
Showing posts from May, 2016

Introducing Package Magician.

Introducing Package Magician.

What’s wrong with virtual methods called through an interface.

What’s wrong with virtual methods called through an interface. Or why is it so slow and how to make it faster. Stefan Glienke Something we discussed some time ago :-)

TMS Pack for FireMonkey v3.4 released with new TMSFMXTabSet and TMSFMXPageControl.

TMS Pack for FireMonkey v3.4 released with new TMSFMXTabSet and TMSFMXPageControl. The TMS Pack for FireMonkey is our single-source fully cross platform feature-rich component set for desktop and mobile application development for Windows, Mac OS-X, iOS and Android A trial version can be downloaded at: TMS Pack for FireMonkey is also part of TMS Component Studio for FireMonkey:

TADOStoredProc problem in Delphi 10.1 Berlin ?

TADOStoredProc problem in Delphi 10.1 Berlin ? I think I might have a problem. I am firing a stored procedure on SQL Server 2012 using TADOStoredProc ( proc.Exec ). The original code was written in Delphi 5 and was sat inside a try .. except and when / if the proc failed the exception was handled: try .. proc.ExecProc .. except on e:Exception do begin WriteAndForwardError( format('%s',[e.Message]) ); if adoConnection.InTransaction then adoConnection.RollbackTrans; exec_failed := true; end; end; but now the same code ( ported over with minimal changes ) does not raise an error and I know it should be throwing back a Foreign Key Exception for FK_23. I have tested it on the old code base and same data in D5 causes this exception, but in D10.1 this exception is not happening. Has anyone else seen this behaviour or is it just me

Why I get error? Result is really undefined?

Why I get error? Result is really undefined? In person meeting in Italy, last friday. #Delphi #Berlin

Apparently Delphi 10.1 Berlin no longer supports iOS 7.1, which is a problem for me as a number of my users are still on iPhone 4.

Apparently Delphi 10.1 Berlin no longer supports iOS 7.1, which is a problem for me as a number of my users are still on iPhone 4. I've changed the min version in the linker settings to 7.0, which allows it to install but it terminates before launching the main form without an error (basic app, empty form). I assume this is deliberately coded within the FMX framework somewhere. Does anyone here know how to work around this to get a Berlin app running on iOS 7.1? Thanks!

TInterlocked.Exchange for interfaces?

TInterlocked.Exchange for interfaces? Since there is no System.SyncObjs.TInterlocked.Exchange overload for interfaces (and the Exchange version is stupidly enough constrained to class - thanks copy paste from C# where the class constraint means any reference type!) I was wondering how to properly implement it for IInterface. Is this correct? class function TInterlockedHelper.Exchange(var Target: IInterface;  const Value: IInterface): IInterface; begin  Result := IInterface(Exchange(Pointer(Target), Pointer(Value)));  if Value nil then   Value._AddRef;  if Result nil then   Result._Release; end;

Still broken on Berlin 10.1...

Still broken on Berlin 10.1...

Hi Guys, does #berlin10 has support for ansistring in android-applications out of the box? In #seattle10 i had bytestrings from Andreas Hausladen in use ...

Hi Guys, does #berlin10 has support for ansistring in android-applications out of the box? In #seattle10 i had bytestrings from Andreas Hausladen in use ...

Hello guys

Hello guys, Is there a way to do UI Testing on FireMonkey? I mean something like this or this :D


Hello I have been programming in Delphi and Builder since version 6 (occasionally). I have for some time seen the expansion of C #. And I have a question, basically a few. Is Delphi still worth to program in. there is no free version, and the cost of purchase is quite big (in Poland). – C# I can get for free . lots of components is translate to C#. ok maybe Delphi has more database support. But, stay in Delphi or move to C#.

13 Amazing Component Sets Driving Success In Delphi Berlin On Android And IOS

The IDE Fix Pack 5.95 for RAD Studio 10.1 Berlin is released.

The IDE Fix Pack 5.95 for RAD Studio 10.1 Berlin is released. There is also a IDE Fix Pack 6.0 BETA 3 available for those who want to test the experimental 64 bit compiler performance optimizations.

Thanks to Gerrit Beuze (ModelMaker Tools)

Thanks to Gerrit Beuze (ModelMaker Tools) I'm at moment on a big refactoring of a legacy Delphi program that was developed in the last 25 years starting with BP 7 or so. What i can say now (the biggest work is done) that without MMX (Modelmaker Codeexplorer) it had been be a nightmare. I can only tell everybody check it out. In my sight it is one of the best tools ever made for Delphi. And i'm only a customer..

anyone using audits and metrics in Delphi?

anyone using audits and metrics in Delphi? I'm in a big refactoring process und this would help to see the problems in the code. the project compiles at moment without any warnings and hints. 1 million lines of code. now try to use the audits and metrics. but it hangs always (Xe7) and Berlin. Is these feature really a enterprise feature?

Thanks Andy!

Thanks Andy!

Is there any Firemonkey specialist here ?

Is there any Firemonkey specialist here ? I just want to change an background color of an item ! I've already check Emb samples but there is nothing about styling listview items. I've also asked on embarcadero forum...

Displaying huge text files

Displaying huge text files Sometimes programmers have to deal with larger than usual text files. Examples are log files or XML dumps of databases. For my tests, I used a dump of the English Wikipedia in XML format. This file is 48 gigabytes in size and as I found out only today contains 789,577,286 lines of text.

I really want to thanks David Millington, Bruno Fierens and all the guys which shared information about plugins development and info about how to extend the IDE.

I really want to thanks David Millington, Bruno Fierens and all the guys which shared information about plugins development and info about how to extend the IDE. My first steps in this area wouldn't be successful without your help. Your help and that of the community! For now I use only standart or made by me components and the IDE(Berlin) works fine, fast and really better than my expectations. Also... I want to say something (although sometimes I am too critical for bugs) - according to me this is the best version of Delphi till now. I really really like to work with "Berlin". It is just cool.

Hi. Does anybody have any experiences with Delphi+SOAP +x509 certficate ? Web service needs soap envelope with header like in file here

Hi. Does anybody have any experiences with Delphi+SOAP +x509 certficate ? Web service needs soap envelope with header like in file here How to generate it in delphi ? Here is the wsdl

Can someone help to understand the advantage, if any, when using CreateAnonymousThread or Task?

Can someone help to understand the advantage, if any, when using CreateAnonymousThread or Task? Can be my impression only, but Task seems to be slow?

The Delphi-event-bus library (publish/subscribe Event Bus framework) by spinettaro deserves more popularity - it's thread-safe, it's simple yet flexible (I meant it), and supports async messaging. From what I know, I can say it's the only one of its kind that supports all the above mentioned features.

The Delphi-event-bus library (publish/subscribe Event Bus framework) by spinettaro deserves more popularity - it's thread-safe, it's simple yet flexible (I meant it), and supports async messaging. From what I know, I can say it's the only one of its kind that supports all the above mentioned features.

About MSBuild, rsvars.bat and BDSCOMMONDIR

About MSBuild, rsvars.bat and BDSCOMMONDIR

There seems to be a natural tendency to post about bad experiences and problems with new Delphi versions so I thought it'd be nice to post about my successful journey into #10.1berlin.

There seems to be a natural tendency to post about bad experiences and problems with new Delphi versions so I thought it'd be nice to post about my successful journey into #10.1berlin. I have a mobile app which contains most of the standard features such as ads, inapp purchases, REST services etc which was originally written in XE5. Since then I've been able to install the new Delphi versions, load in my project and run without any major issues. I was happy and my users benefited from the new features and on the whole it was good! Sadly this came to an end with the unstable mess that was 10Seattle... I recreated my project, rewrote bits according to the "new ways" as declared by EMB and yet the built apps crashed without warning, were slow and just painful. I remained stuck on XE8, patching to keep it working on the latest devices and iOS versions. Thanks to the amazing quality initiative at EMB, 10.1 Berlin is epic! I've just finished the testing cycle of my app ...

