
Showing posts from January, 2016

Don't know this is possible. If so please tell me how and if not please make it possible in a future delphi version.

Don't know this is possible. If so please tell me how and if not please make it possible in a future delphi version. I have a public procedure Foo ; virtual ; abstract on a base class and a lot derived classes implementing Foo. I want to split the functionality so I get a new public procedure Foo and the protected procedures BeforeFoo; DoFoo; and AfterFoo; I could use the refactor tool to rename Foo to DoFoo and add a new public procedure Foo; Now comes the question : Can I use some refactor tool to move DoFoo to the protected section in all my derived classes so the callers of DoFoo won't compile so I can change the callers to use Foo. update : found some alternative - still have to do it manually - gexperts combined with MMX

Originally shared by Ivan Revelli

Originally shared by Ivan Revelli Tha Haversine formula for Firebird Sql. Calculate the distance between two WGS84 points (Latitude & Longitue).

Adding a new ShortCut to the Delphi IDE is not too difficult because the Open Tools API provides a service for this. I am trying something apparently more complex: Add a Wordstar like additional ShortCut:

Adding a new ShortCut to the Delphi IDE is not too difficult because the Open Tools API provides a service for this. I am trying something apparently more complex: Add a Wordstar like additional ShortCut: I want something to happen when the user presses Shift+Ctrl+H followed by the single key X where X should work regardless of the state of the Shift key.

Microsoft Surface Pen API & Delphi

Microsoft Surface Pen API & Delphi I'd like to access the new capabilities of the new Pen which comes with the Microsoft Surface 4 tablets. Specifically I'd like to know the pen pressure and if the eraser is being used. Has anyone tried to do this using Delphi? So far I have little. - Steve #MicrosoftSurface #MicrosoftPen #Delphi


Hello I am about to start my adventure with FMX and Android applications. So I got a fresh Windows instance, installed trial RAD Studio, connected my Android 4.4.2 device and like people used to say 'so far so good'. And now the 'learning curve' starts. I opened some example, compiled it and got the app running on the device. The problems start to appear when I put a TEdit component on the form. And when this TEdit receives the focus - the application stops responding and is closed by Android. Can it be that installed Android SDK - 24.3.3 is not appropriate for the Android 4.4.2 in the device? Forgive me it this question is that trivial and answers are everywhere... brak plus jedynek

Event "Two Days Delphi Extreme" in Recife-PE-Brazil starting now! Thanks to Gnostice for sponsoring and the support of TMS, SourceOddity, FastReports, Devart and TheClubMagazine

Event "Two Days Delphi Extreme" in Recife-PE-Brazil starting now! Thanks to Gnostice for sponsoring and the support of TMS, SourceOddity, FastReports, Devart and TheClubMagazine

Originally shared by

Originally shared by #XtremeDocumentStudio Delphi 2016 R2 released! We are pleased to announce the release of XtremeDocumentStudio Delphi 2016 R2. As planned, this release includes several Word formats rendering enhancements that advance DOCX, DOC and RTF document rendering in VCL and FMX Document Viewer. For the next release we are completing work on the following already planned items: - Refactoring and improvement of general code quality (continuous) - Improved XLSX export from reports. - More Word formats (DOCX, DOC, RTF) rendering improvement under VCL and FMX. - Graphics Patterns rendering support for PDF. For the complete list of enhancements and fixes, please visit: To download the free trial and EXE demos, please visit: Thank you, The Gnostice Team

TFDMemTable - -712. Cannot read [Manager] object.

TFDMemTable - -712. Cannot read [Manager] object. My TFDMemTable component has suddenly stopped working correctly. If It try to Load from File I get the error message: '[FireDAC][Stan]-712. Cannot read [Manager] object.' I thought my libraries got corrupted, so I did a complete reinstall, but I still have the issue. To reproduce: Add a TFDMemTable component; right click and select Load from File; select any of the sample data files (xml) that comes with RAD Studio and viola, error. I'm using Delphi Seattle on Windows 8.1. Any help will be appreciated!!! Regards, Johan
Does anyone know of a decent VCL grid that can be used in virtual mode? I'm aware of the Orpheus one, but it's a bit dated looking.

New feature request :)

New feature request :) Adding REGION for TMenuItem, TAction ...
Why is the FastMM4 development stalled?

Greetings, i have upgraded my windows from 8.

Greetings, i have upgraded my windows from 8.1 to windows 10 and now my rad xe4 is always forced closed. Is there any solution to fix it? Thanks
Greetings, i have upgraded my windows from 8.1 to windows 10 and now my rad xe4 is always forced closed. Is there any solution to fix it? Thanks

Where Do I Get the Latest RAD Studio 10 Seattle Pro Installer?

Where Do I Get the Latest RAD Studio 10 Seattle Pro Installer? I got a new Surface Book earlier this week. So today I sat down to install the latest RAD studio. I went to the maintenance site. I signed in. There was no sign of a suitable download. I went to the main Embarcadero site and looked for a "Customer Log-in" menu item. I couldn't find one. I clicked on a trial download; thinking that I could install and log in to the app. But it wanted to give me a trial of Architect. I eventually found an installer on another machine and copied it over. Unless I'm missing something spectacularly simple, Embarcadero seems to make it overly complicated for paying maintenance customers to download and install the latest version of Delphi or RAD Studio. What I'd like would be a single log-in which has a "Customer Download" section where I can access all the versions I have paid for. Is that too much to ask for?

Compiling GExperts while the DLL is loaded in the IDE

Compiling GExperts while the DLL is loaded in the IDE If you have tried to work on GExperts (or any other DLL-based Delphi IDE expert) you have probably encountered this annoyance: Of course you want GExperts to be active in your IDE so you can use its features. But if you then compile it, the output file already exists and is locked because it is opened by the IDE.

Don't install the latest WIndows 10 Build (14251)!

Don't install the latest WIndows 10 Build (14251)! It provokes a "Product Validation Error" for RAD Studio 10 Seattle. As it is not an official release it could be a Microsoft issue

Hi everybody!

Hi everybody! I am trying to implement a tailable cursor for a capped collection in a MongoDB client using FireDAC MongoDB implementation on DX. How can I declare a cursor tailable and how can I connect to the events fired from this cursor? Thank you in advance for your help. Best, Christian

Hi All

Hi All, As i converted code from Delphi 2007 to Delphi XE8. My TWideMemoField of TWWDBGRID compoenent showing "(Memo)" word rather than actual text, In previous version it was showing me actual text. I have changed nothing in this Application. Any idea on above issue ?

Blog post "Editing Delphi Code on a Mac" at -- Really interested in feedback, corrections, impressions and the overall usefulness of an "official" effort in this direction.

Blog post "Editing Delphi Code on a Mac" at -- Really interested in feedback, corrections, impressions and the overall usefulness of an "official" effort in this direction.

bad news from parse

bad news from parse we used it a lot, just for temp storage between mobile app and customers local server.... kinvey is the natural alternative, but is more expansive. any idea?

