
Showing posts from June, 2016

Now you can protect your network connection in Berlin. SecureBridge supports RAD Studio 10.1 Berlin.

Now you can protect your network connection in Berlin. SecureBridge supports RAD Studio 10.1 Berlin.

Happy with Devart Data Access Components for #Delphi ? Then you should check a new member in "DAC" family - VirtualDAC. Learn how it can help you with Delphi projects.

Happy with Devart Data Access Components for #Delphi  ? Then you should check a new member in "DAC" family - VirtualDAC. Learn how it can help you with Delphi projects.

Hi, guys

Hi, guys, I used to do static-link my delphi dll by VS 2010 C# successfully without problem. Recently I tested the same C# project VS 2015, it works inside IDE, but failed in run-time. Any one got the same problem? Further more, I then created a new clean, empty DLL, compile the C# project again in VS 2015 IDE, it shows error "...faulted with message: 'e0434352'...". I can't trace into my delphi dll code, it always hangs after press "F7" to trace into "begin" of dllMain entry. Can anyone help? Clean DLL : C# Prj :


Hello, All know that when "compile & build" a project It goes to waste a lot of disk space. Each folder ( ios32/64, win32/64, Android etc ) has many unnecessary files Someone has a script to delete the compiled file in order to save the hdd space ? thanks Antonello

Is this method returns the correct value in the case of Windows?

Is this method returns the correct value in the case of Windows?

I'm writing a series of blog posts about programming a custom shadow for borderless forms in Delphi, I hope you like it.

I'm writing a series of blog posts about programming a custom shadow for borderless forms in Delphi, I hope you like it.

Hi all.

Hi all. How do you print the contents of a TMemo to the default printer in a FMX program on OSX? (the help shows example of printing the contents of a timage only) thanks! Brian

Hi all. How do you print the contents of a TMemo to the default printer in a FMX program on OSX? (the help shows example of printing the contents of a timage only)

Hi all. How do you print the contents of a TMemo to the default printer in a FMX program on OSX? (the help shows example of printing the contents of a timage only) thanks! Brian

is it possible to install "old" Raize 6 (I have 6.1.12 version) in Berlin?

is it possible to install "old" Raize 6 (I have 6.1.12 version) in Berlin? I succeeded doing it with Xe8 and Seattle: any help?

Product Update – What’s Currently in Flight and Where are We Headed?

Small Delphi / product update from Brando Shopp...

Small Delphi / product update from Brando Shopp...

Can anybody explain to me what the "Default Namespace" option of a project does/did? (It's there in Delphi 2007 but I can't find it in Delphi 10.1, no idea when it was introduced and when it went away. I have never used it.)

Can anybody explain to me what the "Default Namespace" option of a project does/did? (It's there in Delphi 2007 but I can't find it in Delphi 10.1, no idea when it was introduced and when it went away. I have never used it.)


Hi When i connect to Remote Sever over (Lan at home 2 PCS) to open any form it take exactly 30 Seconds , none of forms have any tables Active on Form Create, why this Delay ? can any one advice me, i am using Delphi XE 8 procedure TFrmStudent.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin Clearfields; ActionType := ''; BtnCAM.Enabled:= False; Panel1.Visible := False; end; Those are the Only Codes in Create Form Event.

I am trying to play MP4 file (with H.

I am trying to play MP4 file (with H.264 video and AAC audio) in Delphi XE Win32 application. I need to be able to skip to a specific time, it is supposed to be a simple app that will allow users to watch the video and select segments of interest... Also the app should be easy to install -  preferably no installation needed, only copy .exe and dlls, worst case scenario install some "well known" software (VLC, ffmpeg,...)... So far I tried DSPACK+LAV Filters as we use that it another project to play H264 livestream from a webcam, but the video was not decoded right and audio was choppy and the LAV filters required some sort of configuration and I am trying to avoid that. Next I tried VLC ActiveX as VLC does play the file without any issues. However the documentation was outdated and it required vlccore.dll (and other DLLs). I was not able to find the right ones - so it did not start at all. I even did clean reinstall of vlc (32 bit) and used its DLLs. Then I tried TMediaPlayer...

I am trying to play MP4 file (with H.264 video and AAC audio) in Delphi XE Win32 application. I need to be able to skip to a specific time, it is supposed to be a simple app that will allow users to watch the video and select segments of interest... Also the app should be easy to install - preferably no installation needed, only copy .exe and dlls, worst case scenario install some "well known" software (VLC, ffmpeg,...)...

I am trying to play MP4 file (with H.264 video and AAC audio) in Delphi XE Win32 application. I need to be able to skip to a specific time, it is supposed to be a simple app that will allow users to watch the video and select segments of interest... Also the app should be easy to install -  preferably no installation needed, only copy .exe and dlls, worst case scenario install some "well known" software (VLC, ffmpeg,...)... So far I tried DSPACK+LAV Filters as we use that it another project to play H264 livestream from a webcam, but the video was not decoded right and audio was choppy and the LAV filters required some sort of configuration and I am trying to avoid that. Next I tried VLC ActiveX as VLC does play the file without any issues. However the documentation was outdated and it required vlccore.dll (and other DLLs). I was not able to find the right ones - so it did not start at all. I even did clean reinstall of vlc (32 bit) and used its DLLs. Then I tried TMediaPlayer...

Please vote for my ticket regarding encoding-problems with 10.1 Berlin with Rest Clients:

Please vote for my ticket regarding encoding-problems with 10.1 Berlin with Rest Clients:
We have released RVMedia 5.0 for Delphi and Lazarus Main features: - you can choose a microphone; - named and password-protected groups on the server (+ new demo) - a class for motion detection (+ new demo) - support for newer (H.264) Foscam cameras - support for FFmpeg 3 Additional information:

Hi, let me introduce to you:

Hi, let me introduce to you: FreeEsVCLComponents - Free ErrorSoft Vcl Components - a free, opensource library of VCL components for Delphi and C++Builder. This new controls and components to improve the appearance applications and to better user experience. All components has best support transparency, not flicker, and has support Interesting possibility for double buffering for TGraphicControl heirs. Components support visual styles and has modern style. FreeEsVCLComponents on GitHub: List of components: TEsCustomControl - The base class contains the anti-flicker magic and support transparency. TEsNinePatchImage - TImage for 9-Patch images (raster image with the ability to zoom without loss of quality, almost all modern interfaces are built on them), as well as images - Overlay TEsImageLabel - The Label supports 9-Patch background image, and image - Overlay, the location and alignment of the text can be combined in different ways TEsLa...

New Request to expose "Internal" functions

New Request to expose "Internal" functions
someone has developed TRestclient to upload an image to please help!!!
which version of Delphi you develop?

Need help:

Need help: I'm using at work a Desktop PC, without serial ports, bluetooth, running a Linux distro and a virtualbox machine w/windows 8.1 with Delphi XE10 (upgraded from XE8) I only use DXE10, sometimes I do a backup the vm to work at home. (I read in the past a question related, and some answer tells it was OK and legal to do the above; I hope). I use Only One instance/vm at given time (mostly at work) Because of the slow backup from my PC to an external disk, I need to use RDP to the vm from home to work. But the storm season is here and we have outages and electric storms, that make me shutdown our servers. Right now, the vm limits my efforts to: + upgrade to Berlin (few disk space) + I want to program in Android, but the vm-Android inside the vm-vbox are giving me some trouble. + With the storms, I can't let turned on my work PC & servers. So, I got 2 computers that I can use for DXE (one at work/windows8.1, one at home/windows10-maybe) both with the needed hardware to ...

