
Showing posts from June, 2018

I cannot find a solution to a doubt that came out while reading Primož Gabrijelčič's book. Any hint?

I cannot find a solution to a doubt that came out while reading Primož Gabrijelčič's book. Any hint?

Marco Cantù has pointed out in his blog ( something really important for the Firemonkey mobile developers. As far as I know, this is the first multiplatform memory leak detector (tested for Android, Win32, Win64) that exists for Delphi:

Marco Cantù has pointed out in his blog ( ) something really important for the Firemonkey mobile developers. As far as I know, this is the first multiplatform memory leak detector (tested for Android, Win32, Win64) that exists for Delphi: . Thanks Jan Rames for your contribution to the Delphi community.

I've made available, with permissions from the author, an open source version of King Calendar - one of the early Delphi components back in Delphi 1 - 3 days and was basically abandoned.

I've made available, with permissions from the author, an open source version of King Calendar - one of the early Delphi components back in Delphi 1 - 3 days and was basically abandoned. I've broken out to proper run and design time packages years ago and had kept it updated through the various versions of Delphi. I've made available via GitHib and am starting with Delphi 10.2 Tokyo packages sne then later adding earlier packages. I've also made 64 bit packages. The original demos were tweaked and also 64 bit versions made and tested. I've taken the original documentation (credits had included Nick Hodges when he was in the Navy, to show how old the component was, and converter the no longer supported help format to RTF.

Is there a standard (generic) function that uses RTTI to compare the contents of two class instances and say whether they're the same or not?

Is there a standard (generic) function that uses RTTI to compare the contents of two class instances and say whether they're the same or not? (I'd like something that lets me assign an attribute to certain fields to be ignored, and then use a loop that compares values based on their type to report if all the other fields match or not, without having to write an if...then for every field in the class. Surely something like this has been written dozens of times by now!) In this instance, the fields are all built-in types except there's one TStringlist field.

Question for anybody using a vcs in a team with Delphi projects: how do you manage your Delphi Project file(s)?

Question for anybody using a vcs in a team with Delphi projects: how do you manage your Delphi Project file(s)? [I don't know what category this belongs in -- it seems like it should be something like "Delphi Workflow".] Two different issues: First, do you assume everybody has the same footprint and can run the same project file on their machine unchanged? Second, when someone decides to "upgrade" a file because of significant changes, and decides to change its name, say from Form22a to Form22b, how do you ensure that everybody else's environment actually replaces Form22a.pas/.dfm with Form22b.pas/.dfm, including the relevant lines in the project file? (Will git, say, remove Form22a.* from the environment and then add Form22b.* ?) Related, when someone ADDS a file to the project, the project file needs to be updated. Also, when a new library is introduced that's needed on one form but not others, the search paths probably need to be updated in the proje...

Update to ChakraCore v1.10.0

Update to ChakraCore v1.10.0

Who need Delphi programmes in ITALY ?

Who need Delphi programmes in ITALY ?
Thomas Mueller, I just noticed GExperts' GREP search doesn't work with .pas files saved in utf8 format - There is no result from those files, even using the latest svn trunk version I just compiled. Do you have any idea? Thanks.

Class completion in starter... seriously folks!?

Class completion in starter... seriously folks!? Why does Starter not have class completion? Is there something that needs doing to have it? Jim McKeeth, why does Starter not have it?

I have been on to this thing a couple of times but i have not been able to express myself clearly enough previously and so no one with the skills has been able to find a viable solution or even understand what I’m on about.

I have been on to this thing a couple of times but i have not been able to express myself clearly enough previously and so no one with the skills has been able to find a viable solution or even understand what I’m on about. I work i a VM (VirtualBox). If the host and the VM both has 100% both this is not a big problem. But when the host has a smaller (15 inch) scaled 4K screen and the VM is forced to use scaling, the painting of the IDE gets slower. If the host has 250% scaling the paining in the VM is even worse. Syrup. I usually have the IDE in MDI-mode, i think that is what it is called. I have a docked set of windows to the bottom (100% width), one docked set to the left (commonly structure, object inspector) and one to the right (project manager, tool palette, et. al). The problem is that when the IDE switches from Default Layout to Debug Layout it takes too long to repaint everything in the above described circumstances. Key here is of course that the Default and the Debug layout...
About async development in JS DataSnap framework. ^_^

In FMX, is it possible to make a TFlowLayout vertically scrollable? I've tried to put it in a scrollbox and checked some tips for VCL but they don't apply to FMX as FlowLayout does not have AutoSize and AutoWrap options.

In FMX, is it possible to make a TFlowLayout vertically scrollable? I've tried to put it in a scrollbox and checked some tips for VCL but they don't apply to FMX as FlowLayout does not have AutoSize and AutoWrap options.

I am trying to find an example how to put a file (jpeg image) into a website using TNetHTTPClient but no luck.

I am trying to find an example how to put a file (jpeg image) into a website using TNetHTTPClient but no luck. I found no Delphi samples about this. If someone has a simple sample or point a solution I would appreciate. UPDATE: I was able to get and modify a routine able to upload file, but the server side is PHP and requires a variable with the filename. I really don't know how to set that var and value to make it work. So far the routine I did is: Procedure UploadFile(HttpClient: TNetHTTPClient; const URL: string; const FullFilename: string); var LMultipartFormData: TMultipartFormData; begin LMultipartFormData := TMultipartFormData.Create; try LMultipartFormData.AddFile(ExtractFileName(FullFilename), FullFilename); HttpClient.ContentType := 'multipart/form-data'; HttpClient.Post(URL, LMultipartFormData); finally LMultipartFormData.Free; end; end; Maybe using LMultipartFormData.AddField() would solve, I even tried to put som...

I am trying to find an example how to put a file (jpeg image) into a website using TNetHTTPClient but no luck. I found no Delphi samples about this.

I am trying to find an example how to put a file (jpeg image) into a website using TNetHTTPClient but no luck. I found no Delphi samples about this. If someone has a simple sample or point a solution I would appreciate. UPDATE: I was able to get and modify a routine able to upload file, but the server side is PHP and requires a variable with the filename. I really don't know how to set that var and value to make it work. So far the routine I did is: Procedure UploadFile(HttpClient: TNetHTTPClient; const URL: string; const FullFilename: string); var LMultipartFormData: TMultipartFormData; begin LMultipartFormData := TMultipartFormData.Create; try LMultipartFormData.AddFile(ExtractFileName(FullFilename), FullFilename); HttpClient.ContentType := 'multipart/form-data'; HttpClient.Post(URL, LMultipartFormData); finally LMultipartFormData.Free; end; end; Maybe using LMultipartFormData.AddField() would solve, I even tried to put som...

Sharing again for visibility, since the first discussion got overtaken by server problems.

Sharing again for visibility, since the first discussion got overtaken by server problems. This is a really great hotfix that address code completion issues (some things should be significantly better now) and iOS issues. It's worth installing. Originally shared by Marco Cantù Blog post "RAD Studio 10.2.3 Delphi CodeInsight (and iOS 11.3) Patch" at . Download at

Sharing again for visibility, since the first discussion got overtaken by server problems.

