
Showing posts from April, 2013

It's happened... I have a new job, and some of the code is worth of Nick Hodges commentary:

It's happened... I have a new job, and some of the code is worth of Nick Hodges commentary:     if Data[i] in [' ', '|'] then     begin       delete(result, i, 1);       insert('|', result, i);       Exit;     end; (bonus: this is in Delphi 2010 so I found it via the "widechar reduced to byte in set expressions" warning) The good news is that because it's a vaguely recent Delphi I can start using OmniThreadLibrary again! We have threading, and threading issues, and a willingness to try OTL to avoid writing our own. Exciting!

Delphi Developer needed for growing, VC-Backed media software company in San Francisco, CA

Delphi Developer needed for growing, VC-Backed media software company in San Francisco, CA Please email me at if interested!


Hi, When I try to deploy a Delphi XE4 app to my Mac, it says "wrapper init failed". Everything is up, restarted the PA server, but still no luck. OSX applications do deploy and run, btw. Anyone?
If anyone here is skilled in the use of VirtualStringTree, and willing to answer some questions from time to time, I would appreciate hearing from you. I am working my way into it, and documenting, as I go, the many things which have given me difficulty and which are not discussed in the available tutorials. I intend to offer the resulting document to the project.

Hi all

Hi all, I'm still thinking about XE4 upgrade. I would be grateful if any help us with examples of the usage of iOS and bluetooth. Is there a way to know more about the full capabilities of XE4? The examples of the usage of the camera are ok, but in practice we need more and more information. I am really Delphi fan but for making an investment decision I'm not influenced by emotions. Bulgaria is a poor country, and the cost of the upgrade for me is really serious. My ultimate goal is to make libraries(or application) for bluetooth communication with some external devices and I will be really happy if this happens with Delphi. If there is not such an example - at least is there a way? How to search for devices, how to open the connection? The connection is with streams or not? Sorry about my poor English. :)

Thank you to PACKT Publishing that sent to me the new book about ZeroMQ ( asking for a review. I'll write it asap on my blog with some C samples translated to Delphi for the most common pattern (REQ/REP, PUB/SUB, PULL/PUSH)

Thank you to PACKT Publishing that sent to me the new book about ZeroMQ ( ) asking for a review. I'll write it asap on my blog with some C samples translated to Delphi for the most common pattern (REQ/REP, PUB/SUB, PULL/PUSH)
Is there a tool to get rid of the With statements in units?  I'm doing it manually now, but it sure is tedious.   Being new at this job, I feel the code would be easier to understand and debug without WITHs.   Also, With might be going away.
Does anyone know why TApplication.HintShortPause is 0 by default (in XE and newer) although documentation says it's 50 to avoid flicker (which I have because it's 0)?
I formerly used VGScene, after embarcadero bought this project I am no longer able to maintain my project GUI the way i wanted most because I cannot use QuantumGrid together with firemonkey (I used a controll called TNonVGLayout before) + a few other VCL's. i need a way to put a PNG image with alphacolors in a button, I mainly use Raize components today, I do not wish to put the images in a imagelist, so how do i solve this little issue?

Hi All

Hi All, I use Delphi on a French localized Windows version. When installing, Delphi installer ask for extra languages I want to install. After installation, I'm able to switch the IDE from the default language (French here) to the English language using BdsSetLang utility provided by Embarcadero. It works perfactly except that the help files are still in the default language. My question is: How to switch the online help to English ? Thanks.

Hi All

Hi All, can any one help me to restrict call onchange event of dataset while i do its post,first,next,locate etc operation?.

Gaining Visual Basic OLE super-powers -

HTML Component Library -small update

HTML Component Library -small update 1. Delphi 6 support 2. DB Label component DBLabel demo (requires BDE): Demo contains 1 DBGrid, 1 HTDBLabel and no custom code (except database connection)

Lazy Delphi Builder released.

Lazy Delphi Builder released. Lazy Delphi Builder - free automated build tool/component installer. What's new: * Delphi XE4 support. And just in case if it will be released in a next few months – I have added Delphi XE5 support =) * Presets. Create presets for output directories, build options, environment variables, and other.. * LazyDBP and ini files format was changed. From now, lists will be saved as plain lists, without numbers as id. And, btw, all the settings from now are stored in the Data subdirectory. New profile format (v2) is not backward compatible with previous (v1), but you can still save file in previous format using Save as dialog. * Multiple expressions support in tree’s filter (via semicolon “;”) * Call any custom bat or exe file instead of dcc32.exe. (see item # 9 in changelog) * Added Delphi version autodetection algorythm from the filename (see. Check Wizard) * New editor for compiler defines. * Many improvements and fixes (see the full list in chang...

I know that Git is a fairly popular DVCS in the Delphi community, so I thought this blog post may be of interest.

I know that Git is a fairly popular DVCS in the Delphi community, so I thought this blog post may be of interest. The author, Pieter Hintjens, feels that branching in Git, which I think can be applied to other DVCS tools, is not a good idea, in fact, even harmful.  He also offers his C4 and PC3  processes as better ways to manage projects with Git. Side note: Pieter Hintjens is the the guy basically responsible for AMQP, WikiDot, and ZeroMQ. While perhaps coming off as a bit arrogant (see some of his interviews), he's definitely a very bright guy.

TMS Component Pack is ready for Delphi XE4 & C++Builder XE4. Active registered users can download the latest version v6.9 now that supports the new XE4 IDE's:

TMS Component Pack is ready for Delphi XE4 & C++Builder XE4. Active registered users can download the latest version v6.9 now that supports the new XE4 IDE's:

TMS Pack for FireMonkey v2.1 is released and includes full support for RAD Studio XE4! A trial version can be downloaded at:

TMS Pack for FireMonkey v2.1 is released and includes full support for RAD Studio XE4! A trial version can be downloaded at:

Migration to XE4 and AnsiString / StrLen issues.

Migration to XE4 and AnsiString / StrLen issues. Originally shared by François Piette

Migration to XE4 and AnsiString / StrLen issues.

Migration to XE4 and AnsiString / StrLen issues. Originally shared by François Piette
Is everyone else also getting timeouts in the QC search every time?

I just uploaded a new version of the Delphi Preview Handler you can download the installer from here

I just uploaded a new version of the Delphi Preview Handler you can download the installer from here

We all love TClientSocket...

We all love  TClientSocket...
How to generate .ipa file with XE4?  Except for manual archieving, may be i missed something ?

Delphi sorcery: Using ARC with non iOS compiler - possible?

Did anybod achieve to deploy a https based dbx servermethod client on an ios device?

Did anybod achieve to deploy a https based dbx servermethod client on an ios device? I could get it working on the simulator but not on the device with https. I have no problem however to make a simple https get request with TIdHTTP on the device. So it is not a general "indy and ssl is not working on an ios device-problem" but a "ssl and dbx server methods is not working on an ios device-problem".

Comment of the Day:

Comment of the Day: // This is some smoke and mirrors.

WebFMX beta 3 is ready. You can download it from This beta includes support for XE4, plus bug fixes.

