
Showing posts from December, 2016

Originally shared by Boian Mitov

Originally shared by Boian Mitov Happy New Year everyone! :-)

Android - CLICK SOUND:

Android - CLICK SOUND: Dear all. I have an Android application (XE7) in which I drown by set of Buttons a custom Pin-pad. Problem and question is: how in onClick event of button; set it to play standard system click sound? Tomislav

Talking about Delphi pricing...

Talking about Delphi pricing...

[New feature request - Static array declaration improvement]

[New feature request - Static array declaration improvement] A lot of time I struggle with this: LArray: array[0..SOME_CONSTANT - 1] of Int8; I can see this language construction a lot, especially when dealing with POSIX APIs that have a bunch of constants. I would love to be able to write this in the syntax below: LArray: array[0. It means we have the range of values from 0 til SOME_CONSTANT - 1, or more generally, from start inclusive to end exclusive. This looks more expressive to me :D

Getting ready...

Getting ready...

Delphi 10.1 changed something with regards to overload resolution, causing the following to stop compiling:

Delphi 10.1 changed something with regards to overload resolution, causing the following to stop compiling: type   Func = reference to function(const Arg: T): R; type   Alg = record     class procedure Exec (const f: Func ); overload; static;   end; ... Alg.Exec (integer.ToString); This compiled in Delphi 10 update 1 but does not compile in Delphi 10.1 update 2, instead failing with "E2250 There is no overloaded version of 'Alg.Exec ' that can be called with these arguments". Thinking this was a regression, I tried to narrow it down a bit further, but found that even in Delphi 10 I cannot get the following to compile: type   TRec = record     x: integer;   end;   TRecHelper = record helper for TRec     function ToString: string; overload;     class function ToString(const Value: TRec): string; overload; static; end; ...   Alg.Exec (TRec.ToString); This fails with the same message. If I rename the function TRec.ToString() so that it is not the same as the class funct...
Stack Overflow just awarded me a secret Winter Bash hat titled "Mild Mannered". Either this is a joke, or their algorithms are seriously screwed up!

I found that FMX mobile platforms does not support local invalidation!

I found that FMX mobile platforms does not support local invalidation! This means that all controls on a form are repainted every time any control invalidates anything. I hope I am wrong or at least a workaround can be found. My findings are in this SO question: Any suggestions for a workaround on iOS?

Fast Reports issues in support ticket #255848 have been fixed

Fast Reports issues in support ticket #255848 have been fixed :-)

Originally shared by Thomas Mueller (dummzeuch)

Originally shared by Thomas Mueller (dummzeuch) One thing that irked me since forever is that Grep does not find the text in all files that are used in the project. You can either find files that are explicitly included in the current project (or project group) or files in a directory. There is no way to get all files that are linked into a project, look them up in the search path and then grep them. I have got one idea to fix that problem: 1. Read the map file (segments is enough), collect all modules mentioned in any of the lines in Detailed map of segments 0001:00000000 0000B47C C=CODE S=.text G=(none) M=System ACBP=A9 0001:0000B47C 00000730 C=CODE S=.text G=(none) M=SysInit ACBP=A9 0001:0000BBAC 000018D0 C=CODE S=.text G=(none) M=System.Types ACBP=A9 0001:0000D47C 000009CC C=CODE S=.text G=(none) M=System.UITypes ACBP=A9 (M=xxxx is the module name, there will be lots of duplicates.) 2. Search for them using the search path (debug search p...

Getting more and more 4k issues (#61) in Delphi 10.2

Getting more and more 4k issues (#61) in Delphi 10.2

ANN: StyleControls VCL v. 3.50 with new set of GP controls released!

ANN: StyleControls VCL v. 3.50 with new set of GP controls released! Features: • support of classic drawing, system Themes and VCL styles in all elements and in all controls • set of components to create Windows 10 Universal (Modern) UI Application • collection of controls (editors, listbox, combobox, rounded meters,dials, h/v meters, sliders, buttons with different shapes and many more), which based on GDI+ vector graphic (controls can automatically use colors from styles or system, custom colors for different elements) • complex solution, which helps you to create applications with High-DPI support • special component to add buttons, tabs in NC area of the styled form and improved behavior of the form • special component to add alphablend transparency and wallpapers for the styled menus • special virtual image list component, which can be HQ scaled to any size with any scale factor • custom images support for custom style in many controls (you can define custom images collection, whi...

Hello everyody! I'm getting a strange error using the component TNotificationCenter on an our customer pc with Windows 8.1 installed. When I try to create the object I get an EOleException telling me that the notification center is not available. Obviously on all the other computers it works fine. Could it be Win8 corrupted? Anyone experienced something like that?

Hello everyody! I'm getting a strange error using the component TNotificationCenter on an our customer pc with Windows 8.1 installed. When I try to create the object I get an EOleException telling me that the notification center is not available. Obviously on all the other computers it works fine. Could it be Win8 corrupted? Anyone experienced something like that? Thanks

I've got a problem with Delphi FMX (Berlin update 1) on iOS (10.

I've got a problem with Delphi FMX (Berlin update 1) on iOS (10.2). I have a scrolbox with TEdits. The scrolling works like a charm as long as I don't touch a TEdit as first. When I do that de TEdit immediately receives focus and shows the virtualkeyboard. The normal platform behaviour should be that de TEdit only receives focus when you tap on it. Not when you start a scroll on it. Has anybody got a solution for this problem?

I've got a problem with Delphi FMX (Berlin update 1) on iOS (10.2). I have a scrolbox with TEdits. The scrolling works like a charm as long as I don't touch a TEdit as first. When I do that de TEdit immediately receives focus and shows the virtualkeyboard.

I've got a problem with Delphi FMX (Berlin update 1) on iOS (10.2). I have a scrolbox with TEdits. The scrolling works like a charm as long as I don't touch a TEdit as first. When I do that de TEdit immediately receives focus and shows the virtualkeyboard. The normal platform behaviour should be that de TEdit only receives focus when you tap on it. Not when you start a scroll on it. Has anybody got a solution for this problem?
What is the less time to get Create binary patch MsDelta.dll or MsPatchC.dll?

Calling all Cryptography knowledgeable people...

Calling all Cryptography knowledgeable people... I am try to decrypt what MySQL does with AES_ENCRYPT, ( ) but on the client side (yes, I know there is AES_DECRYPT but that means passing the key across the wire, something which would be prefer not to happen). It seems that MySQL uses AES-128, ECB, and that Java's Cipher.GetInstance("AES/ECB/PKCS5Padding") can decrypt it... but I want a Delphi version. I did find this answer of StackOverflow ( ), which I changed CRYPT_MODE_CBC to CRYPT_MODE_ECB = 2; but that fails also (with "System Error. Code: -2146893819. Bad Data" ) I have tried LockBox 3 ( , with some (incorrect?) corrections for XE), with the following code (which seems to return empty string every time): // (but...