Sharing again for visibility, since the first discussion got overtaken by server problems. This is a really great hotfix that address code completion issues (some things should be significantly better now) and iOS issues. It's worth installing. Originally shared by Marco Cantù Blog post "RAD Studio 10.2.3 Delphi CodeInsight (and iOS 11.3) Patch" at . Download at

Online help miss some info on the X.509 SOAP service configuration...

Online help miss some info on the X.509 SOAP service configuration... What have I to put in the 4 fields of the X.509 certificat...I can probably generate a self signed certificat with opensll or keytool (jdk) but how ? Thanks

Jordan Russell's site is back online:

Jordan Russell's site is back online:

I have released update 11 of the SVG control package. Among other things, you can now set the aspect ratio on the SVG controls.

I have released update 11 of the SVG control package. Among other things, you can now set the aspect ratio on the SVG controls. The demo package and demo windows viewer application is also upgraded.

Suppose you have a package consisting of source files residing in dozens of subfolders of a root package folder.

Suppose you have a package consisting of source files residing in dozens of subfolders of a root package folder. To create a .dpk file from IDE I need to browse into each subfolder, select all *.pas files and add them to the package. Is it possible to automate it, for example by just clicking on a root package folder so that all *.pas files in its subfolders are added to the package?

Suppose you have a package consisting of source files residing in dozens of subfolders of a root package folder. To create a .dpk file from IDE I need to browse into each subfolder, select all *.pas files and add them to the package.

Suppose you have a package consisting of source files residing in dozens of subfolders of a root package folder. To create a .dpk file from IDE I need to browse into each subfolder, select all *.pas files and add them to the package. Is it possible to automate it, for example by just clicking on a root package folder so that all *.pas files in its subfolders are added to the package?

I'm profiling some code trying to improve its abismal performance. I'm using AsmProfiler ( The problem is, when running my program with the profiling code in place, it runs way faster than when I compile it using Release settings.

I'm profiling some code trying to improve its abismal performance. I'm using AsmProfiler ( ). The problem is, when running my program with the profiling code in place, it runs way faster than when I compile it using Release settings. Of course, I need to check the configuration for each profile, but, how can this be possible at all?

Indy EidHTTPProtocolException?

Indy EidHTTPProtocolException? I use TIdHTTP to download an image from a web location to a memorystream. I use the following code: tmpMemStream:=TMemoryStream.Create; try tmpIdHTTP:=tidHttp.create; try tmpURL:=''+tmpURL ; tmpIdHTTP.Get('http://(proper url)', tmpMemStream); tmpLogo:=TBitmap.Create; tmpLogo.LoadFromStream(tmpMemStream); finally tmpIdHTTP.Free; end; finally logo:=tmpLogo; tmpMemStream.Free; end; The above code used to work for a few years but recently I realised that it generates an EIdHTTPProtocolException with the following error:"HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently" When I try the URL in my browser, the image shows correctly but my code fails. Any ideas what may be wrong? Thanks

How do I assign a buffer containing a Mono8 bitmap to a TBitmap?

How do I assign a buffer containing a Mono8 bitmap to a TBitmap? (Link contains a lot more info and source code)

Have to teach them to use the Force when they're young!

Have to teach them to use the Force when they're young!

How to develop Excel COM Add-in and implement Custom Task Pane with Firemonkey?

How to develop Excel COM Add-in and implement Custom Task Pane with Firemonkey?

Blog post "RAD Studio 10.

Blog post "RAD Studio 10.2.3 Delphi CodeInsight (and iOS 11.3) Patch" at . Download at

Blog post "RAD Studio 10.2.3 Delphi CodeInsight (and iOS 11.3) Patch" at Download at

Blog post "RAD Studio 10.2.3 Delphi CodeInsight (and iOS 11.3) Patch" at . Download at

new user. researching performance times of 32 bit apps running in a 64 bit environment

new user. researching performance times of 32 bit apps running in a 64 bit environment

Simon King Access here is a privilege, not a right, and participation is voluntary.

Simon King Access here is a privilege, not a right, and participation is voluntary. There is no democratic process behind my post removals or account bans. I am judge, jury and executioner. I judge solely on my perception of a person's post or comment history. If you find that unacceptable, move on, because it won't be changing anytime soon. Posting this with comments disabled does not count in your favor. Original post removed. Originally shared by Simon King Censorship and Attacks I have found it very strange that the owner of this group chose to censor multiple posts about InstallAware over the course of the past two weeks. I have found it even stranger that the same owner, who allegedly based his censorship of InstallAware on criteria of `personal attacks`, would allow similar attacks to go completely untouched in the recent HTML5 Builder posting. Hypocrisy runs amok here. Posts are deleted because they are deemed commercial, while even more commercial posts are allowed to...

Simon King Access here is a privilege, not a right, and participation is voluntary. There is no democratic process behind my post removals or account bans. I am judge, jury and executioner. I judge solely on my perception of a person's post or comment history. If you find that unacceptable, move on, because it won't be changing anytime soon.

Simon King Access here is a privilege, not a right, and participation is voluntary. There is no democratic process behind my post removals or account bans. I am judge, jury and executioner. I judge solely on my perception of a person's post or comment history. If you find that unacceptable, move on, because it won't be changing anytime soon. Posting this with comments disabled does not count in your favor. Original post removed. Originally shared by Simon King Censorship and Attacks I have found it very strange that the owner of this group chose to censor multiple posts about InstallAware over the course of the past two weeks. I have found it even stranger that the same owner, who allegedly based his censorship of InstallAware on criteria of `personal attacks`, would allow similar attacks to go completely untouched in the recent HTML5 Builder posting. Hypocrisy runs amok here. Posts are deleted because they are deemed commercial, while even more commercial posts are allowed to...

Fabulous error message of the day :)

Fabulous error message of the day :) Build Failed The following Stage Gate Condition failed: The expression ['$Stage.IsSuccessful$' equals 'True'] evaluated to False. 'False' does not equal 'True'. Failed Stage: Name Withheld

After a long time!

After a long time! New blog article by Marcos Douglas B. Santos around the Pascal/Delphi language for TMSsoftware Object Pascal: Compiler Directives


Hi, (I'm using Delphi Tokyo) Is there a way to use the same Build number for Debug and Release? As I understand the IDE keep separated build count for each build configuration. Is there a way to unify debug and release per platform? Today my project show debug build as 781 and release build as 62. It is very hard to track errors in source code this way. How do you guys managed it? Is there a tool to generate a common build number? Thanks, Clément

I have two issues with TSaveDialog.

I have two issues with TSaveDialog. 1) It always appends the extension to the filename even if the filename already has the extension. Resulting in a filename with two or more extensions. 2) When I compile my project inside the IDE the TSaveDialog and TOpenDialog uses the new Windows vista style. When I compile the project via command line, using the exact same settings, the dialog paints with the old style. Anyone with these issues? Thanks. Edit: using Tokyo latest release.

VLC in FMX forms?

VLC in FMX forms? I've seen some solutions where you can embed FMX forms in VLC apps. I want to do the opposite for Windows only. I can show a VLC form from within a FMX app but when I am trying to embed a VLC frame I can't do it. Does anybody know how to do it/done it? Thanks

How to auto close Message View window on successful compilation.