I wonder what that means regarding support in SmartInspect for older Delphi versions. Usually when Embarcadero acquired a company they dropped the older versions to "encourage" their customers to upgrade to the latest and greatest Delphi release.

I wonder what that means regarding support in SmartInspect for older Delphi versions. Usually when Embarcadero acquired a company they dropped the older versions to "encourage" their customers to upgrade to the latest and greatest Delphi release.
i have Reinstall Delphi XE 8 after that all components coming difference name for example if add the TMaskEdit name give as medt1 could you someone help me on this please

an unhandled win32 exception occurred in bds.exe[1084]

an unhandled win32 exception occurred in bds.exe[1084] Abov error gives me when i try to Run the Application in DElphi XE8 any one can help me ?

it doesn't look like Idera has no plans for the development tools sector.

it doesn't look like Idera has no plans for the development tools sector.

Can Anyone tell me how Can I increase gap between radiobuttons in Delphi XE 10. I am using TAdvOfficeRadioButton.

Can Anyone tell me how Can I increase gap between radiobuttons in Delphi XE 10. I am using TAdvOfficeRadioButton. Any help would be very much appreciated.

Some news from Embarcadero:

Some news from Embarcadero:
Why Opening forms in Delphi Application is Very Slow when it SQL Database over LAN Connection, its Extremely slow , any once suggest me solution ?

Hello, we are looking for Delphi Developers in Brazil, for full time remote work.

Hello, we are looking for Delphi Developers in Brazil, for full time remote work. For more info, please see:
Join us Telegram Channel :@delphitech

Problem with GExperts Grep Results (1.38).

Problem with GExperts Grep Results (1.38). Since a few weeks I am having problems with GExperts Grep Results. When I want to navigate to a reusult clicking in the Results window, the Delphi IDE (XE) just crashes. This behavoiur is new, and I have no idea what could have caused it. I uninstalled and reinstalled GExperts, but without any difference.  If you look onto the status bar of the Result window of the screenshot, you see that it has overridden text, maybe this is a pointer for someone. Any ideas?

TRegEx does not work with empty input.

TRegEx does not work with empty input.

Is it possible to filter an TAdapterBindSource ?

Is it possible to filter an TAdapterBindSource ? My adapter is bound to an TObjectList and i want to filter my listview content. I haven't found any TAdapterBindSource.filter / setfiler ... I've changed my TObjectList to a TFilteredList (see Malcom Groves blogs), refreshed my list this way : with TListBindSourceAdapter (adpTaches.InternalAdapter) do begin TCRMData.GetInstance.taches.SetFilter( function(Item: TCRMTache): Boolean begin Result := not Item.Termine; end); // display only finished tasks SetList(TCRMData.GetInstance.taches, False); Active := true; end; but all data is still displayed ! The only solution seems to go with a temporary TObjectList holding non finished object only.... but this isn't really nice. Does anyone have a better solution ?


Hello, I'm getting nuts on this.... I'm have a task liste (TObjectlist) bound to an TAdapterBindSource. I'm using the oncreateAdapter method to link my list this way : procedure TfrmMain.adpTachesCreateAdapter(Sender: TObject; var ABindSourceAdapter: TBindSourceAdapter); begin ABindSourceAdapter := TListBindSourceAdapter .Create(Self, TCRMData.GetInstance.taches, False); // TCRMData.GetInstance.taches is an TObjectList AssignAdapterEvents(ABindSourceAdapter, dgTaches); // this only assing events from my datagenerator to the new adapter end; At runtime, my listview correctly display all tasks. When I double click on a task, I display a form with controls linked to the adapter. I can edit, and post on all records. I can cancel only ONCE and all new cancel calls will raise an EAccessViolation ! Here is the call stack System.TObject.InheritsFrom(???) System._IsClass($12435050,TBindSourceAdapterLinkImpl) Data.Bind.ObjectScope.TBindSourceAdapter.Cancel fmTache.TfrmTache...


Hi, Anyone have a way to connect to DB2 UDB from other platforms than Windows? Regards, Johan

Announcing the official launch of the "Free Pascal and Lazarus foundation" .

Announcing the official launch of the "Free Pascal and Lazarus foundation" . The foundation is registered officially as a non profit organisation dedicated to the promotion and sponsoring of the open source Free Pascal and Lazarus project. The Foundation site is hosted on the official domain, and the founding members include FPC members, me and Detlef the Edior of the "Blaise Pascal Magazine". The foundation was established a while ago after discussions with members of the FPC community as a way to help fund the development and the promotion of the FPC and Lazarus. We registered it with the hope that the Delphi will do well, and we will not have to launch publicly. However the events of the last few days, have led us to believe that now it is really needed, to ensure that the spirit of Delphi will survive. I have also created G+ and FB pages for the foundation. Please join and participate in the conversation and deci... I'd like to present the preview of new initiative (and maybe foundation) to support mORMot and other mostly used open source Pascal projects/libraries with recent FPC trunk version (tested in production) tuned for mORMot purposes :). It works even on pendrive - just unpack in any location and have fun. mORMot integration is in progress. All is based on github infrastructure. Any suggestions/propositions are welcome! I'd like to present the preview of new initiative (and maybe foundation) to support mORMot and other mostly used open source Pascal projects/libraries with recent FPC trunk version (tested in production) tuned for mORMot purposes :). It works even on pendrive - just unpack in any location and have fun. mORMot integration is in progress. All is based on github infrastructure. Any suggestions/propositions are welcome!

Hello Everybody

Hello Everybody, I would like to ask you interesting question. I am sure it is too simple for ones. What technique do you use to validate set object properties? Do you use plain objects without any logic and then write helpers for complex logic setters to keep classes simple? Or do you write all validating logic in the methods of a class? Or...? What is most effective validating pattern? Regards and Thanks


Hi Any One Can Tell me below Code in Which Event i should keep in Quick Report if QRExpr1.Caption = 'PRESENT' then begin QRExpr1.Font.Color:= clBlue; end Else Begin QRExpr1.Font.Color:= clRed; End; Expression is : IF(QAttandance.AttStatus=1,'PRESENT','ABSENT') i am Using Delphi XE 8 and Quick Report 5 it Shows all in Red Color. I kept this event of Form Create

Quick Report in Expression i have wrote following

Quick Report in Expression i have wrote following "IF(Query1.Field=1,P,A)" (Field is Integer) ERROR: Unknown Function P What could be the Issue ?? Using Delphi XE8 with QuickReport


Hi i am getting Error in Design time when i open form as follow "Error Creating form:List index out of bounds (2). " Can you tell me what is this error is ?


Hi Can you tell me someone how can i save Picture from TImage to SQL Table (SQL Field is Image) in Delphi XE 8

I am currently moving a Delphi project to C# WinForms. The project heavily uses FireDac components like TFDConnection, TFDQuery, TFDScript and TFUpdateSQL.