I have just uploaded a first beta of Package Magician, a plugin to handle project specific packages inside the IDE. If anyone is interested trying it out please join this Google Space:

I have just uploaded a first beta of Package Magician, a plugin to handle project specific packages inside the IDE. If anyone is interested trying it out please join this Google Space:

Did a minimal installation Delphi 10.1 Berlin and added features afterwards.

Did a minimal installation Delphi 10.1 Berlin and added features afterwards. Now I found 15 GB of packages in $(BDSCatalogRepositoryAllUsers). What for are they left and why not removed after installation ? I have another installation where this folder does not exist although it is a full install.

Hello Folks, I just uploaded a new version of the Delphi IDE Colorizer (DIC) plugin with support for RAD Studio 10.1 Berlin. For more info check the blog post

Hello Folks, I just uploaded a new version of the Delphi IDE Colorizer (DIC) plugin with support for RAD Studio 10.1 Berlin. For more info check the blog post

Tutorial on how to setup a transition viewer with FirePower controls. You can transition images or records. It supports over 20 transition types and can display more than one record at a time.

Tutorial on how to setup a transition viewer with FirePower controls. You can transition images or records. It supports over 20 transition types and can display more than one record at a time.

I've been working on a simple Firemonkey app in Berlin 10.1 to load an image from a web service using IdHttp.Get() into a memory stream and then loading that into the a TBitmap. It works great on iOS and Windows but on Android it seems to fail on img.LoadFromStream().

I've been working on a simple Firemonkey app in Berlin 10.1 to load an image from a web service using IdHttp.Get() into a memory stream and then loading that into the a TBitmap. It works great on iOS and Windows but on Android it seems to fail on img.LoadFromStream(). It isn't raising an error, it's just not going any further but that might be a debugger issue (I've had a few with Berlin). Does anyone know of problems doing this on Android or is there something I'm not setting/converting/encoding properly? Thanks The code is: task:=TTask.Create( procedure () var ms: TMemoryStream; png: FMX.Graphics.TBitmap; http: TIdHttp; begin png:=nil; http:=TIdHTTP.Create(nil); ms:=TMemoryStream.Create; try try ms.Clear; http.Get(url, ms); ms.Position:=0; png:=TBitmap.Create; png.LoadFromStream(ms); if fBannerImage = nil then fBannerImage:=...

After spend a full day trying to build a open project on BERLIN, and fail every time with cpu going to 100%, im...

After spend a full day trying to build a open project on BERLIN, and fail every time with cpu going to 100%, im coming back to Seattle. Same projects just works on Seattle. No delay, no problems, not HIGH CPU usage. As Nick Hodges says, we hope have a IDE FIX pack soon. Nobody will pay the time i lost testing this, BTW. EMB, please, do the job. If you cannot do the job HIRE someone else, but fix this. In my experience Berlin FAILS on big projects, and based on the past experience will only be fixed with a FIX PACK like Andreas Hausladen produce in the past (like the one Seattle already have). Game over Berlin. Edit: after the release of Andy fix pack and comparing the use for a week I see Berlin work fine. For the records.

After spend a full day trying to build a open project on BERLIN, and fail every time with cpu going to 100%, im coming back to Seattle. Same projects just works on Seattle. No delay, no problems, not HIGH CPU usage.

After spend a full day trying to build a open project on BERLIN, and fail every time with cpu going to 100%, im coming back to Seattle. Same projects just works on Seattle. No delay, no problems, not HIGH CPU usage. As Nick Hodges says, we hope have a IDE FIX pack soon. Nobody will pay the time i lost testing this, BTW. EMB, please, do the job. If you cannot do the job HIRE someone else, but fix this. In my experience Berlin FAILS on big projects, and based on the past experience will only be fixed with a FIX PACK like Andreas Hausladen produce in the past (like the one Seattle already have). Game over Berlin. Edit: after the release of Andy fix pack and comparing the use for a week I see Berlin work fine. For the records.
Can anybody confirm that all the Berlin 10.1 GetIt packages are up to date i.e. not using the packages from Seattle 10.0? Marco Cantu

Hi All

Hi All I am looking for a DB grid that allows drill down and does not cost a fortune.

I use Delphi 10 Seattle

I use Delphi 10 Seattle With android, when i enter in the TEdit at the end of current text and press a letter in keyboard google version 5.0.25, the text is duplicated.(see the video) why? #Delphi   #seattle   #Tedit   #keyboardGoogle

Hi, I have update my ORM Generator.

Hi, I have update my  ORM Generator. Support native type (Integer, String etc) But, I do not know how to control a value when if value is NULL...

Known IDE Packages in Delphi

Known IDE Packages in Delphi Prompted by a comment Jeroen Wiert Pluimers 's Google+ post I had a look at what is actually listed in [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Borland|Codegear|Embarcadero\BDS|Delphi\#.0\Known IDE Packages] and found some interesting entries

Anybody know what happens to DEVRACE (FIB+ developers)? The site is up, the forums are un managed, not new announces or updates. I believe it happens at the moment EMB buy ANYDAC, but not sure. The question is, how is possible a company as this let the users alone in the dark (great game)?

Anybody know what happens to DEVRACE (FIB+ developers)? The site is up, the forums are un managed, not new announces or updates. I believe it happens at the moment EMB buy ANYDAC, but not sure. The question is, how is possible a company as this let the users alone in the dark (great game)? Thanks god they release components with source.

My boss won't let us move to Berlin until there is a FixPack for it. We have a very large app, and the Fixpack literally saves us hours a day.

My boss won't let us move to Berlin until there is a FixPack for it. We have a very large app, and the Fixpack literally saves us hours a day. Andreas Hausladen -- We'd love to have a FixPack for Berlin and going forward. Can we entice you to do it? Would a non-trivial donation help? Can we eliminate any roadblocks or hesitations you may have? As a side note, have you considered becoming an MVP? Sorry to be so forward, but we really can't work without the FixPack.

We're pleased to announce the availability of TMS FNC (Framework Neutral Components) UI Pack v1.1.0.0 with 3 new components!

We're pleased to announce the availability of TMS FNC (Framework Neutral Components) UI Pack v1.1.0.0 with 3 new components! - New: Introducing TTMSFNCTabSet and TTMSFNCPageControl - New: Added database support for TTMSFNCPlanner via the TTMSFNCPlannerDatabaseAdapter For more information visit the product page:

Originally shared by Thomas Mueller (dummzeuch)

Originally shared by Thomas Mueller (dummzeuch) GExperts 1.38 experimental twm 2016-05-26 I made another testrelease including installers. Please report any bugs you may find to this community.

Some news on the "Different Package Versions per Project" issue.

Some news on the "Different Package Versions per Project" issue. Assume we have different packages each containing TMyComp with differences in the available properties. We have a project group with projects A and B. Project A uses version 1, while project B uses version 2 of TMyComp. We are working on project B with a form open containing an instance of TMyComp which has some of the new V2 properties set. We switch to project A, unloading version 2 of the package and loading version 1. The IDE nicely closes the form with the V2 component, but keeps the PAS open. Now switching to design view throws an error regarding those missing properties. Here the only option to keep things intact is to Cancel. Switching back to project B unloads V1 and reloads V2. We can switch safely to design view now and all the properties are as expected. So the only critical point is the reaction to the missing properties dialog. One has to Cancel, otherwise the DFM will be screwed. Would that be acc...

Does this mean that 'WinPhone' OS is dead, and we are left with IOS & Android ?

Does this mean that 'WinPhone' OS is dead, and we are left with IOS & Android ? Any changes in Embarcadero's plans for the Windows Phone format?