WebFMX beta 3 is ready. You can download it from This beta includes support for XE4, plus bug fixes. We also included an example page (SDK.html) that shows you how to use the Javascript API to integrate a remote FireMonkey application into an external website. Please don't forget to ask for your free developer license! We'll start sending these out as soon as we get to the final version.

Has anyone figured out how to discover, in a TMS TAdvStringGrid (or descendant) event handler, how to know whether the ACol parameter represents the display context or the absolute context?

Has anyone figured out how to discover, in a TMS TAdvStringGrid (or descendant) event handler, how to know whether the ACol parameter represents the display context or the absolute context? Recent changes have affected numerous of my event handlers, and it's not intuitive, at least to me. Ideally, there would be a way to discover the answer in code, but failing that, I would settle, at this point, for a way to scan the TMS source and find the answer. I have also posted in the TMS Component User Group circle, but am desperate to find an answer.

I watched the webinar yesterday. All about how to create iphone apps and not a lot else.

I watched the webinar yesterday. All about how to create iphone apps and not a lot else. Guess what - ios not included in the pro edition - extra $499 or have to buy more expensive edition. Is the rest of it any change on XE3?

Originally shared by marc hoffman

Originally shared by marc hoffman marc hoffman (RemObjects Software Chief Architect and Oxygene Project Manager) and +Carlo Kok (Oxygene Chief Compiler Architect) will be at the Delphi Developer Days in Frankfurt/Main, for a rund-table discussion and Q&A on +Oxygene with Bob Swart and Cary Jensen. We hope to see you there! events/c8kkb6slumov72e23uffauunm5o

Is there a way to programmatically extract the .

Is there a way to programmatically extract the .exe file version from a file on a network drive without local antivirus insisting on scanning the whole damn file? #filesystem   #antivirus

Is there a way to programmatically extract the .exe file version from a file on a network drive without local antivirus insisting on scanning the whole damn file?

Is there a way to programmatically extract the .exe file version from a file on a network drive without local antivirus insisting on scanning the whole damn file? #filesystem   #antivirus

I've got a candidate for a code of the month here:

I've got a candidate for a code of the month here: // is it a number? try   StrToInt(SomeEditText);   IsNumber := True; except   isNumber := False; end;   Using exception for conditioning - that's a design pattern out of this planet!

Almost at 1600 members

Almost at 1600 members

It seems to me that the general feeling in the Delphi community is that we would like the stability issues to be addressed before any more features are added.

It seems to me that the general feeling in the Delphi community is that we would like the stability issues to be addressed before any more features are added. Has anybody considered trying to get the message through to Embarcadero in a slightly more formal manner? Perhaps, if we come together as a community, we can actually alter the course of Delphi a little. How about an open letter or petition signed by members of the community? Just a thought :)

As a followup to Bill Meyer 's recent post, I made a small poll to see what the "community" would really like to see.

As a followup to Bill Meyer 's recent post, I made a small poll to see what the "community" would really like to see. This is practical poll question, what would get you to buy a newer Delphi version? What would you like to see most and foremost, and would most have a use for?

Originally shared by Tim Del Chiaro

Originally shared by Tim Del Chiaro What's new in Delphi XE4 and RAD Studio XE4 Video

guys have to take a look at mormot, very good open source project that does datasnap paracer thing child, follows links to videos on youtube, it is much faster than node.js, wcf, tomcat, not to mention the datasnap

guys have to take a look at mormot, very good open source project that does datasnap paracer thing child, follows links to videos on youtube, it is much faster than node.js, wcf, tomcat, not to mention the datasnap works in Delphi 7 to XE3, with examples and documentation otima Here's a link project more link a Brazilian who ta making misery

I've finally managed to test one of the XE4 samples on my iPhone4S and I must say I'm a little shocked.

I've finally managed to test one of the XE4 samples on my iPhone4S and I must say I'm a little shocked. For example, the iOSControls demo (C:\Users\Public\Documents\RAD Studio\11.0\Samples\FireMonkeyMobile\iOSControls) takes around 10 seconds to load. Once loaded, switching tabs has a noticeable delay the first time a tab is displayed. In addition, the animation is very slow and choppy. It's unsightly for controls like checkboxes, but almost unusable for memos and edits when the magnifying glass is displayed. I really want to start developing iOS apps, but I'm not sure that I can publish them if they behave this way. I'm not even sure that Apple will accept them in the app store :( Marco Cantù, please tell us that you are working hard to optimise the UI code.
OK, so as I am still on RAD Studio XE, I'd appreciate hearing from people why I ought to upgrade to XE4. All my work is, at present, on Windows.
Is there any OnScroll or similar event in FMX.TListView ?

Xe4 meeting in shenzhen 04/25/2013, Dear delphi expert ,Mr. Lee Wei

Xe4 meeting in shenzhen 04/25/2013, Dear delphi expert ,Mr. Lee Wei

Why I don't like dotnet ?

Why I don't like dotnet ? I use a great program to track time usage from . Unfortunately it is written in Dotnet. Recent versions of it require Dotnet 4 that in turn require 728 MB of my harddisk space! So I use an older version with an older and smaller dotnet. I use it on a virtual machine and diskspace is limited. I could imagine a Delphi program would require a fraction of diskspace for the same functionality... :)

I installed XE 4 Architect (which should contain the mobile capabilities).

I installed XE 4 Architect (which should contain the mobile capabilities). I cannot see however any possibility to start a mobile project under File | New ... The installation support seems to have no idea why this could happen. Has anybody of you ever experienced such a problem?

I installed XE 4 Architect (which should contain the mobile capabilities). I cannot see however any possibility to start a mobile project under File | New ...

I installed XE 4 Architect (which should contain the mobile capabilities). I cannot see however any possibility to start a mobile project under File | New ... The installation support seems to have no idea why this could happen. Has anybody of you ever experienced such a problem?

I've made another post category: XE4 Issues - which is intended for discussing technical issues that you discover in XE4.

I've made another post category: XE4 Issues - which is intended for discussing technical issues that you discover in XE4.   Note: Not for moaning and bitching - just for facts and workarounds.

My form is implementing some interface. Since TForm is derived from TComponent which implements IInterface without reference counting I'm creating my form with an owner which will take care of freeing the memory. But when it's doing it - it generates an AV.

My form is implementing some interface. Since TForm is derived from TComponent which implements IInterface without reference counting I'm creating my form with an owner which will take care of freeing the memory. But when it's doing it - it generates an AV. example   ISomeinterface = Interface   ['{04D066E2-8EE1-4344-883A-177AEC2A38E4}'] (...)   end;   TFInterfacedForm = class(TForm, ISomeInterface) (...)   end; var   SomeInterface: ISomeinterface; initialization   SomeInterface := TFInterfacedForm.Create(Application) as ISomeinterface; It generates AV on application closing. I'm using Delphi 7

That's one funny memory leak:

That's one funny memory leak: 13 - 20 bytes: EAccessViolation x 1 85 - 100 bytes: AnsiString x 1 And leaked string is A  c  c  e  s  s     v  i  o  l  a  t  i  o  n     a  t     a  d  d  r e  s  s     0  0  4  0  7  8  5  0     i  n     m  o  d  u  l  e  ...