I am currently moving a Delphi project to C# WinForms. The project heavily uses FireDac components like TFDConnection, TFDQuery, TFDScript and TFUpdateSQL. WinForms does not have design time components like these and you have to do everything in code AFAIK. Does anyone know 3rd party components that have smiliar functionalities like FireDac? I really miss the convenience of FireDac in VS.
there was a thread recently where I discovered that some of my old .pas units from when I used to use the old Delphi 5 compiler, there was a difference in line endings...and that caused the run to cursor to be out of sync...the solution was copy /paste into notepad ++ then copy /paste back out again. But also it has fixed another strange thing in the compiler that was caused by those line endings problem...if you say added a new Tbutton..then double click on that , to get a onclick procedure auto created, the compiler would muck up and have a pprocedure instead of procedure!. that is fixed now..always wondered what was causing that!. Just posting this here in case in helps anyone else, thats all :)

Hello, I have a question about the RibbonFramework

Hello, I have a question about the RibbonFramework the Framework is designed by an XML file compiled with Microsoft's uicc...ok So how could I add a plugin system in my ribbon ? Something like Office VSTO ?

Slight problem building an Android app (Debug config)..

Slight problem building an Android app (Debug config)..

Very bad news!

Very bad news!


Hello, I've successfully binded a TObjectList to my Listview (thanks to ). My TTask object is really simple : TTask.Id and TTask.Task. I want to display my Task when a user double click on a listview item. I want to use the "OnItemClick" event to retrieve data of the selected item. I'm using this code : procedure lvItemClick(const Sender: TObject; const AItem: TListViewItem); var Adapter : TBindSourceAdapter; begin Adapter := TaskAdapter.InternalAdapter; showmessage( Adapter.FindField('Task').GetTValue.ToString); end; My issue is that showmessage is always displaying data from the first task object of my list. How can I sync my bindsource adapter so that it's position reflect the selected listview item ? Thanks you

MVP of the week - from Dilbert :)

MVP of the week - from Dilbert :)

Hello World!

Hello World! My name is Willem Weideman, and I live in Cape Town, South Africa. I've been coding Delphi since age 10 on Delphi 7ish, can't recall what my first version was, first only casual, then during High School, I had one big client, Medicall. I created for them a custom/scriptable non-relational database built from the ground up. My product is used by Medicall to populate data from the call-center into a client's database. I got sick (Schizophrenia) and didn't code for about 7 years (age 21-28). I'm 30 now, (born 04/Sep/1985). The last year or so I have been working for my Dad's securities/derivatives firm DWT. If you want to trade securities/derivatives in South Africa, goto ! They offer an excellent online trading platform for anyone anywhere in the world to trade SAFEX instruments (South AFrican EXchange) (securities as in Future/Options, contracts on underlying instruments/derivatives). I'm creating a platform for HFT (High Frequency Tr...
How could I change the default locale of the First Day Of Week (that is setted on Windows) from Sunday to Monday, but just for my application (an application wide setting)?

TMS Grid component don't works well!!!

TMS Grid component don't works well!!! As you can see in the video, when I set to False the property FixedColumnResizing, the normal grid columns shall be resized clicking the mouse over the inter-cell-space of the rows that are not fixed, but not in the inter-cell-space between the cells of the header row, "because it is a FIXED ROW" I've reported this problem to his support, but they make a curious interpretation of the situation. The statement may be like this: "Cells of a FixedRow are considered Cells of a FixedColumn". Agree you this interpretation or do you think this is an error? Thank's to all for your comments.
There was a thread (here or facebook?) of someone asking for Delphi web development frameworks. There were some interesting links there, can anyone point me at it? Thanks

Hi everyone

Hi everyone, I wonder if anyone could shed some light and techniques for debugging Android apps using the data provided on the Google Play Developer portal? My app sees a few crashes per week on different Android devices and versions but the crash logs seem similar. Unfortunately I can't see anything useful in the debug data to start to look into what might be causing it and wonder if anyone on here had any ideas or experience that could help? For info, I've tried reproducing the crash directly on my various test devices (again running different versions of Android) and it's very stable. The user messages are all basic the same (removing the swear words...) - it's crashing on first running the app. Not sure if these are new or upgrading users but suspect a mix of both. Trace log example: Native crash at /data/app/ in /data/app/ Log ...


Hi, As you probably know, Delphi includes ".debug" section into PE when compiling with debug mode. AFAIK, this section is stored as a raw data and it contains useful fields about the executable file. I want to access those fields. So, does anyone know where to find Delphi's debug-info format documentations ?

Hi guys

Hi guys, I've found a camera bug which is causing me some issues in an app I'm developing. In the app I need to scan a QR code, then access the camera to take photos followed by further QR scanning. Therefore, I use both the TCameraComponent and IFMXCameraService interface. The problem occurs once I start the TCameraComponent (for scanning a QR code), then deactivate it and take a photo... when I return to the TCameraComponent the framerate has dropped. This happens on both Android and iOS - it's as if some code somewhere is keeping a hold on a camera resource when it shouldn't which slows the framerate. I've attached a simple demo showing this... 1. click "Start" to start the camera streaming. 2. click "Stop". 3. click "photo" 4. then return and click start again. You will see a noticeable drop in the framerate. I just can't seem to see where this is occuring. If I use th...

Why not support JavaScript convert from Delphi?

Why not support JavaScript convert from Delphi? Like C# ClickOnce or Java web start. Compile to javascript code is cross platforms to Web. ISAPI solutions ,maybe is not good web solution...

We're pleased to announce the availability of TMS FNC UI Pack v1.2.0.0 with a new ListBox control + a major update for our TTMSFNCTreeView control.

We're pleased to announce the availability of TMS FNC UI Pack v1.2.0.0 with a new ListBox control + a major update for our TTMSFNCTreeView control. TMS FNC UI Pack offers powerful, feature-rich UI controls in 1 component set for 3 frameworks and 5+ operating systems. New: Introducing TTMSFNCListBox: - Multi-line HTML formatted text - Fixed and variable item height - Multiple events for custom drawing and customization of default drawing - Multiple events for all kinds of interactions such as selection, sorting, filtering - Mouse and keyboard interaction - Comes with separate TTMSFNCCheckedListBox New in TTMSFNCTreeView: - Clipboard support - Column sorting - Drag & Drop support - Reordering - Column Filtering - Keyboard Lookup - New: MinimumWidth and MinimumHeight properties to defined lookup dropdown minimum size in TTMSFNCEdit - Improved: UnselectItem & UnselectAllItems in TTMSFNCPlanner

I just noticed that in Delphi 10.

I just noticed that in Delphi 10.1 when I use the mouse wheel while the mouse cursor is over the project manager it still scrolls in the source editor (which has the focus) and not in the project manager (or any other control the mouse cursor is over) - when I do the same in Delphi 10 it works (Windows 8.1). Can anyone reproduce this? Edit: reported as

I just noticed that in Delphi 10.1 when I use the mouse wheel while the mouse cursor is over the project manager it still scrolls in the source editor (which has the focus) and not in the project manager (or any other control the mouse cursor is over) - when I do the same in Delphi 10 it works (Windows 8.1).

I just noticed that in Delphi 10.1 when I use the mouse wheel while the mouse cursor is over the project manager it still scrolls in the source editor (which has the focus) and not in the project manager (or any other control the mouse cursor is over) - when I do the same in Delphi 10 it works (Windows 8.1). Can anyone reproduce this? Edit: reported as


Hello, I'm using Delphi's TRest library. Everything is well working when dealing with text or Json content type. Now I want to fetch an JPEG image (webservice get method is sending image/jpeg content ). I've tried to set request accept property to "image/jpg" and tried to set "AcceptCharset" property to "UTF-8' but i'm getting this error : "No mapping for the Unicode character exists in the multi-byte code page target" (translated from French). Am I missing something ? Ps : looks like a regression as content were retrieved with Delphi Seattle.