Blog post "Faster Compilation for Delphi Win32 Generics in 10.1 Berlin" at

Blog post "Faster Compilation for Delphi Win32 Generics in 10.1 Berlin" at

Lasse Rautiainen has just updated the TBCEditor to version 1.60.

Lasse Rautiainen has just updated the TBCEditor to version 1.60. Adding multi-caret functionality etc. (ps. Not my project)

Hey guys

Hey guys, Is there some way that we can track the most voted new Language Features in Quality Portal? I would love to know the new Language Features likely to come in next releases :D Thanks in advance.

Down the Berlin rabbit hole. Hope there was nothing important beneath Java Development Kit. sigh

Down the Berlin rabbit hole. Hope there was nothing important beneath Java Development Kit. sigh

Why do I get this error at runtime

Why do I get this error at runtime EArgumentOutOfRangeException "String index out of range (-1). Must be >=0 and This happens with a TListview bound to an TDataset ...
hello, please, does somebody have code to extract all geometrical entities from autocad dwg file ?


Hello, I'm trying to convert RGB string like '252,220,222' to a TColor value and use it in my FMX application. I have 2 issues : - 1st one : ''252,220,222'' is a pale rose color and should be converted to $FCDCDE but my function produce something else $F5E7EA ! - 2nd one Clearing an FMX TBimap with this value result in an transparent bitmap : Bitmap.Clear(TAlphaColor($F5E7EA)) function RGBStringToColor(const RGBString: String; const Delimiter: Char = ','): TColor; var RGBStringToConvert: TStringList; begin RGBStringToConvert := TStringList.Create; try RGBStringToConvert.Delimiter := Delimiter; RGBStringToConvert.StrictDelimiter := True; // Requires D2006 or newer. RGBStringToConvert.DelimitedText := RGBString; if RGBStringToConvert.Count = 3 then begin TColorRec(Result).A := $00; TColorRec(Result).R := RGBStringToConvert[0].ToInteger; TColorRec(Result).G := RGBStringToConvert[1].ToInteger; TC...

TDBF 7.01 with Delphi 7

TDBF 7.01 with Delphi 7 Any one managed to get TDBF 7.01 to compile with Delphi 7? I am getting the following error in dbf_prssupp.pas [Error} dbf_prssupp.pas(247): Incompatible types 'Array' and 'Char' Also the same error for lines 321 & 519 It compiles fine in XE4 Possibly something simple for you experts.

PostgresDAC 3.1.3 is released! #postgresql #delphi #cbuilder

PostgresDAC 3.1.3 is released! #postgresql #delphi #cbuilder

Any recommendations for a good 4:3 Android tablet with the obligatory NEON support for Delphi apps?

Any recommendations for a good 4:3 Android tablet with the obligatory NEON support for Delphi apps? Looking for a cheaper device that I can use as a proxy for an iPad when I'm working away from the Macs. Thanks.
Any recommendations for a good 4:3 Android tablet with the obligatory NEON support for Delphi apps? Looking for a cheaper device that I can use as a proxy for an iPad when I'm working away from the Macs. Thanks.

Lies, damn lies, and Error Insight

Lies, damn lies, and Error Insight Is there a cure for these? I was hoping to see these lies gone from Berlin :/


Hello, I have a TListview binded to a Dataset. There is a color field in my dataset that I want to use to either : - fill a TImage with this color - fill the whole item with this color This looks so simple... but I really don't know how to achieve this... BTW I'm using XE10.1 Berlin...

My delphi dies at startup in completely new way (to me)

My delphi dies at startup in completely new way (to me) 1. Socket error 2. Access violation in coreide240.bpl 3. Access violation at the RTL and then puf, gone.
Need help on getting a string result value from delphi created DLL to foxpro... Have used PAnsichar but seems still something missing. Do you have some simple sample code for me to look at? Ive tried using the DLL created in delphi to get result value in a delphi application and seems working fine. I believed its a pointer issue, but having hard time figuring out, maybe you have experienced or have solved this issue? Thanks in advance.

Has anybody worked the sample code for Everspring ST814?

Has anybody worked the sample code for Everspring ST814? Does anyone know how to integrate the z-wave with ip-address and device number? Do I need a separate controller? Thank you for your help.

[SOLVED - sort of: combination of .DSK and AQtime 8.50]

[SOLVED - sort of: combination of .DSK and AQtime 8.50] Oh nice: when I run a second instance of Delphi XE8... Need to narrow down the circumstances further, but does this look familiar to anyone? Especially since the stack-trace below only includes default modules. Narrowing down: - out-of-the-box stuff (Castalia 2015.1, CodeSite Express 5.1.8) active. - GExperts 1.38, ModelMaker 12.1, AQtime 8.50 installed Next check: - Does it happen even when the last closed down Delphi instance had no projects open [50156C99]{rtl220.bpl } System.Classes.TList.IndexOf (Line 4527, "System.Classes.pas" + 1) + $0 [50156CC1]{rtl220.bpl } System.Classes.TList.IndexOfItem (Line 4542, "System.Classes.pas" + 2) + $0 [50156E52]{rtl220.bpl } System.Classes.TList.RemoveItem (Line 4628, "System.Classes.pas" + 1) + $2 [50156E46]{rtl220.bpl } System.Classes.TList.Remove (Line 4623, "System.Classes.pas" + 0) + $2 [224F060A]{dotnetcoreide220.bpl} DotNetDesignerFrameView...
When I try to save a style using Bitmap Style Designer on D10.1, the designer crashes. Does anyone else have the same issue?

Firemonkey question: there are a few styles which use multibitmap images to define areas for each component. It seems I can't figure out how to save that image from the style designer.

Firemonkey question: there are a few styles which use multibitmap images to define areas for each component. It seems I can't figure out how to save that image from the style designer. Does anyone know how this works? TIA

I have a number of folders in the library settings for Win32. Is there a quick way to copy-paste them to other platforms? It's a pain to add each one manually.

I have a number of folders in the library settings for Win32. Is there a quick way to copy-paste them to other platforms? It's a pain to add each one manually. Thanks.

Hi. I have problem with using this wsdl - it also contain documentation

Hi. I have problem with using this wsdl - it also contain documentation I import the wsdl,try to code, but receive error in resp[0] , numernadania is empty (should be sstring of digits) and there is errorcode:/ Looks like something wrong is in addshipment and przesylki attribute of it. Here is my code - btn2Click event Please help
Only me or someone else facing trouble when searching for a string such %name% on the Berlin IDE? Because of % the search cannot be done and claims that I need to begin with +, ? or *... Is there something I can tweak?

Plans for this in Embarcadero ?

Plans for this in Embarcadero ?

I just added support for RAD Studio 10.1 Berlin to the VCL Styles Utils project

I just added support for RAD Studio 10.1 Berlin to the VCL Styles Utils project

how to share URL using Delphi?

how to share URL using Delphi?

Im the only one feeling Delphi 10.

Im the only one feeling Delphi 10.1 IDE slow in extreme? Even one click on Tools option takes 20 seconds sometimes. Im just start using it, coming from delphi XE5 and compared one by one 10.1 is unusable. Please share any tips to speed this thing! Im searching how to disable castalia to start with something. Solved: After a lot of work and investigation i find the problem was some "incompatible option" on dproj file. That opens and work ok until Seattle but ruin berlin every time. I delete dproj file, let Berlin create it and populate all the setup and it works fine now. Still take a 20 seconds to start building but is a minor problem. Thanks to all for the help!

Im the only one feeling Delphi 10.1 IDE slow in extreme? Even one click on Tools option takes 20 seconds sometimes. Im just start using it, coming from delphi XE5 and compared one by one 10.1 is unusable. Please share any tips to speed this thing! Im searching how to disable castalia to start with something.