This Inter-process and network messaging lib seems to be very useful, well-documented and backed by a professional German company. Please head to the 'Get Started' section, it's much compelling than its homepage or github project page.

This Inter-process and network messaging lib seems to be very useful, well-documented and backed by a professional German company. Please head to the 'Get Started' section, it's much compelling than its homepage or github project page.

Latest component coming along nicely... Should have it finished later today :-)

Latest component coming along nicely... Should have it finished later today :-)


Hi Is there any Delphi SDK, Source or tutorial for building  File System Filter Driver for Windows Regards

I don't know if it is a bug (yes of course it is a bug) or maybe a feature to have helpers for generic types through...

I don't know if it is a bug (yes of course it is a bug) or maybe a feature to have helpers for generic types through a backdoor. Given: unit Unit1; interface type Foo = record Value: T; end; type FooInteger = Foo ; HelperForFooInteger = record helper for FooInteger function Multiply( const AValue: Integer ): Integer; end; type FooSingle = Foo ; HelperForFooSingle = record helper for FooSingle function Multiply( const AValue: Single ): Single; end; implementation { HelperForFooInteger } function HelperForFooInteger.Multiply( const AValue: Integer ): Integer; begin WriteLn( 'HelperForFooInteger.Multiply' ); Result := Self.Value * AValue; end; { HelperForFooSingle } function HelperForFooSingle.Multiply( const AValue: Single ): Single; begin WriteLn( 'HelperForFooSingle.Multiply' ); Result := Self.Value * AValue; end; end. What do you expect from this code? var fooInt : Foo ; begin fooInt.Value := 5; WriteLn( fooInt.Multiply(...

I don't know if it is a bug (yes of course it is a bug) or maybe a feature to have helpers for generic types through a backdoor.

I don't know if it is a bug (yes of course it is a bug) or maybe a feature to have helpers for generic types through a backdoor. Given: unit Unit1; interface type Foo = record Value: T; end; type FooInteger = Foo ; HelperForFooInteger = record helper for FooInteger function Multiply( const AValue: Integer ): Integer; end; type FooSingle = Foo ; HelperForFooSingle = record helper for FooSingle function Multiply( const AValue: Single ): Single; end; implementation { HelperForFooInteger } function HelperForFooInteger.Multiply( const AValue: Integer ): Integer; begin WriteLn( 'HelperForFooInteger.Multiply' ); Result := Self.Value * AValue; end; { HelperForFooSingle } function HelperForFooSingle.Multiply( const AValue: Single ): Single; begin WriteLn( 'HelperForFooSingle.Multiply' ); Result := Self.Value * AValue; end; end. What do you expect from this code? var fooInt : Foo ; begin fooInt.Value := 5; WriteLn( fooInt.Multiply(...

Please vote for.

Please vote for.

I remember one place I worked where the really important dialogs required the user to type "confirm" before proceeding. Creative solution.

I remember one place I worked where the really important dialogs required the user to type "confirm" before proceeding. Creative solution.

Hi everyone........ can i ask u??

Hi everyone........ can i ask u?? I want to know that.. how to create location app...?? but only for some location... Example : In Alphabeth (location).. its including a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j (places). please sir...

Trying to figure out how to open a PDF document with from within a Delphi app. I was thinking this would do it but no go.

Trying to figure out how to open a PDF document with from within a Delphi app. I was thinking this would do it but no go.  ShellExecute(Handle,'open','c:\docs\test.pdf',nil,nil,SW_SHOWNORMAL) ;

Looking for permanent / full-time, senior Delphi developer (XE) to join growing team in Colorado. Additional experience working in .NET and Firebird/Interbase platforms are desired.

Looking for permanent / full-time, senior Delphi developer (XE) to join growing team in Colorado.   Additional experience working in .NET and Firebird/Interbase platforms are desired.

Originally shared by David Berneda

Originally shared by David Berneda TeeBI Beta 7 released, including full source code ! Release notes:

Delphi get's a positive mention - for once.

Delphi get's a positive mention - for once.

I've added some comments to a quality report with regards to the mobile camera in FMX. (RSP-11625)

I've added some comments to a quality report with regards to the mobile camera in FMX. (RSP-11625) I've provided a demo in the comments of this report but want to ask if anyone else is experiencing issues. Basically, if I switch on the camera, then take a photo, on returning to the camera the frame rate has dropped massively. I can't find out what is causing this issue. If anyone else can test this, I'd be interested in your findings. I'm using Seatle Upd1 and testing on a 64bit iPod and Android phone devices.

Hi! someone used "customFormat" in livebindings?

Hi! someone used "customFormat" in livebindings? i suppose everyday! I need to access to another field value, just to concat some strings : well, should be easy... but can't make it works as i want :( i tried in linkcontroltofield , linked to edit.text , writing something like Owner.OTHERFIELD.Text + " x " + %s or other syntax as i read in delphi guide ( ) bur result is always "0" or empty string. same issue in linkLISTcontroltofield using fillexpression property. i can't read other field value :( my source is a prototypebindsource , with runtime BindSourceAdapter. can be this source of my problem? thanks

Remember this installer from Delphi 1?

Remember this installer from Delphi 1?

As to just make the voice of +Daniel Jackson somewhat louder

As to just make the voice of +Daniel Jackson somewhat louder

Feb 18, will be 3 years since I started my current job.. Vested!!!! (profit sharing)

Feb 18, will be 3 years since I started my current job.. Vested!!!! (profit sharing) Also, we get Feb 15 (Presidents Day) as a holiday, since we won't be getting an extra day before Christmas (since it falls on a Saturday this year, so we get the Friday off). Sweet.

Received just today.

Received just today.

Is there a way to pass sets into test cases using attributes?

Is there a way to pass sets into test cases using attributes? Here's the correspondig SO-question Cheers & thanks

Hello guys

Hello guys, Does the Delphi compilers implement/use "Loop Unrolling" optimization? Or is it no longer necessary these days? Thanks a lot :D


ASK When I try design demo from I got Error Style := TStyleManager.LoadFromResource(HInstance, 'Jet', RT_RCDATA); [DCC Error] uMain.pas(150): E2003 Undeclared identifier: 'LoadFromResource' Tested in Delphi Seattle 10 in Delphi XE7 it oke. Why ? TIA

Hi all

Hi all, I have some hard times with Frames having event handler. My frame is really basic : - 1 Datasource - 1 Query - 1 grid - 1 datetimepicker - 1 combobox - 1 button Button has an OnClick handler.In this handler, I'm setting some query parameter and finally opening it to display data : procedure TfrPicpic.btEvenementClick(Sender: TObject); begin grid.BeginUpdate; TimeLine.BeginUpdate; try Query.Close; query.ParamByName('Date').AsDate := DateTime.Date; query.ParamByName('Id').AsInteger := Combobox.ItemIndex + 1; query.Open; finally grid.endUpdate; TimeLine.endUpdate; try end; I've so far too issue : - I'm not able to change my DateTimePicker.Date value after creating my frame - Code inside the button handler doesn't correctly read properties from combobox and datetimepicker. Looks like values are taken from my frame designed in the IDE. Is there an easy way to overcome this ? Should I associate my button handler at runtime ...