How to auto close Message View window on successful compilation . This was asked for in Delphi 7, but it seems with Delphi XE3 (what I'm using) it's still not possible. Anybody know of a 3rd party add-in or hidden Delphi setting that will close the Message View after a successful compilation? If I save my "desktop environment" while the Message View window is closed, then compile it doesn't display the Message View - if no errors occurred. If a error occurs, then the Message View automatically appears. After I fixed the compilation error and recompile, the Message View stays there and doesn't close. At this point I want it to close automatically. It is so damn annoying. I need all the screen (editor) space I can get, and the always visible Message View is taking up vital space. Any known solution for this? Once again, Lazarus IDE does this perfectly.

Not registered yet? Do it now and discover TMS WEB!!

Not registered yet? Do it now and discover TMS WEB!! Deutsche CodeRage, Online Konferenz 26. Juni 2018 Dr. Holger Flick presenting TMS Web!

I'd like to "modernize" my program's GUI and I thought the ribbon could be the answer. I opted for the Windows Ribbon Framework for Delphi.

I'd like to "modernize" my program's GUI and I thought the ribbon could be the answer. I opted for the Windows Ribbon Framework for Delphi. I encountered two main problems: 1 - the ribbon only works inside IDE. When I execute either Debug or Release version I obtain nothing. I see the program in Task Manager for a couple of seconds using 50K of RAM max and than it disappears. 2 - I tried to update the library to the last version. I did what had to be done uninstalling the previous and installing the last one, but I cannot place a TUIRibbon on a form. I only get an invalid handle error. I don't want to start a discussion about the ribbon itself. Only its implementation on Delphi. If someone knows a better library to do it, please share.

Something strange happened to my IDE tonight. Most of the properties and Events in the DataModules in my project are lost at design time.

Something strange happened to my IDE tonight. Most of the properties and Events in the DataModules in my project are lost at design time. Even if I start a brand new project, add one empty form and an empty DataModule to the application, the properties are not there any longer. I can't remember I have done anything in the IDE. Do you know what happened ?

Originally shared by Thomas Mueller (dummzeuch)

Originally shared by Thomas Mueller (dummzeuch) I always wanted to know how many people use my experimental version of GExperts but never came around to actually evaluate the download counts. Today I finally did it. In total there were 9092 file downloads from . Since in…


Hello, I expect delphi 10.3 to come out before august. As you may know there will be in august an "update" in the play store because the apps will have to target an higher api level. Embarcadero needs to fix this otherwise no more android apps in delphi! Where I work we're moving to Java which is of course better than fmx but the porting process is slow. Is there any fix to this delphi android sdk problem? I have said that I EXPECT the update but I am not sure. I have seen a great solution by david nottage but it has a quite visible problem in the title bar! Do we have to wait or there is another solution?


Hello... Can someone point me how to add new column or row in Tgridpanellayout dynimic from the code? Thank you...

Hi...I'm having this error while updating

Hi...I'm having this error while updating, Error: 'Object is already in collection.Cannot Append' can anyone knows why this happens?


Hello! I am a long time Delphi and C++ developer. My colleagues at work suggested me to learn C# because they said it is a "mix" of delphi and c++; in particular they said that C# share A LOT of things that delphi has. Googling around (curiosty) I've seen in fact that: - C# has a very similar threading library (Tasks (run/stop/wait), Monitor class and the class System.Threading in general (same name as delphi)). - C# has attributes like delphi - C# has diagnostics like delphi - C# has sturctures like delphi (TDictionary, Queue, Stack, IEnumerables and other Collections - C# has datetime/timezone like delphi and a lot more that my collegagues told me! I don't wanna use c++ for cross platform because I don't like Qt. I use delphi for destkop and cross platform BUT firemonkey and delphi's quality (for mobile) is dying. They suggested me to move to C# because it will be easy to learn since I know well delphi and c++. Please let's NOT START A DISCUSSION ON...

Searching, check

Searching, check Googling + F3, check... Is there a standard keyboard shortcut fot the "Quick Edit" thingy?

Are there any videos (not written stuff, but actual videos) that show how you'd set up and use the built-in versioning in Tokyo IDE with a gitlab repo? Especially for multiple team members to work with the same repo.

Are there any videos (not written stuff, but actual videos) that show how you'd set up and use the built-in versioning in Tokyo IDE with a gitlab repo? Especially for multiple team members to work with the same repo. Everything I've seen is sort of like: "This is a key. You insert the key into the lock and turn it this way. Then you can turn the knob and open the door. And there you go. Welcome to your file warehouse." I want to see how people actually set things up in the warehouse and work with them as a team over time. Not how to turn the knob, open the door, and set a box of stuff inside the door. We have a hosted gitlab site at work, and very few tools I've found work with hosted sites. We're having trouble getting Dephi's IDE to work with it. I keep getting my backups scrambled up and can't seem to undo things. One of my colleagues insists we need to use Microsoft's Visual Studio Code tool because it's more stable than the Tokyo IDE ... a...

HTML5 builder, the most promising product of Embarcadero in my eyes

HTML5 builder, the most promising product of Embarcadero in my eyes
Does anyone know what happened to the install program inno setup and the website jrsoftware(dot)org? The website seems to be gone.

Jop Opportunity!

Jop Opportunity! Role: Senior Software Engineer Location: LaJolla, CA Rate: $50 on W2 Responsibilities Refactor and extend the existing codebase to fix defects and add features/functionality Receives and understands technical design Receives and familiarizes self with domain knowledge Completes well-defined programming tasks Debugs own code Implements unit testing within own code Documents technical specifications around own code Participates in peer code reviews Perform other duties as needed Requirements · Bachelor’s degree in computer science or related field, or equivalent work experience · At least 7 years developing software professionally · At least 3 years developing software using Embarcadero Delphi · Demonstrated expertise in the Microsoft development stack (.NET, C#, WebAPI) · Familiar with and has participated in Agile scrum development process · Strong understanding of API using WCF, REST · Able to handle a fast-pace...

New big component released today: TMS FNC KanbanBoard

New big component released today: TMS FNC KanbanBoard Included in the TMS FNC UI Pack v2.2 Find out more:

Delphi 10.3 - where are you?

Delphi 10.3 - where are you? Just out of curiosity: has anyone heard anything new about the next version? any beta around? It has been rather quiet recently and 10.2.3 has been released more than 3 months ago

When trying to run a app in IOSSimulator, I'm receiving the following message:

When trying to run a app in IOSSimulator, I'm receiving the following message: Debugger Assertion Failure: "obj" in ..\win32src\rproxy.cpp at line 663 I'm using Delphi 10.2.3 (Tokyo), iPhoneSimulator11.4.sdk, XCode 9.4.1, IOS 11.4 I have applied the following hotfixes: RSP-20268 RSP-20303 RSP-20342 RSP-20346 Anyone knows how to get my app starting on IOS Simulator? Many Thanks

Ann: NexusDB EOFY Sale

Ann: NexusDB EOFY Sale Greetings from NexusDB, the home of great database components and Quality Assurance tools for Rad Studio/Delphi/C++ Builder. We have a great EOFY (End of Financial Year) offer for you! Take advantage of the following until the end of June: For any purchase made of new licenses, on all products, take 30% off the normal price. Yes, that is 30% off any full price product, even including our Full Monty Pack which bundles all products! To receive the rebate, make sure you enter the following coupon code during checkout: EOFY2018 Visit our webshop here: Please also note, all our prices are in Australian dollars. If you are purchasing from outside Australia, take advantage of the extra 25% "rebate" provided by the favourable USD/AUD exchange rate! Our main products: NexusDB Database Nexus Quality ...