In the department of wishful thinking:

In the department of wishful thinking: type TElement = class(TSomeClass) Sibling: TElement; end; type LinkAttribute = class(TCustomAttribute) FLink: TElement; constructor Create(aLink:TElement); end; TContainer = class X1: TElement; [Link(X1)] // Y1: TElement; X2: TElement; [Link(X2)] // Y2: TElement; end; It would be nice if attributes could reference class/record local fields or properties. I know - it would put a lot of load on the compiler / linker. If the compiler was two pass, order would not be important. Since the compiler is single pass - perhaps something like TContainer = class [Link(forward Y1)] X1: TElement; Y1: TElement; [Link(forward Y2)] X2: TElement; Y2: TElement; end; could be an option as well. #MoreDeclarationLessCode

Blog post "New GetIt Packages: AQTime, InstallAware, Redis, ErrorSoft, Component Trials by TMS and Others... " at

Blog post "New GetIt Packages: AQTime, InstallAware, Redis, ErrorSoft, Component Trials by TMS and Others... " at

Originally shared by David Berneda

Originally shared by David Berneda Updated GenericTree class (TNode for generic "T" tree data structures) with new Sort and Exchange methods (to re-order children nodes), a new small VCL example and one fixed bug (do not destroy a node when changing its Parent property)
Try dropping a TLabeledEdit ont a TFlowPanel or a TGridPanel. The Label and the Edit are treated as two separate controls. I cannot control the label placing relative to the edit anymore. They are (separate controls), but it does not feel very RAD. Or maybe i missed something.

Hi community..I have some tutorial for drawing a Tchart dynamically from the code...for further information you can view the tutorial from here: hope this can help you...

Hi community..I have some tutorial for drawing a Tchart dynamically from the code...for further information you can view the tutorial from here: hope this can help you...

I found a bug? in TOpenDialog from Delphi XE to Delphi Berline

I found a bug? in TOpenDialog from Delphi XE to Delphi Berline while compiling the demo project cyComponents 6.73 demo\cyComponents\InternetExplorerWrappers\cyWebBrowser (Cindy components) There are 8 htm files Try with the "Load from File " button to just stroll trough first 4 htm files. You will see the file data on the right of the TOpenDialog component. Now here is the bug. next stroll to "Testing unicode big endian file.html" you see nothing on the right pan. STROLL BACK to other files NOW YOU SEE NOTHING. I loaded the file "Testing unicode big endian file.html" to web browser it is OK and one see its content. !!! So it is a "legal file" Obviusly the bug has nothing to do with the demo only the TOpenDialog component.

PDF to word converter.

PDF to word converter. Hello, do you know a library activex, delphi or .net to convert PDF to docx with high fidelity? Any experience? Thanks

Snow fall effect :)

Snow fall effect :)

PowerOff - Very simple application for auto shutdown the computer.

PowerOff - Very simple application for auto shutdown the computer. It is useful app, if you before sleep like watch videos on YouTube/music/TV shows/movies, but they continue playing all night, causing a headache in the morning ... Utility was written, to check the suitability of the FireMonkey technology to develop - in general - yes, at the moment, under Windows (and to simulate the interface UWP), it is a workable technology! Project has MIT license. Link:

Originally shared by Boian Mitov

Originally shared by Boian Mitov And the video from the today's presentation on Intensive Delphi :-) #Arduino #Delphi #Visuino

Originally shared by Boian Mitov

Originally shared by Boian Mitov The video from the today's presentation on Intensive Delphi :-) #Delphi #OpenWire
When moving up from XE8 to Berlin I found out that the OnClick and OnDblClick among others events for the TGrid are no longer available in the Object Inspector . Is there another way of calling these events?


I am trying to invoke a method using RTTI calls but I been struggling to do so Here is my sample code {$RTTI METHODS([vcPublic, vcProtected, vcPrivate])} TBill = class sealed private Procedure Extract ; procedure Tansform Procedure Load; public constructor create (aFlagDb : Boolean); overload; Procedure InvokeMethod(aMethodName: string; const Args: array of TValue); end procedure InvokeMethod(aMethodName: string; const Args: array of TValue); var Method :TRttiMethod; rtype :TRTTIType; begin rtype := TRTTIContext.Create.GetType('TBill'); Method := rtype.GetMethod('Extract'); -> Returns Nil why? Method.Invoke(self, Args); end Any Ideas?

Here's another question. For reading books (fiction, science fiction, fantasy, biography, etc) I have almost exclusively moved to Kindle.

Here's another question. For reading books (fiction, science fiction, fantasy, biography, etc) I have almost exclusively moved to Kindle. However for technical books I'm undecided. I'm looking at some C++ books (I know but the topics immaterial to the question) and whether to get eBooks or Paper books (the reason for the third item is that for Nick Hodges book's I have both, 'cause I'm greedy). So what should I do...

Best wishes for a happy & prosperous 2017 from the TMS team!

Best wishes for a happy & prosperous 2017 from the TMS team!

A new blog has been posted: 'Generating PDF files cross-platform with ease'

A new blog has been posted: 'Generating PDF files cross-platform with ease' With the new 1.7 release of the TMS FNC UI Pack ( ) we've added a completely new PDF library built from the ground up, that is capable of generating PDF files on all supported frameworks: FMX, VCL & LCL. The PDF library is also available in the TMS FMX UI Pack ( ) and is coming to the TMS Component Pack ) at the beginning of 2017!

I enjoyed this for breakfast today. Thanks to Delphi ... ask Lars Fosdal for more details :D

I enjoyed this for breakfast today. Thanks to Delphi ... ask Lars Fosdal for more details :D

Greetings all

Greetings all, I am a Turbo Pascal/Delphi developer from the beginning, and started a user group in Perth, Western Australia. This group is now a part of ADUG. I am now spending a lot of time living in Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam, and we wish to start a Vietnamese Delphi/Pascal group here. If anyone is interested, or knows of anyone who may be interested, please contact me Thank you

Hi Professionals

Hi Professionals, Hope you all are doing good! I am having an requirement for a Delphi -Lead position for one of our direct client in Brea, CA. Duration: 6 Month contract please let me know if you are interested. you can drop your resumes at Technical Skills: • Good knowledge in Delphi & object oriented programing • Knowledge in Delphi IDE & Developer Express components • Good SQL knowledge in writing complex queries & stored procedures Experience: • 5+ year experience in Delphi programming • Work experience in maintenance project is preferable Experience in managing team at offshore.

So my WordPress blog seems to only get spam these days with most people choosing to comment on a blog posts either here in G+ or in Slack when I re-post in either.