PostgresDAC 3.1.0 meets PostgreSQL 9.5! #postgresql #dac

PostgresDAC 3.1.0 meets PostgreSQL 9.5! #postgresql #dac

I'm going through a Ruby on Rails tutorial, and in that context I learned how to set up something called "Guard".

I'm going through a Ruby on Rails tutorial, and in that context I learned how to set up something called "Guard". Guard is a background process that, once started, will automatically run unit tests whenever I save changes to a file. It will also only run the unit tests associated with that one file. Is there a analog to this in Delphi, because this is really nice. There's a flash report that pops up in the upper right corner of the screen, and after a few seconds it fades away. No interference, and no need to manually run the unit tests.

Hi All

Hi All I am experimenting with adding a custom view for my cell phone to D10.  Can someone explain to me how the form size in the ide compares to the actual screen size. My phone has a 480x800 screen with 207ppi.  I setup a view with these settings but the relative positions of the controls in the ide do not correspond with the positions on the actual device. I found that a form size of 320x507 in ide is closer to the the actual device screen size.   Can someone assist me or give me a link that explains this. Thanks
Cara belajar delphi biar lebih cepat gimna ya?

Hi everyone

Hi everyone Is it possible to load an msword document (and edit/save it) from/to a memorystream in a Delphi application. Regards.

Just rebuilt my dev VM with Windows 10 and decided to re-install the old versions as well as D10 Seattle... I don't really need all of these old versions, but it seems kinda geeky-cool to have them all on one machine for some reason. I didn't try very hard to get D2 installed, and I think my discs for D2006 are in a drawer at work that I'll look for to help complete the collection.

Just rebuilt my dev VM with Windows 10 and decided to re-install the old versions as well as D10 Seattle... I don't really need all of these old versions, but it seems kinda geeky-cool to have them all on one machine for some reason.  I didn't try very hard to get D2 installed, and I think my discs for D2006 are in a drawer at work that I'll look for to help complete the collection.

Hey guys

Hey guys, What do you suggest to first steps at FireMonkey mobile development? I am a noob at FireMonkey and I would love to see suggestions about how to learn it :D Thanks in advance.

We have released a beta-5 of Smart Mobile Studio 2.2

We have released a beta-5 of Smart Mobile Studio 2.2 Unless some serious problems are found, this beta will be later promoted to a release candidate.

Originally shared by Max Kleiner

Originally shared by Max Kleiner very well baseline for further studys

Few weeks ago I posted a Delphi developer job opportunity and got many likes and responses... for those willing to know more about Brazil+Delphi...

Few weeks ago I posted a Delphi developer job opportunity and got many likes and responses... for those willing to know more about Brazil+Delphi... At the end of 2015 I received an email from Jim McKeeth, Lead Developer Evangelist and responsible for the MVP worldwide program at Embarcadero, requesting to interview me for a podcast post. In this video PodCast I talk about Delphi, my work with Delphi, software market in Brazil and much more! Enjoy!
I want to provide some feedback to users while they are waiting for a background process (not database related) to update the current screen. The process can take 4 or 5 seconds and I would like to have a spinning cursor, blinking text, or some type of progress indicator while they wait. What is recommended and available in Delphi? Thanks!

Found in the loft. Who remembers these?

Found in the loft. Who remembers these?

Hi everyone

Hi everyone Is there any Delphi interface for the microsoft's dll ramdrive.dll? Regards

Manifest horror continues...

Manifest horror continues... Do I need different manifest files for 32 and 64 bit? I saw some with processorArchitecture="x86" and "amd64" and "*".

Hey guys

Hey guys, Does anyone run a list with Delphi built mobile applications published to public stores (Play Store, App Store)? Thanks a lot :D

New update of Almondo Dillo App made with Delphi for iOS and Android

New update of Almondo Dillo App made with Delphi for iOS and Android
The beginning of the end. I've used Delphi since Delphi 1. Actually used turbo Pascal before that. This week at work we got the order, from up high, "no more new development" with Delphi. So some maintenance for a while, but that's it. Been good while it lasted. :(

New year, new Post!

New year, new Post!

Quick shout to Primož Gabrijelčič: did you ever update GpStructuredStorage? Does it work with FireMonkey?

Quick shout to Primož Gabrijelčič: did you ever update GpStructuredStorage? Does it work with FireMonkey? Thanks! A

New TJSONDataset and TCRUDDataset components for Delphi (BETA)

New TJSONDataset and TCRUDDataset components for Delphi (BETA)

Abbrevia 3.04 ( Delphi 5 ) and TZip ( Delphi 10 Seattle ):

Abbrevia 3.04 ( Delphi 5 ) and TZip ( Delphi 10 Seattle ): Guys I am trying to create an application that compresses with the TAbZipper component ( Abbrevia 3.04 in Delphi 5 Ent. ). The resultant Zip file is then shoved into a Blob field on a SQL Server table. Then I need to have a corresponding application that uses TZip in Delphi 10 Seattle to extract the Blob and then extract the single file that is inside the Zip. My Delphi 10 application fails at the point of the Zip extraction. I thought ( naively maybe ) that these 2 components would be compatible with each other as they both report to be PKZip compatible, but I am guessing it is the compression method. Firstly : Can anyone confirm what the problem actually is ( my debug log report the error simply as : 12:39:21.956, Critical, Exception in RunDatabaseAlerts [Operation aborted], which tells me sweet FA. Secondly : Has anyone had operational experience of Abbrevia 10.0 which is offered in the GetIt package manager and does anyone ...

In case someone needs such a thing:

In case someone needs such a thing:

Originally shared by George “ARGB32” Bakhtadze

Originally shared by George “ARGB32” Bakhtadze I-Pascal 1.0 stable release. * fixed bug with "undeclared identifier" on .ppu unit * improved IFDEF and include handling * performance improve * quick fixes are now context-aware and use template engine * many new quick fixes: add parameter/field/property/method/nested things etc The plugin currently installed 24854 times from official plugins store.

can anyone help with this code, its works on adding 1 attachment by it will not for the life of me add the 2nd or 3rd, etc etc attachments...

can anyone help with this code, its works on adding 1 attachment by it will not for the life of me add the 2nd or 3rd, etc etc attachments... procedure TForm1.domail(Sender: TObject; fromname, fromadd, sub, toadd, thedocdone, theacc: string; body: widestring); const olMailItem = 0; var Outlook: OLEVariant; vmailitem: variant; Attachment: TIdAttachment; savetofol: string; begin try Outlook := GetActiveOleObject('Outlook.Application'); except Outlook := CreateOleObject('Outlook.Application'); end; vmailitem := Outlook.CreateItem(olMailItem); vmailitem.Recipients.Add(toadd); vmailitem.ReplyRecipients.Add(''); vmailitem.Subject := sub; vmailitem.body := 'SENT: ' + formatdatetime('dd mmmm yyyy - hh:nn am/pm', now) + #13#10 + body; vmailitem.ReadReceiptRequested := true; vmailitem.importance := 2; if thedocdone 'NIL' then begin vmailitem.Attachments.Add(thedocdone, 1, 1, 'SBSA_...
Originally shared by Boian Mitov

Our second video shows how easy it is to export reports made with QuickReport to PDF, DOC, PNG, JPEG, etc!