I am having an issue with Fullscreen and FMX.

I am having an issue with Fullscreen and FMX... My app is intended to run in full screen, it has more 2 forms besides the main form. I set FullScreen to true on the main form, when I open any other form the it keeps on full, nice, but when I return to the main form it loses the fullscreen, showing the status bar, now I tried to apply Fullscreen to all the other forms, no result. The problem is with the main form only, when I return to it, reading the value of Fullscreen it shows as TRUE, but the screen won't reflect that state.

I am having an issue with Fullscreen and FMX... My app is intended to run in full screen, it has more 2 forms besides the main form. I set FullScreen to true on the main form, when I open any other form the it keeps on full, nice, but when I return to the main form it loses the fullscreen, showing the status bar, now I tried to apply Fullscreen to all the other forms, no result.

I am having an issue with Fullscreen and FMX... My app is intended to run in full screen, it has more 2 forms besides the main form. I set FullScreen to true on the main form, when I open any other form the it keeps on full, nice, but when I return to the main form it loses the fullscreen, showing the status bar, now I tried to apply Fullscreen to all the other forms, no result. The problem is with the main form only, when I return to it, reading the value of Fullscreen it shows as TRUE, but the screen won't reflect that state.

OK, not a ground breaking feature request, but it might get some likes when implemented (especially because the...

OK, not a ground breaking feature request, but it might get some likes when implemented (especially because the implementation is pretty easy): Add support for colored fonts in TDirect2DCanvas

OK, not a ground breaking feature request, but it might get some likes when implemented (especially because the implementation is pretty easy): Add support for colored fonts in TDirect2DCanvas

OK, not a ground breaking feature request, but it might get some likes when implemented (especially because the implementation is pretty easy): Add support for colored fonts in TDirect2DCanvas

Who knew that? (And why didn't you tell me before!?)

Who knew that? (And why didn't you tell me before!?) Originally shared by Primož Gabrijelčič

TMS Component Pack v8.9.0.0 is released!

TMS Component Pack v8.9.0.0 is released! Discover here what is new and improved in v8.9.0.0.'s%20new.pdf More information can be found here:

Blogged -

Blogged -

I have found that using CreateAnonymousThread has resulted in a memory leak after the latest windows 10 update. Anyone else run into a similar issue?

I have found that using CreateAnonymousThread has resulted in a memory leak after the latest windows 10 update. Anyone else run into a similar issue? (it was OK before) used like e.g TThread.CreateAnonymousThread(procedure () begin try //do something except on E: Exception do MainForm.Memoerror.lines.add('error with thread '+E.Message); end; end).Start;
I need to create a process that maintains a separate date. The data will be retrieved from a server and maintain a time from the current date, time, and now functions. I am sure that I need to create a separate thread with a timer that maintains seconds since a given point in time. Can anybody suggest a good point to get started with this process.

The Embarcadero forums are live again :-D

The Embarcadero forums are live again :-D

I hope a fix for this will be back-ported for many Delphi versions.

I hope a fix for this will be back-ported for many Delphi versions. System.pas: procedure YieldProcessor; {$IF (defined(CPUX86) or defined(CPUX64)) and defined(ASSEMBLER)} asm PAUSE end; {$ELSE} begin end; {$ENDIF} Called from TMonitor.Spin, TThread.SpinWait and TInternalConditionVariable.LockQueue. Duplicates in TMonitor.Spin TThread.SpinWait, TInternalConditionVariable.LockQueue and Originally shared by Kristian Köhntopp The "Pause" instruction changed timing dramatically in Skylake. Spinlock implementation based on pause will need adjustments.

I hope a fix for this will be back-ported for many Delphi versions.

I hope a fix for this will be back-ported for many Delphi versions. System.pas: procedure YieldProcessor; {$IF (defined(CPUX86) or defined(CPUX64)) and defined(ASSEMBLER)} asm PAUSE end; {$ELSE} begin end; {$ENDIF} Called from TMonitor.Spin, TThread.SpinWait and TInternalConditionVariable.LockQueue. Duplicates in TMonitor.Spin TThread.SpinWait, TInternalConditionVariable.LockQueue and Originally shared by Kristian Köhntopp The "Pause" instruction changed timing dramatically in Skylake. Spinlock implementation based on pause will need adjustments.

What is the best way to build dynamic SQL queries in code based off user input? Concatenating a bunch of strings together in 2018 hardly seems like the best way. Or if it is: is there an existing framework that helps out with it? I see but I'm not quite sure that will actually help make code clearer. I also see FireDAC Macros but again not sure that actually helps the situation.

What is the best way to build dynamic SQL queries in code based off user input? Concatenating a bunch of strings together in 2018 hardly seems like the best way. Or if it is: is there an existing framework that helps out with it? I see but I'm not quite sure that will actually help make code clearer. I also see FireDAC Macros but again not sure that actually helps the situation.

Hi guys

Hi guys, I'd like your opinion about something. Whenever I need to implement a "Delete" action I get very stressed. Say for example, I want to implement Customers --> Quotes --> Invoices. Apparently, there is functionality to add/edit Customer. Here I am reluctant to implement the delete function straight away because I am afraid that if I implement it before the Quotes/Invoices I may forget to delete them when a customer is deleted. I know databases can take care of this with cascade/etc but many times things are more complex or databases do not have relationships Do you ever get to this stage or it's just me? Should I just implement delete in the sequence of add/edit/delete? Thanks

I need help/example to add photos and videos to photo library in iOS using creationRequestForAssetFromImageAtFileURL/creationRequestForAssetFromVideoAtFileURL.

I need help/example to add photos and videos to photo library in iOS using creationRequestForAssetFromImageAtFileURL/creationRequestForAssetFromVideoAtFileURL. Thank you!

#SmartMobileStudio #Delphi #ObjectPascal #NodeJS #HTML5

#SmartMobileStudio #Delphi #ObjectPascal #NodeJS #HTML5 A new update is available in the Alpha- and Beta-channels by running SmartUpdate: RTL: - Storage device driver for the browser - Path parsing classes - Windows - Linux - TPath and other common file classes - NodeJS: - Support for http and https servers - Support for WebSocket and Websocket Secure (WS / WSS) - Improvements to the Ragnarok server. - Updated Websocket Client to latest standard - Improvements to text parsing. - TPath and common file functions - Crypto API updated to latest revision - Storage device driver - Changes to TW3TabControl: - Hide tab contents properly, if the tab is not visible. - Added HideHeader/ShowHeader - Changes to how ContextMenus are handled - As default, context menu is only shown on TW3EditBox, TW3Memo and TW3AceEditor. - Set TW3CustomControl.AllowContextMenu to true to enable on other controls. - OnContextPopup's Handled-property changed to allow proper control. - Improvements to the way listm...