Please vote for https://quality.

Please vote for (Add ability to ctrl-click on 'inherited', the way you can for identifiers) P.S. Before anyone tells me that you can do that when you explicitly write the method name - let me tell you this is bad because then you have potential bugs waiting whenever you change the signature and don't change any inherited call as well.

Please vote for (Add ability to ctrl-click on 'inherited', the way you can for identifiers)

Please vote for (Add ability to ctrl-click on 'inherited', the way you can for identifiers) P.S. Before anyone tells me that you can do that when you explicitly write the method name - let me tell you this is bad because then you have potential bugs waiting whenever you change the signature and don't change any inherited call as well.

Blog post "GetIt Packages Project Dependencies" at

Blog post "GetIt Packages Project Dependencies" at

Is there a tool that reads one .dpr file and copies all units listed in that file to a second .dpr file?

Is there a tool that reads one .dpr file and copies all units listed in that file to a second .dpr file? syncunits project1.dpr project2.dpr Bonus points if it also updates the .dproj files. I'm getting tired of doing that by hand (with the help of BeyondCompare) for all GExperts versions and somehow I doubt that I am the first one who had this problem.

Kudos to David Millington​, the new C++ product manager. I'm very happy with this. You have full support from me on this one.

Kudos to David Millington​, the new C++ product manager. I'm very happy with this. You have full support from me on this one. Cheers

Now that we managed to install one more of our men into a project manager role, it seems to be the perfect time to protest loud again with picture, or not?

Now that we managed to install one more of our men into a project manager role, it seems to be the perfect time to protest loud again with picture, or not? Anyway, look how many library units need to be included in Berlin for a simple orthographic camera. Only the 3 FMX units in folder fmx1 contain actual changes, the rest of the FMX units in folder fmx0 just happen to depend on changes to Types3D. And this is only for the Windows target. Methods GetProjectionMatrix() and Pick() are virtual in my implementation. I also added a ViewType enum field and OnPick event to the Context. The Context needs info about ViewType to retrieve an appropriate projection matrix and to be able to delegate somewhere when picking. Note that the Context cannot access the Camera but the Camera has access to the Context. The Camera seems to be a good place to build the projection matrix, implement pick, and store a duplication of the current ViewType value. The camera needs to store duplicated info about the ...

The dragon whips his tail.

The dragon whips his tail.

We're pleased to announce the availability of TMS Cryptography Pack v1.0:

We're pleased to announce the availability of TMS Cryptography Pack v1.0: TMS Cryptography Pack is a bundle of advanced and up-to-date cryptography algorithms such as AES, SPECK, SALSA20, ECIES encryption, SHA2 and SHA3 hash generation, RSA, EdDSA signing ... TMS Cryptography Pack is the first result coming forth out the partnership with Cyberens:

For some of our projects we use great Spring4D framework.

For some of our projects we use great Spring4D framework. Step by step thinking of clear architecture and used Spring AOP in Java I have a question: has somebody an experience or better an example of using DSharp+Srping4D? My task is to proxify object with DSharp interceptors inside of Spring4D service resolver. So when I ask a container for an interfaced instance it must be returned proxified with DSharp. My test task idea is to link Logging aspect to some of business logic classes. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks a lot for advance.

For some of our projects we use great Spring4D framework. Step by step thinking of clear architecture and used Spring AOP in Java I have a question:

For some of our projects we use great Spring4D framework. Step by step thinking of clear architecture and used Spring AOP in Java I have a question: has somebody an experience or better an example of using DSharp+Srping4D? My task is to proxify object with DSharp interceptors inside of Spring4D service resolver. So when I ask a container for an interfaced instance it must be returned proxified with DSharp. My test task idea is to link Logging aspect to some of business logic classes. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks a lot for advance.

Huge congratulations to David Millington - good luck in your new post David. :-)

Huge congratulations to David Millington - good luck in your new post David. :-)

FixInsight now is part of TMS Software

FixInsight now is part of TMS Software

TMS teams up with Roman Yankovsky to bring TMS FixInsight, the static code analysis tool :)

TMS teams up with Roman Yankovsky to bring TMS FixInsight, the static code analysis tool :)

When it comes to Paths in the IDE, my brain is fried...It seems I can't figure out the right course of action. So, I would appreciate if you could share your expertise.

When it comes to Paths in the IDE, my brain is fried...It seems I can't figure out the right course of action. So, I would appreciate if you could share your expertise. Say I have a component A (Design-time component). I install it in the IDE and I add the path to the source file to the "Library Path" and the path to DCU to "Debug DCU path" from Tools>Options. This means comp-A is avail globally to every project. Q1: If I want to exclude the source file (like many vendors do when they only provide DCU and BPL files), in which paths should I add a reference to what? Should I use the Browsing Path for the source files instead? Now, say comp-A uses unit A. I would expect this to be hidden in the bpl when installed in the IDE. In a new project-A, say I use comp-A in the forms and I take unit A, copy it in a different location and I change it by adding some new stuff I need for Proj-A and add it to Proj-A. Q2: Now, do i add the path to the amended unit-A in the Pr...

TMemo vs. Esc key

TMemo vs. Esc key If you have ever had a TMemo on a modal form with an OK and Cancel button, where the latter has its Cancel property set to true, you might have found that Esc does not cancel the dialog while the memo has got the focus. (With many thanks to +David Heffernan and +Andreas Hausladen )

iOS setting screen... Or is it? Something new coming soon with a nicer structure and better memory management. #TksVirtualListview :-)

iOS setting screen... Or is it? Something new coming soon with a nicer structure and better memory management. #TksVirtualListview :-)

Some words about Package Magician and search paths:

Some words about Package Magician and search paths: Perhaps interesting for John Kouraklis and others.

Does the "More -> Attach Screenshot" function on quality.

Does the "More -> Attach Screenshot" function on work for anybody? For me it redirects to

Does the "More -> Attach Screenshot" function on work for anybody? For me it redirects to

Does the "More -> Attach Screenshot" function on work for anybody? For me it redirects to

Just as a follow up on my earlier post:

Just as a follow up on my earlier post: Some inspiration in case you have money to burn.

I want to call some https web service from Delphi xe 10 seattle.

I want to call some https web service from Delphi xe 10 seattle. Can anyone provide me the correct version of libeay32.dll, ssleay32.dll, libssl32.dll for Delphi XE 10 seattle. It would be also helpful if any one can tell me a way to call https web service without this DLLS? Thanks in advance.

I'm using X-SuperObject to mashalize/unmarshalize object. X-SuperOject does have a class helper "FromJSON" that allows you to instantiate an object from an JSON string.

I'm using X-SuperObject to mashalize/unmarshalize object. X-SuperOject does have a class helper "FromJSON" that allows you to instantiate an object from an JSON string. My problem is that I have a memory leeak when doing so : var Cust: TCustomer; Begin Cust := TCustomer.create; Cust.Id := 6; Cust := TCustomer.FromJSON(Cust.Get); //Cust.Get is connecting to a websercice, using it's id to fetch relevant data; End; In this case, Cust is created twice (initial creation, and TCustomer.FromJSON) but freed once. Is there a way to solves this and keep my code clean (I don't want to decalre temporary variables that I'll free later) ?