Hi all !

Hi all ! I can't find an answer to the following question : Is there an interest to use var in an object declaration as parameter : Procedure GetResults(pID : Integer ; var pResults : TList ); vs Procedure GetResults(pID : Integer ; pResults : TList ); as objects are passed by ref anyway ? and does const has a meaning in object declarations ?
After having downloaded XE4 instant trial yesterday and playing a bit with it, today I had to go back to the real world and wanted to start Delphi XE: It showed me the registration window and I had to register again (I guess this bumped my registration count). Has anybody else experienced this, or is this something special on my machine ?

I just received the email below from JED Software. Basically it says that they have sold JSDialog pack to another company. The part I find interesting though is this:

I just received the email below from JED Software. Basically it says that they have sold JSDialog pack to another company. The part I find interesting though is this: "Some may have noted that I recently pulled the QualityCentral client from my website for the same (and another) reason" Could this mean that Embarcadero might be using it as a base for a new (desperately needed) QualityCentral client? ----------- The XE4 version of JSDialog Pack will be released shortly, there is still some testing to be done against the XE4 release build.   Due to a change in personal circumstances, I have decided to sell the IP of JSDialog Pack to another third party vendor. Part of the deal includes me supporting their developers getting up to speed with the source code for JSDialog Pack as well as advising them on any support requests for six months. This six month period should also cover the release of XE5 by Embarcadero if they stick to the usual release cycle of September.   The buyer h...

EurekaLog now supports XE4!

EurekaLog now supports XE4! EurekaLabs is pleased to announce the release of EurekaLog v7.0.5.52 RC 15.  This version includes support for XE4 in both Win32 and Win64 apps.  EurekaLog catches exceptions in your applications and sends an error report back to you via Email, FTP, or many major web-based bug management systems.  The report contains a stack trace, information about the workstation, optional screen shot, and extra log or data file attachments. Sorry, we do not support OSX or iOS yet. For more information, check out our web site:

Awesome Code of the Day:

Awesome Code of the Day:  if (length(PNR.LastName)= 20) or            ((length(PNR.LastName)= 19) and             (iTemp>0) and             (length(sIncomingName) - iTemp + 1 > 19)) or            ((length(PNR.LastName)= 19) and             (iTemp=0) and             (PosFromBack(' ', PNR.LastName)             (PosFromBack(' ', PNR.LastName) > 0)) then               bLastTruncate := True;

Blog post "Assorted Delphi XE4 Links" at

Blog post "Assorted Delphi XE4 Links" at

Suddenly I found the Help Insight feature works for those units whose source locations are specified in the global library path. It is useful for third-party code with xml documentation. Tested in XE3/XE4. Doesn't work in XE. (Still not perfect but an improvement)

Suddenly I found the Help Insight feature works for those units whose source locations are specified in the global library path. It is useful for third-party code with xml documentation. Tested in XE3/XE4. Doesn't work in XE. (Still not perfect but an improvement)

Hi everybody

Hi everybody, greetings from Indonesia.
Is there any way to receive e-mail notifications of new comments to a specific G+ post without first commenting on the post yourself?

Seriously, f**k Delphi and generics - already found the first compiler regression -.-

Seriously, f**k Delphi and generics - already found the first compiler regression -.- This does not compile in XE4 (win32/win64) anymore: type   IGrouping = interface   end;   Enumerable = record     function GroupBy: Enumerable >;   end; function Enumerable .GroupBy: Enumerable >; begin end; E2604: Recursive use of generic type P.S.: And f**k QC that always gives me timeouts when searching for existing reports.

Not in (interpreted) Kansas anymore -

TClientDataSet aggregate fields... any way to provide a default value for when the dataset is empty?

TClientDataSet aggregate fields... any way to provide a default value for when the dataset is empty? I need to track "remaining number of items" (ie "N - Sum(Field)" style) for several fields, so need to display total when the dataset is empty. Would be nice not to track it manually. I suppose I could use the GetText event but... is there a better way?

Can someone please tell me the version of Indy that is installed with Delphi XE4? When using SOAP with NOT defined USE_INDY: all is ok, but then use with USE_INDY in XE, something is leaking memory... :|

Can someone please tell me the version of Indy that is installed with Delphi XE4? When using SOAP with NOT defined USE_INDY: all is ok, but then use with USE_INDY in XE, something is leaking memory... :| Thank You

What do you expect is the output?

What do you expect is the output? var   v: TValue; begin   v := 'Hello world';   Writeln(v.IsType );   Writeln(v.IsType );   Writeln(v.IsType ); end; When working on a fix for I noticed that IsType just calls TryCast and thus IsType returns true for any type it can convert to Variant.

Blog post "My Delphi Podcast Interview" at

Blog post "My Delphi Podcast Interview" at

A quick reminder: Delphi Developers is for writing Delphi apps.

A quick reminder: Delphi Developers is for writing Delphi apps. For strong opinions on price hikes, features gone missing, SKU downgrades and other Embarcaderical issues - please post in

GExperts for XE4

GExperts for XE4 While waiting for the official release, here's my colleague Thorsten's compiled copy. No guarantees, but it works for me. I couldn't live without the "open file" dialog; assign to ctrl-U and make opening files easier.     in the registry, under HKCU\Software\Emb..\BDS\11.0\Experts   you need to add a new string called "GExperts" with path and filename of that DLL as value.   Important: don't put the file anywhere near the Embarcadero program files directories, or your Delphi will fail to start because it thinks the DLL is for hacking. Yes, we all know, its a pretty dumb check.

ANN: HTML Component Library 1.5 released

ANN: HTML Component Library 1.5 released New version includes HTML notifications, HTML Statusbar component, HTML Tabs, registration of custom element classes, animated drag and drop  (Metro UI page in deno) and many other features. Completely new CSS parser - now fully comply with CSS 2.1 specifications. Rendering and parsing are now much faster. More information and compiled demo at Best regards, Alexander Sviridenkov
Does anyone know if IBLite is just for iOS, or is it cross platform.   I'm asking because I've started using SQLite, and may want to compare it to IBLIte.

Any recommendation about register users self service backend? (LAMP/LNMP based) I am looking for a professional solution to allow our customers browse and manage their subscription and see registered downloads/resources and it is better to integrate to wordpress/fastspring. So far I have found one named aMember Pro ( Any other suggestion? Thanks!

Any recommendation about register users self service backend? (LAMP/LNMP based) I am looking for a professional solution to allow our customers browse and manage their subscription and see registered downloads/resources and it is better to integrate to wordpress/fastspring. So far I have found one named aMember Pro ( ). Any other suggestion? Thanks!

Is there a "What's new in XE4" list available for non-iOS developers? So far I haven't seen anything that's not related to iOS.

Is there a "What's new in XE4" list available for non-iOS developers? So far I haven't seen anything that's not related to iOS. BTW: Delphi for iOS looks great!