So my WordPress blog seems to only get spam these days with most people choosing to comment on a blog posts either here in G+ or in Slack when I re-post in either. Should I close the commenting in WordPress and just use comments here in G+ or slack or keep the WordPress commenting open? Please vote:

Greetings all

Greetings all, I am a Turbo Pascal/Delphi developer from the beginning, and started a user group in Perth, Western Australia. This group is now a part of ADUG. I am now spending a lot of time living in Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam, and we wish to start a Vietnamese Delphi/Pascal group here. If anyone is interested, or knows of anyone who may be interested, please contact me Thank you

Hi Guys.

Hi Guys. I have developed an Outlook Add-In which supports the sorting of mail via speech, using existing speech technology (in my case Dragon, but it should also work with the speech support of Windows I guess). I am looking now for Beta Testers but cannot find them. Has anybody of you an idea where to look for them? The persons I am looking for should ... 1. Be willing to test unpaid and based on the sole incentive that they will never have to pay fo the add-in and their Beta license will be exchanged for a real license once release-ready. 2. They should use speech reckognition technology on a daily basis 3. They should use Desktp MS Office (Outlook) between 2003 and 2016 (I tested so far only with Outlook 2010 - so willingness to have Teamviewer based troubleshooting/bughunting - sessions would be a plus. Any ideas or interest - Beta should start probably around February 2017.

At the absolute bottom (click VCL/Miscellaneous) DevExpress states "With v16.2, the Layout Control is integrated into majority of our dialogs to improve UI element alignment at any DPI setting and achieve better quality when rendering on transparent backgrounds.".

At the absolute bottom (click VCL/Miscellaneous) DevExpress states "With v16.2, the Layout Control is integrated into majority of our dialogs to improve UI element alignment at any DPI setting and achieve better quality when rendering on transparent backgrounds.". Now that may actually be a constructive and working step towards compiling a High DPI-aware application w/o a sleuth of workarounds. I say Whoop! At 16.1 they still had a lot to do.

I just got an email from Embarcadero which confirmed that Linux will only be available for Enterprise Edition or higher. I thought this would be a good time to repost my suggestion from several weeks ago:

I just got an email from Embarcadero which confirmed that Linux will only be available for Enterprise Edition or higher. I thought this would be a good time to repost my suggestion from several weeks ago:

I'm trying to use Pre-/Post-Build-Events (Delphi 10.1 Berlin, if that matters). Is there a variable, parameter, option etc to distinguish between a "make" and a "build"? The Events are fired in both cases, but I would like to do some special handling only if I "build" the project.

I'm trying to use Pre-/Post-Build-Events (Delphi 10.1 Berlin, if that matters). Is there a variable, parameter, option etc to distinguish between a "make" and a "build"? The Events are fired in both cases, but I would like to do some special handling only if I "build" the project. (Yes, I have googled for that several hours) TIA Achim

We have a debugger hotfix out for debugging iOS32 apps on iOS10.

We have a debugger hotfix out for debugging iOS32 apps on iOS10.

Announcing the first public release of Michelle's Menu Planner.

Announcing the first public release of Michelle's Menu Planner.

Live Now: Intensive Delphi 2016 - The biggest online Delphi event in Brazil, for free!

Live Now: Intensive Delphi 2016 - The biggest online Delphi event in Brazil, for free!

Added Support for Fire Monkey drawing in Petra.

Added Support for Fire Monkey drawing in Petra. Petra converts Sketch drawings into Delphi (and Oxygene) drawing code. The generated drawing code can use the underlying 2D API or FireMonkey. Petra can generate code for iOS, macOS and Android, in addition to Windows (through FMX). ​ Why Petra? ​ Reduce the number of images bundled in your final App No more 1x, 2x and 3x nightmare, drawings are resolution independent and scalable Fast performing native 2D drawing on iOS, macOS and Android Rapid prototyping of UI elements, Petra help you get up to speed with your initial code Update your drawings without the overhead of hand coding them again For more, please head over to our website

Originally shared by Boian Mitov

Originally shared by Boian Mitov I had prepared this video for the Intensive Delphi​ conference, but they moved the presentation one day earlier without telling me, and probably have used the CodeRage video :-( . Well... since I did it, I am posting it anyway ;-) #Delphi #OpenWire

Hello guys

Hello guys, It seems the Android toolchain is working like a charm with NDK r14 beta1 (latest version). I have tried to debug and I was able to see the value of my variables and hit on breakpoints. I am using the latest versions of Android SDK tools as well. All my tests were against a 2015 Samsung J5 phone powered by Android 6.0.1. :D

ANN: StyleControls VCL v. 3.38 released!

ANN: StyleControls VCL v. 3.38 released! Features: • support of classic drawing, system Themes and VCL styles in all elements and in all controls • set of components to create Windows 10 Universal (Modern) UI Application • collection of controls (rounded meters,dials, h/v meters, sliders, buttons with different shapes and many more), which based on GDI+ vector graphic (controls can automatically use colors from styles or system, custom colors for different elements) • complex solution, which helps you to create applications with High-DPI support • special component to add buttons, tabs in NC area of the styled form and improved behavior of the form • special component to add alphablend transparency and wallpapers for the styled menus • special virtual image list component, which can be HQ scaled to any size with any scale factor • custom images support for custom style in many controls (you can define custom images collection, which based from PNG files and use it in controls) • many o...

ANN: HTML Email Framework.

ANN: HTML Email Framework. HTML Email framework is a set of classes and interfaces designed for simplifying adding email client functionality to Delphi applications. It has no GUI dependencies, so can be used in service application as well as in desktop clients. Framework doesn't contains own classes for POP3/IMAP/SMTP protocols or database access, but instead can use any existing internet/DB library, which can be easily replaced without rewriting main application. Features: * Background loading (each account is checked in a separate thread). * Detection of main (body) part. * SSL/StarTLS support. * Automatic DB tables/triggers creation (current version has SQL scripts for Firebird and Oracle). * Creation of email summary (annotation). * Automatic creation of full text search index (for any SQL database). * Documents in MS Word DOCX and RTF formats can be included in full text search index. * Any internet library can be used for POP3/IMAP protocols (current version contains adapter...

Hello guys

Hello guys, Is there any function in Indy or WinAPI to convert mime type to file extension ? I googled but all the result i found is converting file extension to mime type.

Just added JSON Web Token (JWT) support to Open Source mORMot for Delphi, including HS256 (HMAC SHA-256) and ES256 (256-bit public key ECDSA).

Just added JSON Web Token (JWT) support to Open Source mORMot for Delphi, including HS256 (HMAC SHA-256) and ES256 (256-bit public key ECDSA). Updated doc (in case of troubles with the blog link) is

Hello all! Greetings from Brazil!

Hello all! Greetings from Brazil! So ... we are in a pre project to upgrade our software from Delphi 2005 to Berlin 10.1 Update 2. We are doing some steps to verify the effort to achieve this goal. It sounds crazy ... I know! =) However, we are facing the same problem as the link below. We are receiving an "abstract error" when we're calling a TSOAPDataModule method... Has anyone had this kind of problem ??? Thanks in advance!