For anyone wanting to migrated JEDI VCS repositories to Git.

For anyone wanting to migrated JEDI VCS repositories to Git. Migrating from JEDI VCS to Git

New IDE Fix Pack 6.3 released for Delphi 2009-10.2.3.

New IDE Fix Pack 6.3 released for Delphi 2009-10.2.3.

mrAI - Artificial Intelligence in *pure pascal* (compatible with Delphi2007 and later versions). I don't know much technical implementation details about AI, but AI has been being hot in recent years, isn't it? I'm not able to justify its quality or the coverage of the AI field, but as far as I know, it seems to be the only *pure pascal* AI implementation, isn't it?

mrAI - Artificial Intelligence in *pure pascal* (compatible with Delphi2007 and later versions). I don't know much technical implementation details about AI, but AI has been being hot in recent years, isn't it? I'm not able to justify its quality or the coverage of the AI field, but as far as I know, it seems to be the only *pure pascal* AI implementation, isn't it?

just for curiosity I did a test to check the enhancements on the Delphi 64bit compiler 10.2.3...I have made a run of the good old poker benchmark of Charles, and compiled it without debug, full optimizations on the compiler and the linker. The code is good as bench the low level root pascal, FOR, WHILE, SET, TObject and TList nested iterations. Surprise: Delphi64 it's really impressive, it's 2.5x faster than the direct competitor FPC 3.1.1 64bit. Some user tells that's faster than VC benchs as mips, integer common tests... cheers! (tested over a i7 without threadpool parallel classes at all, so to see the raw single core speed)

just for curiosity I did a test to check the enhancements on the Delphi 64bit compiler 10.2.3...I have made a run of the good old poker benchmark of Charles, and compiled it without debug, full optimizations on the compiler and the linker. The code is good as bench the low level root pascal, FOR, WHILE, SET, TObject and TList nested iterations. Surprise: Delphi64 it's really impressive, it's 2.5x faster than the direct competitor FPC 3.1.1 64bit. Some user tells that's faster than VC benchs as mips, integer common tests... cheers! (tested over a i7 without threadpool parallel classes at all, so to see the raw single core speed) www dot dellapasqua dot com / wldd49.rar

Performance of Delphi application with remoteapp running on a farm of RDS servers with sql 2014 DB.

Performance of Delphi application with remoteapp running on a farm of RDS servers with sql 2014 DB. Perf seems really bad. Is there anything we can do on compiler parameters or running parameters in order to optimize this? Tks.

Having hard times to find skilled Delphi developers here in Spain. Many years ago Delphi was learned at the university and it was easy to find Delphi programmers.

Having hard times to find skilled Delphi developers here in Spain. Many years ago Delphi was learned at the university and it was easy to find Delphi programmers. Now things have changed and we are living in a Java world. I still think that Delphi is the best suited language for business apps but, when a software company needs skilled programmers and cannot find them it is time to think in moving to another platform. Perhaps Embarcadero and it’s distributors should spend money and time to reach agreements with universities to teach its technologies. What do you think?




Hi! I am did simple a file transfer using Indy. When file is small (ie. 1Kb) the client side receives a 0 byte, but this is due because not getting bytes. Not best solution, but I dont know any other, the receive loop is: LFilename := IdTCPClient1.IOHandler.ReadLn; // while IdTCPClient1.IOHandler.CheckForDataOnSource do begin IdTCPClient1.IOHandler.ReadStream(Strm, -1, false); Application.ProcessMessages; end; When get small files I only receive the LFilename and CheckForDataOnSource if False so my stream is closed without any bytes. If I force ReadStream() by ignoring CheckForDataOnSource it will hang, because it is false. This works fine for large files, but fail to small files because CheckForDataOnSource() gets to False.

Transparencies (use of opacity) in nested controls (FMX).

Transparencies (use of opacity) in nested controls (FMX). I have a form with a background photo and a partially transparent "panel" (a TRectangle inside a TLayout, with Opacity set to 0,7). I would be able to position another TRectangle over it , covering only a part of that "panel", but, for this control only, without transparencies (I'd need a top, slightly smaller, panel in the center of my form, 100% opaque, to put labels, bitmaps, etc., over it). Is this possible with FMX? This is the best that I can get (reduced opacity is applied also to center panel):

UTF8's a bit confused in System.pas...

UTF8's a bit confused in System.pas... UTF8Decode -> call Utf8ToUnicode but deprecated 'Use UTF8ToWideString or UTF8ToString'; UTF8ToWideString -> inline call to UTF8Decode ! UTF8ToString -> inline call to UTF8ToUnicodeString this needs some cleanup I think :( is it possible to keep at least the System unit a little bit coherent ?

Hello .

Hello . I need exemple for datasnap . with database Please.

There's something strange i witnessed in our Application (and noticed in the IDE, too). When The Application is minimized and then restored(to maximized), there are a couple of black bars for a few moments. I run Win 10.

There's something strange i witnessed in our Application (and noticed in the IDE, too). When The Application is minimized and then restored(to maximized), there are a couple of black bars for a few moments. I run Win 10. Someone has any idea? Because for other Applications restoring from minimized is always quite smooth. It only seems to affect VCL-Based Applications. (Happens in Tokyo IDE aswell)

I have trouble running empty FMX application on iOS simulator. Application shows splash screen and dies.

I have trouble running empty FMX application on iOS simulator. Application shows splash screen and dies. I am not using VM, but network connection between macOS and Windows. Any ideas? Tokyo 10.2.3 + PAServer Windows 10 April Update macOS High Sierra 10.13.5 iOS 11.2 SDK Xcode 9.2

Which OpenSSL DLLs to use with Indy 10.6.2 (Delphi 10.2)?

Which OpenSSL DLLs to use with Indy 10.6.2 (Delphi 10.2)? On FTP server there are versions 1.0.1.* and 1.0.2.*, and I could not find any information what the difference are, and which one to use for Indy. I need those libraries to make SSL/TLS connections to SMTP servers. TIA, Achim

I am trying to force the tray icon to always show with Delphi.

I am trying to force the tray icon to always show with Delphi. I found that FASTCOPY dose it in c++. The source is at Now to the point i am trying to translate the code to pascal. The file is tmisc.cpp and in mainwin.cpp line 2885 it uses the function ForceSetTrayIcon Can any one help ? from tmisc.cpp class __declspec(uuid("FB852B2C-6BAD-4605-9551-F15F87830935")) ITrayNotify : public IUnknown { public: virtual HRESULT __stdcall RegisterCallback(INotificationCB *) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall SetPreference(const NOTIFYITEM *) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall EnableAutoTray(BOOL) = 0; }; class __declspec(uuid("D133CE13-3537-48BA-93A7-AFCD5D2053B4")) ITrayNotify8 : public IUnknown { public: virtual HRESULT __stdcall RegisterCallback(INotificationCB *, u_long *) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall UnregisterCallback(u_long) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcall SetPreference(const NOTIFYITEM *) = 0; virtual HRESULT __stdcal...