Im the only one feeling Delphi 10.1 IDE slow in extreme? Even one click on Tools option takes 20 seconds sometimes. Im just start using it, coming from delphi XE5 and compared one by one 10.1 is unusable. Please share any tips to speed this thing! Im searching how to disable castalia to start with something. Solved: After a lot of work and investigation i find the problem was some "incompatible option" on dproj file. That opens and work ok until Seattle but ruin berlin every time. I delete dproj file, let Berlin create it and populate all the setup and it works fine now. Still take a 20 seconds to start building but is a minor problem. Thanks to all for the help!
Did you receive the offer from EMBT? 45% off, all old version holders are eligible, mobile add-on (for Professional) and first year Update Subscription included. Sounds interesting, and the EMBT marketing team is really pushing hard. Will you upgrade? And why?

Okay something is wrong here! (I have XE and XE6 installed on my machine)

Okay something is wrong here! (I have XE and XE6 installed on my machine) Each IDE has 2 content folders in documents. One being in Public Documents, one being in MyUserName Documents. The BDSCommonDir Variable of both IDEs (At Runtime) point to their public folders, my PATH variable has BPL-Folder entries for MyUserName Documents. RSVars.bat of XE points to MyUserName Documents RSVars.bat of XE6 points to Public Documents What happened o.O

Bookmarks bugfix - if you changed the shortcuts to add a bookmark or caret (stack) bookmark and then found the wrong type of bookmark was being added when you pressed the key, this update is for you. Other than that, this release is identical to v1.5.0 - which added some neat stuff, by the way, including syntax highlighted code snippets in the dockable window.

Bookmarks bugfix - if you changed the shortcuts to add a bookmark or caret (stack) bookmark and then found the wrong type of bookmark was being added when you pressed the key, this update is for you. Other than that, this release is identical to v1.5.0 - which added some neat stuff, by the way, including syntax highlighted code snippets in the dockable window.

Originally shared by David Berneda

Originally shared by David Berneda Beta 11 Released with full source code. Download: Release notes:

Originally shared by David Berneda

Originally shared by David Berneda New "Dynamic Filter" class and editor dialog. All tables and fields related (master-detail linked) to any data or query are shown on a tree with their individuals values to check / uncheck the desired ones. This automatically creates a "filter expression" that is applied to the output data. Date-Time values have an special subdialog to choose the range to filter (ie: "Last Month", and / or "Thursdays and Saturdays" etc) Output is refreshed "live" in milliseconds to any control using the data (a BIGrid or BIChart etc). The BIQuery editor includes this Dynamic Filter for a really-visual way to create queries and pivot-tables without sql or code.

Originally shared by David Berneda

Originally shared by David Berneda Big improvements in BIChart control. Support for design-time has been accomplished and its now much more smart in determining what data to choose and how should it be plotted, in a totally automatic way. Of course, every setting can be customized manually or by code. The automatic recognition so far is capable of: -Deciding if the data (tables, subtables, etc) can be plotted using a 3D style (surface, contour etc), Financial (candle), Geographic (world maps) or 2D (XY). -Based on the above, choose the "best" series class (Line, Bar, Point, etc etc) depending on many factors, like number of points, data range, etc. -Determine the best style orientation (horizontal or vertical) -Determine the best data direction (by rows or by columns) -Choose an "stacked" mode automatically (stack, 100%, overlap, self-stack etc) -Choose the "best" columns / fields to use for chart data and axis labels -For 3D, plot values as "XYZ...

If you ever wonder why you get no (or incomplete) RTTI from a control that you inherited from a DevExpress one - then look into where it has the following lines:

If you ever wonder why you get no (or incomplete) RTTI from a control that you inherited from a DevExpress one - then look into where it has the following lines: {$IFNDEF CXTEST} {$WEAKLINKRTTI ON} {$RTTI EXPLICIT METHODS([]) FIELDS([]) PROPERTIES([])} {$ENDIF} Martin Wienold was wondering (and so was I at first) why he could not properly resolve a form from the DI container that inherited from TdxRibbonForm despite writing a public method with [Inject] attribute on it but it was never called. Warning : If you are using DevExpress or any other source code that does this (changing the $RTTI directive) and build these sources together with your application (in contrast to using precompiled dcus or even packages) on a version which causes RTTI to disappear even from units that did not have the $RTTI in them.

FMX disables floating div by zero exception. VCL does not. Is this intended?

FMX disables floating div by zero exception. VCL does not. Is this intended? procedure TForm20.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); var i: Integer; tmp:Single; begin Caption:=Default8087CW.ToString+' '+Get8087CW.ToString; i:=0; tmp:=10/i; end; Some debugging shows this happens at System.Win.InternetExplorer initialization and also at TCustomCanvasD2D.TryCreateDirect3DDevice procedure. FMX sets 8087 control word to $137F, while VCL sets $1372

TSortedDictionary and other enhanced Generics

TSortedDictionary and other enhanced Generics I looked around finding a similar generic as the .NET SortedDictionary. There is a rather old open source area . But of cause I would prefer to use a well maintained standard library being part of the Delphi core shipping. Are there any plans in that direction?

Is there an equivalent for the .NET ManualResetEventSlim in Delphi somewhere that I don't see?

Is there an equivalent for the .NET ManualResetEventSlim in Delphi somewhere that I don't see? I am asking because I wrote something similar a while ago that I needed for my thread based coroutine implementation (for platforms that don't support fibers - i.e anything but Windows).
This is most likely more a question for Marco Cantù but does anyone know what is happening with AppWave? Is it still going, or has something replaced it?

Fascinating talk from Anders Hejlsberg on Modern Compiler Construction:

Fascinating talk from Anders Hejlsberg on Modern Compiler Construction:

Hi all

Hi all I'm having a problem with FMX TListView in Delphi 10.1 when applying styles. It works find when the stylebook is first applied on app launch, but my users have the option of changing to a Dark theme, which switched the TStyleBook on the form. This worked fine in XE 8 but in 10 Seattle and 10.1, it doesn't refresh the TListView background colour, so ends up with white-on-white until the users close the app. I've tried calling NeedStyleLookup and ApplyStyleLookup on the TListView to force it but still nothing. Has anyone else had this problem or know how I can refresh my TListViews after switching stylebook? Thanks!

What is "zoom level" to you?

What is "zoom level" to you? Is there a universal answer to this, which I have ignored? * Would you think that a 2000x2000px image zoomed out to 50% should show 1000x1000? * Or would you consider zoom level to be related to the area, i.e. a 50% zoom would show 1414x1414px view?

I know it's deprecated and frowned on like crazy but I really need TClientSocket installing in my Delphi 10.

I know it's deprecated and frowned on like crazy but I really need TClientSocket installing in my Delphi 10.1 Berlin. Where do I get it from ? Or is it still somewhere in the libraries on my hard disk ?
I know it's deprecated and frowned on like crazy but I really need TClientSocket installing in my Delphi 10.1 Berlin. Where do I get it from ? Or is it still somewhere in the libraries on my hard disk ?

How to make TComparer work with Proc or Pointer?

How to make TComparer work with Proc or Pointer? TComparer .Construct( function(const Left, Right: TProc): Integer begin Result := TComparer .Default.Compare(Integer(@Left), Integer(@Right)); end);

I have an odd bug on FMX that has all the hallmarks of a pointer overrun or something similar, writing pixels to a FMX TBitmap. It only occurs on some machines with a specific OS/hardware combination; I can't reproduce it; I can't reproduce even on the same machine with a test cut-down app; a code inspection shows nothing wrong, compiling with range checking etc is fine, as are bound-checking asserts. My customer is in the process of setting up remote access to the machine it occurs on, but I'd appreciate any "Yeah, you're clearly doing X" kind of help :)

I have an odd bug on FMX that has all the hallmarks of a pointer overrun or something similar, writing pixels to a FMX TBitmap. It only occurs on some machines with a specific OS/hardware combination; I can't reproduce it; I can't reproduce even on the same machine with a test cut-down app; a code inspection shows nothing wrong, compiling with range checking etc is fine, as are bound-checking asserts. My customer is in the process of setting up remote access to the machine it occurs on, but I'd appreciate any "Yeah, you're clearly doing X" kind of help :)

Skillsets required?