Our second video shows how easy it is to export reports made with QuickReport to PDF, DOC, PNG, JPEG, etc!
Just curious, what do you change after installing Studio? During all these (21!) years, the only thing I change is the editor keyboard settings to "Classic" and uncheck "Persistent selection"

Interesting developments @ TMS

Interesting developments @ TMS

TCustomAttribute and class internal types

TCustomAttribute and class internal types Consider Default = class(TCustomAttribute)   DefaultVal: Integer;   constructor Create(const aVal:Integer); end; TMyBaseClass = class(TObject) public    constructor Create; virtual;  // handles attributes end; // 1 TMyClass = class(TMyBaseClass) public   [Default(5)]   Value: Integer; end; which is ok, versus TMyBaseClass = class(TObject) public    type       Default = class(TCustomAttribute)         DefaultVal: Integer;         constructor Create(const aVal:Integer);       end;    constructor Create; virtual;  // handles attributes end; // 2 TMyClass = class(TMyBaseClass) public   [Default(5)]   W1025 Unsupported language feature: 'custom attribute'   Value: Integer; end; as well as // 3 TMyClass = class(TMyBaseClass) public   [TMyBaseClass.Default(5)]   E2010 Incompatible types: 'TQuerySet' and 'TCustomAttribute'   Value: Integer; end; Question I can understand why //2 is a fail, since internal types have to be qualifi...

Any DataSnap users? I've got a few questions, would like to gently enquire about suitability of it and your real-world experience of it (happy to do by PM if you'd rather). I know nothing about REST, SOAP, DataSnap, EMS and all the rest of it.

Any DataSnap users? I've got a few questions, would like to gently enquire about suitability of it and your real-world experience of it (happy to do by PM if you'd rather). I know nothing about REST, SOAP, DataSnap, EMS and all the rest of it. We're looking to build a desktop and mobile app in FireMonkey (so we can share a lot of business-logic code between them), both platforms reading/writing data securely over the WAN. Further down the line, it's likely that our commercial partners might want 'in' on this data too, with their own clients (likely HTML5) also reading/writing. If we built a DataSnap REST server, I'm right in thinking that can also be used by non-DataSnap clients (ie other websites, mobile apps in HTML5 or Xamarin etc)? The demo videos that I've seen (and perhaps partly understood) all show the server as a Windows executable. But the wizards also offer ISAPI and Apache DLLs - presumably these are Windows-only, and couldn't be used in ...

Hi !

Hi ! I'm trying to build a simple REST application with Delphi 10 Seattle. For this purpose I'm using the FMX framework as I'm targeting multiple platforms (Win + Android). REST services are hosted on a glassfish server. JSON is used for data exchange. Please note that I've have no experience with REST services... Here is the WADL " /> "> ...

Hi everyone

Hi everyone I have a strange problem with my 10Seattle Win32 VCL app on Windows 7. The "Pin to Taskbar" option is missing when my users right-click on the app in the taskbar, nor can then drag the icon to the task bar. It's only affecting my app - they can pin other things ok. Has anyone come across this problem before?

Hi All

Hi All, sorry its again me. We upgraded our apps from Delphi 2007 to XE8. In one of our program in Delphi 2007 we wqas getting ZeroDivideException however for same code we are not getting any exception in XE8 if its execute divide by zero. I tried below things but none is wroking. SetExceptionMask(GetExceptionMask - [exZeroDivide]); SetExceptionMask(GetExceptionMask + [exZeroDivide]); Set8087CW(Default8087CW); And from Tools- > Options -> Embercadero Debugger -> Native OS Exception I tried to active Float by zero divide excpetion. None of above is working. Any help is appriciated.

As we get back to work after the new year holidays... :)

As we get back to work after the new year holidays... :) Originally shared by Gnostice #XtremeDocumentStudio Delphi 2016 R1 released We are pleased to announce the release of XtremeDocumentStudio Delphi 2016 R1. This release includes new GoToPage and ZoomTo standard actions, improved DOCX rendering in VCL and FMX and fixes for several issues with viewing, printing and report export. As we continue to improve the product, for the next release, we are working on the following major items: - Refactoring and improvement of general code quality. - Improved XLSX export from reports. - Word formats (DOCX, DOC, RTF) rendering improvement under VCL and FMX. - Graphics Patterns rendering support for PDF. To download the free trial and EXE demos, please visit: Thank you, The Gnostice Team

Hi all

Hi all, I published the ConTEXT editor. I explained some details in my blog ( ). The original website is here: .

What should the TIniFiles initial state be after defining in a procedure/function?

What should the TIniFiles initial state be after defining in a procedure/function? Shouldn't the value assigned to a Tinifile be nil at the start? When calling this example passing FALSE, the check for not assigned comes up true, yet it isn't. Now if I pass TRUE and manually initialize value to Nil, I'm ok. This is Delphi 10 Seattle Update 1. procedure IniWrite(NilFirst: boolean); var Ini1: tinifile; begin if NilFirst then Ini1:= nil; if not(assigned(Ini1)) then Ini1 := TInifile.Create(IFILE); try Ini1.WriteString('xyz','a','TEST'); finally Ini1.Free; end; end;

What should the TIniFiles initial state be after defining in a procedure/function? Shouldn't the value assigned to a Tinifile be nil at the start?

What should the TIniFiles initial state be after defining in a procedure/function? Shouldn't the value assigned to a Tinifile be nil at the start? When calling this example passing FALSE, the check for not assigned comes up true, yet it isn't. Now if I pass TRUE and manually initialize value to Nil, I'm ok. This is Delphi 10 Seattle Update 1. procedure IniWrite(NilFirst: boolean); var Ini1: tinifile; begin if NilFirst then Ini1:= nil; if not(assigned(Ini1)) then Ini1 := TInifile.Create(IFILE); try Ini1.WriteString('xyz','a','TEST'); finally Ini1.Free; end; end;

Embarcadero. down for anyone else? Typical that the night I want to sit down and read-up on Android & iOS filehandling in FMX, their website is down. That'll teach me to get things done during the day, I guess :-) down for anyone else? Typical that the night I want to sit down and read-up on Android & iOS filehandling in FMX, their website is down. down for anyone else? Typical that the night I want to sit down and read-up on Android & iOS filehandling in FMX, their website is down. That'll teach me to get things done during the day, I guess :-)

opaR (object pascal for R) is a port of R.NET 1.6.5 to Embarcadero Delphi, allowing you to integrate the popular R statistical language into your Delphi apps.

opaR (object pascal for R) is a port of R.NET 1.6.5 to Embarcadero Delphi, allowing you to integrate the popular R statistical language into your Delphi apps.

Just fired up Rad Studio 10 Seattle this morning and got this:

Just fired up Rad Studio 10 Seattle this morning and got this: Tried to re register and got the registration limit error.. Bummer. Now I have to wait a day or so for them to increase the limit

Blog post "Migrating Books Demos to GitHub" at

Blog post "Migrating Books Demos to GitHub" at

HI All

HI All, I am using XE8 delphi. And i use its internal themes. But when i take TLabel on form and set its font color to clBLUE its showing on designtime form but not reflecting at runtime. Could any one go thru this type of error ? any one can help to resolve such issues ? Any help is appriciated.

Hi Rodrigo (reg. Road to Delphi - VCL Style Utils fixes)

Hi Rodrigo (reg. Road to Delphi - VCL Style Utils fixes), Excellent code! Which specific units need to be added to the DPR file of a stock Delphi 10 Seattle VCL application to properly implement the theming fixes? (I'm using the Amakrits theme and the buttons remain highlighted even after de-selection). Best wishes, Steve V Faleiro
Does anyone know how to create and write a SVG file in Delphi XE or Delphi 10 Seattle?

I just added a new Debug Visualizer for viewing TDataSet descendants (currently supports ADODB/FireDac/ClientDataSet) The normal debug visualizer shares data between the end process and Debugger via Evaluate() returning a string... this takes a different approach and exports the dataset to a temporary file via .SaveToFile and then populates a temporary dataset via .LoadFromFile. This is obviously not real nice for huge datasets...but could be useful for others.

I just added a new Debug Visualizer for viewing TDataSet descendants (currently supports ADODB/FireDac/ClientDataSet)  The normal debug visualizer shares data between the end process and Debugger via Evaluate() returning a string... this takes a different approach and exports the dataset to a temporary file via .SaveToFile and then populates a temporary dataset via .LoadFromFile .  This is obviously not real nice for huge datasets...but could be useful for others. #Delphi10Seattle   Suggested today by Tom Field.

RAD Studio Installer Error - Part 2

RAD Studio Installer Error - Part 2 The saga continues. I was given instruction from the support team to launch setup.exe from the install folder of the 10 Seattle Update 1 ISO. I have 333GB available on the C: Drive Now the Embarcadero RAD Studio 10 Seattle InstallAware Wizard says I have Availabe Disk Space:  -1 bytes This is killing me here.

I just got one of those "your contact has a new job" messages from LinkedIn. Apparently Ray Konopka is now working as a developer at Disney.

I just got one of those "your contact has a new job" messages from LinkedIn. Apparently Ray Konopka is now working as a developer at Disney. Did he leave Raize or something? I never heard anything about his status changing.

I just entered a QP asking that the compiler, RTL and IDE version numbers be aligned.

I just entered a QP asking that the compiler, RTL and IDE version numbers be aligned. Currently the one product has several different version numbers. Please vote. This bit me today when I downloaded a third-party project with suffix '230'. It includes some cross-platform FireMonkey support, which is new to the project. So, does '230' refer to XE2 (XE2's Delphi compiler's version, logical because it's the compiler and because it's when FMX was introduced) or Seattle (Seattle's package version, logical because it was a project, and because maybe the project has been recently updated for Seattle - I don't know.) Yes, you read that right: both XE2 and Seattle have the same version numbers for different components. In fact a lot of versions have numbers that are also used for other different versions. (I am surprised there isn't already an entry for this, but if there is my JIRA searching didn...

I just entered a QP asking that the compiler, RTL and IDE version numbers be aligned. Currently the one product has several different version numbers. Please vote.

I just entered a QP asking that the compiler, RTL and IDE version numbers be aligned. Currently the one product has several different version numbers. Please vote. This bit me today when I downloaded a third-party project with suffix '230'. It includes some cross-platform FireMonkey support, which is new to the project. So, does '230' refer to XE2 (XE2's Delphi compiler's version, logical because it's the compiler and because it's when FMX was introduced) or Seattle (Seattle's package version, logical because it was a project, and because maybe the project has been recently updated for Seattle - I don't know.) Yes, you read that right: both XE2 and Seattle have the same version numbers for different components. In fact a lot of versions have numbers that are also used for other different versions. (I am surprised there isn't already an entry for this, but if there is my JIRA searching didn...

Replays are up for the Save State Skill Sprint.

Replays are up for the Save State Skill Sprint.
Has anyone heard if there will be Delphi Developer Days this year?

Originally shared by David Berneda

Originally shared by David Berneda Basic ORM (Object Relational Mapping) functionality is now possible with TeeBI. Next coming beta 7 will enable loading and manipulating custom classes and record structures into TDataItem objects. This means we can use all TeeBI features with our own objects and records, like querying and summarizing, TBIDataset, TBIGrid, TBIChart, machine-learning algorithms, persistence to local disk or remote web access and so on. Fields and/or properties, classes, records, records in records or classes in records, arrays, TList , TCollection etc are supported. Arrays are automatically managed as master-detail TDataItem relationships. Example: type TCustomer=record .... fields and properties... (can be records or classes too) end; var ORM : TTypeProvider ; // generic ORM := TTypeProvider .Create; var Customers : TDataItem; Customers:=TDataItem.Create(ORM); // Fill example: var MyData : Array of TCustomer; MyData[23].Name := 'Acme ...
Just curious; I was wondering if anyone had used the Amazon Web Services components; in particular the SimpleDB and if anyone had got the Cloud Explorer app to work; Or better still has anyone got any simple demos/test harnesses for AWS

New commit (#5329) on Indy SVN trunk by Embarcadero... :)

New commit (#5329) on Indy SVN trunk by Embarcadero... :) //Delphi & CBuilder 10.1 London (BigBen) {$IFDEF VER310} {$DEFINE VCL_LONDON} {$IFDEF CBUILDER} {$DEFINE CBUILDER_LONDON} {$ELSE} {$DEFINE DELPHI_LONDON} {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF LINUX64} {$DEFINE NO_NATIVE_ASM} {$ENDIF} SetSockOpt(Id_SOL_SOCKET, Id_SO_REUSEADDR, LValue); {$IFDEF DCC} {$IFDEF LINUX64} // RLebeau 1/18/2016: Embarcadero's PAServer on Linux64 fails quickly with // "socket in use" errors without this option enabled. PAServer bug? For // now, noone else has complained about problems related to this option, // so let's limit this fix to just Delphi for now. Should we add a // HAS_SO_REUSEPORT define so FPC can use this too? What about adding a // new ReusePort property to configure this separately from ReuseSocket? SetSocketOption(Id_SOL_SOCKET, Id_SO_REUSEPORT, LValue); {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF}
Hi Eric Grange, maybe add a contact form to I was browsing it and an idea came up - "It'll be awesome if we can comment (and vote) right on the website!" And I wanted to share this idea with you but failed to find a contact form :)

RAD Studio Installer Error - Part 1

RAD Studio Installer Error - Part 1 I downloaded the RAD Studio 10 Update 1 ISO and when I try running install_RADStudio.exe I get the following error: '''' is not a valid integer value. Has this happened to anyone? How did you resolve this issue?
How can I run code AFTER a TabControl, Panel, or Groupbox loads? I want to load all the components and then run some code.

Help With Uninstall of Delphi 10 Seattle

Help With Uninstall of Delphi 10 Seattle I did a dumb thing and now I can't figure out how to move forward, please help. I downloaded the Delphi 10 Seattle Update 1 in preparation for doing the upgrade. I went to Program and Features and started the uninstall process for Delphi 10 Seattle. After several files were delete (maybe 200-300) I realized I forgot to check the Library Path and Browsing Path of my current install. So, I hit the "Cancel" button on the Uninstall screen. I fired up Delphi 10 Seattle, checked the Library Path and Browsing Path. I then went back to Program and Features and issued the Uninstall a second time on Delphi 10 Seattle. This time it whizzed right by and was done in a second. I dismissed the dialog box without reading it carefully (dumb mistake). Here is the problem I have: 1. Delphi 10 Seattle does not exist in the list of programs within Program and Features 2. Delphi 10 Seattle is present on my computer and loads when launched from the start...
Is there any new Embarcadero 2016 roadmap?

ksComponents for Firemonkey update released.

ksComponents for Firemonkey update released. - New component TksNetHttpClient with Async GET method - New component TksSpeedButton with badge support - Updated component TksSegmentButtons with badge support - Fixed segmentation fault which occurred on high res Android devices - Fixed issue with TksTableView search filtering - other minor fixes and updates TksTabControl and TksPassCode are taking a little longer to complete so will be added later in the week.


Hello, i have this database: i want a Delphi SQL code that can group each product with its total quantity count according to gives date. example: retrieve the count of all products with gives date from date1 ..date2

Ok guys, hopefully someone can help me as this is driving me crazy here! I've spent 2 hours trying to find why my properties aren't showing up in the object inspector but I'm completely stuck.

Ok guys, hopefully someone can help me as this is driving me crazy here! I've spent 2 hours trying to find why my properties aren't showing up in the object inspector but I'm completely stuck. I've written lots of components which is why it's got me completely baffled! I can only think that I'm missing something really obvoius... anyway, I've stripped the component down to the bare code which inherits from a TSpeedButton and adds a "badge" sub-property. I get the "Badge" property in the object inspector with a + symbol next to it to expand the properties, but on clicking it, it does not expand and no properties are shown!? Here's the component code... and I'll attach an image of the object inspector. Any help is appreciated! Delphi Seattle (Firemonkey) ------------------------------ unit ksSpeedButton; interface uses Classes, FMX.StdCtrls, FMX.Graphics; {$IFDEF VER290} {$DEFINE XE8_OR_NEWER} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF VER300} {$DEF...

On global variables and factories...

On global variables and factories... Imagine I have a factory class called TFactory, implementing the interface IFactory. Now, if I wish to use this factory, I need to instantiate it and bind it to a variable in some way or another. There are several ways of doing this: 1) Bind it to a local variable, requiring an additional local variable in all functions using it. 2) Bind it to a global variable. 3) Bind it to a variable in the implementation part of a unit, and expose it by a function GetFactory: IFactory . 4) Make a function GetFactory: IFactory that constructs a TFactory and bind it to Result, thereby handling the destruction of the TFactory without needing to bind it to a local variable. There are probably more ways to do this (such as using a singleton), but the point here is really just to avoid the need to destroy the factory manually, because that would be tedious I'd be loathe to use either option 1 or 2. But there's no functional difference (that I can see) between...

Interesting question on Twitter.

Interesting question on Twitter.

dzDeleteProp 1.0.0 released

dzDeleteProp 1.0.0 released dzDeleteProp is a small tool I just wrote, that deletes configurable properties from all Delphi .dfm files in a given directory and optionally its subdirectories. The reason for such a tool is backwards compatibility to older Delphi versions, e.g. Delphi 6 does not know about ExplicitWidth and ExplicitHeight, which Delphi 2007 and above insist on putting into the .dfm files no matter what.

The Delphi Challenge 2016:

The Delphi Challenge 2016: DPI awareness in Win 7/8/10

Another WinDbg post for Delphi developers: how to handle Delphi exceptions more intelligently in WinDbg.

Another WinDbg post for Delphi developers: how to handle Delphi exceptions more intelligently in WinDbg. Anyone want to take a stab at examining and manipulating Delphi short strings 100% reliably in WinDbg - in particular in comparing them using $scmp?

Hey guys

Hey guys, Is there other way than this if TValue.From (Value).IsEmpty then for checking if a generic type value is nil? Using Rtti slows down the code :( Makes it 3x slower. The generic type T is not constrained. Thanks guys :D

Today vanity caught up with me and I decided to add myself to the list of “major contributors” shown on the GExperts About dialog...

Today vanity caught up with me and I decided to add myself to the list of “major contributors” shown on the GExperts About dialog...


Hello! TMS Aurelius looks really good. Here's the thing: say you have a new project. Instead of fiddling with the database, you simply: 1) Create the classes 2) Mark the details you may need to customise (such as the table name) in the class 3) Use the Automapping attribute for the rest. It is THAT simple. A


Hello! I have already sent a support email to TMS about this, but I an poking ya'll just in case someone's already teared his/her hair apart on this. Host is Win10 x64 + Seattle Upd 1. Project is VCL. So, I am giving a go to TMS Aurelius and it does not create the SQLite file. Adding SQLite3.dll in the "Debug" profile does not seem to fix it. When calling "BuildDatabase" no exception is raised on the model, hence that is probably right as well. Any ideas I can try out? Anything I am missing to say? Thanks! A

You just knew it was coming.....

You just knew it was coming.....


Hello, I'm looking for a good industrial barcode reader. Device must run under Android and must obviously be compatible with Delphi (Seattle). I'm currently working with Honeywell Black 70e devices but this hardware is really slow...

Microsoft Application Certification for Delphi VCL Applications?

Microsoft Application Certification for Delphi VCL Applications? Has anyone gone through the process of getting a Delphi VCL application certified? Was it difficult? Was it worthwhile? - Steve

I have a declaration like this:

I have a declaration like this: procedure RegisterTemplate(const AID: Integer; const AName: string;     const AClass: TClass); My problem is that using such a procedure I can register any class but I want to restrict AClass only to classes which implement a certain interface, ie. IDrawing. How could I achieve that?
Is there any, step by step tutorial form Mormot framework?

I have given a look at WinDev which was pointed out by someone here (can't remember who, maybe Stefan Glienke?).

I have given a look at WinDev which was pointed out by someone here (can't remember who, maybe Stefan Glienke?). Ok, so, I envision two main customer types for this: * Business people who don't know any better (there are templates set up so that the DB generation and other things do not matter) * Developers who want a speedy turn-around for their systems It is, essentially, a product for volume of applications rather than quality. At least in the Express version there doesn't seem to be any way to tweak the source code and I am not quite sure how the Android stuff is managed. All in all, it is not a bad product, but it's a far cry from a refined system written in Delphi :) A

I got a request about showing the recent changes from on, however there does not seem to be a public feed... or is there?

I got a request about showing the recent changes from on , however there does not seem to be a public feed... or is there?

I am dying here.

I am dying here. Why can't I get anything to show up in the header of a TVirtualStringTree? Columns at design time won't do it. Nor at run time. Nor owner draw. Nothing will make text appear in the columns. Any thoughts? Demos?

Remode Manager for Android is available at

Remode Manager for Android is available at It is full done with 10Seattle except for an Extrnal jar done in Java, to reuse some old code with some static functions. For other info visit

Am I missing something here? #Seattle VCL

Am I missing something here? #Seattle  VCL I have form2 which inherits  from form1. form1 has font.size = 14. form2 overrides this and sets it to 12. I create form3 which inherits from form2 (using the File/New/Other/Inheritable Items) and form3 is created with font.size = 15. why?

Stefan Glienke deleted his post about parameterless record constructors, presumably due to all the off topic comments. The question was why the Delphi language does not allow parameterless constructors.

Stefan Glienke deleted his post about parameterless record constructors, presumably due to all the off topic comments. The question was why the Delphi language does not allow parameterless constructors. Anyway, just before he deleted it I wondered if the answer could be found by looking at .net. I wondered if many of the enhancements to old style records came about due to the .net Delphi compiler trying to map onto .net functionality. Anyway, it turns out that .net at CLR level does allow parameterless constructors on structs. But the C# language bans them: Jon Skeet posted an answer on SO way back in 2008 on this topic: From that answer: ---- The CLR allows value types to have parameterless constructors, but C# doesn't. I believe this is because it would introduce an expectation that the constructor would be called when it wouldn't. For instance, consider this: MyStruct[] foo = new MySt...

If Embarcadero/Idera would hire marketing from PCSoft sales would skyrocket (

If Embarcadero/Idera would hire marketing from PCSoft sales would skyrocket ( ) #notbeingserious

Fiddling with anonymous methods.

Fiddling with anonymous methods. This recently filed issue ( ) and my not yet confirmed guess made me think. Why can't the compiler do the following for cases where no variable capturing is required (which is the case for standalone routines or even stateless anonymous methods - for instance methods it secretly captures Self so it can call the method on the correct instance): The stuff within the region would need to be compiler generated. program anonymous_method_routine; {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} uses   SysUtils; procedure MyHandler; begin   Writeln('foo'); end; {$REGION 'VTable stuff'} function NopAddref(inst: Pointer): Integer; stdcall; begin   Result := -1; end; function NopRelease(inst: Pointer): Integer; stdcall; begin   Result := -1; end; function NopQueryInterface(inst: Pointer; const IID: TGUID; out Obj): HResult; stdcall; begin   Result := E_NOINTERFACE; end; const   MyHandler_Vtable: array[0..3] of Pointer =   ...

Looking for a replacement for the rzCheckListBox.

Looking for a replacement for the rzCheckListBox. I am trying to phase out Raize in favour of the cx controls from DevExpress wherever possible, but the rzCheckListBox does have the option of putting entries in groups with a heading, which is very nice. I can't see a way of doing that with either the cx Controls or the standard ones. Suggestions?

Looking for a replacement for the rzCheckListBox. I am trying to phase out Raize in favour of the cx controls from DevExpress wherever possible, but the rzCheckListBox does have the option of putting entries in groups with a heading, which is very nice. I can't see a way of doing that with either the cx Controls or the standard ones. Suggestions?

Looking for a replacement for the rzCheckListBox. I am trying to phase out Raize in favour of the cx controls from DevExpress wherever possible, but the rzCheckListBox does have the option of putting entries in groups with a heading, which is very nice. I can't see a way of doing that with either the cx Controls or the standard ones. Suggestions?


Hello! Thanks to Oliver Münzberg, I have made some progress. Now, it does serialise as expected, except that if only one slot contains data. all slots are still persisted with empty values. IDEALLY, I would like to only persist cells containing data and not the rest. So, if I have a length of 20 but only index 0 contains data, I would like to persist only index 0. Is this doable at all? Am I missing the point? Thanks! A

is it me or the captcha of quality portal do not work ?

is it me or the captcha of quality portal do not work ?

Using @Gnostice components to export FastReports to PDF and other file format (pt-BR spoken)... Subscribe and we will soon post QuickReport and ReportBuilder demonstrations!

Using @Gnostice components to export FastReports to PDF and other file format (pt-BR spoken)... Subscribe and we will soon post QuickReport and ReportBuilder demonstrations!

Short term roadmap :-)

Short term roadmap :-)

I just saw this interesting SO question - "Build a Compiler Bomb". The goal is to write the smallest source code that produces the largest output EXE, much like a "zip bomb", "XML bomb", etc. (Hi, NSA, I'm sure you're flagging keywords.) There's no Delphi entry! I think that's a terrible thing and good challenge - go!

I just saw this interesting SO question - "Build a Compiler Bomb". The goal is to write the smallest source code that produces the largest output EXE, much like a "zip bomb", "XML bomb", etc. (Hi, NSA, I'm sure you're flagging keywords.) There's no Delphi entry! I think that's a terrible thing and good challenge - go! (I think Delphi isn't vulnerable to several of the techniques used in other languages, which is a really nice thing. But it's a very interesting challenge. I'd accept answers which make the compiler think for minutes or hours at a time, too - there's probably a high correlation between answers and potential new QP reports.)


Hello! X-SuperObject is doing my head in. I can serialise almost everything alright. But I need to serialise an array, too, and this does not seem to work. What is the correct way to have X-SuperObject serialise an array as a nested element of a bigger class? The kind of array I need is in this form: CustomFields:[ 'Term1':'Value1','Term2':'Value2' ] Thanks! A

Follow-up in case anyone is interested: I finally got around to refactoring my "error code" code which I asked for some input on earlier. Instead of calling it IOErrorCode I ended up with OpResult.