According to the Embarcadero GM they are upgrading the Embarcadero Customer portal with a June target.

According to the Embarcadero GM they are upgrading the Embarcadero Customer portal with a June target. Sounds promising.

According to the Embarcadero GM they are upgrading the Embarcadero Customer portal with a June target. Sounds promising.

According to the Embarcadero GM they are upgrading the Embarcadero Customer portal with a June target. Sounds promising.

Help needed

Help needed I am writing a FMX application with Tokyo 10.2.3 currently for Windows with the intention to move it to MacOS and tablet when the functionality is complete. I use a FlowLayout with several memos on it. the TFlowLayout is placed inside a scrollbox in the hope that the scrollbars become visibible when the memos are positioned outside of the visible area. Unfortunately this is not happening. Can anyone help me here or point me in the right direction? Thanks in advance

So Embarcadero broke the "Default layout" (now always enforces a new "Standard Layout") upon IDE startup in 10.

So Embarcadero broke the "Default layout" (now always enforces a new "Standard Layout") upon IDE startup in 10.2 Tokyo, and commented on the bug report with "Jira-Quality Sync Service added a comment - 29/May/18 2:50 AM Issue is reclassified as 'New Feature'"

So Embarcadero broke the "Default layout" (now always enforces a new "Standard Layout") upon IDE startup in 10.2 Tokyo, and commented on the bug report with "Jira-Quality Sync Service added a comment - 29/May/18 2:50 AM

So Embarcadero broke the "Default layout" (now always enforces a new "Standard Layout") upon IDE startup in 10.2 Tokyo, and commented on the bug report with "Jira-Quality Sync Service added a comment - 29/May/18 2:50 AM Issue is reclassified as 'New Feature'"
On my Embarcadero renewal quote, I see two items: "Delphi Premium Update Subscription" and "Delphi Ent - Named - Support Renewal". I read this as if I want to retain access to the regular updates, I go for the update subscription and if I want support, I add the support renewal. Is my understanding correct? The Embarcadero representative is suggesting that it is completely the reverse. When others are renewing, which option are they purchasing? Thanks.

📢 🗓️ Taller gratuito para programadores Delphi en Barcelona.

📢 🗓️ Taller gratuito para programadores Delphi en Barcelona. ℹ️ Descubre las últimas novedades de FastReport VCL y los nuevos componentes Grid y Business Intelligence de Steema para RAD Studio. 📝 ¡Apúntate aquí!

Question re FPC and x86 linking to 64 bit library files

Question re FPC and x86 linking to 64 bit library files on OSX 64 bit it seems that the .o file produced is still only 32 bit ?

Well I seem to be good at finding new open source projects, and today's new finding is kyoukai_framework - A Simple Framework for A Small Server Application. Quoting from the author: "I make it for Pascal because I can not find any Pascal web-framework which I really comfortable with. Some are too complicated, while some others have too many dependencies. Basically, I expect an easy-to-use framework like CodeIgniter in Pascal, even simpler than CodeIgniter.

Well I seem to be good at finding new open source projects, and today's new finding is kyoukai_framework - A Simple Framework for A Small Server Application. Quoting from the author: "I make it for Pascal because I can not find any Pascal web-framework which I really comfortable with. Some are too complicated, while some others have too many dependencies. Basically, I expect an easy-to-use framework like CodeIgniter in Pascal, even simpler than CodeIgniter. This project is too far from a complete framework, it still in the experimental stage, please help me if you have any idea, code, and feature request. And, Don't too silly to open an issue." And the link:

Generic surprises

Generic surprises 1. The generic type is constrained, but cannot be used for class references? type TBase = class procedure NothingAbstractHere; constructor Create; virtual; end; TGenericWrapper = class type TBaseClass = class of TB; end; Is there any logical reason for why this should not be possible? 2. Constructing an instance from a generic type does not flag construction of a class with unimplemented virtual abstract methods. This one I can understand, but it still is annoying. I guess I could factory functions to work around it.
Has anyone update the FastMMUsageTracker dialog to support 64bit? The lastest I could find in git is full of DWORD's and Integer casts, and before I spend the time to try to update it, wondering if anyone has already done it..

We'd like to share some Delphi class to our developer team our junior developer team, but we don't want to share the source (.pas, .dfm), so in base of your experience, wich is the best way to do that?

We'd like to share some Delphi class to our developer team our junior developer team, but we don't want to share the source (.pas, .dfm), so in base of your experience, wich is the best way to do that? Pros and cons ? Do you know if there are any other methods? Thank you for any suggestions.

Originally shared by TRichView

Originally shared by TRichView We released a new version of Report Workshop (#VCL components for building rich text reports for Embarcadero Technologies​ #Delphi). In this update, we included a new data provider allowing to build master-detail reports on data from TdxMemData datasets by DevExpress. Web site:

Why Firemonkey will never be stable as HTML5.

Why Firemonkey will never be stable as HTML5. HTML5 is actual an interface and standard. Android&IOS will be optimized with HTML5 with their updates and Apple&Google will provide better HTML5 support with new version of there OS themself. But FMX requires Emb keep up with both platform.

Help with Code Folding

Help with Code Folding I just noticed that Class Code Completion Ctrl+Shift+C expands all the folded code sections. Is there a way to prevent this behavior? If I fold a section of code I'd like it to stay folder until I open it back up.
iOS 12 will OpenCL and OpenGL deprecated... the new engine will be metal...what about firemonkey ?

Pretty much...

Pretty much... Originally shared by Bruno Palma


Hi, has anybody a working example how to play a simple sound sample (wav\mp3\ogg\etc.) from a memory resource stream in firemonkey? TMediaplayer only uses files. And I like my android firemonkey app as 1 executable file if possible. Thanks for any help

I don't know whether this will be useful to other but as I get older I need slightly larger fonts in the IDE...

I don't know whether this will be useful to other but as I get older I need slightly larger fonts in the IDE... IDE Fonts

Planning of a two day conference in early 2019 (spring of course) all about Spring4D - presumably in northern italy - just started.

Planning of a two day conference in early 2019 (spring of course) all about Spring4D - presumably in northern italy - just started. Those of you that would like to attend please vote and/or comment. #spring4dconf

Hi all

Hi all, Can I use a Critical Section to Lock a Private field before Incrementing it?. will this work the same way "TInterlocked.Increment" works.


Hello, I think some of you know BrainMM and some don't. Well, to me it seems a really fast and good memory manager even better than FastMM but in order fix bugs and get it updated the developer needs donations .... So i'm posting it here to see if we can do anything to help this project not to go away. Donations Links at the Github page! Thank you

This piece of code is Windows only:

This piece of code is Windows only: function MemoryUsed: cardinal; inline; var MMS: TMemoryManagerState; Block: TSmallBlockTypeState; begin GetMemoryManagerState(MMS); Result := MMS.TotalAllocatedMediumBlockSize + MMS.TotalAllocatedLargeBlockSize; for Block in MMS.SmallBlockTypeStates do Result := Result + (Block.UseableBlockSize * Block.AllocatedBlockCount); end; Is there something that is available on other platforms (POSIX) that can give me an idea of how much memory the app is using, without calling native OS functions?

i tried to make the image download with datasnap

i tried to make the image download with datasnap then create a thread for the program process does not stop or do not respond but until now has not succeeded is there a solution to be able to handle the process thank you


hello, Any good OCR component for VCL ?