I got a chuckle out of this comment in an XE4 press release:

I got a chuckle out of this comment in an XE4 press release: You are advised to rewrite code that uses WITH as this is likely to be removed in future versions. I can see the benefit in enforcing this, as I have bumped into so many scope errors caused by over-zealous WITH usage over the years… Today WITH, tomorrow FreeAndNil :-)

Nothing but my taskbar. From Delphi 7 to XE4...

Nothing but my taskbar. From Delphi 7 to XE4...

Originally shared by Brian Long

Originally shared by Brian Long Collating some info on the trending story of the last 24 hours (ish)
Collating some info on the trending story of the last 24 hours (ish)

For those asking for more information, WebFMX is already in our website. Pricing is here: You should notice that we decided (just for limited time) to give away a developer license. You just have to ask for it. Release 1.0 is expected by the end of the next week.

For those asking for more information, WebFMX is already in our website. Pricing is here: . You should notice that we decided (just for limited time) to give away a developer license. You just have to ask for it. Release 1.0 is expected by the end of the next week.

In Generics.Collections:

In Generics.Collections:   TList = class      ..     // function ToArray: TArray ; // pending compiler support     ..   end; Real nice job there, making it really tedious to get a dynamic array from a TList ... Anyone know when said compiler support was added?

Fix list for RAD Studio XE4, Delphi XE4 and C++Builder XE4

Fix list for RAD Studio XE4, Delphi XE4 and C++Builder XE4


Hi, I’m trying to solve the following problem using Generics: I need to implement a collection (say List or DynArray) of Generic Dynamic Sub-Arrays, so that each Sub-Array can hold data of different type. Each sub-Array has the same number of items, just of different types. This is what I try to achieve (sorry for the compact layout): type TVertex = record VX, VY, VZ: Double; end; type TNormal = record NX, NY, NZ: Double; end; type TTexCoord = record U, V: Double; end; ……. Other data custom types Type TMeshProperty = class      FData: TArray ;      procedure AddValue(AValue: T); …… End; Type TMeshPropertyCollection = class  FMeshProperties: TArray     procedure AddProperty(AProp: TMeshProperty); End; The TMeshPropertyCollection must be able to store TMeshProperties of any of the custom defined types. I know that I could just combine all properties intro just one type, but this is not what I’m going for. I want other users to be able to define their own (unknown to me) types and use t...

Preview of TMS Cloud Pack for iOS. Coming to real soon for Delphi XE4!

Preview of TMS Cloud Pack for iOS. Coming to real soon for Delphi XE4!
How to get a stable 1ms(or 500us) timer ?

Documentation Insight has supported both Delphi XE4 and 2006 now.

Documentation Insight has supported both Delphi XE4 and 2006 now.
Originally shared by André's Dev Blog

LinkedIn usage...

LinkedIn usage... Anybody here use LinkedIn, and does it really work for you? Do you get any work from it?


OLE With this code:       try         Outlook := GetActiveOleObject( 'Outlook.Application' );       except         Outlook := CreateOleObject( 'Outlook.Application' );       end; The GetActiveOleObject works if Outlook is running.  However, the CreateOleObject does not work if Outlook is not running. Google just points me to dozens of samples using this same snippet. What am I missing?

XE4 and third party

XE4 and third party I guess XE4 need new components and plugins, so feel free to give notice when you see XE4 versions or compatibility notices from the various vendors.

Blog post "Delphi Language for Mobile Development Paper" at

Blog post "Delphi Language for Mobile Development Paper" at

Which compiler version in XE4 ?

Which compiler version in XE4 ? Anybody can help me fill row in this table for XE4 version ?

Blog post "Delphi XE4 Is Available" at

Blog post "Delphi XE4 Is Available" at
If anyone here has experience with the use of the JCL MAPI components, I would appreciate some assistance. I found on Stack Overflow a MAPI.SendMail class which seems very useful, but when the message body is in HTML, the underlying JCL code puts the HTML in an attachment, not in the body of the e-mail, where I need it. This appears to be the standard JCL approach to that issue, unless there is some property I have missed?

What's new in Delphi XE4? - Andreano Lanusse | Technology and Software Development

Originally shared by Zach Cox

Originally shared by Zach Cox This could have happened to me on numerous occasions, I guess my computers always forgave me since, when I did create programs that ran correctly they forgave me all the other times I was totally angry with it. :)

Another interesting potential stumbling block for XE4.

Another interesting potential stumbling block for XE4. "To keep up with the notion of eliminating pointers, the new compiler requires an explicit style of marshalling data to/from external APIs and libraries. This can be accomplished by using the high-level marshalling API TMarshaller:   or the low-level TMarshal: " I wonder if this is limited to the iOS compiler, or if it applies to x86/x64 too?

Differences between Delphi Desktop Compilers and Delphi Mobile Compilers

Differences between Delphi Desktop Compilers and Delphi Mobile Compilers (Yanked from the What's new page) The two Delphi mobile compilers (DCCIOSARM and DCCIOS32) are quite different from the Delphi desktop compilers (DCC32, DCC64, DCCOSX). The mobile compilers can be considered a "Next Generation" of the Delphi language, and the mobile platform is a new step in the continuing evolution of the Delphi language. Keep in mind, however, that the language differences typically are not related to platform differences. To summarize: - No inline assembly is supported on iOS, but four atomic intrinsic functions are supported by the Delphi mobile compiilers - COM is not supported - Seven of the older string types are not supported: AnsiString WideString AnsiChar and PAnsiChar PWideChar OpenString ShortString Strings are: - Immutable (constant), so you cannot index into a string as an array and manipulate the characters in a string - If you attempt to modify a string, the Delphi mo...

The official What's New for XE4

The official What's New for XE4 Dig in and speak up.

DCOM problem .....

DCOM problem ..... 1. I could run it in same pc(server,client) 2. I can lunch server from client 3. I get a "interface not supported" When I running following line in client procedure TAxesBrain.Connect; var     punk: IUnknown; begin     if FIntf = nil then     begin         punk := GetServer;           ConnectEvents(punk);         Fintf := punk as IAxesBrain;      end; end; P.S iUnknown = IIterface IAxesBrain = interface(IDispatch)         ['{1F110135-14DE-4ACE-ADF3-017ED1A35687}']         procedure Test(iTestNumber: Smallint); safecall;          : FIntf: IAxesBrain;

I have a network application.

I have a network application. The net have one pc as server,ten pc as client. Client always send some structed data(may be XML) to server. The server must respone client when server recieve data from client. Hi My friends of G+.  Could you share any good free component for my delphi7 ?
Anyone know why TRttiEnumerationType.GetNames is private?
I would like to know ¿ what components use to develop app. for the web ?

Once you get into the code changes, it's hard to get out quick.

Once you get into the code changes, it's hard to get out quick. Originally shared by Taras Sheremeta Code refactoring :)

Good Morning!

Good Morning! I need to trap the frame's close event when TMyFrame=class(TFrame) is closed by pressing the X in the corner. There is a condition that needs to bypass the 'Do you want to save the changes you made?' message. I have tried several things but none are reliable. Do any of you have code that can trap the close event? Thanks…Dan’l

remind me to never rely on this:

remind me to never rely on this:

Is anyone here using Kanban style boards to help manage their project development? Specifically, I'm interested in hearing what people might be using for a Kanban tool or on-line service.

Is anyone here using Kanban style boards to help manage their project development? Specifically, I'm interested in hearing what people might be using for a Kanban tool or on-line service.   For those interested but unsure of what Kanban boards are, take a look at .

Delphi Developer urgently require-

Delphi Developer urgently require- send me your resume.

Wow, optimized a #query which was slow only the first time! (in MS SQL Server 2008+)

Wow, optimized a #query which was slow only the first time ! (in MS SQL Server 2008+) After lots of searching I found at least a query to find #slow #compile queries (with high cpu and memory usage): Together with a "clear all cache" sql I could reproduce and optimize the slow query: DBCC FREEPROCCACHE; DBCC DROPCLEANBUFFERS; DBCC FREESESSIONCACHE; DBCC FREESYSTEMCACHE ('ALL'); It turns out that you should not use (many) "view in view in view in view" :) After combining all views into one big sql (with sub select in sub select in sub join etc) I got from "10s + 81Mb" to "1.2s + 17Mb" compile time and memory usage!  Wow, is Sql Server so in-efficient in compiling subsubsubsub views? Just to point out some blog posts of interest about the ARC memory model, weak pointers and how it works, even before Delphi XE4 on iOS.  Note that IMHO zeroing weak pointers may not be there. And I wonder about performance issues (if it XE4 implementation was not enhanced in regard to what was already present in XE3 RTL for handling weak references).

I am using Delphi 2007 and the helpfile is not in sync with the GUI.

I am using Delphi 2007 and the helpfile is not in sync with the GUI. From the help file when I press help button in this dialog:    "Code completion  Displays a list of properties, methods and events when you enter a class name followed by a period in the Code Editor. You can then select an item and press ENTER to add it to your code.  If this option is not checked, you can still invoke code completion by pressing CTRL+SPACE. The default value is On (checked).    Error Insight  Underlines invalid code and HTML in red. Positioning the cursor over invalid text displays a tooltip window containing the probable cause of the error. The default value is On (checked).    Code Template Completion  Automatically adds a code template when you type a token that starts a template and press TAB. The default value is On (checked).    Auto Complete Templates  Invokes code template completion when you press SPACE after you begin an existing template. When this option is disabled, you must press T...

PIXEL_BIT_COUNT(n) ((n) shl 16)

PIXEL_BIT_COUNT(n)    ((n) shl 16) const    PixelType_Mono8 = PIXEL_MONO or PIXEL_BIT_COUNT(8) or $0001 Could you tell me how to define PIXEL_BIT_COUNT ?

For rumors, rants and those truly far off topic things

For rumors, rants and those truly far off topic things I hate to be a "forum nazi" but I really want this Community to be about the Delphi toolkit, and the hows and whats of writing code with it. So - not to deny your right to express yourselves freely, I suggest everyone that has an interest in the political and managerial side of the product, join up with Unit Number Five! Edit: Do you guys find this an acceptable solution, or would you rather have the rumors and rants here in Delphi Developers? Comments would be appreciated!

Google+ and Blogger can now share comments!

Google+ and Blogger can now share comments!


Hello. I am about to polish and enhance the UI of my memory profiler ( ) as some testers and reviewers said it's not very intuitive (many functions are hidden behind popup menus etc). Therefore I am looking for some nice icons which are free for commercial use. As I am distributing the source code, the license should allow me to distribute those icons (of course credit will be given). Does anyone know a good and reliable source for such icons? Thanks in advance :)

New post: "Sneak peek to simple integration between #DMVCFramework and #DORM"

New post: "Sneak peek to simple integration between #DMVCFramework and #DORM"

Here's why I always always always put a begin...end around every statement. I just had to fix a bad, hard to see bug like the following.....

Here's why I always always always put a begin...end around every statement.  I just had to fix a bad, hard to see bug like the following..... if SomeBoolean then begin ... end else   if Something then   begin   end else     ErrorMessage := 'This is an error';     Inc(ErrorCount); Hard to spot.

A request to all Spring4d users:

A request to all Spring4d users: I need some feedback about the work that has been done in the refactoring branch. It affects the collections and moves most "extension" methods from the interface types to the Enumerable type (that you can access from IEnumerable .AsEnumerable). It also introduces many new extension methods. What I need is the compilation time, binary size difference, used Delphi version and if possible the approximate number of specialized types (how many different TList and so on do you use) of your projects with both the trunk and the refactoring branch.

Git ;)

Git ;)


TDictionary ... why oh why doesn't myDict[x] := foobar; just call AddOrSet value, instead of forcing me to call Add for new values.

Blog post "Automatic Reference Counting for Delphi" at

Blog post "Automatic Reference Counting for Delphi" at

We apparently haven't heard of the Law of Demeter:

We apparently haven't heard of the Law of Demeter: function VarToInt(rs : ADSRecordSet; FieldName : string; ReturnValue : integer = -1) : integer; begin   // As there is no official VarToInt function I decided to make one up.  It vaguely   // follows the VarToStr logic which says that if the value on the table is NULL we   // return an emtpy string.  In this case if the value on the table is NULL we return   // the requested return value (or -1 if not requested) else we return the value   if VarIsNull(rs.Fields[FieldName].Value) then     result:= ReturnValue   else     result:= rs.Fields[FieldName].Value; end;  //  VarToInt

I need to be able to send an email from my app. I am using this code:

I need to be able to send an email from my app. I am using this code: function SendEmail(const Handle: HWND; const Address, Subject, AttachmentName: string): Integer; var   anAddress, anAttachment, aSubject, Message: string; begin   anAddress := IfThen( Pos( 'mailto:', Address ) > 0, '', 'mailto:' ) + Address;   aSubject := IfThen( Pos( '?subject=', Subject ) > 0, '', '?subject=' ) + Subject;   anAttachment := IfThen( Pos( '&Attach=', AttachmentName ) > 0, '', '&Attach=' ) + AttachmentName;   Message := anAddress + aSubject + anAttachment;   Result := ShellExecute( Handle, 'open', PChar( Message ), nil, nil, SW_SHOWNORMAL );   //  if Result   //    MessageDlg('Cannot find program to send e-mail.', mtWarning, [mbOK], 0); end; Sometimes it just works, but when it fails to return from ShellExecute, then I try to reset, and I am getting this error from XE: "Debugger fatal error dur...
Tbxlib lib (extensin to Toolbar2000) dose not compile becouse TTBPopupPositionRec is missing on delphi 6,7,xe some one knows where do i get it?
Happy Birthday to our own Stefan Glienke !  I for one am very grateful for his many contributions to the Delphi community.


FYI Originally shared by Lars Fosdal TMS AdvGrid Icons in conflict with application MainIcon My App gets a black X mark for an icon from GRDCLEAR, instead of my own design. Any suggestions for workaround? Should TMS have put these dynamically loaded icons into an RC resource instead of directly as an Icon? See also:

Here's a tiny interfaced class I wrote because I'm chasing performance issues in a big GUI app, so I spend a lot of time going "that takes a while, I wonder which bit takes the time". Which means some sort of logging, and after my coworkers decided that SynLog was too hard I came up with this trivial thing:

Here's a tiny interfaced class I wrote because I'm chasing performance issues in a big GUI app, so I spend a lot of time going "that takes a while, I wonder which bit takes the time". Which means some sort of logging, and after my coworkers decided that SynLog was too hard I came up with this trivial thing: type   ILogTimer = interface   end;   TLogTimer = class(TInterfacedObject, ILogTimer)   private     FStartTime: TDateTime;     FCaption: string;   public     constructor Create(const Caption: string); reintroduce;     destructor Destroy; override;   end; constructor TLogTimer.Create(const Caption: string); begin   inherited Create;   FStartTime := Now;   FCaption := Caption; end; destructor TLogTimer.Destroy; begin   OutputDebugString(PChar(Format('%s %0.1gms', [FCaption, (Now - FStartTime) * SecsPerday * 1000])));   inherited; end; Usage is two lines, the ILogTimer variable and a constructor call to assign it. The idea is that it's less typing every ti...

Let me be clear: I am not making this up.

Let me be clear:  I am not making this up.  My code base contains something akin to the following: i := 1; while i begin   case i of     1: DoSomething;     2: DoMore;     3: DoEvenMore   inc(i) end; Repeat: I. am. not. making. this. up.

Here's an article I wrote on our development blog about using Pascal (Delphi) in our project, the Knights and Merchants Remake

Here's an article I wrote on our development blog about using Pascal (Delphi) in our project, the Knights and Merchants Remake

Hi Group

Hi Group, Can we open a Intraweb form in new tab of browser..?

I see launch Delphi XE5 on september!?

I see launch Delphi XE5 on september!? on

What am I missing? If I create a new DataSnap project, put the WebModule into the autocreated forms, the project no longer compiles and the compiler complains about "Undeclared identifier 'WebModule1"'. But that is the correct name and I have done nothing else. Can someone try this and see if it works for you?

What am I missing? If I create a new DataSnap project, put the WebModule into the autocreated forms, the project no longer compiles and the compiler complains about "Undeclared identifier 'WebModule1"'. But that is the correct name and I have done nothing else. Can someone try this and see if it works for you? I need to have the WebModule autocreate because I need to access the datasets on it from the main form. So far, I am coming up empty. So, here is what I did: 1) Create new Datasnap Rest Application project 2) Stand-Alone VCL app 3) TComponent ancestor class. 4) Go to Project Options/Forms/move the WebModule to the autocreate section Done- project will not compile. What am I doing wrong?

How to implement CI with Jenkins and SVN in 5 minutes.

How to implement CI with Jenkins and SVN in 5 minutes. Performing tests is not described yet
If you were going to create a new unit testing framework for Delphi based entirely on attributes and RTTI, what would you call it?

I'm glad to introduce you first beta version of the OwlyCI - package manager for Delphi. It includes package repository, build helper and generator.

I'm glad to introduce you first beta version of the OwlyCI - package manager for Delphi. It includes package repository, build helper and generator. Most other languages have central repositories with open-source libraries (like NuGet,CPAN,PEAR and other) and i hope we can make such one for Delphi with your help. It can greatly improve Delphi-software development and give it a second breath. I would be grateful for your suggestions and comments.

Hello, Yesterday I posted something like the following but somehow it's missing today, now try again:

Hello, Yesterday I posted something like the following but somehow it's missing today, now try again: TdjRestfulComponent, Restful web server library for Delphi, like Ruby's Sinatra and Python's flask: , and it's quit interesting.

I can't quite decide if it's too much abuse of keywords or not... I like the concept though. What do you guys think?

I can't quite decide if it's too much abuse of keywords or not... I like the concept though. What do you guys think?     for qry in Transaction(SQLQuery1) do     begin       qry.SQL.Text := 'delete from foo';       qry.ExecSQL;              // raise Exception.Create('Oops, lets do a rollback');       qry.SQL.Text := 'insert into foo (bar) values (42)';       qry.ExecSQL;     end; Instead of iterating, the enumerator starts a transaction, and if an exception is raised inside the block it performs a rollback, otherwise it will commit. So there's no actual iteration going on. The enumerator returns the dataset that is passed to it and is generic, so qry is of the same type as SQLQuery1.

Shouldn't it be better to allow last redundant COMMA separator in some Delphi syntax in Next Generation Compiler? e.g. in Uses Clause, Enum Declaration, etc. I have noticed that it has been allowed in array constructor:

Shouldn't it be better to allow last redundant COMMA separator in some Delphi syntax in Next Generation Compiler? e.g. in Uses Clause, Enum Declaration, etc. I have noticed that it has been allowed in array constructor:   a := TArray .Create(1, 2, 3,);

Use this special weekend coupon code (WEEKEND) to buy Documentation Insight with 30% OFF, valid before April 15th.

Use this special weekend coupon code (WEEKEND) to buy Documentation Insight with 30% OFF, valid before April 15th.

Useful little reminder...

Useful little reminder... Originally shared by Philip Durbin " " Em spaces, whodathunkit.

We have a base class used widely in a homegrown OPF that was retrofitted to make it thread safe. Unfortunately the conversion was done incrementally by test-and-fix, rather than redesign or code review. So over time as we use more multithreaded code more intensely we're running into new places where the code doesn't cope with threads.

We have a base class used widely in a homegrown OPF that was retrofitted to make it thread safe. Unfortunately the conversion was done incrementally by test-and-fix, rather than redesign or code review. So over time as we use more multithreaded code more intensely we're running into new places where the code doesn't cope with threads. Todays discovery was that a couple of TList instances that were assumed to be add-only actually have remove operations performed. Which has the expected disastrous effects on code that iterates, especially code that iterates slowly. foreground thread   FillList;   StartBackgroundThread;   DisplayList;   ... let user edit the list background thread:   for i := 0 to List.Count do     GatherStatsFromDatabase(List[i]); Users don't delete stuff very often, and especially it is hard to delete stuff while the background thread is still running... at least on a fast developer machine running against a local database. On a heavily loaded Citrix server ...

Should I raise an exception when "caseing" enum type is out of bounds, like:

Should I raise an exception when "caseing" enum type is out of bounds, like: procedure TSomeClass.SetSomeProperty(const Value: TSomeEnumType); begin  FValue := Value;   case Value of     enumOne:;           enumTwo:;         enumThree:;        enumFour:;     else       raise Exception.Create('Unknow enum');   end; end; or it's unnecessary?

