate any Advantage Database 9.x or higher database to an ElevateDB database. In conjunction with this new migration support, we are running an Advantage Database migration promotion that provides a 30% discount to existing Advantage Database customers on any ElevateDB VCL or DAC (.NET Data provider and ODBC Driver) product. The ElevateDB 2.25 .NET Data Adapter includes Visual Studio 2017 IDE integration support. The ElevateDB 2.25 PHP Extension includes support for 64-bit PHP 5.6 environments (Windows-only). For more information on ElevateDB, please visit our site at: http://www.elevate...

Originally shared by Thomas Mueller (dummzeuch)

Originally shared by Thomas Mueller (dummzeuch) Since we use it at work, I have had write access to the tdbf repository on SourceForge for a while. And apparently I am the only one who cares about support for the latest Delphi versions. So, now there are packages for Delphi 10.2 Tokyo in the…

Originally shared by Thomas Mueller (dummzeuch)

Originally shared by Thomas Mueller (dummzeuch) I have updated my Delphi IDE explorer expert to work with Delphi 10.2. The sourcecode is available from SourceForge. An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host An error has occurred while processing the page. Please try to refresh the page, or return to the home page. : ETNASC03 >> CC Marco Cantù Nick Hodges David Millington Jim McKeeth

Originally shared by Thomas Mueller (dummzeuch)

Originally shared by Thomas Mueller (dummzeuch) I have just updated my dzDelphiPaths tool to support Delphi 10.2. Sourcecode and a precompiled executable are available on SourceForge.

Originally shared by Thomas Mueller (dummzeuch)

Originally shared by Thomas Mueller (dummzeuch) A while ago, after my post on Known IDE Packages in Delphi I wrote a tool which lists those packages, allows to disable and enable some of them and also set the package description for those packages that don’t have a meaningful description (usually…

Originally shared by Thomas Mueller (dummzeuch)

Originally shared by Thomas Mueller (dummzeuch) I just updated the Custom Container Pack sources to support Delphi 10.2. It was mostly a matter of creating the packages for the “new” version. I also used the latest version of the file. It now compiles and installs. I have not tested…

Problem with EnableBluetooth() on Android.

Problem with EnableBluetooth() on Android. I'm using Delphi 10.1 Berlin to make an app that communicates using Bluetooth LE. On Android, if the user has turned off Bluetooth, I call TBluetoothLEManager.EnableBluetooth() to prompt them to turn Bluetooth on -- it pops up a dialog with "Deny" or "Allow" buttons, all of which works just fine. The problem is that the call to EnableBluetooth() is non-blocking and returns right away, and I can't find anyway to tell when the user has closed the popup dialog. I've looked at the library source code and can see that it's creating a thread to show the dialog box and return right away, but I can't see anyway to get a callback when it closes. (The code I'm looking at is the DoEnableBluetooth method in System.Android.Bluetooth). Anyone have any ideas? TIA.