Hello All!

Hello All! I have a problem with the next topic. I have a stub DLL that creates sample data for my application. I send to the DLL the Firedac Connection I have configured in the main application, and internally the DLL works well, but when the call returns, the main application is not connected. And it's not possible to recover the connection. I followed all the instructions from this pages: Does anyone use this technique with success? Can anyone of you help me? Please! Is it a known problem of FireDAC or I made something wrong?

What's the signature of message method?

What's the signature of message method? I want to hook WMActivate using Delphi detours library. But this cannot compile: var TrampolineTFormWMActivate: procedure(var Message: TWMActivate); message WM_ACTIVATE;

Nearly every day someone asks me about windows manifest files, I'm surprised how little some devs know about the platform they develop on

Nearly every day someone asks me about windows manifest files, I'm surprised how little some devs know about the platform they develop on

Anyone with some guidance and/or code sample to achieve what I'd like to do in a FMX TListView (not VCL).

Anyone with some guidance and/or code sample to achieve what I'd like to do in a FMX TListView (not VCL). I'd like to display a list of times and two radio buttons next to them. Ex: Item1 ( ) This (o) That Item2 ( ) This (o) That Item3 (o) This ( ) That I tried with the Dynamic Appearance but it doesn't allow radio buttons. My feeling is that I should draw everything myself, meaning the radio buttons but also have to create and handle OnChange, OnSelect events to record them. Or should I find a way to have three columns with ItemsN on the first, a radio button on the 2nd, and another one on the 3rd? Or any way to get a ComboBox in the TListView item? Thanks for any help Steve

Using FMX development ios app, how to add universal link function?

Using FMX development ios app, how to add universal link function? I know I need to add: applinks: But when I add this content to the Entitlement.TemplateiOS.xml file, it's like this However, e8000067 appears when compiling and running. There is no one exception. Who knows how to solve this problem?

Anyone else also having some problems with the OpenTools API when trying to get a list of Forms and DataModules from the current project?

Anyone else also having some problems with the OpenTools API when trying to get a list of Forms and DataModules from the current project? What I do is loop over all modules in my ActiveProject. Next I check if all of the IOTAModuleInfo.ModuleType are in [ omtForm. omtDataModule ]. I thought that would only be true for forms / datamodules. Sadly ... it seems to be the case for Units as well. So I had to resort to checking the FormName and DesignClass properties instead. for lcv := 0 to Pred( GetActiveProject.GetModuleCount ) do begin aModuleInfo := GetActiveProject.GetModule( lcv ); {$IFDEF CODESITE} CodeSite.SendString( 'aModuleInfo.FormName' , aModuleInfo.FormName ); CodeSite.SendString( 'aModuleInfo.DesignClass', aModuleInfo.DesignClass ); {$ENDIF} { Apparently this also returns us units and other stuff. Checking on the ModuleType doesn't seem to work, since it always returned 0, so I had to check for the FormName and D...

#PostgresDAC 3.4.5 with #PostgreSQL 10.4 support is out!

#PostgresDAC 3.4.5 with #PostgreSQL 10.4 support is out!

Small Crypt/DecryptString function for Windows using CryptProtectData

Small Crypt/DecryptString function for Windows using CryptProtectData

Switching windows in the IDE using the keyboard. I'm using XE3. Does anybody know if Delphi IDE has a keyboard shortcut to switch back and forth to the Editor and undocked Windows? I know about Alt+End which switches between non-docked IDE windows, but that doesn't cycle back to the docked editor window.

Switching windows in the IDE using the keyboard. I'm using XE3. Does anybody know if Delphi IDE has a keyboard shortcut to switch back and forth to the Editor and undocked Windows? I know about Alt+End which switches between non-docked IDE windows, but that doesn't cycle back to the docked editor window. To give you a usage example to help explain my problem. I have the IDE in the default docked window mode (all windows inside one). But I have a few undocked windows too. eg: GExperts's "Grep Results" which is a floating window. While my editor has focus pressing Alt+End does nothing. Yet I believe it is supposed to switch between IDE windows, but it doesn't. Now if I have two undocked (floating) windows, and I use the mouse to focus one of them. THEN the Alt+End switches between the two floating windows, but I can never return to the Editor. I'm forced to use the mouse and physically click in the editor. I want to be able to switch windows without using ...
I am looking for a solution to a printing problem. I need to be able to print something to a laser printer fast. I am using FastReports but from the time you start the print it takes many seconds before it starts to print. I have done some tests with printing HTML but had some issues with the controls I was using, cropping the page to the controls size. I might be able to get past that but the control did not support absolute positioning of HTML elements. What I am printing are trade show badges. So I need to have absolute positioned text, and there will be static images and dynamic images as well (QR codes). So, I am looking for any and all suggestions.

About Regular Expressions in 10.2

About Regular Expressions in 10.2 uses System.RegularExpressions; with TRegEx.Matches('𢈢456', '56') do ShowMessage(Item[0].Value); The Value should is "56" what I expected. In fact result is "45". Is my code wrong?

We are looking for an experienced Delphi developer in the region of Hoogeveen, the Netherlands. Syntri ERP develops a workflow based ERP system. Info in the link:

We are looking for an experienced Delphi developer in the region of Hoogeveen, the Netherlands. Syntri ERP develops a workflow based ERP system. Info in the link:

Brief Update on Stack Overflow Survey Data:

Brief Update on Stack Overflow Survey Data: I just saw that they've posted the raw survey results data and am beginning to examine it. The following are a few preliminary observations (not verified yet): Those who listed Delphi as one of the languages they use were 2% (I believe this is a rise). 8.8% of those listing Delphi as a language they use were from the United States. Delphi users only make up 0.8% of respondents from the United States, confirming it's as bleak here for Delphi as Americans who are not Nick Hodges have maintained. ;-) But the burning issue for me when the data came out was why the average U.S. Delphi salary was so much higher than the rest of the world. Delphi was one of the lowest paid languages everywhere else in the world yet one of the highest in the United States. Lots of explanations were floated. We were all wrong. :-) I think the issue came down to user error. Four of the 179 United States Delphi users are listed as having a salary over one millio...

Editor Views in RAD Studio

Editor Views in RAD Studio
Microsoft buy Git for 7.5B$

Fellow Delphi developers

Fellow Delphi developers, This is with great pleasure that we announce the immediate availability of HelpNDoc 5.8, an easy to use yet powerful help authoring tool producing CHM help files, responsive HTML 5 and mobile Web Sites, DocX and PDF manuals, ePub and Kindle eBooks as well as Qt Help files from a single source. HelpNDoc is Free for personal use and evaluation purposes and is available at: HelpNDoc 5.8 provides many new features and enhancements including a helpful new file import tool to import multiple media elements at once; an updated template editor to completely create and update templates from within HelpNDoc; better CHMD and HTML documentation generation; and many additional enhancements and bug fixes. You can learn more about this update at: Download HelpNDoc now and use it for free for personal and evaluation purposes:

Units are compiled into DCU's. If the sourcecode for a unit is not available, then the compiler uses the DCU instead.