Hi, My name is Eric and I am looking for a new job as Delphi programmer. Now I try to find out how to get a job in other countries to improve my language skills. In Germany I am used to get new jobs by asking around in the community. But I do not know a lot about the communities of France, Netherlands, turkey or England. I opened a theme for that in a German forum: The tips so far are: - should be good to get in touch with the community of Netherlands - Ask people from embarcadero like Jim McKeeth (I am not sure if this helps but shortly about me: 3 years professional Delphi programming, skills in Fastreport, Firebird, XLSReadWriteII and Datasnap; M.Sc. bioinformatics; contact:

Some time ago we had a discussion here about interfaces and generics and we said that when we declare interfaces with generics there is no need to add a GUID.

Some time ago we had a discussion here about interfaces and generics and we said that when we declare interfaces with generics there is no need to add a GUID. So, I have to write this: IInterface1 = interface ['{...}'] end and this: IInterface2 = interface //no GUID here end; So, if I declare this interface do I need a GUID or not? IAnotherInterface = interface (IInterface2 ) //GUID here??????? end; Thanks

OTA Interface Search 1.1 and GitHub

OTA Interface Search 1.1 and GitHub

TMS FMX UI Pack v3.5 is available now with a new PDF Generator Library & improved PDF Export functionality for TTMSFMXRichEditor, TTMSFMXGrid & TTMSFMXMemo:

TMS FMX UI Pack v3.5 is available now with a new PDF Generator Library & improved PDF Export functionality for TTMSFMXRichEditor, TTMSFMXGrid & TTMSFMXMemo: TMS FMX UI Pack is our single-source fully cross platform feature-rich component set for desktop and mobile application development for Windows, Mac OS-X, iOS and Android

Quite unusual compiler behaviour (for older compilers) as seen here:

Quite unusual compiler behaviour (for older compilers) as seen here: Has anyone experienced and documented this before?

If you plan to publish an app to the Windows Store via the new integrated Windows Store deployment in Delphi, you should do it now. Microsoft is currently providing extremely good support for getting your first app published.

If you plan to publish an app to the Windows Store via the new integrated Windows Store deployment in Delphi, you should do it now. Microsoft is currently providing extremely good support for getting your first app published. Currently there is still a separate review process in place at Microsoft to get your app into the store. As soon as you apply for getting your developer account at Microsoft unlocked for being able to get your UWP bridge apps into the store, they will contact you by e-mail and guide you through the process. The direct and fast support almost feels like having a personal trainer :). Even if you don't have a developer account yet, Microsoft might be glad to give an account for free (may be different in other countries). And it should be noted: Apps developed in Delphi and prepared with the integrated deployment feature are fully supported, and Microsoft seems to be very happy to cooperate with Embarcadero.

Is there any component that can be used for create "them" (with black arrow) in delphi xe?

Is there any component that can be used for create "them" (with black arrow) in delphi xe? create here I mean that can be moved (able to function as pitch and roll from gyro) according to our input data Thank you!

I have what might be considered more of a "religious" type of question...

I have what might be considered more of a "religious" type of question... Below is a snippet of some Delphi code I grabbed as an example, although my question is about general programmer behavior that is hardly specific to any one language. I've seen this in C/C++, php, and many other domains. Basically, why do programmers do this? Some of you will look at this, roll your eyes and get what I'm saying immediately. Others will stare at it and not see anything unusual. (Note: WHAT the code is doing is pretty much irrelevant. It's the approach I'm pointing at.) -------------------------------------------------------------- procedure TfwReferral.pbSaveClick(Sender: TObject); var sStartYear, sEndYear, sCurrentMonth: string; sClosureDate: string; sCloseVR, sPreviousVRStatus: string; begin Screen.Cursor := crHourglass; if qryReferralInfo.FieldByName('Referral_DATE').AsString = '' then begin OKMessage('Referral Date is required to sa...

Blog post: Short summary and pictures from SDN Event (The Netherlands, last week)

Blog post: Short summary and pictures from SDN Event (The Netherlands, last week)

PackagesGenerator - Automatic Generator Package files for multiple versions of Delphi.

PackagesGenerator - Automatic Generator Package files for multiple versions of Delphi. If you are writing a components for Delphi , then you know how difficult it is to maintain multiple versions of Delphi . Usually you get a lot of almost identical dpk , dproj , groupproj files for different versions of Delphi, For example : MyComponents_XE2.groupproj MyComponents_XE2.dpk MyComponents_XE2.dproj MyComponentsDesign_XE2.dpk MyComponentsDesign_XE2.dproj MyComponents_XE3.groupproj MyComponents_XE3.dpk MyComponents_XE3.dproj MyComponentsDesign_XE3.dpk MyComponentsDesign_XE3.dproj ... MyComponentsDesign_RX10Berlin.dproj Tiring create these files manually, also you can make mistakes. ErrorSoft PackagesGenerator can solve this problem! The PackagesGenerator automatic generates the necessary files, doing the necessary internal changes (LIBSUFFIX, contains ...). Сonversion parameters are set in the INI file (Example): [Folders] Base=Source\ Ge...

What is the logic behind H2443 ?

What is the logic behind H2443 ? > The unit is clearly identified by the warning, but we have to add it explicitily... what's the point ?!'%25s'_has_not_been_expanded_because_unit_'%25s'_is_not_specified_in_USES_list_(Delphi)


Hello, So you want to learn french and hear my sweet voice ? It's now possible with this video (1 hour) about Google Cardboards and Delphi Firemonkey :) Subtitles should be available soon or later :)

#PostgresDAC with the support for latest #PostgreSQL 9.6.1 and RAD Studio 10.1 Berlin Update 2 is out!

#PostgresDAC with the support for latest #PostgreSQL 9.6.1 and RAD Studio 10.1 Berlin Update 2 is out!

From System.JSON:

From System.JSON: function TJSONValue.Cast : T; var Size: Integer; LTypeInfo: PTypeInfo; LValue: TValue; begin LTypeInfo := System.TypeInfo(T); if not AsTValue(LTypeInfo, LValue) then raise EJSONException.CreateFmt(sCannotConvertJSONValueToType, [Self.ClassName, LTypeInfo.Name]); Result := LValue.AsType ; end; Size variable is not used. Should we report it to QC?

Conditionally using FastMM avoiding IFDEFs in the DPR

Conditionally using FastMM avoiding IFDEFs in the DPR

Delphi for Windows review circa 1995 - what a blast from the past. I see the "fish demo" has been around since the beginning. :-D

Delphi for Windows review circa 1995 - what a blast from the past. I see the "fish demo" has been around since the beginning. :-D
How to detect that my process is idle (not vcl app, not via Application.OnIdle)?


Hello, Looking for an ultimate solution to add a suggestion list to a TEdit, I've tried to add a ComboBox under a works pretty well except that for an unknown reason the mouse cursor disappears sometime ?! Any idea about that ?