Skillsets required? Originally shared by Andreas W Grönlund

Question regarding Berlin's GetIt and VirtualTreeTurboPack...

Question regarding Berlin's GetIt and VirtualTreeTurboPack... The description says"Please insure that VirtualTree 5.5 is not installed before..." Does apply only for Berlin? I have older versions of Delphi with VirtualTree installed.

TRectF.Scale and TRectF.ScaleCentered missing?

TRectF.Scale and TRectF.ScaleCentered missing? I find myself often rescaling TRectF. It's easily done, but I'm surprised that there are no functions for this in TRectF. Did I miss something?

Another day in paradise...

Another day in paradise... So I switched from DisableControls to using BlockReadSize because FireDAC relies on TDataSource for controlling master/detail relationship (which DisableControls then promptly breaks). And today I found that if TClientDataSet has a TBooleanField, that field will not update on scrolling if BlockReadSize is >=1... Integer and string fields have no issue, but the boolean field is not updated. Oh the joys... XE6 FWIW

We just finished creating a set of videos showing how to create master/detail reports in our soon-to-be-released components Report Workshop. Several videos showing how to create two level reports using different ways, and a video showing how to create a complex report (linked to this post).

We just finished creating a set of videos showing how to create master/detail reports in our soon-to-be-released components Report Workshop. Several videos showing how to create two level reports using different ways, and a video showing how to create a complex report (linked to this post). All these videos use SQL (a basic knowledge of SQL, at the level select A from B where C = D group by E, is needed). There are other ways to make master/detail reports (using TDataSetField, or using a relation between data sets established in an application) that are not shown.

I am looking for a FMX component which creates tiles or panels like those you see when you have a big number of images in a folder.

I am looking for a FMX component which creates tiles or panels like those you see when you have a big number of images in a folder. The requirement is to be able to scroll vertically and change the number of columns depending on the width of the window. Does anyone know any such components? Thanks

New VersionScheme is active and a preview of the commandlineinterface

New VersionScheme is active and a preview of the commandlineinterface
Currently seeking a Delphi Programmer/Developer for a Fortune 500 company. They are looking to move from Delphi to Future tech. ex .NET. If you are interested and would like to go over the details please call or email, 248-208-1271

True story of how to make an ORM your best friend when working with #Delphi ‬. Everything you need to know about Delphi #ORM‬ - EntityDAC

True story of how to make an ORM your best friend when working with #Delphi ‬. Everything you need to know about Delphi #ORM‬ - EntityDAC

[Feature Request - New syntax : Declare local variables with value - https://quality.

[Feature Request - New syntax : Declare local variables with value - ] Since we can already do this (for global variables): var Variable: Type = Value; And this : procedure Example; const Symbol: Type = Value; begin // code end; How about this syntax? procedure Example; var Variable: Type = value; begin // code end; This would only initialize the variables that are specifically assigned a starting value. When applied to managed types (string, interface), this syntax can also avoid the otherwise automatic cleaning of the stack, since this syntax already assigns a value to these variables. I would expect an initialization each time the function is called. (In this regard, it's a bit similar to default argument values - ) Dynamic arrays can already be initialized from declaration since XE7, I think it could get expanded to other types as well :D

[Feature Request - New syntax : Declare local variables with value -]

[Feature Request - New syntax : Declare local variables with value - ] Since we can already do this (for global variables): var Variable: Type = Value; And this : procedure Example; const Symbol: Type = Value; begin // code end; How about this syntax? procedure Example; var Variable: Type = value; begin // code end; This would only initialize the variables that are specifically assigned a starting value. When applied to managed types (string, interface), this syntax can also avoid the otherwise automatic cleaning of the stack, since this syntax already assigns a value to these variables. I would expect an initialization each time the function is called. (In this regard, it's a bit similar to default argument values - ) Dynamic arrays can already be initialized from declaration since XE7, I think it could get expanded to other types as well :D

I'm testing the FMX TTabControl of Delphi to see if I can get it to work nicely on Android and iOS. I have a few tabs, which each having a TListView and I'd like to change tabs by swiping sideways in the same way as Android's app store does it.

I'm testing the FMX TTabControl of Delphi to see if I can get it to work nicely on Android and iOS. I have a few tabs, which each having a TListView and I'd like to change tabs by swiping sideways in the same way as Android's app store does it. Apparently you can do that with gestures, but I'm looking for a solution where the user can already see the tab scrolling during the swipe. The effect I'm looking at is the same as if I'd add three TListViews on a TScrollBox. However, all the vertical swipes would scroll the TListView and all the horizontal swipes would go to the TScrollBox. Does anyone know of a tabcontrol, which would already do that or alternatively know how to prevent the sideways scrolling of the TScrollbox when the user has started to scroll the TListView?

I was just looking at TList.Grow (and TStringList.Grow) and I realized that the numbers are a bit odd - is that intentional for some reason?

I was just looking at TList.Grow (and TStringList.Grow) and I realized that the numbers are a bit odd - is that intentional for some reason? When adding 1024 items it grows like this: 4, 8, 12, 28, 44, 60, 76, 95, 118, 147, 183, 228, 285, 356, 445, 556, 695, 868, 1085 When using TList the growing is exponential (as it is the case in the .NET List ): 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024 I know that if you know the count of the items you want to add it is better to preset the capacity - my question however is what implementation of grow would be better as a default? Or are there even better ways like growing in fixed steps based on the current capacity?
Anyone using Delphi MVC Framework i need your help im a newbie in using Delphi MVC how can i post a bulk data as json and how to handle it in a rest server? thanks in advance

I love those special corner cases ...

I love those special corner cases ... (PS: Can someone explain me where this link came in?) procedure TCaretHighlighter.PresentCaretPosition; var lActiveForm : TCommonCustomForm; lCaret : ICaret; lCaretObj : TCustomCaret; lCaretControl: IControl; lCaretPos : TPointF; lCaretSize : TSizeF; lCaretRect : TRectF; begin lActiveForm := Screen.ActiveForm; if true {} and Assigned( lActiveForm ) {} and Assigned( lActiveForm.Focused ) {} and Supports( lActiveForm.Focused, ICaret, lCaret ) then begin lCaretObj := lCaret.GetObject( ); lCaretControl := lCaretObj.Control; // *** ATTENTION *** // Check for special corner cases if lCaretControl.GetObject( ) is TCustomPresentedScrollBox then // the Content is the REAL control of the caret ... lCaretControl := TCustomPresentedScrollBox( lCaretControl.GetObject( ) ).Content; // Caret position relative to form lCaretPos := lActiveForm.ScreenToClient...

I was able to nail down a bug in Code Insight to a very small test case.

I was able to nail down a bug in Code Insight to a very small test case. Seems that static string arrays are no first class citizens any more. Code Insight breaks after static string array declaration

I was able to nail down a bug in Code Insight to a very small test case. Seems that static string arrays are no first class citizens any more.

I was able to nail down a bug in Code Insight to a very small test case. Seems that static string arrays are no first class citizens any more. Code Insight breaks after static string array declaration
Do you use GetIt?

What the what?

What the what? Why would a function retain the value of a previous call to the function? I finally got some old D5 code that operates on Tstringlist members to work in Berlin/Unicode but... It is a non-sorted list. In a for loop, I'm replacing the original string with the result of the function. In debugging when I step into my function the result displays the operated string correctly. After the first element is passed into the function the resulting first stringlist element is an empty string. The next pass into the function shows (before any code execution) show a result already of the previous returned value. After code execution on the second element when attempting to assign the new result I'm getting an AV (read of address) If it makes any difference the function result is AnsiString.

