
Showing posts from August, 2015


Hello, I'm a Pascal developer since Turbo Pascal 3.0 and currently developing  uniGUI project.

Delphi 10 has Windows XP compatibility issues. However it works normally after pressing OK.

Delphi 10 has Windows XP compatibility issues. However it works normally after pressing OK.

Hello guys

Hello guys, It is very interesting, I was afraid about how to hide private REST API calls from Android binary decompilation (since this type of reverse-engineering is successful for many applications hosted at Google Play), but Delphi built applications are immune to APK decompilation once there is no Java code generated into classes.dex, tools such as ShowJava, jadx, Android APK Decompiler are not able to catch any usable code from the logic of your application. Your application is more safe than Android JDK (traditional way) built ones and Xamarin built ones which also suffer on similar problem (these apps have a *.dll file attached into *.apk that contains the .NET's IL code, the tool ILSpy easily shows the decompiled C# code).

New license manager = #fail

New license manager = #fail I uninstalled the preview of 10 then did a full install from the provided link in the email. Just spent the last 4+ hours installing it. When it first loaded, the splash screen still said that I was using the preview edition. So I waited until it loaded then went to the License Manager to enter in my XE8 license as instructed and the manager said I had reached my limit of installs. OK, this is the FIRST install of RAD Studio 10, so the manager has made an error somewhere. It should know that I am installing 10 and not count it towards my XE8 installs, but apparently it is. Gee, have I mentioned before how much I love the license manager?!

Bummer, went to register Seattle so I could install, and I get "Subscription not started yet".

Bummer, went to register Seattle so I could install, and I get "Subscription not started yet".  I just removed XE8 so that I don't have stacks of IDE's installed, but that product was registered.   I tried their "I have a valid license file", I see XE8's serial number as un-registered.  I tried the "register" option on the "Embarcadaro License Management" screen, it validates, but still can't install.   I paid for a year subscription back in July.   I have submitted a support ticket.  I wanted to play around with it before I go on the road for a couple days.   I guess that's out of the question now.
Bummer, went to register Seattle so I could install, and I get "Subscription not started yet".  I just removed XE8 so that I don't have stacks of IDE's installed, but that product was registered.   I tried their "I have a valid license file", I see XE8's serial number as un-registered.  I tried the "register" option on the "Embarcadaro License Management" screen, it validates, but still can't install.   I paid for a year subscription back in July.   I have submitted a support ticket.  I wanted to play around with it before I go on the road for a couple days.   I guess that's out of the question now.

I wrote this prime number finder. for some odd reason, it only works for even numbers, and not odd ones that I know aren't prime.

I wrote this prime number finder. for some odd reason, it only works for even numbers, and not odd ones that I know aren't prime. what is it I'm missing?

Delphi 10 Seattle, frankly this is somewhat embarrassing.

Delphi 10 Seattle, frankly this is somewhat embarrassing. Marco said, "Per-monitor DPI support is part of the VCL now, and also leveraged by IDE". On the face of it, no testing was done.  And it's not just the options dialog, although that is egregious. Look at the desktop combo too. Not good.

Changed the layout a bit. Not a final decision, but it's resizeable!

Changed the layout a bit. Not a final decision, but it's resizeable!

RAD Studio 10 Seattle Easter Egg

RAD Studio 10 Seattle Easter Egg Open the Help, About from the menu. Hold down the Alt key and type TEAM for the team list... then doubleclick in the scrolling team list... Voila - updated easter egg :) On second thought - did someone slip and leave a codename where the product name should have been in the team picture? Alt-KUDOS and Alt-GUNGLA is also still there.

mORMot welcomes Delphi 10 Seattle aka DX!

mORMot welcomes Delphi 10 Seattle aka DX!
RAD Studio 10, yet another naming convention change. And it looks like we skipped 9 all together. Argh. Has anyone at Embarcadero told marketing that developers like things consistent? Constant change is not our friend. Just my $.02

TChromeTabs has been updated for Delphi 10 -

TChromeTabs has been updated for Delphi 10 -

HTML Library updated - added RAD Studio XE10 Seattle support.

HTML Library updated - added RAD Studio XE10 Seattle support. (also added support for Delphi 5, so now all Delphi versions from 5 to XE10 are supported). Registered users can download updated version from the same location. XE10 trial is also availabe. Please note that htmlutils unit was renamed to htutils to avoid conflict with Getit IDE package.

The bounty of 200 reputation for this question is valid for 4 more days. It would be a shame if it just expired.

The bounty of 200 reputation for this question is valid for  4 more days. It would be a shame if it just expired.

Delphi 10 Seattle, the new release of the product, it out.

Delphi 10 Seattle, the new release of the product, it out. See the product page, , the press release, , and more info in the launch webinar on Wednesday.

Delphi 10 Seattle, the new release of the product, it out. See the product page,, the press release,, and more info in the launch webinar on Wednesday.

Delphi 10 Seattle, the new release of the product, it out. See the product page, , the press release, , and more info in the launch webinar on Wednesday.
Does a specific reason exist why I should not always use a TIdSSLIOHandlerSocketOpenSSL instance as IOHandler to my TIdHTTP instance or should I always check was I requested to get a https or a http site?

We're pleased to announce the release of TMS Flexcell DLL, a DLL based interface to read, write, manipulate .XLS, .XLSX files and generate PDF or HTML reports from any Windows programming language or application scripting!

We're pleased to announce the release of TMS Flexcell DLL, a DLL based interface to read, write, manipulate .XLS, .XLSX files and generate PDF or HTML reports from any Windows programming language or application scripting!  Fore more information go to
OmniThreadLibrary now supports the Delphinus package installer.

How cool would it be if I could just add something like [DebuggerStepThrough] (see https://msdn.

How cool would it be if I could just add something like [DebuggerStepThrough] (see ) on a method without littering the source code with defines (more info ). Why? So I could easily exclude all one-liner getters and setters to prevent jumping into them half the time without cluttering up the code.

How cool would it be if I could just add something like [DebuggerStepThrough] (see on a method without littering the source code with defines (more info

How cool would it be if I could just add something like [DebuggerStepThrough] (see ) on a method without littering the source code with defines (more info ). Why? So I could easily exclude all one-liner getters and setters to prevent jumping into them half the time without cluttering up the code.

Delphi® 10 Seattle

Delphi® 10 Seattle

Roman Yankovsky I think it's you the guy behind FixInsight, right?

Roman Yankovsky I think it's you the guy behind FixInsight, right? I was thinking that the following piece of code should be signaled with a warning of non-portability: for I := 1 to Length( S ) do begin   C:-= S[[ I ];  // stuff here done with C end; and the suggested replacement should be: for C in S do begin   // stuff done with C end; This would allow to flag all string cycles that aren't portable to FMX and the ARC compilers. What do you people think? Agree/Disagree? I think the for in has been around for enough versions that this is actually doable and desirable. A

I use this all the time, especially when installing components. It will index everything on your hard drive (it indexes without being noticed, at least I haven't noticed it), and unlike Windows 7, 8.x or 10 search functionality will actually find what you're looking for. You can open file at path, as well as many other options. Great for duplicate dcu's created in error, or when you click to navigate and Delphi won't find the unit you're looking for, or when "dcu" not found type of problems. I need to find an avatar with this thing now that won't scare everyone! ;)

I use this all the time, especially when installing components.  It will index everything on your hard drive (it indexes without being noticed, at least I haven't noticed it), and unlike Windows 7, 8.x or 10 search functionality will actually find what you're looking for.  You can open file at path, as well as many other options.   Great for duplicate dcu's created in error, or when you click to navigate and Delphi won't find the unit you're looking for, or when "dcu" not found type of problems.   I need to find an avatar with this thing now that won't scare everyone! ;)

New RAD Studio is "Seattle"

New RAD Studio is "Seattle", See it with your eyes :D Am I doing something wrong saying about it before the official release? :(

Want to visit authors Homepage?

Want to visit authors Homepage? The Project Page? Report a Problem with the Package to the Author? There are buttons for that! The Homepage is a property of each Repository on Github. Projectpage is ofcourse the RepositoryPage on Github. And the Reportbutton takes you to the Issue page on Github (If the User disabled Issues, this button is disabled, too) PS: clear the cache in %LocalAppdata%\Delphinus

Hello all, I am porting a small section of code from CSharp to Delphi but am encountering some access violation at some particular lines (if (smatch.Groups['BaseHex'].Length 0) then) and (if (smatch.Groups['BaseOct'].Length 0) then).