Units are compiled into DCU's. If the sourcecode for a unit is not available, then the compiler uses the DCU instead. Is there a way/tool to extract/reconstruct the interface part of a unit from the dcu? I'm working on building a symbol table using DelphiAST, but I need to deal with scenario's where there is only a dcu file and no source. I found DCU32INT: , but haven't had a chance to test it out yet. Does anyone have experience with this tool or know of other resources? Yes, I know about , but I'm building something more like:

I remember someone creating version specific icons for Delphi a while ago (around XE4 era I think), but cannot find them any more.

I remember someone creating version specific icons for Delphi a while ago (around XE4 era I think), but cannot find them any more. Anyone who can provide a link? (Especially to any source materials so it is easier to upgrade them to Berlin/Tokyo)

More than I dislike misleading marketing, I dislike not knowing if we will ever get native support for 64-bit Windows on ARM in Delphi.

More than I dislike misleading marketing, I dislike not knowing if we will ever get native support for 64-bit Windows on ARM in Delphi.

Help me ...

Help me ... How to create reports with excel format use fastreport and stored in the folder that we specify with delphi7.

Fontes Frente de Caixa com TEF e Retaguarda no Delphi Berlin com Firebird 2.5 e Ambiente Completo.

Fontes Frente de Caixa com TEF e Retaguarda no Delphi Berlin com Firebird 2.5 e Ambiente Completo. Já pronto NF-e e NFC-e 4.00 que será obrigatória em 02/07/2018 em todos estados! Sped Fiscal, Contribuições e Sintegra. Garantia de compilação e autorização de NF-e/NFC-e ou devolução do pagamento. Compra segura pelo Mercado Pago no link aceitamos cartões de crédito e boleto bancário. Parcelamos no cartão de crédito. Apenas R$ 1300,00. Entrega em 24hs!!! Obs.: Não é pra curioso, mas pra Programador em Delphi.

I'm using the JEDI .NET support to call methods on a class from a .NET assembly, using the method outlined in the part after "Update", here:

I'm using the JEDI .NET support to call methods on a class from a .NET assembly, using the method outlined in the part after "Update", here: Except that I'm receiving the error: EOleException with message 'Method 'MTData.Transport.Tracking.TrackingAPI.SendDriverMessage' not found' Using ILSpy I can see that the method is public, and I am able to call other methods on the same class. I note that the method has a "default" parameter, and I'm wondering whether that's causing the problem. ILSpy shows the method as: public DriverMessage SendDriverMessage(int fleetId, int vehicleId, string message, string messageRef, bool replyRequired, string name, string location, string phoneNumber, double latitude, double longitude, DateTime? expiryDate = default(DateTime?)) Any clues as to how to resolve this? Note that the supplier of the assembly is unwilling to modify their assemblies to strongly name them...

About the WebBroker problem with ISAPI.

About the WebBroker problem with ISAPI. Is feature or bug?

More misleading sales/marketing emails from Embarcadero.

More misleading sales/marketing emails from Embarcadero. Got an email today from Idera with this subject line: "Embarcadero Maintenance and support has expired" -- it about gave me a heart attack, as I knew my license was expiring sometime in June and I did not want to let it lapse, but in the body of the email it says that my license is good until June 29, so I still have plenty of time. They are also still trying to slip in the $500 charge for 'Platinum Support', which I never asked for or bought ever -- this is pretty sleazy sales tactics. I've been using Delphi since V1.0, but it's crap like this that really makes me question my continued loyalty!

Every few releases, I make the mistake of trying the IDE's View, New Edit Window option.

Every few releases, I make the mistake of trying the IDE's View, New Edit Window option. And just as often, I have problems with it. Either this feature is still broken in the IDE and/or I'm still as ill-informed on its use as I've ever been. I seem to be unable to permanently re-dock a window that was docked. At this point, I give up on this feature ... again. I don't have time to fight this. Can someone point me to where I can delete all layout definitions and start from a clean slate? I'll manually create a "Default Layout" and "Debug Layout"



Some things just need their time:

Some things just need their time:


Hi, someone use these tools? which better and why? Do you know any other logging tool?

It's great to be a noob! I am embarking on my first FMX cross platform application project, and since that FMX book won't arrive until August, I dare ask my fellow Delphinauts for some advice.

It's great to be a noob! I am embarking on my first FMX cross platform application project, and since that FMX book won't arrive until August, I dare ask my fellow Delphinauts for some advice. I need to do JsonRPC (NOT SOAP) over HTTP from the client to our server. Which is the preferable FMX client side HTTP library?

Anybody help this

Anybody help this

I've decided to release my shell controls package for Delphi under (strike this GPL 3.0) LGPL 3.0 license.

I've decided to release my shell controls package for Delphi under (strike this GPL 3.0) LGPL 3.0 license.

OTA, Version Control Repositories, Vacuum Cleaners and Compressed Air…

OTA, Version Control Repositories, Vacuum Cleaners and Compressed Air…

What's the technical term for the following construct:

What's the technical term for the following construct: type intx = type integer; type inty = integer; What term would you use to describe the difference between intx and inty ? I can't seem to find it in docwiki

Originally shared by Thomas Mueller (dummzeuch)

Originally shared by Thomas Mueller (dummzeuch) GExperts 1.3.10 experimental twm 2018-06-03 released Given that the last Delphi release was more than a year ago and that I am about to go on vacation so I won’t be able to download and install a new version I would expect a new Delphi release pretty soon. On the other hand this time I actually managed to extend “my” subscription on time so in theory I could download the new version immediately when it becomes available, so the release might still be some time off. (Greetings from Mr. Murphy) Anyway, I thought it to be the right time to make a new GExperts release. ...

The best middleware product for Delphi/C++Builder has just gotten better!

The best middleware product for Delphi/C++Builder has just gotten better!

A new version of our highly popular in memory table has been released!

A new version of our highly popular in memory table has been released!

Fellow Delphi Developers!

Fellow Delphi Developers! Recently announced 2 new VCL Styles like Office 2010: "Office Silver" and "Office Black". But main problem that VCL Styles not have Ribbon UI elements. To get Ribbon UI analogue, you can use controls from StyleControls VCL ( ). Color adjustment is really flexible in controls. Also each control has a lot of parameters for different states. On the pictures you can see High-DPI demos with TscGPToolPager control with VCL Styles and fully custom adjustment for form without style.

Need help, i'm trying test demo Location.dpr vs gmaps

Need help, i'm trying test demo Location.dpr vs gmaps, It' different result.

Interesting finding today - DelphiGrpc - a implementation in Delphi

Interesting finding today - DelphiGrpc - a implementation in Delphi

TMS Cryptography Pack v3.0 has been released:

TMS Cryptography Pack v3.0 has been released:

New networking tool for freelancing and remote working:

New networking tool for freelancing and remote working: It's not the first time that we see tools like these, but this one has potential. It wants too leech all your LinkedIn data, but you are in control over that. It has probably already scraped your job history, though.