EhLib 8.2 is available for download

EhLib 8.2 is available for download Dear Developers, We are glad to inform that a new version of EhLib software - EhLib 8.2 is available for download. In this version: + Added support of RAD Studio XE10.1 Berlin + New features in SearchPanel of TDBGridEh + SearchPanel in TDBVertGridEh + Fill Right Empty part of TDBGridEh with cells like patterns + Event to customize and draw title cells including SupperTitle in MuliTitile mode. + Painting editor buttons (EditButtons) with a transparent background. See detail information in "About EhLib 8.2 Eng.doc" file of EhLib archive You can download Evaluation version of EhLib archive on EhLib home page:

Originally shared by David Berneda

Originally shared by David Berneda New example uploaded to TeeBI GitHub repository. This test project shows to create and fill TDataItem classes in several different kind of structures, like simple tables, nested tables, table groups, and master-detail relationships.

Blog post "RAD Server Launched, Webinar on Thursday" at

Blog post "RAD Server Launched, Webinar on Thursday" at

Support of the new SVN 1.9.x by Delphi Client Library?

Support of the new SVN 1.9.x by Delphi Client Library? I struggled over the following small problem. We use for our internal workflow the Delphi client library provided as "open source"? ) We use CollabNetSubversion-client-1.8.15-Win32.exe Now we tried to switch our environment to the newest SVN Client (1.9.x) CollabNetSubversion-client-1.9.3-1-Win32.exe But this leads to an AV raised from the SVN dll. Areas where the AV occurs Is there a plan to provide a maintained version of the SVN client code again to the public?

Hello Delphi Developers! I'M HIRING!

Hello Delphi Developers! I'M HIRING! Is anyone open to having a conversation today? My client is located in the metro Detroit area (relocation is paid for if you are out of state) and they are seeking a Sr. Technical Engineer professional. They specifically need this person to be familiar with Delphi and is open to learning new technologies! They are currently migrating Delphi to a .NET framework. Please let me know if this is something you would be open to discussing or have someone in mind that would be interested.

They need to use some freelance Delphi Devs?

They need to use some freelance Delphi Devs?

Houston we probable have a problem...

Houston we probable have a problem... I'm not 100% sure but close enough to be sure. It is about using of the TurboPack components simultaneously in the Berlin and Seattle. Part one - how to... 1. Install and register "Delphi 10.1 Berlin" without uninstall of "Delphi 10 Seattle"; 2. Use "Delphi 10.1 Berlin" - everything is ok; 3. Install the third party components from some folders - no problems; 4. Install something from GetIt - for example VirtualTree(TurboPack); 5. Try to build and after that to run a project from "Delphi 10.1 Berlin" - without problems; 6. Stop the "Delphi 10.1 Berlin" and try to do the same from "Delphi 10 Seattle". Upss... (for me - access violations and... problems); Where is the problem? I think that it is a cumulative. 1. The installation of the "Delphi 10.1 Berlin" added an information in the environment/System variables of the OS: - in the beginning of the values for "Variable=Pa...

Originally shared by Jeroen Wiert Pluimers

Originally shared by Jeroen Wiert Pluimers Since Delphi (XE8) does not adhere the `$(PROJECTNAME)` in a "Unit Output Directory" of `.\$(Platform)\$(Config)\$(PROJECTNAME)` - it makes the DCU files end up in `.\$(Platform)\$(Config)` What is a good strategy for a project-group containing multiple project for: 1. All the EXE ending up in the same directory, but depending on $(Platform) and $(Config) 2. The DCU files all ending up in different directories for each project, but also depending on $(Platform) and $(Config)

Just testing out Google Spaces, trying to figure out how it fits in with everything else. When to use it? What is it for?

Just testing out Google Spaces, trying to figure out how it fits in with everything else. When to use it? What is it for? (working link)

An email account that should only be known to myself and Embarcadero (and I suppose whoever they might share with) is suddenly getting viri laden emails from some folks doing some phishing,.

An email account that should only be known to myself and Embarcadero (and I suppose whoever they might share with) is suddenly getting viri laden emails from some folks doing some phishing,. Our email system (give everyone a custom email account so you can track this sort of thing and turn it off) seems to be a reasonable precursor for predicting news stories about this sort of thing. Adobe to comes to mind. hmmm. So far, the system has held true. Just saying, one might want to consider changing account passwords... I'm sticking up a post it note to remind me to get that done. Just a heads up. I'm not pointing any fingers. But something smells compromised, and I just hope to heck it's not on my side. Joe

Is the Graphics32 project still being maintained, or is there anyone here from it?

Is the Graphics32 project still being maintained, or is there anyone here from it? GR32 is a great library - you probably all know of it. But I'm not sure if it's still maintained. The latest news is from 2012; the latest download is from 2013 (and on Sourceforge!); and I emailed them using the website's contact info a couple of weeks ago to ask about its status and some possible changes, and I've got no reply. The trunk does have changes from March this year, though, so something's going on. So this is one last chance before I fork it to github and add my own stuff :) I'd like to: * Have it on github or bitbucket * Add in some of the third-party units, eg GR32_Lines, that currently exist on various other websites * Formally support new IDEs like Berlin - it just requires updating the .inc file * Put it on GetIt * Figure out what issues or incomplete code there is. I know it's mature library, but browsing the code I've found a few places where there are...

"To VM or not to VM"

"To VM or not to VM" Just upgraded to Berlin, & I'm now pretty sure I'm going to stop using VM's for development work. In the past I had a VM for each version of Delphi & would take snapshots of the VM whenever I reached a major release point. Other than that, I'm struggling to see the benefits of working in a VM. In fact it now seems like using VM's is actually more of a problem than a benefit, i.e. not taking full advantage of my hardware, an extra boot-step, configuration required to access USB (still flaky), network access required to reach backup drives (Windows networking is just yuk), multiple screen support is clunky. My current plan is to install all the Delphi versions I currently need (XE6 & 10.1) side-by-side on my host Windows machine. Anyone got any input as to why this might be a bad idea & why I should stick with VMs? (Obviously you guys on Mac have to use a VM, so that won't count). TIA

A new video about MARS-Curiosity: Authentication and authorization using JWT (JSON Web Tokens)!

A new video about MARS-Curiosity: Authentication and authorization using JWT (JSON Web Tokens)!
I am really annoyed by the flat grey colour theme of win 10 (although I like the OS). Does anyone know how to change it to something nice? The colours in the Personalize setting are bad choice. Thanks.
How do you deal with the library settings when you have a release and a development version of a component? Do you change the library settings all the time depending on whether you're working on the dev version or you're using the released one?

I have just downloaded Berlin and have pulled back in all my component sets; one of which is Abbrevia 10.0.

I have just downloaded Berlin and have pulled back in all my component sets; one of which is Abbrevia 10.0. I have never had any problems with building using Abbrevia until now. I get the following: [dcc64 Error] AbUtils.pas(946): E2003 Undeclared identifier: 'Windows' but I get this over 60 times ! basically Windows should be Winapi.Windows. I have had a look around the code and it's all over the code and not just Windows. Example: unit AbUtils; {$I} interface uses {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} Windows, {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF POSIX} Posix.SysStatvfs, Posix.SysStat, Posix.Utime, Posix.Base, Posix.Unistd, Posix.Fcntl, Posix.SysTypes, {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF POSIX} DateUtils, {$ENDIF} Types, SysUtils, Classes, AbCharset; Has anyone else experienced this? If so, what is going on? and what can I do about it? Please don't suggest that I fix it myself because this should be working already ??

The first thing I have noticed after installing 10.