“Hooking” KeyDown in a Firemonkey form

“Hooking” KeyDown in a Firemonkey form As said in my last post: " The hard part is hooking the form in a way so all I need to do is call TForm_ActivatePositioning as in the VCL." As it turns out, that’s even easier to do than in the VCL. No subclassing of the window, just adding a new control is sufficient.

Snapping a Firemonkey window to monitor halves / quadrants

Snapping a Firemonkey window to monitor halves / quadrants I always wanted to start playing with Firemonkey but so far just didn’t find the right project. This is my first try to port a VCL utility function to Firemonkey. Note that this will probably not work on all platforms. It’s tested on Windows only.
Do you use multiple monitors?

Snapping windows to monitor halves / quadrants revisited

Snapping windows to monitor halves / quadrants revisited In my last post I talked about snapping windows to monitor halves and quadrants. I have been using that code for a few days and found it has a few shortcomings
New blog post: Simple chat messaging system with Delphi and Firebase

Hey guys

Hey guys, Delphi is not able to build Android applications with the latest Android tools installed :( After updating from build tools v23 to v24 I am getting fatal error at compiling :( Thanks :D


Hi, I am trying to build a package in the command line using the dcc32 and I get the following erro: Error: E2038 Illegal character in input file: '"' (#$22) When I build it from the IDE, all works fine. I also run th rsvars.bat before calling the dcc32 Anyone knows what I am missing? Thanks


Greetings, I always like to write the minimum amount of posible code, that's why I hate DataSet.FieldByName('bla').AsXXX So I came up with a helper with an indexed default property: TDataSetHelper = class helper for TDataSet private function GetFieldObject(FieldName: string): TField; public property FieldObject[Index: string]: TField read GetFieldObject; default; end; And the code now becomes much more easy to write for me, ie: DataSet['blabla'].AsString Works as expected. However: when I debug the program, if I mouseover on that, I got nothing; if I bring up Evaluate/Modify on the expression, it shows: "Function to be called, @DispInvoke, was eliminated by linker" The property is implemented as follows: function TDataSetHelper.GetFieldObject(FieldName: string): TField; begin Result := FieldByName(FieldName); end; Thing is, everything works fine on runtime, but I cannot debug properly. Any thoughts?

We manually manage our VERSIONINFO, and so we don't want the IDE doing anything with it.

We manually manage our VERSIONINFO, and so we don't want the IDE doing anything with it. Thus, all of our projects have this option turned off. However, I have one project that simply refuses to keep the IDE VersionInfo turned off. I turn it off and it keeps getting turned on. Weirdest thing. Anyone seen this? Anyone have any ideas?

We manually manage our VERSIONINFO, and so we don't want the IDE doing anything with it. Thus, all of our projects have this option turned off.

We manually manage our VERSIONINFO, and so we don't want the IDE doing anything with it. Thus, all of our projects have this option turned off. However, I have one project that simply refuses to keep the IDE VersionInfo turned off. I turn it off and it keeps getting turned on. Weirdest thing. Anyone seen this? Anyone have any ideas?

Hi, guys!

Hi, guys! This is my first post here. I've been trying to create a test case that deletes selected items from a TListView, using DUnitx and Delphi XE5. This is my method implementation: procedure TMyTest.DeleteItemsFromListView; var lv : TListView; item : TListItem; i : Integer; begin lv := TListView.Create(nil); i := 0; while i begin item := lv.Items.Add; //error here! item.Caption := 'Item' + IntToStr(i + 1); item.Selected := ( (i div 2) = 0 ); Inc(i); end; TUtils.ExcluirItensSelecionados(lv); //My delete routine Assert.AreEqual('50', IntToStr(lv.Items.Count)); Assert.AreEqual('Item99', lv.Items[lv.Items.Count - 1].Caption); end; What happens is, when I run the test, it fails during lv.Items.Add, complaining there's no parent. I tried to create a form and put it as the listview's parent but no success. I think dUnitX doesn't work well with VCL. Is that correct? Any suggestions? T...

Hi, guys! This is my first post here. I've been trying to create a test case that deletes selected items from a TListView, using DUnitx and Delphi XE5. This is my method implementation:

Hi, guys! This is my first post here. I've been trying to create a test case that deletes selected items from a TListView, using DUnitx and Delphi XE5. This is my method implementation: procedure TMyTest.DeleteItemsFromListView; var lv : TListView; item : TListItem; i : Integer; begin lv := TListView.Create(nil); i := 0; while i begin item := lv.Items.Add; //error here! item.Caption := 'Item' + IntToStr(i + 1); item.Selected := ( (i div 2) = 0 ); Inc(i); end; TUtils.ExcluirItensSelecionados(lv); //My delete routine Assert.AreEqual('50', IntToStr(lv.Items.Count)); Assert.AreEqual('Item99', lv.Items[lv.Items.Count - 1].Caption); end; What happens is, when I run the test, it fails during lv.Items.Add, complaining there's no parent. I tried to create a form and put it as the listview's parent but no success. I think dUnitX doesn't work well with VCL. Is that correct? Any suggestions? T...

Delphi 10 Seattle hangs when opening complex project.

Delphi 10 Seattle hangs when opening complex project.  All plugins load and other projects also load.  But on this one project it just hangs directly after opening the project. Nothing gets displayed and no disk activity to speak of.  Is there a way to have Delphi display/keep a log of what's going on when it loads a project?

Is there an addon (plugin / wizard / extension) for the IDE to highlight SQL syntax in .pas files?

Is there an addon (plugin / wizard / extension) for the IDE to highlight SQL syntax in .pas files?*mUm0NQcRIU_RXsb1INH1aQ.png

Originally shared by

Originally shared by StarDocs: Web APIs for documents – articles, docs, demos and more Gnostice is happy to announce the launch of StarDocs, our new On-Cloud Service and On-Premises Server for document processing. StarDocs provides document-processing and document-viewing REST API for use across multiple platforms. In this model, you will not need to embed any library/component into your application, rather you will simply subscribe to the API services and make calls to the API hosted on the cloud to get your work done. The document operations currently included are merge, split, encrypt/decrypt, redact text and conversion between PDF, Word and image formats. StarDocs also includes document viewing APIs through which you can easily request an HTML viewer for the uploaded documents. The StarDocs On-Premises edition in coming soon. If you want to try the On-Premises edition right now, please email us, we’ll send it to you. StarDocs has been in beta for the past few weeks and...

Hi fellow developers

Hi fellow developers It seems to me that there is introduced a small bug/problem in the TFDDataSet.RecordCount function i Delphi Berlin. If you try to read this value AFTER you have looped through all the row, it returns 0. To fix this problem I had to move this statement in front of my while loop.

Hi everyone

Hi everyone Does anyone know how to get the country code for where a device is currently residing in firemonkey? I can get the language code (eg. "En") but need the country too?

Marco Cantù wrote in his blog post "Closing the Class Helpers Private Access Loophole" the following:

Marco Cantù  wrote in his blog post "Closing the Class Helpers Private Access Loophole" the following: "We even invited a former R&D engineer, who originally added class helpers to the language, to share his opinion with us and in the beta forums. That resulted in some very interesting conversations" I'm interested to read about this conversation, or it's not allowed due to DNA?