Hey all

Hey all, I'm wondering if anybody else has ever encountered this problem, or something similar and perhaps has a solution or different work around. I have 2 tables in a database: Primary table with multiple fields containing different status (integer) values per record (3000 records) Secondary table with a status (integer) field, description and an image field (15 records) I would like to have the secondary table as a lookup table for the different statuses in the primary table, basically an image lookup dataset. However TDataset does not allow me to have a blob field as a lookup field. I could modify the primary dataset SQL to return each image and description for each status, however this would mean fetching the status image blobs multiple times, which is obviously not efficient. Any suggestions....

For those of you testing WebFMX, there is a new build that fixes some drawing problems. Get it from here:

For those of you testing WebFMX, there is a new build that fixes some drawing problems. Get it from here:


Hi, I'm looking for a library for creating a new HTML file that shows the differences between two given HTML files (only differences in visible content). It would be good if I could influence the layout of highlighting the differences. Are there any free or commercial libraries that can be used in Delphi XE2 (no DLLs or external tools)? It would also help if somebody could direct me to related examples in other programming languages. I just need a good starting point.

TMS Cloud Pack v1.9 has been released with new TAdvPushOver component to send push messages to iOS devices with the PushOver client.

TMS Cloud Pack v1.9 has been released with new TAdvPushOver component to send push messages to iOS devices with the PushOver client. You can download the fully functional trial version from our website:

LLVM is honored ...

LLVM is honored ...

It is telling that the third result from Google for "team coherence branch" is to a tool for exporting everything to git.

It is telling that the third result from Google for "team coherence branch" is to a tool for exporting everything to git. Just spent half an hour with my coworkers trying to work out whether team coherence supports exploratory branching. The answer appears to be "yes, via git".

OK, for the last two days, Delphi XE has been making me crazy. I'm in the editor, and with several files open. I have GExperts in place, as well as CnPack. I double-click a tab to close a file. Suddenly the left and right panels (Obj Insp and Project/File trees) are gone. Double-click again to close another file and the panels are back. As features go, wherever this came from, it sucks!

OK, for the last two days, Delphi XE has been making me crazy. I'm in the editor, and with several files open. I have GExperts in place, as well as CnPack. I double-click a tab to close a file. Suddenly the left and right panels (Obj Insp and Project/File trees) are gone. Double-click again to close another file and the panels are back. As features go, wherever this came from, it sucks! Anyone have this experience before?
I cry a little inside when I see a "negative boolean variable" like bAccessNotExclusive.  Makes my brain hurt.
Anyone going to Delphi Developer Days in Chicago?  I'll be there.
I have just set up a community: TMS Component Users Group, for discussion amongst those of us using the TMS products in Delphi every day.

Bottom line: fixes and you can now query WMI and other IEnumVARIANT COM objects directly.

Bottom line: fixes and you can now query WMI and other IEnumVARIANT COM objects directly.

ANN: HTML Component Library

ANN: HTML Component Library HCL is a suite of native Delphi components and classes allows the use of HTML and CSS in any VCL control It doesn't require any third-party DLL-libraries and programs installed. You can display HTML anywhere just specifying Canvas and output area. Doc:=THtDocument.Create; try Doc.Parse(HTML); Doc.Draw(Canvas, Rect); finally Doc.Free end; Library supports all basic HTML4 tags and CSS3 properties, including animation, box-shadows, opacity HCL contains a number of ready-to-use visual components like THtLabel, THtPanel, THtListBox, THtBalloonHint, THtRadioButton, THtStatusBar, THtTabSet... More information and compiled demo at Alexander Sviridenkov

New blog on using TMS Cloud components for application settings persistence & synchronisation via cloud storage service DropBox.

New blog on using TMS Cloud components for application settings persistence & synchronisation via cloud storage service DropBox.
anyone can explain what the meaning if i use/set filter in datasnap compressmorethan=1024?

WebFMX Beta 2 is ready for testing. This build is almost feature complete and includes:

WebFMX Beta 2 is ready for testing. This build is almost feature complete and includes: * Remote PDF printing * Open File redirection to allow upload files from the client machine * Download file method * RemoteInfo object, with information about the browser * Application timeout management, to allow regain control of an app when the connection was lost. * MessageDialog and InputQuery implementation * Font modes: WebFont and Bitmap font. * Events to control resizing, termination and webfonts. * Lots of bugs fixes Setup: Documentation: White paper: Pdf manual: Online manual: For those that still didn’t see what this is about, please check out the online demo Please report bugs, suggestions and any general feedback to Gustavo Ricardi CEO / C...

Hi all

Hi all, I'm experiencing a very strange problem on compiling a DataSnap server on XE2 : I have systematic error message and crash at  startup (EInsufficientRTTI) ; If I switch building configurations between Release/Debug and compile , the bug vanishes after 4 or 5 compilations. This bug occurs systematically when using msbuild through command line. This bug wasn't occuring in previous versions , before adding mORMot framework (maybe it has nothing to do with it but it's the major  change).   I never seen such a thing happening. Anyone ahs an idea ? TY !

Hi everybody

Hi everybody, Just tried to install OmniThreadLib 3.02 under D2007 but it cannot compile: uses generics! So which is the latest version of OTL for D2007 please? I don't find any information, just this:

Hello everyone

Hello everyone,,,, I tried to display memo teks field on dbgrid column. here is my implementation :  procedure TfrmLookupSalesman.grdMenuDrawColumnCell(Sender: TObject; const Rect: TRect; DataCol: Integer; Column: TColumn; State: TGridDrawState); var F : TField; sTeks: string; begin F := Column.Field; if f nil then begin if (f.DataType = ftWideString) or (f.DataType = ftWideMemo) or (f.DataType = ftMemo) then begin     sTeks := f.AsString;     grdMenu.Canvas.FillRect(Rect);     grdMenu.Canvas.TextRect(Rect,Rect.Left,Rect.Top,sTeks); end; end; end;    but the result is not i expected. it create double teks in the grid, just like in this image. so when i point another row, that row will have double text. Can someone help me to get better result ?  Thanks in advance

Hello everyone. Can Anyone give me direction how to build send mail cros exchange server in delphi.

Hello everyone. Can Anyone give me direction how to build send mail cros exchange server in delphi.  I am using indy smtp for regular smtp ports, but now one of my client need to send email to their employment(with some data from my program for each of them) with their exchange server. I told them easy way w/o waiting is to open some account on gmail or outlook and to countinue to use form from my program with SMTP but their IT admins not allowing that. Almost 2 day looking for some example but I didnt found enything what can work. Anyone can help?

Version 0.98.1 of DDDebug, the Memory Profiler, has been released recently. This update adds IDE integration and fixes a couple of bugs, mainly within the 64bit version. The list of fixes and enhancements:

Version 0.98.1 of DDDebug, the Memory Profiler, has been released recently. This update adds IDE integration and fixes a couple of bugs, mainly within the 64bit version. The list of fixes and enhancements: Revised and updated manual Added filter to trace allocations of specific threads only Integration into IDE (open unit in IDE) 64bit: fixed an issue where a pointer could get truncated 64bit: fixed an issue where method name was corrupted 64bit: fix in GetDataString (for Strings), unit test added Fixed an Access Violation in Thread Viewer and Wait Chain Traversal Alternative self contained Setup for Delphi 5 to XE3 DDDebug main form usable while modal dialogs being shown

Hating Windows 8 full screen apps? Maybe ModernMix, from the makers of Start8, will make life easier.