The first thing I have noticed after installing 10.1 is that the IDE runs a hell of a lot faster ( at least it does for me, I don't know what others are experiencing .... ) I don't know how many bugs, improvements have been done around the IDE, but it is gratefully received; Thanks !!

The first thing I have noticed after installing 10.1 is that the IDE runs a hell of a lot faster ( at least it does for me, I don't know what others are experiencing .... )

The first thing I have noticed after installing 10.1 is that the IDE runs a hell of a lot faster ( at least it does for me, I don't know what others are experiencing .... ) I don't know how many bugs, improvements have been done around the IDE, but it is gratefully received; Thanks !!

How can I use FMX.

How can I use FMX.Filter.TFilter on a TBitmap? I roll my own tile-based canvas painting. If a tile in correct resolution is not yet loaded I'll draw a low res version until the wanted tile is loaded. It would be nice if the blown up low res tile was blurred. FMX can blur a TImage efficiently via the GPU, but I want to do this with a TBitmap.
How can I use FMX.Filter.TFilter on a TBitmap? I roll my own tile-based canvas painting. If a tile in correct resolution is not yet loaded I'll draw a low res version until the wanted tile is loaded. It would be nice if the blown up low res tile was blurred. FMX can blur a TImage efficiently via the GPU, but I want to do this with a TBitmap.
Does anyone know if there is a latest download for the new installer for 10.1 Berlin with all the problems in it fixed ?

Lucky Donkey Race Game Full Source

Lucky Donkey Race Game Full Source source url : google play url :
Originally shared by Boian Mitov

dzDelphiPaths tool

dzDelphiPaths tool Somebody in the German forum Delphi Praxis asked for a tool to display the Delphi library paths. Apparently such a tool didn’t exist yet but it could sometimes come in rather handy, so I wrote it.


Hello, I'm playing with the APK format of a sample "Hello world" Android application. my (first) goal is to be able to rebuild an APK from a unzipped fact a part of it. like: - META-INF/MANIFEST.MF - META-INF/ANDROIDT.SF - META-INF/ANDROIDT.RSA - AndroidManifest.xml - classes.dex - res/drawable/mylogo.png - resources.arsc so I can recreate MANIFEST.MF and ANDROIDT.SF, now I want to create ANDROIDT.RSA from the keystore...this is my actual code: function TKeystore.Sign(const AData: TBytes): TBytes; begin SetLength(RSA, 128); // ?? how to compute the RSA-SHA256 signature ? Result := DER.Chunk($30, OID_PKCS7_SIGN // 1.2.840.113549.1.1.1 +DER.Chunk($A0, DER.Chunk($30, DER_INTEGER_1 +DER.Chunk($31, DER.Chunk($30, OID_SHA256 + DER_NULL) // 2.16.840. ) +DER.Chunk($30, OID_PKCS7_DATA) // 1.2.840.113549.1.7.1 ...

Project Options - Output Directory

Project Options - Output Directory For first time, I finally paid attention to the Project Options of the project I'm working on. I noticed that the Output directory is set to .\$(Platform)\$(Config) This must be the out-of-the-box default setting for D10S. I have found this to be a real pain in the ass when referencing files based on the relative location of the exe. I just realized that setting this value to a . (period) puts the executable in the same directory as the source files. How do you set the Output directory default value to a . (period) so all new projects will use this value? What is your best practice for setting up the Output directory and any other directories?

After several days after switching it's clear that Delphi Berlin is useless for us without IDE FIX.

After several days after switching it's clear that Delphi Berlin is useless for us without IDE FIX. As we have fairly large projects, without that fix IDE literally hangs. Embarcadero is doing very little with this problem for years. Marco Cantù is that any chance for fixing that? I have quite fast machine with multiple cores and Xeon processors, SSD drives etc. One would say it's one of the fastest workstations you can get. Example: Delphi Berlin - Starting compilation (F9) takes forever about 1 minute where Delphi Seattle with IDE FIX starts almost immediately (!). This is really productivity killer. While build of 3.5 MLOC takes about 1:21 which is not so bad. With IDE FIX it takes 0:45 which is half of the time. Anybody else is running into such issues? Is there any chance new IDE FIX will come out? Most welcome would be fixing this finally in the IDE.

After several days after switching it's clear that Delphi Berlin is useless for us without IDE FIX. As we have fairly large projects, without that fix IDE literally hangs. Embarcadero is doing very little with this problem for years. Marco Cantù is that any chance for fixing that?

After several days after switching it's clear that Delphi Berlin is useless for us without IDE FIX. As we have fairly large projects, without that fix IDE literally hangs. Embarcadero is doing very little with this problem for years. Marco Cantù is that any chance for fixing that? I have quite fast machine with multiple cores and Xeon processors, SSD drives etc. One would say it's one of the fastest workstations you can get. Example: Delphi Berlin - Starting compilation (F9) takes forever about 1 minute where Delphi Seattle with IDE FIX starts almost immediately (!). This is really productivity killer. While build of 3.5 MLOC takes about 1:21 which is not so bad. With IDE FIX it takes 0:45 which is half of the time. Anybody else is running into such issues? Is there any chance new IDE FIX will come out? Most welcome would be fixing this finally in the IDE.

How to store private keys on disk or database, ensuring it won't be recoverable using forensic, even after beeing erased/overriden...

How to store private keys on disk or database, ensuring it won't be recoverable using forensic, even after beeing erased/overriden...

I've just published a new article on my blog for Browsing Package Information (

I've just published a new article on my blog for Browsing Package Information ( )

SVG Control v2.1

SVG Control v2.1 I would like to announce an update to my "SVG control" package to version 2.1 The udpate includes: - Replaced the DOM parser with a faster SAX parser - Added support for SVG Font, Pattern and Mask elements - Improved transparency for the VCL SVG controls - Delphi DX1 Berlin support There is a Demo package available on the website to try out the components and a couple of examples, also some demo applications to test SVG rendering. See below my own attempt at creating some SVG content using SVG fonts converted ftom ttf with Batik tools and some patterns. Regards Bruno Verhue

Originally shared by Frank Lauter

Originally shared by Frank Lauter FDK Das Firemonkey-Development-Kit FDK Das Firemonkey-Development-Kit!   ·         Noch eine Komponentensammlung? Der F iremonkey- D evelopment- K it kurz FDK ist mehr als nur ein paar Komponenten, die man auf ein Form klicken kann. Eigentlich hat das FDK keine einzige Komponente die man auf...
For Delphi on Android, does anybody know what keyboard is used. Is it a bespoke FMX keyboard, or is the user's prevailing Android keyboard used?

I cannot get MS Office sample automation server wrapper components.

I cannot get MS Office sample automation server wrapper components.  Neither of the two is selected at first, (both 2000 and XP) are unselected.  But if I check either one of the wrappers I get this error. BTW I want the Office 2000 wrappers for outlook.  I know I can use Variants, but I want type safety and code insight to work.

How to set FireMonkey TFloatAnimation loop count ? Google and got this:

How to set FireMonkey TFloatAnimation loop count ? Google and got this: But there is nothing?

Now I using a Task with TNotificationCenter for Win 8, Win 10. The idea behind is to notify after finishing the task (load from large sqlite database), but the notification center shows an EOleException error as it says I am calling a marshalled interface from a thread...

Now I using a Task with TNotificationCenter for Win 8, Win 10. The idea behind is to notify after finishing the task (load from large sqlite database), but the notification center shows an EOleException error as it says I am calling a marshalled interface from a thread... Is clever to start a timer and wait for the Task to finish with TTaskStatus.Completed and call the notification? I ask I am cannot think in another more decent solution... for now, that is the way I am doing that, problem is that I need to check for each individual task into the timer.

WYSIWYG HTML Editor: now for iOS and Android.