Record helpers can do wonders for code clarity.

Record helpers can do wonders for code clarity. // Never mind the silly example TResult = (CompletedOK, PartiallyPerformed, NothingHappened, HorriblyWrong); function DoSomething:TResult; begin Result := PartiallyPerformed; end; How do we determine failure vs success? if not DoSomething = CompletedOK then ...? What about Partially performed and nothing happened? Enter the helper: TResultHelper = record helper for TResult function Failed:Boolean; function Success:Boolean; end; function TResultHelper.Failed: Boolean; begin Result := (Self = HorriblyWrong); end; function TResultHelper.Success:Boolean; begin Result := not Failed; end; Now we can write if DoSomething.Failed then ... Note that you also can enter the murky waters of obfuscation through helpers, but at least the murkiness will be consistent :P

Why when I double click on a line in the callstack sometimes the debugger shows the disassembly window instead of the editor? What triggers this behaviour, how can I disable it? I know you love pointers and everyting, but come on! #theworstfeatureever

Why when I double click on a line in the callstack sometimes the debugger shows the disassembly window instead of the editor? What triggers this behaviour, how can I disable it? I know you love pointers and everyting, but come on! #theworstfeatureever


Hello, I'm using Sir Rufo's TStateless framework I want to adapt my flow (see picture) like this : Implementation type TWarehouseCheckInState = (New, OrderChecked, ProductChecked, CartonAdded, Validated, Canceled); TWarehouseCheckInTrigger = (SetOrder, SetProduct, AddCarton, Validate, Cancel); TWarehouseCheckInStateMachine = TStateMachine TWarehouseCheckInTrigger>; FState.Configure(TWarehouseCheckInState.New).OnEntry( procedure begin FOrder := ''; FProduct := ''; FScannedBarCode := ''; end ) .Permitif(TWarehouseCheckInTrigger.SetOrder, TWarehouseCheckInState.OrderChecked,IsOrderValid); FState.Configure(TWarehouseCheckInState.OrderChecked).OnExit( procedure begin GetCommandeFournisseur; end).Permitif(TWarehouseCheckInTrigger.SetProduct, TWarehouseCheckInState.ProductChecked,IsProductValid ); FState.Configure(TWarehouseCheckInState.Product...

Quick Question about TInterfacedObject:

Quick Question about TInterfacedObject: if I subclass TInterfacedObject is it necessary to include an interface or it is implicitly assumed the IInterface? So, are these two the same: TmyClass = class (TInterfacedObject) and TmyClass = class (TInterfacedObject, IInterface) Thanks

FreeLibrary freeze the host application after using TTask in DLL.

FreeLibrary freeze the host application after using TTask in DLL. How to solve? Here is my procedure in DLL: procedure Test; begin TTask.Run( procedure begin Sleep(300); end); end; After calling Test in host app, call FreeLibrary will freeze the host app.

I get memleaks and AV's when using FastMM with FMX.

I get memleaks and AV's when using FastMM with FMX. It seems the weakref instance map is released AFTER fastmm is unloaded!? I this a known structural problem with weak links? (seems a bad architecture to me...) System.pas: finalization {$IFDEF WEAKREF} InstHashMap.Finalize; {$ENDIF}

I get memleaks and AV's when using FastMM with FMX. It seems the weakref instance map is released AFTER fastmm is unloaded!? I this a known structural problem with weak links? (seems a bad architecture to me...)

I get memleaks and AV's when using FastMM with FMX. It seems the weakref instance map is released AFTER fastmm is unloaded!? I this a known structural problem with weak links? (seems a bad architecture to me...) System.pas: finalization {$IFDEF WEAKREF} InstHashMap.Finalize; {$ENDIF}

What am I missing here? FMX Anniversary edition.

What am I missing here? FMX Anniversary edition. I placed a Popup menu on a TButton. One of the TMenuItems in the Popup has a submenu TMenuItem. When I run the application and right click on the button, the popup appears as it should. But then when I hover over the the TMenuItem that has a submenu, although the submenu appears, the TMenuItem's OnClick event is not generated. Works in VCL, where I use this event to populate the submenu with, for example, recently opened files. Downloadable sample:

Damned !

Damned ! var Comp : function(const s1, s2: string): Boolean; begin if CheckBox1.Checked then Comp := ContainsText else Comp := AnsiStartsText; why are the parameters in a reverse order !!!

I'm having problems with Delphi 10.2 Berlin Update 2 and tDSRestconnection by receiving tStream from Rest Server ... but not always:

I'm having problems with Delphi 10.2 Berlin Update 2 and tDSRestconnection by receiving tStream from Rest Server ... but not always: function getfilefromserver(vFileId:longint; vFilePassword:string; vDestinationFileName:string):int64; var vData:tStream; vFile:tFileStream; begin result:=0; try vFile:=tFileStream.create(vDestinationFileName, fmCreate); vData:= fClientModule.directfilereceive_byId_v2(vFileId, vFilePassword); vfile.CopyFrom(vdata, 0); result:=vfile.size; finally if assigned(vfile) then begin; vfile:=nil; end; if assigned(vdata) then begin; vdata:=nil; end; end; end; The Problem is, that vDATA is shown sometimes in Debugger as vDATA = () and in that case i get an exception, but most of the time the vdata has properties like .size etc and is working. Is this a bug in newest Delphi or i'm doing someth...


Firemonkey.... in ListView DynamicAppearance im Edit mode, i added a TGlyphButtonObjectAppearance, button type Checkbox. So, i expect that when Listbox in edit mode, when i click on that checkbox, checkbox will turn to checked. but it's not. What i'm doing wrong?

Hi there, this is pure curiosity only; but this compiler behaviour seems odd to me. What do you think?

Hi there, this is pure curiosity only; but this compiler behaviour seems odd to me. What do you think?

'Hello' from FMX TStringGrid, with style (TStyledGrid):

'Hello' from FMX TStringGrid, with style (TStyledGrid): procedure TForm3.StringGrid1EditingDone( Sender: TObject; const ACol, ARow: Integer); begin StringGrid1.Model.EditorMode := False; if StringGrid1.Model.EditorMode then Caption := 'Hello!' else Caption := 'Foo'; end; (see details in a comment.)

Originally shared by David Berneda

Originally shared by David Berneda Also #TeeBI beta 17 released, full sources: Release notes:

The #9 feature of My Top 10 Aurelius Features.

The #9 feature of My Top 10 Aurelius Features. Video: Blog Post:

Originally shared by David Berneda

Originally shared by David Berneda #TeeGrid v0.4 Beta Released ! Full sources included Release notes:

Has anyone experienced a memory leak problem using delegates/implements resource?