Follow-up in case anyone is interested: I finally got around to refactoring my "error code" code which I asked for some input on earlier. Instead of calling it IOErrorCode I ended up with OpResult. I also added a way to make it extensible, so that it wouldn't be tied to platform error codes. I realized I needed this when integrating 3rd-party dependencies (like TLS support). An "OpResult" basically stores an integer representing the error code or similar, and a category[1]. The actual error/result value is relative to the associated category. The category is just a class pointer to a OpResultCategory descendant, which does all the hard work through virtual class functions (yay Delphi). This means OpResult itself is very light-weight, yet I get all the juicy bits of OO. OpResult has a few properties, like "Success" and "Message", as well as equality and inequality operator overloads. As mentioned these all call the category implementation whic...

The Stack Overflow survey is up. There are some questions where you could answer "Delphi" in the Other answer section, eg languages and technology you use (questions 9 and 10), IDE you use (question 22), etc. Last year Delphi barely showed up at all, so if you can take the time to fill this survey out, please do.

The Stack Overflow survey is up. There are some questions where you could answer "Delphi" in the Other answer section, eg languages and technology you use (questions 9 and 10), IDE you use (question 22), etc. Last year Delphi barely showed up at all, so if you can take the time to fill this survey out, please do.

Testing is important. Even when you are using a service (not coding).

Testing is important. Even when you are using a service (not coding). When i tried the survey that David I asked me to do by mail today, at point 12 the intersection is wrong*. * One unique answer per row is correct. But the survey also enforces one unique answer per column at the same time.

Question's updated at the end of the post - Out of curiosity, just noticed the SO job listings and I used each of the language names in the TIOBE index those are positioned below Delphi/Pascal as keywords to search for jobs, I got results for all of them except delphi and MATLAB... update 1: Findings like this made me think that the TIOBE index maybe is not reflecting the actual polarities of the languages...

Question's updated at the end of the post - Out of curiosity, just noticed the SO job listings and I used each of the language names in the TIOBE index those are positioned below Delphi/Pascal as keywords to search for jobs, I got results for all of them except delphi and MATLAB... update 1 : Findings like this made me think that the TIOBE index maybe is not reflecting the actual polarities of the languages...

ANN: Meet the DAC for MySQL 3.0.3-beta with Prepare feature, packages for work with FastReport, improvements and bug fixes!

ANN: Meet the DAC for MySQL 3.0.3-beta with Prepare feature, packages for work with FastReport, improvements and bug fixes!

The rewrite of the generics library in XE8 to reduce code bloat, introduced plenty of bugs.

The rewrite of the generics library in XE8 to reduce code bloat, introduced plenty of bugs. One was recently reported: In an answer at SO, David Heffernan, says that instead of rewriting the generics library this could have been fixed by making a better compiler implementation, as have been done in other compiler languages. Is there a technical reason for not fixing the generics implementation in the Delphi compiler?
Originally shared by Boian Mitov

I wish Assert would be inlined properly - that would be so useful.

I wish Assert would be inlined properly -  that would be so useful. Example: program Project1; {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} uses   SysUtils; procedure EnsureAssigned(obj: TObject; const name: string); inline; begin   Assert(Assigned(obj), 'Parameter "' + name + ' was nil'); end; var   i: Integer;   o: TObject; begin //  Assert(Assigned(o)); //  Assert(Assigned(o), 'Parameter "o" was nil');   EnsureAssigned(o, 'o'); end. Let's assume I want to do some parameter validation using Assert (because I can turn that off for release builds by compiler switch). But there is only a boolean and an optional message I can pass. That requires putting the actual check (in this case Assigned but you can think of any other condition as well) and an optional message there to get a better error message than just "Assertion failure ( , line )". If I run the code with the first two Asserts I get the correct line of code and unit. However when I use the Ensu...
With the last Windows 10 update we finally get decent edit environment variable dialog. Better late than never :/.

Fellow Delphi developers

Fellow Delphi developers, This is with great pleasure that we announce the immediate availability of HelpNDoc 4.9, an easy to use yet powerful help authoring tool producing CHM help files, HTML or mobile WebSites, DocX and PDF manuals, ePub and Kindle eBooks as well as Qt Help files from a single source. HelpNDoc is Free for personal use and evaluation purposes and is available at: HelpNDoc 4.9 provides many new features and enhancements including the possibility to create cross-plaform Qt Help documentation files, rapidly create Internet hyperlinks and much more. You can learn more about this update at: Download HelpNDoc now and use it for free for personal and evaluation purposes: Follow our step-by-step video guides to learn how to use HelpNDoc: Best regards, John,...

RFC: Communities and Spammer Counter-measures

RFC: Communities and Spammer Counter-measures Do you think it would matter if we changed the communities from "Anyone can join" to "Anyone can ask to join" to reduce the amount of spam accounts and spam posts in the Delphi communities? Option 1: Anyone can ask to join (mod approval) We change to requiring moderator approval of people that want to join, which means a moderator will take a quick glance at the join request and try to figure out if the account is an actual person, or a spammer. Option 2: Anyone can join (as it is today) No change. This means spammer accounts can join. Today, we delete 8-12 porn spam accounts daily for all the communities, and spam posts can occur (typically 2-4 daily in the iOS / Android group). Option 3: Spam? What spam? (I don't care) You are fine with both option 1 and 2.

I don't understand the purpose of the Multi-Platform TStyleBook

I don't understand the purpose of the Multi-Platform TStyleBook Why should I define mutlti-platform styles in a single StyleBook that will be fully loaded in any plateform ?!

Delphi developers reached 6666 members ;-)

Delphi developers reached 6666 members ;-) Next milestone 9999

Looking a bit better now... Components now have their own clothes :-)

Looking a bit better now... Components now have their own clothes :-)

Ok guys, need a bit of help. I'm trying to add icons to my components but can't find any information about how to create the 3 different size icons which Delphi has options for. (by right clicking the component palette and selecting "Properties")

Ok guys, need a bit of help. I'm trying to add icons to my components but can't find any information about how to create the 3 different size icons which Delphi has options for. (by right clicking the component palette and selecting "Properties") Documentation out on the internet seems to be lacking a bit in this area, unless I'm doing something wrong. I've got a standard BITMAP icon added (which I beleive is 24x24) but I also need to add a 16x16 and a 32x32. Thanks in advance for any help on this.

Hey all

Hey all I'm making some refactoring in our app. We have a global variable that I wish to wrap in a singleton. The object is declared as TOurGlobalVar = array[TOurEnum] of TOurRecord; The problem is, I can't really wrap that easily, as records are returned by value. I need a way to return the records by reference , such that I could write OurSingletonGetter[AnEnumValue].FieldName := ANewValue; and also be able to write OurSingletonGetter[AnEnumValueOnStringForm].FieldName := ANewValue; This isn't possible, since the property on the new singleton would return a copy of the record, and thus can't be assigned to, until it is bound to a variable, which is exactly what I wish to avoid. So, my concrete answer is, is it possible to return the TOurRecord type by reference without using pointers?