WYSIWYG HTML Editor: now for iOS and Android. Android sample application:

Anyone out there using TFireMonkeyContainer? How stable it is on lastest releases of Delphi? Are there any limitations/restrictions? David Millington

Anyone out there using TFireMonkeyContainer? How stable it is on lastest releases of Delphi? Are there any limitations/restrictions? David Millington

How do you get the value of the primary key of a record inserted by FireDAC into a SQLite database?

How do you get the value of the primary key of a record inserted by FireDAC into a SQLite database? I have surprisingly little experience using Delphi's database side, so this might be a silly question. But: I have a SQLite database and am accessing it via FireDAC in Seattle. According to the SQLite docs, if the primary key is an integer not null, it's an alias for the table's internal rowid, and when you insert a record if you specify NULL as the value it is assigned a value automatically. How, then, do you find out what that value was when it was inserted? Apparently it's the SQLite connection's LastRowId, but I don't know where or how to find that in Delphi's DB layer. I'm inserting via a query which contains SQL "insert into..." etc, with the primary key parameter explicitly set to a null variant. I tried editing the parameter types in the query editor to say it was an output or result parameter, but get an error "[FireDAC][Phys][SQLit...

A major update of TMS Logging ( ) has been released, what's new in v1.2:

A major update of TMS Logging ( ) has been released, what's new in v1.2: - New: Delphi 10.1 Berlin Support - New: TMSLoggingDatasourceOutputHandler - New: TMSLoggingAureliusOutputHandler - New: Automatic connection mode in TMSLoggingTCPClient - New: Command line switches to automatically or manually connect to a specific Host in TMSLoggingTCPClient Users with an active license to TMS ALL-ACCESS or TMS VCL Subscription receive TMS Logging v1.2 free.


Hi! I'm looking for creating an Android Service in Firemonkey with Location tracking. I have a sample which works, but I want to output the data to MySQL using MyDAC. Anybody managed to put third party components to an Android Service somehow? The moment I insert a TMyConnection, the service fails to run. I'm using Berlin.

We have released a minor update CodeInsightPlus V1.0.3.5 which includes:

We have released a minor update CodeInsightPlus V1.0.3.5 which includes: New - Allow Substring match - Check for Updates Fixes - Potential trigger of IDE bug if your project contains dmMain (RSP-14824) - AV raised when committing a duplicated unit in uses clause of implementation section - Addressed one random failure of code completion - Fixed Completion list viewer artifacts - Improved preselection of code templates - Improved splash screen icon (Thanks to David Millington and Stefan Glienke) NOTE. The next version will introduce performance optimization so that it will work much better in medium and large projects.

[SOLVED - not exactly...]

[SOLVED - not exactly...] ...and one more thing. I already tried to use the Hint with FMX on Seattle, not working and also in Berlin. I something else needed to make it work?

Bad code of the day

Bad code of the day var C: PChar; begin   C := 'Test';

Can anyone recommend me a good substitute for the TGrid of Delphi FMX.

Can anyone recommend me a good substitute for the TGrid of Delphi FMX. I buyed this one: TMS Pack for Firemonkey, but its WORST and more complex that the original option and without documentation. I need please, the experience of anyone that use it, not an enumeration of options that can be found making a google search. (That efectivally I made previously of write this post) Thanks.

Blog post (in italian but should auto-translate) and short video of Viktor: a Delphi FMX mobile app used in Bolzano (Italy) elections last weekend (and on May 22nd)! :-)

Blog post (in italian but should auto-translate) and short video of Viktor: a Delphi FMX mobile app used in Bolzano (Italy) elections last weekend (and on May 22nd)! :-)

Mobile RAD Studio on USB

Mobile RAD Studio on USB I was sitting on the tube this morning contemplating things and thought that being able to carry around a version of RAD Studio (preferably an up to date one) on a USB stick would be a brilliant idea (encrypted of course - we all do that right?). I could do some stuff on the train or at lunch time. I already carry around a work laptop but if you didn't know I don't code for a living, I build things with tarmac, concrete, steel, pipes and wires - a civil engineering. The last IDE I managed to do this with was Delphi 7 and the process had some issues (register settings, registering the debugger). RAD Studio is designed as a modular system so in my mine it could do it at some point in the future (not as fully functioning as a main install perhaps) but there are some things that currently prevent it like .NET dependencies and the current licensing/security model and possibly others. I was interested in other people's opinions on the subject and whether ...

Regions, what they are good for.

Regions, what they are good for. Found on

Delphi 2009 Compatibility has been added for

Delphi 2009 Compatibility has been added for

Based on various requests, I decided to make a variant of BaseNcodingDelphi that is compatible with both FPC and Delphi 2009 Upwards.

Based on various requests, I decided to make a variant of BaseNcodingDelphi that is compatible with both FPC and Delphi 2009 Upwards. BaseNcodingPascal is a Library for encoding of binary data into strings using base32, base85, base128 and other algorithms for (FPC 3.0.0 and Delphi 2009 Upwards).

A question for anyone who runs a WordPress blog. Do you have any recommendation for linking your WordPress blog to Google Plus.

A question for anyone who runs a WordPress blog. Do you have any recommendation for linking your WordPress blog to Google Plus. I've tried following the WordPress recommendation ( ) for setting up automatic linking (I think) but stumbled at the G+ side as it didn't provide the same interface as the WordPress article suggested perhaps because it was referring to business sites. What I would like (if possible) is for my blog posts to appear here automatically or at the very least via a share option. There a numerous Google Plus related plug-ins in WordPress, I'm just not sure about their security.

Is it really necessary to mark TCharacter as deprecated? It is still useful for libraries/addins which support earlier versions before XE3.

Is it really necessary to mark TCharacter as deprecated? It is still useful for libraries/addins which support earlier versions before XE3. [Warning] W1000 Symbol 'TCharacter' is deprecated: 'Use TCharHelper' Vcl.Forms: THintInfo = Vcl.Controls.THintInfo deprecated 'Use Vcl.Controls.THintInfo'; Typically, Vcl.Forms is used after Vcl.Controls, so this warning will be produced every time I references THintInfo in my unit...

Delphi Berlin hasn't introduced ARM64/AArch64 for Android support neither it's in the latest 2016 roadmap. What's the plan?

Delphi Berlin hasn't introduced ARM64/AArch64 for Android support  neither it's in the latest 2016 roadmap. What's the plan?

Adding something like my previous post about OnClick/DbClick on TStringGrid has gone, now I am also facing this:

Adding something like my previous post about OnClick/DbClick on TStringGrid has gone, now I am also facing this: Inside the event onStringGrid1DrawColumnCell I put: { perform default drawing } TGrid(Sender).DefaultDrawColumnCell(Canvas, Column, Bounds, Row, Value, State); But DefaultDrawColumnCell has gone too. Code is broken on Berlin, but was ok with Seattle.

ImageKit 1.03 just released

ImageKit 1.03 just released What's new: - New Sharpen filter added. ImageKit is a GPU based image processing, graphics rendering and animation framework for Delphi developers. ImageKit hides the details of low-level graphics processing by providing an easy-to-use application programming interface.
Is anyone aware of a FMX control resembling a chat window like Whatsapp?

There is a bug in the 64 bit version of the TVirtualInterface class that affects all the ISAPI dlls when calling a...

There is a bug in the 64 bit version of the TVirtualInterface class that affects all the ISAPI dlls when calling a soap service. This bug is pending to be solved since XE6. I've provided a fix since XE6 but EMB has not implemented it yet, so every new version must be manually patched to solve the problem. Please vote for the solution of this bug:

There is a bug in the 64 bit version of the TVirtualInterface class that affects all the ISAPI dlls when calling a soap service.

There is a bug in the 64 bit version of the TVirtualInterface class that affects all the ISAPI dlls when calling a soap service. This bug is pending to be solved since XE6. I've provided a fix since XE6 but EMB has not implemented it yet, so every new version must be manually patched to solve the problem. Please vote for the solution of this bug: