
Showing posts from November, 2016

New windows store-> centennial bridge

New windows store-> centennial bridge Hi. has anyone got this to work? I have signed up to the bridge program but I get this error when submitting my app to the windows store Package acceptance validation error: You don't have permissions to specify the following namespaces in the appx manifest file of the package weatherdisplay.appx: Package acceptance validation error: Your developer account doesn’t have permission to submit apps converted with the Desktop Bridge at this time.
Maybe this is a bit of a stupid question. But what does /sub mean? If I search it on google I get a lot of very strange definitions of which I hope you don't mean those. 😑 I think it means that you agree with the previous post.

We are working on an existing application, at least 15 or 20 years old more than 2000000 lines of code and we want...

We are working on an existing application, at least 15 or 20 years old more than 2000000 lines of code and we want to add user authorization. Visual components should be visible and or enabled based on authorization, methods should be allowed based on authorization. I remember reading about authorization implemented with attributes and (i think) aspect oriented programming but cannot find the article any more. How would you try to implemented this in a big existing pile of code... not always optimally structured? Where can i find more info on this?

We are working on an existing application, at least 15 or 20 years old more than 2000000 lines of code and we want to add user authorization. Visual components should be visible and or enabled based on authorization, methods should be allowed based on authorization.

We are working on an existing application, at least 15 or 20 years old more than 2000000 lines of code and we want to add user authorization. Visual components should be visible and or enabled based on authorization, methods should be allowed based on authorization. I remember reading about authorization implemented with attributes and (i think) aspect oriented programming but cannot find the article any more. How would you try to implemented this in a big existing pile of code... not always optimally structured? Where can i find more info on this?


Hello, I want to use a custom frame with only TGraphicControls on it...but It could be usefull to have a parent relationship between some of there any existing project that add such a property to TGraphicControl ? Thanks.

Fall 2016 XE8 and 10 Seattle Updates (back ports) now available: Read more at https://community.

Fall 2016 XE8 and 10 Seattle Updates (back ports) now available: Read more at

Fall 2016 XE8 and 10 Seattle Updates (back ports) now available: Read more at

Fall 2016 XE8 and 10 Seattle Updates (back ports) now available: Read more at

Hello all

Hello all What is the best solution to store and load enums value into database. Till now, I've transtyped enum value to Integer but when adding another or removing obsolete members, it can have some problem Thanks Andry

Hello guys

Hello guys, Sometime ago I have created a QP entry request for adding NameOf(T) (compiler intrinsic|magic function) support similar to C# 6's NameOf operator. Please vote for it: It is one of the most voted feature request, hopefully it may come in 10.3 release :D Thanks in advance.

Originally shared by David Berneda

Originally shared by David Berneda New #TeeGrid "Ticker" component to automatically refresh grid cells when values are updated. VCL, Firemonkey and Lazarus. Delphi and C++, 2009 to Berlin. 1) Create Ticker uses Tee.Grid.Ticker; var Ticker : TGridTicker; Ticker:=TGridTicker.Create(TeeGrid1.Grid.Current); 2) After a cell value is changed, update ticker: Ticker.Change(Col,Row,OldValue); Options: Ticker.Enabled:= True; // False to pause Ticker.FadeColors:= True; // use a thread to fade-out colors Ticker.Delay:= 1000; // milliseconds, duration of cell highlight Ticker.Higher.Color:= TColors.Green Ticker.Lower.Color:= TColors.Red Ticker.RefreshSpeed:= 10; // milliseconds, internal thread delay

Can anybody help me with that?

Can anybody help me with that?
how to save images using the rest service. is there a tutorial. to make use php.


Hi, Maybe some one know it, seattle is ok, since using berlin, berlin upd1, berlin upd2 my list view is blank caption when first open. but if i click back and reopening, list view is normal, my app not using style i try add ListPJP.Repaint but no different

Hello, I am newbie of Delphi.

Hello, I am newbie of Delphi. Old c# app store extract 0.00004385964912 in PostgreSQL ( I have used numeric(38,20) and decimal in c#) I found in Delphi but don't know how to use it, I have try use decimals with Aurelius but has error "Unexpected field type : Decimals.Decimal" [Entity] [Table('test')] [Id('FId', TIdGenerator.IdentityOrSequence)] TTest = class private [Column('ID', [TColumnProp.Unique, TColumnProp.Required, TColumnProp.NoUpdate])] FId: Integer; FText1: string; FNum1: Decimal; public property Id: integer read FId; [Column('text1', [])] property Text1: string read FText1 write FText1; [Column('num1', [], 38, 20)] property Num1: Decimal read FNum1 write FNum1; end; Please help me.

May I please ask for your opinion on the following code:

May I please ask for your opinion on the following code: I am trying to find a generalised way to create global classes in my app and (given the my recent exploration into generics) I came up with the following code. There are two points unclear to me: 1. Is the use of Critical Section correct? Would that make the code thread-safe? 2. I get a memory leak but I can't figure out which object or something is not freed

Dear Developers

Dear Developers, I'm pleased to announce the new version of X-DBGrid Component 6.4 and X-Files Components 6.4! What's new in version 6.4 ? ======================= - New data editors can replace DBEdit, DBComboBox, DBLookupComboBox and others!!! - Full functionality of InplaceEditor is now also available in standalone editors - Full support for Themes, Styles, AutoSelect, AutoSize, BiDiMode, BorderStyle, Ctl3D, etc. - Editor styles: Auto, Ellipsis, DropDown, DropDownMenu, Calendar, Calculator - Types of drop-down lists: pick lists, lookup lists, calendar, calculator - New DropDownOnly property to create any drop-down list with no edit box!!! - New TXDBColumn component represents a standalone column editor!!! - Main properties in TXDBColumn: DataColumn, DBGrid, DataField, DataSource - TXDBColumn component directly uses column properties set in TXDBGrid - The result of data editing in TXDBColumn is returned to the TXDBGrid - New TXDBEditor component rep...

TListBox: Does anyone know of a way to have variable width list items for ListBox where the ListStyle is set to Horizontal?

TListBox: Does anyone know of a way to have variable width list items for ListBox where the ListStyle is set to Horizontal? I would like the Listitems's Text Autosized.
Why EOperationCanceled was renamed to EOperationCancelled in the 10.1 Berlin? I think OperationCanceled is a common term (also used in .net/android)

Dear Embarcadero, your copy protection doesn't work.

Dear Embarcadero, your copy protection doesn't work. In an effort to keep this post as polite as possible, I have to stop here ...

Dear Embarcadero, your copy protection doesn't work. In an effort to keep this post as polite as possible, I have to stop here ...

Dear Embarcadero, your copy protection doesn't work. In an effort to keep this post as polite as possible, I have to stop here ...

Hello people, here is a very simple question!

Hello people, here is a very simple question! Why the OnKeyDown() event can capture the letter/key 'a' value into var KeyChar but the var Key gets 0 as value? This way I can't intercept the keyboard with case Key of vkA: DoSomething(); end; Instead I would have to uppercase(KeyChar)... you know... any clue? I am using Berlin up1 and this is a FMX Win32 application.

I got an error dialog box that said "Access violation at address 50152BED in module 'rtl210.

I got an error dialog box that said "Access violation at address 50152BED in module 'rtl210.bpl'. Read of address 0000000C." Need help, thanks!
I got an error dialog box that said "Access violation at address 50152BED in module 'rtl210.bpl'. Read of address 0000000C." Need help, thanks!


Hello... Need help with TWebBrowser (XE3, IE11, W10). I need to call events from Javascript to Delphi. I've found such Javascript: var event = document.createEvent('Event'); event.initEvent('somename', true, false); ... someelement.dispatchEvent(evt); Is it possible to listen this event in Delphi somehow? I have written IDispatch implementation and passed it to IHTMLElement2.attachEvent. TIEEventObject = class(TInterfacedObject, IDispatch) private function getTypeInfoCount(out Count: Integer): HResult; stdcall; function getTypeInfo(Index, LocaleID: Integer; out TypeInfo): HResult; stdcall; function getIDsOfNames(const IID: TGUID; Names: Pointer; NameCount, LocaleID: Integer; DispIDs: Pointer): HResult; stdcall; function invoke(DispID: Integer; const IID: TGUID; LocaleID: Integer; Flags: Word; var Params; VarResult, ExcepInfo, ArgErr: Pointer): HResult; stdcall; end; Unfortunately Invoke method is not being called. Any suggestions? Thank ...

Hello... Need help with TWebBrowser (XE3, IE11, W10). I need to call events from Javascript to Delphi. I've found such Javascript:

Hello... Need help with TWebBrowser (XE3, IE11, W10). I need to call events from Javascript to Delphi. I've found such Javascript: var event = document.createEvent('Event'); event.initEvent('somename', true, false); ... someelement.dispatchEvent(evt); Is it possible to listen this event in Delphi somehow? I have written IDispatch implementation and passed it to IHTMLElement2.attachEvent. TIEEventObject = class(TInterfacedObject, IDispatch) private function getTypeInfoCount(out Count: Integer): HResult; stdcall; function getTypeInfo(Index, LocaleID: Integer; out TypeInfo): HResult; stdcall; function getIDsOfNames(const IID: TGUID; Names: Pointer; NameCount, LocaleID: Integer; DispIDs: Pointer): HResult; stdcall; function invoke(DispID: Integer; const IID: TGUID; LocaleID: Integer; Flags: Word; var Params; VarResult, ExcepInfo, ArgErr: Pointer): HResult; stdcall; end; Unfortunately Invoke method is not being called. Any suggestions? Thank ...

Sorry guys, mistakenly deleted the previous post.

Sorry guys, mistakenly deleted the previous post. Ok, guys A. Bouchez​​ I have a weird scenario here. I have a piece of code which I am trying to optimize as much as possible. It involves an array and a loop in which the loop is used to transverse the array (the array length is known at compile time), retrieve its contents and perform some pretty simple integer and bit shifting operations (to be precise, rotate left) on it (the contents) and write back to that index in the array. In my quest for optimizations, I manually unrolled the loop and got the shock of my life, The unrolled variant was way slower, in fact, 2 times slower than the rolled variant. Fuelled by my inquisitiveness, I decided to try out the same code in Free Pascal to verify my doubts, and true to my doubts, the unrolled version was faster in Free Pascal. Below is a little benchmark info Delphi 10 Berlin Starter Rolled variant 10.2 secs Delphi 10 Berlin Starter Unrolled variant 21.5 secs Free Pascal Rolled variant 7.4 ...

Can someone please explain lines 3174-3177 in FMX.Grid.Style to me? More to the point, why they're before lines 3180-3181. (Delphi 10.1 Berlin, Update 1)

Can someone please explain lines 3174-3177 in FMX.Grid.Style to me? More to the point, why they're before lines 3180-3181. (Delphi 10.1 Berlin, Update 1)

Hello guys

Hello guys, Any plans to Embarcadero's Apple-related compilers starting generating LLVM bitcode instead of ARM code? I know some of the problems it could bring such as suboptimal code generation and changes in the RTTI as stated by Allen Bauer some months ago. It seems Apple is going to move all platforms to use LLVM bitcode, even macOS has given signals of adoption of this strategy after adding ARM kernel support. As the current Embarcadero's macOS compiler is tied to Intel, if the first ARM-based macOS device get released in 2017 (only rumor), according to the Roadmap for 10.3 release - the addition of macOS 64-bit support would have to come in two flavours: the Intel one and the ARM one. .

Maybe already posted here but i missed it

Maybe already posted here but i missed it Anyway, I'm just shocked Where the hell did that operators overloading come from? Why is not documented? It worked on Delphi 2010 just fine, and on 10.1 Berlin Starter, so it's been around since a while Did a quick search but couldn't find anything

My update to Berlin Anniversary (from the original Berlin) went smoothly, with one exception: The Bonus Konopka...

My update to Berlin Anniversary (from the original Berlin) went smoothly, with one exception: The Bonus Konopka controls are not available in the IDE. The GetIt screen only shows an uninstall option. And when I select it, I get these messages: Uninstalling "Konopka Signature VCL Controls 6.2.2"... A problem occurred during the process. Anyone have any hints on how to manually uninstall it so I can reinstall? Thanks (and sorry to clutter the forum which such mundane questions.)

My update to Berlin Anniversary (from the original Berlin) went smoothly, with one exception: The Bonus Konopka controls are not available in the IDE.

My update to Berlin Anniversary (from the original Berlin) went smoothly, with one exception: The Bonus Konopka controls are not available in the IDE. The GetIt screen only shows an uninstall option. And when I select it, I get these messages: Uninstalling "Konopka Signature VCL Controls 6.2.2"... A problem occurred during the process. Anyone have any hints on how to manually uninstall it so I can reinstall? Thanks (and sorry to clutter the forum which such mundane questions.)
Berlin UPD2, Alt+F12 do not switch to/from DFM my installation broken or is it UPD2 ?

Are there news for the debugger problem on Sierra ?

Are there news for the debugger problem on Sierra ?

Delphi F12 Debug Hotkey for Windows 8.1 and 10

Delphi F12 Debug Hotkey for Windows 8.1 and 10 Andreas Hausladen I don't know what it is for, but I am interested! Care to elaborate on what the plugin does, please?

Any idea why Delphi (At least since Seattle) does this to Dproj files

Any idea why Delphi (At least since Seattle) does this to Dproj files and 0 .dll;.bpl 1 .dylib Sections chane place for some users. Someone commits and for me it is always in reversed order. What'll caused them to Switch places? Is there way to fix this is this an Bug? This makes life with version control little bit difficult. Even the content is identical, but in different order. Not bad, but annoying, because files are changed, not the function but still, and before commit have to diff files, either revert them fix and commit.

Please vote if you want LINQ in Delphi:

Please vote if you want LINQ in Delphi:

Does anyone have any advice on how to use Bluetooth LE with Delphi Berlin, targeting Windows? The ExploreDevicesLE sample application works fine for me on iOS, Android and OSX, but doesn't work at all on Windows. I believe the problem is that under Windows, the StartDiscovery method returns right away (the DocWiki says so) and so devices never seem to get enumerated. If this is the case, how can I enumerate available Bluetooth LE devices in Windows?

Does anyone have any advice on how to use Bluetooth LE with Delphi Berlin, targeting Windows? The ExploreDevicesLE sample application works fine for me on iOS, Android and OSX, but doesn't work at all on Windows. I believe the problem is that under Windows, the StartDiscovery method returns right away (the DocWiki says so) and so devices never seem to get enumerated. If this is the case, how can I enumerate available Bluetooth LE devices in Windows? TIA. - Scott

I've got an interface with generics which accepts classes:

I've got an interface with generics which accepts classes: IMyGeneric = interface ..... end; What I want to do is to allow this interface to accept interfaced classes as well. If I write: IMyGeneric = interface ... end; it means that T1 must be an interfaced object. If I declare another interface: IMyInterfacedGeneric = interface ... end; I need to develop a class identical to the class I use for the "class" constraint. Is there a nicer and easier way to do this? Thanks

Delphi style of TInterfacedObject memory management forever?

Delphi style of TInterfacedObject memory management forever? Hi. I know nearly all of you are aware of the differences in memory management when working with objects and with interfaces. But IMO the Delphi style is violating the concepts that the user of an object has not to know about internals of an object. The following small examples shows a typical trap ... there are a lot others. var oMy: TMyObject; // class(TInterfacedObject,IMyInterface) iMy: IMyInterface; begin oMy:= TMyObject.Create; try Assert(oMy.RefCount=0); finally oMy.Free; end; // but oMy:= TMyObject.Create; try iMy:= oMy; // I get access to the implemented interface Assert(oMy.RefCount=1); finally oMy.Free; // crashes end; end; I know that some developers with argue to "only use interfaces and not the objects itself". But a modern programming language should not be that sensitive. Now to my actual question: will ARC solve that problem and the code above would not cras...

Using a TListBox hosizontal (ListStyle=Horizontal), I want to use a smallscrollbar rather than the standard scrollbar when a scroll needs to be shown.

Using a TListBox hosizontal (ListStyle=Horizontal), I want to use a smallscrollbar rather than the standard scrollbar when a scroll needs to be shown. Which is the better approach? (a) Disable Scrollbars on the Listbox and add a TSmallScrollbar component beneath the ListBox and then write code to keep the to together. (I have no idea how to do this yet). (b) Make a copy, or inherit a new component from TListBox and somehow overwrite or change the current Scrollbar with the mini-scrollbar. (No idea how to do this either). (c) Some other simpler idea I have not thought of?

Indy ping error 10040 'message too long'

Indy ping error 10040 'message too long' is there a good solution to avoid this error? because I tried *'Set the PacketSize property to 24' * but still the app crashes sometiomes.

We are currently recruiting for two System Designer (Developer) to join the team in Glasgow city centre on a permanent basis in a brand new facility. Unfortunately for some it is office based, although the flexible working is excellent along with many other benefits.

We are currently recruiting for two System Designer (Developer) to join the team in Glasgow city centre on a permanent basis in a brand new facility. Unfortunately for some it is office based, although the flexible working is excellent along with many other benefits. The job is in the centre of Glasgow, and is a developer for a globally distributed system. We use Delphi 7 as our main development IDE with any new work in Berlin and an ongoing migration to Berlin. The work involves a spread of technology from database, web services, desktop apps, security, html. If you are interested, either apply through the link or if you would like to know more please email me at where I will happily answer any queries.

Originally shared by Boian Mitov

Originally shared by Boian Mitov Finally had a chance to post the source from the conference, and the updated versions of the Mitov Software libraries with the latest components and features! #Delphi #OpenWire

I am so crossed----I've spent already an hour to figure out why my custom attributes don't work and realised that the compiler doesn't check whether the corresponding classes exist......gkrrrrr

I am so crossed----I've spent already an hour to figure out why my custom attributes don't work and realised that the compiler doesn't check whether the corresponding classes exist......gkrrrrr For example, this compiles: type TmyClass = class [djhgfskdhgks] procedure One; end; What???


Hello i have a program that use MS SQL SERVER 2000 i want to make a mobile application that connect to this database to make some consultation client file client balance? invoices ... the search made with name date and some other champ the database is big more than 4 GB and very year is come bigger with about 1GB it is possible to connect to this data base to make those search and get response very fast ? if there is an example would be very fine Best Regards

I was wondering if you can help me with this:

I was wondering if you can help me with this: I've got a generic field in a class: fClass: T and in the constructor I pass a class for fClass and I want to go through the methods of this class using RTTI I have used this: var tmpClassType: TRttiType; tmpContext: TRttiContext; begin tmpClassType:=tmpContext.GetType((fClass as TObject).CLassInfo); but the methods I retrieve are wrong. I have also tried fField.ClassType but I get the same results. Anyone, any ideas? Thanks


Hello! [UPDATE] I think I know now what was going on :) There are several parts to this story: 1) Generic interfaces with GUID 2) A specialized interface WITH a different type as parameter* 3) Other specialized interfaces TD;LR; It's a compiler bug. The key to understanding the issue is this: IEntityList = interface( IBaseEntity ) ['{28832807-5D4E-430B-8545-AF6244E923A0}'] procedure Load( List: TRoArray ;EstateID: String ); end; IWebEstateUserList = interface( IEntityList ) procedure Load( var List: TWebEstateUserList;EstateID: String ); end; The second interface has a var parameter that is declared like so: Type TWebEstateUserList = class( TROArray ) end; The interesting bit is that even if I remove the GUID, the problem remains. If an implementation class is NOT provided, then the unit compiles just fine. Another issue is the fact that one Load has a var parameter and the other does not, essentially making them overloaded (even though that was not i...

Is this possible?

Is this possible? Say I have the following classes: TOneClass = class procedure DoThis; end; TAnother = class fClass: TOneClass; end; var tmp: TAnother; Is it possible to instruct the compiler to understand this: tmp.DoThis instead of tmp.fClass.DoThis ??? A kind of "default" setting after the dot ('.') like what we do with properties? Thanks

Hi community...I just wanna share some tutorial video that might be useful for you guys that just start learning how to make an application with Delphi XE5.

Hi community...I just wanna share some tutorial video that might be useful for you guys that just start learning how to make an application with Delphi XE5.

I just noticed an unexpected behavior (potential security risk) about the integrated feature "Clipboard History": It monitors the global system Clipboard and silently records whatever you copied. Say you use some password manager (like 1Password) and have to copy a password to fill somewhere. Then Your plain password will be saved silently in the Clipboard History window and you have to restart the IDE to clear it... (I was expecting that it only monitors copy actions in code editor)

I just noticed an unexpected behavior (potential security risk) about the integrated feature "Clipboard History": It monitors the global system Clipboard and silently records whatever you copied . Say you use some password manager (like 1Password) and have to copy a password to fill somewhere. Then Your plain password will be saved silently in the Clipboard History window and you have to restart the IDE to clear it... (I was expecting that it only monitors copy actions in code editor) P.S. Password may be not a good example but it applies to all sensitive information.

I have a form with a TPrototypeBindSource Object.

I have a form with a TPrototypeBindSource Object. It appear that TPrototypeBindSource.OnCreateAdapter event is called before Tform.OnCreate event. Because of this behavior I have to create my objects within the TPrototypeBindSource.OnCreateAdapter instead of creating them in my TForm.OnCreate event ! Can someone shed some lights on this ? Why are TPrototypeBindSource.OnCreateAdapter events called before the Tform.OnCreate event ?

Because knowing what the pointer is so fucking useful #worstfeatureever

Because knowing what the pointer is so fucking useful #worstfeatureever

Hello guys

Hello guys, I am wondering how does TurboCocoa make possible to subclass Java types from Delphi (I don't want to create a competitor :D), for iOS, you can use the Objective-C runtime and create classes on the fly, for Android, hacking/hooking the Android Runtime doesn't seem a pretty idea for questions of compatibility with future versions, injecting Java code by dynamic loading a DEX file seems to be the way to go? I am just curious how it can be made :D Thanks.

How to gain access to the property Items of a TComboBox, that is inside of a TStyleBook?

How to gain access to the property Items of a TComboBox, that is inside of a TStyleBook? Usually I access to certain properties like this TreeNode.StylesData['ComboBoxPROPERTY_VALUE.Visible'] := True; When I need to assign an event handler to a component inside a TStyleBook, I use this format TreeNode.StylesData['ComboBoxPROPERTY_VALUE.OnChange' ] := TValue.From (OnChange_EditPROPERTY_VALUE); But now I need to assign the list of posible values to this ComoBox and things like these lStrings := TStrings(TreeNode.StylesData['ComboBoxPROPERTY_VALUE.Items']); or TreeNode.StylesData['ComboBoxPROPERTY_VALUE.Items'].Add(Splitted[i]); Don't compile, with errors like "Invalid typecasting" or "undeclared identifier". Any one of you have experience with TStyleBooks, and can help me. Thanks in advance.

my own Parse server.

my own Parse server. i found a bug during usage of my local parse server. Delphi components use rest call to r/w data with server, so some header params must be used. it' automatic, so it's fantastic. :) the problem: New parse session token header is like this : X-Parse-Session-Token: r:f8cc89290f8b5faca26aecb4f4e4d52f problem is that ":" inside token! ! delphi convert it to : r %3A f8cc89290f8b5faca26aecb4f4e4d52f and parse server don't recognize it. now the question : should I open a quality issue in embarcadero or a issue in parse server development?? =D =D =D =D =D
Update 2, first IDE Fix pack threw errors at startup so i reverted the machine, uninstalled IDE Fix Pack and did Update 2 again (over the web). The intstaller indicated it'll keep settings. But all 3rd party packages are "gone". So i really need to go to each directory, re-read all the readme's, re-install all of it. And some of the paths have gone too. So should i run the DevExpress installer or try to fix the path? All these questions for over 30 libraries. Grr...

Fellow Delphi developers

Fellow Delphi developers, This is with great pleasure that we announce a black Friday to cyber Monday special 40% discount on all editions of HelpNDoc starting now and until Monday. HelpNDoc is an easy to use yet powerful help authoring tool producing CHM help files, HTML and mobile WebSites, Word DocX and PDF manuals, Qt Help files as well as ePub and Kindle eBooks from a single source. But hurry up as this offer ends Monday! Learn more and benefit from this great discount: Learn how to use HelpNDoc with the step-by-step video guides: Best regards, John, HelpNDoc team.
Anybody noticed that the IDE will become noticeable slow when scrolling by mouse with "Structural Highlighting" option unchecked? It has happened since D10Seattle and also occurred in Berlin. (It must not be caused by the CnWizards as I haven't installed it) Long time ago I wrote a small plugin to kill some integrated Castalia features and the problem was gone.
Anyone Know how to create Empty directory in zip file using delphi?.

Hello guys

Hello guys, As part of Black Friday promotions, could we get some Godzilla (10.2 release) news for $0,00? :P Thanks.

Ann: NexusDB Black Friday Sale - 50% off

Ann: NexusDB Black Friday Sale - 50% off NexusDB ( ) offers 50% off on all new licenses on all component libraries, today only. Use this coupon code during checkout: BLACKFRIDAY Products on offer include NexusDB Database engines, NexusQA profiling and quality assurance tools, NexusDB Memory Manager, NexusDB database drivers and connectors. -- Eivind Bakkestuen [NDD]

what's the shortcut key for Clean a Project in Delphi?

what's the shortcut key for Clean a Project in Delphi? I can only find the option on Project Manager, cannot find it on Menu bar? thanks

In case anyone feels the need to QP it: "desctructor" is not a reserved word; "destructor" is https://wiert.

In case anyone feels the need to QP it: "desctructor" is not a reserved word; "destructor" is

In case anyone feels the need to QP it: "desctructor" is not a reserved word; "destructor" is

In case anyone feels the need to QP it: "desctructor" is not a reserved word; "destructor" is


[Solved] Hi guys! I've read that Delphi allows multiple interface inheritance, based on this link: I'm using Delphi XE5 and my program does compile when I do this: type IFoo= interface(IBar, IOtherBar) ['{9D5BED6D-00F3-4333-899F-FC9377F25FE2}'] function getFunc1: string; property Func1: string read getFunc1; The compiler says: [dcc32 Error] UIFoo.pas(9): E2029 ')' expected but ',' found The error points to the first line (type IFoo...) Is this a problem with Delphi XE5 or am I doing something wrong here? Based on the link, I believe the syntax is correct. Thanks in advance!

Originally shared by David Berneda

Originally shared by David Berneda #TeeGrid supporting new Header / Title bands and more and more "cosmetic" formatting features. Every small part of the grid is totally customizable using the editor dialogs or by code or design-time properties. Header and Footer "bands" can be aligned (fixed locked to top or bottom edges), or they can be fully scrollable inside (in the middle) between rows. TeeGrid1.Header.Format.Brush.Gradient.Colors[1]:= TColors.DarkGray;

Blog post "Building and Deploying a Local Appx Package" at

Blog post "Building and Deploying a Local Appx Package" at

When a TStringList has the OwnsObjectFlag set then it is responsible for freeing the stored objects. So the consumer of a TStringList transfers the responsibility of an object's lifetime to that StringList. In a more abstract way the consuming code is saying "Hey StringList, here's an object. Free it if you don't need it anymore". The StringList takes that responsibility seriously in the methods Clear and Delete as well as in its own destructor.

When a TStringList has the OwnsObjectFlag set then it is responsible for freeing the stored objects. So the consumer of a TStringList transfers the responsibility of an object's lifetime to that StringList. In a more abstract way the consuming code is saying "Hey StringList, here's an object. Free it if you don't need it anymore". The StringList takes that responsibility seriously in the methods Clear and Delete as well as in its own destructor. Shouldn't it also free the object when - AddObject is called - and Duplicates equals dupIgnore - and the new item would be a duplicate? I think TStringList should free the object in that case in order to be responsible on the object's lifetime in all cases. Are you with me? Or would it be a bad idea to implement AddObject that way? I'd like to know your opinion.

Hey guys

Hey guys, How do I go to the DocWiki config page? I have changed my theme but it is being good to reading and I was not able to find it anymore. Thanks a lot :D
ER Studio: this is NOT the right forum, but does anyone know what ER Studio Enterprise edition (the one with the repository) network license go for nowadays? I've mailed Idera a couple of days ago, but have not heard anything back. I just need a estimate price for budgeting purposes for now.

ANN: ImageKit v.1.10 with new page viewer control (3D effects) released!

ANN: ImageKit v.1.10 with new page viewer control (3D effects) released! ImageKit is a GPU based image processing, graphics rendering framework for Delphi developers. ImageKit hides the details of low-level graphics processing by providing an easy-to-use application programming interface. ImageKit provides dozens of built-in filters. You set up filters by supplying key-value pairs for a filter’s input parameters. The output of one filter can be the input of another, making it possible to chain numerous filters together to create amazing effects. Features: • GPU based image processing, graphics rendering framework • dozens of built-in filters and thousands of possible chains • VCL, GDI and GDI+ interoperability • avanced GPU based image view control • 2D, 3D transformations • support software device if hardware isn't available • high level DirectX 10 wrapper control and renderer • special animation class for properties in any third-party controls (smooth animation) • special page vi...

Originally shared by Baoquan Zuo

Originally shared by Baoquan Zuo ANN: Important Changes to Documentation Insight and Biggest Offer

During CodeRage XI Bruno Fierens, Wagner Landgraf & Roman Yankovsky brought sessions covering our latest technologies FNC, myCloudData, Aurelius, FixInsight developed at TMS.

During CodeRage XI Bruno Fierens, Wagner Landgraf & Roman Yankovsky brought sessions covering our latest technologies FNC, myCloudData, Aurelius, FixInsight developed at TMS. If you missed one of these sessions, you can now watch them via our Youtube channel at or via our blog post at

By watching the github commits of the mORMot project, aside from new feature additions, I *frequently* see this kind of optimizations and enhancements done by Mr. Arnaud (aka ab) and other contributors. It shows the passion of the developers behind the project, and it's a sign of a software project on which you can rely :) Thanks ab and other contributors.

By watching the github commits of the mORMot project, aside from new feature additions, I *frequently* see this kind of optimizations and enhancements done by Mr. Arnaud (aka ab) and other contributors. It shows the passion of the developers behind the project, and it's a sign of a software project on which you can rely :) Thanks ab and other contributors.
It appears that Delphi 10.1 Berlin IDE (with Update 2) has fixed some HUGE font/broken layout issues on high DPI machine. The VCL form designer is also consistent with system DPI instead of 96. Also an option is available to turn off the ugly navigator bar without any trick. So it is finally usable for me. Thank you very much!

Originally shared by Boian Mitov

Originally shared by Boian Mitov Video from the CodeRage XI session "Create IoT solutions with Delphi and Arduino" . Shows 7 different projects developed with Visuino , and 6 Delphi projects, including: - Multi Channel USB Communication - Read Accelerometer And Gyroscope Data from ESP8266 over WiFi - Bluetooth LE Remote Controlled Servo - Bluetooth Classic Remote Controlled Elegoo Robot - MQTT Communication between multiple devices and more...


Hello I am using this function: function GetAppDataLocalFolderPath: string; const SHGFP_TYPE_CURRENT = 0; var path: array [0..MAX_PATH] of char; begin if SUCCEEDED(SHGetFolderPath(0, CSIDL_LOCAL_APPDATA, 0, SHGFP_TYPE_CURRENT, @path[0])) then begin Result := IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(path); end else Result := ''; end; In VCL app I get this folder path: C:\Users\user-name\AppData\Local\. When I call the same function from service app I get this path (Win10): C:\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile\AppData\Local\ Does anyone know how can I get folder path for service app if I call this function from VCL app? (from VCL app I need to copy some files into appdata\local folder used by a service app). I understand I can get System32 folder path and manually add config\systemprofile\AppData\Local, but is there a more appropriate way? Any pointers appreciated. Thanks.
Happy Thanksgiving (tomorrow) for those of you in the US.

Hi All!! Any one have some expercience on Firemonkey 3D framework?

Hi All!! Any one have some expercience on Firemonkey 3D framework? I think that Firemonkey 3D can be really faster than it can seems (i belive that the imports library for DAE and OBJ are not well written): I tried to load a very complex model in DAE format (80Mb) and importing it in Firemonkey (Windows / Android /Mac ) it is very slow... but if you load the model and save it using this method (protected if you inherit the class you can call) procedure TModel3D.WriteModel(Stream: TStream); procedure Write(AStream: TStream); var i: Integer; LLength: Word; begin LLength := Length(FMeshCollection); AStream.WriteBuffer(LLength, 2); for i := 0 to LLength - 1 do begin AStream.WriteComponent(FMeshCollection[i]); end; end; begin Write(Stream); end; it save the model in a second, and if you reload it in the same way it is fast like light procedure TModel3D.ReadModel(Stream: TStream); procedure Read(AStream: TStream); var I: Integer; LLengt...

Using the ISO to install update 2 in a PC/w8.1 without Internet, the "microsoft SDK" setup appears and fails (I was expecting the SDK integrated in the ISO).

Using the ISO to install update 2 in a PC/w8.1 without Internet, the "microsoft SDK" setup appears and fails (I was expecting the SDK integrated in the ISO). I can take this computer to a location with Internet (~2 hours from here) I wonder how to re-run the "microsoft SDK" on this computer from the ISO? (with little time to do it again) Optional: How I can get/save the "microsoft SKD" and install on this PC? (I barely recall that the setup says something about saving-store the sdk downloaded) Thanks for help


Hi! how to hide a property in object inspector? i have my custom components for my project. in the base one i have a complex public property which i need to make a sort of serialize using rtti and so on... so i created ad hoc "myproperty_asString" published ,with getter and setter, to permit me to do this need. it works fine! but, for my personal wish, i want to hide this property in object inspector, because it's should use only by code.... only way i find is to use UnlistPublishedProperty , but i should use it on every derivated component (a lot ... ) . there's any other way? thanks

Could some Math-guru tell me what would be correct (best?) Epsilon for two decimal comparison

Could some Math-guru tell me what would be correct (best?) Epsilon for two decimal comparison SameValue(999.011, 999.012, ????) . So that would return True, largest possible numbers with max 0.01 difference... P.S. Take it with a smile and not too seriously ;)
I know you are all fired and outsourced, but anyway. Does anyone know what extension makes it possible to scroll the editor tabs in the IDE with the mouse wheel? It works in XE2, but doesn't in Berlin.

Black Friday 20% Discount on ESBPCS for VCL - use BFDAY-2016 when purchasing from FastSpring -

Black Friday 20% Discount on ESBPCS for VCL - use BFDAY-2016 when purchasing from FastSpring - This is valid till the 1 Dec 2016 - and includes quantity purchases, subsets, etc - you are also welcome to share this code. Actually the code will work with any of our products not just our Delphi Libraries - as long as you choose to purchase via FastSpring. Code can also be used more than once during this period. ESBPCS for VCL is a huge collection of components and routines for Delphi 7 through Delphi 10.1 Berlin, aimed at making Data Entry and Manipulation easier for the Developer and the end-user. More info, including trial versions available from

Hello guys

Hello guys, I miss a lot the inline debugger, I remember it was enabled on XE8. I don't know what happened with it :(

Originally shared by Boian Mitov

Originally shared by Boian Mitov Working with Arduino with Mitov Software's Visuino & Delphi - CodeRage XI Quick Idea

I have a routine running in production for a couple of years now. It's about heavy manipulation of OOXML-files. These are, as you know, zip-files.

I have a routine running in production for a couple of years now. It's about heavy manipulation of OOXML-files. These are, as you know, zip-files. I was using TZipFile with this hack: (see the top answer). This has been working very good. But when moving to Berlin we cannot access private members like that anymore. And i need to write, delete, write delete numerous times for the same archive. So i installed Abbrevia using getIt. And changed my code to use it instead. That was not difficult. However, i run into this for the more complex runs: The suggested workaround does not do it for me. I get the same results with or without :( Tried to figure out the status of it all, but i do not have the full picture. Anyone here knows some more about it? Or; if someone could point me to another Zip-lib. I'll be using streams, for manipulation. http:/...

Originally shared by David Berneda

Originally shared by David Berneda Another new TeeGrid feature: "SubBand Rows". Any kind of "band" can be displayed in-the-middle between rows, for example "Title" bands in the attached screenshot: TeeGrid1.Rows.SubBands[0]:= NewTitle('North'); TeeGrid1.Rows.SubBands[6]:= NewTitle('East'); function NewTitle(const AText:String):TTitleBand; begin result:=TTitleBand.Create(nil); result.Text:=AText; result.Format.Brush.Visible:=True; result.Format.Brush.Color:=TAlphaColors.Brown; result.Format.Font.Color:=TAlphaColors.White; end; Complex "bands" like groups of titles and subtitles or even sub-grids are also allowed. Scrolling, cell selection, mouse-highlighting and touch / clicks are fully functional .

Remote programming opportunity. We are looking for a Delphi programmer with high quality numerate skills. Specific knowledge and understanding of thermodynamics would be an advantage.

Remote programming opportunity. We are looking for a Delphi programmer with high quality numerate skills. Specific knowledge and understanding of thermodynamics would be an advantage. Project scope variable depending on skill level. Please contact me directly if you are interested.

What is the easiest way to update Delphi Starter edition to latest ?

What is the easiest way to update Delphi Starter edition to latest ? I have Delphi 10.1 Berlin Version 24.0.22858.6822

Mark your calendar! A big EurekaLog sale is coming soon! Black Friday and Cyber Monday brings big discounts to new and existing customers.

Mark your calendar! A big EurekaLog sale is coming soon! Black Friday and Cyber Monday brings big discounts to new and existing customers. Let EurekaLog log all your application bugs and send you stack traces and other valuable debug information in real-time. Take a 30% discount on any of our EurekaLog products and subscriptions using the coupon code found below. The sale goes into effect on 00:01 on Friday, 25 November 2016 and ends at 23:59 on 28 November 2016. All times are from the Eastern USA (UTC-5) time zone. Enter this code when paying for the item on our web site: BFCM2016 Existing customers with valid or expired licenses can log in and purchase upgrades, new licenses and subscription extensions here: Use the login credentials we sent you at purchase time. New customers (without existing licenses) can use the discount code here:

What a week! Yaroslav Brovin (FireMonkey Developer) is looking for job

What a week! Yaroslav Brovin (FireMonkey Developer) is looking for job

Hi All

Hi All Has anyone managed to create a certificate ppx file OK that signs corretly the ppx file re Berlin Update 2 re Microsoft store? I get an error when I try to run the ppx says either you need a new cert installed for this app pacjage or you need a new pcc package with a trusted cert. your admin or app developer can help. a cert chain processes but terminated in a root certificate which inst trusted I do have sign tool and I am able to code sign .exe files OK I tried signing the pfx key file..but that is not allowed..i even tried signing the .exe then re did the deploy..thinking that will end up in the go. maybe the create self signed certificate in the ide is not the way to go? i have found this..but its not easy to follow>: thanks for any help/tips! ->Delphi TSevenZipVCL - >Delphi TSevenZipVCL TSevenZipVCL, works with a 7za.dll. When using it in 64bit compiler however, the message is "Could not load CreateObject function from 7za.dll". Under 32bit it has been working for quite some time now. (yes, hehe, the 7za.dll is in the \Win64\Debug folder). I want to increase the number of different "Binary Diffs" is running in parallel (creating a patch file to later be applied to the previous version of the app suite). At the moment I'm spawning 8x console apps with RAM usage ~400Mb ea. Now this works fine, but I want to display progress of the Diff process, thus having to encapsulating the console app into my app. And then the ram limit of 32bit is (I think) ~3Gb? So I can't load the processes x8 into my own 32bit exe, for I will hit the memory limit. Short of writing the progress to a file and then reading that file for display of the progress, although that sounds a bit "hacky" to me, I nee...

On Friday I had a brain fade moment (which I don't seems to have recovered from). I'm coding up app to help people find and implement OTA code and the app uses TVirtualStringTree (a lot). So I defined a record for the tree as:

On Friday I had a brain fade moment (which I don't seems to have recovered from). I'm coding up app to help people find and implement OTA code and the app uses TVirtualStringTree (a lot). So I defined a record for the tree as: Type TTreeData = Record ... End; I've then been referring to the record as follows: Var NodeData : ^TTreeData; Which allows my to do: ... NodeData := vstInterfaces.GetNodeData(Node); NodeData.FFileIndex := .... ... I then wanted to pass the record to another function and since you can't define pointers to types in a function I created this type: Type PTreeData = ^TTreeData; Then the function: Procedure MyFunc(NodeData : PTreeData); However I could not pass NodeData as defined above (^TTreeData) to this function without redefining it as: Var NodeData : PTreeData; In my mind they are the same but the compiler obviously believes they are different. Question it why?

Talk about getting ahead of yourself. Just received my Delphi subscription renewal notice .... and my current one doesn't expire until 30/3/2017!

Talk about getting ahead of yourself. Just received my Delphi subscription renewal notice .... and my current one doesn't expire until 30/3/2017! Also, it tries to upsell me the premium subscription which, among other things gets me a FREE CodeRage pass

Weird Firemonkey TTreeViewItems....

Weird Firemonkey TTreeViewItems.... I'm trying to derive from TTreeViewItem, like: type TParentTreeViewItem = class(TTreeViewItem) end; TChildTreeViewItem = class(TParentTreeViewItem) end; .... Then in the FormCreate, instantiate them: procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); var aTI: TTreeViewItem; aPI: TParentTreeViewItem; aCI: TChildTreeViewItem; begin aTI := TTreeViewItem.Create(Self); aTI.Text := 'TreeViewItem'; aPI := TParentTreeViewItem.Create(Self); aPI.Text := 'ParentTreeViewItem'; aCI := TChildTreeViewItem.Create(Self); aCI.Text := 'ChildTreeViewItem'; TreeView1.AddObject(aTI); TreeView1.AddObject(aPI); TreeView1.AddObject(aCI); end; 'aTI' and 'aPI' both display as expected, but 'aCI' is added to the tree, but no text is displayed. Am I doing some something wrong here? Cheers Vince

Evgeny Kryukov, father and chief developer of FMX leaving Embarcodero. What now?

Evgeny Kryukov, father and chief developer of FMX leaving Embarcodero. What now?

What about creating an official Slack team? It could speed up the communication between us. Anyone interested?

What about creating an official Slack team? It could speed up the communication between us. Anyone interested? :D
I was given a bunch of project code by a client that I'm trying to build in D2007, and they forgot to give me a folder with several source units. I can't build the project because I'm missing those source files, but I've got the DCUs in a folder from an earlier build. I know there's a way to use these DCUs without the corresponding source files, but I forgot how other than maybe putting the DCUs into a DPK file. Is there some other way?

Originally shared by Boian Mitov

Originally shared by Boian Mitov And replay of my second session on CodeRage XI :-) #Delphi #OpenWire

Say I have this interface:

Say I have this interface: IMyInterface = interface //guid procedure DoSomething(const aCon: T); end; then this class: TMyClass = class (TInterfacedObject, IMyInterface ) private fEntity: T; public constructor Create; procedure DoSomething (const aCon: T); end; Now, I want to create a function which generates TMyClass--something like this: function createMyClass (?????): IMyInterface begin result:=TMyClass .Create end; How do I pass the generic entity "T" to a function? I though to use a parameter of TObject but not sure if it is correct. Thanks

Hi guys

Hi guys, I am confused with something I saw in a snippet. There was a procedure defined like this: procedure myProc (const aConst; var aString: string); Does this mean that aConst can be anything? and how do we manage it inside the procedure? by typecasting? Thanks

I need feedback on a database implementation I plan on using.

I need feedback on a database implementation I plan on using. Because a lot of what my application does is "What-if" stuff, I plan to store the customers information in a set of base tables. I'll copy the selected master-detail items into a set of work tables. Let the customer play around with the data in these work tables as much as they want. When they are done I'll update the base tables from the work tables. I plan on hooking up data-aware controls to these work tables. I plan on using the Data-Aware-Control.OnExit method to post changes back to the work tables. Has anyone implemented this in your applications? What are the positives and negatives to this approach? TIA

Indy Get function does not sending any requests

Indy Get function does not sending any requests Any suggestions?

On the occasion of my birthday I'm pleased to announce an unique 40% discount on all delphihtmlcomponent products. Only 5 coupons available.

On the occasion of my birthday I'm pleased to announce an unique 40% discount on all delphihtmlcomponent products. Only 5 coupons available. Please use coupon code NOV2016

Originally shared by Boian Mitov

Originally shared by Boian Mitov Embarcadero just posted reply of CodeRage session! :-) #Delphi

Hi guys/gals

Hi guys/gals I went to install a component via the Delphi Getit manager but then decideded to cancel but now it thinks it did complete the install and when I go to un install it has an error is there some registry settings or getit manager that I can reset for that component or similar? thanks!

I always meant to ask but keep forgetting:

I always meant to ask but keep forgetting: Is there a Delphi Group for London or UK on G+ I searched for it but didn't find anything.

We have another Delphi Meetup in Oslo on the 22nd November (Tuesday). This one is a bit special as Embarcadero's GM, Atanas Popov will be joining us in person to answer your questions. Numbers are limited, so RSVP ASAP.

We have another Delphi Meetup in Oslo on the 22nd November (Tuesday). This one is a bit special as Embarcadero's GM, Atanas Popov will be joining us in person to answer your questions. Numbers are limited, so RSVP ASAP.


Hello, Is there any pb with Berlin UPD 2 and iOS Simulator ? I can start a MacOS application, so the connexion and PAServer are ok But when I select iO Simulator I have a "Session ended" error...with a Success in the Messages window. OS X El Capitan 10.11.6 Xcode 8.1 thanks

Originally shared by Boian Mitov

Originally shared by Boian Mitov Finally had a chance to post the pictures and materials from SoCal CodeCamp :-) Enjoy!

Originally shared by Boian Mitov

Originally shared by Boian Mitov Short edited 5min excerpt from the full 50min CodeRage XI video presentation "Create IoT solutions with Delphi and Arduino" Showing creating Visuino and Delphi projects to receive data from Arduino into Delphi applications. The full video is coming soon... #Arduino #Visuino #Delphi

Hello guys

Hello guys, Is there any plan to a new compiler targeting only FireMonkey on Windows to bring ARC for that? Something after 10.3 release. Embarcadero has plans to expand next-gen compiler generation to Windows? It would resolve problems with floating point generation, locking assembly generation. Since the Delphi compiler for iPhone Simulator rely on DCCOSX compiler (old-gen), the 10.3 that bring new support for 64-bit macOS would bring a new iPhone Simulator compiler as weel, now relying on the new 64-bit compiler? Thanks.

You know you're a long time Delphi Developer when you constantly have to correct your writings, looking for when you mistakenly typed the word "form" instead of the word "from".

You know you're a long time Delphi Developer when you constantly have to correct your writings, looking for when you mistakenly typed the word "form" instead of the word "from". Form Joe C. Hecht A.K.A: TJoe(h^);

How often you see this when debugging x64 programs?

How often you see this when debugging x64 programs? It happens to me after clicking one or two times on Call Stack. (Delphi 10.1 Update 2)

How often you see this when debugging x64 programs? It happens to me after clicking one or two times on Call Stack. (Delphi 10.1 Update 2)

How often you see this when debugging x64 programs? It happens to me after clicking one or two times on Call Stack. (Delphi 10.1 Update 2)

Originally shared by Ivan Revelli

Originally shared by Ivan Revelli It is a nerd day :-) D10Seattle in debug mode on a custom android and Texas instrument debugger simultaneously on a new project wow reading movements in the 3D space

Anybody have a link for Delphi 7?

Anybody have a link for Delphi 7? We're using Delphi 6, and I managed to convince management that an upgrade will bring stabilization of the environment, making the devs more productive. They want to see a POC, demonstrating that there is no major porting effort or impact. I don't need keys as an eval license will do nicely for this exercise. Borland isn't hosting it anymore and most of the other download sites are blocked. I found one on GoogleDrive, but it had a keygenerator included and our antivirus software promptly deleted the 270Mb archive. Isn't free at this stage in anyway? Any help will be appreciated.

Anybody else experiencing this with (At least Seattle to Berlin Update 2)

Anybody else experiencing this with (At least Seattle to Berlin Update 2) At some point of coding Debugger kind of starts to think that app is in Release mode (Or code gets compiled in release mode, haven't tested that in any way). So can't set breakpoints and debugger will not stop ones there already. And usually they seem to seem disabled. Rebooting IDE will help but is annoying and takes way too much time (IDE startup time should be dropped to fifth of current state it to be acceptable) Happens to me and my coworker at least, if not every day, few times a week.
A colleague and I was just wondering, why was TypInfo.pas not named TypeInfo.pas? The original theory of 8.3 naming convention doesn't hold as TypInfo is 7 characters long. A typo detected too late?

I am not all that familiar with threading. I have a question:

I am not all that familiar with threading. I have a question: I have critical session in a thread and I call a function outside the thread code. Do I have to have critical session there too? For example ...beginning of thread code... CS.Acquire; - some code - i := GetIndex(AParam); - some code - CS.Release; ... end of thread... function GetIndex(AParam: string): integer; var i: integer; begin // do I need CS.Acquire/Release here too? //arrayName is global variable and is not being //updated by any other thread // other threads are calling this function as well result := -1; for i := 0 to High(arrayName) do if AParam = arrayName[i] then begin result := i; break; end; end; Thanks.

I recently re-installed RAD Studio Berlin because I upgraded to an SSD.

I recently re-installed RAD Studio Berlin because I upgraded to an SSD. It triggered the "too many installations" issue, so I used a evaluation key so that I could use Delphi until Embarcadero upped my install limit. By using the eval key, the source code to RTL, FMX, etc wasn't installed. Where can we get the source code package to install after converting eval key to registered user key? TIA

I recently re-installed RAD Studio Berlin because I upgraded to an SSD. It triggered the "too many installations" issue, so I used a evaluation key so that I could use Delphi until Embarcadero upped my install limit. By using the eval key, the source code to RTL, FMX, etc wasn't installed.

I recently re-installed RAD Studio Berlin because I upgraded to an SSD. It triggered the "too many installations" issue, so I used a evaluation key so that I could use Delphi until Embarcadero upped my install limit. By using the eval key, the source code to RTL, FMX, etc wasn't installed. Where can we get the source code package to install after converting eval key to registered user key? TIA

Update 2. Is it only my installation or there is still some problem with editor and compile time errors:? sometimes all is shifted (cursor too) two lines up of the real errors...

Update 2. Is it only my installation or there is still some problem with editor and compile time errors:? sometimes all is shifted (cursor too) two lines up of the real errors...

Inherited in record constructor

Inherited in record constructor Just noticed that following code compiles successfully, should not it fail with compiler error? type TRec = record F: Integer; constructor create(AF: integer); end; constructor TRec.create(AF: Integer); begin inherited; F := AF; end;
Berlin, Update 2, appx: Want to install locally, get Error 0x800B0109. Searched for appx in the help, but nothing. My question is: Did you succeed?

I search for way to automatically generate class body from interface definition, I found on SO:

I search for way to automatically generate class body from interface definition, I found on SO: In answers Jeroen Wiert Pluimers wrote: "Delphi itself doesn't have a shortcut for this, but Modelmaker Code Explorer allows you to have a class implement an interface including generating all the empty method stubs. shareedit" ...but I don't know how to do this in MMX, please help. btw maybe this feature is possible to add to gexperts (Thomas Mueller) ? ;-)

Is there anybody aware of any approach to binocular rendering a FMX 3D form?

Is there anybody aware of any approach to binocular rendering a FMX 3D form? Would it be possible to achieve something like that with two FMX cameras and developing something so that their scenes are manipulated to meet the requirements of binocular rendering?

Does anybody know where to get ReservedWordsOP.

Does anybody know where to get ReservedWordsOP.txt and ReservedWordsC.txt for java2OP.exe in bin\converters\java2op for Delphi 10.1 Berlin upd2? It also wasn't in upd1. There is a complete download of java2OP for Delphi XE8 but it's only for registered users of XE8 (and I'm only registered for 10.1). (I can't believe they didn't include it by now because this is a known issue since XE8)
Does anybody know where to get ReservedWordsOP.txt and ReservedWordsC.txt for java2OP.exe in bin\converters\java2op for Delphi 10.1 Berlin upd2? It also wasn't in upd1. There is a complete download of java2OP for Delphi XE8 but it's only for registered users of XE8 (and I'm only registered for 10.1). (I can't believe they didn't include it by now because this is a known issue since XE8)

TMS Async v2.0 has been released with TVaCapture pattern match capability added.

TMS Async v2.0 has been released with TVaCapture pattern match capability added. TMS Async is a communications package containing components which provide access to the serial ports under Windows. The event-driven architecture provides the highest possible performance and allows all the tools to run in the background.

Originally shared by Boian Mitov

Originally shared by Boian Mitov Join CodeRage XI to see my session "Create IoT solutions with Delphi and Arduino" . It will demonstrate Visuino :-) #Visuino #Arduino

Do you ever get this?

Do you ever get this? Many times the splash screen is jumping around my screen before it settles to the center (black box)

Got a bit of a problem:

Got a bit of a problem: I am creating a Win32 Service to be run under Windows10. This Service will receive it's config via a Winsock connection from another application ( lets call it the UI app ). The Service will then need to write out it's config to an INI file and then it will also need to write detailed logs ( Windows event log will not cut it as it needs to write out quite a bit with regards to ongoing statuses ) WHAT WORKS: The UI can talk to the Service and vice versa; Config can be passed and I see evidence of this being used. The sub-folders underneath the Service folder for the debug and the config are created WHAT IS BROKEN: The Service does not write out any debug or config. I am assuming this is a UAC thing. I have changed folder locations and folder permissions and have even changed the Logged on user to my account for the Service, as opposed to the Local system account; although I don't have Local Administrator rights so this might have been a pointless thi...

Where can I find the Migration Tool?

Where can I find the Migration Tool? Isn't it under the Resources>Migration Center? I am going to try this method of upgrading now as using the GetIt installed moved half of my components to the new installation

The installation of Update 2 isn't as smooth as described.

The installation of Update 2 isn't as smooth as described. There seems to be a mechanism that decides about if a setting and a component package is kept or will be removed. I had to reinstall all components I did install previously via GetIt and there are some component packages that I could rescue via the Repair option in the related package setups (DevExpress, LMDTools, FastReport Pro). So at the end: not as smooth as expected, but also not as bad as expected. It took 20 minutes to install the update - incl. performing the necessary repair tasks.

The installation of Update 2 isn't as smooth as described. There seems to be a mechanism that decides about if a setting and a component package is kept or will be removed.

The installation of Update 2 isn't as smooth as described. There seems to be a mechanism that decides about if a setting and a component package is kept or will be removed. I had to reinstall all components I did install previously via GetIt and there are some component packages that I could rescue via the Repair option in the related package setups (DevExpress, LMDTools, FastReport Pro). So at the end: not as smooth as expected, but also not as bad as expected. It took 20 minutes to install the update - incl. performing the necessary repair tasks.
We're discussing with the collegues: anybody knows when Format function was introduced in Delphi?

Anyone knows a kind of TLabel but which allows selecting the Text for copying? Something like windows uses for show the file size in the file property dialog?

Anyone knows a kind of TLabel but which allows selecting the Text for copying? Something like windows uses for show the file size in the file property dialog? It also has to work with windows theming. //EDIT: Ok, my problem is a little bit more complex. I used Edit1.ParentColor := True; to use the (themed) color of the backgrounds, but a TTabSheet breaks it. With theming the TTabSheet is always painted White, but his (not published property) Color is still clBtnFace. So the Edit uses clBtnFace on a white background.

Very happy to be speaking for the first time at the CodeRage!!! Only great speakers and hundreds of attendees from all around the world! Did you miss my presentation about Arduino + Delphi and C++ Mobile Apps today? No problem... Here you can find the playback and slides! :)

Very happy to be speaking for the first time at the CodeRage!!! Only great speakers and hundreds of attendees from all around the world! Did you miss my presentation about Arduino + Delphi and C++ Mobile Apps today? No problem... Here you can find the playback and slides! :)

Searched for Embarcadero and nothing found, so far. Maybe a time to review RAD Studio. I will fill out soon

Searched for Embarcadero and nothing found, so far. Maybe a time to review RAD Studio. I will fill out soon

It seems that Update 2 installer is just a garbage.

It seems that Update 2 installer is just a garbage. I de-installed previous version and installed new one. Several packages are not loading. Registry settings are lost even I checked to not remove them. Have you ever heard about Quality Assurance? This is the worse update I've seen in last years. Here is the list of packages that failed to load: dclDataSnapNativeClient, DataExplorerDBXPluginEnt240, dclDBXDriversEnt240, dclDataSnapProviderClient240, dclDBXcds, and then total crash...

It seems that Update 2 installer is just a garbage. I de-installed previous version and installed new one. Several packages are not loading. Registry settings are lost even I checked to not remove them. Have you ever heard about Quality Assurance? This is the worse update I've seen in last years. Here is the list of packages that failed to load: dclDataSnapNativeClient, DataExplorerDBXPluginEnt240, dclDBXDriversEnt240, dclDataSnapProviderClient240, dclDBXcds, and then total crash...

It seems that Update 2 installer is just a garbage. I de-installed previous version and installed new one. Several packages are not loading. Registry settings are lost even I checked to not remove them. Have you ever heard about Quality Assurance? This is the worse update I've seen in last years. Here is the list of packages that failed to load: dclDataSnapNativeClient, DataExplorerDBXPluginEnt240, dclDBXDriversEnt240, dclDataSnapProviderClient240, dclDBXcds, and then total crash...

Looking for COMPONENT:

Looking for COMPONENT: Has anyone seen a Let's Encrypt component for Delphi?

Can anyone recommend a relatively low-cost fitness tracker type of device that I can interface to with my own code (eg via CoreBluetooth on iOS)? Most of those that I've come across are seemingly expensive ( > A$200)

Can anyone recommend a relatively low-cost fitness tracker type of device that I can interface to with my own code (eg via CoreBluetooth on iOS)? Most of those that I've come across are seemingly expensive ( > A$200) The device should at least have movement tracking capability. Other metrics are probably a bonus
Anyone have any experience of UI automated testing tools? I've seen Selenium for web browsers but need something for Delphi apps.
No one asked for that very ugly and keyboard unfriendly Align editor in the Object Inspector and it is even not documented.

I can see at this moment, that we are 8.192 members.

I can see at this moment, that we are 8.192 members. Great Number!

(XE8 win32)

(XE8 win32) Given that lRequestMessage is of type string, why would the Evaluate/Modify window process either of these PChar(lRequestMessage) PWideChar(lRequestMessage) into Expression illegal in evaluator The reason I'm after the cast is that Clipboard.SetTextBuf(lRequestMessage) returns E2010 Incompatible types: 'PWideChar' and 'string' Related to

Berlin Update 2

Berlin Update 2 Controls Demo Mac Debugging is not working paserver: >listen Process Control Server Started pid 4240 exe built Mar 9 2016 sentinelFunc 4242 > I had cleaned up the scratch dir, removed all Paserver files with appcleaner reinstalled paserver 18.0 png from the Delphi Paserver Dir Anybody else?

I remember seeing a trick to write a string from the Debug Evaluate/Modify window to a file, but forgot where.

I remember seeing a trick to write a string from the Debug Evaluate/Modify window to a file, but forgot where. Anybody who remembered how to do is (if so: please share how).


Ouch... while uninstalling Berlin UPD1 with Berlin UPD2 Setup...

How to delete an item from a listview in Windows FMX

How to delete an item from a listview in Windows FMX FMX, Seattle In my listview I handle the OnItemClick to change tabs and display detail for the item in the listview. Works great. I have swipe to delete working great in the mobile side to delete a listview item (and the underlying data). But in the Windows side, I have no idea how to give the user an option to delete the item. The OnItemClick jumps to the data. I tried adding a RightButton to the ItemAppearance but the OnItemClick happens before the button handler happens. I thought about maybe a right-click might work, but I can't see that anywhere. Is there a setting I might be missing that can be used to give the Windows version a way to delete an item from the listview ?

TMS FNC UI Pack v1.6 is available now with major improvements to the designtime experience, FMX & VCL Styles support and XLS Export for TTMSFNCGrid.

TMS FNC UI Pack v1.6 is available now with major improvements to the designtime experience, FMX & VCL Styles support and XLS Export for TTMSFNCGrid. What's new & improved in v1.6.0.0: - New: Toolbar popup for TTMSFNCGrid, TTMSFNCRichEditor and TTMSFNCPlanner - New: FMX and VCL Styles support - New: TTMSFNCGridExcelIO, XLS Export for TTMSFNCGrid - New: OnAfterApplyFilter event, event triggered after filtering is applied in TTMSFNCGrid - New: FindNodeByRow and GetTotalNodeCount functions in TTMSFNCTreeView - Improved: Designtime experience which includes a HTML editor, TreeView editor, grid and planner database setup and many more smaller enhancements - Smaller improvements and fixes FNC=VCL+FMX+LCL

Every day, microsoft becomes more and more efficient making my life a hell!

Every day, microsoft becomes more and more efficient making my life a hell! Today I've just turned on my computer, I've started my Windows Virtual Machine and I've updated my local copy of the source code with the on cloud differences. When I clicked on Delphi 10 Seattle Icon, I get this error (showed in the photo). Any one know if this is a problem with an automatic update, or if I need to dedicate the next three or four days working to solve this problem? I'm really very offuscated, as you can see. Every day I love more and more Mac OS X.

Is there any sample code for accessing the new Dial API from Delphi?

Is there any sample code for accessing the new Dial API from Delphi?

Blog post "RAD Studio Berlin 10.

Blog post "RAD Studio Berlin 10.1 Update 2 Anniversary Edition Available" at

Blog post "RAD Studio Berlin 10.1 Update 2 Anniversary Edition Available" at

Blog post "RAD Studio Berlin 10.1 Update 2 Anniversary Edition Available" at

Berlin Update 2 is out, it is full iso like update 1

Berlin Update 2 is out, it is full iso like update 1

In FMX, are using a .dmg to install an application bundle on MacOS

In FMX, are using a .dmg to install an application bundle on MacOS We want to include a zip file in the install. Below is our plan. Is this a reasonable approach? 1. In IDE, select Project Deployment and add the zip file. Question: is there a particular remote path we should put it in? Contents\Resources\Startup seems to be the default suggested by the IDE. We thought we'd put the file in a new folder, perhaps: Contents\OurResources. This will differentiate it from files deployed by the IDE. 2. Each time our app is run by the user, we'll finish the install by checking if zip file's contents exist in HOME directory's [Our application name]\ (or perhaps the Library directory for non-user files) If the files aren't found, we'll unzip them from Contents\OurResources. What is the "right" way to find the path to the bundle, our application's Contents\OurResources folder? I've seen this suggested online: X.Env.ExeFolder to which we'd append t...