Has anyone experienced a memory leak problem using delegates/implements resource? Follows a sample code: Can this be considered a compiler bug? I'm using Delphi XE8 and I'm following data from the post below:

I'm having an issue with Firedac and stored procedures on SQL running on azure since 10.

I'm having an issue with Firedac and stored procedures on SQL running on azure since 10.1.2? I have a service application that processes orders and updates the status, since the latest update I'm getting an error "parameter not found" after x executions of the stored procedure. Anyone having the same issue?

I'm having an issue with Firedac and stored procedures on SQL running on azure since 10.1.2? I have a service application that processes orders and updates the status, since the latest update I'm getting an error "parameter not found" after x executions of the stored procedure.

I'm having an issue with Firedac and stored procedures on SQL running on azure since 10.1.2? I have a service application that processes orders and updates the status, since the latest update I'm getting an error "parameter not found" after x executions of the stored procedure. Anyone having the same issue?

Bummer, a big showstopper with Berlin 10.

Bummer, a big showstopper with Berlin 10.1.2: an object with an indexed property getter crashes the debugger! Please Marco Cantù we need a fix for this! For example the code below and add "t.test.typedstring" to the watchlist gives "Function to be called, TBaseDataRecord.GetStringField, was eliminated by linker" and after continueing: --------------------------- Error --------------------------- Assertion failure: "!e32->evalArgs.evalFCallPending" in ..\win32src\proc32.cpp at line 1830 --------------------------- OK Details >> --------------------------- ... TTestDataRecord = class(TBaseDataRecord) public property Test: TTypedStringField index 0 read GetStringField; end; ... var t: TTestDataRecord; s: string; begin t := TTestDataRecord.Create; s := t.Test.TypedString;

Bummer, a big showstopper with Berlin 10.1.2: an object with an indexed property getter crashes the debugger! Please Marco Cantù we need a fix for this!

Bummer, a big showstopper with Berlin 10.1.2: an object with an indexed property getter crashes the debugger! Please Marco Cantù we need a fix for this! For example the code below and add "t.test.typedstring" to the watchlist gives "Function to be called, TBaseDataRecord.GetStringField, was eliminated by linker" and after continueing: --------------------------- Error --------------------------- Assertion failure: "!e32->evalArgs.evalFCallPending" in ..\win32src\proc32.cpp at line 1830 --------------------------- OK Details >> --------------------------- ... TTestDataRecord = class(TBaseDataRecord) public property Test: TTypedStringField index 0 read GetStringField; end; ... var t: TTestDataRecord; s: string; begin t := TTestDataRecord.Create; s := t.Test.TypedString;

A html document parser and manipulating library by my fellow Chinese people - please resort to Google Translate :) Supports both simple css selectors and XPath.

A html document parser and manipulating library by my fellow Chinese people - please resort to Google Translate :) Supports both simple css selectors and XPath.

Hello guys

Hello guys, FireMonkey fits pretty well for desktop and mobile apps development, now we have wearables and smart tvs, the game has changed, the UI/UX experience on these platforms is pretty unique, although FireMonkey could run on watchOS or tvOS it would not follow the guidelines, I think it is not possible to mimic their controls, for example, watchOS has a very particular UI experience (the GUI elements have a limited API comparated to iOS) and there the guidelines has been taken seriously, the same sense applies to tvOS, but these are unavailable for Delphi. Despite the fact we have only 32-bit macOS support, without access to Storyboard file it would not be possible to enjoy MacBook 2016' TouchBar support without having access to Storyboard file. Without having access to the underlying XCode project it is not possible to enable Application Extensions in Delphi apps for iOS as well. I don't see workaround for the lack of integration with XCode and Storyboard. It would be am...

In Berlin Anniversary, I'm working on a new FMX project for OS X. I have a form with a TTabControl that contains two TTabItems. However, Self.ActiveControl always is the value of one particular component (a TStringGrid) on one of the tabs, even when actually I'm typing into a TEdit box on the other TabItem.

In Berlin Anniversary, I'm working on a new FMX project for OS X. I have a form with a TTabControl that contains two TTabItems. However, Self.ActiveControl always is the value of one particular component (a TStringGrid) on one of the tabs, even when actually I'm typing into a TEdit box on the other TabItem. To simplify the problem, I created a tiny program. However, in this program I have a different problem: regardless of which tab and which component I'm on, Self.ActiveControl is nil! Shouldn't it be the current control that is active? I'm bewildered and not sure what's going on. Sample tiny test program is here: (it uses CodeSite for logging.) As often the case, I'm sure (and hopeful) this is just some careless mistake or misunderstanding on my part. Thanks for any help on this.

Does anyone have experience using the JCL Exception dialog for Delphi?

Does anyone have experience using the JCL Exception dialog for Delphi? I have tried several times but it fails with "...cannot find .dfm". I end up with a .pas file that has TExceptDialog = Class (TTForm). Huh?

Open Tools API Interface, Method and Property Search Tool

Open Tools API Interface, Method and Property Search Tool

Hi, I've created a C to Delphi converter.

Hi, I've created a C to Delphi converter. Because it's been so useful to me that I've decided to share it. It converts C code as-you-type, and it keeps track of where the original and converted code is. For fun, you can even run the result (using DWS). Disclaimer: this is not intended to be a school example on how to build a parser or anything. But it will convert almost anything that you throw at it. You can download an executable from GitHub (under the releases-tab).

Old Quality Central seems dead.

Old Quality Central seems dead. Nick Hodges glitch or...

----------------Help a compulsive hoarder!---------------------

----------------Help a compulsive hoarder!--------------------- I am attempted to clean out my office. I have a number of manuals and other junk that may be of interest this group. If you would like them they are yours for the cost of postage payable through shopify otherwise they will be recycled starting December 18. I will advise you of the cost and payment method before shipping. - Paradox 3.5 with floppies* (approx weight 9 lbs) - Paradox 4.0 with floppies* (approx weight 14lbs) - AutoCad LT with Floppies* (approx weight 2 lbs) - Delphi 5 (approx weight 4 lbs) - Motorola BitSurfr ISDN modem with cables, serial card, & power supply ( approx weight 2 lbs) Museum quality condition! - 400 sheets of HP non-glossy pen plotter paper (approx weight 6 lbs) * Floppies nearly as old as the Dead Sea Scrolls and may not be readable A free surprise item will be included in in each package! Image... 20gb IDE hardrive, or maybe an external Rewritable CD ROM drive, or better yet a TI-55 calcu...

I am looking for ideas on how to have my commercial app send error reports to the mothership.

I am looking for ideas on how to have my commercial app send error reports to the mothership. In the past, I have sent an email via the default email app. But there must be a better way. I need to find a no-cost solution. Anybody want to share their method?
Can someone show me about what this place is all about? ☺

Log in - Embarcadero Technologies

Delphi Generics - Please Improve Compiler and Linker to avoid extreme Bloating compared to C# Based on the discussion during the last few days I decide to create a test sample to compare Delphi C#. see Not that I expect that something will happen to improve but in German we say "Hope is the last to die".
How do I make the CTRL / SHIFT keys being pressed/released change the state (eg., color) of a TLabel under the mouse pointer without relying on the TLabel's mouse event handlers? (VCL, not FMX, in case it matters.)
So the next release is named Godzilla for real. At least they have sense of humor.

I have a situation where, for the first time, I need to create about 100 SQL queries to extract various data items for a report. I've seen lots of apps that have dozens and dozens of TQuery-like components on them that each contain specific queries, and others that have long lists of string const definitions that contain the queries as strings that are loaded into a single, often dynamically created, TQuery-like component. These queries will never need to change unless some program requirement changes.

I have a situation where, for the first time, I need to create about 100 SQL queries to extract various data items for a report. I've seen lots of apps that have dozens and dozens of TQuery-like components on them that each contain specific queries, and others that have long lists of string const definitions that contain the queries as strings that are loaded into a single, often dynamically created, TQuery-like component. These queries will never need to change unless some program requirement changes. Most of these queries will require a date range as parameters, but not many other parameters. Aside from the obvious approach, where you'd create each query and test it in a SQL query manager tool of some sort, then paste it into a query component or put it in a static list that's stuffed into a TStringList or similar, are there any tools or approaches that make it easier to do this and get the queries back into the source code, or as form resources, or something along that l...

I am trying to use the Parallels library to delay the execution of a procedure. My first thought was to use Sleep for the duration I need but it doesn't seem a good idea. Then, I came up with this approach:

I am trying to use the Parallels library to delay the execution of a procedure. My first thought was to use Sleep for the duration I need but it doesn't seem a good idea. Then, I came up with this approach: i:=10000; repeat task:=TTask.Create(procedure begin Sleep(1); end); task.Start; TTask.WaitForAny([task]); until i Listbox1.Items.Add('10 Seconds'); in an effort to make the app responsive but it looks like the behaviour is the same. The app is totally blocked. Does anyone have a procedure to share? or thoughts how to make this happen? Thanks a lot.

Does anyone feel necessary introduce method keyword to live together procedure/function keywords? Or even have functions without return type? These days the distinction between procedure and function nomenclature no longer exist.

Does anyone feel necessary introduce method keyword to live together procedure/function keywords? Or even have functions without return type? These days the distinction between procedure and function nomenclature no longer exist.

Err Embarcadero Technologies, I upgrade to Berlin 10.1.2 the day that it came out. Surely you should know that (since a license check is done)... so why spam me?

Err Embarcadero Technologies, I upgrade to Berlin 10.1.2 the day that it came out. Surely you should know that (since a license check is done)... so why spam me?
Why methods Resume() and Suspend() from TThread are marked as deprecated? Suspended thread is not allowed (not recommended)?

It was mentioned many times that Embt will introduce nullable types into Delphi. I was wondering what it will look like. However, is that really on top of our wishlist? I don't think so. (especially without null-propagation or swift-like nillable) we have Nullable in Spring4D.

It was mentioned many times that Embt will introduce nullable types into Delphi. I was wondering what it will look like. However, is that really on top of our wishlist? I don't think so. (especially without null-propagation or swift-like nillable) we have Nullable in Spring4D. Instead, I would suggest Embt consider introducing standard function *NameOf* and *interface helper* . These two features will fundamentally changes a lot of things with "minimum" cost (In my mind of course).


colleagues I'm trying to make localSQL with FireDAC. Evrithing is OK but select account, sum(amount) mnt from NUMBERLIST group by account leads to "mnt" become string. When I remove "group by" it comes to be float again. Any Ideas? CAST() doesn't help.

I miss AnsiString on Mobile...not only for Internet but for Shaders also.

I miss AnsiString on Mobile...not only for Internet but for Shaders also. // FMX.Context.GLES.pas const GLESHeaderHigh: array [0..24] of byte = (Byte('p'), Byte('r'), Byte('e'), Byte('c'), Byte('i'), Byte('s'), Byte('i'), Byte('o'), Byte('n'), Byte(' '), Byte('h'), Byte('i'), Byte('g'), Byte('h'), Byte('p'), Byte(' '), Byte(' '), Byte(' '), Byte('f'), Byte('l'), Byte('o'), Byte('a'), Byte('t'), Byte(';'), Byte(#13));

Marco Cantù Hello :) I want to use the picture on the "preparing for linux" as my desktop wall paper. Yes, It is a picture with a penguin. Can you share with high resolution images?

Marco Cantù Hello :) I want to use the picture on the "preparing for linux" as my desktop wall paper. Yes, It is a picture with a penguin. Can you share with high resolution images?

Now what is that?

Now what is that? I've created a new package and installed it in the IDE. In the package there are a few units. I added a new one and now the IDE recognised the old ones and suggests the new name. But when I try to compile, it says the unit is not found. Any ideas what is wrong here? Thanks

Generic TList, where T is a dynamic array is not safe to use in Delphi 10 Seattle and Delphi 10.1 Berlin.

Generic TList , where T is a dynamic array is not safe to use in Delphi 10 Seattle and Delphi 10.1 Berlin. See "Crash in TListHelper.DoSetItemDynArray() due to wrong TypeInfo used to clear the old dynamic array" See also "How to work around Delphi 10's bug with TList ?" for more details.

In iOS 10, if TouchID is used and the user has too many attempts (such as using the wrong finger), the OS locks the...

In iOS 10, if TouchID is used and the user has too many attempts (such as using the wrong finger), the OS locks the user out until they enter their PIN. For applications, this means that the canEvaluatePolicy call on the LAContext class will always return False until the user "unlocks" TouchID with their PIN. The problem is being able to detect if this is the reason why the call returns False, which can be done only through examining the Code property on the error parameter in the canEvaluatePolicy call. The docs show that the error parameter is an NSErrorPointer: i.e. a pointer to an NSError, so in Delphi I have the method declared like this: function canEvaluatePolicy(policy: LAPolicy; error: Pointer): Boolean; cdecl; Except that I'm having trouble with how to access the returned error. Simply dereferencing the parameter doesn't work (which I wouldn't expect it to a...

In iOS 10, if TouchID is used and the user has too many attempts (such as using the wrong finger), the OS locks the user out until they enter their PIN. For applications, this means that the canEvaluatePolicy call on the LAContext class will always return False until the user "unlocks" TouchID with their PIN.

In iOS 10, if TouchID is used and the user has too many attempts (such as using the wrong finger), the OS locks the user out until they enter their PIN. For applications, this means that the canEvaluatePolicy call on the LAContext class will always return False until the user "unlocks" TouchID with their PIN. The problem is being able to detect if this is the reason why the call returns False, which can be done only through examining the Code property on the error parameter in the canEvaluatePolicy call. The docs show that the error parameter is an NSErrorPointer: i.e. a pointer to an NSError, so in Delphi I have the method declared like this: function canEvaluatePolicy(policy: LAPolicy; error: Pointer): Boolean; cdecl; Except that I'm having trouble with how to access the returned error. Simply dereferencing the parameter doesn't work (which I wouldn't expect it to a...

For some excitement: a Delphi self driving car.

For some excitement: a Delphi self driving car. Originally shared by Kristian Köhntopp Debugging as usual...
Does Delphi installer install OpenSSL dll's?

Anyone written, or thinking of writing, implementations of the Google Cloud Platform APIs in Delphi?

Anyone written, or thinking of writing, implementations of the Google Cloud Platform APIs in Delphi?

Dear diary

Dear diary, today I learned that it is better to use ifndef rather than ifdef if I want the IDE to keep working properly. I had a uses clause with an ifdef to include some units only from a specific delphi version and higher. But the project manager never showed these units. Also when putting classes or methods inside of some ifdef the class completion and navigating between declaration/implementation was not working. This is probably because the IDE does not parse the include file where these defines are specified in and thus ignores the code inside the ifdef. However when using the ifndef since the compiler does not see the define it includes the code.

The code state of an exiting Delphi based product.

The code state of an exiting Delphi based product. With copy-paste lowercase code blocks and of course everybody knows what form21 is for in Granted there is TTabedForm which then uses TabControl1 and TabControl2 for clarity: Originally shared by Delphi Bluetooth LE enabled ultraviolet light sensor embedded in swimwear, connected to app on mobile device. Powered by Delphi and InterBase IBLite. .

New Delphi release model proposed by Marco Cantù. What do you think?

New Delphi release model proposed by Marco Cantù. What do you think?

The new EMBT marketing department certainly caught my attention this time.

The new EMBT marketing department certainly caught my attention this time. Originally shared by Delphi Bluetooth LE enabled ultraviolet light sensor embedded in swimwear, connected to app on mobile device. Powered by Delphi and InterBase IBLite. .

A bit of ravings:

A bit of ravings:

Hello Guys

Hello Guys, I've 3 questions about TListview (Firemonkey) : - TListview is filled via LiveBindings. All my data (coming from a TList ) is there but I cannot select any of them : there is no "highlighted row" and TListview.Item.Selected is always the same... I don't have this problem when running EMB samples. I really don't know how to solves this. - Tlistview search feature is nice but it looks like filtering is only working on text items objects. My listview is set to group items. There is no filtering when typing for example the text displayed on the the "header". Is there any workarround ? - Lets put Livebindings appart... How can I associate an object to an added item ? On Vcl you can use Additem and pass a text and an object. This is not the case with the FMX version. Thank you

Blogged - Delphi Language Enhancements

Blogged - Delphi Language Enhancements

Embarcadero Technologies is teaming up with the Association of Software Professionals to bring you Jessica Dewell of Red Direction.

Embarcadero Technologies is teaming up with the Association of Software Professionals to bring you Jessica Dewell  of Red Direction. Embarcadero Technologies Webinar Wed, Dec 14, 2016 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM PST Wed, Dec 14, 2016 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM PST Wed, Dec 14, 2016 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM PST

In the Berlin Update 2 IDE. I'm working on a multi-device app I'm creating.

In the Berlin Update 2 IDE. I'm working on a multi-device app I'm creating. When I add a TPanel to the form, even though my target platform is set to OS X, the IDE adds Vcl.Controls and Vcl.ExtCtrls to the uses. Of course I don't want them in an OS X app. Any suggestions on how to avoid accidentally adding a VCL-only component to a form intended for OS X? Edit: Ohhhh! I just tried adding the form to my application and got the message "Unit "name" is incompatible with the FMX framework used by the project" Yes, this is a VCL form which I stripped all components. How does the IDE determine the "gender" of a form (i.e. whether it's VCL or FMX?)???? I was planning to open VCL forms in this new project and manually redesign them. Sounds like I need to go the "other direction" - create an empty FMX form and then drop in the VCL form's code (removing all the component names from the section above private. And then finally manual...
Firemonkey OSX canvas slow? Maybe "its only me", GlobalUseGPUCanvas is 5x times faster than default canvas. Modest Mac Mini i5 with integrated Intel gpu. Cpu usage goes up 100% vs 10% using gpucanvas, when doing some repaints


Hello, In this sample component What's wrong with MyProperty.MyCollection, the IDE do not provide a Collection Editor for this sub property :/

Hello guys

Hello guys, The Platform Status page is not complete IMHO, the status of support for Android should be more complex than just saying the version that is supported at all. Is not uncommon that new NDK revisions introduce breaking changes disallowing the debugging support or even the SDK. To be able to compile the app successfully, you need to have a perfect and compatible combination of SDK Tools, SDK Platform-tools and SDK Build-tools, upgrading any of these can be harmful and rise problems on building Android apps with Delphi. I think the Platform Status need to provide the Android NDK and Android SDK tools supported along the Android version supported at all, this avoid developers upgrading the development setup and breaking the build. The same applies to iOS, we are at iOS 10.1.1, but the Platform Status just say about the iOS 10, which XCode version is supported it is not informed, which underlying macOS version should be used neithe...

"Be conservative in APIs & langs design: what you're allowing to do today could be less important than what you're preventing to do tomorrow." @Mario Fusco

"Be conservative in APIs & langs design: what you're allowing to do today could be less important than what you're preventing to do tomorrow." @Mario Fusco #MakeDelphiGreatAgain, just kidding :D

I've been following the posts here for some time, and it feels to me like there has been a step change in the number of posts reported Delphi defects in recent time. It feels like the Berlin updates are more buggy than others in recent times.

I've been following the posts here for some time, and it feels to me like there has been a step change in the number of posts reported Delphi defects in recent time. It feels like the Berlin updates are more buggy than others in recent times. I personally am working on XE7 for my day to day work. So, I personally don't have experience on Berlin. What do others out there feel? Is the vibe I am feeling in this group representative of actual product quality? It would be disappointing were that to be the case, given Emba's stated goal of improving quality.


Hello! My google-fu isn't helping. David Berneda is probably the best person to ask to. I want to bind a series to a client dataset in FireMonkey. How do I do it without losing my mind? I am 99% sure it's fairly easy, but I am also sure it's not easy enough to be obvious :) A

Android / Google Keyboard / FMX TEdit

Android / Google Keyboard / FMX TEdit Android application has weird behaviors when working with google's keyboard. Their is a lot of weird behaviors (I guess it must be somehow related with keyboard having "auto completion" feature) So far, here are issues I've noticed : - text duplication - cursor jump to wrong position - line breaks added when hitting VK_Return - wrong characters deleted AND application crash TEdit and TMemo are almost unusable on Android. Ps: I've already applied fixes from RSP-9720 but problem reminds Ps: Marco...

What went wrong here?

What went wrong here?