Hating Windows 8 full screen apps?  Maybe ModernMix , from the makers of Start8 , will make life easier. Personally, I haven't used it yet, but for only $4.99 it's on my list.  Does anyone here use it?  It would be great to read some opinions on it from the Delphi community.
Is creating objects in initialization section a good idea? I'm experiencing some strange behavior when I'm doing this (runtime errors, av)

Hi all

Hi all, It's been a while since I used Delphi as a professional (i.e. to earn a living). Following recent changes and roadmap I'm considering to use it for some side project (Currently I use PHP, namely Prado framework.) I was never as good as I needed at OOP style Delphi. What are your recommendations for a new starter who works mostly on database applications. (Reading material, frameworks, any web resources, maybe somebody as a mentor appreciated.) I'm not aware of the technical innovations introduced to the language since almost Y2K. Free resources would be more helpful.

Hi everybody

Hi everybody, Could you share some of the best Delphi tools & extensions that would actually make a programmer's life much easier when using the IDE, deploying releases, testing& debugging etc.? I think it would be nice to have a list of such tools/extensions grouped by Category, with a download link and price (if applicable). I'm thinking of great tools such as CnPack, GExperts etc. I'm wondering if such a list already exists and if not could the "Third Party" category host one such list? Please share your thoughts and the tools that you found most useful so that the entire community may benefit from them (and form your feedback too). It would be also nice to have the Pros and Cons for each tool.

ThreadSafe Lock Manager: [2] Code

I'm sure you know the good old IniLang unit to localize Delphi applications. Is anybody aware of a substitute that is more powerful regarding usability for external translators. What I mean are programs like multilizer or sisulizer.

I'm sure you know the good old IniLang unit to localize Delphi applications. Is anybody aware of a substitute that is more powerful regarding usability for external translators. What I mean are programs like multilizer or sisulizer. Basically the localization with IniLang is satisfying. But I want to get rid of manually managing the ini contents using Excel sheets and other kinds of drawbacks. I do not want to do a heavy refactoring of thousands of language entries into resource strings. Has anybody yet replaced IniLang by a more powerful localization tool which can work upon the given structure? An automated transition would be fine too.

XE3 IDE idling at 7-20% CPU

XE3 IDE idling at 7-20% CPU No, it is not doing background compiles. Annoying!

I hate anonymous functions, generics and dependency injection (Hey Nick, nothing personal) !

I hate anonymous functions, generics and dependency injection (Hey Nick, nothing personal) ! Well, I don't hate these really, but it is so frustrating to dig through my former colleagues few thousand lines of code that are full of those. That all mixed with dozens of recursive functions and my former colleagues obsessive use of interfaces makes stepping through the code in the debugger a real PITA. Sorry, but after debugging for the last 18 hours I needed to place to express my feelings. Maybe someone in the "business" of code archeology can feel with me.
Ok, we're going to use SQLite for our device (one user) database.   Which data access component is the lightest, fastest, best?  Doesn't have to be free, but needs to work with Delphi 7 to Delphi XE3.  Thanks

Anyone used this library :

Anyone used this library : Seems interesting, but no Wiki pages, not so easy to check out without installing and using...

Hi, now i am working with a Restful API, but the respond is a json object, there is a component, or built in unit in Delphi that can help me with that

Hi, now i am working with a Restful API, but the respond is a json object, there is a component, or built in unit in Delphi that can help me with that thanks.


#chuckleworthy   Originally shared by Gregor J. Rothfuss

Originally shared by Lars Fosdal

Originally shared by Lars Fosdal The value of an endorsement Cleaning out my inbox today, I stumbled over a comment that I had missed on one of my old blog posts.  It turned out to be a comment that was a bit out of the ordinary. Hi Lars, I'm a developer of Product.X (you can check it at Product.X dot com). This is a product for [description removed]. It is for Delphi developers too. Unfortunately, we don't have a lot of promotion opportunities, but even Embarcadero is among our customers! I want to ask you, is it possible to write a small article about Product.X and delphi, and then you post it on your blog? I can write about [description removed] , or about [description removed], or about [description removed]... There are a lot of topics :) Please write me your opinion. Thank you in advance! The poster did not use his real name.  So - I am supposed to do what?  Post an endorsement of a product I have never heard of and never used, and you (who I don’t know who are) will act...

Some brief interviews with Delphi users

Some brief interviews with Delphi users

We have a new webinar April 11th on Delphi multi-tier and database app development. We look forward to seeing you there. You can register at:

We have a new webinar April 11th on Delphi multi-tier and database app development. We look forward to seeing you there. You can register at:

TTree for FireMonkey, compiled demo and units for XE3, just download and run. Populating a TTree with 2000 nodes takes 2 milliseconds !

TTree for FireMonkey, compiled demo and units for XE3, just download and run.  Populating a TTree with 2000 nodes takes 2 milliseconds !
A slightly amusing but otherwise useless observation: Just back in the office after holidays. Delphi 2007 asks "Module time/date changed. Reload?" - for every open file. Related to the recent daylight saving time change, perhaps?

ThreadSafe Lock Manager: [1] Design

Hello, at the place I work, we use flat files (old Pascal records in files). We're planning on moving to databases, but we have a requirement. It needs to be cross-platform, desktop version in addition to Server-based version, sort of like Interbase service and Interbase To Go. I did suggest we use Interbase/Interbase to go. However, we want to find the most mainstream solution out there. What's everyone using on iPads/ mobile devices? We can't use just a server based implementation, because sometimes the mobil devices/Laptops don't have internet connectivity. But it would be advantageous if the database has two modes: desktop and server. Server for when we need to do web apps or when they have connectivity and need to merge data from the home office.

Hello, at the place I work, we use flat files (old Pascal records in files).  We're planning on moving to databases, but we have a requirement.   It needs to be cross-platform, desktop version in addition to Server-based version, sort of like  Interbase service and Interbase To Go.  I did suggest we use Interbase/Interbase to go.    However, we want to find the most mainstream solution out there.  What's everyone using on iPads/ mobile devices?   We can't use just a server based implementation, because sometimes the mobil devices/Laptops don't have internet connectivity.  But it would be advantageous if the database has two modes: desktop and server.   Server for when we need to do web apps or when they have connectivity and need to merge data from the home office.    Perhaps the desktop version doesn't have to be the same solution as the server-based version?

This is a bit off topic, but applies to software developers.

This is a bit off topic, but applies to software developers.  Has anyone made the transition from on-site file/web servers to the Cloud?  Management for the place I work for wants to toss all of our file and web server hardware and move everything to the Cloud.  We have about 30 workstations here and our Internet access consists of 5 bonded T1 lines (~7 megabits/sec), shared with our phone system.  I predict grief, since we have a Gigabit Copper LAN, and funneling everything through the T1s is not going to be pretty.  How is file access handled? Do you map drives to the Cloud server or is it some sort of FTP kludge?