Delphi 10.1 codeinsight. I have one project that codeinsight will not work in, all the others it works. Is there a project setting for codeinsight?

Delphi 10.1 codeinsight. I have one project that codeinsight will not work in, all the others it works. Is there a project setting for codeinsight? Any other suggestions?

On this page:

On this page: the link to "Partners Products" on the top right does not work:

Hey guys

Hey guys, What is the difference of meaning between "Powered by" and "Build with"? Thanks a lot

Is there still a customers download page at Embarcadero?

Is there still a customers download page at Embarcadero? I want to look for updates/hotfixes etc. Not able to find it. Ole

Okey, this one made me go mad

Okey, this one made me go mad That snippet results in compiler error [dcc32 Error] E2506.pas(36): E2506 Method of parameterized type declared in interface section must not use local symbol 'TFooHelper' If I move the declaration of the helper to the interface section, the code compiles. But I want (need to) hide the helper because of a posible "only 1 helper may be active" Well I can workaround it by creating two more units, one for TFoo alone, and another one with TFooHelper

Isn't GetTypeKind evaluated at compile time? I'd love to write this:

Isn't GetTypeKind evaluated at compile time? I'd love to write this: function TFoo .Bar: IEnumerable begin if OwnsObjects and (System.GetTypeKind(T) = TTypeKind.tkClass) then AList:= TCollections.CreateObjectList else AList := TCollections.CreateList ; ... end; This fails to compile with a "[dcc32 Error] E2511 Type parameter 'T' must be a class type" Of course the generic T is not constrained as T: class, because I want to support both primitive and class types

hi sir, i use RESTclient and restponse,. i used it for pubnub url, with subscribe service. base url and resource url was: . and with new timetoken, i used for new resource request.

hi sir, i use RESTclient and restponse,. i used it for pubnub url, with subscribe service. base url and resource url was: . and with new timetoken, i used for new resource request. after response.execute , program still waiting data to received, and be error not response.cause no new data was coming. my question, how to handled REstRespont timeout, so the program will not hang/error. thanks my pict program:

Android apps by Delphi start fast, no false flashing, native UI for different Androids. TurboCocoa now with video:

Android apps by Delphi start fast, no false flashing, native UI for different Androids. TurboCocoa now with video:

So easy 😀

So easy 😀

Anyone worked on EDI(FACT) XML conversion / implementation ?

Anyone worked on EDI(FACT) XML conversion / implementation ? All code / information on the net related to Delphi is fairly old.

Does anyone have an answer for this behaviour :

Does anyone have an answer for this behaviour : Grids (and certainly any control) livebinded to details queries (FDQuery) are never "refreshed" after master row has changed. My master query "OnAfterScroll" event contains such code (lfcContacts is my binding from TGrid to TBindSource): If assigned(frmMain) then Begin frmMain.lfcContacts.Active := false; frmMain.lfcContacts.Active := true; end; This is really cumbersome and I never got such refreshing issues with VCL... I'm doing this wrong ? I'm going to thtow all this FMX stuff away and going back to VCL for win32/win64 and Android Studio.... Ps : all my queries are put on a datamodule Ps2: Have to do the same trick when calling refresh or refreshrecord... Ps3: I cannot found any valuable resources (ebooks for example) about FMX...

10.1 Berlin still doesn't search in .dfm files. For example sql statements in FireDac components.

10.1 Berlin still doesn't search in .dfm files. For example sql statements in FireDac components.

IPv6 readiness

IPv6 readiness Sooner or later our applications will have to work on IPv6 only networks. I seeked for an overview for the readiness of Delphi (10 or 10.1) for IPv6. Of cause I found several areas (depending as well on the third-party tools used). , , RemObjects, Secureblackbox … etc. But all that looks as every area has a little bit another approach. I expected actually that most components would directly derive IPv6/IPv4 from the address content. The use cases are: a) Fix IPv6:  “fd00:xxxx.xxxx”, “::1”, [ ] b) Fix IPv4:  “” c) Dynamically based on the DNS resolve returned (A or AAAA) … but here some problem start. Windows has the rule “take IPv6 if available” but falls back if it fails to IPv4. Would be great to get some tips if an how you solve this kind of communication setups. Let the user e...

Can anyone point me to a simple priority queue implementation in Delphi. It does not need to be thread-safe.

Can anyone point me to a simple priority queue implementation in Delphi. It does not need to be thread-safe.  I need to transform some overzealous multithreaded code to single threaded. Because all calls in the queue will be single threaded I don't need protection.  I can find lots of priority queues online, but all of them are either thread safe (I can do without that overhead) or overly complex.

Hi all

Hi all, I have to rewrite existing implementation for importing/exporting EDIFACT files. Currently the parsing is done by our code, but the plan is, to use a 3rd party component. Does anyone have any expirience with 3rd party Delphi components for EDI? I have found a few (for example ), but suggestions about this/other available components would be appreciated in this beginning phase of the project. Expected file formats are: INVOIC DESADV ORDRSP SLSRPT INVRPT PRICAT

Seeking some expert advice on strings and performance. This is the case;

Seeking some expert advice on strings and performance. This is the case; At "prepare time" (where performance is not an issue) a list of strings is put together. The entries will be something like 4 - 16 characters each. There will be between 3 and 100 entries. The strings only need and only use 8-bits per character. Then at "runtime" (where performance is key) i need to compare a given string (declared as string, 8-bit use) to the (now static, it won't change) list and determine whether there's an exact match or not. I do not need any other information. The target is Win32 compiled with Delphi Seattle. Win64 /might/ be of value in the future but in that case (and other platforms) this code will be revisited. TIA, /Dany

Hi all, I want to interact with an application's API (exposed in a DLL).

Hi all, I want to interact with an application's API (exposed in a DLL). Any good articles or examples will be of great help please. Regards, Johan

Still fighting with Firemonkey....

Still fighting with Firemonkey.... Does anymone know how to modify TGrid header size ?
I need help creating group headers and groupboxitems at runtime.  Since I can have several headers I need to be able to loop the list determine if the item is a group header and if it is I need to be able to loop through all of the listbox items associated with a particular header.    I need to be able to do this for each set of items associated with each header in the listbox.  I write the data to a file and read from a file at startup.

Has anyone tested this against Delphi application ?

Has anyone tested this against Delphi application ?
Happy birthday David Intersimone !


Hi, How can I change the font size of an Firemonkey TCombobox control ? Here is what I've done : - Created an default style (left click on the component) - Modified font settings (setting size to 16) - Applying changes Despite doing this, font size reminds the same for this display value and for the dropdownlist items ! (size = 12). An idea ?

Is there a way of getting the passcount for breakpoint at an arbitrary point in time, e.

Is there a way of getting the passcount for breakpoint at an arbitrary point in time, e.g. say when an Exception's been raised? Typically currently if I want to find out the passcount for a breakpoint I plumb in a counter into the code etc and then check the value of the counter variable etc, but this seems kludgy and especially so when the code in question doesn't belong to me [e.g. VCL or madexcept or FastMM or such... Is there some forehead slapping better way I don't know about that I can get that from the debugger directly? [I'm thinking not, since I assume the debugger won't want to incur the overhead of having to maintain by default counters for every breakpoint in your program {mostly needlessly}. But even if not, is there some feature to selectively turn such on or is this wishful thinking?]
Is there a way of getting the passcount for breakpoint at an arbitrary point in time, e.g. say when an Exception's been raised? Typically currently if I want to find out the passcount for a breakpoint I plumb in a counter into the code etc and then check the value of the counter variable etc, but this seems kludgy and especially so when the code in question doesn't belong to me [e.g. VCL or madexcept or FastMM or such... Is there some forehead slapping better way I don't know about that I can get that from the debugger directly? [I'm thinking not, since I assume the debugger won't want to incur the overhead of having to maintain by default counters for every breakpoint in your program {mostly needlessly}. But even if not, is there some feature to selectively turn such on or is this wishful thinking?]

In which compiler version was TLinkLabel added to the VCL?

In which compiler version was TLinkLabel added to the VCL?  I need to add a {$if CompilerVersion I could check all the versions in between but perhaps someone knows the answer already.

There is a new version or Package Magician with some bug fixes and enhancements:

There is a new version or Package Magician with some bug fixes and enhancements:

Bugfix for dxGetText (gnugettext.pas):

Bugfix for dxGetText (gnugettext.pas): TGnuGettextInstance.LoadResString must not call the global ResourceStringGettext but the GetText method of the class (patch by Der schöne Günther )


Hi, We need to implement a functionality in our VCL application where the user selects a PDF-file, and that will turn it to a Base64 string that we can store in a text field. Any who can help us?

Anyone with 10.1 berlin uses the amazing chrome tab control from

Anyone with 10.1 berlin uses the amazing chrome tab control from sadly i am getting this exception: i am using the latest version from github

Hello guys

Hello guys, Now UTF8String is supported on all platforms, 10 Seattle`s TJSONReader and TJSONWriter implementation could rely on UTF8String instead of UnicodeString? UTF8String could lead to a lot of memory usage gains. From JSON RFC: "JSON text SHALL be encoded in UTF-8, UTF-16, or UTF-32. The default encoding is UTF-8, and JSON texts that are encoded in UTF-8 are interoperable in the sense that they will be read successfully by the maximum number of implementations." Thanks :D

Hi all

Hi all, I know I have asked about this in the past and all your comments where very helpful but I am still struggling with how to manage custom components that can be used in designing forms. So, say I have a control v1.0 installed and used in a project. Now, while I am developing v2.0 I want to test in in design-time. For testing purposes, I know I can create it in run-time and put it in a form but as some point I need to install it and test it in real design time. The moment I do this, it conflicts with the previous version. Moreover, I need to change the paths in the library folders. When I want to go to my other project I uninstall v2.0 and re-install v1.0 It must be a simpler way, right? It can't be such an hassle. So, what am I missing here? Thanks

In a VCL program, if you want to display two lists of strings, add and delete from each using a popup menu and move items between them with (internal) drag&drop.

In a VCL program, if you want to display two lists of strings, add and delete from each using a popup menu and move items between them with (internal) drag&drop. Is there any reason to prefer ListViews over ListBoxes?

Saturday's Reflexion!!!

Saturday's Reflexion!!! ( *********************************************************** ) What innovation in programming tools or language features, HAS BEEN CHANGED YOUR LIFE? ( *********************************************************** ) Days ago I sensed nostalgic, cause I found a gadget that emulates or recreates my favorite eitghties home computer: "Sinclair Spectrum". I've searched things about... to make more hurting my nostalgic moment, may be. :( Finally I found this project: It is an emulator of Sinclair Spectrum Basic, inside an application Made in DELPHI!!!!! Really compiled with FreePascal, but the defines speaks all the time about “{$Mode Delphi}". I've downloaded the code an with a little set of changes, I got it compiling on Delphi 10 Seattle. Ready to make my contribution!!!! When I revise the code, I found a surprise.... All the code is PROCEDURAL PROGRAMMING!!!!! Yes!!! No Cla...

We finished making videos about our very-soon-to-be-released reporting components:

We finished making videos about our very-soon-to-be-released reporting components: 12 videos in total: how to make the simplest report, different ways to make master/detail and banded reports, cross tabulation, visualizing values using color scales and diagrams, using extensions (to display fields in a special way, or to process special data queries) You can see some reports from the videos exported to HTML, for example
When i deploy an application with runtime packages is there a way to pack all the required bpls in a resource file and load them from there. Or is the only way to place them all in the exe dir or search path?

It appears that latest IDEFixPack may intercept some CodeInsight procedures (especially TSymbolList.SetFilter), thus our product CodeInsightPlus might not work as expected any more Andreas Hausladen Could you add an option (or internal registry key) to let us disable this part?

It appears that latest IDEFixPack may intercept some CodeInsight procedures (especially TSymbolList.SetFilter), thus our product CodeInsightPlus might not work as expected any more Andreas Hausladen Could you add an option (or internal registry key) to let us disable this part?

Originally shared by David Berneda

Originally shared by David Berneda TeeBI beta 13 released ! Improved query / pivot-table design-time and more. Download full sources, installer and demos: Release notes:

I've been using aggregates in TClientDataSet to keep track of things such as non-autoinc record ids, by having a MAX(idRec) aggregate and then filling the idRec field from this aggregate in the OnNewRecord event of the dataset.

I've been using aggregates in TClientDataSet to keep track of things such as non-autoinc record ids, by having a MAX(idRec) aggregate and then filling the idRec field from this aggregate in the OnNewRecord event of the dataset. However this approach does not work in FireDAC, because FireDAC does not maintain aggregates in the dsInsert state, so the aggregate values are not available in the OnNewRecord. I guess I could cache the aggregate value in the OnAfterOpen and OnAfterPost events, but I'd like to know if anyone knows of a smoother approach for FireDAC.

I am proud to share with you, that we just released our Delphi iPad app for musical training - after years of hard work.

I am proud to share with you, that we just released our Delphi iPad app for musical training - after years of hard work. The app has been very well received worldwide (released in the languages English, Chinese, French, Spanish and German), and it is great to experience that you CAN make a successful consumer grade iOS apps with Delphi :-D It is made entirely with native components (TMS iCL), though with a few custom FMX components mixed in (musical instrument controls). It features audio recording and audio playback, Midi input and Midi output, Instrument sound sampler, Pitch recognition, and many other technologies - all made with the native iOS frameworks (AudioUnit, CoreMidi, etc). The app is free (with in-app purchases). You can try it here:
Delphi developer with good knowledge in networking and socket programming. 16 years of experience

Can anyone help out? I've never bothered with the trial as a 7 gig download that only lasts 30 days is just not worth it

Can anyone help out? I've never bothered with the trial as a 7 gig download that only lasts 30 days is just not worth it

Welcome to renewed uniGUI website!

Welcome to renewed uniGUI website!




Hi, is there a way to get a list of all the installed components and their versions a project is using (Not installed in the IDE)? I'd like to keep this for debug purposes when a build is out. Thanks.

Is there a better github client than the default one from github itself?

Is there a better github client than the default one from github itself? Would love to know what people recommend.  Github desktop just sucks so bad, would love to work with something that does not feel like wading though a bath of sticky syrup.

10.1 Berlin tip: In FMX project, do not include FMX.Types before FMX.Forms!

10.1 Berlin tip: In FMX project, do not include FMX.Types before FMX.Forms! program Project1; uses FMX.Types, // FMX.Forms, Unit1 in 'Unit1.pas' {Form1}; //... Application.Run; end. // The problem shows at application shutdown, when you hit F9 after stopping at breakpoint. Access violation occurs is in this method: destructor TPresentedTextControl.Destroy; Happens in 32-Bit-Windows target. 64-Bit-Windows target is ok. Can this type of error be found by static code analyses rule? Because it can be difficult to locate if you upgrade a big project from XE4 - where the problem does not show. Btw FMX.Types is needed to set GlobalUseDXSoftware flag.

About a month ago I was complaining here about using Hints. After that discussion I created a new application and so they came alive again, for a while. Using Berlin and applied Style Book for a FMX application is causing it to not showing again, or if I set to use the style manager it will raise exception when moving mouse over on debug mode.

About a month ago I was complaining here about using Hints. After that discussion I created a new application and so they came alive again, for a while. Using Berlin and applied Style Book for a FMX application is causing it to not showing again, or if I set to use the style manager it will raise exception when moving mouse over on debug mode. I don't know what specific situation it occur. New application will run fine, I think.


Interesting... Developing for Android vs developing for iOS – in 5 rounds


Hello, Is there a way to know where GetIt packages have been installed, especially where the demo directory is, if any ? For instance Esentials for VCL 1.0 Orpheus for VCL 4.0.8 PowerPDF for VCL 1.0 SynEdit for VCL 1.0 TChromeTabs 2.3 VirtualTree for VCL 6.0 Under linux I look at the file list of a package to find it out.

The only "good" bug that I was aware of was fixed. Not sure about the bad ones...

The only "good" bug that I was aware of was fixed. Not sure about the bad ones...

I am trying to send mail from Delphi XE 10 using TIDSMTP, TIDText, TIDAttachement, TIDMessage,TIDMessageParts.

I am trying to send mail from Delphi XE 10 using TIDSMTP, TIDText, TIDAttachement, TIDMessage,TIDMessageParts. It is sending the mail successfully with HTML body but I am receiving the with HTML body as an attachment att00001.htm. Any help would be appreciated.

someone can you help me with this Error

someone can you help me with this Error

i am getting this Error :

i am getting this Error : raised exception class eclassnotfound with message 'Class TQRPDFFilter not found' Any one can help me , i am using Delphi XE 8 with Quick Report
How to extract a pointer to the private methods in the class TFDCustomConnection (FireDAC)? For Delphi Berlin therefore helpers don't work.

Nice screen estate usage:

Nice screen estate usage:

I am about to start a new project connecting a client application (Win32) to different web services. I use XE6, are there any important changes between XE6 and the latest version in this area?

I am about to start a new project connecting a client application (Win32) to different web services. I use XE6, are there any important changes between XE6 and the latest version in this area? Regards, Ole

FMX Base Game Engine

FMX Base Game Engine It's Very Good!!!!

Stumbled upon this :

Stumbled upon this :

Snapping windows to monitor halves / quadrants

Snapping windows to monitor halves / quadrants You probably know about the Windows 7+ feature to snap a window to the left or right side of the monitor via Windows+Left / Windows+Right hotkey. You might even know that Windows 10 extended this to snap a window to the top or bottom and even to one of the quadrants of your monitor. But what if you don’t have Windows 10? Can this be done programmatically?

Is TChromium working with FMX ? I'm looking for a recent version that works with Delphi Berlin.

Is TChromium working with FMX ? I'm looking for a recent version that works with Delphi Berlin. Thank you for your feedback

Access Firemonkey LISTVIEW ITEMs property dinamically.

Originally shared by flavio motta Access Firemonkey LISTVIEW ITEMs property dinamically. I have created new itens in Delphi 10.1 but i need acess TEXT property from each one. Someone ? Thanks !

Originally shared by flavio motta

Originally shared by flavio motta Access Firemonkey LISTVIEW ITEMs property dinamically. I have created new itens in Delphi 10.1 but i need acess TEXT property from each one. Someone ? Thanks !
Hi, We are using an application in Delphi 10 Seattle, can anyone suggest a good automated testing tool for Delphi 10 Seattle desktop application? We need to automate Functional & regression tests.

I'm just wondering about this David Heffernan​​​'s suggestion on this SO question.

I'm just wondering about this David Heffernan​​​'s suggestion on this SO question. "On the other hand, I cannot understand why TContrat is a class. It should be a record. Replace the object list with an array and replace the class with a record and you should be in a much better place." This is the definition of TContrat: TContrat = class private FdDateDeb: TDate; public property dDateDeb: TDate read FdDateDeb write FdDateDeb; end; Why should we use record here David? Maybe because the class doesn't implement any behavior at all?

There seems to be a problem on mobile browsing on Embarcadero's blogs

There seems to be a problem on mobile browsing on Embarcadero's blogs I'm using a Nexus 5x phone and my browser is Google Chrome Marco Cantù​

How do you make a ImageList in FMX do anything other than display 16x16 bitmaps?

How do you make a ImageList in FMX do anything other than display 16x16 bitmaps? I naively tried to answer this question:   But no matter what I do I cannot get the actionlist to do anything but display 16x16 glyphs on the buttons/menu's etc. I've added an MVCE to the question.

I'm trying to display some web browser content in my FMX application.

I'm trying to display some web browser content in my FMX application. I'm getting from a Webservice an gmap url. I have multiple issue with the TWebBrowser component : - TWebbrowser doesn't display it content when not on main form ( ) - application crash when closing ( ) - TWebbrowser is throwing 8002001 errors when trying to navigate to another url - I'm getting an message telling me that IE is in compatibility mode when displaying google maps Has anyone worked with this component before ? Do you have any workaround for these issues ? Is there a better way to capture and display webbrowser content ? Thank you
Well, I heard through the grapevine that Delphi Developer Days will be in late 2016 with Nick Hodges and Cary Jensen.. I guess we'll have to stay tuned for dates. But, I'm so there......
Hi I need some Help in Delphi can you help me, please drop me mail to

We'd like to inform a major update for TMS WebGMaps, is available now with several new features! What's new in v2.5.0.0:

We'd like to inform a major update for TMS WebGMaps, is available now with several new features! What's new in v2.5.0.0: - New : AddGeoImage method - New : MapOptions.ZoomMarker property - New : IconColor, IconState properties for Markers - New : IconWidth, IconZoomWidth, IconHeight, IconZoomHeight properties for Markers - New : Events OnMarkerZoomIn, OnMarkerZoomOut added You can download the trial version from our website:

When developing packages, do you have any use of different values of LIBSUFFIX for different build configurations and/or platforms?

When developing packages, do you have any use of different values of LIBSUFFIX for different build configurations and/or platforms? If yes, I would love to read about your reasons in a comment. Edit: To clarify - the question targets the SAME Delphi version!
Is the docwiki down?

I am currently having problem with Unicode String in CSV files. I am Creating a CSV file using the below code from a dataset:

I am currently having problem with Unicode String in CSV files. I am Creating a CSV file using the below code from a dataset: First writting the Column names using a loop: ms.Write(Data[1], Length(Data)*SizeOf(Data[1])); then ms.Write(#13#10,2*SizeOf(char)); then writiing the data row: ms.Write(Data[1], Length(Data)*SizeOf(Data[1])); ms.Write(#13#10,2*SizeOf(char)); It is creating the CSV correctly but when try to importing the CSV it is showing junk character between each of the character. Could you please let us know how to write unicode string in CSV.