Hello all, I am porting a small section of code from CSharp to Delphi but am encountering some access violation at some particular lines (if (smatch.Groups['BaseHex'].Length 0) then) and (if (smatch.Groups['BaseOct'].Length 0) then). Here is my Pascal Port and the original CSharp port Thanks

Hello all

Hello all, am pretty lost here. could someone please show me how to implement an  Iequatable and Icomparable for various types in a record in delphi? below is an example code i am trying to convert from csharp to delphi but i want to use a record instead of  class public class test :         IEquatable , IEquatable , IEquatable , IEquatable , IEquatable ,         IComparable, IComparable , IComparable , IComparable , IComparable , IComparable     {          public bool Equals(int n)         {             return this == n;         }         public bool Equals(uint n)         {             return this == n;                      } } Any Help will be appreciated.  Thanks.

Hey guys

Hey guys, When I switch on $TypedAddress Compiler Directive, it is no longer possible to create an exception from resourcestring. The code below doesn't compile anymore: EArgumentNilException.CreateRes(@SArgumentNil_NilValue_Collection); Neither on Windows nor Android. Many thanks :D

(XE6) when i load a string from Json, and its a path like .\\Folder\\FolderB it is loaded as .\Folder\FolderB

(XE6) when i load a string from Json, and its a path like .\\Folder\\FolderB it is loaded as .\Folder\FolderB But when writing, it is written as .\Folder\FolderB (which is incorrect), too? Didn't find the source where it replaces the double \\ with \ on reading. Where does that happen?

Wouldn't it be cool if the IDE could blend include files directly into the source editor?

Wouldn't it be cool if the IDE could blend include files directly into the source editor? Preferably expandable just like regions. And editable of course.
Wouldn't it be cool if the IDE could blend include files directly into the source editor? Preferably expandable just like regions. And editable of course.

Is there a way to force the Delphi command line compiler to output English text?

Does anyone know if Android Auto systems typically use ARM or Intel under the hood? I'm interesting in finding out if we could make Delphi apps that run in a car.

Does anyone know if Android Auto systems typically use ARM or Intel under the hood?  I'm interesting in finding out if we could make Delphi apps that run in a car. (Side note: I don't do much Delphi-for-Android development, but I do get the impression we either need an Intel target, or even better a native (Java VM) target, stat.) Google released an Android Auto "Desktop Head Unit" today for testing car apps in a desktop, but of course that doesn't include any requirements that I know of for the underlying hardware CPU.

Whoever tells me how I can turn off stopping on exceptions during debugging on project basis (without manually going to the global IDE options and turn it off and remembering to turn it on later again of course) by exception type or creates some plugin, unit, whatever to achieve that, will be my hero!

Whoever tells me how I can turn off stopping on exceptions during debugging on project basis (without manually going to the global IDE options and turn it off and remembering to turn it on later again of course) by exception type or creates some plugin, unit, whatever to achieve that, will be my hero!

Smooth scrolling on Android

Smooth scrolling on Android HTML Library scrolling on Android is now as smooth as in native applications. But yes, it is still an FMX control and 100% pure Delphi code. Test application: Added: there is rendering issue on some devices - text looks blurry. It seems that FMX do not return a real screen scale - wiil be fixed.

Parallel Studio XE 2016

Parallel Studio XE 2016 Name conflict?

Hi guys, I need to create one dynamic form and I need to place one button and assign onclick event to that button,...

Hi guys, I need to create one dynamic form and I need to place one button and assign onclick event to that button, how to I assign that event in my coding.  unit Unit1; interface uses   Winapi.Windows, Winapi.Messages, System.SysUtils, System.Variants, System.Classes, Vcl.Graphics,   Vcl.Controls, Vcl.Forms, Vcl.Dialogs, Vcl.StdCtrls, Vcl.Buttons, Vcl.DBGrids, Data.DB,Bde.DBTables,   Vcl.grids; function Dynamicform(OwnerFrom : TComponent;DetailName : string;parentcom : TWinControl):Boolean; implementation function Dynamicform(OwnerFrom : TComponent;DetailName : string;parentcom : TWinControl):Boolean; var FDetailForm : TForm;     dButton : TBitBtn; begin   with OwnerFrom do   begin      if not Assigned(TForm(OwnerFrom.FindComponent(DetailName))) then      begin         TForm.Create(OwnerFrom).Name := DetailName;         FDetailForm := TForm(OwnerFrom.FindComponent(DetailName));         with FDetailForm do         begin           Position := poOwnerFormCenter;           BorderIcons := [...

Hi guys, I need to create one dynamic form and I need to place one button and assign onclick event to that button, how to I assign that event in my coding.

Hi guys, I need to create one dynamic form and I need to place one button and assign onclick event to that button, how to I assign that event in my coding.  unit Unit1; interface uses   Winapi.Windows, Winapi.Messages, System.SysUtils, System.Variants, System.Classes, Vcl.Graphics,   Vcl.Controls, Vcl.Forms, Vcl.Dialogs, Vcl.StdCtrls, Vcl.Buttons, Vcl.DBGrids, Data.DB,Bde.DBTables,   Vcl.grids; function Dynamicform(OwnerFrom : TComponent;DetailName : string;parentcom : TWinControl):Boolean; implementation function Dynamicform(OwnerFrom : TComponent;DetailName : string;parentcom : TWinControl):Boolean; var FDetailForm : TForm;     dButton : TBitBtn; begin   with OwnerFrom do   begin      if not Assigned(TForm(OwnerFrom.FindComponent(DetailName))) then      begin         TForm.Create(OwnerFrom).Name := DetailName;         FDetailForm := TForm(OwnerFrom.FindComponent(DetailName));         with FDetailForm do         begin           Position := poOwnerFormCenter;           BorderIcons := [...
You are kindly invited to join the OmniThreadLibrary spotlight presentation on September 3rd.


HI one of the good things about programming: when you get something to work... like an 8 channel 1 wire relay :). Could be used for home automation..could control it via a phone app (using tethering) :)

Happy licensing! As of today Delphinus is licensed under MPL-2.0, additionaly i licensed AsciiImage under MIT!

Happy licensing! As of today Delphinus is licensed under MPL-2.0, additionaly i licensed AsciiImage under MIT! Ofcourse, Delphinus offers Licenseinformation (if available) for each package!

Any Spanish-based Delphi developers here? Embarcadero is hiring into the Alicante team, and the job description looks like you'd be working on Delphi.

Any Spanish-based Delphi developers here?  Embarcadero is hiring into the Alicante team, and the job description looks like you'd be working on Delphi. If I wasn't working on Parnassus stuff (plugins etc - yes, there are more coming) I'd be tempted to apply myself - I hear Alicante is a lovely city, and I have friends just up the coast in Valencia and Barcelona. (Also I know there are lots of native German speakers here. There's also a position for a German speaker for localization. No more going on once-yearly holidays to Majorca - you'd live right next door!)
How can I use DSharp with XE8? I tried to install the XE7 package, but it broke an IDE.
So after thinking about the license stuff, i think i am going for MPL-2.0 for Delphinus. Which means you can use it(and compile it into) commercial software without making your Productcode available. You only have to share the source of Delphinus as Sourcecode in someway(as it states make it available, a link to the repository fullfills this, right?). I don't think restricting the project to much is good, but i want that people see what (and who) powers a specific mechanic in the background. Anybody has any concerns or things i overlooked here?

Just added sample GUI for UnivDisasm:

Just added sample GUI for UnivDisasm:

TMS Cloud Pack v3.2.0.0 released with access to 3 new services!

TMS Cloud Pack v3.2.0.0 released with access to 3 new services!  - New: TAdvGMail: component for access to Google Mail service - New: TAdvGSheets: component for access to Google Sheets service - New: TAdvTrello: component for access to Trello service For evaluating users, a fully functional trial version for Delphi & C++ Builder can be downloaded at:

Blog post "Two More Days for the RAD Studio 2015 Developers Survery" at (includes some tidbits form it)

Blog post "Two More Days for the RAD Studio 2015 Developers Survery" at (includes some tidbits form it)

Delphi incorrectly adding units to a uses clause. Any ideas?

Delphi incorrectly adding units to a uses clause. Any ideas?

Test insight, delphi Xe7, Windows 10

Test insight, delphi Xe7, Windows 10 I have a problem with test insight on my machine. If there is a compile error in the test project the IDE hangs total. I need to kill the process. Anybody knows a solution?

Good Morning!

Good Morning!        I am having trouble getting tethering to work. My goal is to have a desktop app ask a mobile app to send it a copy of it's data, compare said data to the desktop's data, then CRUD the data and send it back to the mobile app.           I have tried both remote actions & remote resources but I cannot get the mobile app to respond.        Can someone show me how to do this?        This was my main reference.        My testing projects are here if yu  would like ti take a look.              Cya...Dan'l

What about having a MongoDB FireDAC driver, and complex data types in a grid?

What about having a MongoDB FireDAC driver, and complex data types in a grid?

What about having a MongoDB FireDAC driver, and complex data types in a grid?

What about having a MongoDB FireDAC driver, and complex data types in a grid?

I tried to download Nick's latest book from here but get a message saying that I don't have access. I'm on SA (XE8 Pro) but haven't installed XE8 yet, which I suspect might be the source of the problem. Anyone else seen this? Strange thing is I can download Marco's no problem. Thanks, Bob

I tried to download Nick's latest book from here but get a message saying that I don't have access. I'm on SA (XE8 Pro) but haven't installed XE8 yet, which I suspect might be the source of the problem. Anyone else seen this? Strange thing is I can download Marco's no problem. Thanks, Bob

So the recent talk about anonymous functions reminded me...

So the recent talk about anonymous functions reminded me... Why is TFunc not declaring the arguments as const? That is, why TFunc = reference to function(Arg1: T): R; instead of TFunc = reference to function(const Arg1: T): R; I must be missing something...

To all Delphi developers.

To all Delphi developers. Why you need to choose ‪‎UniDAC‬ and Secure Bridge for your next project.  An honest ‪Delphi‬ developer opinion.

Anonymous Method constraints

Anonymous Method constraints Due to the occasional shooting of foot due to how capture works, I wish there was a way of optionally constraining references for an anonymous method, so that I could enforce local references only. type   TFilterMethod = constrained reference to function (const Item:T):Boolean;   TInstanceList = class     property function Filtered(Filter: TFilterMethod ):TInstanceList ;   end; var   SomeRef: TQualifier;   List: TInstanceList ;   Element: TThing; begin   ...   // compiles   for Element in List.Filtered(function (Item: TThing)     begin       Result := Item.Qualifier in [This, That]);     end)   do begin     ...   // should not compile - but error on "reference outside method not allowed for constrained methods   for Element in List.Filtered(function (Item: TThing)     begin        Result := (Item.Qualifier = SomeRef);     end)   do begin     ...

It seems like a new version is looming :)

It seems like a new version is looming :) From the blog post by Tim Del Chiaro  Incredible Windows 10 Support Delphi and C++Builder developers will be able to rapidly update their VCL and FMX applications to take full advantage of the Windows 10 wave. Double the IDE Project Power The product and build management system has been re-architected which effectively doubles the project size capacity resulting in higher stability and performance when dealing with large projects, particularly multi-platform projects. Quality, Stability, and Documentation Major changes and improvements have been made to the development, testing, and documentation. RAD C++ for Windows 10 Introducing the world's first CLANG based C++ compiler for Windows and mobile with RAD PME extensions for rapid Windows and Cross-Platform development, tight integration with VCL for Windows and FMX cross-platform frameworks, C++11 language support and backward compatibility. and much more!


Hi! I have a database ' people ' that may have duplicate records. I found this function (StringSimilarityRatio) to find out how similar two strings are. Is there a way I can use it inside an ADOQuery?

XE8-compatible DS Pack? I've got an XE2 installation of DS Pack here, and I'm not sure where I got it from. All the googling I've done so far seems to find older versions of the code with no obvious XE-onwards support. The page is readonly (obviously, given the status of that service) but it's not obvious where the project might be (if anywhere).

XE8-compatible DS Pack? I've got an XE2 installation of DS Pack here, and I'm not sure where I got it from. All the googling I've done so far seems to find older versions of the code with no obvious XE-onwards support. The page is readonly (obviously, given the status of that service) but it's not obvious where the project might be (if anywhere). Anyone got DS Pack installed on XE8? I guess I can copy my XE2 installation and start fiddling around, but if there was a slightly newer version of the library somewhere I'd like to start with that, if you see what I mean. Thanks!

RAD in Action - are these available beyond the scheduled live podcast?

RAD in Action - are these available beyond the scheduled live podcast? Tomorrow's looks interesting but the timing isn't good for me.

This is off topic, since it's to do with C++ Builder, but it is very cool news. The C++Builder 32-bit compiler has been out of date for a long time, while the 64-bit compiler has been based on Clang and supporting far more modern C++. This is a "new" 32bit compiler, bringing both up to the same modern tech - my guess is it's the 64-bit compiler now supporting 32bit - and supporting modern C++ language standards. (Not C++14 yet, but a good sight better than it used to be.) I use C++ and I have been wanting to see the 64-bit Clang compiler ported back to 32bit for ages, which I think this is. I am legitimately very excited.

This is off topic, since it's to do with C++ Builder, but it is very cool news .  The C++Builder 32-bit compiler has been out of date for a long time, while the 64-bit compiler has been based on Clang and supporting far more modern C++.  This is a "new" 32bit compiler, bringing both up to the same modern tech - my guess is it's the 64-bit compiler now supporting 32bit - and supporting modern C++ language standards.  (Not C++14 yet, but a good sight better than it used to be.)  I use C++ and I have been wanting to see the 64-bit Clang compiler ported back to 32bit for ages, which I think this is.  I am legitimately very excited. The point is that Embarcadero is doing some very nice stuff this release, and I wouldn't want this particular thing to be missed just because it's not Delphi.  It is fantastic.

Open Delphi, select a component, move to the Object Inspector, select the filter box, and start typing.

Open Delphi, select a component, move to the Object Inspector, select the filter box, and start typing... (Coming soon, among other Object Inspector improvements). Filters anywhere in the property and event names (not only at the beginning).

Open Delphi, select a component, move to the Object Inspector, select the filter box, and start typing... (Coming soon, among other Object Inspector improvements). Filters anywhere in the property and event names (not only at the beginning).

Open Delphi, select a component, move to the Object Inspector, select the filter box, and start typing... (Coming soon, among other Object Inspector improvements). Filters anywhere in the property and event names (not only at the beginning).

Done, breaking changes for Delphinus comitted. You have to rename the json files to be Delphinus.Info.json and Delphinus.Install.json

Done, breaking changes for Delphinus comitted. You have to rename the json files to be Delphinus.Info.json and Delphinus.Install.json Delete the Github-Folder at %LocalAppdata%\Delphinus\Github to avoid problems. And uninstall all components you installed using Delphinus Packages which use the old name scheme are not visible anymore!

Has anyone tried this for a laugh ??

Has anyone tried this for a laugh ?? Go to: Now try to re-create their example: To create the example: 1. Choose File > New > Other and select Service Application from the New Items dialog box. The Service1 window appears. 2. From the Internet category of the Tool palette, add a ServerSocket component to the service window (Service1). 3. Add a private data member of type TMemoryStream to the TService1 class. The interface section of your unit should now look like this: I failed at 2. as I cannot find the ServerSocket on the Internet category ( or any other category ). Am I missing something ?? Or is the documentation wrong ?

Currently thinking about adding a License.txt to the Delphinus Packagemanager.

Currently thinking about adding a License.txt to the Delphinus Packagemanager. Curently standing between and Tending towards gpl v3, as others may not sublicense and must provide source to their software when using my source. any Ideas/Input?

Doubt Socket or IOHandler:

Doubt Socket or IOHandler: Hello such, I have a question and maybe I can clarify the, I do not quite understand what would be the difference between using IdTCPClient1.Socket.WriteLn or IdTCPClient1.IOHandler.WriteLn if I understand the second can encode the message but other than that, in my case I do not need, what, according to you It is the best option ?. This designing an application which has communications customers android and I do them by IdTCPClient1.Socket but the curious thing is when and by chance, two clients simultaneously connect to the server in any of the clients the message "Connection Closed Gracefully" appears . I been reading that the components in the INDY the server creates a thread automatically for each client that connects what makes me think that the problem is not in the communication between clients and the server because you can not it handle customers if not perhaps I use the databases that perhaps this "slowing down" communications, ...


Bonjour, We develop a software connected to a DATABASE FIREBIRD in DELPHI XE7 (with the VCL) We want to develop (with FIREMONKEY) small applications on IOS and Android with a connection to the database FIREBIRD. Do you know where I can find information (and/or examples) about this subject? And perhaps do you know, what  is the best solution to connect an IPhone with a database FIREBIRD on a server?
For those which already submitted packages or plan to submit packages to Delphinus, keep an eye on the wiki. During this day i'll add commits which will require to prefix the json files you added to the repository with delphinus, resulting in Delphinus.Info.json and Delphinus.Install.json to avoid conflicts and better seperation.

Looking forward:

Looking forward:

Un-Win32-ing your non-visual code?

Un-Win32-ing your non-visual code? We have a lot of lib code which has evolved on the Windows platform for years, and I am wondering what would be the best approach for making the code platform agnostic. Has anyone been down this road?  What approach did you use? What pitfalls did you stumble on?
Do we get Delphi XE9 next week?

Windows Hosting Recommendation

Windows Hosting Recommendation  I'm considering purchasing Elevate Web Builder ( ) and need to install & run the Elevate Web Builder Server which is an ISAPI.DLL.  I'm looking for recommendations for a Windows Web Hosting company that will let me install my own DLL's.  Thanks in advance.

I am currently writing a Service application and have been having a few issues ( https://plus.

I am currently writing a Service application and have been having a few issues ( ). I decided to use OutputDebugString ( as the debug method I was using did not appear to be catching an error ). I stuck the OutputDebugString at the top and bottom of every relevant procedure, So: ServiceAfterInstall, ServiceStart and ServiceStop ... and in the DPR at the point when everything is being constructed. I don't seem to be able to get beyond Starting the Service. When I install the Service the OutputDebugString debug appears as I would expect. However, as soon as I start the Service it is stopped automatically with a message:  "The Unity Express Alerts service on Local Computer started and then stopped. Some services stop automatically if they are not in use buy other services or programs."  I looked in the Event Viewer and the log states "Service failed on start: list index out of bounds[0]".  However, wh...

I am currently writing a Service application and have been having a few issues ( ). I decided to use OutputDebugString ( as the debug method I was using did not appear to be catching an error ).

I am currently writing a Service application and have been having a few issues ( ). I decided to use OutputDebugString ( as the debug method I was using did not appear to be catching an error ). I stuck the OutputDebugString at the top and bottom of every relevant procedure, So: ServiceAfterInstall, ServiceStart and ServiceStop ... and in the DPR at the point when everything is being constructed. I don't seem to be able to get beyond Starting the Service. When I install the Service the OutputDebugString debug appears as I would expect. However, as soon as I start the Service it is stopped automatically with a message:  "The Unity Express Alerts service on Local Computer started and then stopped. Some services stop automatically if they are not in use buy other services or programs."  I looked in the Event Viewer and the log states "Service failed on start: list index out of bounds[0]".  However, wh...

Originally shared by Boian Mitov

Originally shared by Boian Mitov Internet of Things with #Visuino, #Arduino and #Delphi article!

Let me introduce the FixInsight 2015.08 release.

Let me introduce the FixInsight 2015.08 release. * Support for {$INCLUDE } directives * Support for search path * Introduced rule W524 ("Generic interface declared with a GUID") * Introduced rule W526 ("Pointer to a nested method") * Improved rules W504, W521 * Improved parser * Minor fixes

Looking for help with scanning EAN-13 barcodes from Android app WITHOUT relying on 3rd party apps (ie. Barcode Scanner by ZXing). Found "Mobile Vision API" by Google but I need some advice on how to use this from my app. Can anyone offer some advice please?

Looking for help with scanning EAN-13 barcodes from Android app WITHOUT relying on 3rd party apps (ie. Barcode Scanner by ZXing). Found "Mobile Vision API" by Google but I need some advice on how to use this from my app. Can anyone offer some advice please?

The latest "Language Trends on GitHub" was released...

The latest "Language Trends on GitHub" was released...

Embarcadero NNTP forums are finally fixed. Running on new hardware and software. Enjoy :)

Embarcadero NNTP forums are finally fixed. Running on new hardware and software. Enjoy :)
Hi Guys I am trying to write a Service application in win32 on XE7 and so far I think I have pulled most of my hair out in frustration. I don't seem to get beyond Starting the Service and as soon as I start it is stopped automatically with a message: "The Unity Express Alerts service on Local Computer started and then stopped. Some services stop automatically if they are not in use buy other services or programs." I looked in the Event Viewer and the log states "Service failed on start: Access violation at address 00A750F4 in module 'AlertService.exe'. Read of address 00000004". Does anyone know how I can debug this ??

I Unicode

I Unicode Originally shared by Aleatha Parker-Wood

Does anyone has used the TPath on iOS.

Does anyone has used the TPath on iOS.  I have been developing on Windows with FMX and all my custom component uses TPath to draw on canvas. The rendering is poor.  I have an IPad Air and the rendering of the TPath does not use anti-aliasing, which make the rendering very ugly. Any hint on what I should do?

Does anyone has used the TPath on iOS. I have been developing on Windows with FMX and all my custom component uses TPath to draw on canvas.

Does anyone has used the TPath on iOS.  I have been developing on Windows with FMX and all my custom component uses TPath to draw on canvas. The rendering is poor.  I have an IPad Air and the rendering of the TPath does not use anti-aliasing, which make the rendering very ugly. Any hint on what I should do?

I have heard around the traps that if the .NET stuff within the IDE is turned off, it will work for a bit longer - ie, the .NET stuff is fairly memory hungry - Is that true?

I have heard around the traps that if the .NET stuff within the IDE is turned off, it will work for a bit longer - ie, the .NET stuff is fairly memory hungry - Is that true? How do I do this in XE? Other versions of XE7/8 (if it is different)? What gets turned off (other than the refactoring menu item/tools)?

I seem to be having an issue with a function I created for a numerology program I wrote.

I seem to be having an issue with a function I created for a numerology program I wrote. when I wrote the function as part of the program, it works. when I decided to create the function as a separate function, I find that it doesn't work at all when it's called.  I feel that it almost works.  am I confusing function for procedure or am I missing something?

Originally shared by George “ARGB32” Bakhtadze

Originally shared by George “ARGB32” Bakhtadze I-Pascal v0.98 has been released. Changes: * missing method declaration/implementation error highlight + quick fix  suggestion * missing routine implementation error highlight + quick fix suggestion * missing routine declaration in interface section info highlight + quick fix suggestion * method/class implementations/descendants search (arrow markers on left gutter) * super method search * ancestor class search * several fixes to parser (mostly bugs reported by the community), .dcu decompiler and completion

Hey guys.

Hey guys. Is there a way of using TEnumerable (for example, TList ) instead of IEnumerable in the function string.Join()?

Something new:

Something new:

Thanks to our little mORMot, it is not "SQL vs NoSQL" - but "SQL AND NoSQL".

Thanks to our little mORMot, it is not "SQL vs NoSQL" - but "SQL AND NoSQL". You know certainly that our mORMot Open Source framework is an ORM, i.e. mapping objects to a relational / SQL database (Object Relational Mapping). You may have followed also that it is able to connect to a NoSQL database, like MongoDB, and that the objects are then mapped via an ODM (Object Document Mapping). In fact, the framework is able to add NoSQL features to a regular relational / SQL database, by storing JSON documents in TEXT columns.


JFYI No info for it in goolge. Suppose you have installed a package (P1) containing a class  (C1) with   an abstract constructor.  When you will try to install another package (P2) containing a class C2(C1) there will be "Procedure entry point ... could not be located in P1.bpl" error.

Good Morning!

Good Morning!    I have been reading Malcolm Grove's tutorial on tetheering. It has helped me understand tethering.    Question: Can an app created with DXE7 connect to one created with DXE8?    I have the eval version of XE8 and I own a copy of XE7pro.    I have been looking at using tethering to synchronize my App's data with it's desktop brother. I have not been able to get my XE8 Win 32 'app1' to connect to the XE7 Win 32 'app2'. I have made sure that all are using the same Group name.    Any advice? Thanks...Dan'l

Hey guys

Hey guys, Some days ago I started a project of implementing data structures just for ARC-enabled platforms, my initial idea was to not mix the new memory management with the old one, all objects added are handled by reference counting and I don't rely on Free calls. The first data structure implemented was a Queue, more (priority queues, hash maps) will come soon, the code is available at . This implementation has some advanges over the RTL's, such as a constructor for set the initial capacity, Contains function, defensive coding around enumerator usage, and slightly smaller binary. It was tested on Android 4.1 and 4.4 devices and worked :D Without Free calls, the world is more happy :D Once I am new at Delphi programming, any sort of help is apreciated. Thanks a lot :D

Hey guys

Hey guys, I am wondering whether exists any performance penalty (or any kind of penalty) in changing this code: if IsManagedType(T) then     CopyArray(Pointer(@Destination[DestinationIndex]), Pointer(@Source[SourceIndex]), TypeInfo(T), Count) else     Move(Pointer(@Source[SourceIndex])^, Pointer(@Destination[DestinationIndex])^, Count * SizeOf(T)); to this code: if IsManagedType(T) then     CopyArray(@Destination[DestinationIndex], @Source[SourceIndex], TypeInfo(T), Count) else     Move(Source[SourceIndex], Destination[DestinationIndex], Count * SizeOf(T)); I didn't understand the need of an untyped pointer casting. Thanks a lot :D

Our application write a lot of logs using simple AssignFile/Append/WriteLn/CloseFile routines. Everything worked just fine for a long time. But today we started to experience performace issues.

Our application write a lot of logs using simple AssignFile/Append/WriteLn/CloseFile routines. Everything worked just fine for a long time. But today we started to experience performace issues. The results of quick investigation showed us the problem is that Windows Defender scans our log file constantly. And if I add an exclusion for *.log files in its settings, everything is fine again. Perhaps MS pushed an update last night. I just wonder if anybody else has this issue?

there is not a problem in TPath.GetXXX ?

there is not a problem in TPath.GetXXX ? like this one  class function TPath.GetDownloadsPath: string; var   LStr: array[0 .. MAX_PATH] of Char; begin   SetLastError(ERROR_SUCCESS);   if SHGetFolderPath(0, CSIDL_LOCAL_APPDATA, 0, 0,@LStr)= S_OK then     Result := LStr; end; Result is not initialized on a SHGetFolderPath error.

I see that after a long period of inactivity Nevrona look to be back and active. I have seen Thomas Pfister's blog post.

I see that after a long period of inactivity Nevrona look to be back and active. I have seen Thomas Pfister's blog post. I guess my question is, has anybody got any experience (positive or negative) with the new version? I have some projects that really could use updating to XE7/8 and have been waiting because I did not want to invest time in converting a lot of code based reports. TIA

Just a quick hi.

Just a quick hi. Having just moved to California in early 1995 to work on a new project I found myself at the Moscone Center for the Delphi launch. Came away with version 0.9 and had some tests up almost immediately. Delphi made the decision for our project (quite a lot of legacy Modula/2 code) very easy. Still with it, and don't regret a minute. We use it on big scientific instruments and still love the sped of development, compilation, but most of all execution.

Hi guys!

Hi guys!  New IntraWeb version, 14.0.45. This version contains one of the most requested features ever: JavaScript dialogs and browser-modal windows. You can download a pre-compiled demo from our server, so you can see it in action:

Hello guys

Hello guys, Is there a way to a interface inherit from many other interfaces? For example: public interface UserMethods { } public interface WallMethods { } public interface OpenreduAPI : UserMethods, WallMethods { } I can do this using C# and Java, but I was not able to achieve something similar with Delphi :( I tried this: IUserMethods = interface end; IWallMethods = interface end; IOpenreduAPI = interface(IUserMethods, IWallMethods) end; But it doesn't compile, multiple interface inheritance is very useful for compose REST API calls :D Many thanks :D

Coming Soon to RAD Studio ... iOS 64-bit Universal App Debugging!

I'm very happy to announce the release of UnivDisasm. A powerful x86 disassembler and opcodes analyzer. The idea started when I was learning Intel AVX512 instructions set .And I realized that I need a powerful x86 disassembler to decode AVX512 opcodes. Unfortunately a few libraries was available and in the most case they give a wrong memory size or wrong instructions length (they were buggy),not mentioning that all was coded using c programming language .So in the summer of 2014,I started implementing zDisAsmLibrary project, However things get dirty and I got a buggy disassembler library too. It was good for legacy x86 instructions but not for AVX, so I dropped the project and started with a new one hopping that will be much better. I spent mostly all the time between the summer of 2014 and this one collecting and reading available resources till I decided to start the real coding staff (this Mai). I know you may get bored when you are reading this story…Ok, I will stop!

I'm very happy to announce the  release of UnivDisasm. A powerful x86 disassembler and opcodes analyzer. The idea started when I was learning Intel AVX512 instructions set .And I realized that I need a powerful x86 disassembler to decode AVX512 opcodes. Unfortunately a few libraries was available and in the most case they give a wrong memory size or wrong instructions length (they were buggy),not mentioning that all was coded using c programming language .So in the summer of 2014,I started implementing zDisAsmLibrary project, However things get dirty and I got a buggy  disassembler library too. It was good for legacy x86 instructions but not for AVX, so I dropped the project and started with a new one hopping that will be much better. I spent mostly all the time between the summer of 2014 and this one collecting and reading available resources till I decided to start the real coding staff (this Mai). I know you may get bored when you are reading this story…Ok, I will stop! Here is ...

Small teaser of TeeBI. This is the custom web server calculating a query and returning a chart. The only dependencies are TeeChart and Indy http web server component. Data is in column-oriented, memory-based custom format for speed reasons, no database or FireDac, etc are necessary. Data is imported from many sources (excel, text files, firedac or any other datasets, etc) to the custom format, which is then transparent to the user apps. The web server is optional if data is not remote, and it can also return binary streams to normal desktop (vcl or fmx), or mobile apps (fmx). A table of 2000x5 cells takes 180msec via web. For visual display, an fmx or vcl dbgrid easily handles 1 or more million rows with a custom "TBIDataset" linked to an in-memory data, allowing grouping, filtering and sorting using complex expressions involving columns from the same table or foreign-key(s) fields. This speed is the basis for a next-coming set of machine-learning and data-mining algorithms, currently under development.

Small teaser of TeeBI. This is the custom web server calculating a query and returning a chart. The only dependencies are TeeChart and Indy http web server component. Data is in column-oriented, memory-based custom format for speed reasons, no database or FireDac, etc are necessary. Data is imported from many sources (excel, text files, firedac or any other datasets, etc) to the custom format, which is then transparent to the user apps. The web server is optional if data is not remote, and it can also return binary streams to normal desktop (vcl or fmx), or mobile apps (fmx). A table of 2000x5 cells takes 180msec via web. For visual display, an fmx or vcl dbgrid easily handles 1 or more million rows with a custom "TBIDataset" linked to an in-memory data, allowing grouping, filtering and sorting using complex expressions involving columns from the same table or foreign-key(s) fields.  This speed is the basis for a next-coming set of machine-learning and data-mining algorithms,...

Nice bug that took me a lot of time to figure out :)

Nice bug that took me a lot of time to figure out :) type   TTest = class     s: string;     constructor Create(s: string);   end; constructor TTest.Create(s: string); begin   Self.s := s; end; var   t: TTest; procedure NiceBug(const s: string); begin // here RefCount(s) = 1 because of "const" keyword   t.Free; // RefCount(s) = 0 ! // at this point s is no more allocated  and should not be used anymore !   ShowMessage(s); end; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin   t := TTest.Create('Hello');   NiceBug(t.s); end;

Can anyone help me with this issue please?

Can anyone help me with this issue please? This project can not be compiled (Delphi XE8 Update 1): [dcc32 Fatal Error] uMapParallel.pas(94): F2084 Internal Error: C27720 Pastebin:

Coming soon to Delphi: Support for Android services: http://community.

Coming soon to Delphi: Support for Android services:

Coming soon to Delphi: Support for Android services:

Coming soon to Delphi: Support for Android services:

Hi everyone, I am new in Delphi developer, I need to create my application using MVC framework, please guide me.

Hi everyone, I am new in Delphi developer, I need to create my application using MVC framework, please guide me. My application is fully based on Server-Client concept.
Hi everyone, I am new in Delphi developer, I need to create my application using MVC framework, please guide me. My application is fully based on Server-Client concept.

Hi all.

Hi all. How can I cast TArray to IEnumerable ? I need this to avoid duplicate code: class function TCheck .Every(Source: IEnumerable ; Lambda: TPredicateRef): Boolean; var   X: T; begin   Result := True;   for X in Source do     if not Lambda(X) then       Exit(False); end; class function TCheck .Every(Source: TArray ; Lambda: TPredicateRef): Boolean; var   X: T; begin   Result := True;   for X in Source do     if not Lambda(X) then       Exit(False); end;

Hi everyone, I'm having trouble using datamodule's public functions and variables on xe6, like I was used to do on...

Hi everyone, I'm having trouble using datamodule's public functions and variables on xe6, like I was used to do on D7, D2007 ...any ideas?
Hi everyone, I'm having trouble using datamodule's public functions and variables on xe6, like I was used to do on D7, D2007 ...any ideas?

The problem I was battling yesterday reduces to a single relevant question: How do you define a type for a class method pointer?

The problem I was battling yesterday reduces to a single relevant question: How do you define a type for a class method pointer? This does not work:   TOFunc = function(const ID: Integer; Data: string): Integer of object; My workaround at present is not to use the class method, but to create a simple function in the unit which calls the class method. A one line wrapper. That then makes it possible to use this type: TMyFunc = function(const ID: Integer; Data: string): Integer; It would be much better, in the context of this requirement, to define the type for the class method. An example function is here:   TMyClassOne = class     class function Execute(const ID: Integer; Data: string): Integer;   end; Ultimately, the delegates will be declared in a const array of records. As written, when I attempt to call a delegate, it throws an AV.

Help here! After a firewall change here in my company, one of our TCP servers stopped binding the connections. I tried to hard force it to make a test but the incommig connections only works for the internal network.

Help here! After a firewall change here in my company, one of our TCP servers stopped binding the connections. I tried to hard force it to make a test but the incommig connections only works for the internal network.     IdTCPServer1.Bindings.Clear;      SHandle := IdTCPServer1.Bindings.Add;     SHandle.ip := ''; // previous was     SHandle.Port := 10001;  Default was using bindings: I need an advice here how can this happen? An old application using WinSocks works fine, this new on XE7 is no more woking.

New blog post:

New blog post:

Okay, after a few fits and starts, More Coding in Delphi is available in paperback.

Okay, after a few fits and starts, More Coding in Delphi is available in paperback.  Remember, Delphi XE8 people can get a PDF version for free, so if you aren't an XE8 owner, upgrade today!

Hi guys, I need a one help, I had 2 form(unit1,unit2) file and 1 unit(unitComman) file, In unitcomman had one add...

Hi guys, I need a one help, I had 2 form(unit1,unit2)  file and 1 unit(unitComman) file, In unitcomman had one add function I wrote it. both form file can assess this method, at now I want to know which form call that function. that is called object and form name I want to display.
Hi guys, I need a one help, I had 2 form(unit1,unit2)  file and 1 unit(unitComman) file, In unitcomman had one add function I wrote it. both form file can assess this method, at now I want to know which form call that function. that is called object and form name I want to display.

Hi! I designed some software my coder coded in Delphi that about 100 writers like so far and I want to maybe hire people to make plugins and addons. It is pretty fun to use and looking for ideas and suggestions. It could either be paid or for fun feel free to contact me at my site you can see the video and then work with me and my coder on plugins and making them work let me know if interested. Also helping with multi-language facets of the software...

Hi! I designed some software my coder coded in Delphi that about 100 writers like so far and I want to maybe hire people to make plugins and addons. It is pretty fun to use and looking for ideas and suggestions. It could either be paid or for fun feel free to contact me at my site you can see the video and then work with me and my coder on plugins and making them work let me know if interested. Also helping with multi-language facets of the software...

Memory Leaks!!!

Memory Leaks!!! Hey Guys, i need a software to detect memory leaks in my project for delphi 2006. Is there a product which is comparable to Turbo Power Memory Sleuth? Turbo Power there is no longer suffering!

Hey guys

Hey guys, Because of what it isn't possible debug the array elements on Android? Thanks in advance :D

I am getting some strange behavior with two different components when used by my Android app. When it sends a .Get(url) the TNetHTTPRequest.Get returns an empty string and the IdHttp.Get returns 'Socket Error # 110' connection timeout when used inside the store's building or inside my car.

I am getting some strange behavior with two different components when used by my Android app. When it sends a .Get(url) the TNetHTTPRequest.Get returns an empty string and the IdHttp.Get returns 'Socket Error # 110' connection timeout when used inside the store's building or inside my car. BUT! from within my home the response is clear. Has anyone else had this problem? Is there a fix? a workaround? Thanks...Dan'l

How can i draw to or add a custom button to every window of all applications?

Please advise, is there any way to implement Delphi client to support "Server-Sent events" technology?

Please advise, is there any way to implement Delphi client to support "Server-Sent events" technology? I believe Delphi has the ability to support it, however I can't find the way out of the box :)

I'm giving a talk about Bookmarks and Navigator tomorrow at the Perth Delphi user group meeting. Should be digging into the code a little too. Come along!

I'm giving a talk about Bookmarks and Navigator tomorrow at the Perth Delphi user group meeting. Should be digging into the code a little too.  Come along! This will be a remote presentation since I'm not currently in Australia, but will be live, so questions and interesting sidetracks will be welcome. Originally shared by Parnassus OÜ Are you in Perth, WA? I'm giving a talk at the ADUG meeting tomorrow (Tuesday) evening, about the Parnassus Bookmarks and Navigator plugins.  I also plan to dig into some code too, exploring some of the more interesting bits of what the plugins do. The meeting starts at 6PM local time.

for-in with an array of record

for-in with an array of record why the for-in statement calls copyRecord instead of a simple refence to the item ?! and then, why it is read-only ?!  it make it useless I think ! with a reference to the record, it could be a nice replacement for that: for Index := 0 to Length(arrayOfRec) - 1 do   with arrayOfRec[Index] do     begin     field := Value;   end; but this code do not works ! for rec in arrayOfRec do begin   rec.field := Value: // readonly ! and rec is a copy of arrayOfRec[x] end;

I am trying to remote debug for Windows 32 with my XE7.

I am trying to remote debug for Windows 32 with my XE7. After install PAServer and try to create the connection profile it complains about the version, expecting a greater build than I have on my XE7. I went to EDN trying to find an update but there is not! What can be done?
I am trying to remote debug for Windows 32 with my XE7. After install PAServer and try to create the connection profile it complains about the version, expecting a greater build than I have on my XE7. I went to EDN trying to find an update but there is not! What can be done?

I see that CnPack has added a code formatter in its latest release. Has anyone taken a look at it?

I see that CnPack has added a code formatter in its latest release. Has anyone taken a look at it?  The overlap between CnPack and GExperts is growing.
Is there a Delphi equivalent of C#'s HtmlTextWriter ?
Hey guys, been working on a GPS type app using the TMapView. Finally go the Marker to move without making multiple instances. I Was wondering is it possible to animate the marker instead of adding the marker everytime the location changes?

Delphi Thesaurus Component

Delphi Thesaurus Component I'd like recommendations for a royalty-free thesaurus component I can use in a Delphi application. What component do you suggest?

Can someone tell me, when they fixed this JSonBug?

Can someone tell me, when they fixed this JSonBug? In XE if you have a value which is in Doublequotes,(Like "Foo"), it will save it as ""Foo"", which is wrong. In XE6, this string is correctly escaped and results in "\"Foo\"" When did they fix this?

When we make anonymous methods in our project, there's a bug that makes it impossible for the compiler to find System.SysUtils.StrToFloat, even when we namespace it with the System.SysUtils prefix.

When we make anonymous methods in our project, there's a bug that makes it impossible for the compiler to find System.SysUtils.StrToFloat, even when we namespace it with the System.SysUtils prefix. It complains that it can't find a version of StrToFloat with the given input, even when passing it string literals. When I start an empty project and do the same, the error does not occur. Does anyone have any idea why this happens?

In our current project, we have a TPanel with a menu on every TTabSheet in a TPageControl element, and that panel is identical on most of them.

In our current project, we have a TPanel with a menu on every TTabSheet in a TPageControl element, and that panel is identical on most of them. Is there a way to make it so that we are not having 15 different panels, but the exact same one on each of them? Not just identical looking , but literally the same. As it stands, we have to duplicate it every time we make another, and that's really annoying, and it's bloating our code. I'm trying to reduce the number of redundant members of our main form, and this seemed like an obvious start.

Using the %TEMP% directory

Using the %TEMP% directory

dzEditorLineEndsFix 1.0.2 released

dzEditorLineEndsFix 1.0.2 released

The 'droid is loose!

The 'droid is loose! You can find it here:

I am on XE6, the following statement should include JSon, and NOT DBXJSon.

I am on XE6, the following statement should include JSon, and NOT DBXJSon. But for some reason, it does not work. What am i doing wrong? interface {$if CompilerVersion >= 27)   {$Define DelphiXe6_Up} {$EndIf} uses   {$IfDef DelphiXe6_Up }   JSon;   {$Else}   DBXJSon;   {$EndIf}

I am on XE6, the following statement should include JSon, and NOT DBXJSon. But for some reason, it does not work. What am i doing wrong?

I am on XE6, the following statement should include JSon, and NOT DBXJSon. But for some reason, it does not work. What am i doing wrong? interface {$if CompilerVersion >= 27)   {$Define DelphiXe6_Up} {$EndIf} uses   {$IfDef DelphiXe6_Up }   JSon;   {$Else}   DBXJSon;   {$EndIf}

Could you please help me solve this problem:

Could you please help me solve this problem: // FireDAC + Array DML:           FDQuery.SQL.Text := 'INSERT INTO ' + LoopTXTDoc.Key + '(BaseNum) VALUES (:BN)';           FDQuery.Params[0].DataType := ftInteger;           FDQuery.Params.ArraySize := LoopTXTDoc.Value.Count;           i := 0;           for LoopBaseNum in LoopTXTDoc.Value do           begin             FDQuery.Params[0].AsStrings[i] := LoopBaseNum;             inc(i);           end;           FDQuery.Execute(FDQuery.Params.ArraySize); where: ArrayDMLSize = 450 (because SQLite limit = 500) LoopTXTDoc.Value.Count = FDQuery.Params.ArraySize = 7123 But this code don't fill the Params array. It's length = 1 and I get List index out of bounds (1). What's the problem? UPD: example: it's changed demo from here

Anyone know of any gotchas running XE8.1 Ultimate on Windows 10?

Anyone know of any gotchas running XE8.1 Ultimate on Windows 10? I've got a Win7 Pro 32bit VM, XE8.1 is about as stable as it probably ever gets on there, and I idly thought it might be nice to start using Windows 10 on there... so I just wondered if there were any known issues with XE8.1 and Win10? I'm not going to be using it for any mobile dev at this point in time, just desktop VCL & FireDAC stuff.

Hey guys

Hey guys, Does CopyArray function work well for weak references? I saw that Move function shouldn't be used with weak references :( Thanks :D

Get Windows10 on your Raspberry Pi 2

Get Windows10 on your Raspberry Pi 2

In this special episode we talk with Allen Bauer, Chief Scientist here at Embarcadero Technologies. This month is the 7 year anniversary of the Podcast at, and today is Allen’s birthday. This conversation was recorded during Delphi Week, a celebration of Delphi’s birthday back in February.

In this special episode we talk with Allen Bauer, Chief Scientist here at Embarcadero Technologies. This month is the 7 year anniversary of the Podcast at, and today is Allen’s birthday. This conversation was recorded during Delphi Week, a celebration of Delphi’s birthday back in February. We talk about what Allen does as a Chief Scientist as well as some of his side projects. We also discuss some of the new platforms we face today as developers and the challenges and likelihood of Delphi targeting them. Finally some discussion about features Allen would like to see added to Delphi in the future.

Dock the Action List window - anyone know if this is possible (XE8)?

Dock the Action List window - anyone know if this is possible (XE8)?  I'm working on a project with a reasonably complex action list, it would be really handy to dock the action list into one of the containers (preferably alongside the project and tool palette tabs, but I could live with it as a tab in the object inspector's container too).

With Windows API (can't remember now, on a bus so...) I can get the path to the My Documents folder.

With Windows API (can't remember now, on a bus so...) I can get the path to the My Documents folder. But how to get the "beautified" version of it with out full path like Windows 7 (I think) shows in English version UserName\My Documents\ and Win10 seems to show This PC\Documents\ . And of course this should be localized, not just some hack or so... This is mainly because Long path is ugly and contains information user don't need (at this case, sometimes is nice to see where that actual folder lives)

Anyone know of a partial function application library for Delphi?

Anyone know of a partial function application library for Delphi? Basically something like Boost.Bind: function MakeStr(i: integer; s: string): string; begin   result := IntToHex(i, 4) + '-' + s; end; var   f: TFunc ;   g: TFunc ; begin   f := Functional.Bind (MakeStr, _1, 'foo');   WriteLn(f(42)); // output: 002A-foo   g := Functional.Bind (MakeStr, 42, _1);   WriteLn(g('bar')); // output: 002A-bar end. Just so I don't have ot reinvent the wheel :)

Working with ‪#‎SQLite‬ in ‪#‎Delphi‬. Tips how to disable direct mode and why you need to do it.

Working with ‪#‎SQLite‬ in ‪#‎Delphi‬. Tips how to disable direct mode and why you need to do it.

Windows 10 and Microsoft Privacy Statement.

Windows 10 and Microsoft Privacy Statement. Did you know, that Microsoft is collecting password and password hints. Actually it is collecting everthing. *Name and contact data.* We collect your first and last name, email address, postal address, phone number, and other similar contact data. *Credentials.* We collect passwords, password hints, and similar security information used for authentication and account access. *Payment data.* We collect data necessary to process your payment if you make purchases, such as your payment instrument number (such as a credit card number), and the security code associated with your payment instrument.


*REMOTE WORK OPPORTUNITY, PERFECT FOR PART TIME* Southern California Hello everyone, I hope you are all having an awesome Wednesday so far! We currently have an opportunity for a Delphi Developer Consultant (about 20 hours a week or so). It is remote work but the ideal candidate would have to be in Southern California for meetings (once a month). Main requirements include knowledge with Delphi, SQL Server, and T-SQL. Knowledge with Great Plains a huge plus! For full job description, please email me and include your resume to Thank you in advance :)

Blog post "The Story of the High Fix Rate of RAD Studio Bugs" at http://blog.

Blog post "The Story of the High Fix Rate of RAD Studio Bugs" at

Blog post "The Story of the High Fix Rate of RAD Studio Bugs" at

Blog post "The Story of the High Fix Rate of RAD Studio Bugs" at

Awesome code of the day (soon in Spring4D):

Awesome code of the day (soon in Spring4D):   myMock.Setup     .Returns(42)     .When(Args[1] = 'hello')     .SomeProcedure(0, '', nil);

Hello friends.

Hello friends. I am with a problem when i try to make a Polyline in mapview. Here is the code: var Descr : TMapPolylineDescriptor; lati, longe : integer; Mapcoords : TArray ; begin mapCoords[0].Latitude := 0.1; mapCoords[0].Longitude := 0.1; mapCoords[1].Latitude := 0.5; mapCoords[1].Longitude := 0.5; Descr := TMapPolylineDescriptor.Create(Mapview1.Location); Mapview1.AddPolyline(Descr); end; When i try to exec it returns "Access violation" I am using Delphi XE8 and the app is for android. Thank you in advance

Hey guys

Hey guys, I have a lot of doubts :( Sorry for the flood. Firstly I have this function: class function RoundUp(Value: Int32): Int32; static; Would whether I write the Value as a constant parameter it work as an optimization? Or it no makes much sense. In Marco Cantu's book I see: "[..] these optimizations are the most common reason for using constant parameters, a features that make limited sense for ordinal and scalar types." But RTL have functions such as  Max (const A, B: Integer): Integer; Thanks in advance :D

HTML Library 3.3 released

HTML Library 3.3 released (registered users will receive notification soon.) What's new 1. Drag and drop from explorer. 2. Drag and drop from browser and MS Office applications. 3. Improved image moving and resizing. 4. Touch support for VCL applications - pan, zoom, text selection. 5. Ctrl+wheel zoom for all HtPanels. 6. Add symbol dialog. 7. Improved font combo - hint with font name and selected text, highlighted document fonts. 8. Document index and navigation (autocreated). 9. Text search divided by topics. 10. Visible pagebreaks and different page orientation. 11. Media queries (style depend on window size). 12. 20% faster CSS style calculation. 13. 10 times faster rendering of large blocks 14. tag support 15. CSV export in print preview What's new video: Online class reference (editor) Compiled demo: Trial for Delphi 6 - XE8 http://delphihtmlcom...

Hey guys

Hey guys, How do I create a class which has only a private constructor? I have tried but doesn't work as expected. I am able to hide the constructor from Delphi IDE's auto-completion but the users are still able to call a parameterless constructor :( I want to implement the Builder pattern in Delphi and to achieve that I need to hide the class constructors thus the class can only be instantiated through the builder object.  I want something close to done here :D Thanks in advance :D
Direct question: Will Delphi compile to Windows 10 Mobile?
TMemIniFile have non-virtual SetStrings procedure. To add support processing of comments in Ini files I need replace this procedure with my own in child class. Any way to do that using helpers, old way helpers (class redeclaring TMemIniFile = class(TMemIniFile)) or something other? Or this is possible Marco Cantù to mark this method as virtual in the future versions of delphi?

Need some help with parsing JSON.

Need some help with parsing JSON. The server returns this JSON string. {"version":3,"status":"ok","response":{"data":[{"avg_price":32.16,"brand":"Krusteaz","product_name":"Muffin Mix Wild Blueberry","size":["17.1 oz"]}],"included_rows":1}} Using Andreas Hausladen's JsonDataObjects. XE8 trial. Will be used on Android phones. This code does not complain but neither does it return the values:] var   avg: string;   Obj: TJsonObject;   AryRoot, Ary, AryData, arysize: TJsonArray; begin   Obj := TJsonObject.Parse(Resp) as TJsonObject;   try     if obj.Values['status'] = 'ok' then     begin       log(liapp, 'status = ok');       avg_price := obj.Values['avg_price'].IntValue;       brand := obj.values['brand'].Value;       product_name := obj.Values['product_name'].Value;       log(liapp, 'Parse: product_name: ...

I've hit a brick wall with a program I'm planning to write.

I've hit a brick wall with a program I'm planning to write. it's one where you enter a date and month, and from there, can calculate what your starsign is.  TDate doesn't work because I can't figure out how to get the input as a month/date (mm.dd) without the overloading errors. I'm trying to do the this with array of different types, and that doesn't work either. and apparently, neither does case..of. program cancer_calc; {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} type   TMonths = (Jun,Jul);   TDays = 1..31; var   dd : TDays;   month : TMonths; begin   readln(month);   readln(dd);   writeln(month, '.', dd);   case month of     Jun, 23..30,Jul, 1..22:     write('your starsign is not cancer.');   else   writeln('your starsign is cancer.');   readln;   end; end.

Is the documentation right and the code wrong or the other way around?

Is the documentation right and the code wrong or the other way around? "Indicates whether the dataset contains no records. Call IsEmpty to determine if a dataset has records. IsEmpty returns true if the dataset does not contain any records. Otherwise it returns false." Implementation: function TDataSet.IsEmpty: Boolean; begin   Result := FActiveRecord >= FRecordCount; end; Why do I care? Because I have seen code like this: while not ds.IsEmpty do begin   // stuff   ds.Next; end; and it makes me wonder (not seriously) if Next removes records from the dataset ;)

Why does the compiler touch ebx here? (stackframes off, optimization on)

Why does the compiler touch ebx here? (stackframes off, optimization on) function GetHello: string begin   Result := 'Hello'; end; assembler generated: Project48.dpr.25: begin 0041A13C 53               push ebx 0041A13D 8BD8             mov ebx,eax Project48.dpr.26: Result := 'Hello'; 0041A13F 8BC3             mov eax,ebx 0041A141 BA5CA14100       mov edx,$0041a15c 0041A146 E8B5D0FEFF       call @UStrAsg Project48.dpr.27: end; 0041A14B 5B               pop ebx 0041A14C C3               ret

So the XML data binding wizard makes it easy to read and write XML files. But is there a way to handle versioned schemas in a very graceful manner that I'm overlooking?

So the XML data binding wizard makes it easy to read and write XML files. But is there a way to handle versioned schemas in a very graceful manner that I'm overlooking? Let's say I get a schema v1, and I make the data binding and my integration. Later the client hands me v2, where say one node is moved deeper into the tree (ie from "head" level to "detail" level). But if I now create a binding for v2, it will have different types from v1, so v1 and v2 types don't mix in my code. Is there a simple way to support reading both v1 and v2 files without duplicating my integration code? Or should I just go XPath and be done?

I've now moved my Delphi projects from Google Code to Github.

I've now moved my Delphi projects from Google Code to Github. ZGameEditor - minimalistic game engine and IDE: DelphiUnitSizes - Display the sizes of each unit in a Delphi executable: Dcocor - Coco/R parser generator for Delphi:

ANN: BesaSoap : Open Source SOAP Engine Released!

ANN: BesaSoap : Open Source SOAP Engine Released! BesaSoap is solution for creating a webservice client for Delphi. You can use nullable data types (NullableString, NullableInteger, NullableDateTime...). BesaSoap is written using new features of the Delphi language. Its running C# or Java like with custom attributes [XMLElementAttribute], [XMLArrayAttribute]... BesaSoap is running Delphi XE2 and Up.

Has anyone had success with iBeacons? If so, what model/vendor did you use and where did you get them? I am starting a project and I need to get some iBeacons to prototype a system. I tried the local Frys and Microcenter and they both had no clue what I was talking about. Amazon seems to be all over the place on pricing and models, that is why I am turning to you all for your advice.

Has anyone had success with iBeacons? If so, what model/vendor did you use and where did you get them? I am starting a project and I need to get some iBeacons to prototype a system. I tried the local Frys and Microcenter and they both had no clue what I was talking about. Amazon seems to be all over the place on pricing and models, that is why I am turning to you all for your advice. Thanks, Jim

Hello guys

Hello guys, I thought it was something interesting, I didn't expect this behavior. In a question ago I asked for how to hide a record, which is used only internally, from the public interface, but I always was stuck on E2506 error when calling record methods through generic class methods. But surprisingly adding the "inline" keyword magically becomes the code buildable. Sorry for any inconvenience :D


Hi, I have a custom string type called TMyString. And i have an array of TMyString : type  TMyString = AnsiString; const  MyItem1 : TMyString = 'yyy'; MyItem2 : TMyString = 'xxx'; MyItem3 : TMyString = 'zzz'; MyArray:array[0..2]of TMyString = (// MyItem1, MyItem2, MyItem3); Every time ,i try to run my code ,i got :"E2026 Constant expression expected" error. Items (MyItemX) need to be declared as constant , so when changing ,MyArray will get updated.  Is there any way to make the code run without converting Items to quoted string in MyArray ?.

Promoting Salsa20 to Pascal community

Promoting Salsa20 to Pascal community   Salsa20 is post-AES algorithm. It was interesting and instructive to code it.

Hey guys

Hey guys, Am I not able to define a record helper into implementation section of an unit? I want to hide a record helper from public but it seems not working as expected :( I am stuck on this exception -> [DCC Error] GoSeaHorse.Kelloggi.pas(117): E2506 Method of parameterized type declared in interface section must not use local symbol 'TInt32Helper'  Thanks :D Real question for us: Do FMX Android apps work with Astoria?

I've just released a JSON unit for Delphi XE8. It's based only on TypeInfo and let you convert any TypeInfo to a JSON notation or assign a JSON string to any TypeInfo:

I've just released a JSON unit for Delphi XE8. It's based only on TypeInfo and let you convert any TypeInfo to a JSON notation or assign a JSON string to any TypeInfo: s := MyObject.toJSON(); MyObject.fromJSON(s); s := ToJSON(@MaVar, TypeInfo(TMyType));  d := Now(); s := ToJSON(@d, TypeInfo(TDateTime)); // '2015-08-09T02:51:32' FromJSON(@s, TypeInfo(string), '"JSON String"'); Source code is released under GPL It's time to learn french ... or to download the english demo at the bottom of the page ;)